Osman Altahir Obied Alsafi: Personal Profile
Osman Altahir Obied Alsafi: Personal Profile
Osman Altahir Obied Alsafi: Personal Profile
➢ - B.Sc. (Honours) in Information Technology (Full
Time) with grade second class -Division Two by the
University Senate on the 25th of April 2016/future
➢ - Android Application Development (simple
• Communication
• Ability to work under pressure
• Optimistic
• Time Management
• Self-motivated
• Adaptability
• Teamwork
• Quick Learner
Oct 2016 - Oct 2017 2018-2019 2018-2019
Central Veterinary Ultra for Online
Research electricity programming
Laboratory components courses
In that period of time I spent In that period of time I In that period of time
the national duty. I was was working in ultra and I was reading about
responsible for software I was responsible for Object Oriented
installation and download sales. programming and
network drivers when it’s database.
➢ To build a long-term career with opportunities for career growth.
➢ Targeting a position from which I can serve your organization and establish
an enjoyable career for myself.
➢ To bring my strong sense of dedication, motivation, and responsibility and to
utilize my skills qualifications .
➢ Excellent interpersonal skills; willing to help, listen and learn.
Language Ability
English Arabic
Intermediate Mother Tongue
Available upon request.