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1). Root Password Recovery

2). Hostname

3). Static IP assigning

4).DNS Resolving

5). Run Level s (to 5)


1) Raid 1) LVM
2) User administration 2) Quota
3) Acl 3) NFS
4) Partition Creation 4). VSFTPD
5) Collaborative Directory 5) SSH
6) Printer Configuration 6) SMB
7) Cron Job 7) HTTPS
8) NIS User 8) POP3
9) NTP Client 9) SMTP
10) Mail aliases 10) SQUIRREL
11) IP Forwarding 11) IMAP
12) Kernel Upgrade 12) VIRTUAL WEB HOSTING
13) Selinux
14) Run levels

1. Recovering Root Password

ANS :- First login default username and password, if you fail login reboot the system and go
to the single usermode

#passwd root

Give the password

#login (if you fail follow below steps)

#cd /etc

#ls -l passwd shadow group securetty

#chmod 644 passwd (There are no permission here you cannot change the permission)

#lsattr passwd shadow group securetty

#chattr -ai passwd shadow group securetty

#chmod 644 group & passwd

#chmod 400 shadow

#chmod 600 securetty

#passwd root

Give the password and try to login then also fail do below steps

#passwd –U root

#chage -E -1 root

#passwd root

Give the password and try to login then also fail do below steps

#rm –f /etc/nologin (if present then remove)

#vi /root/.bash_profile

Remove “exit”

#vi /etc/securetty (Check for below entries if not please enter)
























Below three files comment all the users including root:-

#vi /etc/security/access.conf

Press (Shift+G) -:root.example.com (here add # symbol)

Ex:- #example.com


#vi /etc/security/limits.conf

Press (Shift+G) @root –Maxlogins ‘o ‘ (here add # symbol)

Ex:- #@root -- Maxlogins ‘0’


#vi /etc/security/time.conf

Press (Shift+G)

If there is time add # symbol otherwise don’t give


#vi /etc/pam.d/login

Spell check the .so file names by looking into

#cd /lib/security

#passwd root

Give the password


#reboot (do not exit command if still not able to login with the given password then check the
log files)


1) Configuring The Static IP

ANS:- #setup

 Select network configuration press (F12)

 Select etho device name press (F12)
 Give that remove the DHCP by unchecking the option

Give as follows:-

Ip Address:- 172.24.0.x

Sub mask:-


Select ok -- > save & Quit --> Quit

#service network restart

#chkconfig network on

3. DNS Resolving

ANS:- #setup

 Select network configuration press (F12)

 Select edit dns configuration press (F12)
 Hostname:- stationx.example.com
 Primary Dns:-
 Select ok --> save & Quit--> Quit

#service network restart

#chkconfig network on

4. Host Name Configuration

ANS:- #vi /etc/sysconfig/network

Networking =Yes

Networking_IPV6 =no

Hostname =stationx.example.com


#vi /etc/hosts
172.24.0.x stationx.example.com stationx localhost.localdomain localhost

: :1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6


5. Booting the System to Run level 5

ANS:- #vi /etc/inittab

Should be as following

Id:5 : init default:


#service iptables stop

#chkconfig iptables off

#service iptables status

#vi /etc/inittab

Remove “ID ‘3’” (here paste 5 instead of 3)


#service network restart

Troubleshooting stage 1:-



#cat /etc/resolv.conf

#chkconfig --list network

#chkconfig --list iptables

Stage 2:-
a) Compulsory 1:- The examiner can log into your system as root using the password UX4L7JWR.
The home directory must be /root.

Ans:- start --> press “Escape”--> Redhat--> press “a”--> give space and type ‘1’ (or ) ‘S’ (or)

Sh-3.1 3#passwd
#chage -E -1 NEVER root
#usermod –d root root
#chage -E -1 root

b) Compulsory 2:- Ping is Successful and your system uses static networking as
described in /root/network.txt

ANS:- #cat /root/network.txt

#vi /root/network.txt --> Host ip -->Sub net mask -->Gateway


Network configuration

c) Compulsory 3:- dig Server1.my 133t.org successfully resolves that hostname using DNS
A). Login with Run level 5 successfully

ANS:- #vi /etc/resolv.con f

Search my133t.org
#service network restart
#dig server.my133t.org
If answear =1 (Right Answear)
If answear =0 (Wrong Answear)
d) Compulsory4:- Your system has a new 300 mb partition mounted under /mnt/policy with a
300 mb ext3 file system.

Note: - because partition sizes are seldom exactly what is specified when they are created.
Anything within the range of 275 to 375 mb is acceptable.

“You must successfully correct all your compulsory problems within one hour to earn

ANS:- #fdisk -l

#fdisk /dev/had

(M for help) :-n

Enter First cylinder [ ] :-Enter

Enter Second cylinder [ ] :-+300 m

(M for help) :wq!

#partprobe /dev/had

#mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda10

#mkdir -P /mnt/policy

#vi /etc/fstab

Give here:- /dev/hda10 /mnt/policy ext3 defaults 1,2


#e2label /dev/hda10 rhct

(here ‘rhct ‘ is only name e1label command will use for label name changing)
1). Create a new partition of Size 500mb and Mount it on /mnt/new

ANS:- #fdisk -l

#fdisk /dev/sda

Command (M for help) :-n

:-Press Enter




#mkdir /mnt/new

#mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda8

#vi /etc/fstab

/dev/sda8 /mnt/new ext3 defaults 1,2


#mount -a

2).Create a Linux RAID (0) with the name as /dev/md0 of 700mb mounted on /storage with ext3

ANS:- #fdisk -l

#fdisk /dev/sda

Command (M for help) :-n

:-Press Enter


Command (M for help) :-t

( 1 - 9) :-9

hex code (type L for list) :-fd

Command (M for help) :-n

:-Press Enter


Command (M for help) :-t

( 1 - 10) :-10

hex code (type L for list) :-fd



#mdadm -C /dev/mdo -l 0 -n 2 /dev/sda9 /dev/sda10

#mkdir /storage

#mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0

#vi /etc/fstab

/dev/mdo /storage ext3 defaults 1,2


#mount -a

#cat /proc/mdstat

3). Create the following users, groups, and group memberships:

a) Group named sysusers.

b) User who tony belongs to sysusers as a secondary group
c) User who paula who also belongs to sysusers as secondary group
d) User Mario who doesnot have access to an interactive shell on the system, and who is not
a member of sysusers
e) tony, Paula, and Mario should all have password of “password”

ANS:- #groupadd sysusers

#useradd -g sysusers tony

#useradd -g sysusers paula

#useradd -s /bin/nologin mario

#passwd tony; passwd paula; passwd Mario

Give password for 3 users:-



4). Create a collaborative directory /common/usergroup with the following characteristics,

 Group ownership of /common/usergroup is user group.

 The directory should be readable, writable, and accessible to members of usergroup, But
not to any other user, (it is understood that root has access to all files and directories on
the system.) files created in /common/usergroup automatically have group ownership set
to the usergroup. Group.

ANS:- #mkdir -P /common/usergroup

#groupadd usergroup

#chgrp usergroup /common/usergroup

#setfacl -M g:usergroup:rwx /common/usergroup

#chmod g+s /common/usergroup

#getfacl /common/usergroup (To check acl permission)

5). Install the appropriate kernel update from ftp://server1.example.com/pub/updates. The

following criteria must also me met:-

 the updated kernel is the default kernel when the system is rebooted
 The original kernel remains available and bootable on the system
ANS:- Open Firefox
kernel -2.6.18 -128.el5 - i686 .rpm
#vi /etc/grub.conf
default =0
Title Redhat enterprise linux 2.6.18 -128.el5 - i686 .rpm (that means “o”)
Title Redhat enterprise linux 2.6.18 -153.el5 - i686 .rpm (that means “1”)
Title Redhat enterprise linux 2.6.18 -8.el5 - i686 .rpm (that means “2”)


Go to the desktop and “Double click” the kernel file then boot with kernel
Check:- restart the system with kernel

6). Enable IP forwarding on your machine.

ANS:- #vi /etc/sysctl.conf

net. Ipv4. Ip_forward =0 --> Change “0” to “1”


7). Setup the default local print queue to forward jobs to the IPP (Cups) print Queuestation’x’ on
Server1.example.com. Where ‘x’ is your station number, Configure this printer as ‘Generic
text’ only print queue.

Note:- The queue station on Server1 dumps print jobs into the file
http://server1/printers/station’x’, This file can be examined to confirm that you have
configured the print queue correctly.

ANS:- System -- Administrator – printer in terminal

#system –config – printer

 Click on new printer

 Give printer name
 Forward
 Select IPP
 Give the hostname”station1”and give the “printername”
 Forward
 Select Generic
 Forward
 Under models “Text only printer”
 Apply
 Come to the back “select printer”
 Make default printer

8). The users Jackie must configure a cron job that runs daily at 16:45 local time and executes
/bin/echo cia0.

ANS:- cat >job.txt

45 16 * * * /bin/echo “ciao”

Press (ctl+d)
#crontab -U Jackie job.txt

#chmod +x job.txt

#crontab -l

#service crond restart

9). Bind to the NIS domain “GELATO “ provided by for user authentication.

Note the following:-

Nisuser’x’ should be able to log into your system, where ‘x’ is your station number,
but will not have a home directory until you have completed the autofs requirement below all
NIS Users have a password of password.

ANS:- #vi /etc/sysconfig/network



#nisdomainname GELATO

#service network restart

#authconfig - tui

[ * ] use nis --> next


Server IP =

#su - nisuser”x”


10). Configure autofs to automount the home directories of NIS Users,

Note the following:- Server1.example.com ( NFS exports /rhome/station’x’ to

your system. Where ‘x’ is your station number.

Nisuser’x’ is home directory is server1.example.com/rhome/station’x’/nisuser’x’

Nisuser’x’ home directory should be auto mounted locally beneath /rhome as

/rhome/nisuser’x’ home directories must be writable by their users

While you are able to log in as any of the users nisuser1 through nisuser20.
The only home directory that is accessible from your system is nisuser’x’.

ANS:- #vi /etc/auto.master

/rhome /etc/auto.misc


#vi /etc/auto.misc

Nisuserx -rw, soft, intr :/rhome/station/nisuserx


#chkconfig --level 35 yp bind on

#service autofs restart

11). Copy the file /etc/fstab to /var/tmp.

 Configure the permissions of /var/tmp/fstab So that:

 The file /var/tmp/fstab is owned by the root user
 The file /var/tmp/fstab belongs to the group root.
 The file /var/tmp/fstab should not be executable by anyone.
 To the users tony is able to read and write /var/tmp/fstab
 The user paula can neither write nor read /var/tmp/fstab
 All other users (Current or future) have the ability to read /var/tmp/fstab

ANS:- #cp -r /etc/fstab /var/tmp

#chown root /var/tmp/fstab

#chgrp root /var/tmp/fstab

#chmod -x /var/tmp/fstab

#setfacl -M U:tony:rw /var/tmp/fstab

#setfacl -M U:paula:- /var/tmp/fstab

#chmod 400 /var/tmp/fstab

12). Configure your system so that it is an NTP client of Server1.example.com..

ANS:- system -- config-- time

#vi /etc/ntpd.conf (Commnad mode)

 Select network time protocol

 Click enable NTP
 Click add
 Give Server1.example.com
 Click on show advanced options
 Select synchronise
 Click ok

13). Create alias for sysusers to receive by user alex,,,

ANS:- #vi /etc/aliases

Press Shift+g then enter as follows

Sysusers : alex



#mail sysusers@stationx.example.com

Login as user alex check mail received or not

14). Make your system SELINUX status to enforcing mode.

ANS:- #vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux

Make the selinux status as shown below

SELINUX = enforcing


Reboot the system after modifying the selinux status

Troubleshooting RHCT:-

2). #getent group sysusers

# getent passwd james alex neo

3). #ls - ld /storage/sysusers

4). #getfacl/usr/anaconda-ks.cfg

5). #uname -r

6). #lpq

#lpr what to do.txt --> (file name)


#lprm 1 (Job number)

7). #su - alex

alex]# crontab -l

9). #su - userx

10). #Sysctl -p



13). #mail sysusers

# su - alex

# mail

Check mail receive or not

15). #getenforce

1). Resize the LVM partition to 600 Mb (Output Between 590 to 650 mb)



#lvextend -L +88M /dev/vol0/home

#resize2fs /dev/vol0/home




#lvreduce -L -100M /dev/vol0/home

#umount /home

#mkfs.ext3 /dev/vol0/home

#mount -a

#cd /backup

#cp -rpf * /home

Note :- Before doing LVREDUCE take the backup in directory check below steps take backup:-

#mkdir /backup

#cp -rpf * /backup

#cd . .

2). Configure Quota

 dd if=/dev/zero of=myfile bs=1024 count=70

For user James where his password is “password” and message as warning
 dd if=/dev/zero of=myfile bs=1024 count=90
For user James where his password is “password” and massage as write failed user block limit
reached and disk quota exceeded.

ANS:- #vi /etc/fstab

LABEL=/dev/vol0/home /home ext3 defaults,usrquouta 1,2
#mount -o remount,rw /home (or) reboot
#quotacheck -CM /dev/vol0/home
#quotaon /dev/vol0/home
#edquota -U James

In the file their will be three fields and entry should as follows


Ex1:- 8 70+8=78 90+8=90
Ex2:- 0 70+0=70 90+0=90

#repquota -a
#su - James

Type ddif=/dev/zero of=myfile bs=1024 count=70

“This should give warning”

ddif=/dev/zero of=myfile bs=1024 count=90

“This should give warning as writing failed diskquota exceeded”

3). configure SSH access as follows:-

 Marion has remote access to your machine from within example.com

 Clients within my 253t.org should not have access to SSH on your system

ANS:- #vi /etc/hosts.deny

sshd : .cracker.org

4). Configure FTP access on your system:-

 Clients within the example.com domain should have anonymous & local user FTP access to
your machine
 Clients outside example.com and localhost should not have access to your FTP Service.

ANS:- #yum install vsftpd* -y

#chkconfig vsftpd on
#service vsftpd start
#service vsftpd restart
#vi /etc/hosts.deny
vsftpd: ALL EXCEPT.example.com

5). Export your /home/share directory via NFS to the example.com domain only in runleval 3 and 5.

NOTE:- because you will not have root access, you will not be able to directly mount your
exported /home/share directory using your guest account on the system provided for testing.
The auto-mounter on the system has been configured such that it will automount your
/shared directory under /home/guest’x’/nfs/station’x’, where ‘x’ is your station number.
Consequently successful execution of is /home/guest’x’/nfs/station’x’ indicates that the
automounter was able to automount your NFS Share.

ANS:- #yum install nfs-utils* -y

#chkconfig portmap on

#chkconfig nfs on

#service portmap restart

#service nfs restart

#vi /etc/exports

/storage *.example.com(ro,sync)


#service nfs restart

#service portmap restart

#exportfs -V

Note:-“Please check the permissions give read only or write”

6). Share the /home/share directory via smb:-

 your smb server must be a member of EXAMPLE workgroup

 The share name must be Share
 The shared Share must be available to example.com domain clients only.
 The shared Share should not be exposed to guest users.
 Harold must have read and write access to the Share, authenticating with a password galvin, if
ANS:- #yum install samba* -y
#service smb restart
#vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

Workgroup = EXAMPLE
host’s allow = .example.com
Path = /home/share
writeble = no
public = no
browseable = yes
write list = harold

#service smb restart

#smbpasswd -a harold

‘It will ask for password give it as ‘password’

“While trying to access that samba Share, as selinux is in enforcing mode it will not allow you
to login to overcome that issue run the following command”

#chcon -t samba_Share_t /home/share

#smbclient //172.24.0.x/share -U harold

(Check user able to login or not)

7). Implement a web server for the site http://station’x’.example.com. Then perform the
following steps:-

 download ftp://server1.example.com/pub/rhce/station.html
 copy this station.html to the Document Root as index.html of your web server.
 Do not make any modification to content of index.html

ANS:- >cd pub/rhce


>get station.html


#cp -r station.html /var/www/html/index.html

]#vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
“Copy last 7 lines from configuration file and paste below and edit”

Name virtualhost 192.168.0.x

<virtualHost 172.24.0.x>

ServerAdmin root@stationx.example.com

Doccument root /var/www/html

Servername stationx.example.com



#service httpd restart

#chkconfig httpd on

Check:- http://www.example.com

8). Configure POP3 email on your system according to these criteria:-

 Jeif must be able to Retrieve email from your machine using POP3 and POP3S from within
example.com only
 Clients from “my253t.org” domain should not have access to your POP3 and POP3S

ANS:- #vi /etc/dovecot.conf

#protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s (Here remove ‘#’)

Ex:- protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s


#iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -s - -dport 110 -j REJECT

#iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -s - -dport 995 -j REJECT

9). Configure SMTP mail service according to the following Requirments:-

 Your mail server should accept mail from remote host’s and localhost

 Marion must be able to relay mail through remote host’s having name
 Mail delivered to Marion Should spool into the default mail spool for Marion,
 Clients within my 253t.org should not have access t o the MTA running on your

ANS:- ]#vi /etc/mail/sendmail.mc

line no:- “116” add dnl #

Ex:- dnl #DEAMON_options (port=smtp, Addr= NAME=MTA) dnl

]#m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf

By default the mail goes to /var/spool/mail/marion

10). Implement a web proxy server bound to port 8080

 Clients within example.com should have access to your proxy server

 Proxy request for any URL from yahoo.com domain should not be allowed to any
 Clients outside of example.com Should not have access to your proxy server

ANS:- #vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

line no:73 http_port 3128 --> (Change to 8080)

#cache_peer parent . too. net parent 3128 _3130 [proxy only]

Remove ‘#’ from 305 and change this as mail proxy server

Cache_peer system.example.com parent 3128 3130

11). Extend your webserver to include a Virtual host for the site http://wwwx.example.com/ where
‘X’ is your station number, then perform the following the steps:-

 Set the Document Root to /var/www/virtual

 Download ftp://Server1.example.com/pub/html/cracker.html
 Rename the downloaded file to index.html
 Place this index.html in Document Root of the Virtual host
 Do not make any modifications to the content of index.html
 Set the ScriptAlias for the virtual host to /var/www/virtual/cgi-bin /
 Download ftp://Server1.example.com/pub/html/cracker.sh
 Rename the downloaded file to www.sh and make it global executable
 Place this www.sh in the “cgi-bin” directory of the virtual host
 Do not make any modification to the content of www.sh
 Ensure that the URL http://wwwx.example.com/cgi-bin/www.sh from any remote
host must be execute www.sh at your web server.

NOTE:- The original website http://statin’x’.example.com must still be accessible. Dns

resolution for the hostname wwwx.example.com is already provided by the
nameserver on Server1.example.com.

ANS:- ]#ftp system1.example.com

]#cd pub
]#cd html
]#get cracker.sh
]#cp -r cracker.sh /var/www/virtual/www.sh
]#vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

<virtualHost 192.168.0.x>

ServerAdmin root@wwwx.example.com

Doccument root /var/www/virtual

Servername wwwx.example.com



#service httpd restart

#chkconfig httpd on Check:- wwwx.example.com

12). Provide SSL-encapsulated IMAP access (IMAPS):

 IMAPS must be available to Jeif from example.com

 IMAPS must not available to other networks or domains.
 The SSL certificate for the IMAPS Server must be created as follows:-
“Use the default for Country, State, Locality, and Organization Name.
 Set Organizational unit to GLS
 Set common name to Station’x’.example.com
 Set email address to root@station’x’.example.com

ANS:- #vi /etc/allow

Imaps: Jeif

#service dovecot restart

#vi /etc/dovecot.conf

“copy line no. 92 & 93 and paste it below so that the count of the newlines become
as 94 & 95 uncomment this two lines and modify as shown below”

SSL_key_file= /etc/pki/tls/certs/dovecot.pem

SSL_key_file= /etc/pki/tls/certs/dovecot.pem

#cd /etc/pki/tls/certs

#make dovecot.pem

“when you run this, it will ask the follows”

Country Name :-press enter

State (or) provice name :-press enter

Locality Name :-press enter

Organization name :- press enter

Organization Unit name :-press enter

Common name :-stationx.example.com

Email address :-root@stationx.example.com

#service dovecot restart

#mutt -f imaps://neo@stationx.example.com

“Now type “y” then typ e “0” to access”


#cat /etc/hosts
#dig server1.example.com
#cat /etc/resolv.conf
#getent group sysusers
#getent passwd James alex neo
#ls /storage/sysuser
#ls -ld /storage/sysuser
#getfacl /usr/anakona-ks.cfs
#uname -r
#crontab -l -u alex
#ls /sbin/echo
#cp /bin/echo /sbin
#showmount -e server1 |grep station8
#vi /etc/auto.master
#vi /etc/auto.misc
#sysctl -p
#mail -u alex
#df -h /dev/vol0/home
#service nfs status
#exportfs -V
#service vsftpd status
#cat /etc/hosts.deny
#service sendmail status
#vi James
#cd /var/spool/mail
#mail James

1). Resize the LVM partition to 600 Mb (Output Between 590 to 650 mb)
2). Configure Quota
dd if=/dev/zero of=myfile bs=1024 count=70
For user James where his password is “password” and message as warning
dd if=/dev/zero of=myfile bs=1024 count=90
For user James where his password is “password” and massage as write failed user block limit
reached and disk quota exceeded.

Main Questions:-
1. How will increase performance in network bonding and why perfomance will
2. How to create LVM on top of RAID?
3. Have you done depth troubleshooting in linux if you did tell the scenarios?
4. How to create multiple users in 85 servers in less time and also servers are located in
different places?
5. How to install os from kickstart server without using cd (Server is located in uk)?
6. How to troubleshoot hard disk failure?
7. How to check the file system space in a directory?
8. How to troubleshoot if hard disk failure?
9. How to configure quotas?
10. Configuring Raid and Lvm?
11. Unable to create files inside a directory, Directory mounted and space also their?
12. What is the difference single user mode and maintenance mode?
13. There is a partition inside fdisk but when you are opening it’s not showing how can
you make it available?
14. Add lvm from SAN and how will discover and configure it
15. After Extending LVM you did the reboot but it’s not logging how will you
16. After Extending LVM by using which command we can activate without update
17. How will you set the gateway?
18. NFS and NIS configuration and diffrerence?
19. What is the UMASK and what is the value?
20. Difference between hardlink and softlink?
21. What is the inode number what it will do?
22. Do you have idea about ITIL?
23. What is the minimum requirement to install linux
24. How to add patch for particular server?
25. How to increase swap space?
26. How to lock the users?
27. How to check the particular process status?
28. How to kill the process?
29. Unable to ping server hwo to troubleshoot?
30. How to check open port numbers in linux?
31. How to add the home directory a particular user?
32. What stands for RSA & what is the use of RSA key?
33. What is the difference TELNET and SSH?
34. NFS server needed packages?
35. What is the port number of samba?
36. Which file is postfix main configuration file?
37. What is the use of proxy module in APACHE WEBSERVER?
38. What are the steps of SSL configuration?
39. What purpose we use CGI-Scripts in apache configuration file?
40. What purpose we use Re-Write rule apache configuration file?
41. Write the complete samba configuration file and write down the syntax for selinux
give permissive to public users?
42. Which console are you using in your Linux environment (LIKE: - ILO Console)?
43. How will you run process in background and how to bring it foreground?
44. How will you install packages in all servers at one shot?
45. I am unable to take remote server A which is located in London how will troubleshoot
46. Server is down how will you bring it and what are the reasons to go server down?
47. What is the difference between process and service?
48. How will you transfer yum repository from 1 server to another server (Ex, A server
having repository and you have transfer this repository to B server)
49. What is the syntax of corn tab ending (Ex:- minutes, hours, day of the month, month,
day of week, after this what syntax that you will give)
50. How will you take backup in simple shell scripting mode
51. In your Linux environment which profile using
52. What is the fields of free command
53. /etc/shadow file is corrupted how will you recover it from /etc/passwd
54. How will you check performance of servers
55. What is the difference between rhel 6 and rhel 5
56. I have installed 3 packages in server A, But it should update in all servers at a one
shot what is the steps needs to be taken
57. I have issued # ECHO $ what will happen
58. Where mbr will store in boot process
59. What are the private keys that you know
60. What is the mean of HARD and SOFT in quota environment
61. Which hardware using in your Linux environment
62. How many consoles you can open in linux


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