Proyecto Ingles
Proyecto Ingles
Proyecto Ingles
Before starting, I like to present a short but important detail; each head is a
different world and each person has different perceptions of things, but in the end I
think that all of us at some point in our lives have gone through situations that
defined us as people, whether they are good or bad, and if not do not worry, you
still have time for it ...
Start; my situation like that of many others marked my short life, let's say that this
caused in my head a before and after this situation, it was like the margin or the
barrier that differentiated one stage from another.
During my school life in high school I had endless complications not only social, but
also economic and psychological, had a kind of life so depressing that my life was
summarized in school and home, nothing else ... my self-esteem and love to me
they were on the floor and below, if possible, which even brought me health
problems among other things, however, like anything present in this world, it fed
you up, and when that moment came for me, life was shot in a crest that until today
has continued to increase and increase day by day, I have grown as a person and
human being since I made that difficult decision, if, like any other human being I
made my mistakes, but from it you learn, and that has made me advance to where
I am now, if I had to go through all of it again knowing the result I would do it
without thinking twice.
All that long, strong but productive process took me almost a year to live, while I
made order in my head and in my ideas, many more things happened that made
the road even more full of bumps and obstacles that prevented me from
progressing, but I think that what is difficult or what distinguishes you from all
others is about passing all this, if it were easy or simple, anyone would do it
My Life In The Present
After making or reporting that short summary of my life a few years ago I can
continue to say that today I consider myself an extremely happy person and
wanting to continue improving as a person day by day, everything that I had to live
defined me as a person and it made me arrive at what I am to this day, nowadays I
am a person with goals and purposes for living, fixed and well planned.
I have taken along this process thoughts I think that a little more mature, because I
have been able to observe with delicacy how hard you can hit your life when you
least expect it, but even in spite of it, I do not complain about anything.
I have a school where I can continue my studies, a roof where I can sleep thanks
to my mother, an everyday opportunity to do what I love and I am passionate about
and even to be better day to day, I can even help people indirectly with my work ,
there is nothing better than knowing that your job as well as to like you, greatly
benefits morally other people with specific complex situations.
Today I live the life I like, although somewhat hasty in my opinion, however I know
and I am aware that every great effort has its good reward, and every day I climb a
small step towards the path of success, unfortunately if , I lost good friends during
the journey, but during it I found really wonderful people and willing to help at all
costs, so I think faithfully that only the best are left, however I know to be grateful,
and I know that thanks to Some friendships already lost I got to where I am today, I
cannot deny that.
The definition of life is very difficult. Although dictionaries and encyclopedias say
that in general it is the intermediate state between birth and death, I think it goes
much further, it is something deeper and we all want to know. When asking this
question it is as if we face ourselves, it is like investigating about something that we
have lived with all the time, after a lot of thinking and analyzing what life is, in my
point of view what I believe is that although many try to define life as commonly
defined other terms, to my position, life is not a thing, but rather as a process. In
order to truly know what life is, all we can do is live it and nothing else.
My Life In a Future
I do not have much more to add about everything that has already happened and
what is happening, my future project is mainly to finish or finish my studies in a
respectable way as far as possible in order to get a stable job and continue with a
life that is my liking, a job where you do what you like has no equal, they are
paying you to do something that you decided and do with emotion every day.
Do you pay attention to how quickly time passed? We spend our days from the age
of 5 years busy with work, school, or home. Before we know it, the years have
passed and all the dreams we had for our future have not been fulfilled. The
reason is that dreams have not been converted to goals. The only way to achieve
our goals is to know what we want, and we think of a plan for what we get. Your life
goes where you send it.
I would like to be a person that maintains its values when I am away from home
and my family is not there to "take care of me". I want to improve my character and
learn to control it because it is essential to continue progressing as a person. I also
have to learn to accept criticism and not feel frustrated when things do not go well
the first time, and I'm already taking care of this, I found a way to release tensions
in a positive way and taking advantage of them, I love myself as a person and
that's how it will be throughout my existence, I will try not to make the same
mistakes as long as these do not help me improve, however, while all this
happens, I will continue enjoying life as I have done so far!.