Planning and Scheduling of Crude Oil Distribution in A Petroleum Plant
Planning and Scheduling of Crude Oil Distribution in A Petroleum Plant
Planning and Scheduling of Crude Oil Distribution in A Petroleum Plant
Tiago Stegun Vaquero1,2 and Fernando Sette1 and José Reinaldo Silva1 and J. Christopher Beck2
Department of Mechatronics, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada,,,
Gathering requirements
Figure 2: Use case diagram of the Oil Supply domain
Requirements are gathered and represented using use case
diagrams from UML. These diagrams model the domain in
the highest abstraction level in which the scope is first de- sents the static structure of the planning domain. It shows
fined. The diagrams usually facilitate the unification of the the existing entities, their relationships, their features, oper-
different viewpoints involved. The use case diagram for the ators (actions) and constraints. A class’s attributes and asso-
São Sebastião terminal oil distribution activities is shown in ciations give a visual notion of the semantics of the model.
Figure 2. In the diagram, each use case receives its descrip- Figure 3 shows the class diagram designed for the prob-
tion, pre- and post-condition, constraints, invariants, flow lem at the São Sebastião terminal. The diagram consists
events and other relevant information. of nine classes: Oil Tanker, Port, Pier, Tank, Pipeline,
As shown in Figure 2, the oil distribution system, which is Refinery, Type of Crude Oil, Class of Crude Oil, and Do-
centered at the terminal, possesses three independent agents main Metrics. These classes model all the entities relevant
(actors in UML): tanker, the terminal (port) itself, and the to the real problem.
refinery. The actors interact to perform the tasks required to The Domain Metrics class is a utility class that stores
take the oil from the tankers and deliver it to the refineries. variables that are relevant to all other classes in the model
such as interface costs. In this particular case, these vari-
Domain Modeling ables (corresponding to costs, revenue and time) are used
Modeling in itSIMPLE follows a object-oriented approach as quality-metrics for the optimization of profit (minimiz-
using UML diagrams such as class diagrams, state machine ing losses and costs). The Refinery class controls the vol-
diagrams, and object diagrams. The class diagram repre- ume of oil that must be sent to itself (properties volumeNeed
Figure 3: Class diagram of the Oil Supply domain
Case Study 1
This case study represents a simplified scenario in the port;
however, real data are used regarding the volumes of oil,
types and classes of crude oil, tankers, tanks, costs and
pipelines. The planning problem in this case contains one
port that receives three tankers: Reboucas, Front Brea, and
Pedreiras. These tankers can be docked in two piers, P1 and Figure 8: The plan for case study 1
P2. The tankers are unloaded using five tanks in the port.
The oil stored in the tanks must be sent (respecting the set-
tling period) to a refinery through one pipeline. all storage level constraints are respected. Due to the re-
The three tankers are loaded with crude oil that must be quired volume (volumeNeed), it is possible to see that the
delivered at the port. The Reboucas tanker carries a type of refinery maintains its reserve at an adequate level.
crude oil called oc38 while Front Brea tanker carries an oil
called oc05. The Pedreiras tanker carries two oil types, oc08
and oc27.
The tanks are available to receive the crude oil. Each one
of the tanks store a distinct class of oil. These classes must
be considered to maintain the quality of the oil while mixing
different types. When loaded, the tanks must remain inop-
erative for 24 hours waiting the brine to reach the bottom.
Finally, the oil must be sent to the refinery, taking the in-
terface cost into account, in order to accomplish the volume
need. This problem is illustrated in Figure 7, along with the
main oil flow.
Case Study 2
This case aims to evaluate the model based on a realis-
tic problem encountered daily in the São Sebastião port.
In this scenario, seven tankers are considered: Reboucas,
Front Brea, Pedreiras, Muriae, Vergina II, North Star, and
Presidente. These tankers can unload the oil into ten tanks
(e.g. TQ3243, TQ3237, and TQ3238). For this problem,
four piers are made available (P1, P2, P3, and P4). The de-
livered oil must supply a refinery considering the constraints
on the tanks (24-hour inoperative period), the necessary vol-
ume, and also the quality-metrics. Figure 11 illustrates the
new scenario.
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