(BOUTFLOWER Charles) in and Around The Book of Daniel PDF
(BOUTFLOWER Charles) in and Around The Book of Daniel PDF
(BOUTFLOWER Charles) in and Around The Book of Daniel PDF
Christian believers may be divided into two classes those who
believe without interesting themselves greatly in the source of
their belief and the land which gave it birth, and those for whom
the Semitic east, and especially our Saviour's native land, are the
abode of romance and delight. It was the dwelling-place of
Abraham and the Patriarchs and the home of the Jews after
the Exodus, when the judges ruled and later the kings held sway.
In these latter days, too, Assyria and Babylonia came upon the
scene, and we are shown the ways
of a still more romantic East
in the case of Babylonia, moreover, an earlier home of the
Hebrews, as well as a later one, stands revealed.
Owing to these changes, doubtless, the Book of Daniel has
Chronological Tables ... ... ... ... xv
orthodox and the critical The critics, guided by chap, xi., do great
violence to the rest of the Book Dr. Wright's explanation of that
chapter a concession, but not improbable Interpolation of Holy Scrip-
ture as witnessed by the Targums The visions of Daniel only to be
made clear by their fulfilment Nevertheless this Book to engage the
attention of many, and further light promised.
throne -names " The Chaldeans " not identical with the
Herodotus as to the Chaldean priesthood of Bel Testimony'of Dio-
dorus Siculus confirmed by an inscription of Nabopolassar Strange
absence of the name in Babylonian inscriptions A possible explanation
An enlightening tablet of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar High social
position of "the Chaldeans" Correct estimate of them formed by
king merely a legal one, arising out of the anxiety of his father Naboni-
du3 to legitimise his claim The " queen of Dan. v. 10 probably the
widow of Nebuchadnezzar Belshazzar in what sense king Important
tablet from Erech, showing him to have been associated with his father
during part of the reign of Nabonidus Hence the explanation of his
" first " and " third "
years Why his name is not found in the dating
of the contract tablets His position as head of the nobility.
popular feeling towards Christianity after that event Jerusalem's day
of grace extends to the close of the seventieth week
but with Messiah's
death in the middle of that week the Jewish sacrifices cease in God's
sight The " desolator " of verse 27 not to be confounded with " the
people of the coming Prince of verse 26 The expression points to the
Zealots Their atrocities as described by Josephus The wrath poured
out on the desolator.
Position op the Book op
Daniel in the Canon op the Old Testament ... 276
Little known about the formation of the Canon The present position
of Daniel in the Canon not its original position The number of the
Old Testament books indicated in 2 Esdras xiv. The threefold division
referred toLuke xxiv. 44, and first mentioned in the prologue to Eccle-
siasticus The Palestinian and Talmudic Canons Two statements from
Josephus showing that in his day Daniel was placed in the Prophets
Witness of Melito and Origen to the same effect In Jerome's day
Daniel is found in the Hagiographa Possible reason for this change
Surprise of Jerome at the position of the Book The Book depreciated
by its new position Bearing of the above facts on Matt, xxiii. 35 The
argument clenched "The books in Dan. ix. 2 to be referred, not to
a collection of sacred books, but to the writings of Jeremiah
592 B.C. Ezekiel's first mention of Daniel chap. xiv. 14, 20.
588 B.C. The Babylonian army pass through the Lebanon Wady :
573 B.C. Tyre taken after a thirteen years' siege Ezek. xxix. 17-20.:
x. 1.
To shoiv the wide diffusion of the Arameans, and their contact with
Median speaking the Old Persian some 200 years before
885-860 B.C. Ashurnatsirpal conquers Bit Adini (cf. 2 Kings xix. 12)
and other Aramean states on the Middle Euphrates.
850 B.C. Aramaic inscription of Zakir king of Hamath.
770-730 B.C. Aramaic inscriptions of the kings of Samahla on the
E. slope of Amanus, and a little N. of the N.E. angle of the
745 B.C. Tiglathpileser III. speaks of " the land of the Arameans
as extending from the Tigris to where the Uknu (the river of
674 B.C. Ten kings of Cyprus nine of thm with Greek names
send materials to build Esarhaddon's palace at Nineveh : Esar-
haddon, Cylinder B, col. 5, lines 19-27.
664 B.C. Greeks help Psammetichus I. of Egypt to conquer the
Dodekarchy. In return he uses Greek mercenaries, and plants
two camps of them at Daphnse on either side of the Pelusiac
branch of the Nile Herod, bk. ii. 152, 154.
opposite p. 130.
587 B.C. In the 18th year of Nebuchadnezzar (according to the
LXX.), three instruments with Greek names are found in the
" all kinds of music " Dan. iii. 5.
king's band amongst :
the spread of learning and the issue from time to time
v. 24;
his two expeditions against Egypt (the second, owing to
the interposition of the Eomans, terminating so differently from
the first), vv. 25-80 his persecution of the Jews when returning
down and stamp out the temple worship when returning crest-
fallen from his second expedition, v. 31 the early triumphs of
Century Bible, Daniel, p. 107.
Daniel and his Prophecies, pp. 314, 315, 318.
2 1
Cor. i. 27.
Daniel and his Prophecies, p. 318.
Ibid. p. 318.
under which the Book of Daniel has been handed down to us.
As noticed above, this Book is of a fragmentary nature, probably
a book of extracts from some larger work. It gives us certain
passages from the life of the seer and his friends, with his own
account of his visions appended. Two of these visions, viz. those
of chaps, viii. and xi., are found to be very closely connected
both in subject-matter and in the language employed. They are
evidently from the pen of the same author. Now, in both of
these chapters the religious persecutions of Antiochus Epiphanes
figure largely. This would make the original work, from which
we may suppose our present Book to have been taken, an object
of especial detestation to the persecuting party, whose evil deed3
are therein so clearly foretold. When they rent in pieces the
Books of the Law, it is hardly likely that they would spare that
Book which foretells so plainly their unrighteous doings.,
then, like some noble cathedral which still bears the marks of the
rough treatment which it received at the hands of Cromwell's
soldiers, this sacred and venerable Book still shows some evident
signs of its having come through the wars. In this way, and no
other, can we explain the two languages in which it has come
down to us. Chaps, i. to ii. 3, and viii. to xii. are written in
Hebrew while the central portion of the Book, viz. ii. 4 to the
end of is in Aramaic, as is explained by the words
vii., in
Aramaic," inserted in the text of ii. 4, just as in the last clause of
Ezra iv. 7. 2 The fact that the change of language in chap. ii.
occurs in the very middle of a narrative is proof that the docu-
ments used were imperfect. Either the Hebrew copy was used
to supplement the Aramaic, or the Aramaic to supplement the
Hebrew. Further, it is deserving of notice that in the opinion of
most scholars the Book was originally written in Aramaic. In
the words of Dr. Charles, the Aramaic section of Daniel does
not give the impression of a translation, and nowhere points to
a Hebrew original ; the Hebrew sections, on the other hand,
favour the hypothesis of an Aramaic original, since they contain
3 The eleventh chapter of Daniel is, then,
frequent Aramaisms."
in the first place, a translation from the original ; and, in the
second place, it is a translation that has been added to by way of
interpolation ; and to this is due the form in which it has come
down to us. What has happened to the Greek Septuagint
SeeMace. j. 56.
Both Dan. ii. 4, and in Ezra iv. 7, the words " in Aramaic ought to
be written in italics in themiddle of a space left blank.
Dr. Charles iB quoting the opinion of Marti and Wright, in which he
himeelf concurs. Century Bible, Daniel, p. xxv.
From the house of Dan will be chosen, and will arise, a man
in whose days his people shall be delivered, and in whose years
the tribes of Israel shall have rest together. A chosen man will
arise from the house of Dan, the terror of whom shall fall upon
the peoples, who will smite the Philistines with strength as the
serpent, the deadly serpent lurking by the way he will smite
the might of the Philistine host, the horsemen with the foot, he
will weaken the horses and chariots and throw their riders back-
wards. For thy salvation have I waited, Lord." 2
priests who spread forth their hands in prayer, and Balaam who
will curse thee, I will curse, and they shall slay him with the
mouth of the sword and in thee shall be blessed all the genera-
to thee, all the sons of Esau, and kingdoms bend before thee, all
the sons of Keturah, a chief and a ruler be thou over thy brethren,
and let the sons of thy mother salute thee. Let them who curse
thee, my son, be accursed as Balaam the son of Beor, and those
Daniel and his Prophecies, p. 253.
The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch,
translated into English by J. W. Etheridge, London, 1862.
who bless thee be blessed, as Moses the prophet, the scribe of
Israel." instance, of some interest to us as forming
One other
an early exemplification of the two systems of interpretation of
the Four Kingdoms of Daniel, chap, ii., serves at the same time
to exhibit the extravagances of some of these Jewish paraphrases.
I allude to the words of Gen. xv. 12 : And when the sun was
going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abraham, and lo, an horror of
great darkness fell upon him." In the Palestinian Targum this
passage is paraphrased thus And when the sun was nearing
to set, a deep sleep was thrown upon Abraham, and behold four
kingdoms rose to enslave his children Horror, which is Babylon
Before we
pass on from the difficulties presented by Daniel's
words of the
latest vision, it will be well to direct attention to the
revealing angel, spoken at the close of that vision : But thou,
Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time
of the end : many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be
" "
increased." Shut up the words : the angel is speaking, not
merely of this one vision, but of all the visions shown to Daniel
in this Book. This may be gathered from chap. x. 1, with which
the vision opens, which should be rendered thus "In the third :
plaint, xii. 8. And again, in viii. 27, when his vision had been
1 "
R.V. matter."
Century Bible, note on Dan. ix. 23.
Dan. ii. 19.
explained to him, he says, sadly, evidently including himself in
the statement, I was astonished at the vision, but none under-
stood it," i.e. none fully comprehended it, indeed none could
until the day of its fulfilment. How much more would this be
the case with this last vision What commentator, even in this
enlightened age, has been able to show the meaning of the mystic
1290 days and 1335 days? Clearly these and other mysteries
will remain hidden till the time of their fulfilment. It follows,
In the deep things of God the greatest doctor and the most
illiterate believerstand in exactly the same position both are :
Dan. xii. 6.
Isa. viii. 8, quoted in Dan. xi. 10 and 40.
Chap. II
Chap. II
TTtifityayov, and
this bear in the prophetic vision, though already
gorged and unable to swallow down all its food, is seen raising
itself up on one side as though preparing to strike, and is at the
same moment summoned to seize upon a yet greater prey. Now,
if with the advocates of the Boman scheme we understand by
See the note at the end of this chapter.
See the very curious extract from an inscription of Nabonidus given by
me in the Journal of Theological Studies for July, 1913, pp. 612, 513.
See L' inscription en caracleres cursifs de I'Ouady Brissa, col. vi. 15-31,
pp. 16, 17, by H. Pognon ; also Xenophon's Anabasis, ii. 4, 12.
Records of the Past, New Series, vol v. p. 169.
Ant. x. 10, 4.
" "
two Aramaic words rendered inferior to thee mean literally
lower than thou." 1 This literal meaning is here to be preferred,
and it must be understood in a strictly topical sense, below
thee," i.e. lower down in the image ; for Daniel imagines Nebu-
chadnezzar to be mentally contemplating the composite image
which he saw in his dream, and which had just been recalled to
his mind, and what he says to the king may be briefly paraphrased
thus Thou,
king, art the head of gold, and after thee shall
arise another kingdom lower down in the image, and then a third
reason. On the first kingdom, the head of gold, the seer very
naturally enlarges, since it is the then existing kingdom and he is
addressing its all-powerful monarch. On the third he says a
good deal in a few words it is to : bear rule over all the earth."
On the fourth kingdom, its strength and subsequent weakness,
he speaks at great length, for this is evidently one of the main
features of the vision. But of the second kingdom he says never
a word. What is the reason for his silence ? It is that the subject
Cambridge Bible, Dan. ii. 39. The Aramaic words *|fD N|HK mean
literally "earthwards from thee." njhn is an adverb, compounded of in**.
" "
earth and the adverbial ending n t " towards." Jastrow in his Dictionary
of the Targummin has hnpin "earthwards, that which is below." Targ.
Jos. xvi. 3.
That those who understood the Aramaic words 1|Q KJ?"]ix in the sense
" "
felt the miss of some definite statement as to the position
inferior to thee
in the image occupied by the second kingdom may be gathered from the fact
that the Codex Alexandrinug readB, k<x\ 6iri<xu> cov avaarrifferai fiaai\eia kripa
gov, )tis t<jT\y d ipyvpos.
The head of gold denotes theeand the kings of Babylon
that have been before thee but the two hands and arms signify
this, that your government shall be dissolved by two kings :
but another king, that shall come from the west, armed with brass,
shall destroy that government and another kingdom, that shall
be like unto iron, shall put an end to the power of the former, and
shall have dominion over all the earth, on account of the nature of
iron, which is stronger than that of gold, of silver, and of brass."
" "
Daniel," adds the historian, did also declare the meaning of
the stone to the king but I do not think proper to relate it, since
While most scholars will admit that the Aramaic of chap. ii.
" " "
39 admits of the meaning below thee as well as inferior to
thee," I shall probably be reminded that the Septuagint favours
the latter rendering, and that in a doubtful case this ought to
turn the scale. My answer is that a translator might more easily
" "
imagine Daniel saying to Nebuchadnezzar inferior to thee
than his saying below thee," and that he would also be guided
Ant. x. 10, 4.
Viz. Cyrus and Darius the Mede.
to some extent by the idea of silver being inferior to gold. Further,
it must be remembered that the Septuagint translator, writing
before the full development of the Eoman power, probably
adopted the Grecian scheme, and regarded the second kingdom,
not as the Medo-Persian, but as the Median. Now, as he could
hardly have known much about this Median kingdom, he would
" "
see nothing strange in its being described as inferior to the
It may be well at this point, and before bringing this chapter
to a close, to advert to the statement argumentatively advanced
by the critics that the Grecian scheme was first in the field, and
that traces of it are seen in a portion of the Sibylline Oracles
written not later than 140 B.C. The bare fact we willingly admit,
but when they go on to speak of it as the older and true inter-
we must needs dissent from the latter statement.
" "
it must of
Older necessity be, inasmuch as the Greek Empire
appeared before the Eoman, and, offering in the days of Antiochus
Epiphanes a fulfilment of a part of Daniel's prophetic visions,
was very naturally supposed to offer the fulfilment of a larger
portion of those visions than the actual terms of the prophecy
warranted. The interpreters of those days would naturally
adopt the Grecian scheme, just as Josephus, with more to go
upon, naturally adopts the Boman. For as history bit by bit
turns the future into the past, true, genuine prophecy is bit by
bit unfolded. In the days of the Maccabees we should all have
been on the Grecian side, and ready in our study of the Book of
Daniel to see Antiochus Epiphanes everywhere. But the marvel
is that in these later
days scholars should revert to the older, and
necessarily cruder attempt to interpret the visions of Daniel,
made too at a time when criticism was in its infancy. 2
the ninth and eighth centuries B.C. Towards the close of the
Assyrian Empire, in the days of Ashurbanipal, Ararat was on
friendly terms with Assyria, whilst Minni was under Assyrian
governors. Ashkenaz has been identified by Winckler with the
Ashkuza of the Assyrian records, believed by him to be the
Scythians. In the time of Esarhaddon, 678 B.C., Ishpakai of
the Ashkuza, with his allies the Manna, was defeated by Assyria.
Esarhaddon gave one of his daughters in marriage to Bartatua,
king of the Ashkuza, whom Winckler identifies with Protothyes
the Scythian, the father of Madyes. It was an inroad of the
Scythians under Madyes which raised the siege of Nineveh and
deferred the downfall of Assyria for a generation (Herod, i. 103).
" "
The kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz (Jer. li. 27)
have thus some claim to be regarded as three ribs of the carcase
of the old Assyrian lion, which the voracious Medo-Persian bear
finds himself not quite able to gulp down (Dan. vii. 5).
brass, shall destroy that government." It is clear that in the
armour of the Greeks he saw some reason for the Greek kingdom
being represented by the brazen part of the image. What the
Jewish historian thus hints at will form the subject of the present
chapter. It will be my object to show that the gold is peculiarly
appropriate to represent the Babylonian Empire of Nebuchad-
nezzar, even more so than a writer of the Maccabean age would
be likely to know ; that the silver, so far from representing a
merely Median empire, represents far more suitably the Medo-
Persian power, more particularly in its later or Persian stage ;
that the brass is far better fitted to represent the Grecian
kingdom than the Persian ; and the iron a better representation
of the firm, strong, and, if need be, severe rule of Home, than of
the irresistible might of Alexander the Great.
Gold, silver, brass, and iron occur in the same order in the Great
Triumphal Inscription of Sargon II., save that between silver and
brass he interjects vessels of gold and silver and precious stone.
The order is seemingly a descending one. In the estimation of
Nebuchadnezzar iron would certainly hold the lowest place.
It is not even mentioned in his inscriptions. 2 The thoughts of
this great king were so much set on the more showy and costly
metals that it must have been something of a shock for him to
be told that a time was coming when, in the figures of his pro-
Ant. x. 10, 4.
Iron circlets were found by Koldewey on the site of Babylon, and on
the contract tablets of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar iron is mentioned as used
for fetters and brick-moulds.
to tlie
phetic vision, as given in Dan. iv., he would be indebted
iron and the brass for the preservation of his kingdom.
1 As
regards intrinsic worth, the metals are arranged in descending
order, but since they are severally characteristic of the different
powers which they represent, and since the seer dwells so emphati-
cally on the strength of the iron kingdom, it may easily
be guessed
that the real order is an ascending one, and that the silver kingdom
is to prove stronger than the gold, the brass stronger than the
That house I caused to be made for gazings, and for the beholding
of the multitude of the people with sculptures I had it filled.
The awe of power, the dread of the splendour of sovereignty, its
sides begird." So, then, magnificence and display form the
characteristics of the golden kingdom ; and they are intended, as
we see, to set forth the greatness of the king and the greatness of
his god. When we are reading the inscriptions of this monarch,
we find ourselves, as it were, in the third chapter of Daniel, while
a loud-voiced herald calls upon us to fall down and worship the
golden image which Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up." But
is it likely that a writer of the Maccabean age would have known
all this ? Hardly so. Look at the image of the god Bel, as it is
described to us in the apocryphal book, Bel and the Dragon. What
is it made of ? Of gold ? No ! but of clay within and brass
" 5
without !
1 2
Herod, iii. 1-7. Ibid, iii. 27-29.
1 *
Ibid. 43-45.
iii. Ibid. ix. 29-35. Compare Dan. iv. 30.
5 8
Bel and the Dragon 7. Herod, i. 96, 97.
Ibid. I 103.
that, if this city be builded, and the walls finished, they will not
pay tribute, custom, or toll, and in the end it will endamage the
kings." Again, when the same king wishes to show special kind-
ness to the Jews, he exempts all those who minister at the temple
from paying taxes. 7 Nevertheless, Nehemiah in his long and
touching confession forced to admit that the Jews are servants
in their own land, and that it yield eth much increase unto the
1 2
Herod, i. 106. Ibid. iii. 89.
3 *
Ibid. iii. 67. See Chapter XIV. below.
5 6 Ezra
Herod, iii. 89-95. iv. 13.
Ibid. vii. 24.
kings whom thou hast set over us because of our sins."
then, in the prophetic summons to the Medo-Persian bear Arise,
" 2
devour much flesh it will be noted that the very tone of tho
they all
and that when he is waxed strong through his riches
he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece." The vast host
which Xerxes collected for the invasion of Greece, and with which
he crossed over into Europe, would have been an impossibility
but for the system of finance perfected by his father Darius.
So keen was Darius in amassing wealth that, according to Hero-
dotus, he appeared to his subjects as a huckster, one who looked
to making a gain in everything." 3 Xerxes trod in his father's
footsteps. As Darius had not hesitated to violate the tomb of
Nitocris at Babylon in his vain search for treasure, 4 so Xerxes
sent a detachment from his army to plunder the temple at Delphi.
" "
Xerxes, as I am informed," says Herodotus, was better
acquainted with what there was worthy of note at Delphi, than
even with what he had left in his own house ; so many of those
about him were continually describing the treasures, more
especially the offerings made by Croesus the son of Alyattes."
soon to learn to their cost, brass was stronger than silver. 7 First
1 2 3
Neh. ix. 37. Dan. vii. 5. Herod, iii. 89.
4 5
Ibid. i. 187. Ibid. viii. 35.
6 Isa. xiii. 17 :
referring to a time prior to the formation of the Median
tribes into a nation.
By brass we must understand
bronze, an alloy of copper and tin. In
three specimens found by Layard at Nineveh the proportions were as follows :
Copper 89-51 89 "85 88-37
Tin 10-63 9-78 1133
1 2
Herod, vii. 74, 89-95. Ibid, vii. 61, 62.
with their help worsted his opponents. 1 In the wonderful list
given us by Ezekiel of the wares which the different nations
brought to the great mart of Tyre, we are told that Javan, Tubal,
and Meshech traded in vessels of brass. 2 By Javan we under-
stand the Asiatic Greeks, in fact the word is only another form
of "lafoveg, Ionians." Also, the Hebrew word translated
" "
vesselswould apply to anything made of brass, and is some-
times used to describe the entire equipment of warriors, armour
or armament, offensive and defensive. It thus appears that the
brazen kingdom must represent a Greek kingdom rather than
" "
a Persian for, granting that there were
brazen men to be
found in the vast heterogeneous host of Xerxes, more especially
in the contingents furnished by the Greek islanders, yet brazen
armour was not the distinctive equipment of Median and Persian
warriors, but a dress which, whether depicted in the sculptures of
Persepolis or described in the pages of Herodotus, presents the most
marked contrast.
The above observations lead to the very evident inference
that the third or tyrazen kingdom represents, not a Persian, but
a Greek kingdom and this inference is confirmed when we turn
fulmenque, quod ornnes
Percuteret pariter populos."
3 And this thought is accentuated by the leopard
in the vision having four heads, and so being able to look in every
direction. Alexander's swift career was guided by the most
watchful circumspection. Hence the notable horn on the head
of the he-goat, in chap. viii. 5, is seen to be placed between its
eyes an indication that the force and fury of Alexander's attack
1 2
Herod, ii. 152. Ezek. xxvii. 13.
See Francis Brown's Heb> Lex. under 'f??.
4 5
Hab. i. 8. Jer. v. 6 ; Hos. xiii. 7.
Nate, exclamat, fuge, nate, propinquant
Ardentes clypeos atquo eera micantia cerno." Mneid. ii. 734.
Iron, to be sure, was in use long before the coming of the Bomans,
but at the time of the development of the Bepublic into a world-
power its use became much more general. Iron swords and breast-
plates took the place of bronze. The change, as Lucretius points
out, was a gradual one, and it was contemporary with the rise
of the Eoman power. During that period both of these metals
were employed in the making of arms and armour. Hence, in
Dan. vii. 19 the fourth beast in its most
aggressive stage is
described as having teeth of iron and nails of brass. In
description of the arms and equipment of the Eoman infantry,
written about 140 B.C., we seem as it were to see the brass
place to the iron.
The Koman infantry soldier of the time of
Polybius wore a helmet and breastplate of bronze, but his
shield had an iron boss, and the rim of it was plated with iron at
the top and bottom. Above all, he carried with him that dis-
tinctively Eoman weapon the jpilvm, capable of being used both
as a pike and a javelin. The pilum was a weapon with a stout
iron head, and a long iron neck fitted to a wooden shaft, the metal
extending for about a third of its entire length. Livy, when
contrasting the arms of the Eomans with those of the Mace-
donians, makes special mention of the pilum, as follows ;
arma clypeus sarissasque
Macedonibus Eomano scutum, ;
subdueth all things and as iron that crusheth all these, shall it
that were before it." 4 The critics who favour the Grecian
scheme assure us that in the words, it devoured and brake in
pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet," we are to see the
overthrow of the older civilisation and its radical transformation
by the spread of the Greek Empire, and more especially the tho-
roughness with which the work was done.
5 But the words mean
more than thoroughness ; they are descriptive of savage ferocity
and ruthless severity. Their fulfilment is seen, not in the great
changes wrought in the East by Alexander's conquests, but in the
1 3
Polyb. Hist. vi. 23, 8. Livy, bk. xxsviii. 7.
8 *
Dan. ii. 40. Ibid. vii. 7.
8 on Dan.
Century Bible vii. 7.
soever they will to succour and to make kings, these do they make
kings and whomsoever they will, do they depose
and they ;
are exalted exceedingly and for all this none of them did ever
showing how very much the Oriental mind was impressed by this
strange and to them novel form of government. But in the case
of Alexander's rule there was nothing of this kind to impress
and astonish his subjects. Alexander liked Oriental splendour
and the Oriental ceremony which placed an infinite distance
between the king and his highest subjects ; great statesmen
generally love to be absolute, and Alexander enjoyed Oriental
But the strongest claim of the empire of Rome to be the actual
fulfilment of the iron kingdom must ever be found, first, in the
length of its duration, the best proof surely of its strength. The
empire of Babylon lasted only 70 years the Persian empire
200 years the Greek 130 years ; whilst Rome, in its undivided
state, stood for some 500 years, and in its divided state as the
ten kingdoms continues down to the present time. 4 Secondly,
and this must never be overlooked, there is that wonderful
prophecy of the papal power given in Dan. vii. 8 and 19-26, into
which I have not entered here, because the subject has been so
well and exhaustively treated by our Protestant commentators. 5
1 a 1
Dan. vii. 7. Mace. viii. 13, 14.
3 "
Encyc. Brit. 9th ed., under Persia," p. 585, col. 1.
It will be said that this criterion of strength fails in the case of the Greek
Empire. But that empire, amazingly strong at first, soon became a divided
" " "
empire : no sooner was the great horn broken than "four notable horns
Bprang up to take its place, Dan. viii. 8.
See The First Two Visions of Daniel, by the late Prof. T. R. Birks, and
Chapter XXV. below.
The choice of gold, silver, brass, and iron, to represent severally
the empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Eome, in a vision
granted to a Babylonian monarch, possesses also a marked suita-
bility, arising from the fact that those different metals were
assigned by the Babylonians to different gods. Thus, according
to a Bay Ionian tablet, 1 Enlil, with whom, in the time of Nebuchad-
nezzar, Merodach was identified, was the god of gold ; Anu, the
god of silver ; and Ea, the god of brass, i.e. bronze ; whilst it may
be surmised with a fair amount of probability that Ninib, the
" "
strong one of the gods, was the god of iron, since the same two
cuneiform characters which stand for the god Ninib stand also
for yarzillu, iron." The fact that Enlil, i.e. Merodach, was the
god of gold, not only accounts for the great quantity of gold
employed in his temple at Babylon, but makes gold the most
suitable representation of the Babylonian power, Merodach being
the patron god of Babylon. In Anu, the god of silver, and at
the same time, as his name signifies, the sky-god," we see the
nearest representative that the Babylonian pantheon could offer
of Ahura-mazda, the great god of the Persians, whose eye is the
resplendent sun and who clothes himself with a starry robe.
Silver would thus most suitably picture the Persian power. Ea,
the god of bronze, was also the sea-god, and bore the title the
lord of ships." Thus, the bronze portion of the image would
point, not only to brazen-clad warriors, but to a power coming
from beyond the sea, to those ships of Kittim which were to afflict
Asshur and to afflict Eber, 3 i.e. the world-powers beyond the
Cf. Satire, vi. 55-58 :
Gen. xi. 28 ; Isa. xiii. 19, xxiii. 13, xliii. 14 ; Ezek. xxiii. 15, R.V.M. ;
Babylon i
nothing shall be left, saith the Lord. And of thy
sons that shall issue from thee, which thou shalt beget, shall they
take away, and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of
We quote this prophecy at length, since the first
chapter of Daniel shows us its fulfilment. Children of the Jewish
royal family are there seen being trained to be courtiers and ser-
vants to Nebuchadnezzar the Chaldean king of Babylon.
The Chaldeans were always the bitter enemies of the Assyrians,
yet, in spite of this hostility, in the closing years of the Assyrian
Empire we find a Chaldean king, Nabopolassar the father of
Nebuchadnezzar, seated on the throne of Babylon. How he got
there we cannot tell, but he tells us himself that he was a man
of very humble origin, and that he drove back the Assyrians out
of northern Babylonia. In the final conflict with Assyria, Nabo-
polassar joined hands with Cyaxares of Media, the result being
that the northern portion of the Assyrian Empire passed under the
sway of Media, while the southern portion fell to Nabopolassar,
and helped to form the New Babylonian Empire. The Chaldean
origin of the dynasty of Nabopolassar is gathered chiefly from the
Old Testament writers. Jeremiah speaks of the army of Nebu-
chadnezzar as the army of the Chaldeans." Ezekiel describes
the ruling race at Babylon in the days of Nebuchadnezzar as
hailing from Chaldea, whilst in the Book of Ezra, in a letter of
the Persian governor Tattenai, Nebuchadnezzar is expressly called
the Chaldean." These statements of Scripture are confirmed
by Berosus, a learned Chaldean priest, who in his history of Baby-
lonia, Written about 300 B.C., tells us that the Chaldean notables
at Babylon kept the throne for Nebuchadnezzar on his father's
death. 3 Alexander Polyhistor, in the second century B.C., also
speaks of the father of Nebuchadnezzar as being a Chaldean.
During the Assyrian period Babylon was long a bone of con-
tention between that people and their warlike neighbours in the
south, and not a few Chaldean princes succeeded as the years
rolled on in seating themselves on the throne of Bel. It is this
which leads the prophet Isaiah to speak of Babylon as "the
beauty of the Chaldeans' pride."
4 From the fact that these
princes invariably have the names of the gods Bel and Nebo, the
patron divinities severally of Babylon and Borsippa, incorporated
in their throne-names, we gather that they were specially devoted
to the worship of those gods. This was certainly the case with
Isa. xsxix. 6, 7.
. See Cory's Fragments, pp. 83-90.
Josephus against Apion, i. 19.
4 lea.
xiii. 19.
Nebuchadnezzar, as his inscriptions testify with others it may ;
Records of the Past, New Series, vi. 94, lino 35 compared with 97, line 41.
when this chatty old historian leaves his description of the temple
and its precincts and goes on to speak of the city of Babylon and
the strange customs of its inhabitants, we hear no more of the
" "
Chaldeans," but only of the Babylonians."
It is, then, an
error to state that the use of this word Chaldean," as we find it in
the pages of Herodotus, "dates really from a time when Chaldean'
had become synonymous with Babylonian,' " 2 for Herodotus
clearly does not use the two words as synonyms. The question,
" "
then, as to the identity of the Chaldeans of the Book of
Daniel is settled by the plain statement of Herodotus. They were
the priests of the great temple of Bel-Merodach, E-sag-ila, the
house of towering summit," the chief of the many temples in
Babylon, and that in which, as recorded in Dan. i. 2, Nebuchad-
nezzar placed the vessels taken from the house of God at
Having thus satisfied ourselves as to the identity of these men,
we may reasonably endeavour, from the statements of classical
writers compared with those which meet us on contemporary
documents, to obtain further information as to this Chaldean
priesthood and also as to why they were called Chaldeans."
Diodorus Siculus, who flourished in the first century B.C.,
speaking of Belesys, i.e. Nabopolassar, the founder of the New
Babylonian Empire, calls him the most distinguished of the
priests, whom the Babylonians call Chaldeans."
4 This is the
testimony of a late writer, but that some credence may be given
Herod, i. 183, 181 compared with
i. 195-200.
Cambridge BibleDaniel, p. 12, foot-note.
Belesys, or Balasu, is a Chaldean name. Possibly it was the name of
Nabopolassar before he asoended the throne. See Records of the Past, New
Series, vol. v. p. 123, line 26.
Diod. Sio. Bibliotkeca, lib. ii.
cap. 24.
to it we gather from an inscription of Nabopolassar, in which he
describes the part taken by himself and his two sons, Nebuchad-
nezzar and Nabu-shum-lishir, in the rebuilding of the temple-
tower of Bel-Merodach. The passage runs thus :
my lord, I bowed my neck I arrayed
Unto Merodach, ;
The spirit of the above description, and the zest with which
the king relates the part taken by himself and his two sons in the
ceremonial of rebuilding the tower, is suggestivo that the founder
of the empire was either a priest himself, or at any rate thought
it politic to ally himself very closely with the priesthood and to
a class sense. The Assyrians, the Hebrews, the Greek and Latin
writers, all use the term the Assyrians only in an ethnic sense ;
pp. 47.
Ezek. xxiij. 14, 15.
Aul. Gellius, Nodes Atticce, lib. i, cap. 9.
prefect. On the tablet in question a decision is given with respect
to the ownership of a house, which had been in the possession of
Baladhu, a dependant of the Secretary of the Country of the
Sea, and among the judges whose names are affixed to the docu-
ment we find the Prefect and Deputy-Prefect of that district,
the Burgomaster of Uruk (Erech), the Priest, presumably the
high-priest, of the temple of the Moon-god at Ur, and the Prefect
of the Other Side," probably that part of Babylon which lay
on the right bank of the Euphrates. Here is a veritable con-
course of notables but the two officials who interest us most
stand last on the list. They are priests of the god Bel-Merodach,
" "
here styled Sliadu Babu, the Great Mountain ; one of them
possibly is the high-priest. In these men we detect two undoubted
members of the famous Chaldean priesthood, men who may have
been present at some of the scenes described in the Book of
Daniel. In a matter affecting the interests of a dependant of a
great Chaldean official, such as the Secretary of the Country of
the Sea, nothing would be more natural than to have two
Chaldean priests among the judges. These two priests of Bel
come originally from that district. They are Chaldeans as being
of Chaldean nationality, and also in virtue of their membership
in the priestly caste to which they belong. However, that our
readers may be able to form their own judgment on the subject,
we will let this tablet speak for itself. It runs thus :
These are the judges, before whom Shapik-zir the son of
Zirutu and Baladhu the son of Nasikatum, the female slave of
the Secretary of the Country of the Sea, went to law over an
house, viz. with regard to the house and the tablet, which Zirutu
the father of Shapik-zir had sealed and given unto Baladhu.
They (the judges) made Baladhu and Shapik-zir change places.
They assigned the house to Shapik-zir, and they took the tablet
and gave it to Shapik-zir :
Nabu-itir-napshati, the Prefect of the Country of the Sea.
Nabu-shuzziz-anni, the Deputy-Prefect of the Country of the
Marduk-irba, the Burgomaster of Uruk.
Imbi-ili, the Priest of Ur.
Bel-uballidh, the son of Marduk-shum-ibni, the Prefect of
the Other Side.'
Apia, the son of Shuzubu, the son of Babutu.
Mushezib-Bel, the son of Nadin-akhi, the son of Babutu.
Mushezib-Marduk, the son of Nadin-akhi, the son of Shana-
M 4
Bania, the son of Apia, the priest of the temple of the Great
" '
On the whole, then, we may say that the true position of the
" "
Chaldeans gauged so long ago as 1877 by A. J.
was rightly
Delattre, an able French writer, with whose estimate we may
suitably bring this chapter to a close :
Parmi les diverses categories de sages auxquels Nabuchodo-
nosor demande l'explication de ses songes, il en est une que le
livre de Daniel distingue par la denomination speciale de Casdim,
Chaldeens.' Un tel emploi du mot Casdim serait etrange si
tous les Babyloniens de ce temps avaient ete Chaldeens, II se
Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek, vol. iv. p. 188.
Excavations at Babylon, p. 190.
justifie sans peine si Ton admet avec nous que les Chaldeens
etaient une classe d'origine etrangere dans le
particuliere et
peuple babylonien. Des lors en effet, il etait assez natural d'appli-
quer la denomination de Chaldeen a un college de pretres recrutes
exclusivement parmi les hommes de cette classe. Ces docteurs
Chaldeens nous les voyons encore par le livre de Daniel
avaient le pas sur leurs confreres. Lorsque Nabuchodonosor,
furieux de ce que les sages consulted par lui sont impuissantes
a deviner le songe qu'il a eu, menace de les massacrer tous, ce
sont le Chaldeens qui s'efforcent de calmer le monarque, et qui
portent la parole au nom de tous. On a fait a propos d'un emploi
siremarquable du mot Casdim des insinuations peu favorables au
caracteredu livre de Daniel, tandis qu'il fallait trouver enc cela
meme une marque de son originalite." 1
See the Bevue des Questions Historiques, torn. xxi. pp. 536-551.
" "
the last chapter the Chaldeans of the Book of Daniel
The sacred edifices of Babylonia were intended to be imitations
of mountains. It is Jensen's merit to have suggested the explana-
tion for this rather surprising ideal of the Babylonian temple.
According to Babylonian notions the earth is pictured as a huge
Dan. ii. 45. Dan. ii. 34, 35.
/Vhen, then, the stone which smote the image was described in
Daniel's recital of the vision as waxing into a great mountain, or
nto the Great Mountain, and filling the whole earth, it would
eem to his Chaldean auditors to realise an idea of their own
nythology, since it had developed into the earth-mountain. It
>nly remains to add that in order to convey some idea of all this
q our English Bible it would be well to place in the margin of
)an. ii. 35, as an alternative reading, the Great Mountain,"
,nd in verse 45, Mountain," spelt with a capital letter.
If The Great Mountain," thus recalling the Enlil-ship of
lerodach, was suggestive of a Supreme Power, a Most High God,
here was also another feature in the vision which must have
iointed in the same direction, viz. the wind which swept away
he fragments of the image. For Enlil is the storm-god. Hi3
ery name signifies Lord of the Wind." 2 According to Radau,
" " "
e is the storm par excellence, and his epithets are lord of
" " s
he storm," storm of terrible strength," rushing storm."
'hat Merodach in this respect succeeded to the heritage of Enlil
capable of the clearest proof. Thus, in the struggle with Tiamat,
dragon of chaos, Merodach is represented as master of the
dnds. He sends against her " a hurricane, an evil wind, a storm,
tempest, a fourfold wind, a sevenfold wind, a whirlwind." At
rst the hurricane follows behind him, but as he draws near to
le dragon he sends it in front, and causes it to enter into her so
lat she cannot even close her lips. 4 An illustration of an entirely
liferent kind may be drawn from the annals of Esarhaddon.
Jastrow's Religion, p. 614.
See Langdon'a Sumerian Grammar, pp. 220, 282.
Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, vol. xxix.
L, series A.
Keilinschriftliche Bibliothelc, vol. vi. pp. 22-25.
the giegeworks were spared and the town set on fire. 1 But we may
take a later instance of Merodach's control of the winds which
may very possibly have had some connection with Nebuchad-
nezzar's dream. Early in the reign of this monarch there took
place an event which seems to have made a deep impression on
him at the time, and which, if it happened as early as his second
year, helps to account for one of the closing features of his dream-
vision. The inscription recording the rebuilding of the temple
of the sun-god at Larsa 2 is looked upon as one of the early inscrip-
tions of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. Langdon places it second
among the inscriptions written during the period 600-593 B.C. 3
In this inscription the king tells us how Ebarra, the temple of
Shamash at Larsa, had long lain in ruins so buried in the sand
that even the outline of its walls could not be traced. In my
reign," he adds, the great lord Merodach took pity on that
temple. He caused the four winds to come, and swept away the
soil so that its walls became visible. Me, Nebuchadnezzar king
of Babylon, his shepherd, his worshipper, he authoritatively com-
missioned to rebuild that temple." How easily might the strong
impression made on the king's mind by this supposed act of Mero-
dach, the lord of the wind," have suggested that part of his
dream in which he saw the fragments of the great colossus swept
away by the wind, swept away, too, in order that something else
might take its place After listening to Daniel's interpretation
Altorientalische Forschungen, 2nd series, vol. i. pt. i., p. 32, article
Shupria," by Winckler.
Building Inscriptions of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, Nebuchadnezzar,
No. 10 : by Stephen Langdon. Paris, 1905.
Ibid. pp. 21, 22.
4 Cf. Dan. viii. 25, where it is said of the persecutor Antiochus Ephiphanes,
" he shall be broken without baud."
one itself became a great mountain and filled all the earth,
scame in fact lord of the lands," another epithet and attribute
IEnlil. The subject thus viewed, it seems impossible to conceive
any more telling figures by which the great truths concerning
le Messianic Kingdom could be conveyed to a Chaldean
But if the dream would thus prove most enlightening to those
ho listened to its interpretation, it can be shown, also,
regards Nebuchadnezzar himself, that such a dream- vision was
lost natural, i.e. the king saw what he might almost be expected
) see. The night," says Bishop Hall, speaking of Solomon's
ream- vision at Gibeon, follows the temper of the day, and the
eart so uses to sleep as it wakes." 1 We have seen an instance of
lis inthat part of the vision in which the wind was seen to sweep
way the shattered fragments of the image. Let us take another
lustration, and begin by asking, What was the waking heart of
bis greatest of royal builders, when, like Solomon, he stood on
he threshold of his long reign ? 2 The India House Inscription
ives us a sufficiently plain answer. It shows us that he must
:>f a mountain did not he himself cut stones out of the mountain ?
which presently itself swelled up into a mighty mountain, and
filled all the earth. Size, strength, and height, no less than
Compare the words of Artabanus to Xerxes respecting that monarch's
dream : Whatever a man has been thinking of during the day, is wont to
hover round him in the visions of his dreams at night." Herod, vii. 16.
It was only his second year when Nebuchadnezzar saw the vision.
3 * 6
Col. iii. 17, 69. Col. iv. 13. CoL iv. 34.
CoL viii. 2, 63. Col. ix. 22-28.
grandeur and magnificence, were in all this monarch's thoughts,
and all find a place in his dream.
In the Book of Enoch, 1 in the portion called the Similitudes,
chaps, xxxvii.-lxxi., which is assigned by Dr. Charles to some
date between 94 and 64 B.C., there is a curious reference to the
vision of Dan. ii. The passage is so interesting that I give it in
full. The writer, after telling how he had been carried away by a
whirlwind to the confines of heaven, where he had seen all the
visions of that which is hidden, continues as follows :
2 There mine eyes saw all the secret things of heaven that shall
be, a mountain of iron, and a mountain of copper, and a mountain
of silver, and a mountain of gold, and a mountain of soft metal,
and a mountain of lead. 8 And I asked the angel who went with
' '
me, saying, What things are these which I have seen in secret ?-
4 And he said unto me :
All these things which thou hast seen
shall serve the dominion of His Anointed that he may be potent
and mighty on the earth.' 5 And that angel of peace answered,
saying unto me
thee all the secret things which surround the Lord of Spirits.
6 And these mountains which thine eyes have seen, the mountain
of iron, and the mountain of copper, and the mountain of silver,
and the mountain of gold, and the mountain of soft metal, and the
mountain of lead, all these shall be in the presence of the Elect
One, as wax before the fire, and like the water which streams
down from above upon these mountains, and they shall become
powerless before his feet. 7 And it shall come to pass in those
days that none shall be saved, either by gold or by silver, and
none shall be able to escape. 8 And there shall be no iron for war,
nor shall one clothe oneself with a breastplate. Bronze shall be
of no service, and tin shall be of no service and shall not be
esteemed, and lead shall not be desired. 9 And all these things
shall be denied and destroyed from the surface of the earth, when
" 2
the Elect One shall appear before the face of the Lord of Spirits.'
of Chebar and among his own compatriots, but even to the sea-
girt walls of Tyre and among heathen rulers. All these most
legitimate inferences, so well pointed out by Hengstenberg, are
seen to be so many actual facts in the light of the story con-
tained in Dan. ii., so that Ezekiel's reference to the wonderful
discovery described in that story is thus established beyond
doubt. So, then, the first of the marvels contained in this Book
of Daniel is proved to be true. Whyshould not this also be the
case with the marvels that follow, for none of them surpasses
this ? What Daniel discovered was not merely the king's forgotten
dream : but the history of the known world for long ages to
come !
Those who refuse to receive Ezekiel's most conclusive testi-
mony often urge as an objection against the early date of the Book
of Daniel the fact that Jesus, the son of Sirach, writing about
190 B.C., in his list of Jewish worthies makes no mention of Daniel. 1
They point out that while Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the
twelve Minor Prophets collectively are all mentioned by him, not
a word is said about Daniel. If Daniel had been known to
him," writes Dr. Charles, with his roll of achievements
unparalleled in the Old Testament, the writer could hardly have
said, as in xlix. 15, that no one had ever been born like unto
2 I answer that Daniel was known to him, seeing that
he knew the Book of Ezekiel, as is shown by his reference to
Ezekiel's vision of the cherubim, 3 and knowing that Book, he must
at leasthave known fame for superhuman wisdom.
of Daniel's
The unique position which he places Joseph finds a simple
explanation in the fact that when we are looking fixedly in one
direction we sometimes forget what can be seen in other directions.
Now, the writer of Ecclesiasticus had his mind turned in the direc-
tion of the Book of Genesis when he said that there was none like
4 This appears from both the preceding and succeeding
context. In the verse that follows he mentions Shem, Seth, and
A.dam in the verse that goes before he mentions Enoch, and
tells us that there was none like Enoch for he was taken from the
3arth : i.e. Enoch, put in a place by himself in
like Joseph, is
rirtue of his translation from earth to heaven, the writer quite
forgetting for the moment that the same thing had happened to
Elijah and had been mentioned by him not so long before.
Further, his list of worthies leaves out Ezra as well as Daniel, and
ifter stopping short with Nehemiah 7 darts back to the Book of
Messiah. Also, the appearance of the Elect One before the Lord
of Spirits is a reference to the passage in Dan. vii. 13, 14. From
this it appears that the author of the Similitudes looked upon
Dan. ii. and vii. as parallel visions, since in dwelling on a
theme suggested by chap. ii. viz. the idea of the six mountains
he turns for a note of time to the vision of chap. vii. But far
more important than this is the fact that he regards the vision of
Dan. vii. 13, 14 as Messianic. His commentary on that passage
" "
runs thus And there I saw One, who had a head of days
I 2
Book of Enoch, chap. xlvi. 1-3. Ibid, xlviii. 2, 3 ;
cf.Prov. viii. 23, 27.
3 4 5
Ibid. li. 3. Ibid. xlv. 3. Ibid. xlix. 2.
7 8
Ibid, liii 6. Ibid. xlv. 3. Ibid, xlviii. 10.
9 10
Ibid. li. 3 ; cf. Prov. viii. 14. Ibid. xlvi. 4, 5 ;
cf. Luke i. 52.
Ibid. xlix. 3 ; cf. Isa. xi. 2.
Ibid, xlviii. 4 cf. Isa. xlii, 6, xlix. 6 cf. Luke ii. 32.
" Ibid. xlv. 3.
Ibid. xlix. 4.
Ibid. lv. 4.
16 Ibid, li. 1, 2.
" Ibid. Hi. 4.
18 See
the Note at the end of this chapter.
1 2 3
Dan. ix. 24. Matt. xxvi. 63, 64. Luke xxii. 70.
cvhole vision of chap. vii. to ascertain on independent grounds its
ictual meaning.
The seer's most sublime description runs thus : I saw in
;he night visions, and, behold, there came with the clouds of
leaven one like unto a son of man, and he came even to the ancient
)f him near before him. And there was
days, and they brought
riven him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all the
jeoples, nations, and languages should serve him his dominion :
" "
lations, and languages are to serve him." Now, to take the
" "
ingular him in a figurative collective sense when put in such
lose contract with nouns of multitude, such as peoples,"
nations," and languages," is, to say the least, bad taste and
oubtful criticism. And no less strange is it to assign a figurative
" "
leaning to the him," and a literal meaning to the peoples,
ations, and languages." We ask, then, on what grounds does
his interpretation rest ? And the answer is so clearly and fully
iven by the late Dr. Driver that I cannot do better than quote
is words at some length.
In the Book of Daniel itself," writes Dr. Driver, " there is
othing which lends support to the Messianic interpretation,"
iz. of this
passage. In the explanation of the vision which
)llows (vii. 15 ff.), the place occupied by one like unto a son of
lan is taken, not by the Messiah, but by the ideal people of God :
14 the one like unto a son of man
i i?.
appears when the
aminion of the four beasts, and the persecution of the little
3rn,' are both over, and receives a universal kingdom which
lall never pass
away and in vv. 18, 22, 27, when the dominion
that the subject is also the same, and that the one like unto a
' '
of the Most High of v. 18, and the people of the saints of the
Most High of v. 27, i.e. the ideal Israel, for whom in the counsels
altogether, and applies the terms which (ex hyp.) are used of him " l
in vv. 13, 14, to the people of Israel in vv. 18, 22, 27 ?
" "
follows that the saints belong to the vision, and not merely to
its interpretation. They have already appeared in the vision as
a persecuted people. It is, therefore, most unlikely that in its
further development they should be represented in symbol by a
single individual. But inasmuch as the kingdom given to one
" "
like unto a son of man is seen to be given also to the saints,"
we are forced to conclude that the mysterious Person thus described
is the Gocl-appointed Head of the saints."
But by far the most convincing proof of the fallacy of the view
which Dr. Driver so ably maintains, will be found in a careful
analysis of the whole chapter. The vision of Dan. vii. is
Cambridge Bible, Daniel, p. 103.
vv. 13, 14.
(iii) These three sections begin respectively with the
" "
words, I saw in my vision by night," v. 2 ; After this I saw in
the night visions," v. 7 ; "I saw in the night visions," v. 18. The
vision itself closes at the end of v. 14. The remainder of the
chapter consists of questions and explanations. The whole
passage may be briefly analysed thus :
The other beasts are allowed to continue for a time, but are
deprived of their power. " "
Section (iii), vv. 13, 14. One like unto a son of man is
seen coming with the clouds of heaven, and is brought before the
" "
Ancient of Days to receive from Him universal and lasting
First explanation, vv. 15-18 ; given in answer to Daniel's
" " "
question as to the truth concerning all this by one of them
that stood by," and exceedingly brief to the effect that the four
beasts picture four kingdoms which will arise out of the earth,
but that finally the kingdom will be given to the saints of the
" "
Most High who will possess it for ever, even for ever and ever."
Further information desired by Daniel, vv. 19-22, as to the
terrible fourth beast, its ten horns, and more especially as to the
" "
little horn which he had already seen making war with the
saints and prevailing against them until the holding of the great
Second and longer explanation, vv. 28-27, dealing with the
points inquired about, and followed by a strengthened reiteration
that the kingdom in all its greatness and universality will be given
" "
to the people of the saints of the Most High and that it will
last for ever.
Abrupt end of"the conversation, v. 28 a ; Here is the end of
the matter," i.e. Do not ask any more." These are the words
of the interpreting angel and not of Daniel. Compare the close
of the vision in chap, viii., where, as here, as soon as the angel has
done speaking, the seer goes on to tell us the effect of the vision
upon himself.
It appears, then, from the above analysis that section (hi), the
coming of one like unto' a son of man," is left unexplained.
There is thus no solid ground whatever for the view that by
" " "
one like unto a son of man we are to understand the people
of the saints of the Most High transformed into a race of super-
natural beings not only is the context against such an interpre-
be driven through the desert, where there is neither city nor track
of men, where wild beasts seek their food and birds fly free, a
lonely wanderer among the rocks and ravines and that I, before
these things were put into my mind, had met with a happier
end Having uttered this prophecy he forthwith disappeared,
heard (in the former work to the king, in the latter through him) :
and finally the doom pronounced in both is similar though its
object differs. But neither form of the story is borrowed from the
other, though that of Abydenus is more primitive, while that in
Daniel has been transformed to serve a didactic aim." In this
and the following chapter I propose to adduce from the contem-
porary inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar and his father Nabopolassar
certain facts, circumstances, and royal utterances, which have led
me to an exactly opposite conclusion to the one just quoted ;
leaving it to a future chapter to show that the legend of
Megasthenes is a gross distortion of the actual story, artfully con-
cocted to serve a political purpose.
To lighten our subject, and at the same time to impart additional
interest to it, let me begin at the point where the two stories come
into closest contact. Both the Book of Daniel and the legend
of Megasthenes represent the king as walking upon his palace" at
the time when the terrible calamity overtook him. Upon is
the strict rendering of the Aramaic preposition in Dan. iv. 29,
and it agrees with the Itt\ to. fiaaiXifia of Megasthenes. By
this term the late Dr. Driver understood on the roof of," referring
to 2 Sam. xi. 2. This, however, would give the idea of a flat
In Josephus c. Apion, i. 20, Berosus says that toward the close of his
eign Nebuchadnezzar fell into a feeble state of health and died." Hengsten-
:>erg argues very forcibly that
the Greek expression here used ijAireo-wv els
signifies that his death was preceded by a lengthened
state of
lebility, viz. by the madness recorded in Dan iv., and that the historian
nakes no mention of his recovery because it was followed shortly after by his
Cory's Ancient Fragments, enlarged by E. R. Hodge, p. 88.
See The Excavations at Babylon, by Robert Koldewey, pp. 91-100, also
he plate given on p. 73.
* 6
Strabo, xvi. 1, 5. Josephus c. Apion, i. 19.
identify them with the vaulted building described above, which
stood close to the noble Ishtar Gate, it mil be seen that they also
stood on high ground, as the following extract from Koldewey
bears witness : The Kasr roadway lies high, 12 5 metres above
zero, and slopes gently up from the north to the Ishtar Gateway.
Before the time of Nebuchadnezzar it was considerably lower,
but as he placed the entire palace on a level higher than that of
its predecessor, he was forced also to raise the roadway. In con-
sequence of this ice can to-day enjoy the glorious view oier the whole
city as far as the outer icalls."
Besides being a lofty structure and
standing on an elevated site, the position of the vaulted building
was also a central one, from which the monarch could survev on
all sides some of his principal works. To the north was the
Northern citadel with its lofty rampart looking towards Sippar :
to the east, the great outer wall of Babylon to the south, the
massive and lofty temple-tower of Merodach, E-temen-an-ki, the
temple of the foundation-stone of heaven and earth," begun by
his father and completed by himself to the west, the most daring
of all his buildings, a fortress rising out of the bed of the Euphrates.
It only remains to add that when walking upon this building the
king was literally walking upon the royal palace of Babylon,"
for. as Koldewey points out, the reason why the Hanging Gardens
were looked upon as one of the seven wonders of the world lay in
the fact that they were planted upon the roof of an occupied
building, a building which on account of its coolness appears to
have been in constant use.
It may well have been, then, that from the steep acclivities of
these gardens the fatal words were spoken : Is not this great
Babylon, which I have built ? ruins of Babylon, no less than
the inscriptions, bear witness that this was no empty boast.
Nebuchadnezzar was one of the greatest builders of antiquity,
probably the greatest. He seems to have been possessed with a
perfect rage for building in his own expressive words,
heart impelled me." Accordingly his inscriptions are most truly
" "
described as Building Inscriptions ; and Langdon has found
it possible from the nature of the various
buildings, which form
the principal subjects of the different inscriptions, as well as from
the mention made in them of other buildings already completed,
to arrange the inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar in something of
chronological order, at any rate for the earlier part of the reign,
Koldewey, Excavations, p. 25. It is true that the lower parts of the
vaulted building, being intended probably for cellars and storehouses, he
below the level of the palace in which it stands, but the superstructure, which
the arches were intended to support, must have towered aloft.
viz. 604 to 586 B.C. 1 For the later period, 586 to 561 B.C., we
have only four inscriptions. One of these, the great Wady Brissa
Inscription, must be placed circa 586 B.C. Another, a brief but
important fragment from the Annals, refers to the king's 37th year,
567 B.C. But we are still at a loss as to the date of the two latest
building inscriptions, and are unable to determine how long the
royal builder continued his activities, what exactly were his latest
works, and what their sequence.
The building inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar which have so
far been discovered are forty-nine in all. Many of them are six
or eight-lined inscriptions, found chiefly on bricks, either stamped
or written, and often found in situ, enabling the explorer to
identify the different buildings. Indeed, so great is the help that
the king gives us from these brick inscriptions, when taken in
conjunction with the longer accounts found on tablets and
cylinders, that it would be no very difficult thing to supply the
modern tourist with A Guide to Babylon, by Nebuchadnezzar."
Of the longer inscriptions, some relate to special buildings, such
as the great East Wall of Babylon, the Libil-khigalla canal, and
various temples in Babylon and other cities. Others, about a
dozen in number, take a wider range, and refer to various works
besides the one which forms the special subject of each separate
inscription. It is these longer and more comprehensive docu-
ments which, thanks to the literary method adopted, enable us
to arrange the various buildings in something of a chronological
order. They contain two very enlightening
clauses the first:
the king who restored thee, grant blessings. When with sound of
many voices Merodach enters to abide in thee, recall to the mind
" 6
of Merodach, my lord, my pious deeds !
1 2
Building Inscriptions, p. 75. Ibid. p. 16.
3 4
Ibid. p. 20. Ibid. pp. 61, 83, 155.
8 6
Ibid. pp. 67, 95, 111, 115. Ibid, p. 151.
Vorderasiatische Bibliothek 4, Die Neubabylonischen Eonigsinschriften,
p. 207.
Jer. xliii. 8-13. For an interesting account of Tahpanhes and the actual
spot on which in all probability the king of Babylon pitched his pavilion, seo
Flinders Petrie's Ten Years' Digging in Egypt, p. 50.
Especially by building on the N.E. the long line of the great outer wall.
Building Inscriptions, p. 173.
Records of the Past, New Series, vol. iii. p. 117.
by a flood, and the raising of the Procession Street had caused
its gates to Accordingly Nebuchadnezzar determined to
fall in.
it. My
royal decisions, my imperial commands, I caused to go
forth from it." 2 This palace appears to have been erected before
the year 595 B.C. At some time after its erection the royal builder,
as though apprehensive of an attack from the river, set to work
to build up from the bed of the Euphrates a western outwork.
In the foundations of this remarkable building were found
chambers with walls of immense thickness as though to keep out
the water. These may possibly have been used as dungeons.
It is of this building that the king gives the following description :
For the protection of Esagila and Babylon, that evil may not
be done against her, in the river Euphrates a great fortress in the
river of mortar and brick I caused to be made. Its foundation
I laid 3
upon the abyss,
its top I raised mountain-high."
When the Old Palace had been rebuilt some years, we know
not how long, the king began to find it too small. Accordingly
he set to work to collect material for its enlargement, and made
use of his Palestinian campaign in 588-589 B.C. to bring from the
Lebanon a fresh store of cedar beams for the roofing and after ;
his return from that campaign took a good look round," 4 as
he tells us, to see in which direction to enlarge it. This soon led
him to the conclusion that there was no more ground to be obtained
in the Old City, seeing that he was
unwilling to disturb the sacred
Procession Street on the east, or to cross the Libil-khigalla canal
on the south and thus encroach on the domain of Morodach.
Koldewey 'e Excavations, p. 118.
Building Inscriptions, p. 89.
Ibid. p. 105.
Eapshish ashte'ema. India House Inscription, col. viii. 41.
On the west he was hemmed in by the river. Thus the north was
the only side which offered any opportunity for expansion. But
to do this he must go beyond the old city walls, Imgur-Bel and
Nimiitti-Bel, which bounded his palace on that side. This led
it filled with
sculptures for the masses of the people to behold.
The awe of power, the dread of the splendour of sovereignty its
sides begird and the bad unrighteous man cometh not within
it. That the wicked man might not show his face against the wall
of Babylon, his attacking spear I kept at a distance. Babylon
I made strong like a mountain." 7 The last words well explain
the king's reason for building the stone wall. The palaces of
Imgur-Bel was the wall and Nimitti-Bel the rampart.
The two
walls formed one duru or "fortification," and as it rose up
a mountain," it seems probable that the inner wall towered above the
outer. Cf. the illustration given at p. 404 of Pinches' Old Test, 1st ed.
Koldewey 's Excavations, p. 157, fig. 98.
The same statement is made in an extract from Berosus quoted in
Josephus c. Apion, i. 19.
Excavations, p. 158.
Ibid. pp. 177, 178.
India House Inscription, col. ix. 22-44.
wjbbhjju " <nn
Building Inscriptions, Nebuchadnezzar, xiv. col. ii. 39. Berosus makes
the same statement. Cf. Joseph. Ant. x. 11, 1.
Joscphus c. Apion, i. 19.
Building Inscriptions, No. xiv. Cf. also p. 38.
See Frontispiece.
marks the site of the great outer wall, so often referred to in the
inscriptions. At the point where it terminates, almost due north
of the Kasr, rises the square mound called Babil, which stands
out from the line of the wall and faces the four points of the
compass. Babil, which is only half the size of the Kasr, is the
most northerly of the three mounds which mark the site of ancient
Babylon. It still awaits excavation. Koldewey assures us that
it contains many courts and chambers, both large and small,
long that line to a point where it meets the line of the south-
eastern wall of the city, and then bisect it, we shall find that the
point of bisection coincides with the central point of the eastern
wall of the acropolis, where stood the Hanging Gardens. Further,
if we suppose about a third of the city to have stood on the western
close by stood one of the king's* most splendid works, the noble
Ishtar Gate ; 2 a double gateway, its walls covered with bulls
and sirrushes 3 in high relief. This gateway, which stood on the
old city walls, still rises to a height of 39 feet. The approach to
it from the north lay between strong fortress walls, on which were
in this later age. Howeasily might they cause the heart of him,
at whose fiat they were called into existence, to swell with pride
as he looked down upon them from the steep slopes of the Hanging
Gardens * In his inscriptions, indeed, Nebuchadnezzar is careful
to utter prayers ;
but here, in the midst of his great works, he
forgets the warning dream of a year ago, and indulges in an
independent, godless, self-centred spirit, unconsciously betraying
the leading motive which animated him in his proud buildin
career: "Is not this great Babylon, which I have built for the
royal dwelling-place,
by the might of my power and for the glory
of my majesty ? No sooner were the words spoken than with
lightning speed the sentence of judgment fell king Nebuchad-
Excavations, fig. 46.
upon its feet as a man, and a man's heart was given it. Inscription
No. 17 according to Langdon the earliest of the inscriptions which
belong to the second period of the reign, 600-593 B.C. brings
this out very clearly. In this inscription the king's empire is seen
to be already firmly established. Not a word is said about war,
and all his subjects from far and near the peoples, nations,
and languages," of Dan. iv. 1 are summoned to help him complete
the lofty temple-tower of Babylon. Already the great tree begins
from all lands, and from every inhabited place, from the Upper
Sea to the Lower Sea, 1 from distant lands, the people of far-away
habitations, kings of distant mountains and remote regions by
the Upper and the Lower Seas, 2 with whose strength Merodach
the lord had filled hand that they should bear his yoke. I
summoned also the subjects of Shamash and Merodach 3
to build
The kings of the remote district
by the Upper Sea, the kings
of the remoteby the Lower Sea, the princes of the land
of the Hittites 4 beyond the Euphrates westward, over whom 1
exercise lordship by the command of Merodach my lord, these
brought great cedars from the mountain of Lebanon unto my
city of Babylon."
of my head troubled me." I saw, and behold a tree in the midst
of the earth, the height thereof was great.
and Tlie tree grew and was
strong, the height thereof reached unto heaven, 21 and the sight
thereof to the end of all the earth. The leaves thereof were fair, and
the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all : the beasts of the
fieldhad shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the
branches thereof, and all flesh was fed of it." 3 Clearly the great
tree seen in the king's vision coincided exactly with that idea of
empire which Nebuchadnezzar had placed before himself, and
had so successfully striven to realise. It signified lofty greatness
and far-extended rule, peace and prosperity, shelter and security,
for all who dwelt beneath his sway. It was a visible representation
of the monarch's own words, Underneath her everlasting shadow
I gathered all men in peace." In this tree there was much
" " "
fruit and meat for all," so that all flesh was fed of it," for
the king tells us that his reign was a reign of abundance, years
of plenty," and that in Babylon he has stored up vast heaps of
grain beyond measure."
But there was another reason why according to natural laws
the vision took this form in the mind of the royal dreamer.
Nebuchadnezzar had a great admiration for the giants of the forest,
and was a lover of the woodman's art. If there was one spot in
the whole of his vast empire, with the sole exception of Babylon,
more dear to him than another, it was the cedar forest in the
Lebanon. The longest, and quite one of the most important
inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar, has been met with in the Lebanon.
It was written, indeed, to record the long list of his building
achievements, but specially his conquest of that much-coveted
district, and is found carved in duplicate on the rocks of Wady
Brissa, a valley west of the Upper Orontes, and at a point not
far from that river, where the ancient road from Babylon to the
Mediterranean passes between two steep cliffs. The inscription
on the north side of the defile is written in archaic characters.
Wady Brissa, Inscription B, col. viii. 34.
Nebuchadnezzar in his inscriptions appears always impressed with size
and height, but particularly with the latter. It will be noticed that in Dan. iv.
10, 11, he twice alludes to the height of the tree.
3 Dan. iv.
4, 5, 10-12.
For the granaries in Babylon see Jer. I. 26, R.V.M.
properly to the subject of my last chapter, but for the sake of the
2 which
enumishu clause, always contains the principal matter of
an inscription, i.e. the subject which led to its being written, I
have reserved the Wady Brissa Inscription to be treated of in this
present chapter.
It is an almost unique thing for Nebuchadnezzar, or indeed
any of the Neo-Babylonian kings, to give us any account of their
conquests, but for once in the Wady Brissa Inscription this rule
is broken, and we find in the enumishu clause an account of the
troops for scouring the country. Its enemy on the heights and in
the valleys I drove out, and I made the heart of the country to
rejoice. Its scattered peoples I gathered together, and restored
1 a
Anabasis, ii. 4, 12. See the last chapter.
to their place. That which no other king had done, I did. The
steep mountains I cut through, the rocks of the mountain I
shattered, I opened the passes, a road for the cedars I smoothed.
Before the king Merodach, mighty cedars, tall and strong, of costly
value, whose dark forms towered aloft, the massive growth of
Lebanon, like a bundle of reeds ... I transported in the shape
of rafts ... by the Arakhtu into Babylon. Tsarbati wood . . .
amongst all that motley multitude there was one figure which
more than any other would have attracted our attention the
great king of Babylon himself, taking his part in the work. As
for me," he writes in the Wady Brissa Inscription, I set my heart
to the building of it," viz. the temple-tower. Mighty cedars,
which grew in the forest on the Lebanon, with my clean hands
I cut down and assigned for its adornment." 4 Does he mean that
he cut them down with his own hands ? Yes certainly ! for :
" "
otherwise the words with my clean hands would bear no
meaning. Only a little further on in the inscription the king makes
the same assertion, when speaking of the decoration of the shrine
Wady Brissa, Inscription B, col. ix.
2 Kings xxiv. 7.
Ibid. 11.
Wady Brissa, Inscription A, col. iv.
of Nebo in his temple at Borsippa. All such acts were done by
him most religiously, just as when in his boyhood's days he and
his younger brother Nabu-shum-lishir, led on by their royal
father Nabopolassar, had laboured on the lower stages of E-temen-
an-ki. So then when the king speaks of his clean hands," the
words must be understood in a ritual, ceremonial sense, and
possibly also in a moral sense.
But whichever way we take them,
they must needs mean that the king cut down trees with his own
hands. And, indeed, such a view is amply borne out by a remark-
able passage in the prayer with which inscription No. 17 con-
cludes : "0
Merodach, my lord, champion of the gods, possessor
of power, at thy command the city of the gods has been builded,
its bricks fashioned, its street renewed, its temples completed.
At thy exalted word, which changes not, may my wood-cutting
prosper ! work of my hands come to completion / 2
may the
But should it be said that in the above passage the words
" " "
my wood-cutting mean only the wood-cutting done at my
command," then we can point to a yet more convincing proof,
still to be seen on the rocks of Wady Brissa. Between the fifth
and sixth columns of the Neo-Babylonian inscription a figure is
depicted in low relief, looking to the left, and attired in a pointed
head-dress, closely resembling the mitre of a mediaeval bishop,
to which is attached at the back a kind of puggaree. This remark-
able head-dress the only part of the bas-relief in anything like
Cf. Ps. xxiv. 4.
In his Building Inscriptions of the New Babylonian Empire, p. 151,
Langdon renders the word is-tag-ga-a-a by that in which I am interested."
In his later work, Die Neubabylonischen Konigsinschriften, p. 149, this word
is translated mein Holzfallen." As
explained by this
distinguished Sumerian
soholar, istagga a loan-word from the Sumerian GIS-TAG=the Assyrian
the very wood and stones, which the tyrant employs in his great
buildings, shall bear witness to the robbery and injustice by
" "
which they were procured. Woe," therefore, to him that
buildeth a town with blood, and establisheth a city by iniquity.
Behold, is it not of the Lord of hosts that the peoples labour for
the fire, and the nations weary themselves for vanity." 4 Here is
a reference to that motley gathering in the Lebanon of peoples
from all parts of the empire to cut down timber, so graphically
described in inscription No. 17 : "All peoples of scattered habi-
tations, whom Merodach bestowed upon me, I compelled to do
service." 5
WissenscTiaftliche Veroffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient Oesellschaft,
Heft 5 (1906).
Hab. ii. 9, Cent. Bible, footnote in loco.
Inscription No. 9, col. iii. 36.
Hab. ii. 11-13. Compare Jeremiah li. 58, in his prophecy of the fall
of Babylon.
Compare the levy raised by Solomon, which was also for work in the
Lebanon. 1 Kings iv. 6 ; v. 14 ; and ix. 15.
But the king's visit to the Lebanon in 597 B.C. was not only
spent in wood-cutting. Like his royal predecessors on the throne
of Assyria he devoted himself to the pleasures of the chase. 1
" "
Along with the violence done to Lebanon Habakkuk mentions
the destruction of the beasts." 2 This also is illustrated on the
rocks of Wady Brissa. A second bas-relief is found, in the archaic
inscription on the north side of the road, which occupies the entire
height of the inscription no less than ten feet and is carved on
its left side. It represents a man undoubtedly the king holding
with his left hand at arm's length a lion in the act of springing,
while his right hand grasps a club with which he is about to
despatch the brute. Strange to say no explanation of this bas-
relief is found in the inscription, nor any lacuna in which it would
be likely to occur. Weissbach suggests that the picture is intended
to commemorate some special adventure that the king has had with
a lion in the Lebanon but this seems to me unlikely. As in the
case of the other royal effigy, the meaning of this bas-relief must
be sought in its position in the inscription. Now we notice that
the king's figure is placed close to the dedication to Gula, who
enlarges the renown of my reign." Gula is the consort of Ninib,
the god of war. She is also specially the goddess of health, and
along with the epithet just quoted is described in the course of the
inscription as Gula the protectress of life who enlivens my
spirit." Field sports, such as lion-hunting, are a mimic warfare.
They require both strength and courage, and are attended with
more or less
bodily danger. We may, then, take the two bas-
reliefs together, and look upon them, not merely as designed to
show how the king spent his time in the Lebanon, viz. in hunting
and wood-cutting, but rather to exhibit him to the inhabitants of
that district as lord of the forest and its denizens, able to hew down
the unsubmissive 3 and by his irresistible prowess to overcome
the might of his foes.
The inscriptions and bas-reliefs of Wady Brissa, though a re-
miniscence of the great wood-cutting in 597 B.C., were as a matter
of fact carved some ten years later, viz. during the interval 588 to
586 B.C., on the occasion of the king's third visit to Palestine, at
the time of the siege of Jerusalem and at the close of the reign of
Zedekiah. The conquest of the Lebanon, followed by a second
wood-cutting described towards the close of the inscription, must
be assigned to this interval. When, then, we remember that in the
Cf. Dan. ii. 38.
Hab. ii. 17.
This thought may be compared with the text at the head of this chapter.
He who has hewn down others is to be hewn down himself.
next year after the fall of Jerusalem, viz. in 585 B.C., commenced
the thirteen years' siege of Tyre, 1 it seems exceedingly likely that
" " "
the words another god another king," which occur
. . .
made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the
beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow
dwelt all great nations." 1 It has been asserted that the imagery
of the king's dream in Dan. iv. is clearly borrowed to a
" 2
considerable extent from this passage. But against this we
must remember, first, that the comparison of men to trees is a
very frequent one, and secondly, that just what Ezekiel does not
mention, viz. the great fruitfulness of the tree, so emphatically
stated in Dan.iv.,is in exact correspondence with Nebuchadnezzar's
own description of his kingdom. Speaking of his beloved Babylon
he says, Underneath her everlasting shadow I gathered all men
in peace," and then adds immediately after, vast heaps of grain
beyond measure I stored up within her." It is, therefore, more
reasonable to look upon the description of the vision in Dan. iv.
as coming from the lips of the actual Nebuchadnezzar than to
regard it as the imaginative composition of a later writer who
borrows his imagery from the Book of Ezekiel. This view, it
will be noticed, presupposes that Nebuchadnezzar was in some
measure the author, or at any rate the inspirer, of his own
inscriptions. In a later chapter further reasons will be adduced
for believing that this was really the case. In Herodotus,
book vii. 19, the historian tells us how Xerxes dreamed that he
was crowned with a shoot of an olive tree, from which boughs
spread out and covered the whole earth. If Xerxes could dream
thus, influenced possibly by the recollection of some festal day,
how much more easily might Nebuchadnezzar dream the vision
of Dan. iv., his mind reverting to those happy busy days spent
in wood-cutting on the heights of the Lebanon ?
I have imagined the tree seen by Nebuchadnezzar in his vision
to have been a cedar, but in the point referred to above it differed
Ezek. xxxi. 3, 6.
Cent. Bible, Dan. iv. 10-17, footnote.
Cf. Judg. ix. 8 ; Ps. i. 3, xxxvii. 35, xcii. 12 ; Isa. x. 19, lxi. 3 ; Jer. xvii. 8 ;
of the way of the falling giant was all natural enough to one
accustomed to work in the forest. True, the order given to leave
the stump in the ground, encircled with a band of iron and brass,
had something strange about it, for a cedar once cut down cannot
spring up again. But the king's fears can hardly have been
awakened until the angel began to disclose the inner meaning of
the vision Let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of
the earth let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's
heart be given unto him and let seven times pass over him." 5
For now it was indicated, not uncertainly, that the great tree
represented some person, and in Nebuchadnezzar's conception of
the character of his kingdom whom could it so well represent as
himself ? That it did represent him, was proved unmistakably
by the angel's closing words : The sentence is by the decree
of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones :
to the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth
in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and
setteth up over itthe lowest of men." 6
These last words must have fallen like a thunder-clap on the
ears of the startled king, for they referred to a fact of which the
monarch was perfectly cognisant, albeit in the course of his long
1 2
Dan. iv. 12. Wady Brissa, Inscription B, col. ix. 39-41.
In that part of the Wady Brissa Inscription which refers to the king's
doings in the Lebanon, the references to Merodach are remarkably frequent.
Lebanon is " the forest of Merodach " the king goes thither " in the strength
of Nebo and Merodach the cedar beams are transported thence to Babylon
" before
Merodach the king " finally, Merodach ia proclaimed "the lord
of his building operations.
Dan. iv. 13. Ibid. 15, 16. Ibid. 17.
and successful career he must almost have lost sight of it, viz.
the very humble origin of his family. Instead of the lowest of
men," the A.V. has the basest of men." Dr. Driver is careful
" " " "
to point out that in Old English base means low," humble,"
not necessarily wicked," and that the Aramaic word here used
appears in its Hebrew form in Job v. 11, "He setteth up on high
those that be low," and again in Ps. cxxxviii. 6, Though the
Lord be high, yet hath he respect to the lowly." 1
The astonishing rise of the family of Nebuchadnezzar from the
lowliest condition hitherto known to us only from this Book of
Daniel is stated with the greatest plainness in an inscription of
his father Nabopolassar, which for this reason as well as for
its historical interest deserves to be reproduced as it stands. 2
The record runs thus :
Nabopolassar, the just king, the shepherd called of Merodach,
the offspring of Nin-menna, 3 great and illustrious queen of queens,
holding the hand of Nebo and Tasmit, the prince the beloved of
Ea am I. When I in my littleness, the son of a nobody, 5 sought
faithfully after the sacred places of Nebo and Merodach, my lords :
when my mind pondered how to establish their decrees, and to
complete their abodes, and my ears were opened to justice and
righteousness when Merodach who knows the hearts of the gods
of heaven and earth, who sees the ways of men most clearly, had
perceived the intention of me, the insignificant, who among men
was not visible,
6 and in the land where I was born had designed me
for the chieftainship and for the rulership of the land and people
over whom
I was nominated, and had sent a good genius to go at
my when he had prospered all that I had done, and had
side :
the days of old ruled over all men, I, the weak, the feeble, 1 in
dependence on the lord of lords, in the strong might of Nebo and
Merodach my lords, held back their feet from the land of Akkad
and broke their yoke."
The emphasis with which Nabopolassar here speaks of his
" "
lowly origin is very marked. He is the son of a nobody ;
quoted at the beginning of the last chapter, writing about 300 B.C.,
carries the arms of Nebuchadnezzar to Libya and even to Iberia.
So, then, in this brief statement, setteth up over it the lowest
of men," we have a clear indication that the writer was a con-
temporary of Nebuchadnezzar, and might be supposed to be
personally conversant with the events
he records. This being
granted, it is inconceivable how any contemporary writer,
his narrative of the events leading up to the king's madness were
a record of what actually took place, would ever have dared to
make such a plain statement as to the very humble origin of the
reigning dynasty and to put it into the lips of
an angel as the
telling close of a stern message of
condemnation. Thus the words
are a voucher, not only for the age of the Book of Daniel, but also
for the truth of the story.
iii. 80, where two impostors claim to be Nebuchadnezzar the son of Nabonidus.
" The
Inscription paints for us in unfading colours a portrait of the man
Nebuchadnezzar ; it exhibits in the vivid light of actuality his pride of place
and power and greatness, his strong conviction of his own divine call to
universal empire, his passionate devotion to his gods, his untiring labours for
their glory and the aggrandisement of that peerless capital which was their
chosen dwelling-place." Rev. C. J. Ball on the India House Inscription.
This is the correct translation in Dan. ii. 45.
And here we may
well pause to inquire how, in a religion
characterised by gods many and lords many," this mono-
theistic character is to be accounted for.
whilst Babylon took the place of Nippur as the city of the gods.
The gods who had gathered round the older shrine of Nippur
were supposed now to assemble at E-sag-ila, the temple of Mero-
dach at Babylon. Nippur itself, though a flourishing commercial
city at the close of the Assyrian empire, is not so much as named
in the inscriptions of the Neo-Babylonian kings. Indeed, accord-
ing to Dr. Peters, the temple of the original Enlil in that city was
destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar or one of his successors.
All this
is most significant of the jealous care with which the religious
supremacy of Babylon was guarded by the kings of the New
Previous to the rise of the New Babylonian empire, when
Assyria held the reins of power, her warrior kings very naturally
" "
claimed the Enlilship for their national god Ashur. Hence
Sennacherib, when dedicating an image to Ashur, extols his god
as king of the totality of the gods, lord of all gods, creator of
the heaven of Anu, creator of mankind, dwelling in the resplendent
heaven, the Enlil of the gods." 2 In fact, according to Jastrow,
the supremacy of Ashur in Assyria was even more pronounced
than that of Merodach at Babylon but, as the same authority
Everlasting prince,
Lord of all that is,
for the king whom thou lovest,
whose name thou proclaimest,
who is pleasing to thee :
1 a
Building Inscriptions, p. 20. Jastrqw,
* India House 51 to
Inscription, col. i. ii. 1.
p. 96
up my hands
I lifted :
lord Merodach,
wisest of the gods,
mighty prince,
thou it was that createdst me,
with sovereignty over multitudes of people that didst invest
Like dear life I love thy exalted lodging 'place :
in 7io place have I made a town more
glorious than thy city of
According as I love the fear of thy divinity,
and seek after thy lordship,
favourably regard the lifting up of my hands,
hear my supplication !
From the time that Merodach created me for sovereignty,
that Nebo his true son committed his subjects to me,
like dear life I love the
building of their dwelling-place,
I have made no town more glorious than Babylon and
Here they are repeated with some alteration, and inserted in the
Ninib isMerodach of the garden (?).
Nergal isMerodach of war.
Zagaga is Merodach of battle.
Enlil is Merodach of lordship and dominion.
Nebo is Merodach of trading.
Sin is Merodach the illuminator of the night.
Shamash is Merodach of righteousness.
Bimmon is Merodach of rain." 2
The king who altered the plans of his architects see above, Chapter VII.
would be the very person to alter the draft copies of his scribes.
8 Pinches' Old " " "
Testament, p. 58, 1st edn., where for Bel read Enlil."
1 "
By the subjects of the Enlil, Shamash and Merodach," we may under-
stand the people of Babylonia proper, of which Babylon and Sippar were the
chief towns. Sippar, though doubtless much inferior to Babylon, must have
been a place of considerable importance. It was considered an outpost of
Babylon on the north, and, like that city, stood on either side of the Euphrates.
The site was discovered by Rassam in 1881 in the mound of Abu Habba.
Inscriptions 9 and 17 are believed by Langdon to have been written
before 593 B.C.
Langdon 's Neubabylonische Inschriften, Nabonid. No. 3, col. ii. 10, 11.
* Ibid.
Nabonid. No. 4, col. i. 51, 52.
After that the lord my god had created me,
that Merodach had framed the creature in the mother,
when I was born,
when I was created, even I,
the sanctuaries of the god I regarded,
the way of the god I walked in.
Of Merodach, the great lord, the god my creator,
his cunning works highly do I extol.
Of Nebo, his true son, the beloved of my majesty,
the way of his exalted godhead highly do I praise ;
with all my true heart
I love the fear of their godhead,
I worship their lordship."
In his high trust,
to far-off lands,
to distant hills,
Langdon's Nexibabylonische, Inschriften, Nabonid. No. 1, cf. col. i. 23 with
col. iii. 23, 34.
See the remarks of the Rev. C. J. Ball in Records of the Past, New Series,
voL iii.
p. 103.
from the Upper Sea
to the Lower Sea,
steep roads,
blocked ways,
places where the path is broken,
where there was no track,
difficult marches,
roads through the desert,
I pursued :
a large abundance,
the produce of mountains,
the fulness of seas,
a rich present,
a splendid gift,
to my city of Babylon
into his presence I brought."
I Nebuchadnezzar was at rest in mine house,
and flourishing in my palace.
I saw a dream which made me afraid,
and the visions of my head troubled me."
I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth,
and the height thereof was great."
The tree grew and was strong,
and the height thereof reached unto heaven,
and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth."
* * * * *
" The leaves thereof were
and the fruit thereof much,
and in it was meat for all."
The beasts of the field had shadow under it,
and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the branches thereof,
and all flesh was fed of it."
scatter his fruit,
the beasts get away from under
and the fowls from his branches."
That in the king's vision the angel should speak to him in his
own literary style is what we should expect.
For parallelism in a hymn of praise we take the following
beautiful and touching passage, in which the king describes how
he recovered his senses after a long period of madness.
And at the end of the days
I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes to heaven,
and mine understanding returned unto me,
and I blessed the Most High,
and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever ;
he might be driven through the desert, where there is neither city nor track
of men, where wild beasts seek their food and birds fly free, a lonely wanderer
among the rocks and ravines, and that I, before these things were put into
my mind, had met with a happier end Having uttered this prophecy he
IN true
for the belief that the story told us in Dan. iv. is a
I now turn back to explain to the best of my
power the legend of Megasthenes, with which I started, and which
stands at the head of this chapter. This legend, it will be
observed, exhibits five points of contact with the story told us in
the Book of Daniel.
(i) The calamity which befell Nebuchadnezzar is described in
" "
the Book of Daniel as happening when he was at rest and
flourishing in his palace," and in the legend, as taking place
after this," viz. after an unbroken career of victories and
In Daniel the calamity is described as a certain kind of
denotes one who puts an intelligible meaning to the ravings of the p.6.vTis.
2 " "
Beasts of the field very frequently denotes wild beasts. Cf. Exod.
xxiii. 29.
3 " "
This lies words thou art the head of gold
in the thus identifying :
the empire of Babylon with the rule of Nebuchadnezzar. A^o in the king's
words as given in Dan. iv. 3, "
His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,"
there appears to be a realisation of the passing nature of his own kingdom of
hails from Haran, and that he cares much more for the worship
of Sin and his son Shamash than for that of the Babylonian
Merodach. Ur, Sippar, and Haran are more to him than Babylon,
but especially Haran. Lastly, by his course of action, or rather
inaction, he has betrayed his country.
Nabonidus, the last king of Babylon, is a character of whom
we would gladly know more but piecing together the few scraps
Jpper Sea to the Lower Sea, are summoned to take part in the
vork, as well as the kings, princes, priests, and people, whom Sin,
Shamash, and Ishtar have committed to his care. Merodach,
t is true, is not forgotten. It was a dream-vision, sent by
Merodach the great lord and Sin the light of heaven and earth,"
vhich first prompted him to undertake the work. But whilst
Merodach is there named first, he is practically subordinated to
>in, in whose honour the work is done. Along with his love of
ebuilding temples Nabonidus manifests strong antiquarian and
listorical tastes. He delights in finding out from the foundation
ylinders the histories of the temples he is rebuilding. Such
astes he would naturally acquire from his early surroundings,
lis aged father, who could look back to the days of Ashurbanipal,
vould delight to recall the past, and from his lips Nabonidus would
arly learn that sequence of historical events which he gives us
n his stele.
Chosen by his fellow-conspirators to succeed Labarosoarchod, 4
he young son of Neriglissar, Nabonidus appears at the beginning
f his
reign to have been an undoubted favourite. The legend
alls him the boast of the Assyrians," i.e. the Babylonians ;
nd the king himself tells us how at his election to the sovereign
lower they all conducted me to the midst of the palace, cast
hemselves en masse at my feet, and did homage to my majesty.
L.t the command of Merodach my lord was I raised up to the
Meanwhile the defence of the country was left in the hands of his
son Belshazzar, so that year by year we meet with the notice,
The king was in Tema the king's son, the nobles, and his
theirown discomfiture and Daniel's success, and at the same time
to make use of it thus twisted to further their own seditious aims.
So then, as Nebuchadnezzar was a name to conjure by in the early-
period of the Persian rule no less than in the closing years of the
Babylonian empire, they would not hesitate to take away the
traitor the very last words that fell from his lips ere he was
snatched from us Would that, before he betrayed his fellow-
The inscription of the father of Nabonidus is given by Langdon
in his Neubabylonischen pp. 288-295.
Inschriften, See also
pp. 57, 58. It was found by Pognon at Eski-Harran, a mile
east of Haran, and possesses such unique interest that I venture
to give an extract. The old priest has been telling with very
natural pride and exultation how his son Nabonidus king of
Babylon has rebuilt the temple of Sin in Haran and brought back
the images of the gods. He then continues thus thing: "A
which Sin the king of the gods had never done before, had never
granted to any one, out of his love to me [he did for me,] because
I reverenced his divinity and took hold of his robe. Sin the king
of the gods lifted up my head and gave me a good name in the
country. He gave me besides, a long life, years of joy of heart.
From the time of Ashurbanipal king of Assyria to the sixth year
of Nabonidus king of Babylon the son the offspring of my heart
one hundred and four happy years before Sin the king of the
gods he gave to my heart, and kept me alive. As for me, my
eyesight my memory is excellent, my hands and feet are
is clear,
sound, my words are in high esteem, my eating and drinking are
normal, and my teeth "... Here the record becomes illegible,
but farther on the old man tells us how diligently he has per-
formed his sacrificial duties and then a note is added by some
other hand to the effect that he himself was carried away by fate
in the sixth year of Nabonidus king of Babylon, and received
honourable burial at the hands of his royal son.
fifth chapter of Daniel introduces us to Belshazzar, i.e.
THE Bel-sharra-utsur, Bel protect the king," the eldest son of
Nabonidus the last king of Babylon. Before the discovery
and decipherment of the cuneiform inscriptions the Belshazzar
of Dan. v. was almost as great a puzzle as the Sargon of Isa. xxi.
Commentators were then as much in the dark over this king as
" "
they still are over the queen of Dan. v. 10. But though there
are some points in the story on which we may well desire further
light,yet Belshazzar himself now stands before us as a very real
person, and in fact one of the leading spirits of his age.
We have supposed Nabonidus born about 614 B.C., when
his father Nabubalatsu-ikbi was aged thirty-nine. If we make
a similar supposition with regard to his son Belshazzar, then
his birth-year would be 575 B.C. This would make him fourteen
years old at the end of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, and
nearly twenty at the time of his father's accession. Such sup-
positions agree with facts gleaned from the contract tablets.
For instance, in the first year of Nabonidus, Belshazzar has
a house of his own in Babylon, in the fifth year of Nabonidus
mention is made of his secretary, and in the seventh year of his
steward and secretaries. Most significant of all is the fact that in
this latter year, when according to the above scheme Belshazzar
would be twenty-six years old, we find him acting in northern
Babylonia as commander-in-chief of the army.
As regards his
religious tendencies Belshazzar was no doubt brought up in the
cult of Sin, Shamash, and Anunit, to which his father was so
strongly attached, and in which his grandfather, as high priest of
the temple in Haran, held such a distinguished position. Thus,
in a tablet dated the 9th of Nisan, the tenth year of Nabonidus,
we find him sending by water sheep and oxen for sacrifice to the
fn N
< i
i 5 k,
5 o
z ,
o ^
wedge of gold weighing one mana. 1 Yet again, he joins his father
in sending animals for sacrifice. In the same way one of his sisters
sends a silver cup weighing twenty-seven shekels as her tithe.
Of another sister we are informed that she was dedicated by her
father as a votaress of the moon-god Sin in the temple at Ur,
and that he built a house for her close to the women's quarters,
over which apparently she was called to preside. 2
In the same year in which Belshazzar first appears as com-
mander-in-chief of the army, 549 B.C., his grandfather Nabu-
balatsu-ikbi died at the advanced age of 104 years. In 572 B.C.,
when Belshazzar, according to our scheme, was three years old,
this venerable man received the office of nash-padhruti sword-
bearer," i.e. sacrificer, to Nebuchadnezzar in E-sha-turra, the
temple of Ishtar of Akkad identified with Anunit the daughter
of Sin in Babylon. This appointment would tend to bring the
boy Belshazzar into more or less close connection with the court
of Nebuchadnezzar, and he was probably fully conversant with
the circumstances of that king's madness, viz. the wonderful
and tragio story told us in Dan. iv. Such a supposition lends
additional weight to the stern reproof of Daniel, when before the
conscience-stricken king he recalls that story to mind, and after
relating it at some length, closes with the words, And thou his
son, Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou
knewest all this."
But if Belshazzar in his early days had thus some acquaintance
with court life, the question which most interests us is his exact
relationship to Nebuchadnezzar. If we had only the Book of
Daniel to go by, we should conclude him to be the undoubted son
of that monarch, since the queen-mother, Belshazzar himself,
and Daniel, all speak of Nebuchadnezzar as his father. In the
light, however, of the inscriptions such a conclusion is seen to be
a mistake. They reveal Belshazzar to us as the eldest son of
Nabonidus, and therefore the heir apparent. They also make
it clear that no tie of blood existed between Belshazzar and
Nebuchadnezzar, at any rate on his father's side. Nabonidus,
whatever his exaot position in the state, was, according to his own
statement, simply one of the conspirators who assassinated the
boy-king, Labashi-Marduk, the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar
and the last of his line. 4 But whilst the inscriptions thus show us
Pinches' Old Testament, 1st ed. pp. 449-450.
Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts, vol. i. pp. 66-75.
Probably the same aa E-tur-kalama. Cf. Jastrow's Religion of Baby-
lonia and Assyria, p. 311.
Also stated by Berosus. Cf. Josephus c. Apion, l 20,
our mistake, they also help us to understand why, in the narra-
tive of Dan. v., Belshazzar is so frequently called the son of
Nebuchadnezzar. Nabonidus, like many a usurper, was most
anxious to legitimise his claim to the crown. Accordingly, on his
celebrated stele, after telling us, as related in the last chapter,
how his fellow-conspirators in the assassination of Labashi-
Marduk unanimously elected him to be their king, he adds these
words z "Of Nebuchadnezzar and Nergal-sharezer, the kings my
predecessors, their delegate am I : their hosts to my hands they
entrusted." * Then, a little farther on, he relates how in a dream
he saw a meteor and the moon rising in conjunction, simultaneously
with the rising of the star of Merodach (Jupiter), and was assured
by Merodach that the omen was an auspicious one, and bidden to
consult his predecessor Nebuchadnezzar who also appeared on
the scene as to its significance. 2 In the same way we find dreams
of a like character, seen by others, recorded as interpreted in favour
of Nabonidus and his son Belshazzar. 3 All these are just so many
indications of the extreme anxiety of the usurper to legitimise
his claim. Such being the case, it is hardly conceivable that he
would neglect the easiest and most effectual way of bringing about
that end so often practised in oriental monarchies viz. the plan
of marrying the wives of his predecessors, or their daughters.
That he did so, can be shown as follows On the celebrated :
Herodotus, book i. 186, speaks of the water-defences of Babylon as the
work of Nitooris. Nebuchadnezzar, in the India House Inscription, claims
them as his work. Again, the historian attributes to that queen the quay-
walls of Babylon and also the bridge over the Euphrates ; but it appears from
Koldeway's Excavations, pp. 199-201, that these were the works of Nabonidus.
that in contemporary inscriptions he is always described as the
king's son," never as king." How then, they ask, can we account
for that title being given him in Dan. vi. 1 ? The answer is, first,
that Belshazzar was a sub-king under his father Nabonidus.
Nabonidus was king of the empire of Babylon Belshazzar was
we are now in a position to show that for at least five years at the
close of the reign of Nabonidus Belshazzar reigned along with
his father. Among a collection of tablets from Erech, Pinches
has deciphered one, dated the 22nd day of the additional month
of Adar, the twelfth year of Nabonidus, which commences thus :
Ishi-Amurru, son of Nuranu, has sworn by Bel, Nebo, the lady
of Erech, and Nana, the oath of Nabonidus king of Babylon and
of Belshazzar the king's son, that on the 7th day of the month
Adar of the twelfth year of Nabonidus king of Babylon I will go
to Erech," etc., etc. On this tablet Pinches makes the following
observations: "The importance of this inscription is that it
places Belshazzar practically on the same plane as Nabonidus
father, five years before the latter's deposition, and the bearing
of this will not be overlooked. Officially Belshazzar had not been
recognised as king, as this would have necessitated his father's
abdication, but it seems clear that he was in some way associated
with his father on the throne, otherwise his name would hardly
have been introduced into the oath with which the inscription
begins. We now see that not only for the Hebrews, but also for
the Babylonians, Belshazzar held a practically royal position."
If Belshazzar was thus seated on the throne with his father,
his offer of the third place the kingdom to any one who would
2 in
holding the first place, and himself the second place, so that the
third place was the highest he had to offer. For though in the
eyes of the world Belshazzar was now king, yet in the eyes of
Babylonians, as the contract tablets show, Nabonidus was looked
upon as king down to that fatal night in which the palace was
surprised and Belshazzar slain, that night of the final and com-
plete, as distinguished from the partial, capture of Babylon.
But the critics point to a yet further difficulty, and ask how we
can explain the first and third years of Belshazzar, mentioned in
Dan. vii. 1 and viii. 1 respectively. They may be looked upon as
the years of his reign as sub-king of Babylon ; but it seems more
natural to adopt Pinches' view, and to regard them as referring
See the Expository Times for April, 1915.
2 " "
The form of the Aramaic word rendered third is unique. According
to Baer, "Pro np^rjreperitur Dan. v. 7 'i$rj (rplros),
cum definito wy?n
{6 rp'tTos) v. 16, quod tertium dignitate eignihcat."
In verse 16 the R.V.
reads, Thou shalt be the third ruler in the kingdom," thus agreeing with the
Greek version of Theodotion, TpWos iv rfj $a<ri\tla pov &pfis. The R.V.M.
reads, Thou 6halt rule as one of three," which approaches more nearly to the
rendering of the LXX, j i^ouaiav tov rptrov /Afpovs t>>? )3a<r*.\fia? pov,
with which compare versa 7.
to his joint reign with his father on the throne of empire. It will
be said, however, that this system of dating is at variance with
that adopted on the contract tablets by the Babylonians them-
selves, seeing that those tablets down to the very last are dated
according to the years of the reign of Nabonidus, without any
mention whatever of Belshazzar ; and further, that the writer
of the Book of Daniel betrays complete ignorance as to the exist-
ence of such a person as Nabonidus. My answer is, that the writer
of this Book in mentioning the first and third years of Belshazzar
most certainly adopts a different system of dating from that
found on the tablets but that he can hardly be charged with
associates his son as co-regent, only one royal name, viz. that of
the father, will continue to appear on the tablets, since the intro-
duction of the son's name would involve the creation of a new era
in the middle of a reign. The only exception to this would be
when the two kings were able to date the commencement of both
their reigns from the same New Year. Of this, as we shall see
in a future chapter, the tablets furnish us with one notable instance.
At the close of Dan. v. Belshazzar is called " the Chaldean
" " " "
king not the king of the Chaldseans." The term Chaldean
is here used in an ethnio sense. Though Belshazzar himself was
probably a Babylonian, at least on his father's side, yet since
shall sleep a perpetual sleep and not wake, saith the king, whose
name is the Lord of hosts " (li. 89, 57).
Such being the utterances of the prophet, we turn next to
the historians, and first to the Book of Daniel, which, though
not a history, claims to be a record of actual facts, and has
historical notes scattered throughout it. The main point of
agreement between the record of Dan. v. and the prophecy of
Jeremiah lies in this, that the town is taken on the night of a
great feast, and when a large gathering of the principal men
were inflamed with wine (Dan. v. 1, 4). To this the critics will
reply, that the author of the Book of Daniel is acquainted with
the writings of Jeremiah, as he himself admits, and borrows his
ideas as to the circumstances of the capture of Babylon from the
predictions of that prophet. But this will not account for the
very similar details furnished by heathen writers, who in all
probability had never seen the prophecies of Jeremiah or even
heard of his name. Let us take first the testimony of Herodotus.
Babylon was captured by Cyrus in 589 B.C., and Herodotus,
whose travels extended from 464 to 447 B.C., is believed to have
visited Babylon in early manhood, only some eighty years after
its capture. According to Herodotus, Cyrus approached Babylon
in the spring of the year. The Babylonians met him without the
walls, were defeated, and then retired within their defences.
" "
Here," adds the historian, they shut themselves up, and made
light of his siege, having laid in a store of provisions for many
preparation against this attack ; for when they saw
1 in
Cyrus conquering nation after nation, they were convinced that
he would never stop, and that their turn would come at last." 2
This led Cyrus to resort to stratagem. In the words of Herodotus,
He placed a portion of his army at the point where the river
enters the city, and another body at the back of the place where
it issues forth, with orders to march into the town
by the bed of
the stream as soon as the water became shallow enough." 3 After
this he withdrew the less warlike portion of his troops to a place
where Queen Nitocris had made a vast lake, into which the waters
Cf. Jer. 1. 26 and Dan. iv. 12.
Herod, i. 190.
Ibid. i. 19L
of the Euphrates were turned while she was lining with brick
the quay-walls of the city. Eepeating the plan of Nitocris,
Cyrus, according to Herodotus
turned the Euphrates by a canal into the basin, which was
then a marsh on which the river sank to such an extent that
gave upon the river, and mounting upon the walls along both
and so took the Owing to the vast size of the place, the
inhabitants of the central parts as the residents at Babylon
declare long after the outer portions of the town were taken,
knew nothing of what had happened, 2 but as they were engaged
in a festival, continued dancing and revelling until they learnt the
capture but too certainly."
replied Gobryas, we will and I should not be surprised if the
doors of the palace are now open, for the whole city seems to-night
to be given up to revelry. We shall find, however, a guard before
the gates, for it is always set." It would not do to wait," said
Cyrus ; "we must advance, in order that we may take the men
as much off their guard as possible." As soon as these words
were spoken, they started on the march ; and of those who met
them, some were struck down and killed, some fled, and some
raised a shout. Those with Gobryas joined in the shout with
them, as though they too were revellers themselves, and, marching
by the quickest way they could, arrived at the palace. The
party with Gobryas and Gadatas found the doors of the palace
shut, and those who were told off to attack the guards fell upon
them as they were drinking by a large fire, and forthwith dealt
with them as with enemies. As a great outcry and noise ensued,
those who were within heard the uproar, and on the king ordering
them to see what was the matter, some of them threw open the
gates and rushed out. The men with Gadatas, as soon as they
saw the gates unclosed, burst in, and pursuing those who fled
back within, and dealing them blows, they reached the king,
and found him in a standing posture with his sword drawn. Him
the party with Gadatas and Gobryas overpowered, whilst those
who were with him were killed, one holding up something before
him, another fleeing, another defending himself in whatever way
he could. Cyrus sent troops of horse through the streets, bidding
them kill those whom they found abroad, and those who under-
stood Syrian (i.e. the Babylonian language) he ordered to tell
those who were within their houses to remain there, and to say
that if any were found abroad they would be killed. These
commands they carried out. Gadatas and Gobryas now came
up, and, after first paying their adoration to the gods because they
had avenged them on the impious king, they then kissed the
hands and feet of Cyrus, shedding many tears in the midst of their
joy and satisfaction. When day came, and those who held the
towers perceived that the town was taken and the king dead, they
surrendered them. Cyrus immediately took possession of the
fortresses,and sent commanders with garrisons into them. He
allowed the dead to be buried by their relatives, and ordered the
heralds to make proclamation that all the Babylonians were to
bring out their arms, giving notice at the same time that in what-
ever house any arms were found all the inmates would be put to
death. Accordingly they brought their arms, and Cyrus deposited
them in the towers that they might be ready if ever he should
want to use them. 1 The historian then goes on to say that he
ordered the Babylonians to go on cultivating the land, to pay
their tribute, and to serve those under whom they were placed :
also, that very soon after he held a public reception two days
running, when the people crowded to meet him after which he :
bound to believe these two main facts with regard to the capture
of Babylon, since we cannot suppose either Herodotus or Xeno-
phon to have known anything of the writings of Jeremiah. This
being the case, we must also credit the Book of Daniel with being
historically correct in the two following particulars first, in its
mention of the feast held by the king and his nobles, which agrees,
as we have just seen, with the prophecy of Jeremiah and the
record of the two Greek historians ; secondly, in connecting the
death of the king with the final assault on the palace, for this fact
is corroborated by the testimony of Xenophon, whom we have
[year 17] . . . Nebo to go forth from Borsippa. ... In
the month . . . the king entered E-tur-kalama. 1 In the month
3 4 3
Marad, the god Zamama, and the gods of Kish, Beltis and the
gods of Kharsakkalama, entered Babylon. Up to the end of the
month Elul [August-September] the gods of the country of Akkad, 6
those above the sky and those below the sky, entered Babylon.
The gods of Borsippa, Kutha, and Sippara 7 did not enter. In
the month Tammuz [June-July] Cyrus delivered battle at Upe
[Opis] on the river Zalzallat [the Tigris] against the troops of
Akkad. The men of Akkad raised a revolt. Some men were
slain. On the 14th day of the month Sippara was taken without
fighting Nabonidus fled. On the 16th day Ugbaru [GobryasJ,
The Persian Gulf.
The New Year festival.
3 Names of Babylonian cities.
A war-god.
6 The Mountain of the World," the name of a temple adjoining Kish.
8 Northern Babylonia.
Borsippa was close to Babylon on the S.W., Kutha lay to the N.E., and
Merodach, the great lord, the restorer of his people, beheld
with joy his [Cyrus'] pious deeds and righteous hand. To his
town of Babylon he commanded him to march he caused him :
reignty, their faces shone."
1See also Records of the Past, New Series, vol. v. p. 164, and B. M. Guide
to the Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities, plate xxxi. and p. 172.
2This refers to the employment of the terms sharru and mallcu. In
king," and malku" prince." In Hebrew the meanings
Assyrian sharru
are reversed. The writer of the Cylinder adopts the Hebrew usage.
Cylinder of Cyrus, lines 14-18.
Z 2=
5 3
son of the king died are partially obliterated and have been
read, the wife of the king died." On this point some weight
must be given to the opinion of the eminent Assyriologist who
discovered the tablet, and who speaks thus Where the tablet
damaged there is not room enough for the character for wife,'
lies in the fact stated shortly afterwards that the funeral cere-
monies of the dead person were conducted by Cambyses. Why
Cambyses should conduct the funeral of the queen it is hard to
see ; out if the sceptre of the city of Babylon was to pass from the
hands of Belshazzar into those of Cambyses, there would be a
marked suitability in Cambyses conducting the funeral of Bel-
shazzar. A third point of agreement between the writer of the
tablet and the historians lies in the statement that the attack on
the palace was led by Ugbaru, in whom we have little difficulty
in recognising Gobryas, who, according to Xenophon, was one
of the two leaders of the attacking party. Xenophon speaks of
him as the Babylonian governor of a wide district, who had been
very badly treated by the Babylonian king and had gone over to
the side of Cyrus 3 whilst the tablet informs us that Gutium
Book i. 190.
See The Fall of Babylon, p. 14 : a paper by the Rev. Andrew Craig
Robinson, read before the Victoria Institute.
Cyropozdia, book iv. chap. vi. 1-4.
lay east of the Tigris and north of Elam. It extended as far
east as the Zagros mountains, and formed a part of Assyria It haa
" " proper.
been identified with the Goiim of Gen. xiv. 1.
capture of Babylon, as described on the Cylinder of Cyrus quoted
above. This is in perfect accord with the statement of Xenophon
that very soon after the taking of the city Cyrus admitted to his
presence the Babylonians, who flocked around him in overwhelm-
ing numbers.
Cyropcedia, book vii. chap. v. 38, 41.
See Craig Robinson's masterly work, What about the Old Testament ?
p. 147 ; also his paper on The Fall of Babylon and Dan. v. JO, referred to
Western Asia in the Days of Sargon of Assyria, pp. 8, 18, 19.
Greek historians, the siege was not a bloody one. After the pre-
liminary battle fought near Opis, the Babylonians retired within
their walls, and went on with their busy commercial life, deriding
the efforts of their besiegers, who, under colour of raising a
rampart of circumvallation, were steadily preparing the stratagem,
which enabled them to gain an entrance into the part of the
town still untaken. There was thus no fighting till that last
fatal night, when all was sudden, sharp, and soon over. For, as
the sequel shows, whether told by Xenophon or recorded on the
cylinder, Cyrus did his best to conciliate the inhabitants, and
they for their part responded heartily to his efforts. Hence it
was possible for the official documents to emphasise these facts
and to represent the entry of Cyrus into Babylon as a peaceful
one : which indeed it was, save for that single night of carnage,
when the son of the impious king who had angered Merodach *
was delivered up into the hands of his foes.
The question as to how much of Babylon was occupied by the
troops of Cyrus when they first entered the city on the 16th of
Cf. the Cylinder of Cjtus, lines 9 and 33.
Tammuz (June-July) one of great difficulty. The fact that
were in the hands of the enemy, how could business in the city
of Babylon be still transacted as under the rule of Nabonidus ?
See the plan of Babylon facing p. 1 of Koldewey'p Excavations.
otherwise than they really are, and fills the drunkard with a
false sense of his own importance. So, then, Belshazzar, whiles
he tasted the wine, commanded to bring the golden and silver
vessels, which Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the
3 Those vessels had been
temple which was in Jerusalem."
placed by Nebuchadnezzar in Esagila, the temple of his beloved
Merodach, and Esagila, according to the Annalistic Tablet, was
See Koldewey 's Excavations, p. 104.
Hab. ii. 5.
Dan. v. 2.
Jready in the hands of the enemy.
True but Nabonidus had ;
,vhich the sacred record thus describes "In the same hour came
lorth the fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the
candlestick the chandelier or lampstand where the light fell
" "
3rightest, upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace
ihe chalk or white gypsum, with which Koldewey found the walls
cashed over. 5 It was against this light background that the
iing saw the part of the hand that wrote." But it was not at
)nce seen by that festal assembly ; for, as we are told at the
" "
raiset, the king was drinking wine before his guests. Their
'aces were turned towards him their backs were toward that
1 "
Annalistic Tablet, Rev. lines 16, 17, At the end of the month Tammuz
the swordsmen of Gutium guarded the gates of Esagila."
Cylinder of Cyrus, line 33. Cf. Annalistic Tablet, Rev., lines 9-12.
Dan. v. 3, 4, 23.
4 1
Tim. i. 17.
Koldewey's Excavations, p. 104.
rn-f^i.-P^W^ s/**wk,^rJ4 ,( ^y^rZ
o 100 Meter
L l ihihl I
P- r 34
All this he certainly knew, and Daniel taxes him with it. Besides,
his very words to Daniel, if they betray a lack of personal acquain-
tance with the seer, show at the same time that he knew quite
well who Daniel was Art thou Daniel, which art of the children
another thing for a king, who had come to maturity, and who was
cognisant of certain mighty acts wrought by the God of the Jews,
to have those vessels fetched, and in a spirit of derision to praise
the idol gods of Babylon while he drank wine out of them. Such
an act, even for a polytheist, was one of daring sacrilege, and as
" "
conscience makes cowards of us all so the moment that
mysterious hand was seen writing on the plaister of the wall, the
king's conscience awoke, and he became a prey to the most abject
The monarch saw and shook,
And bade no more rejoice :
In his terror and alarm Belshazzar offers all that he has to offer
to any of his wise men who shall interpret those mystic words.
The third place in the kingdom shall be his, and along with it the
insignia of royalty, the gold chain and the purple robe those ;
brought the vessels of his house before thee, and thou and thy
lords, thy wives and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them :
and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron,
wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know and the God
in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast
thou not glorified."
2 No sooner has the prophet finished his
Btern accusation than the hand vanishes, and those four mystic
words are seen inscribed on the palace wall, which in our Hebrew
Bibles we find printed thus
Pd^-1 bpn w wo
They were written, as I hope to show, not in Babylonian, but in
Aramaic i.e. in the same language as this part of the Book of
Daniel and the characters employed were not the syllabic
characters used in the Babylonian cuneiform, but those ancient
alphabetic characters which we find in the oldest Hebrew and
Aramaic inscriptions 3 and from which are derived both the
i.e. a mina, a mina, a shekel, and half-minas."
mana, i.e. the country of Sennacherib king of Assyria J mina."
The peres is also mentioned in an Aramaic inscription found at
Zenjerli near the Syrian Antioch, written in the eighth century
The values given to the vowels in this chapter are those found in Mason
and Bernard's Hebrew Grammar.
It should be stated for the benefit of the
English reader that in Hebrew
" "
and Aramaic the " p sometimes has the value of ph," as in upharsen.
B.C.by Panammu king of Samahla. In this inscription Panammu
of a time of sore famine, when a peres or half-mina, in value
hirty shekels, stood at a shekel," i.e. would only buy a shekel's
M a
vorth of food. Teqdl is the Aramaic for the Hebrew sheqel,
hekel," the sixtieth part of a mina. See Ezek. xlv. 12.
A Babylonian, then, though he might not be so much at home
ti the Aramaic as in his native
tongue, would yet certainly be as
amiliar with the appearance and meaning of the Aramaic words
ienoting weights, i.e. coins, written
Babyloniannot in the
uneiform but in alphabetic characters, as the Englishman who
;nows nothing of Latin is with the abbreviated Latin signs
! 5. d. Further, we must not lose sight of the fact that the
Teo-Babylonian kings as we have seen in the case of Belshazzar
limself engaged as freely in commercial transactions as the
tumblest of their subjects. 1 At Babylon buying and selling and
etting gain seem to have been in the very atmosphere of the
lace. This characteristic of the golden city appears to have
ontinued long after her supremacy had passed away and to
tave furnished much of the imagery of St. John in Eev. xvii. 2
?here can, therefore, be little doubt that Belshazzar read the
our mystic words in the sense given above. But if he so
ead them, what cause was there for his extreme terror ?
luch, for various reasons. First, the sight of the supernatural is
lways alarming. Then, that human hand moving slowly along
s it traced the words was suggestive of the presence in that hall
hat the decrees of the gods were written on the tablets of fate
.p in heaven. Thus Nebuchadnezzar prays to Nebo, trium-
ihant one upon thine unerring tablet, which establishes the
. . .
if he said,
those words." This the wise men of Babylon were unable to do.
But when Daniel was called in, he first delivered his solemn heart-
searching address to the guilty king, and then taking the dis-
appearing of the hand as a signal that the time was come to
disclose the divine message, proceeded forthwith to unfold the
Rawlinson's Inscriptions of Western Asia, vol. v. p. 52.
Cf. Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament, edited by E. Schrader,
p. 401.
* Ibid. p. 403.
Dan. v. 7.
aeaning of the four mystic words. He treated them, not as
ubstantives, but as the past participles of three Aramaic verbs, 1
phich have their very similar equivalents in Babylonian 2 and ;
hus interpreted them as he went along MNA," pronounced
tend, God hath numbered thy kingdom and brought it to an
" "
nd" ; TQL," pronounced teqal, thou art weighed in the balances,
.nd art found wanting till at last,
; coming to the final word,
gave it in its singular form, PES, and treating it also as a past
articiple, accounted for its plural form, PBSIN, by declaring
hat it carried with it a further reference to the Persians, who,
long with the Medes, were besieging the city at that time :
PES," pronounced peras, thy kingdom is divided, and given
3 the Medes and Persians." The message, then, as read by
)aniel, may be written thus
riting, fancy can better paint than words describe. The king,
ideed, so far recovers his presence of mind and self-respect as to
rder the promised rewards to be bestowed on Daniel, just as in
"enophon's description of the final scene he is pictured as meeting
ie foe in a standing posture with his sword drawn in his hand. 3
ut all is now in vain ; nothing can avert the coming judgment,
na vailing is his bestowal of the rewards promised ; equally
aa vailing any resistance he may attempt to offer. Indeed,
:arcely any opportunity is granted him for resistance. He is at
ace overpowered and done to death. So swiftly and irresistibly
the divine decree carried into effect, as signified by that one
lortsentence which concludes the tragic story : "In that night
elshazzar the Chaldean king was slain."
The words are thus understood by the LXX. Cf. f)an. v. 7, 8, as given
that version.
The equivalent Babylonian verbs are manu, shaqalu, and parasu respeo-
In the case of the second the Babylonian sh answers to the Aramaic t.
ie u before PRSIN pronounced parsen is the conjunction and."
Cyropeedia, book vii. chap. v. 29.
20 mana of silver, the price of the garments [which were]
the property of Bel-sharra-utsur, the son of the king, which [are
due] through Nabu-tsabit-qata, the chief of the house of Bel-
sharra-utsur, the son of the king, and the secretaries of the son
of the king, from Iddina-Marduk, son of Ikisha, descendant of
Nur-Sin. In the month Adar of the l[lth] year, the silver,
20 mana, he shall pay. His house, which is beside the [planta-
tion ?], his slave, and his property in town and country, all there
is, is the security of Bel-sharra-utsur, the son of the king, until
Bel-sharra-utsur receives his money. [For] the silver as much as
[from the sum] is withheld, interest he shall pay.
Witnesses : Bel-iddina, son of Eemut," etc.
See Pinches' Old Testament, 1st ed. pp. 430-451.
the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the
Medes, which was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans."
Here is a chronological statement as to the date of one of Daniel's
visions. It was seen, we are told, in the first year of the Median
Darius, who was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans."
Made king by God ? What a needless statement ! All kings are
made kings by God. But if we take the words to mean made
king by man, then at once they become intelligible ; for they tell
us that the date is reckoned, not according to the years of an
independent sovereign, such, for instance, as the later Darius, but
of a sub-king set over the realm of the Chaldeans, a Babylonian as
distinguished from an imperial ruler. The Darius of Dan. v.
is, then, a sub-king, and not an independent monarch as the
critics would have us believe. But if this be so, the imaginary
Median empire, which they think they see in this Book, and by
which they interpret the vision of the four kingdoms in chap, ii.,
making Media out to be the second kingdom, is shown to be a
mere fiction of their own creation.
The position held by the Median Darius being thus settled,
our next object must be to identify this monarch. Where
historical data are wanting, various identifications will naturally
be put forward. Thus Darius the Mede has been identified with
Nabonidus, with Astyages, with Cyaxares II., with Darius
Hystaspes, with Gobryas, and finally with Cambyses the son of
Cyrus. Before the decipherment by Pinches of the contemporary
Babylonian records the first four may be said to have occupied
the field. The claim of Nabonidus was advocated on the ground
that he was the last king of Babylon before Cyrus, and must be
looked upon as that Mede through whose treachery, or possibly
incapacity, Cyrus, according to the supposed prophecy of Nebu-
chadnezzar quoted by Megasthenes, 1 was able to make himself
master of Babylon. The claim of Astyages king of the Medes
was made to rest, first on the conciliatory disposition manifested
by Cyrus toward conquered kings, and then on the fact that
Cyrus was related to the Median king either by descent or by
marriage, and lastly on the argument that it would be sound
policy on the part of Cyrus to gratify his Median subjects by
making a descendant of Cyaxares viceroy of Babylon. The
argument in favour of Cyaxares II., the son of Astyages, was
based in part on the Cyropcedia of Xenophon, who makes this
monarch the king under whom Babylon was taken and goes on to
relate that he gave his daughter in marriage to Cyrus with Media
See Chapter X. above.
as. her dowry.
1 It was also thought to be borne out by some
lines in the Persce of iEschylus, 2 and to be well-nigh established by
the statement of Josephus in his Antiquities, x. 11, 4, When
Babylon was taken by Darius, and when he, with his kinsman
Cyrus, had put an end to the dominion of the Babylonians, he
was sixty-two years of age. He was the son of Astyages, and had
another name among the Greeks." To the Higher Critics, Darius
the Mede appears as a reflection into the past of Darius Hystaspes.
They point out that Babylon was twice taken by Darius Hystaspes,
also that it was under him that the Persian empire was first divided
into satrapies, of which they see a backward reflection in the course
of action pursued by Darius the Mede, as described in Dan. vi. 1.
However, for those who seek to interpret the historical portion
of the Book of Daniel in the light of the contemporary inscriptions,
the above identifications, though interesting to look back upon
as the efforts of scholars, whether in a former and less privileged
age, or in our own more enlightened times, may all very well be
relegated to the limbo of the past. For if we follow the guidance
of the Annalistic Tablet so often referred to already and the
irrefutable evidence of the contract tablets, there are two persons,
and only two, who can henceforth be looked upon as forming the
original of the Darius of the Book of Daniel. According to the
cuneiform records the choice must lie between Gobryas, Cyrus*
governor in Babylon, and Cambyses the son of Cyrus. The claims
of both these individuals to what we may call the vacant throne
are very strong. According to the Annalistic Tablet, the general
who led the troops of Cyrus into Babylon, and who as borne out
by the Cyropcedia of Xenophon conducted the attack on the
palace, was Gobyras. It was the men with Gadatas and Gobryas
it," adds the contract, he will commit a sin against Gobryas
the governor of Babylon." On these words Pinches well remarks
that a failure to keep the contract will be a sin against Gobryas
the governor, not against Cambyses. 1 This shows to what an
extent Gobryas was entrusted with power, even though he may
not have been governor of the city all through those thirteen
intervening years. Another point in favour of Gobryas' claim
to be the original of Darius the Mede, lies in the fact that Gutium,
the country of which he was already the governor when he came
over to the side of Cyrus. 2 formed a part of Media. Thus he may
very well have been a Mede, or have been looked on as repre-
senting the Medes. That Cyrus should appoint a Mede
favour the Medes, who had revolted from Astyages and put them-
selves under his sway, 3 thus enabling him to go forward in his
career of conquest. Indeed, the Medes were looked upon by the
Persians as brothers, not as a conquered nation, so that under the
Persian kings Medes were often advanced to high posts. As for
the name Darius," I shall hope to show that it was an appellative,
a title of honour rather than a proper name. Gobryas may thus
very well have been styled Darius the Mede," while the age of
threescore and two years, or thereabouts, agrees admirably with
what we glean from the pages of Xenophon. That historian
describes Gobryas as an old man when he came over to the side
of Cyrus, and yet credits him with having sufficient energy to
join Gadatas in leading the attack on the palace. Still,
in spite
of all these favourable points, I am inclined to give the precedence
to of Cyrus ; and that, mainly on two grounds
Cambyses the son :
... of Babylon."
rom which it seems probable that in the
remaining months of
is accession year," after the capture of Babylon, Cyrus himself
as styled King of Babylon." This is rendered certain by
iblet No. 1 in Strassmaier's Cyrus, in which though the day is
iped out and the month partly obliterated, yet the closing words
and out clear
" accession
year of
Cyrus king of Babylon and of the Countries."
evertheless, in spite of this, it can be shown that it was the
itention of Cyrus that his son Cambyses should succeed Bel-
lazzar on the throne of Babylon. The proof of this is as follows :
he Annalistic Tablet, after describing the death of the king's
ra in the attack made on the palace by Gobryas on the night
E the 11th of Marchesvan, goes on to describe the public mourning
>r him, which was held some three or four months later at the
ose of the year. The record reads thus From the 27th day
during the first nine months
of that year, the former as King of
Countries," the latter as King of Babylon." In three instances,
viz. on the tablets dated 1.4.25, 1.9.25, and 0.9.25, this is
The year begins with Nisan (March-April). Tebet answers to December-
January. The 30th of Ab (July-August) would fall in the second year of
inscription on this tablet shows that Cyrus was King of
>abylon in Tebet, the tenth month of his first year. As no
pecial day of the month is mentioned, the tablet should be
ated 1.10.0, or possibly 1.10.1, if, as seems likely, the words
from the month Tebet mean that the contract was entered
itoon the first day of that month. The learned editor, misled by
he mention in the third line of the 30th day of Ab, the fifth
lonth, has mis-dated the tablet 1.5.30. The third instance of
aisdating is No. 19, which Strassmaier registers as 1.7.16. On this
ablet it will be found that the number of the year is uncertain,
t is indicated by a single perpendicular wedge at the end of the
fth line, placed after the character for year." This single
redge has led Strassmaier to register the tablet as belonging to
he first year of Cyrus. But when we look closer, we notice that
tie character used as a determinative after numerals, and which
ught, therefore, to follow this wedge, is wanting, i.e. the line is
icomplete, and has been partially obliterated. Hence the number
f the year itself may be incomplete. There may just as well have
een two or three perpendicular wedges before the vanished
eterminative as one, i.e. the tablet may quite as possibly belong to
le second or third year of Cyrus as to the first. It cannot, however,
elong to a later year than the third, since this would require a
ifferent arrangement of the wedges. The year being thus
ncertain, this tablet ought to be dated, not 1.7.16, but 0.7.16.
'he result, then, of our close investigation is that Cambyses was
ing of Babylon for the first nine months of the first year of Cyrus,
r, to be more exact, from the 4th day of Nisan to at least the
;5th day of the ninth month, Chisleu. In the next month, Tebet,
!yrus had taken back the title, and apparently removed Cambyses
ram his post. In perfect accordance with this result is the fact
hat in the Book of Daniel we find only the first year of Darius the
Mede mentioned.
The tablets at which we have been looking are of interest as
orming the only instances in which two royal names appear. This,
,s stated in a
previous chapter, was rendered possbile by both Cyrus
,nd Cambyses beginning the first year of their reigns at the same
\Tew Year. Interesting, too, is the title which Cyrus chose for him-
elf, as contrasted with that which he allowed his son to bear. The
itle King of Babylon," which had contented the Neo-Babylonian
rings, in whose eyes Babylon was the centre of the universe, would
>ear a very different meaning in the eyes of the newly-risen king
f Persia, whose
conquests stretched far and wide, and covered a
ar more extensive territory than the empire of Babylon. To
lim such a title would seem far too confined to describe his vast
empire. Accordingly, even in his accession year," we find
Cyrus styling himself on the tablets, King of Countries," occasion-
ally along with the older title, King of Babylon." The signifi-
cance of this new title is well brought out in a tablet of the first year
of Cyrus, which reads thus "
Cyrus king of the Countries, king
of all their kingdoms." 1 Compare Ezra i. 2 Thus saith Cyrus
king of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord, the
God of heaven, given me."
The title " King of Babylon," which Cyrus bestowed on his
son Cambyses, must not be looked upon as a mere title. A
kingdom went with it, albeit a sub-kingdom. This we gather
from Daniel's interpretation of the word PEEES, " thy kingdom
is divided and
given to the Medes and Persians." If PEEES had
" "
only meant divided in the sense of broken to pieces," or
broken away from thee," then the prophet would not have
" "
mentioned the Medes, for the play being on the word Persians
there was no need whatever to mention the Medes, but rather the
reverse. But since the Medes are thus expressly mentioned as
well as the Persians, we see that PEEES has here its primary
" "
meaning, divided into two parts," and that the sense is, thy
kingdom will be divided between the two brother-nations, the
Medes and the Persians." Thus the prophet's word of interpre-
tation and the two royal names and titles on the contract tables
reflect a mutual light on each other. The Babylonian empire
must have been divided by Cyrus into two parts. One part
would be added to the countries which already owned his sway,
and the other given as a sub-kingdom to his son Cambyses, the
" "
Darius the Mede of the Book of Daniel. In acting thus the
Persian monarch was attempting afresh what had been vainly
attempted before by Assyrian kings. Thus Sennacherib had
appointed his son Ashur-nadin-shumu king of Babylon in sub-
ordination to himself an arrangement which only lasted six
years, when his son was carried captive to Elam. Still more
disastrous was the attempt of Esarhaddon, when he appointed
his younger son, Shamash-shum-ukin, as king of Babylon under
the suzerainty of his older brother Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria.
Ashurbanipal, trying apparently to lord it over his brother, a
most dangerous rebellion arose, which was put down with great
difficulty and seriously weakened the strength of the Assyrian
empire, leading the way to its ultimate downfall. The attempt
of Cyrus, if not so disastrous in its issue, was
equally doomed to
See Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, vol. viii.
the question as to why "Cambyses is called Darius," and also
why he is described as a Mede." As we have just been studying
the significance of the prediction contained in the word PEBES,
may be best to take the latter question first. According" to the
historical note in Dan. ix. 1, the new king of Babylon was of the
seed of the Medes," a Median by descent. In the case of Cambyses
this could only have been on his mother's side. Now, Ctesias tells
us in his Persica 1 that after the defeat of Astyages king of the
Medes and the capture of Ecbatana, Cyrus married Amytis the
daughter of Astyages, and that Cambyses was the fruit of that
marriage. It was, then, as the child of a Median mother that
Cambyses received the title Darius the Mede." Such a title
would be likely to gratify the Medes, who had voluntarily come
Dver to the side of Cyrus when he went to attack Astyages ; 2
for it not only honoured them, but assured them of some share in
the government of the empire. It would also tend to conciliate
the Babylonians, for their great Nebuchadnezzar, according to
Abydenus, had married another Amytis of the same royal Median
line. But it would be especially welcome to captive Judah.
For Media, according to Isaiah's prophecy, chap. xxi. 2, had taken
the chief part in putting down Assyria 3 some seventy years
before, and just lately, in accordance with Jeremiah's prediction,
chap. li. 11, 28, had helped to subjugate Babylon; so that the
title of the young king of Babylon sounded in Jewish ears like a
See the Persica, excerpts 2 and 10. It is only incidentally that Ctesias
informs us that Cambyses was the son of Amytis. Of the different stories
told us by Greek historians of the connection of Cyrus with the Median royal
family that of Herodotus is the most legendary. If, as that historian states,
Cyrus was Astyages' heir, his own daughter's son, it was a most unnatural
thing for the old king to seek to make away with his grandson. Far more
likely is the version of Ctesias. By marrying Amytis, as this writer shows,
Cyrus came to be looked upon as the legitimate successor of Astyages, so that
when the news of the marriage reached the Bactrians, with whom he was then
at war, they at once gave in their allegiance to Amytis and Cyrus. It may be
noted that the name 'Avrvtyas, as written by Ctesias, corresponds more
closely wit h the cuneiform Ishtumvigu than the 'Ao-Tvdyris of Herodotus.
Ctesias himself was a prisoner in Persia from 417 to 398 B.C., and was court
physician to Artaxerxes II.
Annalistic Tablet, Obv. col. ii. 2.
See my paper in the Journal of Theological Studies for July, 1913.
to charge the writer of this Book with any the least ignorance as
to the pre-eminence already attained by the Persians at the time
of the fall of Babylon. For not only does he inform us that the
" "
kingdom of Darius was a sub-kingdom, received from another,
viz. from Cyrus the Persian," but already in a vision of a slightly
earlier date, viz. the third year of Belshazzar, he has seen the
Medo-Persian kingdom exhibited as a ram with two horns. Both
horns were high, but the one which came up last was the higher,
i.e. Media was still a great power, but Persia was seen overtopping
It has been shown in what sense Cambyses could be called a
Mede, but what are we to say of the name Darius % Prof. Sayce
insists that the kings of Persia were contented with one name,"
and that by that name they were " known in all parts of their
dominion." He also affirms that the son and successor of
Cyrus is Cambyses in Babylon as well as in Persia and Egypt."
It is quite true that in the few monuments of the Old Persian
empire which still remain to us, as well as on the contract tablets,
Cambyses is always Cambyses. But this is insufficient ground
on which to base the statement that the Persian kings had only
one name. The testimony of Herodotus and Josephus points
the other way. Josephus, speaking of Darius the Mede, says
that he was the son of Astyages and had another name among the
Greeks." 3 Both of these statements are deserving of notice.
The first statement, viz. that Darius the Mede was the son of
Astyages, approaches very nearly the statement of Ctesias that
Cambyses was the son of the daughter of Astyages. But it is
Josephus' second statement with which we are now most con-
cerned, and I shall endeavour to show from the pages of this
historian that the other name of Darius the Mede, by which he was
known among the Greeks, and which appears for the moment to
1 2 Kings *
xvii. 6. Higher Criticism, p. 543.
* Ant. x. 11, 4.
have escaped the historian's memory, was the name Cambyses.
The proof lies thus When introducing Artaxerxes L, Josephus
makes the following remark After the death of Xerxes the
Oesterley in his Books of the Apocrypha, p. 365, regards the Book of Tobit
which stands for 10. We shall find that a very similar mistake
has been made with regard to the age of Darius the Mede. First,
however, we must inquire whether the letters of the alphabet
were used to denote numbers as early as the time of Daniel and the
age immediately succeeding. The answer to this question does
not admit of absolute certainty, but facts' can be brought forward
to show the very strong probability that they were so used.
In the first place, in Jer. xxv. 26, and again in li. 41, we find
" "
the cipher Sheshach used as a kryptogram for the name
Babel," i.e. Babylon. Sh, the last letter but one of the Hebrew
alphabet, is made to take the place of b, the second letter ;
and similarly the twelfth letter counting from the end, is made
to take the place of I, the twelfth letter counting from the begin-
ning. Thus BaBeL becomes SHeSHaCH. 1 This is suggestive
that counting by letters was in vogue in the age of Jeremiah and
therefore of Daniel. But stronger is the evidence of the alphabetic
psalms, which may almost be regarded as definite instances of
such a use, the first letters of the first words of the different verses
being made to follow the order of the letters of the alphabet. Thus
verse 1 begins with Aleph, verse 2 with Beth, and so on ; which is
almost the same thing as giving to Aleph the value 1, to Beth the
value 2, etc., etc. Another very strong indication that the letters
were used as numerals before the age of Daniel lies in the fact that
both in the Semitic and Greek alphabets the letters have the same
numerical values down to the seventeenth letter, thus showing
that the alphabetic system of numerals was in use before those
alphabets parted company, i.e. before the ninth century B.C.
In the case of the Greek alphabet the earliest instance of alphabetic
numeration which we possess dates only from the reign of
Ptolemy II., 285-247 B.C. But when we turn to Semitic sources
we find letters used as numerals as early as the eighth century B.C.
Thus on the lion-weights from Nimrud, Beth, the second letter of
the Semitic alphabet, is used in the sense of double." 3 Amongst
the Jews the earliest example still extant occurs on the ancient
silver shekels, which have been variously assigned to the age of
Ezra, to that of the Maccabees, and to the time of the first revolt. 4
The value, however, of the evidence afforded by these shekels
depends, not so much upon their age, as on their markedly con-
servative and religious character. The type of alphabet used on
The Biblical World, June, 1909.
has sorely perplexed the commentators. The words are Within
and was given to the Medes and to the Persians. And Artaxerxes,
who was of the Medes, received the kingdom. And Darius was
full of days and honoured in his old age." The Septuagint is the
earliest interpreter of the Book of Daniel for, as is well known,
temple revenues, and arranged for the due and continual cele-
bration of the customary ceremonies and festivals." 2 Moreover
it is from this very land of
Egypt that we gain an insight into the
good points of his character as well as corroboration of the truth
of the story told us in Dan. vi., as I shall now show.
There are few archaBological finds of late years which have
excited more interest than the Aramaic papyri of the fifth century
B.C. discovered in the island of Elephantine, just below the First
Cataract of the Nile. This interest culminated when it was made
known that documents had been found disclosing the existence of
a Jewish temple to Jahu (Jehovah) at that spot, built before the
reign of Cambyses. In these records, dated the seventeenth year of
Darius (Nothus), i.e. in 407 B.C., the Jews of Elephantine, complain-
ing to Bagoas the Persian governor of Judasa of the destruction of
their temple by the priests of the Egyptian god Khnub, speak thus :
When Cambyses came into Egypt he found this temple built.
And though the temples of the gods of Egypt were all thrown down,
no one injured anything in this temple." Now why did Cambyses
in his destructive rage spare the temple of Jehovah ? Because
the Jews were not Egyptians ? Because they were monotheists,
much like the Persians in their religion ? Yes probably so.!
But that was not Cambyses had not forgotten his younger,
See Prof. R. D. Wilson's Studies in the Book of Daniel, p. 213, where
this question of the satrapsis very fully and very ably discussed.
ruler divides the vast empire into 120 satrapies (vi. 1) and as
1 *
Cliap. iii. 2, Cent. Bible, Darnel, 69.
the revenue and that the king should have no damage," is just
what a Persian monarch, and more especially a prudent monarch
like Cyrus, would be sure to approve of. Probably he would feel,
too, that he could safely leave such an act of internal administration
to his young son, with prudent counsellors at his elbow, and under
the guidance of a statesman so honoured and revered as Daniel.
Further, as to the power of sentencing his subjects to death, this
was no doubt possessed by the satraps of Darius Hystaspes ; how
much more in this present instance by the king's own son ? The
very circumstances of a vast Oriental empire, so lately subdued
under the sway of a new master, made such a power a necessity ;
and we may feel quite sure that while Cyrus was pursuing his
schemes of conquest, his son Darius- Cambyses was not the only
subordinate ruler who possessed that power. When he dies,"
continues Charles, "he is succeeded by Cyrus the Persian." But
the Book of Daniel says nothing about the death of Darius, though
it acknowledges, what we have seen to be the fact, viz. that Darius-
Lastly, this Book does not regard Darius the Mede as the sole and
absolute king of the Babylonian empire," but only as made
king over that part of the late empire of Babylon "which was
assigned to the Medes, and which is called in chap. ix. the realm
of the Chaldeans." We may well suppose, though we cannot
be sure of it, that Syria and Palestine and the western countries
were not placed under the sway of Darius ;
while Shumer and
Akkad and the country down to the Persian Gulf, with that part
of ancient Elam including Susa which was under Babylon was
looked upon as constituting the realm of the Chaldeans." Darius
publishes his decree unto all the peoples, nations, and languages,
that dwell in all the earth." 2 This is the very style adopted by
Nebuchadnezzar. It is just the style we should expect a Baby-
lonian king to adopt ; how much more the youthful Cambyses ?
This consideration seems to make it unnecessary to substitute
44 " "
in all the land for in all the earth," though the Aramaic
word there used, like its Hebrew equivalent, undoubtedly bears
the double sense.
But this is not all that can be said in defence of the style and
authority assigned in the Book of Daniel to the Median Darius,
i.e. to Cambyses as sub-king of Babylon. The tone and language
of the Cylinder of Cyrus is sufficient to show that Cyrus had
associated his son Cambyses with himself in the government of
the empire in fact, that Cambyses, despite his tender age, held
1 2
Dan. vi. 28. Ibid. vi. 25.
The confusion of the letter Samekh with the letter Yod
which appears to have taken place both in Isa. vii. 8 and in
1 2
Cf . Isa. xliv. 28.
Cylinder of Cyrus, Obv. lines 26-28 and 35.
an. v. 31 is a matter of such importance as to demand a note to
le first half of the fifth century B.C. this letter very quickly drew
i its horns, so that by the end of the fourth century B.C. the
jot (Matt. v. 18) was already the smallest letter in the alphabet.
Jiih Samekh the case was different. 1 This letter ran through a
:eat variety of changes. In its most ancient form, as seen in
le Gezer Calendar, it consists of three parallel horizontal bars,
ossed by a perpendicular bar, which begins a little above the
ighest parallel, and is bisected by the lowest, thus |. A little
,ter, during the ninth and the first half of the eighth century
f" t T f 7
The Teima Stone, already referred to, belongs to the same period,
viz. the end of the sixth or the first half of the fifth
century B.C.
Finally, let it be noted that the possibility of a Yod being thus
mistaken for a Samekh in Dan. v. 31 presupposes that the Book
of Daniel was written not later than the middle of the fifth
century B.C.
Corpus Inscriptionum Semilicarum, vol. i. part 2. On Plate V., compare
the Yod in 64a with the Samekh in 64b. Also on Plate VII., 108a,
the three Samekhs and two Yods in a short
inscription of five words. Again,
on Plate XL, 122a, compare the Yods and Samekhs in nDit* and <ho2H.
A description by S. A. Cook of the bi-lingual Lydian and Aramaic inscription
will be found in The Journal
of Hellenic Studies for June, 1917.
Danielem prophetam juxta Septuaginta interpretea Domini Salvatoris
eoclesise non legunt, utentes Theodotionis editione, et hoc cur accident nescio.
. . . Hoc unum affirmare possum, quod multum a veritate discordet, et reoto
judicio repudiatus sit." Preface to Jerome's translation of the Book of
shall be with a flood, and even come with wrath and a time
unto the end shall be war ; of consummation :
4 war shall
desolations are determined. follow war.
27 And he shall make a firm 27 And the covenant shall
covenant with many for one have power with many : and
week and for the half of the it shall be built 6 in
The R. V.M. gives the traditional view by placing a comma after " seven
" "
weeks and a colon after threescore and two weeks."
R.V.M. "the end thereof."
Note the suppression here of the word " weeks," and the substitution
" " " "
of years for weeks in the parallel in v. 27.
I.e."conclusion," "end."
8 " "
Lit. shall return and shall be built : a literal rendering of the Hebrew
week he shall cause the sacrifice breadth and in length even at
and the oblation to cease and : a consummation * of times, and
upon the wing of abominations after seven and seventy times
3hall come one that maketh and LXII 2 years, till a time of
desolate and even unto the
; consummation 1
of war : and
consummation, and that deter- the desolation shall be taken
mined, shall wrath be poured away through the prevailing of
Dut upon the desolator. the covenant for many weeks :
and at the end of the week the
sacrifice and the drink offering
shall be put an end to, and over
the temple there shall be an
abomination of desolations until
a consummation 1 and a con-
summation l
will be granted to
the desolation.
I.e. "conclusion," "end."
Written &3 in the Codex. Cf. Chapter XV. on the use of letters of the
iphabet to express numerals,
and thirty-nine years, which he sets so much store by, would only
bring him to the beginning of the troubles, viz. to 174 B.C., the
year after the deposition of the high priest Onias, and therefore
" "
sought to make the prophecy indicate that many weeks the
word being here taken in its literal sense, as is indicated by the
LXII years" a little before must elapse after that event
before matters came to the worst through the forced cessation of
the Jewish sacrifices and the setting up in the temple of "an
abomination of desolations," to wit, a heathen altar built over the
altar of Jehovah. This took place on the 1 5th of Chisleu, 1 68 B.C., 1
just one week of years after the deposition of Onias. To indicate
this our ingenious translator takes the words rendered in the
" "
E.V. for the half of the week," and in the E.V.M. in the midst
of the week," and substitutes for them, at the end of the week,"
i.e. at the end of the seven
years which followed the "removal "
from office of Onias, once more giving back to the word week
its mystical
meaning. Lastly, the taking away of the desolation
is traced
by him to the covenant having power with many during
" "
those many weeks which were to elapse between the deposition
of Onias in 175 B.C. and the restoration of Jerusalem and re-dedi-
cation of the altar in 165 B.C. ; thus directing his readers' thoughts
to the heroic struggle of the brave Maccabees. For their sakes, so
he suggests, a consummation will be granted to the desolation."
The amount of ingenuity thus displayed by the Septuagint
translator in his endeavour to adapt the prophecy to the era of
the Maccabees is in itself one of the strongest proofs that it doea
not refer to that period. It is also a proof that the prophecy is
no vaticinium post eventum ; for, if it were, it would not require
so much mangling to make if fit in with the facts of history. All
the more striking then, is it, that the critics should have tried in
their way to accomplish that in which the Greek translator has
so egregiously failed. The modern critic is, indeed, too much of
a scholar to mangle the text after the fashion of the translator. 2
He loves rather to indulge in emendations and slight alterations.
1 Mace. i. 54.
The untrustworthy character of the Septuagint and the liberties taken
by the translator are thus freely admitted by Driver, when comparing it with
the received Hebrew text : " The Septuagint, though in isolated passages
it may preserve a more original reading, as a whole has no claim whatever
to consideration beside it : the liberties which the translator has manifestly
taken with his text being quite such as to deprive the different readings, which,
if it were a reasonably faithful translation, it might be regarded as presupposing,
But when he has persuaded himself on any point, everything must
give way to his fixed persuasion. What, then, is the interpreta-
tion of the prophecy in Dan. ix. offered by the critics ? In the
" "
firstplace, they seek to identify the seven weeks of v. 25. Seven
weeks of years, i.e. forty-nine years, is exactly the period between
the taking of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 587 B.C. and the
decree issued by Cyrus for the return of the Jews in 538 B.C.
Cyrus became king of Babylon in 539 B.C., and in 588 B.C., the
year before the fall of Jerusalem, were most probably written those
wonderful promises made to the prophet Jeremiah concerning the
rebuilding of the Holy City and the return of her inhabitants,
which are found in the thirty-first and thirty-second chapters of his
Book. In those promises the critics see the going forth of the
commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem," and they point
out that exactly seven prophetic weeks after they were given, Cyrus,
the anointed one the prince," appears on the scene and issues
his edict for the return of the Jews. So far, so good no exception
can be taken to this first step. The next step is to determine the
" "
threescore and two weeks." They are to close with the cutting
" "
off the anointed one," foretold in v. 26, i.e. according to
the with the foul murder of the high priest Onias III.,
which took place in 171 B.C., so that the last or seventieth week,
" " "
for half of which, or "in the midst of which, the temple
sacrifices are to cease, may answer to the seven years 171 to
165 B.C. inclusive. Now, the interval between 539 B.C. and
171 B.C. is 368 years but the sixty-two prophetic weeks equal
line of argument is not convincing. For, after all, why should
Jewish writer of 165 B.C. be deemed so ignorant of the chronology
of the period 586-312 B.C., and more especially with regard to
the two centuries of Persian rule, viz. 539-331 B.C. ? Granted
that the Jews had no reigns of native rulers by which to reckon,
yet they had a succession of high priests, whose terms
of office
must surely have been recorded. Then again, on a priori grounds,
this supposed ignorance seems most unlikely. Our ignorance of
Jewish history during that period is easily accounted for, since we
are dependent on the later Books of the Old Testament and the
writings of Josephus, from either of which sources we can gather
very little. But we cannot postulate that a gifted Jewish writer,
whose Book is assigned by the critics to 165 B.C., would be equally
ignorant. Certainly in the Persian period the Jews
were not care-
less in recording exact dates, as we know from the Books of Haggai,
Zechariah, Ezra, and Nehemiah, where mention is made of events
which happened in the first and second years of Cyrus, in the
second, fourth, and sixth years of Darius I., and in the seventh,
twentieth, and thirty-second years of Artaxerxes I., in many cases
with the addition of the month and the day. What is still more
to the point, in the papyri found at Elephantine we have private
deeds drawn up in the fourteenth and twentieth years of Xerxes, in
the sixth, nineteenth, and twenty-third years of Artaxerxes I., and
in the third, seventh, and thirteenth years of Darius Nothus, along
with a letter dated the 20th of Marchesvan, the seventeenth year
of Darius. Thus from these two sources we possess quite a series
of dated events extending from 539 to 409 B.C., the latest date
being about the middle of that period, the materials for the exact
chronology of which were, according to the critic, not at the dis-
posal of any Jew in the days of Antiochus Epiphanes. Now, what
is the impression left on the mind by a consideration of these facts ?
was at that time kept up, required a continuous and careful calculation of the
years." He adds that at that time the nation and kingdom had not so com-
pletely fallen into disruption as at the time subsequent to the second destruc-
tion of Jerusalem, when Josephus made in Rome his unsuccessful attempts
at restoring a chronology. Ewald's Prophets of the Old Testament, Eng.
trans, vol. v. pp. 269, 270.
public and private nature still surviving at the time of the supposed
apocryphal writer of the Book of Daniel, which would have enabled
him to compute exactly the interval between the decree of Cyrus
and the death year of the high priest Onias III. For the Jews of
those days in their commercial transactions, as witnessed by the
Elephantine papyri, were quite as careful in recording the year,
month, and day of the reigning monarch as the Babylonian
merchants on their contract tablets, 1 and such data would afford
very exact evidence as to the length of the reigns of successive
Persian monarchs, as well as of Alexander and his immediate
successors whilst the chronology for the subsequent Seleucid
1 *
Vv. &-11 and 13. Vv-. 16-18.
mercy, for they have sinned greatly and have suffered the judg-
ment threatened in the law of Moses. 3 God has been true to His
threatenings. Never was nation so heavily punished yet, sad
to say, they have not repented, have not entreated His favour,
as they ought to have done. God is righteous in all that He has
done. 4 But what has He done ? Punished them ? Is that all f
Let Israel's early history tell. Did He not bring forth His people
out of Egypt, and win for Himself a glorious name in the sight of
the heathen ? 5 Since, then, they are still His people, Jerusalem
still His city, and the mountain of the house still His holy mountain,
the prophet feels that he can appeal even to the divine righteous-
ness, i.e. to God's just dealings. Surely it cannot be right, i.e.
it cannot be for His glory, that Israel should continue to be a
bow down His ear, and hear ; to open His eyes, and see. 8 As the
prayer nears its close it becomes increasingly earnest and
impassioned, till at last it ends in a veritable storming of heaven :
Lord, hear Lord, forgive
; Lord, hearken and do
; ;
that prayer, first and foremost and as forming the main subject
of Gabriel's communication, stands that glorious revelation of
the Atonement, opened out in six consecutive clauses, of which
the first three dwell on the doing away with sin, and the last three
Dn the bringing in of the good things of the Gospel. 3 These good
things are, of course, in the first instance for Israel, and it is
implied that the Holy City God's hearth and altar will be the
scene of the Atonement, which Gabriel thus describes
Seventy weeks are decreed upon thy people and upon thy holy
city, to finish [or restrain] transgression, and to make an end of
[or seal up] sins, and to make reconciliation [or atonement] for
iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal
up vision and prophecy [lit. prophet], and to anoint the most
holy [or a holy of holies]."
Between the first three and the last three clauses there is pro-
bably a correspondence, thus transgression is to be restrained,
reach a climax. Sin is first held back, then bound and confined,
and lastly done away with, wiped out, by atonement being made.
" "
To make reconciliation is the same Hebrew verb which occurs
so frequently in the Book of Leviticus, and is there rendered both
" It should
in the A.V. and in the E.V. to make atonement." 1
be so rendered here. Similarly in the last three clauses there is
a progressive revelation of the good things of the Gospel. First,
everlasting righteousness is brought brought forth on "the scene,
viz. when he bringeth in the firstborn into the world (Heb. i.
6). Compare Zech. iii. 8,
I will bring forth my servant the Shoot."
" "
is a description of the coming salva-
Everlasting righteousness
tion, which contains within it a promise of victory over death
" '
and the grave. See Isa. li. 6, 8. Secondly, vision and prophecy
" a fulfil-
are to be sealed up," or accredited, by their fulfilment :
The Hebrew word, rendered " mercy-seat in our English Bible, is from
the same root, and denotes the place of atonement, the propitiatory."
but rather to His royal anointing, when, after His atoning work
was done, He was received up into heaven to sit at the right hand
}f the Father. It is our Saviour's coronation rather than His
consecration which is here foretold. For after He had fulfilled
vision and prophecy," this was to be the reward of, as well
is the testimony to, His most holy life, Thou hast loved right-
sousness and hated wickedness : therefore God, thy God, hath
anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows (Ps. xlv.
7). It is in anticipation of this exaltation that He is called in this
prophecy, Messiah the Prince." Accordingly, shortly after His
mediatorial kingdom had begun, we find St. Peter speaking of
Eim as exalted by God " to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give
repentance to Israel and remission of sins."
We have now looked at the main subject of Gabriel's com-
munication as given in v. 24. The next three verses, 25-27, give
is the particular details. In defending the traditional view as
against the theories of the critics, it is the chronological accuracy
}f these details which must chiefly engage our attention. The
LXX, as we have seen, went to the daring length of doctoring and
sven altering the numbers ; whilst the modern critics in pursuit
}f their theory are compelled to make excuses for an error of no
ess than sixty-six years. The traditional view has no need to resort
to any such devices. One thing, however, it does require, viz.
" "
;hat in v. 25 a comma be placed after seven weeks and a colon
ifter threescore and two weeks." With this, and a few other
slight alterations in the rendering, the passage will read thus
Know therefore and discern that from the going forth of a
' '
commandment [lit. a word *] to restore and to build Jerusalem
to Prince Messiah shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two
weeks : it shall be built again with street and moat, even in
troublous times. And after the threescore and two weeks shall
Messiah be cut off, and shall have nothing [?] : and the city and
the sanctuary the people of the coming Prince shall destroy ;
and the end of it shall be in the flood, and there shall be war unto
in end desolations are determined. And he shall make firm a
covenant with the many for one week, and for half of the week he
mall cause sacrifice and oblation to cease : and upon a wing of
abominations shall come one that maketh desolate ; even unto
a consummation, and that determined, shall wrath be poured upon
a, desolator."
Not "the word."
;he smaller number stands first. Accordingly they put the stronger
iccent on the word seven." Their action may be represented
;hus : Know therefore and discern, that from the going forth of a
jommandment to restore and to build Jerusalem to Prince Messiah
ihall be weeks seven and weeks threescore and two
it shall be :
Then these men assembled together, and found Daniel |
naking petition and supplication before his God (vi. 11).
In the first year of his reign, I Daniel understood by the
^ooks the number of the years," etc. (ix. 2).
Then this Daniel was distinguished above the presidents and
satraps because an excellent spirit was in him
and the king:
single clause none, and which usually answers to our colon or
semicolon, is placed under the word which precedes the vertical
ine. The Massoretes wished, then, in the present instance to
" "
nark out pointedly the separation of the seven weeks from the
' "
threescore and two weeks which follow. To represent sixty-
" "
line weeks by seven weeks and threescore and two weeks would
ndeed be strange, if there were no reason for it, i.e. no reason for
he division and no reason for putting the smaller number first.
3ut there was a reason. Those first seven weeks were to witness
,he restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem even in troublous
imes ;
for this too was a matter of anxiety to the seer, though
t stood second to his greater anxiety with regard to the enormity
See Wickes' Hebrew Prose Accents, pp. 32-35.
The prophecy begins with the going forth of a commandment
a word '] to restore and to build Jerusalem
as its terminus
a quo. The language here employed has given rise to various
" "
word is it that is meant ? when
questions, such as, whose
and how did it go forth ? and, in what sense would Daniel be
likely to understand these words of Gabriel ?
" "
Undoubtedly the word spoken" of is a divine word, just
as in 23 the angel says to Daniel,
v. At the beginning of thy
supplication a word went forth." The word," dabhar, there
spoken of, as the context shows, is the divine command to Gabriel
to reveal the vision to Daniel. Here it is a mandate from the
throne of the Divine Majesty for the restoring and rebuilding of
Jerusalem. Its object and purpose are thus clearly defined. But
since the time of its utterance is not defined, and since dabhar here,
as in v. 23, is without the definite article in the original, we must
therefore with Ewald, and Francis Brown's Hebrew Lexicon, render
a word," not
the word." To render it the word " would
be to relegate its utterance to past time, thereby leading the reader
" "
to suppose that the word intended was the promise made to
Jeremiah referred to in v. 2 whereas, as a matter of fact, the time
" "
immediate result of a divine word ordering him to come.
Similarly the decree of an earthly ruler for the rebuilding and
Ps. cxlvii. 15.
be expected as yet to trust its Jewish subjects to that extent ;
not to mention the fact that in the third year of Cyrus Daniel was
told of much opposition still to be expected from Persia. 1 Accord-
" "
ing to the traditional view the divine word was uttered in the
seventh year of Artaxerxes I., 457 B.C., and found its execution in
the decree put forth by that monarch, which is recorded in Ezra vii.
12-26. To this the critics object that Artaxerxes' decree is silent
as to any command for the rebuilding or fortification of the city
of Jerusalem. This is quite true as regards the mere wording of
the royal letter. The king's decree is mainly concerned with the
official recognition of the God of Israel. He ordains that the
Jewish religion is to become the established religion of that part
of his dominions, and that Ezra is to teach it to the heathen around.
To assist him to do this Ezra is invested with both civil and
ecclesiastical authority. Further, his countrymen are invited
and encouraged to return along with him while costly gifts to
" "
the God of Israel are made by the king and his counsellors,
and the most ample provision for carrying on the worship of the
God which is in Jerusalem." Thus in the larger and loftier sense
it might truly be said, The Lord doth build up Jerusalem, he
gathereth together the outcasts of Israel," 2 and this, indeed, is
the sense which suits best with Daniel's prayer. For the prophet
had spoken to God of Jerusalem as ** thy city," thy holy moun-
" "
tain," the city which is called by thy name," thy sanctuary."
In his eyes Jerusalem was the place of worship, the city which
Jehovah had chosen to place His name there and to him, to
* 2
Dan. x. 1, 13, 20. J>s. cxlvii. 2.
city, and have finished the walls and repaired the foundations."
This letter insinuates that the Jews are plotting rebellion, and
warns the king twice over that if the walls be rebuilt, they will
cease to pay all taxes to the king, and will carry into revolt with
them all the country beyond the river, i.e. the whole of that wide
district to the west of the Euphrates over which Artaxerxes had
given Ezra civil authority. The Persian king, who like James I.
of England appears to have been well-intentioned but easily swayed
by evil and interested counsellors, after looking back into the
records of the past and finding that Jerusalem had formerly been
the capital of a great kingdom, issued a second decree, ordering
the writers of the letter to see that the work ceased, at any rate
till further instructions were issued. This second decree appears
to have been carried out with great severity by the enemies of the
Jews. The work was not merely stopped, but what had been built
up was pulled down, so that in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes,
444 B.C., Nehemiah received through his brother Hanani the sad
news, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the
province are in great affliction and reproach the wall of Jerusalem
also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire."
Nehemiah knew, doubtless, of the royal decree stopping the
rebuilding of the walls, but he did not know, till his brother told
him, of the severity with which it had been carried out. It is
thus that the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah lead us into those
" "
troublous times," viz. the seven weeks," 457-408 B.C.,
which Gabriel's message foretold. Nehemiah's first visit to
Jerusalem lasted from 444^32 B.C. The date of his second
visit is not given, but the expression after certain days," Neh.
xiii. 6, is suggestive that it followed soon after the first.
Nehemiah's first visit there were troubles both within and without,
as his Book abundantly testifies and doubtless very grave causes
say. It would seem that either Sanballat must have changed his
tactics and adopted a more friendly policy, or that the laxer
members of the Jewish community at Jerusalem must have
succeeded in ousting the party faithful to the regime instituted by
Nehemiah. 2 On the whole, then, we freely admit that owing to
want of information respecting that portion of Jewish history,
we are unable to say why the period of rebuilding or the troublous
times whichever way we understand the angel's words are
limited to seven weeks of years, i.e. to forty-nine years. But the
exact fulfilment of other periods in the prophecy, occurring in times
about which we are better informed, makes us feel sure that did
we but know the story of those earlier days, we should as easily
recognise the suitability of the separating those first seven weeks
from the sixty-two that follow, as we recognise the propriety of
the distinguishing the last week of the seventy from the sixty-
aine that precede it.
A difficulty in the traditional view arises from the fact that it
is not expressly stated in Gabriel's words that the first seven
weeks correspond to the time of rebuilding, or at any rate to the
troublous times." Possibly the Massoretes wished to make
the sense plainer when they placed an emphatic accent after
' " "
weeks seven and a lesser accent after weeks sixty and two."
Ihose first seven weeks were to witness something for which Daniel
aad earnestly prayed, viz. the raising up of the holy city out of
Cambridge Bible, Daniel, p. 145 (2).
It is also noticeable that the sons of Sanballat bear
the Jewish names
Delaiah and Shelemiah, both common names at that period see Neh. vi. 10
md xiii. 13 whence some suppose that their father was a Jew by birth despite
lis Babylonian name Sanballat.
John i. 31. Ibid. i. 41.
with a distinct character of its own. It was referred to the Messiah
by the ancient Jewish commentators, and was looked upon by the
Early Church as prophetic of the united action of both Jewish and
Gentile rulers which led to Messiah's violent death and so to His
resurrection. 1 Further, the view given in it of Messiah's kingdom
is in striking harmony with such passages as Dan. ii. 35, 44, and vii.
18, 14; whilst certain verbal correspondences also strike us, such
" "
as the use of the uncommon word, rendered rage in Ps. ii. 1,
and "assemble" in Dan. vi. 6, 11, 15, which is not found in
any other passage ; and the word used to describe the power
of iron to break in pieces other things, used both in Ps. ii. 9 and
Dan. ii. 40.
" "
The use of Messiah as a proper name in the vision of
Dan. ix. is a stumbling-block in the eyes of the critics. Prof.
Driver observes that if the Book of Daniel were written by Daniel
" " "
this use in it of Messiah would be extremely unlikely."
See The Speaker's Commentary, Psalms, p. 175 ; and for the N.T. refer-
ences to this psalm see Acts iv. 25, 26, xiii. 33, and Heb. i. 5.
Cambridge Bible, Daniel, p. 144 (1).
Century Bible, Zechariah, p. 197, footnote.
the temple or altar in the days of the Maccabees ; the anointed
one of v. 25 is either Cyrus or Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and
" "
the anointed one of v. 26 the high priest Onias III. In the
traditional view the reference in all three cases is to Christ.
Messiah is to be cut off," i.e. He is to suffer a violent death
as contrasted with a natural one. The Hebrew verb here employed
is often used in the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers of
being sentenced to death. Compare also " Isa. liii. 8 where a
different verb of a similar import is used he was cut off out of
the land of the living."
And shall have nothing " lit. " and there is not to him."
what similar meaning given in the E.V.M., There shall be none
belonging to him," and contrast the few disciples found in Jeru-
salem after the Crucifixion 2 with the multitudes who used to follow
Him in the early days of His Galilean ministry, or even with the
crowds who had welcomed Him into Jerusalem only a few days
before. The short, terse expression, and there is not to him,"
takes in all these, and probably was intended to do so.
1 3
John xvi. 32. Acts i. 15.
Hebrew usage, " the Prince, the coming one," Ndgid habbd. As
" "
stated above, the Prince that shall come is to be identified
" "
with Prince Messiah in the previous verse. The picture there
is of Christ coming to save here, of His coming to inflict judgment.
This, then, is one of the passages from which the Messiah appears
" "
to have received the appellation the Coming One." When
John heard in the prison the works of the Christ," i.e. when he
heard that Jesus in His miracles of compassionate love was doing
the works that the Christ was to do, he sent by his disciples and
" "
said unto him, Art thou he that cometh ? better, Art thou the
" "
Coming One ? Gr. 6 epx<>iutvoc=Heh. habbd or look we for
another," a different person ? John seems to have doubted for
the time being whether the Coming One and the Messiah were one
and the same Person. Maybe, in his mind at the time when he
asked the question, the thought of the Messiah was associated with
works of mercy and love and with the vicarious atonement to be
made by the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, to whom he had pointed
his followers the thought of the Coming One, with the sterner
work of justice and judgment. 1 Could it be, then, that they were
1 "
That the the Coming One," may also be used of Christ as coming
to save is not only from Ps. xl. 6, 7, but also from the fact that the
Prince, who in v. 26 comes to destroy the city and the sanctuary," is the
same Person who, as stated in v. 27, will " cause tho sacrifice and the oblation
to cease," viz. by the sacrifice of Himself.
arpaThvixara avrov, he sent forth his armies,' which corresponds
' '
to the people of the prince that shall come in Daniel." . . .
Just when Messiah the Prince appears as the Messiah cut off,
He comes as the Prince to destroy the city and the sanctuary.
The Eomans, as hostile hosts, serve the judging Lord and God of
Israel, as angels of judgment."
shall make firm a covenant with the many for one week." He
" "
shall make firm," or maintain, a covenant," not the covenant,"
as in ix. 4, where God's covenant with Israel is intended, nor
" "
the covenant in the sense of the Jewish religion and ritual, as
" "
in xi. 22, 28, 30, 32 but; a covenant in the sense of a bond of
friendship, amity, and good will. Compare Ps. Iv. 20, He hath
put forth his hands against such as were at peace with him he :
hath profaned his covenant." Also we must translate the many,"
" "
not many," thus giving the article its proper force. By the
many are meant the multitude, the masses of the people "
contrasted with their rulers. So in xi. 33 we should read, the
teachers of the people shall instruct the many," where the masses
are contrasted with their religious guides. Compare also xi. 89
and xii. 3. On the other hand, in xii. 2, where the word is used
without the article, our Revisers have given us the right render-
ing :
Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
" "
awake ; many," not as contrasted with others who do not
awake which would be a denial of the universality of the resur-
rection but simply as drawing attention to their vast numbers.
The prophecy that Messiah would establish and maintain good
relations with the masses of the Jewish people during that last
week, A.D. 26-33, and that He would yet nevertheless meet with
a violent death in the midst of that week, was fulfilled to the letter.
Christ's teaching was popular with the masses. The common
people heard him gladly," is St. Mark's observation with regard
to the temper shown by the multitude almost on the eve of the
Crucifixion. Again, only a few weeks later, the adherents of the
crucified and risen Jesus of Nazareth are described as having
favour with all the people." 3 In those early days the Church of
Cf. Dan. xi. 22 ; Isa. viii. 7, 8, xxviii. 2, 17, 18 ; Nah. i. 8.
1 6 3
tto\vs 6x\oi. Mark xii. 37. Acta ii. 47.
period ended with the death of the first martyr. By this second
crime, or at any rate by the adverse spirit which was stirred up
at the time, the nation may be said to have closed the door upon
themselves. So, then, as the angel tells Daniel, seventy weeks
are determined upon thy people not sixty-nine weeks and a
half ending with the Crucifixion, but seventy weeks ending with
the death of Stephen. This was to be the limit of Jerusalem's
day of grace. For just as in Ezekiel's vision the glory of the Lord
firstmounted up and stood over the threshold of the Holy House,
then hovered for awhile over the east gate of the court, and then
passing away eastward stood over the Mount of Olives, ere it
quitted the neighbourhood of the doomed city
3 so
Messiah, the :
true Glory of His people, remained near them for three and a half
years after they crucified Him. For by His Ascension from the
Mount of Olives they were allowed, so to say, to see His glory
over that eastern hill, while for a short space He was proclaimed
among them as exalted by God with his right hand to be a Prince
and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and remission of
sins." 4 It would indeed have been a sad thing, if, when the great
sacrifice for sin had been offered up at Jerusalem, no opportunity
had been offered to the Jewish people to confess their crowning
sin, and their trust in the atonement made by Him whom they in
their blind rage had crucified. But in point of fact such an
opportunity was given, and many both among the priests and
the people accepted it. The apostles were charged by Christ
to begin their witness for Him from Jerusalem 5 and that they ;
people after the healing of the lame man at the Beautiful door of
the temple, Unto you first God, having raised up his Servant,
sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from your
1 s
Acts vii. 52. 2
Luke xiii. &-9. Ezek. x. 4, 19 and xi. 23.
* 6
Acts v. 31. Luke xxiv. 47. Cf. Acts i. 8.
to make Him known to the people who had crucified Him, Messiah
Himself established a pact with the multitude, which, except for
& brief interval at the time of the Crucifixion, lasted for just a week
of years, viz. from the beginning of His public ministry down to
the death of Stephen.
And for half of the week he," viz. Messiah, " shall cause
sacrifice and oblation to cease i.e. for the last half of the
hadst no pleasure then said I, Lo, I am come, (In the roll of the
It is, then, this taking away of the Levitical sacrifices by the
offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all," which is signified
by Gabriel's words, For half of the week he shall cause sacrifice
and oblation to cease."
And upon
a wing of abominations shall come one that maketh
desolate even unto a consummation, and that which is deter-
which are to capture and destroy both city and temple. Here
the vision points to a yet more terrible foe, which was to arise
within the doomed city and stir up civil war a foe soon to become :
,nd violence. Their crimes were " abominations in the truest
Wars of the Jews, book iv. 3, 3.
Cf. lea. viii. 8 ; Jer. xlviii. 40 ; Hos. viii. 1.
and horror, desolating," i.e. appalling
sense, objects of detestation
those witnessed them, for such is the force of the two Hebrew
words here used. Thus they seized the appointment to the High
Priesthood, and elected by lot to that sacred office a rustic clown,
whom they decked with the priestly robes and brought him forth
as if on the stage, indulging in uncontrolled merriment over his
awkwardness, while the more earnest-minded of the priests shed
hot tears of indignation at this horrid profanation. 1 Josephus,
speaking of the Zealots, says that they ridiculed the oracles of
the prophets which they themselves were instrumental in fulfilling,
adding that there was a certain ancient oracle of those men,
that the city should then be taken and the sanctuary burnt, by
right of war, when a sedition should invade the Jews, and their
own hands should pollute the temple of God." 2 Again, addressing
his rival, John of Gischala, one of the principal leaders of the
Zealots, just three weeks before the capture of the city, he says,
Who is there that does not know what the writings of the ancient
prophets contain in them and particularly that oracle which is
just now going to be fulfilled upon this miserable city for they
foretold that this city should be taken when somebody shall begin
the slaughter of his own countrymen and are not both the city
and the entire temple now full of the dead bodies of your country-
men ! It is God, therefore, it is God Himself, who is bringing on
this fire, to purge that city and temple by means of the Eomans,
and 3
is going to pluck up this city, which is full of your pollutions."
There is some reason for
thinking that the special oracle referred
to by the Jewish historian is this vision at which we are looking,
for it will be noted that pollution is the keynote on which the Jewish
priest and historian harps. The Zealots have filled Jerusalem
with their pollutions. More particularly have they polluted the
temple of God. John had told Josephus that he had no fear of
the city being taken because it was God's city. In answer to which
" To be sure thou
Josephus replied in a tone of bitterest satire :
hast kept this city wonderfully pure for God's sake. The temple
also continues entirely unpolluted." 3 Again and again we
references to the horrible pollution of the temple. Thus : Those
men made the temple of God a stronghold for themselves." 4 . . .
When they were satiated with the unjust actions they had done
towards men, they transferred their contumelious behaviour to
God Himself and came into the sanctuary with polluted feet." 6
Ananus, one of the high priests, is represented as saying to the
Wars of the Jews, book iv. 3, 8. Ibid, book iv. 6, 3.
book vi. 2, 1. * 5
Ibid, Ibid, book iv. 3, 7. Ibid, book iv. 3, 6.
lultitude, Certainly it had been good for me to die before I
.ad seen the house of God full of so many abominations, or these
acred places that ought not to be trodden on at random, filled
nth the feet of these bloodshedding villains." x Jesus, the eldest
igh priest next to Ananus, addressing the Idumeans who had
een invited to Jerusalem by the Zealots, speaks in the same strain,
liter denouncing the Zealots as the very rascality and offscouring
f the whole country, he adds
They are robbers, who by their prodigious wickedness have
rofaned this most sacred floor, and who are now to be seen drink-
lg themselves drunk in the sanctuary." ..." These profane
^retches have proceeded to that degree of madness, as not only to
ave transferred their impudent robberies out of the country and
tie remote cities into this
city, the very face and head of the whole
ation, but out of the city into the temple also for that is now
The strong emphasis with which Josephus thus again and again
escribes this awful pollution leads us to think that the certain
ncient oracle concerning the capture and purification by fire of
ie city and sanctuary after the Jews with their own hands had
olluted the temple of God, can be none other than this vision of
>aniel, seeing that this very clause, upon a wing of abominations
hall come one that maketh desolate," was undoubtedly under-
tood to refer to the temple in the days of Josephus, as may be
athered from the Septuagint rendering of the passage ko\ kir\ :
" and
hpbv [5^i\vy/Lia rwv ipnfxioattov ecttoc, upon the temple
here shall be an abomination of desolations." 3
The origin of the above somewhat remarkable reading of the
eptuagint in which the Hebrew *13? ^V, 'al kenaph, upon the
to the temple," may be
is replaced by
ing," l-wl
hpbv, upon "
tius explained The Hebrew word ?p_3, kdnaph, wing," is also
" "
sed of the extremity of anything, e.g. the skirt of a robe, 4
" " " "
tie border of a garment, 5 the uttermost part of the earth, 6
" "
tie four corners of the earth. 7 Hence taken architecturally
1 2
Wars of the Jews, book iv. 3, 10. Ibid, book iv. 4, 3.
Theodotion's rendering is similar with the omission of tarai.
4 5 6
1 Sam. xv. 27. Xum. xv. 38. Isa. xxiv. 16.
Ibid. xi. 12.
" "
it would signify a gable," or battlements," or, above all, a
" "
pinnacle," just as the Greek irrepvyiov lit. a little wing,"
is used in precisely the same sense in Matt. iv. 5. The Hebrew
word hdnaph being thus understood, the clause could be read, And
upon a pinnacle there will be abominations making desolate."
Now if Zion, in the words of Micah, was " the tower of the flock," l
the very face and head of the whole nation," as Jesus the high
priest phrases it in the passage quoted above then undoubtedly
" "
the temple was the pinnacle of that tower, its culminating
point. Thus, then, the Septuagint were led to give as a trans-
lation what is really an interpretation, And upon the temple there
shall be an abomination of desolations." In this light, then, the
clause would probably be understood by Josephus, and our
Saviour Himself has set His seal to the correctness of this inter-
pretation. His words as given in Matt. xxiv. 15 run thus :
"Orttif ovv 'lSr]T to (3Be\vyna iprnxwaewq to pt]B\v Sta AavlrjX
TOV TTpOtyl]TOV, kcFTOQ BV TOTTty ajtlO, 6
t?i 'lovSaia (ptvytTwcrciv etti to. opi). When therefore ye see the
abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, standing in the holy place, (let him that readeth under-
stand) then let them that are in Judea flee unto the mountains."
" " " "
By the," or a," holy place there is not the least doubt
that our Saviour points to the temple ; also, with the Septuagint
version before us, there can be no doubt that the passage in the
Book of Daniel to which He refers is the one at which we are
looking, since in the parenthesis, let him that readeth under-
stand," we find an echo, as it were, of the words of Gabriel, con-
sider the matter and understand the vision," know therefore
and discern." The sign thus mercifully given by Christ was not
only unmistakable in its fulfilment, but allowed ample time for
all who gave heed to it to escape like Lot from the doomed
city ;
for the temple was seized by the Zealots and made their strong-
hold some three years before the town was first invested by the
Bomans, and then enclosed within a wall of circumvallation. 2
The desolations and abominations wrought bv the Zealots were
destined to end in their own utter destruction. Even unto a
consummation and that determined," i.e. " Even unto the con-
summation determined upon, shall wrath be poured upon a
desolator." 3 Josephus' long tale of horrors shows us how exactly
1 2
Micah iv. 8. Cf. Lewin's Fasti Sacri, p. 348.
The word " wrath " is not in the original, and has to be supplied hi order
seventieth week, A.D. 83. Their fall, their lapse, their oasting
away 1 dates from then ; and what Gabriel unfolds is the great
fact that for the last half week of their existence, viz. from A.D.
80-83, the Levitical sacrifices and ritual will cease in the sight of
God. Here, again, the meaning is spiritual. As a matter of fact
the sacrifices did not cease to be offered till the destruction of
Jerusalem ; but in God's sight they ceased with the sacrifice of
the death of His beloved Son. At the end, then, of the seventy
weeks, the period determined," i.e. portioned off in the divine
foreknowledge, Israel drops out of sight, and is lost, as it were, in
the darkness. We know, indeed, from Christ's own words, as
well as from those of His apostle St. Paul, 2 that they will come into
the light again but nothing is here said of their restoration to
the divine favour. In this vision only one faint ray of light is
shed on Jerusalem's dark future in the closing statement that
heaven's wrath will be poured upon the desolator, i.e. on the
ruthless power that polluted Jehovah's sanctuary and desolated
His city. This predicted outpouring of wrath might give some
slight ground for the hope that even in that darkest hour Jehovah
had not finally forsaken His city and His people.
Rom. xi. 11, 15.
Matt, xxiii. 39 ; Luke xxi. 24 ; Rom. xi. 12, 15, 25-32 ; 2 Cor. iii. 16.
it necessary that the half of the "week should be exactly three and
a half years, i.e. three and a half prophetic days," but simply a
period extending from some point in the fourth year, A.D. 29-80,
to some point in the seventh year, A.D. 32-33.
In our study of the Seventieth Week the first thing is to
determine the year of its commencement, i.e. we have to ascertain
the year in which Messiah was proclaimed by His Forerunner,
John the Baptist, as already present in the midst of His people
Israel ; and we shall find that no fewer than three independent
calculations point us to the year A.D. 26.
Of the Four Evangelists St. Luke is the one who possesses
most fully the historic sense. He is more concerned than his
brother Evangelists with the chronological framework which lies
at the back of the Gospel Story. One epoch which strikes him as
of great importance, and to ascertain which is necessary for the
right interpretation of the vision of Dan. ix., is the beginning of
the ministry of John the Baptist : the time when the cry of that
Ezra vii. 8, 9. See p. 1 85, footnote.
herald-messenger first rang out, bidding men prepare for the coming
kingdom. Accordingly, in chap. hi. 1, 2, St. Luke is careful to
mark the date with a striking series of synchronisms. The first
note of time, which he there gives us, is the fifteenth year of
Tiberius Csesar. Tiberius was associated with Augustus in the
sovereignty of the empire in A.D. 12. His fifteenth year, therefore,
was A.D. 26. Prof. Ramsay suggests that the ministry of John
began in the summer of that year, some six months before that of
Christ, John being six months older than our Saviour. In the
next place, St. Luke tells us in chap. hi. 23 that Jesus himself,
when he began to teach, was about thirty years of age." Now,
according to St. Matthew's Gospel, chap. ii. 1, Jesus was born in
the reign of Herod the Great, and evidently near the close of that
reign :
compare Matt. ii. 19, 20. Herod died in 4 B.C., very
shortly before the Passover.
Whence it has been reckoned that
our Saviour was born either at the end of 5 B.C., or early in 4 B.C.
" "
This would make Him about thirty at the end of A.D. 26.
Thirdly, we learn from John ii. 20 that at the first Passover in our
of John vi. 4, shortly after the Feeding of the Five Thousand and ;
Ant. xvii. 8. 1. The date of this Passover and of the death of Herod is
ascertained from the fact that just a month before there was an eclipse of the
moon, which happened in the night of March 12-13, 4 B.C., Ant. xvii. 6. 4.
Ant. xv. 11. 1. In the Wars of the Jews, i. 21, 1, the building of the
temple is assigned to Herod's fifteenth year ; but Wiesler has shown in his
Chronologica Synopsis, p. 152, footnote, that the number 15 is an error of the
transcriber. Cf. also Herzog's Evcyclopcridia, xxi. 546.
it included another Passover which is not mentioned by the
Evangelist, viz. the next after the Passover of John ii. 13. The
argument hinges on the right understanding of Christ's words in
John iv. 35, Say not ye, There are yet four months and then
cometh the harvest ? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes,
and look on the fields, that they are white already unto the harvest."
Many commentators have looked on this utterance as a proverb,
and it is quite true that there is a proverbial ring about the words,
" " " "
Say not ye? Is it not a common saying among you ?
But since the interval between sowing and harvest to which, if
they were a proverb, they would naturally allude is six months,
and not four, we must understand them otherwise, viz. as a note
of time Say not ye at this time of the year, Yet four months
till harvest ? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look
on the fields, that they are white already unto the harvest. Look
yonder See that eager throng pressing forward out of the city.
The good seed has already been sown there, and has sprung up
with lightning speed. There lies the true harvest field, ready even
now for the reaping " It is thus the sharp contrast presented by
the then state of the spiritual field as compared with the natural,
which drew from our Saviour's lips this enigmatic saying. Here,
then, is an additional reason for looking at Christ's words as a
referenoe to the time of year. A proverb they could hardly be ;
but taken as a note of time they help to furnish a striking enigma.
Our Lord, then, after the first Passover of His ministry, leaving
" " 1
Jerusalem goes into Judea, and tarries there for some eight
months, baptising contemporaneously with John. At the end of
that time, about the close of November or early in December,
four months before the harvest which began at the next Passover
He passes through Samaria on His way to Galilee, where He
receives a warm welcome from those who had witnessed the
miracles done by Him at Jerusalem in the early part of the year ;
and it may be presumed that He avails Himself of the door thus
" "
opened to Him, and tarries awhile in Galilee as He had done
in Judea. Then follows the unnamed feast of John v. 1, to be
present at which our Lord goes up to Jerusalem. What feast
could this be ? Certainly not the Feast of the Dedication, for that
was held in the winter, viz. in the very month in which Christ
went into Galilee. The next feast is that of Purim, which falls
just a month before the Passover. This would require our Lord
to spend less than three months in Galilee, and to rush away, as
it were, from those who had accorded Him so warm a welcome.
John iii. 22.
Besides, Purim was a vindictive feast, and its teaching was utterly
alien to the spirit of Christ. 1 Further, that Christ should go up
to the feast of Purim in John v. 1, and then absent Himself from
the Passover of John vi. 4, which followed only a month later, ia
unthinkable. But if the unnamed feast of John v. 1 is not Purim,
it can only be a Passover or some feast subsequent to the Passover, i.e.
At this feast the Book of Esther is read through at the Synagogue service.
When Hainan's name is mentioned the congregation stamp on the floor and
" " "
call aloud, Let his name be blotted out ! Let the name of the ungodly
perish ! while the children knock on the wall with wooden hammers, threaten-
ing with destruction, not only Haman, but the whole race of Amalek. Also
when the reader comes to the names of Hainan's ten sons, who were slain by
the Jews, he does his best to read them through in a breath, thus signifying
the suddenness of the destruction which overtook them.
2 St. Paul the
Traveller, p. 386.
3 Ibid.
p. 376.
it difficult to believe that repressive measures against the followers
of Christ could have been delayed more than two years or three at
the utmost. His conclusion runs thus It is therefore quite
fair to date Stephen's death about two and a half or three years
after the great Pentecost." l The year of Stephen's death being
thus ascertained, with strong probability, if not with absolute
certainty, we have now obtained the beginning, the middle, and
the ending of that last great Seventieth Week, and can express the
result in strict chronological sequence as follows :
A.D. 26-27 The proclamation of the Messiah
by the Baptist.
A.D. 29-30 Messiah's violent death.
day of grace, and very shortly before the conversion of the Apostle
of the Gentiles.
was pointed out in the last chapter that the extension of
Israel's day of grace supplies the reason why the vision of the
Seventy Weeks extends to some three years and more after the
Crucifixion. But there is another and deeper reason for the
selection of that limit which must not be overlooked. Beginning
with the mention of Israel's sin and Israel's need, the vision of
" "
Dan. ix. passes on to Israel's Glory as Messiah comes upon the
scene. In His rejection the national guilt is consummated.
Nevertheless, mounting to His Mediatorial throne by the ladder of
the Cross, exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour," He still waits
to be gracious to His own people, still maintains the week "-long
pact, thus giving His rebellious subjects time to send in their
illegiance. But a second murder, that of His first martyr St.
Stephen, puts an end to Israel's day of grace, and at the same time
mens the way to a further development of the Messianic Kingdom,
rhe murder of Messiah Himself had led the way to His being
nstalled in the seat of power at Jehovah's right hand. The
seeming defeat of the Cross had been a real victory for then, as :
As for me, 2 I have set my king
Upon my holy mountain of Zion." 3
Ask ofme, and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance,
And the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession."
This second outrage, then, the death of His first martyr, shall
be used by Him for this promised extension of His Kingdom. By
means of it He will put forth His royal power, and scattering His
servants from Jerusalem, will despatch them into all lands, thus
fulfilling the prediction of the 110th Psalm
The Lord shall send forth the rod of thy strength out of Zion,
Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies."
is an
everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey
1 2
R.V.M. army. Acta xi. 19-21.
The earlier vision opens thus "In the third year of the reign
Dan. viii. 1, 2.
Chap. viii. 2.
shore of the Great Sea," the Mediterranean, looking west. That
sea, out of which the four wild beasts picturing the great heathen
world-powers were seen to arise, was symbolical of the sea of
nations, and its very position was significant, since two of those
powers, Babylon and Persia, sprang up on one side of it, and two,
Greece and Eome, on the other side. It was no less significant
as indicating the wider outlook of that vision, both in time and
space, which has for its theatre the World of the Ancients, and in
its scope takes in the remote future, casting a lurid light on that
terrible persecution which the saints were to suffer at the hands
of Papal Eome long after the Son of Man had received His
mediatorial kingdom. Similarly, in these more contracted visions
the scenes are no less admirably chosen. The mention of those two
eastern rivers, the Ulai and the Hiddekel, is particularly striking
as denoting the quarters most closely connected with those two
world-powers, Persia and the Greek-Syrian kingdom, at whose
hands the Jewish Church was to suffer, first, much opposition, and
presently, the bitterest persecution. It is possible, indeed, that the
vision of chaps, xi. and xii. has a further typical meaning but the ;
Myres' Dawn of History, p. 89.
Babylonian plain the "southern portion of this mountainous region
vas known as Elam, the Upland." Accordingly, in Isa. xxi. 2,
diere is summoned to join Media in putting down
Elam Assyria,
re find a play on the name, which might well be shown by a
aarginal rendering thus Up ! Upland." To the Aryan tribe8
iressing forward from the east Elam was known as Uvaja, i.e.
" "
ither the country with good roads for through its mountain
lasses ran the trade routes from the East or, the land abounding
a goats." The Elamites themselves called their country Haltamti.
he second column of the great inscription of Darius Hystaspes
t Behistim is written in the Elamite language, in that branch of
usually known as the Neo-Susian. Like the ancient Sumerian
b Was an
agglutinative tongue. Darius in his inscription, when
numerating in something of geographical order the countries
yhich Auramazda has put under his sway, places Elam between
and Babylonia.
During the Assyrian period, Elam was the inveterate foe of the
Assyrians and the firm ally of the Chaldeans. Against Elam
Sennacherib directed five out of the eight campaigns described
m the Taylor Cylinder. Elam was twice very severely chastised
viz. in 660 B.C., and again in 645 B.C. ; and so
>y Ashurbanipal,
errible was the vengeance on this latter occasion that one might
See the account of Sennacherib's sixth campaign on the Taylor Cylinder.
See the Cylinder Inscription of Cyrus, line 30, as read by Pinches and
Weissbach. This is also Winckler's view. It is interesting to note that
according to Sayce the discoveries of M. de Morgan on the site of Susa disclos*
the fact that in the early days of Babylonian history Elam was a Babylonian
province and Susa the seat of a Babylonian governor.
capital of Assyria, and as far east as Shushan, the former capital
of Elam. That Shushan lay on the eastern frontier of the empire,
and that Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom could not have extended
much beyond it, appears to be indicated by the fact that this
great king drew his supplies of timber, not from the mountains
of Elam, though comparatively near to Babylon, but from the
much more distant forests of the Lebanon.
In the Assyrian period Shushan was the chief royal city of
Elam, and the dwelling-place of the Elamite gods, famous for its
sacred groves, its royal mausoleum, and the statues of no less than
thirty-two kings, as well as for the treasures laid up in its palaces.
Doubtless it was still a place of importance under the New Baby-
lonian empire, more especially as a military outpost and frontier
town. In Persian times, which had already commenced when
Daniel wrote his Book, Shushan, or Susa, speedily became one of
the capitals of the empire, along with Ecbatana, Persepolis, and
Babylon. It was, in fact, the favourite winter resort of the Persian
kings, and so delightful was its situation and climate that by the
reign of Darius Hystaspes it appears as the chief city of the empire,
the place where Darius kept his treasure, and the terminus of the
" "
Boyal Eoad from Sardis, which, according to Herodotus, it
took ninety days to traverse. 2
In his vision Daniel seemed to be in Shushan the palace."
The Hebrew word birah, translated palace," is connected with
the Assyrian birtu, a fortress," and signifies the citadel of Shushan.
Hence the marginal rendering, Shushan the castle," is to be
preferred, both here and in the Books of Nehemiah and Esther.
In the Koyunjik Gallery of the British Museum, on one of the
bas-reliefs from the palace of Ashurbanipal, we find a curious
and interesting plan of the town and citadel of Shushan, as they
existed in the middle of the seventh century B.C. The plan is in
exact agreement with the lines of the ancient city as laid bare by
Loftus. Nevertheless, across the picture is written in cuneiform
characters, The city of Madaktu." Madaktu was the name of
another Elamite royal city, probably represented by a place named
Badaca, about twenty-five miles from the site of Shushan. Hence
it has been supposed that the sculptor has made a mistake in
" " "
writing Madaktu instead of Shushan." This bas-relief
shows the city built on a narrow strip of land between two rivers.
Near the junction of the rivers, standing on a hill or mound, is
" "
the castle or citadel. In the Persian period the famous
Persian archers of the royal bodyguard, known as the Immortals,
Inscription of Ashurbanipal on the Rassam Cylinder, col. vi.
Book v. 52, 53.
tions and houses a little to the right. Scattered houses and palm
trees are seen in the foreground outside the walls, between the town
and the larger of the two rivers. Many of the houses have
chambers on the flat roofs, like that which Daniel used for his
2 "
prayer-chamber. In his vision Daniel tells us that he was by
the river Ulai," probably the larger of the two rivers depicted in
the bas-relief as running close by the castle mound and across the
immediate foreground. The word ubal, here used for river," is
an unusual one. It comes from a root meaning " to conduct,"
and might better be translated " canal." Another word from the
same root signifies a " conduit." The Ulai was a very wide canal,
900 feet broad, joining the Kerkha (the ancient Choaspes) and the
Abdizful (the ancient Coprates), the traces of which, though it is
now dry, can still be seen. This vast canal joining the two rivers
would be much used for water traffic, and must have proved a
source of wealth to Shushan, which, as we have seen, was destined
shortly to become the first of Persia's royal cities and to be restored
to the same proud position which it had held under the native
Elamite monarchs. In the visions of the Book of Daniel the
immense wealth of the Persian empire is foretold. It is to be the
Silver, i.e. the Monied Kingdom, and its mighty kings are to be
3 The idea of wealth and abund-
strong through their vast wealth.
ance was in the minds of the Babylonians connected with their
system of canals, both because they helped to irrigate the land
and make it fruitful, and also because as in the case of the broad
Ulai they served for purposes of water-traffic. Such was the
importance of these canals in Babylonia that both Nabopolassar
and Nebuchadnezzar have left canal-inscriptions. The inscription
of Nebuchadnezzar has reference to a canal at Babylon, which
bore the name Libil-khigalla, " May it bring abundance." 4 This
canal ran eastwards from the Euphrates along the south side of
the southern citadel. Libil-khigalla had been in a ruinous state
for some time, and the monarch gives the following account of the
repairs executed by him Libil-khigalla, the east canal of
Story of the Nations : Media, p. 337.
Cambridge Bible, Daniel, chap. vi. 10, footnote.
Dan. ii. 32 and xi. 2.
* iv
The word libil t may it bring," is from the root mentioned above.
Babylon, which for a long time had lain in ruins, blocked up with
masses of earth, and full of obstructions, I cleared it out and ;
senses than one, for what the blood is to the human body, that the
treasure laid up at Shushan was to the body politic of the Persian
kingdom. Hence that
last victory at Arbela touched a vital
masters of this city, you may be bold to vie with Jove himself for
riches." 4 And so, indeed, it proved, for the silver captured by
Alexander at Susa amounted to no less than 50,000 talents, or
1 "
I.e. The oppressor shall not pass over it." Compare the description of
' " "
The way of Holiness in Isa. xzxv. 8, the unclean shall not pass over it."
a *
Jer. li. 13, R.V.M. Dan. viii. 6, 7. Herod, v. 49
is shorter, being only 1146 miles as compared with the 1670 miles
then, with the tone of the prophecy we may surely look on this
mention, at the beginning of the vision, of the Tigris with its deep
swift current as a type of those vast armies with which the Seleucid
kings swept through the land of Israel.
But why, it will be asked, was not the vision shown to Daniel
by the river Euphrates, which, as we have seen, was regarded as
The Great Eiver," not only by the Hebrews, but also by the
Sumerians, the ancient inhabitants of Babylonia, as well as being
the river referred to by Isaiah ? Doubtless because the Tigris,
and not the Euphrates, was destined to have a special connection
with the Seleucid dynasty. It was on the banks of the Tigris that
Seleucus Nicator, the founder of the dynasty, built his great city
of Seleucia, to take the place of Babylon and to form the capital
of the eastern half of his empire. What Seleucus did," writes
Bevan, was less to destroy Babylon than to transfer it to another
site. It was usual, as Strabo observes, to describe a man of
Seleucia as a Babylonian.' Seleucia was a very great city.
According to Pliny, its free population was 600,000." Seleucia,
then, on the bank of the Tigris, was destined in the eyes of the
nations to stand for a second Babylon, just as Babylon had stood
for a second Assyria. And as the Assyro-Babylonian Euphrates
had in a figure swept across the land of Israel, so presently would
the Seleucid Tigris with its deep-rushing stream, overflow and
pass through." Again, the Tigris is chosen rather than the
Orontes, on which stood Antioch the other Seleucid capital also
built by Seleucus Nicator, and from which the great Seleucid
armies set out because Antioch, unlike Seleucia, had no connection
1 -
Isa. xvii. 13. House of Seleucus, vol. i.
p. 253.
was like the crossing of the surging sea [lit. sea of waves ']
" 1
of the briny flood (ya-ar-ri).
" " "
If, then, we substitute flood for river," the striking passage
which comes at the close of Daniel's latest vision will read thus
Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two,
the one on the brink of the flood on this side, and the other on the
brink of the flood on that side. And one said to the man clothed
in linen, which was above the waters of the flood, How long shall
it be to the end of these wonders ? And I heard the man clothed
in linen, which was above the waters of the flood, when he held up
his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him
that liveth for ever, that it shall be for a time, times, and an half ;
and when they have made an end of breaking in pieces the power
of the holy people, all these things shall be finished."
In Assyrian the Nile is called Ya'ttru and Yaru'u, and it has been ques-
his channels, and go over all his banks and he shall sweep onward
even to the neck and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the
of that earlier vision Gabriel had been sent to inform Daniel of the
coming of Prince Messiah." And now a greater than Gabriel,
even Messiah Himself whose glorious appearance as described
in chap. x. 5, 6, was to be seen yet again by St. John in Patmos
appeared to the Old Testament seer standing over the waters of
the river. 1 The same development of revelation is noticeable in
the world- visions of chaps, ii. and vii., both of which were shown to
Daniel, though the former had been shown in the first instance
to Nebuchadnezzar. Thus in the vision of chap. ii. we hear only
of the kingdom of the God of heaven. Nothing is said as to the
heaven-sent King, though it is quite true that a mysterious hint
as to the Incarnation is contained in the mention of the stone
cut out of the mountain without hands." But in the later vision
of chap. vii. the destined Buler of the Divine Kingdom appears on
" "
the scene. One like unto a son of man is beheld " coming
with the clouds of heaven," and is brought near to the Ancient
of Days to receive from Him lasting and world-wide dominion.
Cf. Ban. x. 5, 6 with Rev. i. 13-16.
in thy lot, at the end of the days so that despite the statement
of chap. x. 11, that He is sent," or rather along with that state-
ment, we are compelled to recognise in this veiled Personality the
Christ of the New Testament, and are led to place this closing
vision of the Book side by side with that scene witnessed on the
Sea of Galilee, when through the darkness a Figure was seen walking
on the angry waters, whilst through the roaring of the tempest
was heard a well-known Voice, saying to His terrified followers,
Be of good cheer it is I ; be not afraid."
Appendix I
Appendix II
and instead of it there came up four notable horns toward the four
winds of heaven," viii. 8. Cf. xi. 4, and when he shall stand up,
his kingdom shall be broken and shall be divided toward the four
winds of heaven."
upright," viii. 18. Cf. x. 9, 10, when I heard the voice of his
words, then was I fallen into a deep sleep on my face, with my face
toward the ground. And, behold, a hand touched me, which set
me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands."
(16) the latter time of the indignation," viii. 19. Cf. xi. 36,
till the indignation be accomplished."
(17) shall stand up," i.e. shall arise, viii. 22, 23. Cf. xi. 2, 3,
(18) "understanding dark sentences," rather "skilled in
ambiguities," viii. 23. Cf. xi. 21, he shall obtain the kingdom by
but not," viii. 22, 24. Cf. xi. 4, 6, 17, 25, 27, 29.
the holy people," viii. 24. Cf. xii. 7.
(21) the Prince of princes," viii. 25, i.e. the Prince of angelic
" " "
powers. Cf. x. 20, the prince of Persia ; x. 21, Michael your
prince," spoken of angels.
" "
(22) the vision ... is true," viii. 26. Cf. x. 1, the thing
word ']
was true."
(23) shut thou up the vision
for it belongeth to many
days to come" viii. shut up the words, and seal
26. Cf. xii. 4,
" "
the book, even to the time of the end ;
also x. 14, the vision
is yet for many days."
The language is one mark of evidence set by God on the book."
Lectures on Danid the Prophet, E. E. Pusey.
Book was originally written in this language and that the Hebrew-
portion only a translation.
See 2 Sam.viii. 3-13 and Ps. Ix. title.
Cf.Job ii. 11.
Hommel's Ancient Hebrew Tradition, pp. 204-208,
Sayce's Higher Criticism, p. 200,
or Syrian branch had drifted away, that Tiglathpileser III.,
745-729 B.C., conducted his first campaign. In his account of
it he mentions
by name no fewer than thirty-five different tribes,
and finally sums them all up under one common designation as
the whole of the Arameans, who dwell on the banks of the Tigris,
Euphrates, and Surappi, as far as where the Uknu falls into the
1 2
The Choaspes, the modern Kerkha, which flowed near Shushan
The Persian Gulf.
4 Die Aramder, p. 20.
this view, which I shall have occasion to refer to later, has met
with a complete check owing to a remarkable discovery made
in the island of Elephantine just below the First Cataract of the
Nile in the early years of the present century. The story runs
In the fifth century B.C. the twin fortresses of Jeb and Syene
answering to the modern Elephantine and Assouan the former
being an island stronghold, the latter situated on the eastern bank
of the Nile, stood confronting one another to guard the portals of
the southern entrance into the Egyptian satrapy of the Persian
empire. To reach that entrance from within you had to traverse
Egypt" proper and also Upper Egypt the Pa-tu-risi, or South
Land of the Egyptians, and the Pathros of the Old Testament
whence the prophet Ezekiel speaks of Egypt as extending from
3 At this
Migdol to Syene, even unto the border of Ethiopia."
remote outpost, on the verge of the mysterious hinterland of
Ethiopia, there was settled in the fifth century B.C. a flourishing
colony of Jews, the possessors of houses and lands, and of a temple
in which sacrifices were offered. They had been there, so they
tell us, before
Cambyses conquered Egypt in 525 B.C., and the
probability is that
they were sprung from the large Jewish popu-
lation which had found its way as far south as Pathros even in
Cook's Glossary of the Aramaic Inscriptions, pp. 2-4.
For an interesting account of these inscriptions see E. G. H. Kraeling'a
Aram and Israel. New York Columbia University Press. 1918.
Ezek. xxix. 10, R.V.M. The site of Migdol is about two miles from Suez.
the days of the prophet Jeremiah. 1 Indeed, for purposes of trade
As a punishment for the crime committed by John, Bagoas imposed a
seven years' tribute on the Jews. They were required to pay fifty shekels out
of the public funds for every lamb offered in the daily sacrifices. Ant. xi. 7, 1.
this in order to show their bearing on the Aramaic of the Book
of Daniel. The letter reads thus
To our lord 1 Bagohi, governor 2 of Judah, thy servants,
Jedoniah and his companions, 3 the priests who are in the fortress 4
of Jeb [say] Peace 5 May our Lord, the God of heaven, 6 grant
Now thy servants, Jedoniah and his companions speak
thus In the month of Tammuz in the 14th year of king Darius,
3 The
word thus rendered occurs in Ezra iv. 9 and v. 3.
A loan word from the Assyrian birtu, rendered in Dan. viii. 2, " palace,"
margin castle," when speaking of the citadel of Shushan.
Cf. Dan. iv. 1 (iii. 31) and vi. 25 (26).
Dan. ii. 18 Ezra v. 11, vi. 9, vii. 12 a title characteristic of the Persian
; :
7 "
Lit. mercies before king Darius." Cf. Dan. ii. 18, where the literal
rendering is, mercies from before the God of heaven."
Darius Nothus, 424-405 B.C.
Ezra vi. 10, vii. 23.
10 Lit. "
more than what now one thousand." Cf. Dan. iii. 19, which
may be rendered literally, one seven above what was seemly for heating."
11 Kemarln : used
of idolatrous priests, 2 Kings xxiii. 5 Hos. x. 5 Zeph. i. 4. ; :
Khnub, or Khnumu, was the Nile-god of the Cataract, and as such
the patron god of Elephantine.
The word translated " joint conspiracy " is an Old Persian word with a
Semitic ending, akin to the Greek a^a.
14 An Old Persian "
word, chief in command." Compare the Greek irp6repos.
The word for temple is the Sumerian e-kur, " mountain-house," see
Chapter V. above which found its way into the Assyrian and so into the
16 In the
Old Testament this form of the name Jehovah is found only at
" "
the end of proper names under the form iah in our English Bibles. Cf.
Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. It answers to the more contracted Jah, chiefly found in
the later Psalms.
17 "
Destroyer." The word occurs in an inscription from Nerab of the
seventh century B.C. See G. A. Cooke's N. Semitic Inscriptions, No. 6,
line 10, with a destructive death," etc.
18 il
Letter," igghah. Cf. Ezra iv. 8, v. 6.
Also, before this, at the time when this evil was done to us,
we sent a letter to our lord, and to Jehohanan 13 the high priest
1 "
Rdbh-chayil, commander of the forces," a Babylonian compound word.
" "
Cf. Dan.ii. 14,
captain of the guard," and iv. 9 (6), master of the magicians."
Syene was on the right bank of the Nile opposite Elephantine.
word of doubtful meaning.
Qtmu a verb found in the Assyrian.
5 "
Lit. their heads." Cf. Ps. xxiv. 7, 9.
Ushsharna' : a word hitherto only found in Ezra v. 3, 9.
7 "
Whatever else." The word thus rendered is found in Egyptian Aramaic
inscriptions of the fifth to the fourth century B.C.
Mizreqayyd. Cf. Exod. xxvii. 3.
Kings." Although this word is written in the singular, yet the dupli-
cate shows that it is to be taken in a plural sense. The kings meant are the
native kings of Egypt before the Persian conquest.
10 525
B.C. For Cambyses' slaughter of the priests of Apis and mockery of
the idols of the Egyptians, see Herod, hi. 29, 37.
I.e. allowed us to see the retribution that overtook him. He appears
to have been thrown into chains and exposed to the semi- wild dogs of the
East. Cf. Jer. xv. 3.
A use of the verb=" we have seen what we wished to see,"
" we havepregnant
feasted our eyes upon." Cf. Pss. liv. 7 (9), lix. 10 (11)
; also line 4 of
the Moabite Stone He [Chemosh] let me see my desire upon all my enemies."
The Johanan of Neh. xii. 23.
and his companions the priests who were in Jerusalem, and to
Ostan his brother who is 'Anani 1
and to the nobles of the
Jews [but] they sent no letter to us.
Moreover, since Tammuz-day, the 14th year of king Darius,
to this day we have put on sackcloth and fasted our wives have ;
to our lord, think upon this temple that it may be rebuilt since ;
and our children, and the Jews, all [of us] who are here. If thus
it be done until this temple is rebuilt, then thou shalt have a
fixed portion 4 before Jahu the God of heaven from every one who
offers to Him burnt-offering and sacrifice, in value equivalent to
a thousand talents of silver. 5 And concerning the gold con-
cerning that we have sent and given information. We have also
sent the matter in a letter in our name to Delaiah and Shelemiah,
the sons of Sanballat the governor of Samaria. 6
The 20th of Marchesvan, the 17th year of king Darius."
Memorandum of what Bagohi and Delaiah have said to me.
Memorandum to this effect 7 Thou art to say in Egypt : before
Ostan was his Persian, 'Anani his Hebrew, name.
a "
Chdrim, nobles." See Neh. ii. 16, iv. 14 (8), etc.
Dan. x. 3.
4 "
Tseddqdh, which generally means righteousness," is here used of a
portion fixed by law or agreement. In Neh. ii. 20 it is well rendered right."
Cf what has already been said about the character of Bagoas as gathered
Cf. Ezra v. 15 and vi. 7. From the inscriptions of Nabonidus we learn
that there was a strong feeling that temples, when rebuilt, should follow the
exact lines of the old foundations. See Records of the Past, New Series, vol. v.
p. 174, col. ii. 65.
1, viz. the word for temple," is a loan-word from the Assyrian j
1, viz. the word rendered destroyer," is from a root found in the
Syriae 1 is a word of doubtful meaning
and the remaining
2 are from the Old Persian. Of the 88 Verbs used in the letter,
32 are found in Biblical Aramaic, and of these 29 are in the Book
of Daniel. The Prepositions, Adverbs, and Conjunctions are all
found in the Book of Daniel, and also most of the compound
particles e.g. the word translated
when " in Dan. iii. 7 and
" " " "
even as in ii. 43 1 the word ;
till in ii. 9 2 ; and the word
" " "
rendered aforetime in vi. 10, (11), lit. from before this." 3
And not only are verbs, nouns, and particles the same but we ;
The use
of the so-called Emphatic State, which according
to the consensus of evidence and opinion probably answered, at
least originally, to the Noun defined by the Article. 4
The occasional use of the unit for the Indefinite Article. 6
The freer use of the particle of relation in its threefold
1 " "
E. 23, that it may be rebuilt," lit. for rebuilding it." Cf. Dan. vi. 3
" "
(4), lit. thought with a view to setting him ; also vi. 4 (5), 7 (8), 23 (24).
2 This
Preposition, so frequently used in Daniel in combination with
Relatives and Demonstratives, is similarly used in E. 25, as it was built."
Cf. Dan. vi. 10 (11).
Dan. x. 1.
Thus for the Biblical 7. hi,
^i. Pity etc.,
we find in the Elephantine
papyri n, kt.
rw, etc.
and the d found in the Aramaic of the Book of Daniel cannot be
regarded as any criterion of the age of that Book. The other
explanation is that advocated by Prof. B. D. Wilson in his able
article on The Aramaic of Daniel." 1 According to this writer
the Semites, from whatever source they adopted their alphabet,
eeem to have had only two signs, Daleth and Zain, to express the
three sounds d, dh, and z. Daleth was always used to denote d
and Zain to denote z. For the dh sound three methods were
employed (i)
:the Arabs invented a third sign by putting a dot
over the Daleth (ii) Hebrew and Babylonian expressed dh
tions use d." The central portion of the Book of Daniel is thus
the earliest Aramaic document known to us in which d takes the
place of dh. But this usage, regarded by some as a sign of late
authorship, was really in vogue long before the era of Daniel.
The evidence of this, as Wilson points out, is furnished by the
cuneiform inscriptions of Shalmaneser II., 860-825 B.C. In these
inscriptions, when transcribing the name of a contemporary king
of Damascus, the Assyrian scribe writes Dadda-idri instead of
the Hebrew form Hadad-e^er ; Dadda, which has the determinative
of divinity before it, standing for Hadad, the Hebrew form of the
name of the national god of Syria, and idri answering in Aramaic
to the Hebrew ezer ; thus showing that in the age of Shal-
maneser II., i.e. as early as the middle of the ninth century B.C.,
See Biblical and Theological Studies by the Members of the Faculty of
Princeton Theological Seminary. New York. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1912.
Prof. Wilson's article came to hand after I had written this chapter. My
first impulse after reading it was to suppress the results of my own very
limited investigations. Struck, however, with the fact that conclusions, at
which I had arrived independently, tallied with those of this learned and lucid
writer, and considering that any proof of the authenticity of the Book of
Daniel must ultimately rest on cumulative evidence, I decided to let the results
of my own studies see the light for the sake of any additional evidence they
might contain.
Viz. the inscription of Zakir king of Hamath of the ninth century B.C. ;
the inscriptions of Panammu I. and Bar-rekub, kings of Samahla near the
Syrian Antioch, of the eighth century B.C. ; and the Aramaic dockets found
in Assyria from the ninth century B.C. onwards.
out, does not represent the old Eastern Aramaic, but only a sister
tongue. The modern representative of the old Eastern Aramaio
according to this authority is the Neo- Syriac, still spoken in the
mountains from Mardin and Midyad on the west to Lake Urumiah
on the east, 4 a dialect more closely connected with the Mandaitic
and that of the Babylonian Talmud than with the classical Syriac.
Thus, for instance, the Infinitive Pael, which in the Syriac has the
prefix m, is usually without that prefix in the Talmud Babli, the
Mandaitic, and the Eastern Neo-Syriac, just as in the Biblical
Aramaic. 3 On the other hand, the modern representative of the
Western Syriac is the dialect spoken at Ma'lula in the Anti-Libanus.
Both of these modern dialects have greatly modified the ancient
grammar. The most interesting difference between them lies in
the vocalisation, where the Eastern Neo-Syria agrees more closely
with the Biblical Aramaic than the Western. Thus KHrtnj, nehord,
light," Dan. ii. 22, is still pronounced nehord in Eastern Neo-
Syriac, but in Western Neo-Syriac appears as nehurd. Similarly
A yet earlier instance of this is found in the name of Adriel the
Meholathite, the son-in-law of king Saul. AcMel is the Aramaic form of the
Hebrew Azriel, " God is my help," for which cf. Jer. xxxvi. 26.
Cf. Dan. vii. 13, bar endsh,
a son of man."
Cf. Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages, p. 20.
Ibid. pp. 201-2. Ibid. p. 183.
WQ3, kblidnd, priest," Ezra vii. 12, is to-day pronounced Mhnd
in the Eastern dialect, but kdhno in the Western. Again, it has
been usual till of late to distinguish the so-called Western and
Eastern Aramaic by the prefix of the third person singular of the
Imperfect. Thus the Western prefixes a y, the Eastern an n.
But, as Prof. Wilson has shown, the y, according to all documentary
evidence, was used in the East and West alike down to A.D. 78.
The Aramaic of the Book of Daniel, p. 267.
Ibid. p. 269, where Prof. Wilson shows that this use of I in the Imperfect
is no late feature of the language, but occurs in an inscription of the eighth
oentury B.C.
but rather on the length of time that the two languages, the Old
Persian and the Aramaic, had been in contact. In the case
of the Book now before us it would depend in great measure
also on the position occupied by the writer i.e. his position, ;
and the notices in his Book, especially in the latter instance, favour
the idea that he had been in these localities. 1 Moreover tradition
declares that he spent the closing years of his life at Shushan, and
that he was buried there. 2 Now, it was at the river of Shushan
and on the banks of the Uknu, 3 as shown in our last chapter, that
the inroads of the Arameans found their furthest eastern extension .
" "
The land of the Arumu, as we there saw, lay to the east of
the Tigris. They had wedged themselves in between Babylonia
and Elam on the south, and between Assyria and Media on the
north. They formed, in fact, a number of buffer-states between
the great empires on the Tigris and Euphrates and the Aryan
peoples of Media and Persia. Shamshi-Bammanu, king of Assyria,
825-812 B.C., mentions together the lands of the Kaldu (Chal-
deans), Elam, Namri, and the Arumu (Arameans). His pre-
decessor, Shalmaneser II., 860-825 B.C., speaking of Namri,
Dan. viii. 2, x. 4.
See Loftus' CMldea and Susiana.
The Choaspes of Herodotus (book i. 188), and the modem Kerkha.
when we take into account the special character of the Book now
before us, as well as the position occupied by him who may well
be accounted its author. Here is a work written by an old man,
a courtier and a diplomat, a man in every way of a wide outlook,
a religious imperialist. Certain portions of it are descriptive of
scenes at court, in most of which he himself took a very prominent
part. At the time when he writes his Book, he holds a very
important post at the court of Persia, and converses in the Old
Persian every day, either with the king his master or with the
Median and Persian officials around him. Now, it is observable,
and exactly what we should expect, that the Persian words in
this Book occur chiefly in the descriptions given us of scenes at
court, and that at least fourteen out of the twenty are of a legal,
official, and state character, no less than eight being titles of office
like the frateraka of the Elephantine letter. Among these titles
of office is an anachronism, just such as an old man who had lived
in the employment of the state through the Babylonian and on
into the Persian period might very easily be guilty of. I refer
to the use in chap. iii. 3, of the Persian title satraps," to describe
certain high officials at the court of Nebuchadnezzar. This is
just such a use of words as an aged servant of the public, busied
in the affairs of the Medo-Persian kingdom, might very easily be
led tomake.
The fourteen Old Persian words, alluded to above, which belong
to court life, and come so naturally from the pen of one long
occupied in the service of his royal masters, are thus rendered in
" " "
the Eevised Version nobles," i. 3
meat," or rather royal
" "
dainties," i. 5, xi. 26 pieces," ii.
; 5, iii. 29, lit. limbs," describing
a condign punishment,
you shall be made limbs," "
i.e. you shall
We may say that the word rendered " kind " is of uncertain
" " "
derivation that the two last words,
; hosen and sheath,"
part of the Book, whilst the last two references are also in the
prophetic portion, in which will be found likewise the Old Persian
" "
words rendered thus :
body," vii. 15 ; time," vii. 12, 22, 25 ;
and law," vii. 25.
Turning now to the second part of our subject, what shall we
say to the presence of three Greek words in this Book, if we assign
it to a date as early as the commencement of the Persian period ?
We may say, in the first place, that there are only three Greek words
to match some twenty Persian, and that had the Book been written
in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, more than a century and a
half after the conquests of Alexander, having regard to the wonder-
ful Hellenising of Western Asia caused by those conquests, we
should certainly have expected to find more Greek words than
Persian. It is the fewness of the Greek words, coupled with the fact
that they are only the names of musical instruments, that must prove
fatal to the critics' theory thai the Book was written in 165 B.C. /
fatal, also, to Prof. Driver's dictum, the Greek words demand
a date after the conquest of Palestine by Alexander the Great." 1
Such a demand I utterly fail to see. Could nothing Greek make its
way to Babylon before the days of Alexander ? And if Greek
musical instruments could reach Babylon, why should they not
carry their Greek names with them, in the same way that the
exports of the further East brought to the court of king Solomon
were known by their Indian names ? 2
The names of the three Greek musical instruments mentioned
in Dan. iii. as forming part of Nebuchadnezzar's band are as
follows 3 :
thfl*j?, kitheros, Gr. Kidapig, the lyre, E.V. harp."
HQ3P9, pesanterin, Gr. ^aXrnpov, Ital. salerio, the dulcimer,
E.V. "psaltery."
n$B!MD, "sumponydh, Gr. <Tv/x<j>wvia, Ital. sampogna, the bag-
pipe, E.V. dulcimer."
The possibility of these musical instruments reaching Babylon
and carrying their Greek names with them, may, as we have seen,
be taken for granted on a priori grounds but the question as to ;
Century Bible, Daniel, p. lxiii. It will be noted that Driver ascribes a
Palestinian origin to the Book of Daniel. It was more probably written in
Babylonia or Susiana.
1 Kings x. 22, where "apes," Heb. qophim, has been referred to the
Sanskrit kapi ; and peacocks," tukkiyyim, to the Malabar toghai.
8 See Stainer's Ahisic of the Bible, revised by Galpin, pp. 57, 73.
See Hogarth'a Ancient Eati, pp. 139, 143.
the famous Cilician Gates descended on Tarsus, and then, after
reaching the north-east angle of the Mediterranean, branched off
in two directions, eastward to the kingdoms on the Tigris and
Euphrates, and southward along the Syrian and Palestinian coast
to Egypt. Sennacherib's determination to keep this route open
is in itself a voucher for the brisk commercial intercourse which
existed between East and West well-nigh a century before the era
of Nebuchadnezzar. According to Abydenus the battle fought
at Tarsus was a naval one, in which the Assyrian defeated a fleet
of Greek ships. He also records that Sennacherib built an
" "
Athenian temple at Tarsus, and erecied columns of bronze
on which his mighty deeds were inscribed. This statement
receives a striking confirmation from the vivid account given by
Sennacherib of his new method of casting bronze pillars, narrated
on the same cylinder which records his expedition to Tarsus. 1
Polyhistor adds that Sennacherib rebuilt Tarsus after the likeness
of Babylon, which is explained by Abydenus, who relates that he
made the Cydnus pass through the middle of the city in the same
way that the Euphrates flowed through the midst of Babylon.
All this care bestowed on Tarsus is a further witness of the strong
desire of the Assyrian king to encourage the commerce between
East and West, and to ensure that a goodly share of the trade
from Asia Minor should flow into Assyria.
Another instance of the way in which the West influenced the
East is visible in architecture not indeed to any great extent,
See Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum,
part xxvi., published by order of the trustees.
Hogarth's Ancient East, p. 131.
See Botta's Monuments de Ninive, vol. ii. pi. 114, and Layard's Nineveh,
vol. ii.
p. 273.
Maspero, Passing of the Empires, p. 59.
(koldewey, FIG. 64)
facing p.
faced the court was decorated with bright coloured enamel. Only
fragments of the enamelled surface were discovered, but these
sufficed to restore the scheme of decoration. A series of yellow
columns with bright blue capitals, both edged with white borders,
stood out against a dark blue ground. The capitals are the most
striking feature of the composition. Each consists of two sets
of double volutes, one above the other, and a white rosette with
yellow centre comes partly into sight above them. Between each
set is a bud in sheath, forming a trefoil, and linking the volutes
of the capitals by means of light blue bands, which fall in a shallow
curve from either side of it. Still higher on the wall ran a fringe
of double palmettos in similar colouring, between yellow line
borders, the centre of the latter picked out with lozenges, coloured
black and yellow, and black and white alternately." 2
If the volutes in the above description recall unmistakably
the capitals of the Ionic Order, it will be found also that the
buds in sheath with the shallow curves falling away from them are
the same artistic details which have been met with at the Greek
settlement of Naukratis in Egypt on the Pelusiac branch of the
Nile. 3 Grecian decorative architecture found its way to the East
by two routes first, direct over land, as in the case of the temple
nezzar's throne-room, the artists may very well have been Greek
captives taken in Egypt, since the same details have been found at
Naukratis. According to Flinders Petrie it was in 650 B.C.,
in the reign of Psammetichus I., or possibly as early as 670 B.C.,
during the Assyrian wars with Tirhakah, that the Greeks settled
Cf. the beautiful
coloured plate, opposite p. 130 in Koldewey'a Discoveries
at Babylon. The
plate is put in the wrong place it should have faced p. 104,
under the tissue leaf inscribed, " Decoration of the Throne Room."
The Ionic capital, so famous in classical architecture, has been traced
by recent investigators to the Hittites of Boghaz Kyoi. If this be so, we have
here an instance of an architectural feature spreading eastward to Assyria
and Babylon and westward to Greece. See H. R. Hall's Ancient History of
the Near East, p. 535.
Egyptian Exploration Fund, part i.
pis. 3 and 7.
at Naukratis. Psammetichus, as we have seen, employed brazen
men from the sea to help him conquer the Dodekarchy and ;
given this for his life." J. Menant, in his able article on thi3
gem, observes that the relic is unique it differs from a helmeted
head in the Greek style, and also from the Chaldean types known
to us. As regards the workmanship of the engraving, he bids us
distinguish between the inscription and the subject. The head,"
he writes, is executed with a certain rudeness the graving tool
* (J
X o
N _!
See Maspero's Passing of the Empires, p. 360.
Lewin's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, vol. i. p. 146.
Herod, ii. 151.
* 6
Ibid. ii. 161. Ibid. i. 171.
wO~ 2*1^ :
5* w X1 * Z M
* < z
3! >- r:
, , !=!
OS ~ ^ K
H< nH M
j- C x _
c 3
r-l m
< a
they were to be found all along the Syrian coast, and in Syria
and Cyprus they were subjects of Assyria and Babylon. They
visited Babylon as prisoners of war, they must have visited it as
traders also. That they should have introduced some rude but
popular musioal instruments into Babylon is not of itself im-
Deut. xxxii. 10 ; Ps. xvii. 8 ; Prov. vii. 2.
* Zech. ii. 8, iii. 9, iv. 10.
Bergk's Lyrici Grceci, iii. p. 160, Alcseus, 33.
* =
Not a span ; but the breadth of the four fingers nearly three inches.
8 The writer might have added that Phrygia is credited with the invention
of the reed-pipe.
The Book of Daniel from a Christian Standpoint, p. 211.
Granted, then, that Greek instruments of music might have
made their way to Babylon by three different routes, and either
through the hands of traders, soldiers, or captives, there seems no
reason whatever why they should not have carried with them
their Greek names for being strange and new to the Babylonians
The Book of Daniel from a Christian Standpoint, p. 210.
upon us bow wide that empire was. In his account of the comple-
tion of the temple-tower of Babylon he tells us in a lofty poetic
strain of the great distances from which his workpeople have
been gathered. So, too, on the grand occasion described in
Dan. iii., in the royal proclamation made by his herald he
addresses the peoples, nations, and languages," and gives a
grandiloquent description of the state orchestra as composed of
cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all hinds
of music a description which, suitably to the pompous spirit of
the age, repeated no fewer than four times in the course of the
would collapse Greece would not go under, but would in her turn
stitute a part of his latest vision. Still it was enough for him to
Dan. si. 2. *
Ibid. x. 20, sii. 1.
know as he wrote down the Greek names of those three musical
instruments that Persia, then supreme, was destined
to give place to Greece.
Beside the Persian and Greek words at which we have been
looking, it is deserving of notice that the Book of Daniel contains
several Assyro-Babylonian words, such as might be
expected in
a book written at or near Babylon in the latter half of the sixth
century B.C. Further, all the proper names in this Book are
found in the Assyro-Babylonian or admit of a derivation from that
source, the Hebrew names only excepted a feature which hardly
The Zakir inscription of 850 B.C. has no foreign elements,
See the Expositor for June, 1908.
Found near the Syrian Antioch. They are of the age of Tiglathpileser
III., 745-729 B.C. See E. G. H. Kraeling's Aram and Israel.
Of the Nabatean inscriptions the dated ones range from 70 B.C. to A.D. 95.
The inscriptions of Palmyra belong to the first three centuries of tha
Christian era.
The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan in their present form are said
to belong to the fourth century A.D.
Syriac literature, starting with the Peshitto version of the Scriptures,
ranges from the second century onwards. It was at its best from the fourth
to the eighth century, but kept up a flickering existence till the fourteenth
century or even later. See Encyc. Brit, under Syriac."
See Wilson's article, " The Aramaic of Daniel," given in Biblical and
Theological Studies, p. :>04.
the windows of his prayer-chamber are ever open towards
Jerusalem ; and his petition is ever ascending in behalf of that
" "
sacred city and the holy mountain of his God.
primus, Eng. first. The comparative of this word occurs in the title
f ratera-Ua found in the Elephantine
32-ns, path-bag ; E.V. meat," E.V.M. dainties," Dan. i. 5,
8, 13, 15, 16, and xi.
26, LXX
Seittvov. From OP
2)ati-bajiy ; Skt. prati-bhaga,
cf. an offering-to a ruler, used
of a share of small articles paid daily to the Eajah for household
See Booth's Discovery and Decipherment of the Trilingual Cuneiform
* OP=01d Persian, MP=Middle Persian, NP=New Persian, Z=Zend,
Skt. = Sanskrit, AS= Anglo-Saxon.
expenditure. Composed of the OP atiy, to," Z paiti, Skt. prati,
Gr. ttoti, and the OP bajiy, "tribute"; cf. Z baglia, "portion,"
Skt. bhaj, to allot." In a fragment of Dinon's Persica, circa
340 B.C., this word is found transliterated into Greek as 7ror//3atc,
and is denned as a meal of barley and wheaten cakes, which the
Persian king partook of crowned with cypress and drinking wine
out of an egg-shaped golden cup. See AthensBUS, xi. 503. 1
Dans, pithgdm ; E.V. matter," Dan. iii. 16, brvrayri, LXX
Theod. pnfxa, E.V. sentence," Dan. iv. 17 (14), Theod. 6 \6yog,
Est. i. 20, LXX
vofiog, Ezra iv. 17, LXX
ypapparia, V. 7 pi'ifxacrtQ,
11 pr\pa, Eccles. viii. 11 avripprtaig. From OP pati-gama,
" " "
something going to," hence sentence," reply," and in "
" "
weakened sense, matter cf. Z paiti-jam, Skt. prati-gam,
" " "
go towards." Composed of OP patiy, to," and gam, to go ;
cf. Z and Skt. gam, Lat. venio (for guemio ?), Goth, quam, Germ.
6, 8 as;
if from a Semitic root azad taken as a form of Heb. azal,
"to go forth." But according to Scheftelowitz an OP and Z
word, azaiti, to go." The LXX and Theod. render it airiar-n ;
Noldeke regards the word as OP=" certain," sure." Cf. Skt.
" "
addha, certainly," truly." Also cf. Behistiin Inscription, 10,
" "
azda, knowledge." In Dan. ii. 5 the lit. rendering is the word
from me is what I say will certainly be carried out."
sure," i.e.
" " "
Pt?"?n, hadddmin,
pieces," lit. limbs." E.V. ye shall be
" "
cut in pieces ;
lit. ye shall be made limbs," Dan. ii. 5, iii. 29 ;
StapeXiadfotrai in iii. 29 (96). Cf. Z handama, NP andam,
limb." Possibly from a Semitic root ; cf. Arabic hadama, to
n^pp, nebhizbdh ; "E.V. "rewards," Dan. ii. 6, v. 17, Theod.
Siopta. In ii. 6 for gifts and rewards the LXX has Sojunra
" "
iravToia. From OP ni-baz, to give," allot." Composed of
" " "
prefix ni, down," "into," and baz connected with baji, tribute ;
see under path-bag above. The final syllable ball has not yet been
rn, ddih ; E.V. law," Dan. ii. 9, vi. 5 (6), etc., LXX and Theod.
$6ypa, vo/uloq. Occurs also Deut. xxxiii. 2, Ezra viii. 36, and fre-
quently in Esther. OP data, law," Behist. 8, Pass. ptcp. from
" "
dd, to place," make." Cf. Skt. dha, da-dhami, Gr. Ti-Bript,
Goth, domjan, AS deman, Eng. doom.
-nn?, dethdbhdr; E.V. counsellors," Dan. iii. 2, 3, or rather
1 mention
In Babylonian business documents of the reign of Artaxerxes I.
Nippur of the time "of Artaxerxes I., 465-425 B.C. From data,
law," and OP bar, to bear," Skt. bhr, Z bar, Gr. $ip<o, L&t.fero,
Goth, bairan, AS beran, Eng. bear.
\o\,zeman; R.V. "time," Dan. ii. 16, iii. 7, vii. 12, etc.,
season," ii. 21. Occurs also Neh. ii. 6, Est. ix. 27, 31, Ecoles.
" " "
iii. From OP zarvan, time," age ;
cf. Syr. zebhan found in
this word it will be best for us to consider together the three words
denoting articles of dress which occur in Dan. hi. 21, giving especial
attention to the renderings of the ancient Greek versions, and no
less to the equivalents in the cognate languages, that so we may
seek to attach to each its proper meaning. The order, then, of
the words in verse 21 runs thus
writing his book in the early Persian period with a Persian atmo-
sphere all around him secondly, the Babylonian dress to some
on their bodies tunics both upper and under, and also short cloaks.
They did not, however, wear trousers, since the under tunic
reached to the feet. Their shoes, according to the old historian,
were of a peculiar fashion, not unlike those worn by the Boeotians.
The Persians also wore shoes, as may be gathered from the bas-
reliefs at Behistun and Persepolis. The similarity of the Jewish
dress to the Babylonian can be seen on the Black Obelisk, where
Books i. 71, vii. 61. Book i. 195.
Cf. Babirueh, the OP form of the Aramaic Bahhel, Babylon."
the soft caps, short cloaks thrown back over the shoulders, long
tunics, and shoes of the Jewish tribute-bearers are all plainly-
discernible. It would thus seem that the rendering of the A.V.
" " " "
coats," hosen," hats is to be preferred to that of the E.V.
" " "
hosen," tunics," mantles," though perhaps it would be
" " "
better still to render cloaks," sandals," turbans," substituting
" " "
in the margin tunics as an alternative for cloaks," and
" " "
trousers in the place of sandals."
DWD, hadddbherin; E.V. counsellors," Dan. iii. 24, 27, iv. 36
(88), VI. 7 (8), LXX <pi\oi, Theod. /mzyiaravtg, cvvaoTut.
This is a Persian word as witnessed by the syllable bar, bhar.
Compare ddthdbhar, gizbar above. Its meaning is uncertain.
Scheftelowitz, on the ground that an Aramaic d represents a
Persian z, derives this word from the Persian h-n-z-b-r. H-n-z
" " " "
in MP, NP hanj, purpose," plan." As the term counsellors
is used in chap. iii. 2, 3, to translate the Persian word dethdbherin,
Driver's rendering, ministers," is to be preferred here.
KR^n^, nebhrashtd' ; E.V. candlestick," Dan. v. 5, <pwg, LXX
Theod. Xa/nirac Prom the OP bhraj, to shine," whence bhrastra,
light." Compare Z baraz, Skt. bhraj. The Gr. <p\iyw and Lat.
fidgeo come from this root. In the compound verb the prefix
ni MP ne has in OP the force of
down " or " into." In some
cases it is intensive ; in others it leaves the meaning unaltered.
TPPD, hamnik; E.V. "chain," Dan. v. 7, 16, 29. The more
correct form of this word, fcoa^Dn, h-m-y-n-k, is given in the Masso-
retic text. Compare the MP
hamydnak, girdle," a diminutive
from hamydn, which has the same meaning in NP. In the Targums
it appears as menik see Onkelos, Gen. xli. 42 in the Syriac as
hamnik and hemnik, and in Greek as pa via ki?c, by which it is
here rendered in the LXX
and Theodotion. According to Bevan
" "
it has the meaning necklace in the later Jewish Aramaic.
pp-io, sorekin ; E.V. presidents," Dan. vi. 2 (3), etc., LXX
qyovpiivoi, Theod. raKriKol. Prom the OP saraka, apparently
a diminutive from OP sar, head." See above under sarbdlin.
" " "
In the Targums it has the meanings officers," overseers ;
king says, This dpaddna Darius my ancestor made." As proved
by the ruins at Susa dpaddna denotes, first, the pillared palace-
hall of the Persian king ; 2 then, in warfare, the royal headquarters,
as in Dan. xi. 45, the tents of his palace." In the Aramaic of the
Targum on
Jer. xliii. 10, it is used, as Driver
points out, of the
" "
royal pavilion which Nebuchadnezzar was to V spread at
Tahpanhes in Egypt.
(i) the crown, (ii) the boundary, (hi) the workman." In favour of
(i), kudurru, Gr. KiSapig, is certainly used of the royal tiara ;
(ii) is a likely name
for a usurper like Nabopolassar to bestow on
his son. Nebuchadnezzar himself also recognises this duty of a
king by adopting the descriptive epithet, he who protects the
boundaries." 3 In favour of (hi) it can be urged that his father
Nabopolassar, when rebuilding the temple of Merodach, was
proud to don the workman's cap kudurru and to work as a
labourer also, that he had an effigy of himself made wearing this
attire, and caused his two sons to work along with him. 4
Shinar, Dan. i. 2, Gen. xi. 1, or to transcribe the Hebrew
characters more exactly, Shinear or Shingar, 'Zevaap. This LXX
is the Babylonian Shmiger, answering to the Sumerian Simmer,
the old name of South Babylonia.
Ashpenaz, Dan. i. 3. Friedrich Delitzsch regards Ashkenaz
see Gen. x. 3 In Babylonian Ashkenaz
as the primary form.
would be pronounced Ashgenaz and since the letters g and p
are very much alike in the ancient Semitic alphabet, and Josephus
gives the name as 'Aor^ai^c, it is very probable that Ashkenaz is
the true reading. Esarhaddon couples the country of Ashguza
or Ashkenaz with the
country of the Manna or Minni, as in Jer. Ii.
27. The name would thus mean a native of Ashkenaz.
Belteshazzar, Dan. i. 7. According to Friedrich Delitzsch this
is an abbreviated name for
Bel-baladJisu-utsur, Bel protect his
life." Prof. Wilson suggests Bel-lidh-shar-utsur, Bel protect the
hostage of the king." Both of these suggestions would agree
with the statement of Nebuchadnezzar that the name given to
Daniel contained the name of his god whilst the abbreviation
Hammeltsar R.V. : the steward," A.V. Melzar Theod.
'AfitXadd, as the Babylonian amel-Shadu,
if servant of the
Mountain," i.e. the god Bel but according to Delitzsch the Baby-
lonian matstsaru, keeper," with the definite article prefixed.
The LXX identify this person with the Ashpenaz of verse 3,
and render the name in both cases as 'AfiuaSpl.
Arioch, Dan. ii. 14, Gen. xiv. 1. This is the Sumerian eri-Aku,
the servant of Aku." See Shadrach and Meshach above.
Dura, Dan. hi. 1. The Babylonian duru, rampart." Hence
the LXX reading, He set it in the Plain of the Bampart." An
inscription given in Delitzsch's Parodies mentions three places
bearing this name. Further, a little below Babylon a small river
called the Dura flows into the Euphrates, and near it are some
mounds still called the Mounds of Dura. One of these, a huge
rectangular brick structure, 45 feet square and 20 feet high, Oppert
thinks may have formed the pedestal of Nebuchadnezzar's colossal
Belshazzar, Dan. v. l=Bel-shar-utsur, Bel protect the king."
The LXX and Theod. confuse this name with Belteshazzar, the
name given to Daniel, and write both names BaXraadp. Cf. Dan. i.
7, v. 1.
has been made in Chapters IV. and V. of this
work to the Book of Enoch. This is one of those remark-
able works written in the centuries just before and after
Christ, and to which so much attention has been drawn of late
the Jewish Apocalypses. It is the most famous of such works,
not only on account of its varied contents for it is evidently a
composite work, written by different authors and at different times
but more especially for the witness which it bears to the develop-
ment of Messianic doctrine in the Jewish Church between the close
of the Old Testament period and the coming of Christ, and also
from the fact that it was evidently well known to our Lord and
His apostles and finds an echo in many passages in the Gospels
and Epistles and above all in the Book of the Revelation, not to
mention the actual quotation made from it in the Epistle of
St. Jude.i
The following description by Dr. Driver gives a very good idea
of the nature of a Jewish apocalypse 2 :
Its mode of representation was artificial. The disclosures
which were the most characteristic element of apocalyptic prophecy
were not made by the author in his own person. They were placed
in the mouth of some pious and famous man of old an Enoch, a
Moses, a Baruch, an Ezra from the standpoint of the assumed
were thrown open, glimpses were given of the offices and operation
of the celestial hierarchy God's final judgment both upon His
the resurrection and future lot alike of the righteous and of the
wicked were portrayed in vivid imagery. The seer who is repre-
See Tlie Book of Enoch by It. H. Charles, pp. xcv.-ciii.
Cambridge Bible, Daniel, p. Ixxviii.
the writer takes the name of some Biblical hero in the more or
less remote past. They thus belong to the Pseudepigrapha
books with false titles and are often referred to under that name.
The pseudonymous character of these books and the assumption
of the names of Biblical worthies, some of them inspired men, is
opposed to our ideas of literary honesty, and appears the more
strange to us when we discover that the writers were evidently
earnest-minded religious men, although influenced in some cases
by a strong spirit of religious and political partizanship. It is
plain that we must not judge them by our standards. Neverthe-
less the matter calls for explanation, and explanations more or
less satisfactory have been given by those who have studied the
Dr. Charles, a great authority on the Pseudepigrapha of the
Old Testament, speaking on the pseudonymity of the author of
the Book of Enoch, says, It was simply owing to the evil character
of the period, in which their lot was cast, that these enthusiasts
and mystics, exhibiting on occasions the inspiration of the Old
Testament prophets, were obliged to issue their works under the
aegis of some ancient name. The Law, which claimed to be the
highest and final word from God, could tolerate no fresh message
from God, and so, when men were moved by the Spirit of God
to make known their visions relating to the past, the present,
and the future, and to proclaim the higher ethical truths they
had won, they could not do so openly, but were forced to resort
to pseudonymous publication."
Dr. Oesterley, writing on the Apocalyptic literature, says,
All the known books belonging to it have false names in their
titles, for which reason they are called the Pseudepigrapha. How
arewe to account for this apparent fraud on the part of writers
who were clearly devout and earnest men ? This strange pro-
cedure, as appears to us nowadays, may
it to a large extent be
explained we remember that the apocalyptic writers almost
during his life to the borders of heaven and seeing all the hidden
and secret things ; whilst Salathiel, who witnessed the destruction
of Jerusalem by the arms of Babylon in the days of Nebuchad-
nezzar, is made to voice forth the perplexing questions which must
have arisen in the minds of many earnest Jews when their Sacred
City was a second time destroyed by the Eoman Babylon. It is,
indeed, a question whether the educated among the Jews were
imposed upon at all while for the masses the title might mean,
what such and such a holy saint could or would have told us, had
he been on the earth now.
The Book of Daniel is claimed by the critics as a Jewish
apocalypse. Daniel," writes the Bev. J. B. Cohu, is the typical
Old Testament apocalypse." " The earliest of such apocalypses,"
writes Dr. Samuel Davidson, is the canonical book of Daniel."
Similarly Prof H.
. T. Andrews, Apocalyptic literature begins with
the Book of Daniel." "
Dr. Charles speaks of the pseudonymous
character of this book." Prof. Driver in his moderate reverential
strain, after describing the character of the Jewish Apocalypses,
adds, It is, of course, not for a moment denied that the Book of
Daniel is greatly superior to the other apocalypses that have been
referred to." Despite this consensus of opinion, for which doubtless
many other authorities could be quoted, I venture to bring forward
some reasons for thinking that the Book of Daniel is not an
" "
apocalypse in the sense in which the term is technically
employed. To put the matter more plainly the Book of Daniel,
" "
after the downfall of the City i.e. Jerusalem I Salathiel
year "
(who am also Ezra)
was in Babylon." Salathiel, i.e. Shealtiel,"
according to legal descent was in the royal line of the kings of
Judah, 2 and was accounted the son of Jehoiachin and legal father
of his nephew Zerubbabel, 3 the governor of Judah," who was
presently to lead back the captives from Babylon to Jerusalem.
He would therefore be looked upon as the head of the Jewish
community at Babylon, and all the more so seeing that his pre-
decessor, Jeconiah the Captive," 5 was not only in durance but
was under the ban of heaven. 6 Accordingly the writer of the
" "'
ask for the Old Testament worthy after whose name it is called
and for the connecting link, we are pointed to two passages in
the Book of Ezekiel concerning a certain saint and sage, apparently
of the olden time, about whom no circumstantial, historical facts
are known, mention being only made of his extraordinary power
with God as an intercessor and of his well-nigh superhuman
wisdom. 7 Now, it is quite true that the Book of Daniel admirably
illustrates both the power with God and the wisdom of Ezekiel's
Daniel, but it contains no actual reference to those passages
in Ezekiel. For instance, in Dan. ii., where the writer tells
how Daniel by his prayers found out the king's forgotten dream
An interpolation.
1 Chr. iii. 17 ; Matt. i. 12.
3 *
Ezra iii. 2 Neh. xii. 1.
2, v. ; Hag. i. 1 Ezra ii. 1, 2.
and saved the lives of the wise men of Babylon, how easy it
would have been for him to have introduced some mention of
Noah and Job, and thus to have linked up the Daniel whose name
he placed in the title of his book with the Daniel mentioned by
Ezekiel The fact that he has not done so, distinguishes his work
who, by his being classed with Noah and Job, appears rather as
a saint of the remote past than as a contemporary of Ezekiel. 1
Thus it still remains a fact that our Book, if treated as an apoca-
lypse, is unlike the other apocalypses in that it lacks any 'plain
connecting link with the Scriptures of the Old Testament.
But the above is by no means the only, or even the greatest,
difference that exists between the Book of Daniel and the Jewish
Apocalypses. To say nothing of the fact that this Book moves
upon an essentially higher plane, this at least is evident, that while
the Apocalypses contain scraps of Old Testament history, we find
in the Book of Daniel genuine historical facts derived from indepen-
dent sources, as well as some linguistic features wholly lacking in
the Apocalypses and altogether most surprising in a Jewish writer
It only the established authenticity of the Book of Daniel which allows
us to identify its hero with the great, but otherwise dim, figure in Ezekiel, and
to place that figure, not in the long ago past, but in the age of Nebuchadnezzar.
of Babylon, his death on the night of the capture of his palace,
and the fact that he was succeeded, not by Cyrus, but by another
ruler styled Darius the Mede," who appears to have reigned for
only part of a year. Stranger still, our author, who is supposed to
have lived in Judea in the days of the Maccabees, has contrived
to write his Book in what appears to be an Eastern type of Aramaic,
and to scatter throughout it some twenty Old Persian words, which
could hardly have been in use in the Aramaio of his day, though
they may well be imagined as often on the lips of his hero who was
prime minister at the court of Persia. These words are not con-
fined to the historical part of his work, but one or two of them are
introduced into his visions. For after crediting Nebuchadnezzar
with two visions remarkably in keeping with that monarch's tone
of thought as well as with his tastes and proclivities, he goes on
in the latter part of his Book to give us his own visions, which
are dated, not like the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch or the
Apocalypse of Salathiel by any reference to Jerusalem and her
kings, but by references to the years of the kings who have been
mentioned in the previous romance, Belshazzar, Darius the Mede,
and Cyrus he also makes mention of a Median Ahasuerus, other-
wise unknown to history for the Median kings have left no monu-
mental records and indicates quite incidentally that Shushan
lay within the kingdom of Babylon, a fact hardly credited till
confirmed by the Babylonian inscriptions. In all this he displays
such a wonderful knowledge of ancient history, such an acquaint-
ance with languages and dialects, and such literary craft and
resourcefulness as we should hardly expect to find in a Palestinian
Jew writing in the second century B.C. As we gaze at his master-
piece we are ready to echo the prophet's words, Art thou wiser
than Daniel ? wiser than the pseudonymous writer of thi3
remarkable Book ? What are we to say of such superhuman
wisdom, of such a marvel of literature ? Simply this : that the
phenomena, which so. utterly baffle us if we regard this Book as
one of the Pseudepigrapha, are all clear enough if we look upon it
as a contemporary record, a genuine work of the early Persian
period. The fact is, that the critics, who cannot believe in miracles,
have themselves constructed a theory which requires us to believe
a miracle, inasmuch as their pseudonymous Daniel is seen to be
as truly endowed with miraculous gifts as our historic Daniel.
Our comparison of the Book of Daniel with the Jewish
Apocalypses suggests some causes of deep thankfulness to Him
whose Providence has watched over this part of His Holy Word
and furnished in these later days the means whereby His Church
can withstand the attacks of hostile criticism. We thank Him
(iv) That the two languages in which this Book has come down
to us part being in Aramaic, part in a Hebrew translation form
a voucher for the evil days through which it has passed, and help
us in some measure to account for the signs of interpolation which
appear in the long record of the eleventh chapter, which belongs
to one of the Hebrew portions of the Book.
" It
regarded as a palmary argument against the authenticity of the
Book Rabbis of the third and fourth centuries excluded it
of Daniel that the
' '
from the Prophets and relegated it to the Kethubhim. Josephu3 includes
Daniel among the Prophets,' since the four books of the Kethubhim
' '
described by him cannot fit Daniel ; moreover he distinctly calls him a
III. The Kethubhim, or writings," often called the Hagio-
grapha or Holy Writings," which are arranged thus Psalms,:
The prophets appear to have been the historians of Old Testament times
like the monkish chroniclers of the Middle Ages. Cf. 1 Chr. xxix. 29, 2 Chr.
ix. 29, xii. 15, xxvi. 22. Also some of their utterances are enshrined in the
historical bookB.
Hebrew alphabet. This fresh reckoning is explained from the
Euseb. Eccles. History, vi. 25.
Jerome, Preface to the Books of Kings.
Luke xsiv. 44.
contain his laws, and the tradition of the origin of mankind till
his death. This interval of time was little short of three thousand
years ;
but as to the time from the death of Moses till the reign
of Artaxerxes king of Persia, who reigned after Xerxes, the prophets
Canon and Text of the Old Testament, pp. 39, 40.
who wrote down what was done in their times
after Moses, wrote
in thirteen books. The remaining four books contain hymns to God
and precepts for the conduct of human life." l Here the second
division, viz. that of the Prophets, is said to contain thirteen books
which agrees with what is stated in the Antiquities while the
remaining books, which form the Hagiographa, are stated to be
only four in number and to contain hymns to God and precepts
for the conduct of human life." The description thus given points
to Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles, as the four
books meant, but in any case cannot fit the Book of Daniel. That
book therefore, in the time of Josephus must have been placed
in the Prophets, not in the Hagiographa. Agreeably to this
conclusion we note that our Lord Jesus Christ, when referring to
the Book of Daniel, speaks of Daniel the prophet," while Josephus
in no measured terms asserts Daniel's prophetic gifts, and declares
that the revelations made to him mark him out as one of the
greatest of the prophets.
The earliest Canon of the Old Testament is found in an extract
from the writings of Melito, bishop of Sardis, circa A.D. 180, pre-
served to us by Eusebius. 3 Writing to a Christian who wished
to know the number and order of the books of the Old Testament,
Melito tells how he had travelled in the country where those books
were published in order to obtain accurate information, and then
goes on to give the following list Five of Moses
Genesis, :
1 2
I.e. Ezra and Nehemiah. Eccles. History, vi. 25.
3 *
Jerome's Preface to the Books of Kings. Buhl's Canon, p. 40.
-_ :
E r.
: . _
. 15.
places Daniel in the last part of his list, under the heading Pro-
phets and just before Ezekiel. In Origen's Canon a century and
a half later this Book occupies the same position with regard to
Ezekiel. Thus for two centuries and more we have good evidence
of the honourable position occupied by the Book of Daniel in the
Old Testament Canon. Is it not, then, time that the critics should
cease to point out to us that " Daniel stands last but two in the
Hebrew Bible ? To quote the able writer whoso words stand at
" ' '
the head of this chapter, The case against Daniel is peculiarly
weak !
Closely akin to the subject just dealt with is the question, what
" "
meaning should be attached to the expression the books in
Dan. ix. 2 ? In the first year of Darius the Mede, who was made
king over the realm of the Chaldeans, Daniel tells us that he
" "
understood by," or in the books, the number of the years,
whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet,
for the accomplishing of the desolations of Jerusalem, even seventy
years." Commenting on this passage Charles writes, The books
here are the sacred books, i.e. the Scriptures. The phrase implies
the formation of a definite collection of Old Testament books." l
In like manner Driver, laying due stress on the definite article,
" '
overlooked in the Authorised Version observes that the
books can only be naturally understood as implying that, at
the time when the passage was written, some definite collection
of sacred writings already existed." 2 My answer to these com-
ments is, that in endeavouring to ascertain the reference which
underlies this expression the books," it is better to take an equally
common meaning of the word and one in perfect harmony with the
context, in preference to a meaning which, though it may suit
the supposed late date of the Book of Daniel, occurs nowhere else
in the Old Testament.
The Hebrew word sepher, here met with in the plural and
translated books," undoubtedly often has that meaning, and is
used in the singular, sometimes of inspired writings, such as the
book of the covenant," the book of the law," or again of secular
works, such as the book of Jasher," but nowhere of a collection
" "
oj sacred books. Further, book is not the primary meaning
1 2
Century Bible, Daniel, p. 95. Cambridge Bible, Daniel, p. 127.
book." In the Book of Jeremiah, with which the passage in
" "
Dan. ix. 2 is concerned, sepher is used of law deeds, of a book
or collection of written prophecies, and also of prophetic mis-
" "
sives or letters." Since there are two prophecies in the Book
of Jeremiah concerning the seventy years' captivity, the word
might be translated here the writings," viz. of that prophet.
Or, again, since the plural is sometimes used of a single letter
cf. Isa. xxxvii. 14, also 1 Kings xxi. 8 and 2 Chr. xxxii. 17 in B.V.M.
" "
the reference may be to the particular letter given in
Jer. xxix. 1-20, which contains one of those prophecies. In any
case a reference to the weighty utterances of Jeremiah is what we
should naturally expect here. The Jews at Babylon, as we learn
from the Book of Jeremiah, formed the better part of the nation,
and to them the promise of a return to Jerusalem was specially
made. Cf. Jer. xxiv. with xxix. 1-20. They would, therefore,
be sure to a great respect for the writings of this prophet or
for any missive received from him. Again, we note that Daniel
is speaking of the fulfilment of Jeremiah's prophecy as being close
at hand, and the state of the political world evidently inspires him
with confidence. The Lord has stirred up the spirit of the
long prophecy of Jer. 1. and li. has
the 1 the
kings of Medes,"
been fulfilled, and it is the first year of a Median monarch on
the throne of Babylon. Well, then, might the Jewish seer,
himself a captive at Babylon, understand from the writings,"
or letter," of Jeremiah the great event so soon to take place.
Thus the whole atmosphere of the passage, the writer, the context,
the subject dealt with, all alike suggest, not any collection of sacred
books such as might be found in a later age, but the writings of
the prophet Jeremiah, and it would thus be better to render the
" " "
word the writings with a marginal alternative the letter."
Jer. li. 11.
Danielem, qui prophetis non esset adjectus, ne prophetam quidem fuisse
aliquiputarunt :
prophetam vero eum fuisse confirmat Propheta
. . .
The way in which our Lord Jesus Christ's heart and teaching
were interpenetrated by the Scriptures of the Old Testament is
abundantly evident from the Gospels. But the sceptical critics
of modern Germany, in their discussion of the Old Testament,
completely ignore the opinions of Christ, as they do also the
indubitable opinions of the Jews of New Testament times. These
German critics deliberately leave out of view a whole mass of vital
evidence bearing on the subject, which sceptics or infidels though
they may be it is most unscientific for writers, professing to be
serious historians, to rule out of court and treat as if it had no
existence." 2
The above remark is a most true one and very much to the
views put forth by One who had made those Scriptures the subject
of His constant study, and in His interpretation of them showed
Himself free from all narrow Jewish prejudice by One, too, ;
allowedly the sublimest moral Teacher the world has ever seen,
who in His lofty code of morality ever laid the greatest emphasis
on the truth, and when put on trial for His life before a heathen
judge uttered those weighty words, To this end am I come into
In allusion to the place which the Book of Daniel occupies in the present
Hebrew Bible.
See the letter of the Rev. Andrew Craig Robinson in the Church Family
Neivspaper for March 24, 1921.
the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one
that is of the truth heareth my voice." x Jesus Christ has a right
to be heard as a great critic of the Old Testament, a critic of lofty
disinterested purpose, and One, who, in the matter now before us,
was in one respect more advantageously situated than the critics
of these later days, seeing that He lived within two centuries of
the date when they suppose the Book of Daniel to have been
Now, what the witness of Christ respecting this Book of
and the time at which He lived, that He must know the truth of
the matter ; whilst from His lofty morality we are sure that He
will tell us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ?
How does Christ treat this Book, of which the critics form so
low an estimate, regarding it as a religious romance with a
pseudonymous title, and its prophetic portion as a Jewish
apocalypse, a vaticinium post eventum ? The answer is that this
is the Book which Christ specially delights to honour. To Him
its title is no pseudonym, but the name of a real person, Daniel
" " "
the prophet the prophet in the sense of one inspired of
God to foretell the future, what shall come to pass hereafter."
Our Saviour in His own great Advent prophecy Matt. xxiv.
uttered on the eve of His death, quotes this Book of Daniel no
less than three times. First, in verse 15, after mentioning Daniel
by name, he directs His followers to a special passage in his pro-
phecies, bids them study it intelligently, and assures them that in
its fulfilment they will find the signal for their departure from
Jerusalem. 2 The passage in question is Dan. ix. 27, where the
Septuagint paraphrase reads, And upon the temple there shall
be an abomination of desolations," 3 while the original runs thus :
And upon the wing of abominations shall come one that maketh
desolate." Further, in Dan. xi. 31 and xii. 11, the words occur
in the original, The abomination that maketh desolate," so that
Christ, while pointing to the first of these three passages, viz. that
in chap. ix. 27, appears at the same time to glance across the
prophecies of Daniel as a whole, and, as it were, to put His seal to
them as being genuine. Our Saviour's second reference to the
Book of Daniel in the prophecy of Matt. xxiv. occurs in verse 21,
John xviii. 37. Jesus declares His sovereignty to be specially exercised
in bearing witness to the truth. See Westcott in loco in the Speaker's
Compare Matt. xxiv. 15 with Dan. ix. 23.
The Codex Syro-Hezaplaris Amlrosianua has the singular, "abomina*
where He uses language very similar to that found in Dan. xii. 1,
in order to describe the unparalleled woes that were to come at
the close of the Jewish Age Then shall be great tribulation,
Buch as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now."
The third reference is in verse 30, where our Lord, describing His
Second Coming, uses language borrowed from and pointing back
to Dan. vii. 13, They shall see the Son of Man coming on the
clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Again, at a very
solemn moment of His life, when put upon His oath by the High
Priest as to whether He wore the Christ or no, our Lord makes a
second reference to this same passage in Daniel, 1 and declares
before His judge that He is about to be invested with that divine
glory and authority which Daniel saw bestowed on one like unto
" "
a son of man." I adjure thee," says the High Priest, by the
living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son
of God. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said," i.e. thou hast
said the truth, I am the Son of God nevertheless I say unto
you," viz. to the whole Sanhedrim, Henceforth ye shall see the
Son of ye shall see Me in My human nature
Many sitting
at the right of power, and coming on the clouds of heaven."
Our Lord thus plainly indicates Dan. vii. 13 as the passage from
which He takes his favourite self-chosen name, the Son of Man,"
the definite article prefixed to the title intimating that He is
Himself the mysterious Being whom Daniel there describes as
one like unto a son of man." 2 And yet in spite of this solemn
repeated assurance on the part of Christ, our modern critics hesitate
not to tell us that Dan. vii. 13 refers, not to the incarnate Son of
" "
God, but to a supernatural being," or a body of such beings,"
in fact, to the faithful remnant of Israel, transformed into
heavenly or supernatural beings." Further, let it be noted that
the passage in Dan. vii. 13, 14, at which we have been looking,
not only furnishes our Saviour with His favourite name, but also,
as Hengstenberg points out, forms the groundwork of all His
declarations concerning His Second Coming. See Matt. x. 23,
xvi. 27, 28, xix. 28, xxiv. 30, xxv. 31. 4 In addition to the above
it is worthy of notice that our Lord's description of the Resurrec-
tion in John v. 28, 29, runs on the lines of Dan. xii. 2 ; while the
next verse, Dan. xii. 3, is paraphrased by Him in Matt. xiii. 48,
when describing the future glory in store for the righteous Then :
Matt. xxvi. 64.
2 " 6
vtbs rod avdpdnrov ; videtur articulus respicere prophetiarn Dan. vii.
13 Bengel on Matt. xvi. 13.
Century Bible, Daniel, p. 78.
Hengstenberg, On the Genuine?iess of Daniel, p. 224.
shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their
Such, then, is the singular honour bestowed by Christ on a
Book which the critics reduce to the level of a Jewish apocalypse.
But our Lord's testimony to the Book of Daniel is not confined
to the Gospel pages. Let us turn to the last and latest Book of
Holy Scripture, entitled, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God
gave him to show unto his servants." Such is the lofty description
of that wonderful Book from the heavenly standpoint. What is
there told us is a revelation from the All-wise God, made to us
through His Son, Jesus Christ. But when we look at this sacred
Book from the earthly standpoint, it is plain that in the lower sense
of the word it owes much of its inspiration to the Book of Daniel.
And, indeed, there is nothing to be wondered at in this, seeing
that our Saviour in His prophetic utterances had singled out that
Book for such special honour, and that St. John was deeply imbued
with the mind of Christ, and had no doubt learned from his Master
to love and honour the Book of Daniel. Thus it is clear that this
Book appealed, if we may venture so to say, alike to Christ the
Revealer and to St. John the receiver of the Revelation.
In the Revelation, then, we catch frequent echoes of the Book
of Daniel and note many quotations from it more or less exact.
This is best seen by comparing the Greek of Theodotion's version
with the Greek of the Revelation. But, indeed, it is so self-evident
that the English reader can very well form his own judgment in
this matter. The following are some passages of the Old Testa-
ment Book which are re-echoed in the Revelation :
(i) The ten days' trial Dan. i. 12, 15, cf. Rev. ii. 10.
(ii) The things that shall come to pass hereafter : Dan. ii. 29,
45, cf. i. 19, and iv. 1.
The sweeping away of the fragments of the colossus of
" "
world-power so that no place was found for them Dan. ii. 85, :
his body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of
lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet
1 * 3
Rev. i. 7. Ibid. xiv. 14. Ibid. i. 13- 15*
like in colour to burnished brass, and the voice of his words like
the voice of a multitude." This awe-inspiring Being, seen by
both prophet and evangelist, thus reveals His own identity in
His message to the Church at Thyatira .." These things saith the
Son of God, who hath his eyes like a flame of fire, and his feet are
like unto burnished brass." 2 The effect of this vision both on
seer and evangelist, as well as the conduct and action of Him who
thus revealed Himself, was the same in either case. Daniel tells
us that when he saw this great vision, there remained no
" " "
strength in him. My comeliness," he adds, was turned in
me into corruption, and I retained no strength." Thus he lay
pale and motionless like a corpse, till Christ touched him, and
first set him on his hands and knees, and then helped him
to stand upright. All trembling he stood so that loving
than Daniel and this is just what we might have expected, for
St. John had already that personal knowledge of Christ which had
not been granted to Daniel. Further, the striking attitude and
action of the Divine Being, who appeared to Daniel in his latest
vision, was witnessed also by St. John in the Apocalypse. Thus
in Dan. xii. 6, the man clothed in linen," whom
we have just
identified as Christ, is described as standing above the waters
of the river," and holding up his right hand and his left hand to
heaven in the act of swearing a solemn oath by him that liveth
" "
for ever." The posture and action of the strong angel in
Eev. x. 5, 6, are so similar that we are forced to identify with Him
" the man clothed in linen," i.e. with Christ. With His right foot
upon the sea and His left foot upon the earth, He lifts up his right
hand unto heaven, and like Daniel's Visitant swears by Him that
liveth for ever and ever. Thus the Old Testament vision and the
New Testament apocalypse help to explain one another and the ;
" "
Book of the Eevelation of Jesus Christ supplies us with further
confirmation, if any were needed, that the one like unto a son
" "
of man seen by Daniel is He who came to visit us in great
humility," and who will presently return in His glorious Majesty
to judge both the quick and the dead." In His own words, The
Dan. x. 5, 6. Rev. ii. 18.
Dan. x. 8-11.
Cf.Dan. s. 12 with Rev. i. 17.
Father gave him authority to execute judgment, because he is
" "
the Son of man (margin, a son of man ") * in which judgment,:
as the Eevelation assures us, only those will escape whose names
are found in the book of life ; that same book of which it was said
to Daniel, at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one
that shall be found written in the book." 2
The second, and only less important point in the visions of the
Book of Daniel, which is cleared up for us in the Eevelation, is
the identification of Daniel's Fourth Kingdom. The vision related
in Eev. xiii., and which is continued down to a later stage
in chap, xvii., should be read side by side with the vision of
Dan. vii. Out of the sea there rises in St. John's vision, not,
indeed, a succession of four wild beasts as seen by Daniel, but only
one :thus indicating that three have already risen and passed
away, so that this one must be the fourth and last. It is further
identified with the fourth wild beast of Daniel by its having ten
horns. 3 Daniel had described this fourth beast as terrible and
" "
City.' There is scarcely a Koman poet of any note," he adds,
who has not spoken of Eome as a city seated on Seven Mountains
Virgil, Horace, Tibullus, Propertius, Ovid, Silius, Italicus,
Statius, Martial, Claudian, Prudentius : in short, the unanimous
voice of Eoman poetry, during more than five hundred years,
beginning with the age of St. John, proclaimed Eome as the
" 2
Seven-hilled City.' Eome, then, is the seat of the faithless
Church which was to wield the power of the Fourth Kingdom, as
is further witnessed by the angel's closing words, The woman
whom thou sawest is the great city, which reigneth over the kings
of the earth." 3 But if this be so, then the ten-horned beast, which
carried the woman, and which we have seen to be identical with
Daniel's fourth beast, must be the Eoman power, which, wounded
to death as a heathen empire, was destined to be resuscitated under
the Papacy. Yet the critics will have it that the fourth beast in
Dan. vii. is the Greek kingdom of Alexander and his successors !
" "
these two
points, then, the Eevelation of Jesus Christ
i.e. as explained in the opening verse, the revelation which God
Nabum iii, 18 Ibid, ii. 0.
Assur-uballidh is compelled to evacuate the city and to fly west-
ward across the Euphrates ; Haran is captured and with it an
immense spoil. The curious extract from the Stele of Nabonidus,
referred to on p. 19, footnote 2, is now found to refer, not to the
Medes, but to the Scythians, and to describe the devastations
committed by them, not at the time of the fall of Nineveh, but
just after this capture of Haran.
In 609 Assur-uballidh the Assyrian king, along with a strong
Egyptian force, recrosses the Euphrates, and attacks the Scythian
and Babylonian garrison left in Haran. The siege lasts for
two months, but is raised on the arrival of Nabopolassar, who
appears to have defeated the Egyptians and Assyrians.
The catch-line at the close of the tablet tells us that operations
were resumed by Nabopolassar in the following year, 608 B.C. ;
and if we could get hold of the next tablet of the series, the record
for this year would no doubt tell us
something about the expedition
of Pharaoh- Necho against Carchemish, in
endeavouring to oppose
which the godly king Josiah met with his death. The title " King
of Assyria in 2 Kings xxiii. 29, is given not to Assur-iiballidh,
who had been driven out of Haran and was unable to retake it,
but to the Babylonian monarch, Nabopolassar. 1 Now that
Nineveh had fallen, Babylon was looked upon as having taken
her place, seeing that the Babylonians were masters of the richest
and most fertile part of the old Assyrian empire. Similarly in'
Ezra vi. 22, the Persian king Darius Hystaspes is styled " King
of Assyria"; whilst in Herodotus, bk. i. 206,
Tomyris queen of
the Massagetse addresses Cyrus as " King of the Medes."
1 "
Cf. Josephus, Antiquities, x. 5. 1: Now Necho king of Egypt raised
an army, and marched to the river Euphrates in order to fight with the Medea
and Babylonians who had overthrown the dominion of the Assyrians."
Abydenus. On the Assyrians. See Eusebius' Prseparatio.
Alford, Henry. Homilies on Acts I.-X. London, 1858.
Altorientalische Forschungen. See Winckler.
Andrews, H. T. Apocalyptic Literature in Peake's Commentary.
: London,
Annalistic Tablet. See Records of the Past.
Aristotle. The Problems.
Babylonian and Oriental Record. London. Sept., 1896.
Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. C. L. Fisher.
Philadelphia. 1905, etc.
Baer and Delitzsch's edition of Daniel.
Ball, C. J. See Records of the Past.
Behistun Inscription of Darius the Great. Pub. by British Museum, 1907.
Behrmann, Geokge. Das Buch Daniel. Gottingen, 1894.
Beit rage zur Assyriologie. 1889. Delitzsch and Haupt.
Bengel. Gnomon Novi Testamenti.
Bergk, Theodor. Poetse Lyrici Graeci. Leipzig. 1866-7.
Berostjs. See Josephus.
Be van, A. A. Short Commentary on the Book of Daniel. Cambridge, 1892.
Bevan, E. R. House of Seleucus. London, 1902.
Biblical World. Chicago and New York. June, 1909.
Birks, T. R. The First Two Visions of Daniel. London, 1844.
Booth, A. J. Discovery and Decipherment of the Trilingual Cuneiform
Inscriptions. London, 1902.
Botta, P. E. Monuments de Ninive. Paris, 1849.
Brown, Francis. Hebrew and English Lexicon. Oxford, 1906.
Buhl, Frants. Canon and Text of the Old Testament, trans, by Macpherson.
Edinburgh, 1892.
Burkitt, F. C. Jewish and Christian Apocalypses, being the Schweich
Lecture for 1913. Oxford, 1914.
Charles, R. H. Century Bible, Daniel.
Book of Enoch. Oxford, 1912.
The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament. 1913.
Cicero. De Natura Deorum.
Clay, Albert T. Babylonian Texts Yale Oriental Series. New Haven,
Connecticut, 1915.
Codex Alexandrinus.
Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Ambrosianus.
Com;. J. R. The Bible and Modern Thought. London, 1920.
Cook, Stanley A. Glossary of the Aramaic Inscriptions. Cambridge, 1898.
Cooke, G. A North Semitic Inscriptions. 1903.
Cornill, C. Introduction to the Canonical Books of the Old Testament.
London and New York, 1907.
Corpus Insoriptionurn Semiticarum. Paris, 1881.
Cory, I. P. Ancient Fragments: enlarged by E. R. Hodges. London,
Ctesias, Persica of. See Gilmore.
Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, etc. Pub. by the British Museum.
London, 1896 f.
Cyprian. De Pascha Computus included in Sancti Caecilii Cypriani Opera
Stainer, John. The Music of the Bible. New edn. with supplementary
notes by Galpin. London, 1914.
Stier, Rudolf. The Words of the Lord Jesus, trans, by Pope. Edinburgh,
Story of the Nations : Media. See Ragozin.
Strabo. Geography.
Strassmaier, J. N. Die Inschriften von Nabuchodonosor, Nabonidus, Cyrus,
Cambyses, und Darius. Leipzig, 1889-97.
Swete, H. B. The Old Testament in Greek, vol. iii., containing both the
Septuagint and Theodot ion's version of Daniel. Cambridge, 1905.
Taylor, Isaac. The Alphabet. London, 1893.
Theodotion. See Swete.
Thomson, J. E. N. The Samaritans, being the Alexander Robertson Lectures
for 1916, delivered before the University of Glasgow. Edinburgh and
London, 1919.
Thureatj-Dangin, Francois. Une Relation de la huiteme Campagne de
Sargon. Paris, 1912.
Tolman, H. C. Ancient Persian Lexicon. New York, 1908.
Guide to the Old Persian Inscriptions. New York, 1892.
Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, vol. vii. part 1. London,
Tristram, H. B. The Land of Israel.London, 1866.
Vorderasiatische Bibliothek, 4 : Die Neubabylonischen Konigsinschriften.
1907 f. See Langdon.
Weissbach, F. H. Die Inschriften des Nebukadnezzars im Wadi Brissa, in
Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient Gesellschaft,
Heft 5. Leipzig, 1906.
Westcott, B. F. St. John's Gospel, in The Speaker's Commentary. London,
Wickes, W. A
Treatise on the Accentuation of the Twenty-one so-called
Prose Books of the Old Testament. Oxford, 1887.
Wieseler, Karl. Chronologica Synopsis, in Bohn's Theological Library,
2nd edn. London, 1877.
Williamson, G, C. The Money of the Bible. London, 1894.
Cyrus, 148 ; associated with Cyrus in his prophecies, 179 ; fond of Book oi
the royal power, 164-165 ; conquers Isaiah, 111 ; his delicacy of feeling
Egypt, 229 ; spares the temple at 91 ; stern address to Belshazzar,
Elephantine, 161, 233 ; his character, 139 ; confession of sin, 180-1 SI
160-161 his Aramaic resembles that o:
Cameo of Nebuchadnezzar, 250-253 Elephantine, 235-237 ; he was pro
Carchemish, 85, 296 bably conversant with Old Persian
Carians, The, 29, 252 242 ; his Book written near the clos<
Chaldeans, The, 11, 35-44, 45; their of his life, 245 ; and in the East, 240
possibly Gobryas, more probably Enoch, Book of, 50-52, 55-57, 61, 63-
Cambyses, 144-146 ; the story of 64, 268, 269, 271
Dan. vi. shows him a youth, 160 ; enuma and enumishu, 69, 81, 82
threescore and two, Dan. v. 31, a Ephraem Syrus, 22, 57
corrupt reading for twelve, 156-159 ; Epistle of Barnabas, 22
only his first year mentioned, 150 Erech, 42, 71, 119
Date of Book of Daniel according to the E-sag-ila, the temple of Merodach at
critics, 2, 4, 226, 240, 241, 246 Babylon, 25, 39, 70, 73, 75, 76, 132,
Davidson, 270, 271 133-134
Decree of Artaxerxes I., 188 Esarhaddon, 47, 151
Deioces, 26 Esperanto, 258
Delattre, 43^4 E-temen-an-ki, the temple-tower of
Delitzsch, 266, 267 Babylon, 43, 68, 70, 76, 79, 84
dhur rabh, 46 Ethbaal, 87
Dinon, 260 Etheridge, 7
Diodorus Siculus, 39 Ethiopia, 229
Dodekarchy, the, 29, 252 Euergetes II., 278
Driver, 2, 3, 11, 19 ; Dan. vii. 13-14, Euphrates, 68, 76, 82, 219-221, 227, 228
his explanation of, 58-59, 61, 66, Eusebius, 65, 105, 106, 278, 280
90, 175 ; his dictum on the language Evilmerodach, 66, 141
of Daniel, 226, 240, 241, 246, 264, Ewald, 176-177
268, 284 E-zida, the temple of Nebo at Bor-
Duperron, 259 sippa, 70, 75
Dura, 267 Ezra, 188-189
Ezra Legend, the, 277
Ea, the god of brass and also the sea- F
god, 31
E-barra, the Shamash-temple at Larsa, Fate-tablets, the, 138-139
buried in the sand, 48 Florence Museum, 251
Ecbatana, 152 forced parallelism, a, 15
Egypt, invaded by Nebuchadnezzar, Four Kingdoms, the, 1, 4, 8, 13-22
71 ; conquered by Cambyses, 229 ;
227, 233, 242, 249, 250, 252, 253, 278
E-kharsag-gal-kurkurra, 45, 47 G
Elam, 22, 213-216, 227
Elephantine, discoveries
at, 161, Gabriel, 181, 183, 189, 190, 222, 225
229-231, 177, 190 Gellius, Aulus, 41
Elymais, 3 Gobryas, 11, 124, 125, 127, 129, 130,
emphatic accentuation, 185-186 132, 143, 144, 145
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 33, 270 Goihn, 129
Enlil, the god of Nippur, 34, 45 ; his Goodspeed, 219
titles, 45, 47 ; as god of war attains Gula, 81, 86
the supremacy, 94 ; dwells in the Gutium, 127, 129, 132, 134, 145
Great Mountain, and becomes Gutsohmid, 65
identified with it, 45 ; his supremacy
and titles transferred to Merodach,
45, 94-95 ; in Assyria Ashur
is the Enlil, 95; in Babylonia,
Merodach generally, 45-47 ; some- Hagiographa, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281,
times Merodach and Shamash, 99- 282
100 ; or even, under Nabonidus, Sin, Hague Museum, 251
100-101 Hall, Bishop, 49
Hall, H. R, 249
Hanging Gardens, 49, 66-68,75-77
Haran, 87, 100, 107, 108,109,113, 114, Kaldtj, the, 36
227 Kasdim (Chaldeans), 35
Hengstenberg, 53, 67, 288 Kasr, the, 68, 75, 76
Herodotus, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; Kennedy, James, 253, 254
visits Babylon, 38-39, 107, 117; keseph, kaspu, 26
account of capture of Babylon, 122- Kethubhim, 276, 277
123, 154, 242, 252, 263 Khammurabi, 45, 94
Herzog, 207 Khnub, the Nile-god, 181, 231, 232, 236
Hiddekel, 213, 219, 224, 290 King, L. W., 249
Kir 227
Hippolytus, 22
Hogarth, 247, 248 Kol'dewey, 19, 24, 43, 67, 68, 72, 73, 74,
Hommel, 227 76, 108
Horton, 18 Kraeling, 229, 256
Hyrcanus, John, 63
and thus becomes the god of gold, 34 invades Egypt, 63, 71 his idea of ;
the king of the gods, the lord of empire, 79-80 ; his personality, 92-
lords," 52 ; bestower of sovereignty, 104
96,97 Necho I., 135
Merodachbaladan, 36 Neo-Babylonian inscriptions, 92
Meshach, 266-267 Nergal, 98, 99, 109
Messiah, used as a proper name, 191-192 Nergalsharezer, 141
Migdol, 229 Nergalushezib, 38
Minni, 23 Neriglissar, 108
Moabite Stone, 136, 166, 233 New Year festival, 71, 81, 109, 147
Monotheistio Tablet, 34, 98 Nile, 221
Morgan, M. de, 215 Nimitti-Bel, 74
Mushezib-Marduk, 38 Nimrud, 137, 228
Mutsatsir, temple at, 248, 249 NimrQd Inscription, 91, 243
Myres, 213 Ninib, god of iron, 34 ; 86, 98, 99
Nippur, 45, 94-95, 261
Nitocris, 28, 117, 122, 123
N Noldeke, 260
Salamis, 29 Tahpanhes, 71, 265
Apocalypse of, 272, 274, 277 Targums, 7, 8, 160, 238, 256, 264, 265
Samahla, 229 Tarsus, 247, 248
Samekh, the letter, 158-159, 165-167 Tasmit, 90
Sanballat, 190, 231, 234 Taylor Cylinder, 214, 215
Sanda, A., 228 Taylor, Isaac, 157
Sargon II., 24, 45 Teima Stone, 158, 167
satraps, 161, 163 Tema, 109, 118, 120
Sayce, 35, 126, 128, 153, 219, 227, 262 Temple where the Sceptre of the
Scheftelowitz, 260, 261, 262, 264 World is given," 127, 147
Schrader, 11, 40, 45, 178 Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, 2,
Schiirer, 56, 64 271
Seleucia, 220 Theodotion, 119, 202, 247, 259, 260,
Sendsherli, see Zenjirli 261, 262, 263, 264, 267, 289
Sennacherib, 5, 118, 151, 214, 215 Thermopylae, 29
Septuagint Version of Daniel, see Codex The Twenty-four Writings," 277
Chisianus Thureau-Dangin, 95
Septuagint, 22, 59, 156, 159, 170-178, Tiglathpileser I., 227
259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 267 Tiglathpileser III., 91
Shadrach, 266 Tigris, 19, 82, 219, 220, 221, 262
Shadu Rab4, 42, 45 Tolman, 265
Shalmaneser I. , 227 '
Tristram, 87
Shalmane.'jer II., 242 Tyre, 87, 109
Van, Lake, 23 Yod, the letter, 158-159, 165-167
Virgil, 31
Zageos, 129, 213
Wady Brissa Inscription, 19, 69, 79 ; Zain, the letter, 237
its contents, 80-83 ; 84, 86, 89, 95 Zakir Inscription, 166, 238, 256
Weissback, 84, 215 Zealots, the, 200-204
Westcott, 287 zebach uminchah, 199
Wickes, 186 Zend language, 259
Wieseler, 207 Zenjirli Inscriptions, 136, 137, 166, 229,
Williamson, G. C, 157 256
Wilson, R. D., 238, 240, 243 zikkurat, 49
Winckler, 11, 22, 215 Zimmern, 139
Wordsworth, Christopher, 293 Zobah, 227
Dan. i. 7. Belteshazzar Shadrach Meshach Abed-nego 266-267
21. Daniel continued, etc. . 245
ii. 2, 4, 5, etc. The Chaldeans 35-44
4. in Aramaic, R.V.M. . . 6
32-33. gold silver brass iron 24-34
34. a stone cut out without hands . 48
35. a great mountain (the Great Mountain) 42 43, 45-49
Belshazzar the king
made a feast
thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field
1. to a thousand of his lords . 120
1. and drank wine, etc. . . 133
4. they drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, etc.
Analysis of this chapter
the first year of Belshazzar
Then king Darius wrote unto all the peoples, etc.
2, 3. four great beasts came up from the sea 212-213
Dan; vii. 4.
The bear ......
The lion with eagle's wings
The three ribs
21, 22, 25, 27.
- viii. 1-14.
whose teeth were of iron and his nails of brass
the saints
A vision concerning the Jewish Church
broken without hand ....
The unity of the Medo-Persian kingdom
ix. 1.
the first year of Darius
the son of Ahasuerus
which was made king
.... .
24-27. R.V. compared with the LXX . 168-178
24-26a. The Evangelic Prophecy . 182-193
26b-27. The Evangelic Prophecy . 194-205
27. a firm covenant with {the) many for one week . 206-211
x. 1. the third year of Cyrus 245
4. run to and fro
5. 6, 7.
shut tip the words and seal the book
the river (flood)
6. the man clothed in linen above the waters of the river 12, 223, 290-
I heard bid I understood not
Go thy way, Daniel ...
...... . . . .10, 223
John ii. 13, 20 ; vi. 4 ; xii. 1 . 207
iii. 22 ; iv. 35 . 208
v. 1 208, 209
27 . 292
vi. 4 . 209
Acts ii.47 . 196
iii. 26 198-199
v. 14 vi. 7
; ; v. 28 ; viii. 1 ; vi. 14 . 197
vii. 52 ; v. 31 . 198
xi. 19-21 . . 211
Heb. x. 37 . . 195
Rev. i. 7, 13-15. Behold he cometh with clouds,
etc. . 290
17 . 291
ii. 18 . 291
x. 5, 6 . 291
xiii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-7 . 292
xiv. 14. on the cloud one sitting like unto a son of man . 290
xvii. 1 292, 293
9 . 293
xx. 15 , 292
2 Esdras 277
Tobit xiv. 15 155
Ecclesiasticus xliv.-l. 54
Bel and the Dragon i. 7 26
1 Maccabees i. 10 . 174
29-31 174
54 . 175
viii. 13, 14 33
2 Maccabees iv. 7, 23-26, 32-35 173
< I k
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