Daily-Lesson-Log Perdev 4TH Quarter
Daily-Lesson-Log Perdev 4TH Quarter
Daily-Lesson-Log Perdev 4TH Quarter
DAILY Learning
LOG Teaching Dates and
JANUARY 13-14, 2020 Quarter 4
the dynamics of
attraction, love, and
B. Performance appraise one’s present relationships and make plans for building responsible future relationships
C. Learning Discuss an express his/her ways of identify ways to become responsible in a relationship
Competencies/Objectives understanding of showing attraction, love,
teen-age and commitment
including the
acceptable and
expressions of
II. CONTENT Personal
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pages 2-4
2. Learner’s Material
Pages 1-7
3. Textbook Pages Pages 14-19
4. Additional Materials Personal Development, first edition
from Learning Resources By Ricardo Rubio Santos, 2016
B. Other Learning http://www.ted.com/talks/ze_frank_are_you_human
Resources http://www.ted.com/talks/hetain_patel_who_am_i_think_again
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 9-18 Pages 9-18 Pages 9-18 Pages 19-25
2. Learner’s Material Pages 8-16 Pages 8-16 Pages 8-16 Pages 17-23
3. Textbook Pages Pages 14-34 Pages 14-34 Pages 14-34 Pages 40-47
4. Additional Materials Personal Development, Personal Development, Personal Development, Personal Development,
from Learning Resources first edition By Ricardo first edition By Ricardo first edition By Ricardo first edition By Ricardo Rubio
Rubio Santos, 2016 Rubio Santos, 2016 Rubio Santos, 2016 Santos, 2016
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Recall last week lesson Recall yesterday lesson Recall yesterday lesson. Recall yesterday’s lesson
lesson or presenting the and activity.
new lesson
B. Establishing a In the first two units, Introduce the Start by discussing the 1. To introduce the
purpose for the lesson we discussed the ‘Letter from Mom’ response letter done by topic, ask for a show of
individual. We talked activity. You may say the students as a hands on who belong to the
about the learner, and something like “Class, homework. Have some following groups / clubs /
his / her strengths and now we will read a letter students share their organizations:
limitations, stages of written by someone who response with the class. • choir
development and has been with us since • dance group
challenges, stress day one of our lives.” • play/theater arts
management, mental • school cheer leading
and emotional team
development. In this • school paper
unit, we shall talk • others (identify
about the learner’s existing organizations in your
relationships with school and/or area)
significant persons in
his/her life.
C. Presenting To introduce the topic 2. The letter may 2. Have students 2. Ask the following
examples/instances of and to check on the be read silently or orally swap their letter with a questions and have the
the new lesson prior knowledge of the aloud. partner. Instruct the students share their answer
students, ask the 3. Draw out students to imagine with the class:
students what they answers from the class themselves being the a. Why did you choose
understand by the to the following: mom/dad of their to be in that particular
following words/terms: a. What kind of partner and then group/organization?
relationship, personal relationship does the respond to his/her b. What was the
relationships, love, letter describe? letter. Ask volunteers to biggest factor that made you
commitment, and b. Who are share with the class. decide to be in that
attraction. involved in the group/organization?
relationship? Describe c. Who decided on
each character. your role in that
c. What role does organization?
each character play in d. How do you fulfill
the relationship? your responsibilities in that
d. Are you satisfied organization?
with this type of e. How do you find the
relationship? Explain leader/s of the organization?
your answer.
e. Do you agree
that this type of
relationship can be
improved? Explain your
f. In what ways
can the characters show
they are responsible to
maintain a good
D. Discussing new Give Note to the 3. Ask the 3. Explain Activity: ‘My
concepts and practicing the lecturette on Basic Teacher: Be sensitive following processing organizations’ Have the
new skill #1 Definitions to clarify and discrete. Maintain questions to the class: students write down the
the meanings of these confidentiality of a. How did you name of organizations they
words. personal issues. When feel being the mom/dad belong to, the type of
applicable, refer explaining yourself to organization and the
students with issues to your child? student’s position/role in the
the Guidance Counselor. b. How did you organization.
Explain the P ortfolio feel as the child being
Output No. 17: explained to by your
Response to Mom’s mom/dad?
Letter. Ask the students c. How would you
to bring their response describe the
letter during the next communication that
class session. happened to you as a
parent and to your
classmate as your child
or vice versa?
d. Do you think
you are successful with
the way you
communicated with
each other? Explain your
F. Developing Mastery Recitation. To introduce the next Have the Recitation.
readings (Nurture your students answer the
relationships, and Ten activity ‘Healthy
rules for finding love and Relationships Items Set’.
creating long-lasting, See the activity for the
authentic relationships), instructions. Facilitate
write each of these the six processing
questions on small questions afterwards.
pieces of paper and
have a student pick a
paper to be answered by
anyone from the class
G. Finding practical Introduce the Highlight the good Introduce the 4. To introduce the
applications of concepts activity: Statements on qualities by letting the next activity ‘I know the readings (How culture
& skills in daily living Relationships by students identify the signs of a healthy shapes many aspects of
asking: “What are the characteristics, relationship’ and give adolescent development,
basics of a right decisions and the instructions. After Teenagers’ who join youth
relationship? What do perspectives these calling out the answers groups and other clubs are
we really know about individuals exemplify. (indicated at the end of happier and less likely to
relationships? Are our each statement in this drink, and Community
ideas about Teacher’s Guide), you activity: get involved),
relationships true or may conclude that the explain how the
false? first 9 statements are society/community/culture
a. Refer to the signs of a healthy plays a major role in the life
Reader for the 15 relationship and the last of a teenager. Teens have to
statements about 9 statements are signs be mindful of who they
relationships. Students of an unhealthy follow, go with/join, and
decide whether each relationship. imitate.
statement is true or
false, and write T or F
on a piece of paper.
b. Call students
to share their answers
with the class.
c. The answer
can be found at the
end of each statement
in this Teacher’s Guide.
d. Have a bit of
discussion when
H. Making 5. Introduce the Asks. What do you need Introduce the 5. Explain to the class
generalizations & readings on to succeed? last two readings that being with the majority
abstractions about the relationships (What do (Keeping healthy is not always correct. Point
lesson we mean by personal Success is about right relationships, and Basic out the many benefits of
relationships? A mindset, emotional rights in a relationship) being able to help others;
research study on resilience and proper as a review on how to teens are in the best position
relationships, Why behavior. maintain healthy to serve older people or be
personal relationships relationships and our of service to the community.
are important, and 25 basic rights in a Mention also how studies
Most common relationship. and research have shown
relationship problems). that being in a
a. The following club/organization and
questions may be serving the community
asked: benefit teens.
i. Why do we say
‘No man is an island’?
ii. How are we
different from
iii. What is the
difference between
friends/friendship, and
iv. Why are
relationships important
to us humans?
I. Evaluating Learning b. Have some Essay. 7. Depending on 6. Discuss the readings
students share their What is your dream? the time available, you and the insights gained from
answer with the class, What are those action to may do any or them.
orally. succeed your dreams? combinations of the
c. Give some following to check on
time for the class to the students’
read the articles on understanding after
their own quietly. In they read the articles:
the interest of time, a. write a letter to
the class may be a friend who needs help
divided into 4 groups, with his/her
with each group relationship.
reading one or two of b. write a letter to
the articles. his/her sweetheart on
things he/she learned
from the module.
c. write a letter to
their parents on things
relating to relationship
they (students) cannot
say face-to-face.
d. share with the
class the key points that
each article has.
e. share their
about the article/s.
f. defend whether
they agree or disagree
with the article/s.
g. expound on the
part/s of the article
which has/have an
impact to them.
h. share a
story/stories that would
support or negate the
point/s of the article.
J. Additional activities for Explain the Search a story about Take note to Explain the requirements for
application or requirements for Personal relationships. remind the students Portfolio Output No. 20:
remediation Portfolio Output No. that too personal Description of My Social
17: Reflections on information or Group.
Personal Relationships. confidential matters
Journal writing about need not be As homework, ask students
personal relationships mentioned/shared with to bring several sheets of
the class. blank paper for the
Explain the genogram to be done during
requirement for the next session.
Portfolio Output No. 18:
Poster on Basic Rights
in Relationships.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
D. Discussing new 3. To introduce 3. Spend some Discuss and explain 3. Facilitate the
concepts and practicing the reading on Family time for the students to about “Keeping Stress processing questions.
new skill #1 structure, ask for share their thoughts under Control”.
volunteers to describe with the class.
their respective
families in terms of
people in their family,
physical set
up/agreement, place
of residence, who
leads/makes decision
in the family.
E. Discussing new After reading 4. Introduce the Initiate Activity No. 1; As a class, read the
concepts and practicing the article, have the reading on ‘Family Stress Survival Kit poem ‘A tribute to
new skill #2 students refer to their legacies’ by saying families’.
genogram and identify something like: “Are you
which among the happy with your legacy
family structures does scores? Let us reverse
their family belong. the roles, suppose you
Have a quick survey are the parents, what
among the class. legacies are you ready to
Which family structure pass on to your
is prevalent? children? The reading
on Family legacies will
review you on the
details of emotional,
spiritual and social
legacies. The reading will
also encourage you not
to lose hope when you
do not like the legacies
your parents have
passed on to you.”
F. Developing Mastery Recitation Recitation. Recitation. Recitation.
G. Finding practical To introduce the topic Have the Explained and give Explain requirements
applications of concepts on family legacies, students share with the proper instruction in for Portfolio Output No. 24:
& skills in daily living have the students class their ideas on the Activity No. Insights on Relationships and
write a poem about concept of legacy, in 2; Project to-d- list Tribute to My Family.
their respective particular, family
families using the legacies.
guideline for the
activity ‘Poem Writing’.
The guideline may be
written on the board.
Give time for students
to write their family
poem, afterwards, call
on volunteers to share
their poems to the
class. Ask the class,
“what unique qualities
does your family
H. Making 6. Introduce the What are those tips that What are the organ that
generalizations & reading on Inspiring we need to know to controls your thought and
abstractions about the Stories of Families by control our stress? movement?
lesson saying: “The reading on
Inspiring Stories of
Families aims to
remind us of the
importance of our
respective families.
These readings came
from different parts of
the world which prove
how universal the
importance of and our
need for family is. Read
through and be
reminded of the
sacrifices our individual
family does for us.
Then ask yourself,
“how do I show my
love and appreciation
for my family?”
E. Discussing new Allow the Discuss the Reading: Initiate Activity No. 1; Cite or give brief
concepts and practicing students some time to “Stress Response” Stress Survival Kit discussion that synthesize
new skill #2 read the article in their “Cognitive Development”.
Reader Guide “ Ten
Myths about Career
Planning BUSTED!” for
them to be able to
examine their answers
and deepen their
understanding about
their common
misconceptions about
career planning.
F. Developing Mastery Recitation Recitation. Recitation. Recitation.
G. Finding practical Do the Activity: Career Initiate Activity 2: Quiet Explained and give Asks. Does cognitive
applications of concepts Wheel Time for 15 minutes. proper instruction in development is essential in
& skills in daily living Activity No. your daily live? How?
2; Project to-d- list
H. Making Give a Asks. How stress What are those tips that What are the organ that
generalizations & lecturette on Career response into our body? we need to know to controls your thought and
abstractions about the Concepts. How stress response to control our stress? movement?
lesson us?
I. Evaluating Learning Essay. Essay. Essay. Essay.
J. Additional activities for Assign Present and give Clearly delivered Search the following:
application or students to read the 3 instruction to the instruction regarding to 1. What is Critical
remediation Readings: What Portfolio Output No. 9: their Portfolio Output Thinking?
Influences Your Career My Stress Signal no.10; “Project To-D0”. 2. What are the theories
Choice?, Super’s in the Brain-Side
Career Development Dominance?
Theory, and Life
Rainbow, then
complete their Career
Wheel and a short
explanation as their
Portfolio Output No.
25: Career Wheel.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
B. Performance make a career plan based on his/her personal goal, and external factors influencing career choices
the left and right brain plan on how to stay mentally healthy
C. Learning The learners The learners The learners The learners
Competencies/Objecti 1. Discuss that 1. Explore mind-mapping 1. interpret the 1. make a mind map
ve s understanding the left techniques suited to concepts of on ways of
and right brain functions right brain- or left brain mental health and achieving
may help in dominant psychological well- psychological
improving one’s learning, thinking styles, and being in everyday well- being
2. Make a plan to observations 2. create a plan
improve learning using about mental to stay
both left and right brain health problems mentally
development. during healthy during
adolescence adolescence
2. identify his/her
own vulnerabilities
II. CONTENT The Powers of the Mind Mental Health and Well-being in Middle
Late adolescence
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 42-51 Pages 42-51 Pages 51-68 Pages 51-68
2. Learner’s Material Pages 36-44 Pages 36-44 Pages 45-53 Pages 45-53
3. Textbook Pages Pages 85- Pages 85- Pages 85- Pages 85-
4. Additional Personal Development, Personal Development, Personal Development, Personal Development,
Materials from first edition first edition first edition first edition
By Ricardo Rubio Santos, By Ricardo Rubio Santos, By Ricardo Rubio Santos, By Ricardo Rubio Santos,
Learning Resources 2016 2016 2016 2016
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES https://www.youtube.com/
A. Reviewing previous Recall last session lesson Recall yesterday lesson Recall yesterday lesson Recalls yesterday lesson
lesson or presenting
the new lesson
B. Establishing a Start the class with Start/do motivation about Asks. How many of you Says. Ok, class our topic
purpose for the motivation. “ lateral Brain Dominance. have been sick for today is all about
lesson thinking puzzle”. last year?" Anxiety disorders.
Why are you sick?
Instruct student on How long are you
how to answer the sick?
lateral thinking puzzle.
Says. Ok, class before
you felt sick, there are
some symptom derive first
like headache, fever,
chills, upset stomach,
right? So, those illnesses
are part of physical
nature . And if got really
sick we’re going the
hospital or clinic , sought
help from a doctor. And
after that we buy and
took medicine that are
subscribed by the doctor.
And after that you will be
C. Presenting Introduce the topic on Says/Asks. Kindly raise Asks. Class do you agree
examples/instance cognitive development you hands those “Who that not all sickness are in
s of the new lesson by asking the following are the right brain physical in nature?
question; dominant? How about
the left brain dominant, Teacher task. 1. Present
1. What is the who are they? (Raise and explain about the
brain and how your hand please). twelve statement by
does it work? answering if is fiction or
2. What happens fact.
inside your 2. Give the result after
brain when you they answered all the 12
learn something statement.
new? 3. Read and discuss about
the “Change Your Mind
Leave for a few about Mental Health.” to
minutes to answer the be able to correct the
question. Follow up student perception.
3. How did you learn
to talk? To read? To
ride a bicycle? To shoot a
D. Discussing new Read and discuss the 1. Read and discuss about Group the class into3
concepts and topic about Brain power. “The Dominant side of groups and look for every
practicing new skill the Brain”. advertisement brought
#1 by the member and
pick/decide which
advertisement they will
Instruct student to
decode and answer
the question on the
given sheet.
2. Additional lecture
on;” You Can
Grow Your
Says. People
generally have one of
two different ideas
about intelligence:
• You’re smart or
you’re not smart, and
that never changes.
• It’s possible to
grow your