Dtviface: Control Software Package For Dtvrack and Compact Headends
Dtviface: Control Software Package For Dtvrack and Compact Headends
Dtviface: Control Software Package For Dtvrack and Compact Headends
Control software package for DTVRack and
compact headends
DTVIface is the control software for all our DTVRack products. It allows you to
program all modules from the DTVRack series. This software is also used for the
compact headends like TRM23, TRM44, TRM54, TRM64, TRM24CI, TRM342CI
TM300, TM400, TM4HD and TM4HDV as these are mini DTVRacks.
This guide will explain you how to install DTVIface on your computer, making con-
nection through USB, making connection over local network or over the web with
your DTVRack and saving and reopening .dtc files (configurations for DTVRack).
For detailed explanation on how to program the different modules, we refer to the
specific manuals for these modules.
1. Compatibility of DTVIface :
DTVIface is compatible with Win 7, Win 10 and Windows XP. For other operating sys-
tems, we cannot guarantee the compatibility of DTVIface.
Please go the website In the topmenu you will find the menu DTVIface
3. Launching DTVIface
Double click the DTVIface icon installed on your desktop or find DTVIface in the list of
programs and launch the program.
Make sure that there is an USB connection between your PC and the DTVRack (the
DTVRack or compact headend comes with the USB cable supplied).
For systems equipped with DTVPCU or ethernet connector (some compact headends),
please wait until the ORANGE LED of the ethernet connector on the DTVPCU (or on
the compact headend) starts blinking. (if this is not the case - there is a problem
when booting - contact service in this case).
If all OK, the DTVRack should appear will all modules installed.
In order to make a connection to your DTVRack over your local network using a RJ45
network cable, please make a connection to the RJ45 connector available on the
DTVPCU module (or the RJ45 connector on the bottom of your compact headend).
At first, using the USB connection, you can define the IP settings of DTVPCU module.
Once the IP settings are according your wishes, note down the MAC address of your
headend and (which is 0018FA03422A in this case), disconnect your USB cable from
the headend. Now with your PC connected to the same network, press the web button
in DTVIface.
Now, press the + button in the window, to add this DTVRack to the list. You can now
enter the ID of the headend (last 8 digits) and also its local IP address you have given
in the required fiels. You can also add a ‘nickname’ to this unit in order to remember
it more easily.
When the headend has connection to your local network, this unit will appear in BLUE
in the list. By selecting this line and clicking the ‘connect’ button, you will require ac-
cess to this unit over your local network.
By using + and - buttons you can add or remove other headends from the list.
To be able to control your headend using internet access, you will need some additio-
nal items.
First off all, you will need a SOFTWARE ID and KEY. This software ID and KEY is per-
sonal. So you should not allow other users using the same SOFTWARE ID and KEY.
To get this SOFTWARE ID and KEY, please contact your dealer, distributor or importer
to get your personnalised Software ID and KEY.
Secondly, for each headend you want to control over the internet, you will need an
additional KEY for that specific headend. You can order DTVKEY vouchers for that pur-
pose. And lastly, make sure that your headend is connected to a router having access
to the web.
Once you have gathered this information, you can proceed with the next step.
Presse the web button in DTVIface. In this page, please put at first your software ID
and KEY.
Make sure that for the server address, and Port, the parameters and
6666 are filled in.
If all parameters are OK (and your PC is connected to the internet), then you will be
connected to our server which handles all communications between
USERS and DTVRacks and compact headends. The LED under the globe will go ORAN-
If all items are correct and the rack is connected to internet, then this line will appear
By selecting this line and clicking the ‘connect’ button, you will require access to this
unit over internet.
By using + and - buttons you can add or remove other headends from the list.
The buttons allow you to save and recall the configuration of your rack.
When you have programmed your rack to your convenience, you can save it to your
PCB by clicking the button with the GREEN arrow. The configuration will be saved un-
der some .dtc file.
This file you can reload in your system (or in another system) just by clicking the but-
ton with the RED arrow.
After pressing this button, select the .dtc file of your choice. DTVIface will firstly check
if the loaded configuration is compatible with your rack (if the order, number, or type
of modules is different from the loaded configuration, you will not be able to load the
configuration in your system).
The button allows to generate a .html report. This report gives you a com-
plete and easy readible overview of the settings you have made in your
You can use it for documentation or to check all the settings in your headend.