Institute and Faculty of Actuaries: Subject CP2 Modelling Practice Core Practices
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries: Subject CP2 Modelling Practice Core Practices
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries: Subject CP2 Modelling Practice Core Practices
The following data was provided by CEO of ABC parcel delivery company.
- Number of parcels to be delivered per day: 550
The statistics department within the Actuarial firm provided 400 random numbers, 4 sets of 100 numbers
for each driver.
A check on the data has been completed that the random numbers are between 0 and 1 – this is shown in
the chart below:
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Scenario 1:
Number of potential parcels delivered per driver
The number of parcels per driver and simulation calculated as the minimum of those they would be
willing to deliver (from the data) and the random number multiplied by the maximum possible number of
parcels. The number of parcels rounded down to the nearest integer.
For example, for driver II, multiply the random number from each simulation by 500, and apply a floor of
Allocation to cheapest driver first
Based on the data table the driver allocation is in the following order: II, I, IV, III.
The parcels are allocated based on the numbers calculated above, ensuring that the driver gets their
minimum, if fewer parcels left than the minimum then 0 parcels are allocated.
Overall, there are 550 possible parcels for delivery. So, for each simulation, allocate the number of
parcels to driver II first. As this will always be less than 550, then next look to driver I's allocation of
parcels for that simulation. At each allocation point, will always check if total delivery of 550 achieved.
Any remaining left over allocated to the next driver as per the order above, with the same conditions on
checking whether the 550 total parcels achieved.
If any parcels remain after completing the above allocation to all four drivers then the remainder allocated
to driver V.
The allocation process works similar to the first example, but as Driver IV could deliver 550 parcels
under 1 simulation, then there will always be a check point needed for all allocations to the other drivers
if any parcels are allocated to them.
Scenario 2
Similar calculations to scenario 1 completed, except by halving the number of parcels for Drivers I and II.
Achieved by reducing the number from the 'potential number of parcels' section by 50%.
All other calculations remain the same.
Scenario 3
Similar calculations completed as per scenario 1, except that the total number of parcels allocated has
increased from 550 to 650.
Scenario 4
Using the calculation from scenario 1 but where the driver order is based on most deliveries, the price
paid to each driver is changed. This is linked to a new parameter and goalseek is used to set this price so
that the amount paid per driver is the same for all 5 drivers. The goalseek is set so that the price paid per
driver is set so that the target profit is reached 100% of the time.
Scenario 1
The table below summarises the results from scenario 1:
The above results show that allocating to the cheapest driver first generates better profits – this makes
sense as driver V delivers a large number of parcels, but also has a very minimum allocation, so is likely
in most simulations to get most of the deliveries. Given the low charge of driver II at $1.25 per parcel,
then if the maximum allocation of parcels (500) given to driver II then ABC will earn $1,875 ((5-
1.25)*500) profit from this driver alone.
The results for the allocation to most parcels delivered first reaching the target in fewer simulations is
sensible, as the driver who delivers the most (driver IV) is also more than twice as expensive as driver B.
Therefore allocating more parcels to driver IV means much lower profits.
Chart 1: Simulation results for allocation to cheapest driver first
As can be seen from the graph there are a number of simulations when the target profit is reached.
Graph to show scenario results for allocation to driver who delivers the
most first
Profit $
Scenario Number
Overall, these results show how reliant ABC are on driver II in particular being able to make their
deliveries in order to reach the target profit.
Assuming driver II only delivers 250 parcels, then the reduction in profit for ABC would be (3-1.25)*250
= $438, assuming that payment to the other driver is on average $3 per parcel compared to $1.25 for
driver II. This also assumes that driver II can deliver their full number of parcels but based on the random
numbers this is the extreme. So a reduction in profits less than $438 is to be expected.
Also, we can see from the results that the minimum profit is almost unaffected as a result of the car
Scenario 3
Increasing the number of parcels available for delivery from 550 to 650 to assess if the increased income
will help ABC reach their target profit.
The table below provides a summary of these results:
Based on the average we can see that if ABC agree to deliver more parcels per day then they are more
likely to achieve their profit target under both allocation options.
Allocating to the cheapest driver first gives a very likely probability of meeting the target profit per day.
Scenario 4
By making the pay more equivalent across the drivers, then ABC could achieve their target profit by
paying the drivers $2.36 per parcel. Overall this makes sense as the available funds to pay the drivers for
outgoing is (2750-1450)=1300 so dividing this by 550 parcels is $2.36.
Chart 3: Comparison of the amounts charge by driver
I II III IV V (only used if
parcels not
To reduce potential that ABC does not meet their daily target then it would be better to pay the same flat
rate to all drivers.
The final results of the Company profit will depend on multiple factors including availability of drivers,
number of parcels to be delivered. So there would be no guarantee that the target profit could be reached
every day.
Next steps
- Validate the data provided
o In particular, the number of parcels per driver and costing
o Compare to other parcel delivery companies
o Compare the costing of parcel deliveries to other comparable companies
- Consider pricing of parcel deliveries (and payments to drivers) based on size and weight
- Consider pricing based on distance of deliveries
o For drivers
o For charging of customers
- Increase number of drivers to enable increase in parcel deliveries
- Increase the simulations to get a more stable distribution of results of profits for ABC parcel
delivery company
- Other expenses – include costings of holding areas for parcels, and potential refunds to customers
if parcels not delivered in tack.
- Combine an increase in parcel deliveries with the equal costings
- If equal pricing for drivers is not mandatory, consider drivers who are cheaper to maximize profit
o But consider potential reputation issues if drivers are not as good as the more expensive
- Investigate the maximum number of parcels that ABC would need to deliver in order to reach
their target profit 100% of the time.
- Peer review of the model
- Determine if expand to deliver parcels for just individual consumers or larger Companies – e.g.
could ABC set up a contract with a large retail company to deliver products for them
- Consider impact on expenses if expansion bigger than the overhead costs can handle e.g.
managing the number of parcels
- Consider impact of tax on the profitability
- Consider other shock scenarios e.g. Drastic increase in cost of fuel impacting on drivers potential
to make an income; Drivers unable to deliver due to extreme weather