Tax Calculation Process in SD
Tax Calculation Process in SD
Tax Calculation Process in SD
The purpose of the tax calculation process in SD is to apply appropriate tax
rates and amounts to line items during creation of invoices and sales
orders. These rates and amounts are generated by the external tax
calculation system.
Process Flow
SD requires that sales orders and invoices reflect the tax applicability of
each item and compute the total tax due on each line item within the sales
document. Appropriate tax amounts and tax rates are determined for both
orders and invoices.
Several parameters influence the tax amounts and tax rates determination.
The most important ones include:
Delivering country (origin)
Tax class of the ship-to partner
Tax class of the material being shipped
Tax calculation date
Jurisdiction code from ship-to-party (customer)
Jurisdiction code from ship-from address (plant)
Point-of-order acceptance
Point-of-order origin
SAP defaults the ship-from jurisdiction maintained on the plant as the point-
of-order acceptance, and defaults the ship-to jurisdiction maintained on the
customer as the point-of-order origin. Order acceptance jurisdiction and
order origin jurisdiction can be changed using the provided tax interface
system user exit.
Jurisdiction codes are automatically retrieved from the external tax package
during creation or change of a customer master record or a plant. This
occurs after the address information has been entered on the master data.
SD uses the country, customer tax indicator, and material tax indicator to
read the tax condition records. During pricing execution in sales order
processing, the system exits the normal pricing upon recognizing a
condition type 1 (delivered UTXJ). The tax condition records are then read
using the country and tax code maintained in the pricing condition record.
The tax procedure TAXUSX and the SD pricing procedure RVAXUS
contain condition formulas (300 - 306 or 500, 510, 301 - 306 for document
Max Tax calculation) which invoke the tax interface system. Once the tax
interface system is invoked, a communication structure with header and
items data is filled with the necessary information needed by our partners'
tax package to calculate taxes. This communication structure is then
passed to our partner’s API via an RFC (Remote Function Call).
The partner’s API passes this data to its tax calculation package. The
appropriate tax is calculated and returned back to the partner’s API and
then to the tax interface system. These tax amounts and rates are applied
to the SD document item’s pricing at each of up to six levels of jurisdiction
denoted by the condition types (XR1 - XR6).
1. Go to T.code FTXP, and select the country for which you want to create
tax [IMG - Financial accounting - Financial accounting global settings - tax
on sales/purchases - basic settings - Assign country to calculation
2. Enter 2 digit alphanumeric code for e.g A8, 46, CC, etc.. in the
field Tax code. Now SAP will ask you to complete other additional
fields such as:
3. Now in the Menu allocate the amount where this specific tax code is
used to a certain tax account. The tax type fields such as Base Amount,
Input tax, Output Tax ... can be determined via the calculation
procedures. Calculation procedures are defined in the IMG [Financial
accounting - Financial accounting global settings - tax on sales/purchases
- basic settings - Assign country to calculation procedure].
4. Account Keys.
5. Tax percentage can be maintained in two ways & that depends upon
the Tax procedure that has been followed i.e. if tax procedure is formula
based then percentage can be maintained in FTXP only, whereas if the
procedure is condition based then percentage has to be maintained under
the identified condition type. Create condition records using T.code FV11
to maintain the tax percentages. Tax condition can be of two type
Deductable or Non-Deductable