Alveolar Bone Preservation in Extraction Sockets Using Non-Resorbable dPTFE Membranes: A Retrospective Non-Randomized Study
Alveolar Bone Preservation in Extraction Sockets Using Non-Resorbable dPTFE Membranes: A Retrospective Non-Randomized Study
Alveolar Bone Preservation in Extraction Sockets Using Non-Resorbable dPTFE Membranes: A Retrospective Non-Randomized Study
lveolar ridge resorpion following
elevated and a dPTFE membrane was placed over the extrac- tooth extraction is a frequently
tion site. The flaps were repositioned and sutured into place. observed phenomenon that may
Primary closure was not obtained over the membranes. The decrease the possibility of placing dental
cemento-enamel junctions of the adjacent teeth were used implants or impair the esthetic results
as reference points. Measurements were taken postextraction after prosthodontic treatment. Although
and 12 months after surgery in the same areas with the help of the degree of bone loss (BL) varies
a stent and were defined as the distance from the reference among individual subjects and between
points to the bone level. Hard tissue biopsies were taken anatomic sites, it is well accepted that as
from 10 representative cases during implant placement 12 much as 40% of the alveolar height and
months after socket preservation. The bone core samples 60% of the alveolar width may be lost in
were submitted for histologic evaluation. A stringent plaque- the first 6 months following extraction.1
control regimen was enforced in all subjects during the 12- Even subtle postextraction BL may
month observation period. have significant clinical effects, particu-
Results: A significant regeneration of the volume of sockets larly in the esthetic zone. With the current
could be noted by histologic evaluation, indicating that the emphasis on esthetic single-tooth re-
newly formed tissue in extraction sites was mainly bone. No in- placement with dental implants, tech-
fluence of gender, smoking, age, or clinical bone level before niques to preserve natural bone and soft
treatment was found on the percentage of bone gain. tissue contours are of great interest to cli-
Conclusion: The use of dPTFE membranes predictably led nicians. Studies showed that BL occurs in
to the preservation of soft and hard tissue in extraction sites. the vertical and horizontal planes, with the
J Periodontol 2008;79:1355-1369. degree of horizontal BL typically exceed-
ing the degree of vertical BL.1,2 In the hori-
zontal plane, BL occurs largely at the
Periodontitis; regeneration. expense of the facial cortical plate, in-
creasing the risk for facial soft tissue reces-
sion, especially in the presence of a thin
* Department of Periodontics, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA.
† Blaues Haus, Dental Center, Düsseldorf, Germany. periodontal biotype.2 Interdental BL may
Department of Surgery, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, TX.
Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodontology, University of Mainz, Mainz,
lead to the loss of the interdental papilla.3,4
Germany. Although osseointegration of the dental
i Division of Periodontology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.
implant may be successful, an anterior im-
plant restoration is often judged an es-
thetic success or failure on the basis of
soft tissue appearance.5-7
doi: 10.1902/jop.2008.070502
Socket Preservation Using dPTFE Membranes Volume 79 • Number 8
J Periodontol • August 2008 Hoffmann, Bartee, Beaumont, Kasaj, Deli, Zafiropoulos
Table 1.
Demographic Characteristics of the Study Population (N = 276)
Age (years)
Table 2.
Distribution of the Treated Sockets in the Study Population
Maxilla 59 (43.7) 76 (56.3) 79 (58.5) 56 (41.5) 49.98 (26 to 71) 135 (100.0)
Mandible 66 (48.8) 75 (53.2) 73 (51.8) 68 (48.2) 50.38 (24 to 73) 141 (100.0)
Maxilla: anterior 12 (63.2) 7 (36.8) 11 (57.9) 8 (42.1) 48.95 (27 to 71) 19 (100.0)
Mandible: anterior 8 (36.4) 14 (63.6) 13 (59.1) 9 (40.9) 48.73 (29 to 63) 22 (100.0)
Maxilla: posterior 47 (40.5) 69 (59.5) 68 (58.6) 48 (41.4) 50.15 (26 to 69) 116 (100.0)
Mandible: posterior 58 (48.7) 61 (51.3) 60 (50.4) 59 (49.6) 50.69 (24 to 73) 119 (100.0)
Single sockets 88 (46.1) 103 (53.9) 105 (55.0) 86 (45.0) 50.18 (24 to 73) 191 (100.0)
Side-by-side sockets 37 (43.5) 48 (56.5) 47 (55.3) 38 (44.7) 50.20 (26 to 71) 85* (100.0)
Total 125 (45.3) 151 (54.7) 152 (55.1) 124 (44.9) 50.18 (24 to 73) 276 (100.0)
* In the side-by-side socket group, two teeth can be found per evaluated unit, i.e., the 85 sites consist of 170 extraction sockets.
as systemic diseases (e.g., diabetes), pregnancy, the salvageable complications, or rejection of endodontic
use of prescription medications or consumption of treatment by the subject; 6) teeth adjacent to the
recreational drugs; 2) the use of one membrane only extraction sockets had to be free of overhanging or in-
per surgical site; 3) no more than two neighboring ex- sufficient restoration margins; the restorations were
traction sockets; in cases of two neighboring sockets, replaced if insufficient margins were present; 7) third
both had to be in the same sextant; 4) the buccal and molars were excluded; 8) subjects smoking £10 ciga-
lingual/palatal plate of the extraction socket had to be rettes a day were considered smokers. Those smok-
present with a maximum BL of 50% of the vertical di- ing more were excluded from the study and were
mension; however, sockets with BL in the buccal fur- not considered eligible for the treatment described;
cation area were included if one root was covered by 9) subjects who used prescription medication on a
bone and BL did not extend into the apical third of the regular basis were excluded from the study; and 10)
other root; sockets with BL in the lingual furcation area subjects who began using a medication during the
were excluded from the study; 5) reasons for extrac- study period, including the maintenance phase, were
tion were severely increased mobility, caries, fracture, excluded from the final analysis because medications
Class III furcation involvement, endodontically non- may affect the healing process, and the present study
Socket Preservation Using dPTFE Membranes Volume 79 • Number 8
J Periodontol • August 2008 Hoffmann, Bartee, Beaumont, Kasaj, Deli, Zafiropoulos
Figure 1.
Surgical procedure, case 1, maxilla. A) Initial radiograph. B) Surgical site after extraction and debridement of the extraction sockets. C) Membrane
placed. D) Flaps repositioned and sutured in place. E) Surgical site immediately after membrane removal. F) Surgical site after membrane removal
(4 weeks after surgery).
Figure 2.
Surgical procedure, case 2, mandible. A) Surgical site after extraction and debridement of the extraction sockets. B) Membrane placed. C) Flaps
repositioned and sutured in place. D) Surgical site immediately after membrane removal. E) Surgical site 8 weeks after membrane removal. F) Surgical
site 8 weeks after membrane removal. After staining with iodide solution, the unchanged position of the mucogingival junction is visible; no loss of
keratinized gingival is noted.
line from buccal-direct to palatal-direct was defined the stent into the same position and bone sounding
as the ‘‘buccal–palatal line.’’ the area with the same periodontal probe¶¶ after deliv-
Measurements were taken during the surgery after ering a local anesthetic (Fig. 3D).
tooth extraction, elevation of the flap, and removal of
any remaining soft tissue.
One year after the initial surgery, measurements
and orthopantomographs were repeated by placing ¶¶ UNC-15, Hu-Friedy.
Socket Preservation Using dPTFE Membranes Volume 79 • Number 8
Data Analysis
BL measured at mesial, distal, buccal,
palatal, and central sites as well as in
the buccal–palatal direction was de-
scribed in absolute values and percent-
ages. The percentage of BL versus the
baseline clinical bone level (CBL) was
expressed as means and minimal and
maximal losses. The variables describ-
ing BL were reported individually for
all cases reviewed as well as in groups
by factors of interest investigated, i.e.,
socket form, jaw, and region. Bone gain
(BG) in vertical defects was expressed
Figure 3. as means – SD and minimal, maximal,
Fabrication of the stent. A) Cast with stent. B and C) Modified stent for cases with missing and median values.
distal adjacent tooth. D) The stent is placed; taking the measurements. Interval-scaled variables were exam-
ined for their normal distribution with
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Those
Histology that deviated significantly from the normal distribu-
Hard tissue biopsies were taken using a trephine bur## tion were analyzed with non-parametric tests. For
from 10 representative cases during implant placement all others, parametric tests were used.
12 months after socket preservation. At the time of the The independent-samples t test was used to detect
biopsies, clinical conditions at augmented sites in all any effects of gender and smoking on BL in vertical
subjects were similar, and the clinical appearance im- defects. The effects of these two variables on the
plied that the tissue had healed. The bone core samples percentage of BL were established with the Mann-
were submitted for histologic evaluation (Figs. 4A Whitney U test. The Pearson correlation was used to
through 4C). Samples were decalcified, stained with investigate the influence of age on BG in case of ver-
hematoxylin and eosin, and evaluated under a light mi- tical defects.
croscope at ·200 and ·400 magnification (Figs. 4D BL was taken to reflect absolute changes without
and 4E). regard to baseline CBL, whereas the percentage of
BL was considered to show changes versus baseline
Supportive Periodontal Therapy and
CBLs. The effects of the baseline CBL on the mesial,
Prosthodontic Treatment
distal, buccal, and palatal BLs were evaluated with the
During the first 8 weeks after surgery, subjects under-
x2 test, those on the direct center were evaluated with
went maintenance therapy with a dental hygienist
the Kruskal-Wallis test, and those on the buccal–pal-
once a week. Subjects were instructed to rinse with
atal BL were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U test.
0.1% chlorhexidine digluconate*** once per day.
The effects of CBL on the percentage of BL were an-
After this time, subjects were enrolled in a support-
alyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test at the mesial,
ive periodontal therapy schedule consisting of regular
distal, buccal, and palatal sites and with the Spearman
recall appointments every 2 months. During the recall
correlation at the direct center and buccal–palatal
appointments, oral hygiene instructions were given,
BOP and PI was measured, supra- and subgingival de-
Classification tree analysis was performed to shed
bridement was performed, chlorhexidine stains were
light on the effects of the socket form, the jaw, and the
removed, and the teeth were polished. PD was mea-
region as well as BOP, age, gender, and smoking on
sured at 6-month intervals (data not shown); how-
BL and percentage of BL. This served to rank the
ever, no PD measurements were recorded during
the maintenance visits at the teeth neighboring ## Aesculap, Tuttlingen, Germany.
the sockets to prevent any possible damage to the *** Chlorhexamed Fluid, GlaxoSmithKline.
J Periodontol • August 2008 Hoffmann, Bartee, Beaumont, Kasaj, Deli, Zafiropoulos
Figure 4.
Histologic sampling. A) Site before taking of the histologic sample, flap elevated. B) Trephine bur with sample. C) Retrieved sample. D and E)
Histologic sections of newly formed bone. (Hematoxylin and eosin; original magnification: D, ·200; E, ·400.) F) Radiograph of the sampling area.
considered influencing variables in terms of the ized areas of bone marrow with lymphocytes and,
intensity of their effect and to detect interactions rarely, granulocytes were seen (Figs. 4D and 4E).
between them. Subjects who had undergone previous periodontal
A 5% significance level was defined for all statistical therapy were examined at each supportive periodon-
procedures. All tests were two-tailed. Statistical tal therapy visit during the maintenance phase; none
software††† was used throughout. of the subjects had BOP >8% (range 5% to 8%).
CBL ranged from 3 to 7 mm at mesial, distal, buc-
cal, and palatal sites (Table 4). The baseline CBL in
RESULTS the direct center was 4 to 6.5 mm (mean, 5.1 mm).
The buccal–palatal CBL was 5 to 14 mm (mean, 9.8
A total of 276 sockets (191 single and 85 side-by-
mm) at baseline (Table 4). One year after surgery,
side) in 276 subjects were treated (Tables 1 and 2).
BL was estimated at 0.5 to 2 mm (Table 5).
A total of 135 sockets (49%) were in the maxilla,
No correlation between baseline CBL and BL was
and 141 sockets (51%) were in the mandible (Table 3);
found mesially, distally, buccally, or palatally (x2
44.9% of the subjects treated were smokers (Table 1).
test, P >0.100) in the direct center of the sockets
None of the subjects enrolled in this study reported
(Kruskal-Wallis test, P >0.500) or at the buccal–
any unusual pain or discomfort, abscess, swelling, or al-
palatal site (U test, P >0.500). However, the percent-
lergic reactions during the course of treatment. Mem-
age of BL correlated significantly with the baseline
branes were left partially exposed after surgery. No
bone level (CBL) at all sites (Kruskal-Wallis test,
sign of acute inflammation, exudate, or pain was de-
P <0.001 for the mesial, distal, buccal, and palatal
tected. Plaque accumulation was observed on exposed
data; Spearman correlation coefficient R = -0.514,
surfaces of the membranes. After membrane retrieval,
P <0.001 for the direct center and R = -0.294,
non-epithelialized soft tissue was found in the areas pre-
P <0.001 for the buccal–palatal data). The percentage
viously covered by the membrane (Figs. 1E and 2D).
of BL decreased with increasing baseline BL (CBL) at
This tissue completely reepithelialized clinically within
all sites.
4 weeks after membrane removal (Figs. 1F, 2E, and
A classification tree analysis was used to evaluate the
2F). Nevertheless, a slight but clearly distinguishable
influence of jaw, region, socket form, age, gender, smok-
difference in color compared to the adjacent mucosa
ing, and BOP on BL and percentage of BL. No influ-
persisted (Figs. 1F, 2E, and 2F). Clinically, the whole
ence of age, gender, smoking, or BOP on BL or
keratinized gingiva was preserved.
percentage of BL on the mesial, distal, palatal, buc-
Bone tissue with a regular trabecular structure was
cal, direct center, or buccal–palatal data was present
found histologically. Osteocytes as well as osteoblasts
signaling active bone formation were present. Local- ††† SPSS for Windows 15/2006, SPSS, Chicago, IL.
Socket Preservation Using dPTFE Membranes Volume 79 • Number 8
Table 4.
CBL at Baseline
CBL (mm) Mesial (n [%]) Distal (n [%]) Buccal (n [%]) Palatal (n [%]) Direct Center (n [%]) Buccal–Palatal (n [%])
3 76 (27.5) 68 (24.6)
4 62 (22.5) 97 (35.1) 78 (28.3) 40 (14.5)
4.5 11 (4.0)
5 67 (24.3) 56 (10.3) 84 (30.4) 66 (23.9) 134 (48.6) 2 (0.7)
5.5 23 (8.3)
9 27 (9.8)
10 36 (13.0)
11 40 (14.5)
12 59 (21.4)
13 20 (7.2)
14 3 (1.1)
Total 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0)
Mean – SD 5.6 – 1.12 5.2 – 1.53 5.0 – 0.84 4.5 – 1.10 5.1 – 0.64 9.8 – 2.24
Minimum 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Table 5.
Distribution of BL
BL (mm) Mesial (n [%]) Distal (n [%]) Buccal (n [%]) Palatal (n [%]) Direct Center (n [%]) Buccal–Palatal (n [%])
0.0 138 (50.0)
0.5 133 (48.2) 135 (48.9) 136 (49.3) 138 (50.0) 138 (50.0)
1.0 143 (51.8) 141 (51.1) 140 (50.7) 138 (50.0) 175 (63.4)
1.5 62 (22.5)
2.0 39 (14.1)
Total 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0) 276 (100.0)
J Periodontol • August 2008 Hoffmann, Bartee, Beaumont, Kasaj, Deli, Zafiropoulos
as opposed to the varying influences of jaw, region, the maxilla (classification tree, P = 0.048). Region
and socket form. and socket form had no significant influence on this
BL in the mesial region was significantly influenced measurement (Fig. 6).
by the jaw (maxilla/mandible; classification tree, P = Classification tree analysis for the buccal BL and
0.016), with a higher BL in the mandible (Fig. 5). percentage of BL demonstrated that the socket form
No differences in the mesial percentage of BL could (single versus side-by-side) had the biggest influence
be found in relation to the jaw, region, or socket form. on BL, with a significantly greater BL (classification
No influence of jaw, region, and socket form on the tree, P = 0.004; Padj = 0.008) and percentage of BL
distal BL was present, whereas the distal percentage (classification tree, P = 0.039; Padj = 0.078) in the sin-
of BL in the mandible was significantly lower than in gle sockets. Furthermore, BL and the percentage of
BL in the single sockets
were dependent on the
region. BL (classification
tree, P = 0.004; Padj =
0.008) and the percent-
age of BL (classification
tree, P = 0.047; Padj =
0.094) were significantly
higher in the posterior
region than in the ante-
rior region, although the
difference for the per-
centage of BL was not
significant after a-ad-
justment (Figs. 7 and 8).
The direct center BL
was most affected by
the form of the sockets
Figure 5. (classification tree: P
Influence of the jaw on the absolute BL in the mesial areas. Adj. = adjusted; df = degrees of freedom. <0.001, Padj <0.002 [ab-
solute]; P <0.001, Padj
<0.002 [%]). BL and the
percentage of BL were
significantly greater in
side-by-side sockets
than in single sockets.
The jaw (maxilla/man-
dible) had a significant
effect on single sockets
(classification tree: P
<0.001, Padj <0.002 [ab-
solute]; P = 0.003, Padj =
0.006 [%]). BL and the
percentage of BL were
significantly higher in
the direct center of single
sockets in the mandible
compared to those in
the maxilla. The region
did not have any effect.
The opposite was dem-
onstrated for the side-
Figure 6. by-side sockets with
Influence of the jaw on the relative BL (percentage of BL) in the distal area. Adj. = adjusted; df = degrees regard to the percentage
of freedom. The boundaries of the box are Tukey’s hinges. The length of the box is the interquartile range (IQR)
of BL. In these, the re-
computed from Tukey’s hinges. Values >1.5 IQRs but <3 IQRs from the end of the box are labeled as outliers (O).
gion had a significant
Socket Preservation Using dPTFE Membranes Volume 79 • Number 8
The present private
practice–based, non-
randomized retrospec-
tive study demonstrated
that the use of a dPTFE
membrane allowed for
a significant regenera-
Figure 8. tion of the volume of
Relative BL (percentage of BL) in the buccal area. Adj. = adjusted; df = degrees of freedom. The boundaries of the sockets following tooth
box are Tukey’s hinges. The length of the box is the interquartile range (IQR) computed from Tukey’s hinges. extraction. Histologic
Values >1.5 IQRs but <3 IQRs from the end of the box are labeled as outliers (O). evaluation indicated
that the newly formed
effect (classification tree: P = 0.008, Padj = 0.016 [%]), tissue in the extraction site was mainly regular trabec-
whereas there was no major difference in BL between ular bone with areas of bone marrow and typical cells.
the maxilla and the mandible. The percentage of BL in This tissue is similar to bone found in healed extrac-
the direct center of side-by-side sockets was signifi- tion sites where no grafting procedures were used, in-
cantly higher in the posterior region than in the anterior dicating that normal healing mechanisms were not
region (Figs. 9 and 10; Table 6). impaired.25
J Periodontol • August 2008 Hoffmann, Bartee, Beaumont, Kasaj, Deli, Zafiropoulos
Socket Preservation Using dPTFE Membranes Volume 79 • Number 8
J Periodontol • August 2008 Hoffmann, Bartee, Beaumont, Kasaj, Deli, Zafiropoulos
Table 6.
Distribution of Percentage of BL
Socket Preservation Using dPTFE Membranes Volume 79 • Number 8
Table 7.
BG in Vertical Buccal Defects
Figure 12.
Case with a buccal fenestration. A) Initial radiograph. B) Clinical view, flap elevated. C) Final radiograph after treatment; BG to level of previous
adjacent walls is visible.
A modification from the original technique de- periodontal destruction in the remaining dentition
scribed was implemented.17,28 As opposed to the was of no interest. All subjects with periodontal dis-
original protocol, no grafting material was used. It ease went through periodontal therapy before being
was suggested that the membrane creates space, en- enrolled into the study and were put on a strict main-
abling the formation of a blood clot that then serves as tenance schedule to ensure the absence of active peri-
a matrix for bone formation and allows for bony regen- odontal disease. Because subjects were put on
eration, even in the absence of a grafting material.31 chlorhexidine, plaque levels were not evaluated.
Although it was demonstrated that bony regeneration The results of this study indicated that the use of
is possible with this approach, further studies are nec- dPTFE membranes predictably led to the preserva-
essary to evaluate if the use of a grafting material or a tion of soft and hard tissue in extraction sites. Further
titanium-reinforced membrane enhances the treat- studies are necessary to evaluate if the additional use
ment outcome, especially with regard to the degree of grafting materials leads to an enhancement of the
of vertical augmentation. treatment outcome.
Almost 50% of the study subjects were smokers,
but no difference in treatment outcome could be found ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
between the two groups. This seems to contradict ex- The authors thank Mrs. Ulrike Schulz, consultant for
isting clinical experience that smoking impairs the medical statistics, Institute for Medical Statistics,
outcomes of grafting procedures. Further studies Kronshagen, Germany, for the statistical analysis
are needed to evaluate if this is specific to socket- and Mr. Jürgen Hedderich, Institut für Medizinische
preservation techniques in general or is a result of Informatik und Statistik, University of Kiel, Kiel,
the protocol used. A possible explanation for these Germany, Section of Biometry, Institute for Medical
findings is the limited cigarette consumption of the Informatics and Statistics, for help with the analysis
smokers enrolled in this study. and interpretation of the results. Dr. Barry K. Bartee
CALs were evaluated only in the area of surgery. is a clinical consultant for Osteogenics Biomedical,
Because the aim of the study was to evaluate the out- Lubbock, Texas. Beyond this employer–employee re-
come of the socket-preservation technique and the lationship, Osteogenics Biomedical did not provide any
possible effect on the adjacent teeth, the degree of support, financial or material, to the authors or the
J Periodontol • August 2008 Hoffmann, Bartee, Beaumont, Kasaj, Deli, Zafiropoulos
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17. Bartee BK. Extraction site grafting for alveolar ridge
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technique. J Oral Implantol 2001;27:194-197.
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