Food Hydrocolloids: L.B. Norcino, J.F. Mendes, C.V.L. Natarelli, A. Manrich, J.E. Oliveira, L.H.C. Mattoso
Food Hydrocolloids: L.B. Norcino, J.F. Mendes, C.V.L. Natarelli, A. Manrich, J.E. Oliveira, L.H.C. Mattoso
Food Hydrocolloids: L.B. Norcino, J.F. Mendes, C.V.L. Natarelli, A. Manrich, J.E. Oliveira, L.H.C. Mattoso
Food Hydrocolloids
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Pectin films loaded with copaiba oil nanoemulsions for potential use as
bio-based active packaging
L.B. Norcino a, **, J.F. Mendes b, C.V.L. Natarelli a, A. Manrich c, J.E. Oliveira d, *, L.H.C. Mattoso c
Graduate Program in Biomaterials Engineering, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, 37200-000, MG, Brazil
Graduate Program in Food Sciences, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, 37200-000, MG, Brazil
National Laboratory of Nanotechnology for Agriculture (LNNA), Embrapa Instrumentation, S~ ao Carlos, 13560-970, SP, Brazil
Department of Engineering, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, 37200-000, MG, Brazil
Keywords: The objective of this study was to prepare pectin films (PEC) activated by copaiba oil (CP) nanoemulsions (NE).
Biodegradable film CP-NE were added to film-forming formulations based on pectin and then dried into films by continuous casting.
Pectin Chemical, morphological, thermal, mechanical and antimicrobial properties were studied in addition to biode
gradability by the respirometer test. In general, the nanoemulsions were suitably dispersed in the PEC matrix,
Copaiba oil
both phases showing good interaction and compatibility. The nanoemulsions caused large changes in PEC, such
as increased roughness with oil concentration, gradual reduction of the elastic modulus and tensile strength,
increased elongation at break, and antimicrobial activity against S. aureus and E. coli. Another important
observation was the maintenance of the biodegradation profile of the films after the addition of CP-NE. In
conclusion, the active pectin film manufactured with CP emulsions showed great potential for active food
packaging and is a promising alternative to reduce environmental impacts.
* Corresponding author. Engineering Department (DEG), Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, MG, 37200-000, Brazil.
** Corresponding author. Forest Sciences Department (DCF), Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, MG, 37200-000, Brazil.
E-mail address: (J.E. Oliveira).
Received 10 December 2019; Received in revised form 13 March 2020; Accepted 13 March 2020
Available online 19 March 2020
0268-005X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Hydrocolloids 106 (2020) 105862
and Estatística), in 2017, 140 t of copaiba oil were produced, mainly in Pharmakos D’Amazo ^nia (Manaus, Brazil). Glycerol (>99.5% pure) and
the state of Amazonas (IBGE, 2017). This oil is also exported to the Tween 80 were purchased from Synth (Diadema, SP, Brazil). Deionized
United States, France, Germany, and England (Valdir F. Veiga & Pinto, water (ρ > 18.2 MΩ cm) was obtained by a purification system Barn
2002). It has numerous important properties, such as analgesic, anti stead Nanopure Diamond™ (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, USA).
parasitic, anti-inflammatory, larvicide, expectorant, diuretic, and anti
bacterial activity (Bonan et al., 2015; Dos Santos et al., 2008; Gelmini 2.2. Preparation of nanoemulsions
et al., 2013; Trindade, Stabeli, Pereira, Facundo, & Silva, 2013). The
bioactive compounds present in higher amounts in CP are the sesqui The emulsions were prepared following the method described by
terpenes and diterpenes. Since it is a natural product, CP has become Noori et al. (2018), with modifications. Direct oil-in-water (O/W)
attractive for use in the food industry because consumers look for emulsions were prepared by adding CP at 1, 3, and 6% (wt. of water) and
healthier alternatives to conventional additives. Morelli et al. (2015) Tween 80 (1% wt. of CP) to ultrapure water. Then, both oily and
studied the addition of CP to films based on poly (lactic acid) and paper aqueous phases were mixed under magnetic stirring at 3400 rpm for 1
produced by casting and impregnation techniques and found it had min at room temperature to obtain a coarse emulsion. Then the ultra
antimicrobial activity against the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus sonic emulsification was used to convert the coarse emulsion to a
subtilis. nanoemulsion. A probe sonicator (Branson, Danbury, United States)
The incorporation of natural oils into filmogenic solutions presents operating at 20 kHz and 150 W was used for nanoemulsification. The
some challenges. Their low miscibility and phase separation during the probe of the apparatus, with a diameter of 15 mm, was dipped into the
film formation process, their adverse effects on film transparency, and coarse emulsion at the depth of 25 mm, and nanoemulsification went on
the sensitivity of bioactive compounds to environmental factors (e.g., for 5 min. The obtained nanoemulsions were stored in an amber glass
UV radiation, temperature, oxygen, pH, and humidity) are the most flask, covered with a screw-cap, and kept under darkness.
common deficiencies in the direct addition of bioactive compounds to
biodegradable active films (Atar� es & Chiralt, 2016). Natural oils are
2.3. Droplet size, size distribution, and short-term stability
usually emulsified in the film-forming dispersion to develop into a film
or active coating after drying. Therefore, it is expected that the particle
The droplet diameter (indicated by z-average) and diameter distri
size of the emulsified oil has significant effects on the functional
bution (indicated by polydispersity index, PdI) were determined by
dynamic light scattering on a Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern Instruments
The nanoemulsions (NE) consist of colloidal dispersions composed of
Inc., Worcestershire, U.K.). Ultrapure water was used as a dispersant to
an oily phase (e.g., hydrocarbons or triglycerides) and an aqueous phase
avoid multiple scattering as well as interdroplet dispersion and inter
(for example, water or water combined with an electrolyte or polyol),
action effects. Measurements were carried out soon after emulsification
which are present as droplets with smaller diameters (500 nm) (Otoni,
as well as after sitting at room temperature for 24 h to assess stability
Avena-Bustillos, Olsen, Bilbao-S� ainz, & McHugh, 2016). Due to the
during a typical film-forming period. All measurements were done in
small size of the particles, there is a reduction of the gravitational force,
triplicate and mean values were reported.
allowing the Brownian motion to be sufficient to overcome the force of
gravity, thereby avoiding coalescence or flocculation, interface defor
mation and disruption, and sedimentation during storage (Espitia, 2.4. Pectin–copaiba oil film-forming protocol
Fuenmayor, & Otoni, 2019; McClements & Gumus, 2016).
Nanoemulsions have two significant properties: (i) high physico Solutions (6% wt.) of PEC was prepared by dissolving powdered
chemical activity and stability and (ii) improved biological properties, pectin in ultrapure water, and the mixture was totally homogenized with
such as high specific surface area and, therefore, low necessary amounts the aid of a T25 Ultra-Turrax mixer (IKAWerk GmbH & Co, Staufen,
of active components (McClements, 2012; Mcclements & Rao, 2011). A Germany) operating at 12,000 rpm for 10 min. Glycerol was then added
significant improvement in the antibacterial properties of the nano at 15 wt% (dry basis) and combined at 1:1 (weight ratio) with the
emulsions loaded with natural oils, compared to the respective con previously prepared nanoemulsions (1–6% w/w), homogenized in a T25
ventional emulsions, was reported by Liang et al. (2012), Noori, Zeynali, Ultra-Turrax mixer (IKAWerk GmbH & Co, Staufen, Germany) operating
and Almasi (2018), and Severino et al. (2015). at 12,000 rpm and vacuum-degassed for 20 min. Finally, the PEC and
The objective of this study, given the environmental problems caused PEC/nanoemulsion formulations were dried in a coating apparatus
by the use of nonbiodegradable materials previously surveyed, as well as (Mathis®, KTF-S-B, Switzerland) by continuous casting. Aqueous mix
the trend towards the use of antimicrobial agents in active packaging, tures were poured in a coating device, where they were spread onto a
was to produce biodegradable pectin-based films containing CP nano polyester sheet conveyor using a doctor knife type B. The wet layer
emulsions. As far as we know, this is the first article on how the anti thickness was kept at 1.5 mm by accurately (�0.01 mm) setting the knife
microbial CP nanoemulsion affects the biodegradation process of active height above the conveyor. The wet layer was then conveyed at rolling
pectin films that were produced continuously using a pilot-scale lami speed of 10 cm min 1 across two oven-drying stages at 70 � C, conditions
nating unit. Finally, the antimicrobial, physico-chemical, and mechan which had been reported to allow complete drying (Lorevice, Otoni,
ical properties of the PEC films loaded with CP nanoemulsions were Moura, & Mattoso, 2016; Manrich et al., 2017; Otoni et al., 2016). Dried
evaluated. The results of this study may have important implications for films were allowed to equilibrate in a desiccator at 52 � 3% RH and 25
future applications in the food industry as active packaging as well as a � 2 � C for at least 48 h before further steps.
promising alternative for the reduction of environmental impacts caused
by conventional nonbiodegradable polymers. 2.5. Thermogravimetry
2. Materials and methods Film samples (5–6 mg) were accurately weighed in a platinum pan
and heated from 25 to 600 � C at a rate of 10 � C min 1, within an at
2.1. Materials mosphere comprising synthetic air (21% O2) flowing at 40 mL min 1.
Sample weight as a function of temperature was monitored by a high-
Citrus high-methoxyl pectin (PEC) with a poly (galacturonic acid) precision balance within an atmosphere of nitrogen flowing at 60 mL
content of 84%, a methoxylation degree (MD) of 8.4%, and a weight- min 1 on a TA Q500 (TA Instruments, Inc., New Castle, USA) to obtain
average molecular weight (Mw) of 1.3 � 105 g mol 1 was kindly pro thermogravimetric (TG) and derivative TG (DTG) curves. At least 2
vided by CP Kelco (Limeira, SP, Brasil). CP was purchased from replicates were performed for each sample.
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Hydrocolloids 106 (2020) 105862
2.7. X-ray diffraction (XRD) The water barrier properties of the films were determined using a
modified ASTM method E96/16 (ASTM E96, 2016). The samples were
The crystalline structure of the films was analyzed through diffrac cut into circles and sealed on the top of permeation cells containing
tion patterns obtained on an XRD-6000 X-ray diffractometer (Shimadzu, dried silica gel to provide constant RH. Then, the cells were stored in a
Kyoto, Japan). Samples were scanned from 5 to 40� (2θ) at 1� min 1. desiccator containing distilled water (100% RH; 2.337 � 103 Pa vapor
Crystallinity index (CI) was determined based on the areas under the pressure at 20 � C). Afterwards, the amount of water vapor transferred
Gaussian-deconvoluted crystalline and amorphous peaks after baseline through the film was quantified gravimetrically over 8 h. WVP (
correction. At least 2 replicates were performed for each sample. kPa 1.h 1.m 2) was calculated by Eq. (5):
2.8. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) WVP ¼ (5)
A:t: ΔP
Morphological characterization was performed using a JSM-6510 Where W is change in cell weight [g], δ is average film thickness [m],
microscope (JEOL Ltd., Japan) running at 5 kV and a working dis and A, t, and ΔP are exposed film area [m2], time [s], and partial water
tance of 2–3 mm. Cross-sectional views of polymer samples were pre vapor pressure differential [Pa], respectively. The average WVP value
pared by freeze-fracturing in a liquid nitrogen bath ( 165 � C for 3 min). for each sample was obtained in triplicates.
All samples were coated with gold (~5 nm) in an argon atmosphere.
Samples were prepared by deposition of powders on conductive graphite 2.12. Contact angle measurements
paint (SPI Supplies, USA). All images were recorded in secondary elec
tron mode. Contact angle was determined in a CAM 101 Optical Contact Angle
Meter (KSV Instruments) equipped with a CCD KSV-5000 digital camera.
2.9. Mechanical properties For each measurement, 5 μL of ultrapure water was dropped onto film
surface and 100 images were automatically recorded within an experi
Films were submitted to a uniaxial tensile assay on a DL3000 uni mental time of 60 s using the KSV CAM2008 software. Contact angle
versal testing machine (EMIC, S~ ao Paulo-SP, Brazil). Tests were carried determinations were performed with 5 replicates as per ASTM D5725-99
out according to ASTM D822-09 (ASTM, 2009) and other studies (Abral (ASTM, 2009).
et al., 2019; Saricaoglu, Tural, Gul, & Turhan, 2018). At least six 15-mm
wide, 100-mm long, and ~0.8-mm-thick (measured using an IP65 2.13. Antimicrobial properties
Mitutoyo digital micrometer at five random positions) specimens per
treatment were stretched at 25 mm min 1 using an initial Stock cultures of E. coli (ATCC 11229) and S. aureus (ATCC 6538)
clamp-to-clamp distance of 50 mm and a 50-kgf load cell. The elastic were maintained at 80 � C until grown in tubes with tryptic soy broth
modulus (EM) was determined from the linear slope of the stress-ver (TSB) (Acumedia Manufactures, Inc., Lansing, MI) at 37 � C for 24 h, and
sus-strains curves. The tensile strength (TS) was calculated by dividing then in different tubes with TSB at 37 � C for 12 h. The suspensions were
the maximum force by the initial cross-sectional area. Elongation at streaked on solidified tryptic soy agar (Acumedia Manufactures, Inc.)
break (ε) was calculated by Eq. (1), wherein d is the final displacement and incubated at 37 � C for 18–24 h. Disk inhibition tests were performed
and d0 is the initial clamp-to-clamp distance: according to M07-A9 (CLSI, 2012). Colonies isolated from the cultures
were inoculated into 0.85% w/v) NaCl solutions until 0.5 McFarland
standard turbidity was matched (108 CFU mL 1). The suspensions were
d d0
εð%Þ ¼ x 100 (1)
d0 plated with swabs onto solidified Mueller–Hinton agar (Becton, Dick
The elastic modulus (E) was determined from the linear slope of the inson and Co., Sparks, MD). Film discs (1 cm diameter) were exposed to
stress-versus-strain curves. At least 15 replicates were performed for each UV light (110 V and 254 nm) for 2 min on each side before being placed
sample. at the midpoint of the inoculated Petri dishes, which were incubated at
37 � C for 16–18 h. The diameters of the inhibition zones around the films
(colony-free areas) were measured to the nearest 0.01 mm with a digital
2.10. Optical properties
caliper (Mitutoyo Corp.), and the growth below the film discs was
visually evaluated.
Colorimetric parameters of the films were determined using a Konica
Minolta CM-5 colorimeter (Minolta Camera Co., Ltd, Osaka, Japan). A
white standard color plate (L* ¼ 91.76, a* ¼ 0.25, b* ¼ 0.40) was 2.14. Sensory evaluation
used for calibration and as background before luminosity (L*) as well as
the chromatic coordinates a* and b* were determined by reflectance The aroma and color sensory attributes of the pectin-based films
according to the CIE L*, a*, and b* scale. The color parameters were used were determined using an untrained panel constituted by 70 judges, in
to calculate total color difference (ΔE*, Eq. (2)), yellowness index (YI, accordance with the 9-point hedonic scale. Films were cut into 2 cm
Eq. (3)), and whiteness index (WI, Eq. (4)): diameter circles and the evaluations were performed in individual
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi booths under artificial daylight at temperatures ranging between 22 and
ΔE* ¼ ðΔL* Þ2 þ ðΔa* Þ2 þ ðΔb* Þ2 (2) 24 � C with air circulation and the samples were evaluated in a monadic
manner. The samples (one unit at a time) were served in disposable cups
coded with randomized 3-digit numbers. A 9- point structured hedonic
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Hydrocolloids 106 (2020) 105862
scale was used for quantifying acceptability, which ranged from “(1) nanoemulsion repel each other to prevent coalescence from occurring,
extremely disliked” to “(9) extremely liked” (Ferreira Saraiva et al., keeping them stable, and may be influenced by changes in the interface
2014). The study plan was previously evaluated by the Research Ethics with the dispersant medium (Roland, Piel, Delattre, & Evrard, 2003). In
Committee of the Federal University of Lavras (Lavras - MG, Brazil; general, the zeta potential did not change drastically during the storage
under resolution # 165 89319918.9.0000.5148), which endorsed the period (Table 1), keeping the system stable. The nanoemulsions pre
development of this study (protocol # 166 2746637). pared in this study contained a nonionic surfactant (Tween 80). There
fore, an electric charge close to zero would be expected. However, the
2.15. Biodegradation films containing CP had a highly negative zeta potential that may be
associated with the presence of ionizable groups on the surface of the CP
The polymer films were subjected to respirometry testing to quantify droplets, such as resin acids, which can be divided at the interface of
the production of carbon dioxide released by microbial respiration and nanoemulsions due to the power of ultrasonic energy (Acevedo-Fani,
to evaluate their biodegradation, according to the NBR 14283 - ABNT Salvia-Trujillo, Rojas-Graü, & Martín-Belloso, 2015; Dias et al., 2014;
(ABNT, 1999). Biometer flasks, used as originally suggested by Bartha Leandro et al., 2012).
and Pramer (1965), each containing 50 g of soil þ polymer sample Acevedo-Fani et al. (2015) also observed negative zeta potentials in
(duplicate), were incubated at 28 � C � 2 � C for 28 days. CO2 production sage essential oil nanoemulsions with Tween 80 and attributed this
was measured volumetrically at intervals of approximately 24 h. At least result to exposure of the emulsions to the severe mechanical stresses of
3 replicates were performed for each sample. ultrasonication, which may have caused the release of hydroxyl and
carboxyl groups from the oil that moved towards the surface of the
2.16. Statistical analyses droplets and bound to water (Chen, Gao, Yang, & Gao, 2013). The
electric charge of the droplets plays an important role in the stability of
The results were submitted to a one-way analysis of variance the nanoemulsions, and when the charge is sufficiently large, the
(ANOVA), and the means were compared by Tukey’s test at a confidence droplets are prevented from aggregating due to the electrostatic repul
level of 95% (p < 0.05), using the software Origin, version 6.0 (Origin sion between them.
Lab, Northampton, MA, USA). The formulations containing CP during the observed period had PdI
values ranging from 0.2 to 0.5, indicating a unimodal behavior with a
3. Results and discussion narrow droplet size distribution in the formulations. Even though the
droplet size increased, the PdI value remained below 0.6, indicating the
3.1. Droplet size, zeta-potential and polydispersity index (PdI) homogeneity of the droplets in the formulations (Tang, Manickam, Wei,
& Nashiru, 2012).
The mean droplet diameter, zeta potential, and polydispersion index
of CP nanoemulsions are shown in Table 1. 3.2. Thermal properties
Ultrasonication can reduce droplet size in an oil-in-water emulsion to
the nanoscale because high energy inputs create deforming forces that The TGs and their first derivatives (DTG) for making PEC-based films
overcome Laplace pressure and break droplets up into smaller ones are shown in Fig. 1. The temperatures corresponding to the onset (Tonset)
(Noori et al., 2018; Ranjbaryan et al., 2019), and this was confirmed in and offset (Toffset) of the thermal degradation are shown in Table 2.
the present study: characterization of CP-NE revealed that a nanosized CP is a natural oil-resin composed of a solid, a resin, and a nonvol
emulsion was successfully prepared (Table 1). atile fraction made of diterpenes. This resin and viscous fraction are
Curiously, the increase in CP content led to smaller droplets, sug diluted in another fraction, an essential oil, a volatile, and a fluid,
gesting that some CP amphiphilic components may contribute to droplet including sesquiterpenes such as α-humulene, α- and β-selinene,
size reduction (Bonilla, Atar�es, Vargas, & Chiralt, 2012). Particles are β-bisabolene, and β-caryophyllene (Veiga, Rosas, Carvalho, Henriques,
susceptible to gravitational forces regardless of their dimensions, but it & Pinto, 2007). Due to the existence of different types of oil resins, each
is less likely that sedimentation of nanoparticles occurs compared to fraction differs, and consequently, the CP has a varied composition,
conventional droplets because the Brownian motion of smaller droplets affecting its thermal stability.
is greater than the gravity-induced creaming rate (Huang, Yu, & Ru, The thermogram of CP indicated that the thermal decomposition
2010). This is in agreement with the observation that droplets smaller process was divided into three events. The first event (50–220 � C) is
than 1 μm are normally kinetically stable (Yi, Li, Zhong, & Yokoyama, related to vaporization of the volatile fraction, with sesquiterpenes
2014). Regarding our nanoemulsions, droplet size remained unchanged above 170 � C; the second (215–380 � C) was explained as the boiling
(p > 0.05) after 24 h of emulsification (Table 1), suggesting that stability point of the solid fraction, being for diterpenes above 260 � C; and the
would not be lost due to the coalescence of the droplets, because the third (T > 380 � C) was attributed to the degradation of the remaining
drying conditions allowed dry films to be obtained within minutes, so substances (Favvas, Kouvelos, Papageorgiou, Tsanaktsidis, & Mitro
lidifying the emulsions (Manrich et al., 2017). poulos, 2015; Hazra, Alexander, Dollimore, & Riga, 2004; Svetlichny
The zeta potential is a measure of how strongly the droplets of a et al., 2017).
Table 1
Average diameter (z-average) (nm), polydispersity index (PdI) and Zeta potential (mV) of copaiba oil (CP)-pectin (PEC) nanoemulsion produced by ultrasonic ho
mogenization (operating at 20 kHz and 150 W).
CP (wt.%) Zeta potential (mV) Droplet diameter (nm) PdI
0h 24 h 0h 24 h 0h 24 h
1 25 � 0.6a(a) 25 � 0.5a(a) 68.9 � 0.3a(a) 71.5 � 1.4a(a) 0.31 � 0.02a(b) 0.39 � 0.04a(a)
3 22 � 0.8b(a) 21 � 0.2b(a) 52.3 � 0.4b(a) 54.8 � 1.8b(a) 0.22 � 0.01b(a) 0.21 � 0.01b(a)
6 21 � 0.1b(a) 20 � 0.4b(a) 41.2 � 0.4c(a) 46.1 � 0.9c(a) 0.29 � 0.01b(a) 0.28 � 0.01c(a)
Values are reported as average values � standard deviations. Different letters on column (samples) and line (time, parenthesis) show that values were not statistically
significant (p > 0.05) using Turkey test.
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Hydrocolloids 106 (2020) 105862
Fig. 1. Thermogravimetric (TG; left) and derivative TG (right) profiles of films comprising pectin and/or copaiba oil (CP).
Table 2
Tensile attributes – elastic modulus (EM), tensile strength (TS), and elongation at break (ε) – as well as thermal parameters – initial (Tonset) and final degradation
temperatures (Toffset) and residual mass at 600 � C – of pectin (PEC) films as influenced by different concentrations of copaiba oil (CP).
CP /wt.% Thickness (μm) TS (MPa) ε (%) EM (MPa) Tonset (� C) Toffset (� C) R600 (%)
0 40.1 � 1.3a 41.8 � 6.5a 1.7 � 0.1d 1589 � 201a 215 450 0.4
1 41.2 � 1.0a 25.6 � 2.1b 2.0 � 0.5c 1347 � 135b 198 433 0.1
3 41.5 � 1.1a 20.1 � 1.4c 2.2 � 0.3b 1089 � 106c 201 427 0.2
6 40.4 � 0.9a 12.4 � 4.7d 2.4 � 0.5a 853 � 159d 200 435 0.1
Mechanical attributes are reported as average values and standard deviations. The same letters on the same column indicate that the values are not statistically
significant (p > 0.05) using Tukey’s test.
In general, the DTG curve for the pure film showed three defined
mass loss steps. The first occurred between 50 and 150 � C, corre
sponding to the removal of water that is physically connected, and the
loss of volatiles of low molar mass. The second stage occurred between
180 and 300 � C and may be related to the thermal degradation of pectin
resulting from the depolymerization of the polymer chains; the release
of CO2, H2O, and CO; and the generation of aliphatic compounds. The
third stage (T > 400 � C) was related to the combustion of aromatic
carbon residues (Gorrasi, Bugatti, & Vittoria, 2012). The thermal
behavior of the films was modified after the addition of CP, particularly
the appearance of the degradation peak at approximately 370 � C, rela
tive to the resin fraction of the oil.
PEC was thermally stable up to 215 � C (Table 2), while the nano
emulsified PEC films were thermally stable up to 200 � C. The degrada
tion onset temperature (Tonset) decreased for the emulsified films,
suggesting that the addition of the nanoemulsion decreased the molec
ular interactions between the adjacent chains of pectin and strengthened
the hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl groups of pectin and the polar
compounds (polyphenols) found in the CP-NE, as indicated by the FTIR
(Fig. 2) and XRD (Fig. 3). A decrease in the Tonset of films due to the
addition of emulsions or extracts was previously reported (Cerruti et al.,
2011; Medina Jaramillo, Guti�errez, Goyanes, Bernal, & Fama �, 2016;
Sanyang, Sapuan, Jawaid, Ishak, & Sahari, 2016).
Finally, regardless of composition, all films had a remarkably low
residual mass at 600 � C (Table 2). In general, the components that Fig. 2. Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectra of
copaiba oil (CP) and films comprising pectin (PEC) and copaiba oil (1–6 wt%).
comprised the aromatic rings in their chemical structures are stable up
Y-axis: transmittance/a.u.
to 600 � C (Medina Jaramillo et al., 2016; Patel et al., 2010).
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Hydrocolloids 106 (2020) 105862
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Hydrocolloids 106 (2020) 105862
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of the surface and cross-sections of the films: pectin (PEC) and films containing different percentages of copaiba oil (1–6% CP).
Hambleton, Lenart, and Voilley (2010), the plasticizers weaken the 2010; Basiak, Debeaufort, & Lenart, 2015; Galus & Kadzi, 2016).
intermolecular interactions between the polymer chains, causing an Red-green (a*), blue-yellow (b*) and YI parameters increased signifi
increase in free volume and molecular mobility, leading to decreased cantly by increasing CP concentration compared to the control film. In
stiffness and improved film extensibility and flexibility. In the literature, addition, pectin films loaded with CP showed higher ΔE* than PEC. This
there are reports demonstrating the occurrence of TS reduction in films phenomenon could be attributed to the phenolic compounds of CP,
based on polysaccharides when hydrophobic compounds such as lipids which might show light absorption at lower wavelengths. The variance
are added to their matrix (Acevedo-Fani et al., 2015; Arrieta, Peltzer, in color parameters appears to be the consequence of natural yellow of
Garrigo�s, & Jim�enez, 2013; Ghani et al., 2018; Gim�enez, Lo �pez de Lacey, vegetal oils or lipids (Dashipour, Razavilar, Hosseini, &
P�erez-Santín, Lo�pez-Caballero, & Montero, 2013; Manrich et al., 2017; Shojaee-aliabadi, 2015; Shojaee-Aliabadi et al., 2013). All of these re
Otoni et al., 2014). This effect on TS reduction may also be attributed to ports are in line with the results of Pająk, Przetaczek-Ro_znowska, and
the development of a heterogeneous filmogenic structure, with discon Juszczak (2019). On the other hand, the WI did not change with
tinuities in the polymer network triggered by the lipid dispersed phase increasing CP concentration. Similar results have been reported by
(Perez-Gago & Krochta, 2001; Sa �nchez-Gonza �lez, Cha�fer, Chiralt, & Hasheminya, Rezaei, and Ghanbarzadeh (2019) and Atef, Rezaei, and
Gonza �lez-Martínez, 2010; Sa �nchez-Gonz� alez et al., 2011; Shellhammer Behrooz (2014). Overall, the color of edible films is directly dependent
& Krochta, 1997). These results are in agreement with the micrographs on the kind and concentration of the vegetal oil which is added to the
presented above in Fig. 4. Similar behavior when analyzing the me film (Atar�es & Chiralt, 2016).
chanical properties of films based on polysaccharides combined with
oils was found in the literature (Kanmani & Rhim, 2014; Kavoosi,
Derakhshan, Salehi, & Rahmati, 2018; Nur Fatin Nazurah & Nur Hanani, 3.8. Water vapor permeability (WVP)
2017; Rodrigues et al., 2018).
Water vapor permeability is an essential parameter to estimate the
permeation of water vapors through film matrix at a certain tempera
3.7. Optical properties ture. The water barrier properties of the PEC-based films added or not by
CP nanoemulsions were investigated through WVP measurements, and
Both color and transparency of food packaging materials play an the results are shown in Fig. 5.
important role in their appearance and acceptance by consumers (Ace The WVP of PEC films was significantly reduced (p < 0.05) by ca.
vedo-Fani et al., 2015). The effects of CP-NE additions on the color 60% upon nanoemulsification, but all PEC/CP films showed the same (p
parameters of the films are shown in Table 3. > 0.05) WVP, indicating that droplet size did not influence the barrier
PEC film had a higher (p < 0.05) luminosity than those containing properties. It is worth mentioning that WVP is directly related to the
CP. Increases in CP content resulted in further lower L* values but all quantity of polar (e.g., hydroxyl) groups in the molecular assembly
films presented high lightness (i.e., L* values close to 100), which is (Huber & Embuscado, 2009). CP addition provided PEC films with
recurrent for edible films (Araujo-Farro, Podadera, Sobral, & Menegalli, increased crystallinity (Fig. 3) due to the rearrangement of pectin chains
Table 3
Luminosity (L*), chromatic coordinates (a* and b*), and colorimetric parameters (ΔE*, total color difference; YI, yellowness index; WI, whiteness index) of pectin films
as influenced by different concentrations of copaiba oil (CP).
Sample L* a* b* ΔE* YI WI
PEC 89.9 � 0.2a 0.21 � 0.01c 0.58 � 1c 48.7 � 0.2d 1.1 � 0.1b 33.3 � 1a
CP1% 83.7 � 0.1b 0.27 � 0.01b 0.99 � 0.4b 51.3 � 0.3c 1.5 � 0.2c 33.7 � 2a
CP3% 82.6 � 0.2b 0.29 � 0.01b 1.04 � 0.2b 66.5 � 0.2b 1.9 � 0.2b 34.9 � 0.9a
CP6% 81.8 � 0.4b 0.36 � 0.02a 1.38 � 0.5a 71.5 � 0.1a 2.1 � 0.5a 33.8 � 0.3a
Different letters in the same column indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05).
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Hydrocolloids 106 (2020) 105862
Fig. 6. Antibacterial test done in petri dishes with pectin coated with copaiba oil.
L.B. Norcino et al. Food Hydrocolloids 106 (2020) 105862
samples in soil.
The results obtained in the respirometric tests over 28 days show that
the four materials analyzed underwent aerobic biodegradation in soil,
which was indicated by the rapid evolution of CO2—mineralization—in
the flasks containing them compared to those containing only the con
trol sample (soil), which showed less evolution. It can be seen that PEC
exhibited higher CO2 evolution than the other samples. This was due to
the presence of carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose,
which are more easily assimilable by microorganisms (Cinelli et al.,
2014; Medina Jaramillo et al., 2016). Degradation of pectic substances
can follow two main routes: depolymerization by β-elimination re
actions under the action of pectin lyase and pectin lyases of microbio
logical origin or by demethylation with the aid of pectin-esterase,
followed by acid hydrolysis of the α(1 → 4) bonds by polygalacturonases
Fig. 7. Sensory outcome of color and aroma for PEC and PEC/CP). Equal letters (Singthong, Cui, Ningsanond, & Douglas Goff, 2004). Thus, it is sug
in parentheses indicate equal values (p > 0.05). (For interpretation of the ref gested that the biodegradation process followed these routes.
erences to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version
Fig. 8 shows two distinct phases of the biodegradation process: an
of this article.)
initial phase in which there was a marked increase in the formation of
3.11. Sensory evaluation carbon dioxide and, after 20 days, a phase that tended to stabilize the
production of CO2. The inclusion of CP caused a gradual decrease in the
It is generally accepted that color and aroma are importance char evolution of CO2 as its concentration increased, delaying the biodegra
acteristics in determining the sensory of food for customers (Gotow, dation of the biopolymers.
Kobayashi, & Kobayakawa, 2013). This sensory test was constituted by According to Pepper, Gerba, & Brusseau (2011), in the soil, there is a
untrained judges, comprised by 65% female and 35% male consumers. predominance of bacteria of the genera Arthrobacter, Streptomyces,
According to the statistical analysis performed in the sensory evaluation Pseudomonas, and Bacillus and of the fungi Penicillium, Aspergillus,
of the films by different concentrations of CP, significant differences Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Alternaria, and Rhizopus. CP has antimicrobial
were observed (p < 0.05) between the treatments for each of the sensory potential against several microorganisms, including Pseudomonas spp.
attributes evaluated (Fig. 7). (Marangon et al., 2017; Masson, Salvador, Polizello, & Frade, 2013),
The treatments containing copaiba oil were significantly more Aspergillus flavus (Deus, Alves, & Arruda, 2011), Bacillus subtilis (Dos
satisfying compared to the control samples in all sensory properties. The Santos et al., 2008; Morelli et al., 2015), Fusarium spp. (Dos Santos
sensory attribute of aroma to CP1% and CP6% presented an average et al., 2013), Penicillium spp. (Dos Santos et al., 2013), and Rhizopus
sensory score of 6 meaning “Like slightly”, while CP3% score was 7 spp. (Dos Santos et al., 2013). This antibacterial activity of CP is
meaning “Like moderately”. This result suggested that CP3% showed attributed to a combination of diterpenes and sesquiterpenes that affect
better balance levels in the volatile compounds and promoted a signif the integrity of the cell wall of the microorganism, causing a decrease in
icant higher score. cell volume and subsequent release of cytoplasmic compounds (Dos
In relation to color, no significant differences (p > 0.05) were Santos et al., 2008; Dos Santos et al., 2013). Thus, it is suggested that the
observed among the tested edible films, with average score of 8, presence of CP active compounds has caused some inhibition of micro
meaning “like very much”. These results are in agreement with the SEM bial growth, decreasing the evolution of CO2 in the biodegradation
(Fig. 4) and optical properties (Table 3) analyses, which revealed a good process. These results may be associated with those found in the anti
homogeneity distribution, uniform dispersion inside the film matrix and microbial and FTIR tests. This result is relevant because it indicates that
high lightness, which is meaningful for the consumer’s acceptance of the it was possible to produce new polymer-based materials with active
product based on the appearance. properties but still be biodegradable.
4. Conclusion
3.12. Biodegradation
Addition of CP nanoemulsions to PEC-based films affected their
The influence of the incorporation of CP on the biodegradation of the matrices, providing active functionality, preserving or even improving
pectin film was investigated. Fig. 8 shows the CO2 evolution of the
Fig. 8. Cumulative CO2 production and pictures of PEC and PEC/CP during biodegradation in soil for 28 days.
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