Annatto SPF

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ISSN: 2230-9926 International Journal of Development Research

Vol. 10, Issue, 01, pp. 33285-33292, January, 2020



*Danielle Cristina da Silva Caldas, Roseane Costa Diniz, Luiza Helena Araújo do Carmo,
Marisa Cristina Aranha Batista and Crisálida Machado Vilanova
Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Departamento de Farmácia, Cidade Universitária do Bacanga, Avenida dos
Portugueses, 1966 - Bacanga, São Luís - Maranhão, 65080-805, Brasil


Article History: The cancer of skin type no melanoma is the most frequent cancer in Brazil and accounts for 25%
Received 28
Received xxxxxx,
th 20192019
October, of all malignant tumors registered in the country. It has high rates of cure if detected early.
Received in revised form
Received in revised form Among the tumors of the skin, non-melanoma type is the higher incidence and lower mortality.
26th 20192019
November, Test bioproducts with protective solar activity is crucial in the prevention of public health and
Accepted 11
Accepted xxxxxxxxx,
2019 promotes technological development. The study evaluated the influence of Bixa orellana L. oil on
Published online
Published online 31
st 2019 2020
January, SPF (Sun Protection Factor) six emulsions containing chemical filters Eusolex 232 and Neo
Heliopan MBC. The physicochemical analysis of oil (acid value and saponification) preceded the
Key Words: spectrophotometric reading tests of each formulation. Then, centrifuge tests and thermal stress
Bixa orellana L., Sun Protection Factor, were performed and preceded the accelerated stability study (2 months) in the refrigerator (10°C),
UV/Visible Spectroscopy, photoprotective environment temperature (32°C) and oven (40°C) with three formulations. Acidity and
formulations. saponification indices showed values slightly above those permitted. The spectrophotometric
analysis showed that the oil enhances the effect of solar protection of Eusolex 232 chemical filters
and Neo Heliopan MBC. The pH test showed satisfactory results for formulations containing the
chemical filter Neo Heliopan MBC®. The spin test showed satisfactory results for 7 of the 9
formulations. The thermal stress test showed positive results only for three of the nine
*Corresponding author: formulations. The SPF analysis has verified that the oil annatto of Bixa Orellana L. 5% and 10%
Danielle Cristina da Silva Caldas when incorporated in photoprotective formulations with chemical filters Eusolex 232® and Neo
Heliopan MBC® potentiates the effect of solar protection.

Copyright © 2020, Danielle Cristina da Silva Caldas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Danielle Cristina da Silva Caldas, Roseane Costa Diniz, Luiza Helena Araújo do Carmo, Marisa Cristina Aranha Batista and Crisálida Machado
Vilanova. 2020. “Influence of the incorporation of annatto oil bixa orellana l. in the sun protection factor by visible spectroscopy of photoprotective formulations”,
International Journal of Development Research, 10, (01), 33285-33292.

INTRODUCTION The chemical constituents of greater importance in Bixa

orellana L. are the bixin and norbixin carotenoid responsible
The therapeutic use of medicinal plants is an ancient practice for the red color of the seeds and have photoprotective and
that has basis in popular wisdom. This knowledge can be antioxidante action. Antioxidants are substances that in
applied in the treatment and prevention of various diseases and minimum concentration, delay or inhibit effectively oxidation
also in the use of topical preparations in order to combat an process (Souza, 2011; Shami, 2004). As protection against the
infection in the skin, or aesthetic care in different cultures sun's rays, there are sunscreens that protect the skin by filtering
around the world (Serafini et al., 2015; Costa, 2007; Vilar Dde or blocking solar radiation. So now consumers demand
et al., 2014). Regarding the Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) this cosmetics products that have SPF (Sun Protection Factor), a
fact can be evidenced from ancient times when the Indians measure used to quantify the protection capacity of sunscreens.
who inhabited the lands of Central America (especially Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the annatto oil
Mexico and Puerto Rico) and South America (Brazil and Peru) as a new possibility of raw material to increase the sun
used the extracted pigment from its seeds to paint the skin not protection factor of cosmetic formulations. It is now clear that
only as an ornament, but also to treat burns and insect bites, as the incorporation of plant extracts with protective action
well as sunscreen (Diniz et al., 2015) See Figure 1.
33286 Danielle Cristina da Silva Caldas et al. Influence of the incorporation of annatto oil bixa orellana l. in the sun protection
factor by visible spectroscopy of photoprotective formulations

against sun rays and antioxidant action adds value to the The saponification number indicates the required amount of
product making it more appealing to customers. alkali to saponify a defined amount of sample. This method is
used for all oils and fats and expresses the number of
milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to saponify one
gram of sample. The test was performed in duplicate and was
also carried out a blank test.

The calculation of the index was based on the following


28 x CF x (B-A)
A = volume spent on the titration of the sample
B = volume spent on white titration
CF = correction factor
P = number of grams of the sample
Obtaining cosmetic formulations (sunscreens): Nine
formulations were developed and the first three formulations
composed of only chemical filter Eusolex 232® (formulation
I) - Phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid, Neo Heliopan MBC®
- Camphor Metilbenzidileno (formulation II) and a formulation
containing the two filters (formulation III). The other six
formulations were developed with the addition of annatto oil at
concentrations of 5% and 10%. The composition of the
formulations is described in Tables 1, 2 and 3. The
pharmaceutical form of choice was emulsion, formulations that
provide greater FPS's, accept more easily the incorporation of
sunscreens and oily products, besides having good
spreadability forming a uniform film on the skin and also
provide good value for money (Ferrari et al., 2003).

Table 1. Standard photoprotective cosmetic formulations with

Eusolex 232® and Neo Heliopan MBC®

Components of the oil phase Percentage of components in each

Photo taken from the Medicinal Garden of Liceu Maranhense, formulation
São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. Phytotherapy Program of the Formula I Formula II Formula III
Mineral Oil 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Federal University of Maranhão; Diniz, Roseane Costa et al, 2015 Liquid Vaseline 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
[4] Eusolex 232 8.0% - 8.0%
Neo Heliopan - 4.0% 4.0%
Self emulsifying wax non-ionic 4,0% 4.0% 4.0%
MATERIALS AND METHODS Components of the Aqueous Phase Percentage of components in each
The Bixa orellana L. oil was provided by Via Farma Fomula I Fomula II Formula III
Glycerin 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Importadora LTDA. The report provided by the manufacturer Nipagin 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%
was parsing parameters of appearance, color, odor, q.s.p. distilled water 100ml 100ml 100ml
saponification number, acid value and peroxide value. A line Formula I: Eusolex 232®; Formula II: Neo Heliopan MBC®; Formula III:
of study consisted of eight parts: Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC®; quantity sufficient to: q.s.p.

Table 2. Photoprotective cosmetic formulations with Eusolex 232®

Physico-chemical analysis: The acidity indices and oil and Neo Heliopan MBC® and 5% annatto oil
saponification were analyzed according to the methodology
recommended of the Adolf Lutz Institute (1985), which is Components of the oil phase Percentage of components in each
based on the methods of the AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS' Formula IV Formula V Formula VI
SOCIETY (AOCS) (Adolf Lutz Institute-Brasil, 2008). The Mineral Oil 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
acid value indicates the amount in milligrams of potassium Liquid Vaseline 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
hydroxide required to neutralize the fatty acids in one gram of Eusolex 232 8.0% - 8.0%
Neo Heliopan - 4.0% 4.0%
sample. The test was performed in duplicate and also a blank Cera autoemulsificante não 4.0% 4.0% 4.0%
test. The index calculation was carried out based on the iônica
following formula: Self emulsifying wax non-ionic 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Components of the Aqueous Percentage of components in each
Phase formulation
V x CF x 40 Fomula IV Fomula V Formula VI
S Glycerin 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Nipagin 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%
q.s.p. distilled water 100ml 100ml 100ml
V = volume de NaOH 0.1M gasto na titulação Formula IV: Eusolex 232 + 5% annatto oil; Fórmula V: Neo Heliopan MBC
CF = correction factor + 5% annatto oil; Formula VI: Eusolex 232 + Neo Heliopan MBC + 5%
S = sample weight in grams annatto oil; Quantity sufficient to: q.s.p.
33287 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 01, pp. 33285-33292, January, 2020

Table 3. Photoprotective cosmetic formulations with Eusolex Mansour equation was used to convert the absorbance values
232® and Neo Heliopan MBC® and 10% annatto oil of the formulations and the pure oil in SPF.

Components of the oil phase Percentage of components in each Mansour Equation

Formula Formula Formula IX
Mineral Oil 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Liquid Vaseline 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Eusolex 232 8.0% - 8.0% Where CF is the correction factor = 10; EE (λ) is the
Neo Heliopan - 4.0% 4.0%
erythematogenic effect of solar radiation λ wavelength; I (λ) is
Self emulsifying wax non- 4.0% 4.0% 4.0%
ionic the intensity of sunlight at a particular wavelength (λ) and Abs
annatto oil 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% (λ) it is the spectrophotometric reading of the sample
Components of the Aqueous Percentage of components in each absorbance at each wavelength. Being that of EE values (λ) x I
Phase formulation
(λ) were calculated and are in the table 4 (Nascimento et al.,
Fomula Fomula Formula IX
VII VIII 2009; Franzen, 2011; Mansour et al., 1986).
Glycerin 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Nipagin 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% Table 4. Weighting used in the calculation of the sun protection
q.s.p. distilled water 100ml 100ml 100ml factor by spectrophotometry
Formula VII: Eusolex 232® + 10% annatto oil; Formula VIII: Neo Heliopan
MBC® + 10% annatto oil; Formula IX: Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® Wave-length (nm) EE(λ) x I(λ) (normalized) relative values
+ 10% annatto oil; quantity sufficient to: q.s.p.
290 0.0150
295 0.0817
Stability evaluation of cosmetic formulations: The 300 0.2874
accelerated stability studies were performed using macroscopic 305 0.3278
analysis forty-eight hours after the manipulation of the 310 0.1864
samples, in order to visualize possible variations in the 315 0.0839
320 0.0180
organoleptic and homogeneity characteristics (Ferrari et al., ∑ 1,0000
2003; Roland et al., 2003).
Preliminary accelerated stability study
pH Determination: The pH determination was made
preparing solutions with 5.0g of each formulation diluted in After the thermal stress test the formulations less
100 mL of freshly distilled water and homogenized with the macroscopically altered were:
aid `` mixer`` and then inserted into the electrode (Analion pH
metro-Mod. PM608). The test was performed in duplicate Eusolex232® + 5% urucum oil (formulation IV)
(Moreira, 2012). Neo Heliopan MBC® + 5% urucum oil (formulation V)
Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® + 5% urucum oil
Centrifuge Test: In graduated conical centrifuge tube for (formulation VI) and with them the study was continued for
assay were added 5.0 g of each sample and subjected to 1000 two months as explicitly stated in the graphical abstract below.
cycles, 2500 and 3500 rpm corresponding to 70, 440 and 863
G respectively (Fanem Ltd. - Mod R 206, Excelsa BABY II-
440 watts) for a fifteen-minute time slot in rotation at room
temperature. After each cycle, samples were analyzed for their
respective observation homogeneity or phase separation
signals (Masson, 2005; Ferrari et al., 2003; ANVISA, 2004).

Thermal Stress Test: The nine formulations were stored in

closed polyethylene plastic bottles subjected to heating in
termoestabilizado bath (Nova Técnica Ltda-Mod. 281 NT) at
temperatures between 40 ± 2 to 80 ± 2 ° C. the temperature
was increased by 5 at 5 ° C and kept for thirty minutes each
temperature. Readings were perfomed at interval increased
temperature and between one another. An specific
nomenclature was used for macroscopic analysis tests,
centrifugation and thermal stress it is: N = Normal, no change; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ML = Mildly Modified; M = Modified (ANVISA, 2004;
Morais et al., 2005). The value found for the acid number (4.8mg NaOH) was
slightly higher than allowed according to the Option Phoenix
Analysis of the formulations spectrophotometric profile: Distributor Petrochemicals Ltda. technical literature, which
The spectrophotometric (Perk elmer UV/Visible Spectroscopy) cites the acid value of the oil as at most 3. However, should
readings were conducted by weighing 0.002g of each take into consideration that this technical information is in the
formulation that were diluted in 100ml ethanol alcohol P.A. case of use of Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) and the acid value
from each dilution were taken three aliquots to the test in of oil varies according to the extraction method (Moreira,
triplicate. The wavelength during analysis was maintained 2012). In this case, for the Bixa orellana L. oil obtained by Via
between 200 and 400nm, corresponding to spectrum band of Farma Importadora Ltda, despite the oily extract
ultraviolet light. How white was used ethanol alcohol P.A. The characteristics, there was no information about the acid value
of the extract obtained by extraction with oily solvent. The
33288 Danielle Cristina da Silva Caldas et al. Influence of the incorporation of annatto oil bixa orellana l. in the sun protection
factor by visible spectroscopy of photoprotective formulations

saponification value obtained (224.78KOH/g) was slightly stabilize the pH of these formulations. It is noteworthy that the
above the amount recorded in the report of the analysis oil acid value is above the limit accepted (max. 3) then this
technical literature of the Option Phoenix Distributor factor may also be taken into consideration for all formulations
Petrochemicals Ltda. (2011) which is 170-200mg KOH/g. that did not reach the expected pH value. The values found in
Before we insert a cosmetic product on the market, it is the analysis are in Table 5.
necessary to analyze its stability assuring consumers of a safe
and quality product. The stability study guides the Table 5. SPF and pH analysis of cosmetic formulations
development of the formulation, providing subsidies for the
improvement of the of it, besides estimating the validity and Formulations pH SPF
(x) (y)
assist in monitoring the organoleptic, physicochemical and
Eusolex 232® 3.17 2.01
microbiological stability (ANVISA, 2008; Diogo et al., 2015).
Neo Heliopan MBC® 4.50 1.54
The Bixa orellana L. oil was purely analyzed and its SPF (Sun Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® 3.16 2.74
Protection Factor) was insignificant compared with the SPF of Eusolex 232® + 5% annatto oil 3.10 5.08
the formulations containing it. The patterns formulations, i.e., Neo Heliopan MBC® + 5% annatto oil 4.62 1.24
Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® + 5% annatto oil 3.54 4.47
those in which no oil incorporation, obtained in its entirety a Eusolex 232® + 10% annatto oil 3.13 4.89
lower SPF that the same formulation containing 5% oil and Neo Heliopan MBC® + 10% annatto oil 4.10 3.11
10%. Among all formulations, the one that showed more Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® + 10% annatto oil 3.19 8.82
satisfactory result was composed of Eusolex 232® + Neo Pure oil of Bixa orellana L. 4.80 1.84
Heliopan MBC®. Neo Heliopan MBC® + oil 10%
(formulation IX) which was 8.82, almost twice of the same The centrifuge test provides some future instability of the
formulation 5% (formulation VI) and more than triple of the product, such as phase separation. However, no phase
same formulation without added oil of the photoprotective separation does not guarantee the stability, only the legitimate
formulations and pure annatto oil SPF can be seen in Figure 2. that the product may be subjected to prolonged stability tests
(Diogo et al., 2015; Leonardi et al., 2002). The emulsion
galenical forms are types of creams and / or lotions that have
two immiscible phases with each other but with the addition of
an emulsifying agent may become a homogeneous system
containing polar and apolar components and therefore being
considered the type of vehicle which has greater protection
(Pineda-Sotomayor, 2015). In this case emulsions O/A were
handled which allows the incorporation of hydrophilic and
lipophilic filters which can act synergistically See Table 6.

Table 6. Centrifuge Test

Samples 1000rpm 2500rpm 3500rpm

Eusolex 232® N LM LM
Figure 2. SPF (Sun Protection Factor) × pH of cosmetic Neo Heliopan MBC® N LM LM
Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® N LM LM
formulations and pure annatto oil before of Thermal Stress Test Eusolex 232® + 5% annatto oil N N N
Neo Heliopan MBC® + 5% annatto oil LM LM LM
The results can be explained due to the vegetable oils that have Samples 1000rpm 2500rpm 3500rpm
photoprotective action due to the presence of substances such Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® + N LM LM
5% annatto oil
as flavonoids, antraquinônicos derivatives and carotenoids Eusolex 232® + 10% annatto oil N N N
tend to be combined with chemical and physical filters Neo Heliopan MBC® + 10% annatto oil LM LM M
increasing photoprotection, so its use is relevant (Alamo et al., Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® + LM LM M
10% annatto oil
2012). Moreover, oils and fats help solubilize the chemical - - - -
filters are mostly soluble as Neo Heliopan MBC® (camphor N- Normal LM- Mildly Modified M- Modified
Metilbenzidileno) is ideal for formulations waterproof and if
Eusolex 232®, which has solubility in water 0.012g / L oil Only Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® + 10% oil
may have benefited from this filter solubility increasing the (formulation IX) and Neo Heliopan MBC® + 10% oil
SPF of formulations that contained (Mishra et al., 2012). (formulation VII) among the analyzed samples showed phase
Cosmetics in general should have a pH similar to the pH of separation after completion of the test. All other formulations
human skin, this in turn is slightly acid ranging from 4.6 a 5.8 developed from oils. Thus, it is questionable the ratio of the
or 4.5 a 5.5 and which may vary each skin region. The skin incorporated oil concentration to 10% when in contact with the
acid pH combat fungi and bacteria as well as infections and chemical filter Neo Heliopan MBC® ensuring that it is
rashes, so it is important to maintain the physiological value necessary to use a different test chemical filter or annatto oil at
even with the use of chemicals (Lambers et al., 2006; Leonardi lower concentrations to minorizar phase separation, making it
et al., 2002). The formulations analyzed that more approached a more stable emulsion. The thermal stress test provides signs
the skin pH values described in the literature, were the ones of instability in the formulations analyzed in order to find
containing the pure chemical pure filter Neo Heliopan MBC® changes in the same (ANVISA, 2008; Diogo et al., 2015;
and incorporated into the oil to 5% and to 10%, respectively Leonardi et al., 2002). Thus, all the formulations analyzed
Formulation II, Formulation V and Formulation VIII. The showed no visible changes in the temperature interval between
formulations with the chemical filter Eusolex 232® is not well 40ºC and 50ºC, from 55ºC all formulations except those
behaved front oil incorporation seen that the results were composed by Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC®
below 4.0, thus, more acid than the skin pH. In this case it is (Formulation III) showed slight changes, no longer consistent
suggested that there is incorporation of a buffering agent to emulsions and became fluids, from 60ºC all modifications had
33289 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 01, pp. 33285-33292, January, 2020

Figure 3. Reading of the absorbances of the formulations of table 5

33290 Danielle Cristina da Silva Caldas et al. Influence of the incorporation of annatto oil bixa orellana l. in the sun protection
factor by visible spectroscopy of photoprotective formulations

strong modifications and those containing oil, there was phase Heliopan MBC® + annatto oil 5% (formulation VI)
separation, while still maintaining only slightly modified formulations were analyzed for 2 months and statistical
formulation Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® analysis proved that the refrigerator, stove and room
(formulation III) that as all other become altered in the temperature samples are not statistically different from the
temperature range 65 ° C to 80 ° C. A specific nomenclature standard sample without oil annatto (Figures 4,5 and 6). The
was used for macroscopic analysis tests, centrifugation and samples kept in the refrigerator and at room temperature
thermal stress it is: N = Normal, no change; MM = Mildly remained close to the value of the standard sample. However,
Modified; M = Modified (Masson et al., 2005; ANVISA, the samples kept in the oven remained distant from the
2004; Pineda Sotomayor, 2015). The results are show in Table standard value, showing that the temperature along with time
7. are extrinsic factors that affect the value of the cosmetic
Table 7. Thermal stress testing in cosmetic formulations

Formulations 40°C - 50°C 55°C 60°C 65°C – 80°C
I.Eusolex 232® N LM M M
II.Neo Heliopan MBC® N LM M M
III.Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® N N LM M
IV.Eusolex 232® + 5% annatto oil N LM M M
V.Neo Heliopan MBC® + 5% annatto oil N LM M M
VI.Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® + 5% annatto oil N LM M M
VII.Eusolex 232® + 10% annatto oil N LM M M
VIII.Neo Heliopan MBC® + 10% annatto oil N LM M M
IX.Eusolex 232® + Neo Heliopan MBC® + 10% annatto oil N LM M M
N- Normal, LM- Mildly Modified , M- Modified

Figures 4-6. Ratio analysis SPF / time respectively for the photoprotective formulations

The least altered macroscopic formulations were Eusolex formulations SPF. This fact can be understood when it is
232® + annatto oil 5% (formulation IV), Neo Heliopan known that high or low temperatures favor in order to
MBC® + annatto oil 5% (formulation V) and Eusolex 232® + anticipate chemical and/or physical reactions and why certain
Neo Heliopan MBC® + annatto oil 5% (formulation VI) and changes are acceptable, what should not happen at room
with them the study was continued. The Eusolex 232® + temperature (Diogo et al., 2015; Alamo et al., 2012; Pineda
annatto oil 5% (formulation IV), Neo Heliopan MBC® + Sotomayor, 2015) See Figures 4, 5 and 6. The time 0 is
annatto oil 5% (formulation V) and Eusolex 232® + Neo analysis before counting (see table 2). Standard sample not
33291 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 01, pp. 33285-33292, January, 2020

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different from the standard sample without oil annatto. Based Curso de Farmácia da Universidade Federal do Maranhão,
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L.H.A.C., M.C.A.B., C.M.V. analyzed data and discussions; Cosméticos. Ministério da Saúde, Brasília (Brasil).
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L. Curso de Farmácia da Universidade Federal do
Conflict of interests: We wish to confirm that there are no Maranhão, Brasil.
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