You: You: You: You:: Stranger: Stranger
You: You: You: You:: Stranger: Stranger
You: You: You: You:: Stranger: Stranger
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label
'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: whats up?
Stranger: chillin
You: where you from
Stranger: new mexico
You: Oregon
You: U of Oregon
Stranger: i see
Stranger: i see you talking to your roommates to.. i can only
imagine what your saying to them
You: meg is shy
You: he thinks your cute
Stranger: thanks
You: he's 34
You: jk
Stranger: too bad.
You: you like older guys?
Stranger: yeah
You: youre with other people arent you?
Stranger: no.
You: you keep looking away rom the screen
Stranger: im just watching tv
Stranger: american dad is on
You: family guy's ugly brother
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: it is
You: where do you go to school?
Stranger: so how old are you really?
Stranger: and i dont go to school. i just work 2 jobs
You: im 21
You: these guys are still in middle school
Stranger: haha
You: one moment please
Stranger: aww thanks
You: i'd blow one back
You: but i should just throw this to new mexico
Stranger: do you do this to all the girls you see on here?
You: this is actually my very first time on this thing
You: i thought you were his friend at first
Stranger: same here actually
You: are you still typing or is this just glitchy?
Stranger: glitchy
You: haha damn, i was on the edge of my seat waiting for
you to pop up with a new line of text
Stranger: aww
Stranger: so you should check out my peircings
You: those are nice
Stranger: they hurt like hell to get
You: i used to have fish bites
Stranger: fish bites?
Stranger: snake bites here
Stranger: thats what theyre called here
You: oh
You: i might be mistaken
You: it was something "bites"
Stranger: its okay.
Stranger: haha
Stranger: ive got a couple of other peircings and tattoos
You: i like saying fish bites cause i like eating gold fish
Stranger: haha
You: you are totally talking to someone!!
Stranger: no.... i just repeat funny things
Stranger: they make me laugh harder when i actually hear
You: haha
You: what tatts do you have?
Stranger: ive got 2 on my back and one on my hip
You: can i see them or would that be too much trouble?
You: nice!
Stranger: could you see them?
You: got the rihanna star swag going on hahaha
Stranger: haha
Stranger: no..
You: hahahah
Stranger: and then ive got a peace sign on my hip
You: lemme see!
Stranger: well. sorta my hip
Stranger: a little below the belt line
You: im listening to music
You: i dont head bob to nothing
Stranger: i do
You: head bob it me!
You: i cant be th eonly one here
You: hahahha
Stranger: i head bob at work all the time
Stranger: im also a peppy little spit fuck at one of my jobs
You: peppy little spit fuck!? LOL
You: zombieland fan hereeeeeeee
Stranger: but i used to say it before then
You: so this is awkward, i dont wanna have to call you
"Stranger"....we've already been through so much
You: whats your name?
Stranger: miranda
Stranger: you?
You: Guess
You: it starts with a W
Stranger: will?
You: haha yes ma'am
You: too good
Stranger: i only guessed that cuz you dont look like a
walter... but i wouldnt normally guess will cuz my ex's name
is will
Stranger: and you dont look like him
You: hahahah i must look so much more handsome
You: HAH
Stranger: and are much less of an ass
You: Mirandaaa what would he think?
Stranger: what do you mean?
You: you've only known me for like a few minutes
already nicer than this guy
You: haha
Stranger: well you did all those cute heart things
Stranger: and hes a dick and cheated on me..
You: what an asshole
You: i'd never do that to you
You: i'd show you heart candies all day long
You: via webcam
Stranger: thanks
You: you seem exhausted
You: long day?
Stranger: ive worked doubles for the last 5 out of 6 days
and i have to do it again tomorrow
You: ouch
Stranger: and then im flying out to colorado on friday
You: you'll be close to Oregon, you should visit me
Stranger: i cant do that... im spending someone elses
money to get there
You: :(
You: haha
Stranger: ive got someone tied around my finger that tight
and im not related to them
You: whatre you doing in colorado?
Stranger: snowboarding
Stranger: and visiting a friend
You: how old are you then?
Stranger: 20
You: i know its not polite to ask a womans age, but i must
You: haha
Stranger: its okay. im not mad
Stranger: im very impressed with you
You: whys that?
Stranger: youre very sweey
Stranger: sweet*
You: this doesn't have to be the end Miranda
You: we can always be friends
You: where it counts...
You: facebook
You: haha
Stranger: haha
Stranger: well. if we're gonna be facebook friends.. then i
should tell you im not actually from new mexico
You: i figured that hahaha, no one is from new mexico
Stranger: this is true. i have one friend in new mexico, but
he also has another house in colorado
You: nice lol
Stranger: so it doesnt count
You: you look like a cali girl
Stranger: wrong side of the country
Stranger: im a michigan girl
You: am i supposed to guess right now?
You: nooo
You: i wanted to guess
Stranger: sorry
You: i bet thats a lie too
Stranger: no. i requested you on facebook
Stranger: that
Stranger: thattll tell you
You: hahahah thats my roommate
You: LOL
Stranger: what the fuck are you guys laughing at...
You: they're amazed that you are a female
Stranger: holy shit theres a bunch of people looking at me...
You: im sorry
You: You're pretty :)
Stranger: this is one of my friends
Stranger: i love him a lot
You: i thought we had something special!!
Stranger: i thought weve covered this
You: hhahaha im kidding
Stranger: im telling you the truth now
Stranger: why is everyone staring at me!!!
You: i dont know
Stranger: its weird
Stranger: you all jealous or something?
You: they might be
Stranger: can i help everyone? if you all get in a single file
line, ill get to you all
Stranger: lol
You: HAH
You: put on a show
You: lol
You: give the people what they want
You: my roommate will show you his titties if you show yours
Stranger: its a mustache
Stranger: my friend will show his if your roommate shows
You: deal
Stranger: roommate!
Stranger: now everyone else!
You: what drugs have you done in your day?
Stranger: what?
You: lol
You: what have you done?
You: weed?
Stranger: thats a strange question
You: coke?
You: heroine?
You: we do it all here in oregon
You: all ofus
You: at the same time
You: fuck
You: we're all on acid right now
Stranger: haha
Stranger: my old roommate does a bunch of heroin so i
kicked him out cuz he stole my new tv for heroin
You: LOL
You: holy eff
You: thats what you get for living in michigan
Stranger: im serious
You: should've moved to New Mexico
You: no one would do that
Stranger: if anything im moving to colorado
You: ?
Stranger: im not moving to new mexico... new mexico sucks
You: lol miranda, how else are we going to capture this
Stranger: put thecamera away dick
You: he's gone
You: i wont let him
You: trust me
Stranger: your roommates suck
You: theyre not my roommates
You: these are people im housing from the streets
You: im secretly a billionaire
You: i provide for the poor and steal from the rich
You: you can call me robin hood
Stranger: that would bedope
You: i read your lips
You: lol
Stranger: could you read that?
You: yeah you called me a douche bag
Stranger: no
You: darn
Stranger: i said show me your tits
Stranger: haha
You: you wanna see them?
Stranger: not especially
You: neither do i, i wouldnt want to see mine either
Stranger: you know its only like 11 in oregon
Stranger: and its like 2 here
You: yeah
You: i took a tylenol pm before i came in here
You: im so sleepy
Stranger: i need some of that... so you should see this
zebra hanging out of my friends wall
You: thats a fucking zebra
You: did kill that fucker?
You: pikachu
Stranger: yeah
You: but seriously
You: we should have a competition
Stranger: no.
Stranger: what kind of competition?
You: its called the compeTITion
You: =]
You: ill even go first
Stranger: how do we do this compeTITion?
You: we just flash each other
You: and did you just take off your bra?
You: ?
You: no way
You: those things look like lifeboats for the titanic
Stranger: i know,...
Stranger: we dont know where this bra came from
Stranger: it just showed up one day
You: lol
Stranger: its a 40G
You: holy hell
You: that could keep a bum warm at night
Stranger: thats the first time any of us had read the size
You: hey, is it alright if i go take a poop and come back?
You: you can talk to these guys haha
You: im serious, i really gotta poo
Stranger: its not like you dont have a million friends there to
talk to
You: alright
You: but im the coolest
You: so yeah
You: ill be back
Stranger: your back
You: hello
You: so you and will have a thing right?
You: what
Stranger: we dont really know eachother.
Stranger: how can we have a 'thing'
You: we are just joking
You: so you like those cigs or what?
Stranger: so why was everyone staring at me... and yes.. i
Stranger: i enjoy them a lot actually
You: hahaha thats not good
You: so will is really buff actually
Stranger: ok. thanks for telling me
You: you no what they say if they smoke they poke
Stranger: poke what?
You: put the two together you dumb fuck
Stranger: it just says poke.
You: pretty nice
Stranger: yeah 40g...
Stranger: so what makes me so interesting that makes
people stare at me?
You: alright, so you gotta tell me honestly how horrible that
conversation was when i left for those 4 minutes
Stranger: i didnt understand half of it
You: lol
Stranger: he told me smoking was bad tho
You: ahah
You: oh well
You: technically hes right
You: but its your perogative
Stranger: i know. and obviously i dont care much
Stranger: your friend beating it by youur head?
You: i dont know lol
You: i was texting
You: so probably
You: the probability of him being homosexual is very high at
this point
Stranger: interesting
You: alright
You: well
You: im tired
You: and im sick
You: so
Stranger: i was thinking the same thing
You: but hit me up on fb ahahahah
Stranger: can do. night