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Female patient, 70 years old, complains about complete loss of teeth in the upper jaw.

Objectively: a significant atrophy of the alveolar bone, no maxillary tubers, flat palate, muco-
gingival junction is located in the same horizontal plane as the hard palate. What type of
edentulous maxilla has the patient (Schroeder classification)?
Type 3
Type 1
Type 2
Type 4
Type 5

During the examination of the oral cavity of patient A., 65 years old, it was found that the
alveolar bone of the edentulous mandible is significantly atrophied in the frontal area and is well-
defined in the distal area. What type is this according to Keller classification?

While establishing the diagnosis in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry, dentists use various
classifications. Who of the following authors proposed a classification of the edentulous

Patient N., 53 years old, complained of loss of teeth, inability to bite off and chew food.
Objectively: complete loss of teeth on the mandible, acute bony prominence in the area of 44th
tooth, painful upon palpation. What should be the treatment strategy of the orthopedist?
Production of conventional denture
Production of denture by decompression impressions
Postponing denture treatment by 6 months
Production of the denture with shortened edges

Patient, 75 years old, complains about poor fixation of complete dentures in the lower
jaw, getting food under the denture base. The lower third of the face is set too low. The alveolar
bone is significantly atrophied. What anatomical structures can be used on the mandible to
improve the fixation of full dentures?
Retroalveolar space
Muco-gingival junction
Vestibule of mouth
Internal oblique line
Caruncula sublingualis

Male, 60 years old, came to the clinic to receive denture treatment. Objective: complete
loss of teeth on the maxilla. There is considerable, but uniform atrophy of the alveolar bone and
maxillary tubercles, flat palate. Attachment of the frenulum, buccal muscle is low. Specify the
type of jaw atrophy according to the classification by Oxman?
Third type
Fourth type
First type
Second type
Fifth type

Patient, 68 years old, complained of complete loss of teeth in the lower jaw. The
examination of the oral cavity revealed: alveolar bone of the mandible has a uniform, but
pronounced atrophy. Attachment of the buccal bands is almost on the level of the ridge. What
type of edentulous mandible does this patient have according to classification by Keller?
Second type
First type
Third type
Fourth type
Fifth type

The examination of the patient, 74 years old, with complete loss of teeth, there is a
significant atrophy of the alveolar ridge of the mandible in the front teeth area, the in the
posterior teeth area the alveolar ridge is intact. What type of atrophy is this according to
classification by Keller?

Patient K., 73 years old, came with the purpose of denture treatment. Objectively:
complete lack of teeth in the mandible, the alveolar bone is well expressed in the frontal area and
significantly atrophied distally. What type of atrophy is this according to classification by

Patient, 70 years old, complains of the impossibility of eating, cosmetic and phonetic
defect due to the complete loss of teeth in the mandible. Objectively: the alveolar bone of the
lower jaw is much atrophied in the side areas and relatively preserved in the front. Attachment of
the buccal bands is at the level of the ridge bone. Which type of edentulous jaws corresponds to
the clinical picture?
Type III by Keller
Type II by Keller
Type I by Keller
Type IV by Keller
Type V by Keller

Female patient, 65 years old, complained of the absence of all teeth in the upper and lower
jaws. The examination of the oral cavity revealed that the alveolar ridge of the edentulous
mandible is significantly atrophied in the frontal area and is expressed in the distal portion. What
type of atrophy is this according to classification by Keller?
First and third

Patient D., 67 years old. The objective examination of edentulous maxilla established small
uniform atrophy of alveolar bones, well-preserved maxillary tubercles, buccal bands attachment
and buccal-alveolar folds are at the base of the alveolar bone, deep palate, slightly pronounced
torus. Which type of atrophy classification Schroeder meets this clinical situation?

Patient L., 60 years old, with complete loss of teeth: on the maxilla - type II by Schroeder,
mandible - type II by Keller. One symptom is «senile progeny». What factors determine the
mechanism of its development?
Maxilla – basal arc is narrower than alveolar, mandible – basal arc is wider than alveolar
Maxilla – basal arc is wider than alveolar, mandible – basal arc is narrower than alveolar
Maxilla and mandible – basal arcs are narrower than alveolar
Maxilla and mandible – basal arcs are wider than alveolar
Maxilla and mandible – basal and alveolar arcs are of equal width

Patient K., 73 years old, came with the purpose of denture treatment. Objectively:
complete absence of teeth in the lower jaw. Significant and uniform atrophy of the alveolar part.
Attachment of the buccal bands and arrangement of folds is high. Determine the type of atrophy
of edentulous mandible by Keller:
Type II
Type I
Type III
Type IV
Type V

Female patient D., 65 years old, sharp bony prominences in premolars were found during
examination of the edentulous mandible. The presence of these protrusions is unfavorable for
prosthetics, as the cause of the balancing the denture and trauma to the mucosa. What is the
treatment tactics of the doctor in this clinical situation in order to eliminate these complications?
To produce the denture, the border of which will be held on top of the bone protrusion.
Perform insulation of bone protuberances
Produce a prosthesis with a two-layer basis
Perform insulation of bone protrusions and produce a prosthesis with a two-layer basis
Produce a prosthesis with obligatory complete overlap of the bone protrusions.

Patient, 53 years old, complete secondary edentia of the mandible, a slight uniform atrophy
of the alveolar bone, the attachment points of the muscles and folds of mucous membrane are
located near the base of the alveolar part. What type of atrophy of the mandible by the
classification by Keller is in this case?
Type I
Type III
Type IV
Type II
Type V
Patient S., 60 years old, came to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry because of the lack of
teeth in the maxilla. Objectively: the examination revealed complete lack of teeth in the upper
jaw, alveolar bone is wide, uniformly covered with thick mucosa, maxillary cusps are well-
marked, high palate, torus is weakly expressed. Which type of jaw meets this clinical picture?
Type I by Schroeder
Type IV by Keller
Type II by Schroeder
Type III by Schroeder
Type II by Keller

Patient S. came to the dental clinic for denture treatment. Objectively: complete absence of
teeth in the lower jaw. Significant and evenly marked atrophy of the alveolar bone. Alveolar arc
hardly rises above the bottom of the oral cavity. Attachment of buccal bands and arrangement of
folds is high. Mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed is very mobile. Determine the type of
atrophy of edentulous mandible by Keller.
Type ІІ
Type ІІІ
Type V
Type ІV
Type I

The patient, 70 years old, has complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw. Objective:
maxillary cusps and alveolar bones are uniformly significantly atrophied, flattened arch of the
palate, covered with a layer moderately supple mucosa. What type of edentulous jaws is in this
Type III by Schroeder
Type II by Oxman
Type III by Keller
Type II by Keller
Type II by Schroeder

Patient S., 76 years, came to the clinic for denture treatment. Objectively: complete
absence of teeth in the upper jaw. It is planned to produce removable full plate denture for the
upper jaw. What anatomical landmarks are on the upper jaw to define the rear limit of the
denture base?
Blind palatal recess
Palatine suture
Maxilla ridges
A line
Transversal palatal plicae

Patient, 70 years old, with complete loss of teeth, came to the clinic for denture treatment.
Objectively: the lower third of the face is shortened, there is a forward protrusion of the chin
(senile progeny). What was the cause of senile progeny?
Lax joint
Restriction of joint movement
Atrophy of alveolar bone
The weakness of ligament-muscular system
Female, 65 years old, complains of impossibility of chewing food due to the complete
absence of teeth in the upper jaw. Objectively: the alveolar bones and ridges are atrophied, the
palate is flat, the buccal bands and frenulum are located in the middle of the alveolar bone, the
torus is slightly pronounced, the mucous membrane is atrophic, thinned, not very pliant. Which
type of edentulous jaws meets the clinical picture of the upper jaw?
Type II by Schroeder
Type III by Schroeder
Type IV by Doynikov
Type I by Oxman
Type II by Oxman

Patient, 73 years old, consulted prosthodontist about complete loss of teeth. Objectively:
small uniform atrophy of the alveolar bone of the lower jaw, covered with moderately pliant
mucosa. What type of edentulous jaw by classification by Keller is characterized by these signs?

The examination of the oral cavity in a patient 63 years with complete loss of teeth in the
lower jaw revealed a significant atrophy of the alveolar bone in the area of lost premolars and
incisors, with relative preservation of the alveolar ridge in the area of lost molars and canines.
Determine the type of atrophy of edentulous mandible by the classification of I.M. Oxman.

Patient S., 76 years came to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry with complaints of poor
fixation of full dentures in the lower jaw. During examination the atrophy of the alveolar bone
was found. What anatomical structures on the lower jaw can be used to improve the fixation of
the denture?
Retroalveolar space
Transitory fold
Caruncula sublingualis
Internal oblique ridge
Vestibule of mouth

An examination of the mouth of a toothless patient's mandible revealed a significant

uniform atrophy of the alveolar bone. What type of atrophy is this?
Type II by Keller
Type I by Keller
Type I by Schroeder
Type III by Keller
Type IV by Keller

Patient, 70 years old, complained of the absence of all teeth of the upper and lower jaws. It
is planned to produce a complete removable denture for the lower jaw. Objectively: the alveolar
bone of the lower jaw is atrophied only in the frontal region. Determine the type of atrophy of
the mandible by Keller.

Female patient, 58 years old, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of a
complete lack of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. Previously she enjoyed partial dentures. An
objective examination revealed that the alveolar bones of the upper and lower jaws are relatively
preserved in the frontal area and significantly atrophied in the side areas. What is the diagnosis
for this patient by the classification of A.I. Doynikova?

Female patient, 69 years old, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of a
complete lack of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. The doctor makes a diagnosis by the
classification of A.I. Doynikova. How many degrees of atrophy of edentulous jaws does this
classification contain?

Male patient, 60 years old, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of the
complete lack of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. Previously she used partial removable
denture. An objective examination revealed that the alveolar bones of the upper and lower jaws
are relatively preserved in the side areas and significantly atrophied in the front. Make the
diagnosis by the classification of A.I. Doynikov.

Patient, 62 years, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints at the complete
loss of teeth in both jaws. An objective examination revealed a slight uniform atrophy of the
alveolar bone of both jaws. Make the diagnosis by classification of A.I. Doynikov.

Patient, 63 years old, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of complete
loss of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. An objective examination revealed a moderate uniform
atrophy of alveolar bones on both jaws What diagnosis does this patient have by classification of
A.I. Doynikova?

Female patient, 65 years old, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of
complete loss of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. Objective examination revealed large
uniform atrophy of alveolar processes on both jaws What diagnosis does this patient have by
classification of A.I. Doynikova?

Examination of the oral cavity in a 63-years-old patient with complete loss of teeth in the
upper and lower jaws discovered small uniform atrophy of alveolar bones of both jaws.
Determine the type of atrophy of edentulous jaws by the classification of I.M. Oxman:
Type I
Type II
Type V
Type III
Type IV

Examination of the oral cavity in a 65-year-old patient with complete loss of teeth in the
upper and lower jaws revealed uniform atrophy of alveolar bone of an average degree of both
jaws. Determine the type of atrophy of edentulous jaws by the classification of I.M. Oxman
Type II
Type I
Type V
Type III
Type IV

While examining patients with complete loss of teeth on both jaws doctor makes diagnosis
by the classification of I.M. Oxman. How many types does this classification contain?

Full denture for the lower jaw is being produced for patient S., 66 years old. To improve
the fixation of the denture it was decided to extend the distal border of the denture beyond the
retromolar space. What anatomical structures are located in the retromolar area?
Mucous mound
Pterygopalatine fissure
Blind palatine fossa

An objective examination of the patient B. revealed that the alveolar bone of the upper jaw
is significantly atrophied, torus is very pronounced, maxillary cusps are atrophied, flat palate.
What anatomical structures can interfere with the production of a complete denture for the upper
Blind palatine fossa
Mucous mound
Internal oblique ridge

Full removable laminar dentures for upper and lower jaws are being produced for the
patient, 72 years old. Objective examination revealed irregular atrophy of alveolar bones of both
jaws. According to the classification of which author do we need to make a diagnosis?

Full removable laminar dentures for both jaws are being produced for the patient, 68 years
old. Objective examination revealed significant uniform atrophy of the alveolar bones of the
upper and lower jaws. According to the classification of which author do we need to make a

Full removable denture for the lower jaw is being produced for the patient, 75 years old.
Objectively: alveolar bone is slightly atrophied. The fitting of the individual tray is carried out
using Herbst test. The tray is thrown off at pulling the lips forward. In what area do you need to
shorten the tray border?
From canine to canine from the vestibular side
From canine to canine from the lingual side
From the place behind the mucous mound to mandibulohyoid line
Along the mandibulohyoid line
In the area of the premolars from lingual side

Full removable denture for the lower jaw is being produced for the patient, 65 years old.
The fitting of the individual tray is carried out using Herbst test. The tray is thrown off at
swallowing. In what area do you need to shorten the tray border?
From the place behind the mucous mound to mandibulohyoid line
From canine to canine from the vestibular side
From canine to canine from the lingual side
Along the mandibulohyoid line
In the area of the premolars from lingual side

Female, 62 years old, complains of the lack of teeth in the lower jaw. Objectively: the
mucous membrane of the alveolar bone of the upper jaw is moderately supple and the mandible
is mobile, bunches up. To which classes by Supple does the mucosa of the upper and lower jaws

Full removable denture for the lower jaw is being produced for the patient. During the
preliminary visit the anatomical prints were obtained. What kind of manipulation must clinical
physician conduct at the next stage?
Fit the individual tray
Produce bite blocks.
Produce a model
Obtaining functional impression
Check the construction of the denture

Full removable denture for the lower jaw is being produced for the patient, 64 years old.
The patient came for the fitting of the individual tray and making a functional impression. The
borders along the mandibulohyoid line are being verified. Which Herbst test needs to be
ferformed to achieve that?
Tracing the vermilion border with the tongue.
Swallowing saliva
Opening the mouth widely
Sucking in cheeks

Full removable dentures for upper and lower jaws are being produced for the patient, male,
66 years old. Objectively: alveolar bones are atrophied insignificantly, mucous membrane is
moderately supple. Anatomical impressions were obtained. What is the next stage of the
prosthetic treatmentof this patient?
Producing individual trays
Defining the centric relation of the jaws
Producing wax templates with bite blocks
Obtaining functional impressions
Checking the construction of the dentures

Full removable denture for the upper jaw is being produced for the patient, 75 years old.
During the fitting of the individual tray by Herbst method the doctor found out, that the tray is
thrown off at pursing the lips. Which area of the tray needs to be corrected?
Vestibularly between the canines
Distally along the «A» line
In the area of buccal bands
Along the whole vestibular edge
Behind the maxillary prominences

Patient K. Came to the clinic to obtain a full removable denture for the upper jaw.
Objectively: the alveolar bone is well-defined, covered by slightly supple mucous membrane.
The palate is also covered by the even layer of mucous membrane, moderately supple in its
posterior third. Define the class of mucous membrane in this patient by Supple classification.
1 class
2 class
3 class
4 class
5 class
During the production of full removable denture for the upper jaw for the patient, 68 years,
ate the stage of the individual tray fitting using Herbst tests, it was found, that the tray is thrown
off at lips pursing. Where do we need to shorten the edge of the individual tray?
In the buccal fold area
In the anterior area
From the back of the mound to the middle of the alveolar bone
Along the whole vestibular edge
Along the «A» line

One of the stages of the full removable denture production is the fitting of the individual
tray and making the functional impression. Which of the following substances is used for
functional shaping of the individual tray edges?

Fitting of the individual impression tray is carried out for patient F., 58 years old. The
individual tray is thrown off at performing the Herbst test «pursing lips». Which area of the
individual tray needs to be corrected?
In areas 34 and 43 from the vestibular side
In the lateral area on the left
In the area of the tongue frenulum
Along the mandibulohyoid line
In areas 34 and 43 from the oral side

During the fitting of the individual tray for the upper jaw for the patient, 49 years old, the
tray is thrown off at the wide opening of the tongue. Where does the edge of the tray need to be
In the posterolateral part of the mound of the upper jaw
In the frontal area
In the area of torus
Along the «A» line
In the area of buccal bands

Full removable denture for the lower jaw is being produced for the patient, 65 years old.
Objectively: the alveolar bone is moderately atrophied. The fitting of the individual tray is
carried out with the help of Herbst test. The tray is thrown off at tracing the vermilion border
with the tongue. Where does the edge of the tray need to be shortened?
Along the mandibulohyoid line
From the place behind the mucous mound to the mandibulohyoid line
From canine to canine from the lingual side
From the mucous mound to the place of the first molar placement
From canine to canine from the vestibular side

The functional impression is necessary to manufacture a complete denture for the upper
jaw for the patient, 65 years old. Objectively: a significant uniform atrophy of the alveolar bone
of the maxilla, the palate is flat, torus is pronounced, the maxillary mounds are atrophied,
exostoses in areas 13, 23, size 5×5 mm. The mucous membrane in the torus area and exostoses is
thinned, atrophied; on the rest of the prosthetic bed it is moderately supple. What type of
impression is best rational?
Differentiated functional-sucking
Compressive functional
Decompression functional-sucking
Sucking under chewing pressure
Compressive under chewing pressure

Full removable laminar denture for the lower jaw is being produces for patient K., 59 years
old. During the fitting of the individual tray for the lower jaw, dislocation of the tray occurs at
tongue protrusion. Where does the edge of the tray need to be corrected?
From the lingual side, in the area of tongue frenulum
In the area of lower lip frenulum
In the area of buccal folds
From the vestibular side in the molar area
From the vestibular side in the premolar area

Full removable denture for the upper jaw is being produced for the patient, 60 years.
During the fitting of the individual tray by Herbst methodology, the doctor found out, that the
tray is thrown off at swallowing. In which area does the tray need to be corrected?
In the area of pterygomandibular folds
In the area of buccal bands
In the area of maxillary mounds
Vestibularly between the canines
Along the whole vestibular edge

Full removable denture for the lower jaw is being produced for the patient, 50 years. At the
fitting stage the border in the mandibulohyoid line is being verified. Which Herbst test needs to
be conducted?
Licking the upper lip with the tongue
Opening the mouth widely
Extending the tongue in the direction of the tip of the nose
Swallowing saliva
Touching right and left cheek with the tongue alternately

Woman, 70 years old, came to the clinic to receive denture treatment. Objectively: alveolar
bone is uniformly atrophied, in areas 14, 43, 33 there are large exostoses. The torus is
pronounced. Bony protrusions are covered with thin, transparent, strongly atrophied mucosa. The
remaining areas of the mucous membrane are moderately supple or loose. Which functional
impressions should be preferred in this case?
Under masticatory force
The type of functional impression does not matter

Patient, 72 years old, with complete lack of teeth in the upper jaw, is undergoing the fitting
of an individual tray by Herbst method. During wide mouth opening the tray moves from the
prosthetic bed. Where does the edge of the tray need to be shortened?
Along the edge, from maxillary mounds to the place of the second artificial molar
Along the «A» line
Along the edge which contacts the buccal folds
In the area of jaw-lingual groove attachment
In the frontal area

Patient, 48 years old, with complete lack of teeth in the lower jaw, is undergoing the fitting
of an individual tray by Herbst method. The tray rises at the tracing of the vermilion border of
the lower lip. Where does the edge of the tray need to be shortened?
Along the mandibulohyoid line
The area near the tongue frenulum
To process sharp edges, which are formed after the production of individual trays
In the area between the canines
Along the vestibular edge

Patient, 54 years old. Full removable laminar denture for the upper jaw is being produced.
The anatomical impression has been obtained. What is the next stage of the denture treatment?
Fitting the individual tray and making the functional impression
Checking the construction of the denture
Definition of central occlusion
Gypsuming in the cuvette

Patient, 69 years old, has complete secondary edentia of the upper jaw. Objectively: the
mucosa is atrophied, not supple, stretched thin layer covers the alveolar bones and the hard
palate. Attachment places of the folds are placed a little closer to the top of the alveolar bone.
Which class by Supple corresponds to this clinical picture?

Partial removable denture at the presence of separately places teeth is being produced for
patient S., 63 years old. Individual tray is used. Which impression material can be used with this
Stomaflex cream
All above mentioned

Patient C., 67 years old, needs to have full removable dentures for both jaws made. To
make functional impressions individual trays must be made. What method of construction is the
most accurate?
From PM-1 plastic
From basic plates AKR-P
From wax
From self-hardening plastic

What method must the orthopedist use to make functional impression of edentuous jaw, if
the patient has mucous membrane of type III by Supple?
Herbst tests, rigid non-perforated individual tray
No correct answer
Herbst tests, rigid partially perforated individual tray
Herbst tests, soft individual tray
Herbst tests, regid perforated individual tray

Full removable dentures for upper and lower jaws are being produced for patient B. The
doctor received rigid plastic perforated individual trays. They are designed to produce

Patient, 60 years old, with full loss of teeth in the upper jaw, at the stage of the fitting of
the individual tray, is undergoing the Herbst test. At the test «sucking in cheeks» the tray is
displaced. In which area is it necessary to shorten the edge of the tray?
In the area of buccal bands
In the area of maxillary mounds
Along the whole edge of the individual tray
Along the “A” line
In the frontal area of the individual tray

Patient P., 63 years old, edentulous lower jaw, type II by Keller, mucous membrane – type
IV by Supple. Individual tray from self-hardening plastic «Protacryl» was produced for the
patient. How should the individual tray be prepared for the functional impression?
Drill several holes opposite the “agile ridge”
Cover the inner surface of the tray with tape in the area of the «agile ridge»
The tray is ready for making the impression
Cover the edges of the tray with tape
Perforate the the whole surface of the tray

Full removable dentures are being produced for the patient. The patient came for making
of functional impressions. What material should be used to produce high-quality functional
Corrective mass - A silicone

The production of full removable laminar dentures is planned for the patient, 60 years old.
Which of the following materials is used for functional design of the edges of individual trays?

During the examination of patient K. With complete absence of teeth on the lower jaw, a
«flabby alveolar ridge» was found. What kind of impression will provide the production of fully
functioning denture?
Functional differentiated impression
Full anatomical impression
Impression under own masticatory force
Functional decompression impression
Functional compression impression

Patient L. Complains of the impossibility to use the full removable denture for the lower
jaw due to pain under the denture basis. The denture was produced for the second time 2 months
ago. The patient has the same complaints while using the denture which was produced 6 months
ago. The examination of the prosthetic bed of the lower jaw revealed acute atrophy of the
alveolar bones in the distal area and longitudinal moving muscles, which move easily under
insignificant pressure and have whitish color. What is the primary tactics of the doctor regarding
the clinical condition?
Perform surgical removal of the bands
Making functional differentiated impression
Produce a denture using decompression impression
Making functional compression impression
Produce a denture with a two-layer basis

Patient 58 years old complains of the absence of all teeth in the upper jaw. Objectively: the
mucous membrane in the area of the palatal sagittal suture is very thin, minimally supple. What
is the area by Lund?
First area
Fifth area
Third area
Fourth area
Second area

Patient B., female, 65 years old, came to the doctor complaining of complete loss of teeth
in the upper jaw, cosmetic and phonetic defects. Objectively: the examination revealed the
suppleness of the mucous membrane in the area of the alveolar bone 0,87-1,2 mm, and in the
area of the palatal suture 0.2-0.3 mm. Which functional impression should be made from the
Under metered pressure

A patient of 73 years complains of the absence of all teeth in the upper jaw. Objectively:
the mucous membrane of the alveolar bone and palate is moderately supple. This condition is
due to:
Vascular net of submucosal layer
A significant amount of elastic fibers
Muscle attachment
The presence of the fat layer
The presence of the salivary glands

Patient N., aged 65, complained of a complete lack of teeth in the upper jaw. He was
prescribed a complete removable laminar denture for the upper jaw. At the stage of the fitting of
the individual tray, the tray shifts at wide opening of the mouth. In what area you need to shorten
the tray?
In the area of maxillary tuber from vestibular side
In the area of buccal bands
In the area of the canines
In the area of the front teeth
In the area of the «A» line

Patient B., 72 years old, complains of a complete loss of teeth in the lower jaw. He was
prescribed a full removable denture for the lower jaw. At the stage of fitting of the individual
tray, the tray shifts at swallowing. In what area do you need to shorten the individual tray?
From the place behind the mound to the mandibulohyoid line
In the area of tongue frenulum
Along the mandibulohyoid line
In the area of the second molar
In the area between the canines

A patient of 65 years complained of loss of teeth, impaired speech function, difficult

mastication due to the absence of teeth in the upper jaw. Teeth are removed 7 years ago as a
result of complicated caries. Objectively: complete loss of teeth in the upper jaw. The teeth on
the lower jaw are stable. On the stage of fitting of an individual tray it tilts in distal area. What is
the cause of this effect?
The significant overlap of the soft palate and pterygomandibular folds
Gothic palate
A significant manifestation of the median palatal suture and the torus
Smoothness of maxillary tubers
Overlapping bucco-mandibular folds

A full removable denture for the lower jaw was produced for the patient, 60 years old. The
patient complains of dropping of the denture at wide opening of the mouth. At what functional
test at the fitting stage of the individual tray was the mistake made?
Swallowing and wide opening of the mouth
Touch the cheek with the tongue
Active movements of mimic muscles
Tracing the vermilion border of the lower lip with the tongue
Sticking out the tongue forward

Patient, 63 years old, complains of poor fixation of the full removable denture for the
lower jaw while opening the mouth and tongue movements. The doctor determined the extension
of the edge of the full denture on the oral side in the area 46, 36. What muscle affects the denture
dropping in the patient?
Masseter muscle
Pterygoid lateral
Genioglossus muscle
Pterygoid mesial

Complete removable dentures for the upper and lower jaws are being produced for patient
M., 68 years old. The stage of determining the centric relation of the jaws was carried out. The
teeth setup is carried out in an individual articulator. What allows you to set this articulator?
Angles of the incisal and articular paths
The angle of the sagittal incisal path
The angle of the sagittal articular path
Sagittal incisal path and the angle of the sagittal path
Articular path
Working and auxiliary patterns are recorded in the mid-anatomical articulator. What is the
joint angle of transversal way in it?

Bugel denture for the upper jaw is being produced for the patient, 40 years old.
Construction of the dentition is carried out in the medium anatomic articulator. What is the angle
of the lateral incisive path is in the basis its construction?

Dental bridge dentures for the patient, 50 years old, are being produced in the medium
anatomic articulator. What is the angle of the sagittal incisive path?

Full removable dentures are being produced for patient L, 59 years old. The centric relation
of the jaws was determined by CITO method. The setting of artificial teeth will be carried out by
the method of Vasiliev M.E. Which device should be used for this purpose in this case?
Medium anatomical articulator
Universal articulator
Improved occluder
Wire articulator

What muscles of the maxillofacial area in are in the state of maximum stress at the closing
of the jaws in centric occlusion?
The muscles that raise the lower jaw
Medial pterygoid
The muscles that pull down the lower jaw
Lateral pterygoid

Removable laminar dentures are being produced for patient A., 70 years. The setting of the
artificial teeth is planned to carry out by the method of Vasiliev M.E. in the medium anatomic
articulator. What is the angle of the articular sagittal path in this articulator?
Dentures are made in the dental laboratory. It is known that during the manufacturing
process of functionally good dentures the correct setting of artificial teeth – the creation of the
maximum number of contacts between the teeth at any of the lower jaw movements is very
important. These movements can be reproduced in vitro using:
Gypsum occluder

Full removable dentures are being produced for Patient A., 55 years old, with complete
loss of teeth in the upper jaw. Extraoral record of mandibular movements was carried out. These
data records are 16°. What corresponds to the result?
Transversal articular path
Transversal incisive path
Angle of the Bonneville triangle
Sagittal articular path
Sagittal incisive path

Full removable dentures for upper and lower jaws are being produced for the patient, 67
years old. For the asetting of the artificial teeth the record of mandibular movements is carried
out. What is the average angle of the sagittal articular path?

A patient of 68 years with complete loss of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. The
production of complete removable dentures was prescribed. At the stage of determining the
centric relation of the jaws the patient underwent intraoral occlusal formation of individual
occlusive curves. What the angle of transversal articular path?

Patient S., 62 years old, complained of complete loss of teeth in the upper and lower jaws.
The production of complete removable dentures was prescribed. At the stage of determining of
the centric relation of the jaws the patient underwent intraoral recording of the lower jaw
movements by individual curves. What is the angle of the sagittal articular path according to

Patient P., 70 years, complains about the complete absence of teeth in the upper and lower
jaws. The production of complete removable dentures was prescribed. At the stage of
determining the centric relation of the jaws the patient underwent intraoral recording of the lower
jaw movements by individual curves. What is the sagittal incisive path according to Gysi?

Patient N., 76 years, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of the
complete loss of teeth, inability to chew food, speech disorders, aesthetic defect. Objective:
atrophy of the alveolar bone of the upper jaw - type III by Schroeder, the lower jaw - type II by
Keller. The doctor decided to apply the method of setting artificial teeth in anatomical
articulator. What is the angle of the sagittal articular path relative to the occlusal plane in the
anatomical articulator?

At the lateral movements of the mandible anterior teeth are moved to the side. The angle of
the movement of the cutting point from the central position to the side is 100 - 110 degrees.
What characterizes such displacement of the cutting point?
Lateral incisal path
Lateral articular path
Sagittal incisal path
Sagittal articular path
Bennett angle

A 65-year-old patient came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry. During the objective
examination the doctor examined the sagittal movements of the mandible. With the help of
which muscles are sagittal movements of the mandible performed?
Lateral pterygoid muscles
Medial pterygoid muscles
Mandibulohyoid muscle
Biventral muscle
Genioglossus muscle

The patient with complaints of hindered opening of the mouth came to the clinic of
prosthetic dentistry. Which muscles provide pulling down of the mandible?
Mandibulohyoid, biventral, genioglossus
Masseter, medial pterygoid
Temporal muscle, lateral pterygoid, biventer
Orbicular muscle of the mouth, mandibulohyoid
Genioglossus, medial pterygoid

Give the definition of the term «Articulation»

Various positions and movements of the lower jaw relative to the upper jaw, which are
carried out with the help of the masticatory muscles
Closing of dentition
Certain relationships of dentition during the rest of the mandible
The combination of all dynamic and static moments between the jaws
The combination of all dynamic and static moments between the jaws at different positions
of the mandible

In the average European with orthognatic bite the angle of the sagittal articular path,
according to Gysi, is:

In the average European with orthognatic bite the angle of the transversal articular path,
according to Gysi, is:

In the average European with orthognatic bite the angle of the sagittal incisive path,
according to Gysi, is:

In the average European with orthognatic bite the angle of the transversal incisive path,
according to Gysi, is:

Occluders can reproduce:

Vertical movement of the mandible
Horizontal movement of the mandible
Sagittal motion of the mandible
All these movements of the mandible
None movement of the above

Which articulator belongs to the medium anatomical?


Which articulator belongs to the individual jointless articulators?


In which articulator the height of the bite is held by a screw, located between the joints
behind the gypsum models?

According to the classification of articulators (N.A. Astakhov and A.J. Katz) Monson
articulator belongs to:
Articulators with an average installation of occlusal curves
Articulators with an average installation of the tilt of articular paths
Articulators with an average installation of the tilt of articular paths and incisal glide

According to the classification of articulators (N.A. Astakhov and A.J. Katz) Gysi
articulator (Simplex-2) belongs to:
Articulators with an average installation of the tilt of articular paths and incisal glide
Articulators with an average installation of occlusal curves
Articulators with an average installation of the tilt of articular paths

According to the classification of articulators (N.A. Astakhov and A.J. Katz) Bonneville
articulator belongs to:
Articulators with an average installation of the tilt of articular paths and incisal glide
Articulators with an average installation of occlusal curves
Articulators with an average installation of the tilt of articular paths

Which articulator has horizontal placement of articular paths, which is its drawback?

What is regulated individually in Hite articulator?

The angle of transversal incisal path
The angle of the sagittal articular path
The angle of the sagittal incisive path
The angle of transversal incisal path
All abovementioned paths
In which articulator there is a vertically placed occlusal column in the bottom of the frame,
on which, together with the protrusions in the forks of the lower frame, the removable plexiglass
platform for mounting the model in the articulator is placed?
Gysi (Simplex-2)

What is the angle of the lower frame of the occluder?


What is the angle of the incisal area in the horizontal plane in the Gysi articulator?

What is the angle which appeared(appears) at lateral movements of the vertical shaft of the
upper plate on the incisal plane in Gysi articulator?

What is the angle of the sagittal path in Gysi articulator?


Full removable dentures the upper and lower jaws are being produced for patient A., 67
years old. From the case history we know about the presence of TMJ disorder (habitual
dislocation). For the setting of artificial teeth it was decided to record the movements of the
lower jaw. What method is used for this purpose?

Patient K., 72 years old, came to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry with complaints of the
inability to chew food due to the loss of teeth. Full dentures are being produced. Setting of the
teeth is planned to be done on the individual articulator. These include:
Gysi Simplex

Full removable dentures are being produced for the patient, 69 years old. The setting of
the teeth is done on the articulator. In which articulator there is a vertically placed occlusal
column in the bottom of the frame, on which, together with the protrusions in the forks of the
lower frame, the removable plexiglass platform for mounting the model in the articulator is
Gysi (Simplex-2)

During the examination of patient A., 25 years, it was revealed, that the patient has
maximum number of occlusal contacts of antagonist teeth, and radiographically the joint head of
the lower jaw is at the base of the distal slope of the articular tubercle. What is the type of
Front occlusion
Posterior occlusion
Left lateral occlusion
Right lateral occlusion

The interalveolar height in the complete absence of teeth in patient S. is being identified by
anatomical and physiological method. What should be the difference in the distance between the
points on the chin and the base of the nose compared with the state of physiological rest of the
lower jaw?
2-3 mm less
5-6 mm less
5-6 mm less
2-3 mm more

Full removable dentures for upper and lower jaws are being produced for patient V., 68
years old. The patient came for the stage «Determining the central occlusion». Which of the
methods can be used most rationally to determine the interalveolar height in this patient?
Anatomic - physiological

Full removable denture for the upper jaw is being produced for patient M. What
approximate lines must the doctor put on the upper bile block after determining the position of
centric relation of the jaws?
Smile line, medial, canines
Medial, premolar
Smile line, canines
Medial, canines
Medial, smile line

Patient T., 60 years old, came with complaints of pain in the masticatory muscles and
temporomandibular joints. Pain occurs when using complete dentures, made a month ago.
Objectively: the lower third of the face is elongated, lips are closed constrainedly, while smiling
the basis of the full denture is exposed, articulation disorder. At what stage of denture production
was the mistake made?
Defining and fixing the centric relationship
Making anatomical impressions
Making functional impressions
Checking the construction of the dentures
Superimposition of the dentures and their correction

The patient, 62 years old, complained of pain in the masticatory muscles, difficulty while
chewing food, which he connects with the full dentures, which were made a month ago.
Objectively: closing the lips is somewhat difficult, tense facial expression, nasolabial folds are
smoothed, artificial teeth "tap" at closing. What is the most likely error was made when
determining the neutral relations of the jaws?
Increasing the interalveolar height
Decreasing the interalveolar height
Defining the front occlusion
Defining the lateral occlusion
Wrongly defined prosthetic plane

Full removable dentures for upper and lower jaws are being produced for the patient, 70
years old. He came the clinical stage «Determining the central occlusion». To check the
interalveolar height the speaking test was carried out. The patients was asked to pronounce
sounds «O», «I», «M». What distance must be between the rolls during correct definition of the
interalveolar height for this patient?
5-6 mm
3-4 mm
1-2 mm
7-8 mm
9-10 mm

Full removable denture for the upper jaw is being produced for the patient, 65 years old.
The central occlusion is defined. What is the next clinical stage of the prosthetic treatment?
Checking the wax composition of the denture
Correction of the denture
Making impressions
Delivery of the denture
Making gypsum models

Full removable dentures for upper and lower jaws are being made for the patient, 69 years
old. Objectively: the face if symmetric, nasolabial and genian folds are well defined. The centric
relation of the jaws is defined. How much lower must the occlusal height be in comparison with
the resting height in this case?
2-3 mm
7-8 mm
4-5 mm
5-6 mm
6-7 mm
One of the conditions determining the centric occlusion is building a plane that, is in the
presence of a sufficient number of teeth, passes through the cutting edges of the central incisors
of the lower jaw and the distal-buccal tubercles last molars. What plane must be built?

The patient has chronic angular cheilitis. What must be paid special attention to during the
denture treatment of this patient?
The vertical dimension of occlusion
The choice of artificial teeth
The sanitation of the oral cavity
The choice of material for impressions
The conditions of plastic polymerization

During the production of complete dentures, the centric relations of the jaw are
determined. Approximate lines are marked on the upper bite block. What is put in their
Smile line, pupillary and medial
Corners of the mouth
The lower lip frenulum
The upper lip frenulum
Nose alae

Production of full removable dentures is planned for patient A., 60 years, with complete
edentia. The patient has moustache and beard, the hair on the head is absent. How can we
determine the interalveolar height?
By the anatomic-physiological method
By the anthropometric method
By comparing the tree parts of the face
By the anatomic method
By the «golden section» caliper

Patient M., 65 years old, complete removable laminar dentures for the upper and lower
jaws are being produced. Having received wax patterns with occlusal ridges from the dental
laboratory, the physician should determine the height of the central occlusion. By choosing two
arbitrary points on the face, the doctor will measure the height of physiological rest, knowing the
average size of the interocclusal gap, determined the height of the CO. What is the average
height of interocclusal gap?
2-3 mm
17-21 mm
15-17 mm
1,7-2,1 mm
1-10 mm

Complete removable dentures for the upper and lower jaws are being produced for the
patient, 66 years old. What kind of manipulation should the doctor perform at the first step of
determining the centric relations of the jaws?
Formation of the labial surface of the upper roll
Formation of the prosthetic plane
Determining the centric relations of the jaws
Formation of the labial surface of the lower roll
Formation of the upper roll height

Complete removable laminar dentures are being produced for patient G., 76 years, due to
complete loss of teeth. During the stage of the defining the centric relations of the jaws the
doctor must mark the central line on the wax templates. What landmark on the face does he need
for that?
Face aesthetic center
Pupillary line
Supraorbital ridge
Nasal-aural line
Nose alae

Complete removable laminar dentures are being produced for patient P., 67 years old due
to complete loss of teeth. During the stage of the defining the centric relations of the jaws the
doctor must mark the canine lines on the wax template. What landmark on the face does he need
for that?
Nose alae
Incisor papilla
Supraorbital ridge
Face aesthetic center
Nasal-aural line

Complete removable laminar dentures are being produced for patient P., 68 years old, due
to complete loss of teeth. During the stage of the defining the centric relations of the jaws the
doctor must build the prosthetic plane in the frontal area. What landmark on the face does he
need for that?
Pupillary line
Face aesthetic center
Upper lip frenulum
Incisor papilla
Nasal-aural line

Complete removable laminar dentures are being produced for patient V., 59 years old, due
to complete loss of teeth. During the stage of the defining the centric relations of the jaws the
doctor must build the prosthetic plane in the lateral area. What landmark on the face does he
need for that?
Nasal-aural line
Face aesthetic center
Upper lip frenulum
Pupillary line
Incisor papilla

Complete removable laminar dentures are being produced for patient P., 69 years old, due
to complete loss of teeth. The doctor must determine the height of the lower part of the face.
What method should he use for the best esthetic and functional effect?
Anatomical and physiological method
Anthropometric method
Based on the study of patient photos
With the help of the «golden section» caliper
On the basis of the wishes of the patient

Complete removable laminar dentures are being produced for patient K., 69 years old, due
to complete loss of teeth. During the stage of the defining the centric relations of the jaws the
doctor decided to carry out the phonetic tests and asked the patient to pronounce vowel sounds.
What distance should be between upper and lower occlusal rolls at that time?
2 mm
6 mm
4 mm
5 mm
3 mm

Complete removable laminar dentures are being produced for patient V., 72 years old, due
to complete loss of teeth. After fitting of the occlusal rolls the doctor decided to carry out the
phonetic tests to determine the distance between the upper and lower occlusal rolls. What should
it be?
5 mm
6 mm
3 mm
2 mm
4 мм mm

A patient of 75 years with complete loss of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. At the stage
of determining the centric relations of the jaws conversational test was held. At what distance
should the bite blocks be disconnected during the conversational test at normal interalveolar
5-6 mm
1-2 mm
4-5 mm
6-8 mm
3-4 mm

A patient of 70 years with complete loss of teeth in the upper jaw. Production of complete
denture for the upper jaw was prescribed. The stage of determining the central occlusion. How
much should the roller edge protrude from under the upper lip during a conversation?
1-2 mm
2-3 mm
6-7 mm
3-5 mm
4-6 mm

Complete denture for the upper jaw is being produced for patient B., 60 years old. The
central occlusion was determined. What is the next stage of prosthetic treatment?
Checking the wax construction of the denture
Superimposition of the denture
Making gypsum models
Denture correction
Making impressions

Patient M., aged 65, complained of difficulty in chewing food due to the lack of teeth in
the upper and lower jaws. Last removal was carried out a year ago. Previously he used partial
dentures. What the method for determining the interalveolar height is the most informative in
this case?
Anatomical and physiological
Functional and physiological

In patient of 83 years in the review stage of dentures design and setting of teeth, papulose
contact in the lateral areas and sagittal gap in the vestibular area is observed in the oral cavity.
When carrying out which test to fix the lower jaw in the mesial-distal position was the error
made and what type of occlusion was fixed?
Test by Kantarovych, posterior occlusion
Ball test, lateral occlusion
Digital test, front occlusion
Wax test, central occlusion
Swallow test, right occlusion

Define the term «centric». This is the relationship of dentition:

In the vertical, sagittal and transversal planes
In the vertical and sagittal planes
In the sagittal and transversal planes
In the transversal and vertical planes
There is no right answer

The practical importance of the drawing rolls in the determination of the CO:
For the selection of teeth in size and the placement of teeth
For the placement of teeth
For the selection of teeth
With arbitrary aim

What are the basic steps is the definition of the CO at group 4 defects of dentition by
Building a prosthetic plane, determination of the height of the CO, the neutral position,
drawing rolls
Determination of the CO is not carried out
Determination of the height of the CO and the neutral position of the mandible
Building a prosthetic plane, defining a neutral position, drawing rolls
Building a prosthetic plane, drawing rolls

What are the criteria that form the basis of anatomical and physiological method for
determining the height of the Central Organ:
The configuration of the tissues around the mouth slit, the height of occlusion, the height
of the relative physiological rest
Tissue configuration data around the mouth slit
The height of the relative physiological rest of the lower jaw
Such criteria are not available
The height of relative physiological rest and height of occlusion

The height of the lower third of the face corresponds with aesthetic optimum at the
position of the mandible:
In the central occlusion
In the lateral occlusion
In the front occlusion
In the posterior occlusion
In a state of functional rest

The size of the lower third of the face is affected by:

Head position
The degree of torus pronouncement
Presence of exostoses
The tone of the mucous membrane
Parafunctions of maxillofacial muscles

The edge of the upper bite block during the formation of prosthetic plane must:
Protrude from under the upper lip 1-2 mm with the half-open mouth
Be on the level of the lips
protrude from under the upper lip 3-4 mm with the half-open mouth
protrude from under the upper lip 5-6 mm with the half-open mouth
Should not protrude with the half-open mouth

There are following methods for determining the interalveolar height:

Anatomical and physiological

Patient, 70 years old, complete loss of teeth, at the stage of validation of CO decrease in
height by 4 mm by the lower bite block was detected. What tactics should the doctor use in this
Redefine the CO using wax plates, rearrange teeth
Remove the teeth from the lower base, redefine the CO, reposition teeth
Remove the teeth from the upper base, redefine the CO, reposition teeth
Remove the teeth from the base, produce new rolls redefine the CO, rearrange the teeth
Carry out the correction of occlusal contacts at the stage of the superimposition of the

Forced test to establish the lower jaw to the neutral position by the author:
By Kantorovych
By Rubinov
By Gelfund
By Sidorenko
By Winestein

While drafting the rolls during determining the central position of the lower jaw by CITO,
the following lines are marked:
3 vertical, 1 horizontal
1 vertical, 1 horizontal
2 vertical, 2 horizontal
3 vertical
2 horizontal
The central occlusion on hard bases is being determined for the patient with complete loss
of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. What mistakes does this technique prevent while
determining the central occlusion?
Caused by displacement and deformation of the base.
Increasing of the interalveolar height
Decreasing of the interalveolar height
Determining the front or posterior occlusion
Determining the lateral occlusion

Patient with edentulous upper jaw came to the doctor with a request for secondary
prosthetic treatment. The patient does not use the complete dentures, which were made 4 years
ago, because of unsatisfactory fixation. What are the defining characteristics of the centric
relation of the jaws in this case?
Formation of vestibular slope of the upper bite block, the construction of prosthetic plane,
determination of the height the CO, the neutral position, drawing rolls
Determination of the height of the CO, the neutral position, drawing rolls
Building a prosthetic plane defining a neutral position, drawing rolls
Forming the vestibular slope of the upper bite block, drawing rolls
Determining the height of the CO, the neutral position of the mandible

Patient K., 67 years, came to the orthopedic department of dental clinic with the purpose of
denture treatment. Previously, for a long time, he used complete dentures. Specify the test, which
is the most informative, for the establishment of the lower jaw in the neutral position when using
CITO method for determining centric occlusion:
A combination of several
Swallowing test
Ball test
Digital test
Forced test

Complete dentures on the upper and lower jaw are being made for the patient, 70 years old.
The setting of artificial teeth is carried on a spherical surface. According to which articulation
theory is the dentition constructed?
Articulatory balance

Full removable dentures with individual formation of the occlusal plane are being
produced for patient B., 72 years old. Whish factors must be taken into consideration?
Sagittal and trasversal Christensen phenomena
Longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the mandible
Geometric shape the alveolar bone of the maxilla
The perimeter of the lower jaw
The angle of the mandible

Complete removable dentures are being produced for patient Z., 63 years old, with the help
of stens-abrasive rolls. Determining which phenomenon does this methodology need?

Patient V., 78 years old, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of
complete loss of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. Objectively: the teeth on the upper and lower
jaw are missing. Atrophy of the alveolar bone of the upper jaw is type I by Schroeder, of the
lower jaw - type II by Keller. The patient was prescribed the production of two complete
removable laminar dentures. At the stage of determining the centric occlusion the doctor creates
individual curves using Christensen phenomenon. What this phenomenon is determined by?
By the presence of sagittal gap in the lateral portion from the two sides at the anterior
By the presence of sagittal gap in the lateral portion from the left side at the anterior
By the presence of sagittal gap in the lateral portion from the right side at the anterior
Approximal contact of the biting rolls at the anterior occlusion
By the presence of the gap in the frontal area at the central occlusion

Complete removable dentures are being produced for the patient, 70 years old, due to
complete loss of teeth on the upper and lower jaws. The setting of the teeth will be done on the
individual occlusal surfaces (method of M.A. Napadov and A.L. Sapozhnikov). Which material
should be used for the production of rolls to make the individual occlusal surfaces?
Abrasive wax
Adhesive wax

Name the author of the classification of groups of dentition defects to determine centric
Betelman A.I.
Gavrilov E.I.
Kopeykin V.M.
Oxman I.М.
Rubinov I.S.

Which method for determination of central occlusion was offered by Sydorenko G.I.?
With the help of gypsum blocks
Anatomical and physiological
Cito method
Defining CO on the ground rolls
Wax method

For which dentition defects group by Betelman A.I. for determining the CO did Sydorenko
G.I. offer the gypsum method for determining the CO?
Group 4
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 5
What practical meaning does the drawing of the gypsum block have for determining the
CO by Sydorenko?
For the choice of artificial teeth according to the size and for the setting of the teeth
For the choice of teeth
For aesthetics
For the setting of the artificial teeth
With arbitrary purpose

How many visits is expected during the production of complete dentures, if the centric
relation of the jaws was determined by gypsum blocks by Sidorenko?

After building the prosthetic plane and identifying and fixing the bite height on stens rolls
the patient is recommended to protrude the lower jaw forward and to close the pattern rolls as
much as possible; in the area of posterior teeth on both sides the wedge-shaped slot appears. The
base of this angle is facing backwards. What is this phenomenon called?
Sagittal phenomenon of Christensen
Interalveolar space of relative rest
Interocclusal gap
The height of the bite
Bennett angle

What is the relationship between the severity of the sagittal occlusal curve, which occurs
during the grounding of stens biting rolls by the methodology of Shilova-Miroshnichenko and tilt
of the postertior slope of the front articular tubercle?
Direct dependence
Indirect dependence
Arbitrary dependence
Inverse relationship
No dependence

According to the methodology of Shilova-Myroshnichenko, which material is used to

produce the bases of the cliché to determine the centric relationship of jaws with simultaneous
formation of occlusal curves?
Acrylic plastic
From Melot
Modeling wax
From stens
From the base wax

Patient, 70 years old, complained of the inadequate fixation of a complete removable

denture for the upper jaw. Objectively: the edge of the prosthesis in the area of the frenulum or
the upper jaw is shortened, the locking valve is broken. What needs to be done to improve the
fixation of the prosthesis?
Production of the new denture
Widening of the denture bases edges
Correction of the denture
Volumetric modeling of denture bases
Lengthening of the denture base edges

Patient A., 78 years, came to the orthopedic department, complaining of poor fixation of
complete removable dentures. The dentures were made 4 years ago. The dentures are of
satisfactory quality, but an objective examination showed a significant discrepancy in the relief
of the prosthetic field and the denture. What, in your opinion, is the reason for balancing
Inconsistency of relief denture bases and prosthetic bed
Insufficient adhesion and cohesion of the prosthesis
Improper setting of artificial teeth
Insufficient functional dentures suction
Insufficient anatomic retention of the dentures

Patient B., 69 years old, complains of a complete loss of teeth. After receiving the
functional impression the doctor and the dental technician are planning the denture on the model.
Where should the rear boundary of the full removable laminar denture be?
Overlap the «A»-line by 1-2 mm
End on the «A»-line
Overlap the «A»-line by 2,5 mm
Overlap the «A»-line by 2-3 mm
Must not overlap the «A»-line

Patient G., 68 years old, 5 years after the prosthetic treatment complained of poor denture
fit. Objectively: the prosthetic bed does not match the denture base due to atrophy of the jaws.
How long can a person use the denture before it is necessary to make a new one?
3-4 years
1 hour
2 years
5 years
6 years

The patient, 68 years, came to the clinic at the stage of correction of complete dentures
with complaints of balancing dentures when chewing food. Objectively: a significant atrophy of
the alveolar bones of the jaws, the jaws protrusive relations of the jaws. Artificial teeth are set in
orthognathic relations. When opening and closing the mouth dental implants are fixed on the
prosthetic bed. What is the most likely cause of balancing of the dentures?
Improperly set artificial teeth
No circular locking valve
Insufficient anatomic retention of the dentures
Poor functional suction
Insufficient insulation of palatal torus

In a patient with complete loss of teeth in the upper and lower jaws was found: short upper
lip, alveolar bone of the maxilla is pear-shaped. The doctor plans to put the front teeth in
complete dentures on the upper jaw on the «inlet». How can the fixation of full dentures on the
upper jaw be improved in this case?
With resilient pilots
Make a chamber in the center of the denture
Place the rubber disk in the center of the denture
Enlarge denture borders on the «A» line
Expand the boundaries of the prosthesis in all areas
A complete removable laminar denture for the upper jaw is being produced for the patient,
65 years old, male. He came on the clinical stage of the «imposition of a complete denture». The
doctor checks the establishment of the closing valve in the area of «A» line. Which digital test
does he use for this purpose?
Tilts the anterior teeth vestibularly
Pulls down the denture in the premolar area
Presses down on the incisors in the oral direction
Presses down on the molars in the vertical direction
Presses down on the molars in the oral direction

Complete removable denture for the upper jaw was produced for the patient, 60 years old.
The denture is thrown off when pressed on the cutting edge of the front teeth in the vestibular
direction. When viewed from the rear edge the denture does not cover blind holes. State the
reason for the throwing off of the denture in this patient:
No closing valve on the «A» line
Shortened border of the denture in the frontal area
Elongated border in the area of the pterygoid folds
Poor adhesion
Improper setting of the teeth

The patient, 50 years old, complains of poor fixation of full dentures in the lower jaw while
opening the mouth and tongue movement. The doctor revealed the extension of the edge of a
complete denture to the oral side in areas 46, 36. What muscle affects the throwing off of the
denture in this patient?
Outer pterygoid
Inner pterygoid

Patient, 67 years old, complains of poor fixation of the upper complete denture, difficult
mastication and tongue movements. Objectively: the denture is thrown off when opening the
mouth. On which stage of the denture production was the error made?
Making functional impression
Making anatomical impression
Defining the centric relation of the jaws.
Setting the teeth
Replacing wax with plastic

The patient, 65 years old, complains of unsatisfactory fixation of the complete removable
laminar denture for the upper jaw. The denture was manufactured 6 years ago. Objectively:
balancing and poor fixation of the removable denture. What was the reason for such a state?
Atrophy of bone base of the prosthetic bed tissue
Removal of artificial teeth
Poor hygienic condition of the denture
Change of the color of the plastic base
The loss of individual antagonist teeth

The patient, 67 years old, complains of poor fixation of the full removable laminar denture
for the upper jaw. The denture has been used for about 7 years. Objectively: the denture
balances, it is not fixed. What tactics should the doctor use in this case?
Produce a new denture
Produce an elastic pad
To conduct rebasing of the denture
Perform the correction of the denture
To ground the artificial teeth in the denture

Patient K., 65 years old, complains of unsatisfactory fixation of full dentures in the lower
jaw. The denture is used for 3 years. Objectively: significant uneven atrophy of alveolar bones.
The mucous membrane is dry, not supple. What treatment will be offered to the patient in this
Produce a new full removable denture with elastic pad
Rebasing of the denture
Production of the denture with an extended basis.
The shortening of the denture base

Patient 53 years old came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of poor
fixation of partial removable denture. The denture was made seven years ago. The fixation was
broken in the past six months. What is the doctor`s tactics?
Produce a new denture
Rebasing of the partial removable denture
Perform surgical correction of the prosthetic bed
Produce an elastic pad for the denture
To do nothing

A patient of 82 years with complete loss of teeth in the upper jaw came with the aim of
prosthetic treatment. Objectively: the alveolar bone is not atrophied; the front portion is a pear-
shaped. Torus is not expressed the palatal arch is high. What kind of the denture design is the
most appropriate to apply in this clinical situation?
Full denture with teeth «on inlet» and gingival clasps
Full removable laminar denture with artificial gingiva
Full removable denture without palate
Full removable denture without vestibular surface
Full removable denture with a shortened dentition

Patient K., who uses complete removable denture for the upper jaw, complains of the
problems with its fixation at the wide opening of the mouth. Which element of the prosthetic bed
causes the opening of the circular seal?
Pterygomandibular folds
Buccal alveolar folds
Upper lip frenulum
Soft palate

Patient D., 68 years old, with complete loss of teeth in the lower jaw came to the clinic for
prosthetic treatment. The examination of the prosthetic field it was found, that found that the
alveolar bone in the lower jaw is considerably atrophied, and has a sharp (cultrate) form in the
lateral sections, coated with atrophied mucosa. What should the doctor consider while planning
the design of the denture?
Produce a complete removable denture with two-layer basis
Make compression impression
Lower the bite height
Increase the weight of the mandibular denture
Put artificial posterior teeth with prominent tubercles

Patient I., 76 years old, complained that during a conversation, and wide opening of the
mouth full dentures, which were produced a week ago, fix and move badly. At what stage was a
mistake made during the production of the dentures?
While making the functional impressions
While forming the prosthetic plane
While determining centric occlusion
While checking the setting of the teeth
While collecting the medical history

Patient S., 68 years old, complains of poor fixation of complete removable dentures, minor
pain in the area of the temporomandibular joint. From history: the dentures were made 8 years
ago. After what time, should complete removable dentures be replaced?
After 3-4 years
After 6 years
After 5 years
After 1 year
After 2 years

Patient T., 60 years, complained of difficulty in chewing food due to the loss of teeth in the
upper and lower jaws. Objectively: the alveolar bone in the anterior area of the maxilla is pear-
shaped. What factor needs to be considered when setting the teeth?
The upper front teeth are put “on inlet”
The upper dental arch is shortened by 1 tooth
The lower dental arch is shortened by 1 premolar
Charge the positions of the chewing teeth
The front teeth are put in protrusive relation

Patient D., 60 years old, with complete loss of teeth complains of poor fixation of full
dentures when eating. Objectively: full dentures meet the basic requirements, but in the front
section the upper teeth overlap the lower like a deep bite. What overlap with the lower incisors is
permissible in this case?
1-2 mm
2,5 mm
3 mm
5 mm
4 mm

After diagnostics it was decided to implement a complete fixation of the denture on the
maxilla through the creation of edge closing valve for the patient B. Which fixation method will
be used?

A patient of 78 years with complete loss of teeth. The patient has used the dentures for 19
years. He complained of a bad fixation of the upper denture. Objectively: the lower third of the
face is shortened, alveolar bone on the upper and lower jaws is greatly atrophied, the palate is
flat. The mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed is atrophied. After what periods should the
dentures be regularly restored or produced anew?
Every 3-4 years
Every 6 months
Once a year
In 7 years
In 10-12 years

Patient, 62 years old, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of poor
fixation of full removable laminar dentures when speaking and a wide opening of the mouth. The
dentures were produced 5 days ago. In the process of the denture production an error was made
The functional impression is made
The formation of the prosthetic plane
Definition of the interalveolar height
Verification of wax reproductions of dentures
Plastic polymerization

Patient K., 70 years old, complained of a lack of fixation of full dentures for the upper and
lower jaws. Prostheses were produced five years ago. Objectively: the lower third of the face is
reduced, lowered corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds pronounced. Atrophy of the alveolar
bone of the upper jaw of type II by Schroeder, atrophy of the alveolar bone of the mandible type
I Keller. Cheilitis in the corners of the mouth. What is the further treatment plan?
Produce new complete dentures with the increase of the interalveolar height
Perform the rebasing of the denture
Send the patient to consult a dermatologist
Produce new complete removable dentures, maintaining the present alveolar height
Prescribe a paste to improve the fixation of dentures

The patient, 65 years old, complains of poor fixation of the upper complete denture, which
makes mastication and speech difficult. Objectively: throwing off of the denture while opening
of the mouth, visible lesions were found on the mucous membrane. On which of the production
stage was the error made?
Make a functional impression
Setting the teeth
Determining the centric relation of the jaws
Making anatomical impression
Replacing wax with plastic

Patient, 66 years old, complains of complete loss of teeth, difficulty with chewing food,
aesthetic defect. Objectively: facial configuration is changed because of the reduction of the
lower third of the face. Alveolar bone is covered with moderately supple and well hydrated
mucosa. It was decided to produce complete removable dentures. How is the fixation of
complete dentures achieved?
By clear and precise relation of the denture base to the prosthetic bed tissues
Anatomical setting of teeth
By taking into account the functional state of the mobile mucosa
The correct definition of the centric relation of the jaws
By the muscles of the maxillodental area
A complete removable laminar denture for the upper jaw was made for patient S., 70 years
old. During the protrusion of the mandible in the position of anterior occlusion the denture is
thrown off. State the reason for the situation that has developed:
Shortening the denture limits in the distal area
Improper setting of the teeth in the lateral areas
The peculiarity of transversal occlusal curve
The absence of torus insulation
Properties of the sagittal occlusal curve

The patient, 60 years old, came to the orthopedic surgeon with complaints of poor fixation
of full removable laminar dentures for the upper and lower jaw during meals. What is the reason
for this?
The absence of dentures stabilization
Poor adhesion of the dentures
Atrophy of the alveolar bones
The absence of dentures fixation
Poor mucosa suppleness

A patient of 75 years complains of poor fixation of complete removable laminar dentures

at various movements of the mandible. What is the criterion of correct articulation of artificial
multiple contact and smooth sliding of teeth during chewing movements
The chewing surface of the teeth
Distribution of chewing force
The size and shape of the articular tubercle
Free movement of the mandible

The patient, 70 years old, came to the orthopedic surgeon with complaints of poor fixation
of the full removable laminar dentures for the upper jaw while biting food. What is the reason for
this phenomenon?
Deep incisive overlap, no compensation curve
Transversal curve
Uneven muscle contraction
Balancing curve
Christensen phenomenon

Patient, 78 years old, complains of poor fixation of full removable laminar dentures.
Objectively: uneven atrophy of alveolar bones. No multiple contacts. In this case, in order to
stabilize the dentures it is necessary to create a three point contact between the incisors and
molars distal mounds of last molars. Which scientist had noted this phenomenon first?
Mechanical Engineer Hanau

Producing a complete removable denture for the upper jaw is planned for the edentulous
patient K., 70 years. The examination revealed that maxillary alveolar bones and mounds are
well preserved, high palate, highly positioned bands, frenulums. Determine the conditions of
anatomical retention to achieve the fixation of the denture:
Relatively favorable
Very unfavorable

Patient M., 60 years old, complains of the displacement of the full denture for the upper
jaw while swallowing food (the denture was produced a week ago). A careful examination
revealed that the distal edge of the denture goes far behind the soft palate. Determine, the
corruption of which factors was observed in this clinical case?
Factor of the denture fixation
Factor of the denture stabilization
Fixation and stabilization
Denture adaptation factor
There is no right answer

Patient J., 70 years old, complains of balancing of complete removable dentures while
eating. The dentures were produced 3 months ago. Objectively: nasolabial folds and chin are
expressed moderately, there is a gap between the teeth in a state of physiological rest (2-3 mm),
upper front teeth are located in the center of the alveolar ridge, overlapping the lower teeth by 1-
2 mm, chewing teeth have intercuspal interference. What, in your opinion, is the cause of the
patient`s complaints?
Poor stabilization of dentures
Poor fixation of dentures
Inconsistency denture borders to the boundaries of the prosthetic field
Poor anatomical retention
Insufficient boundary closing valve

Patient, 68 years old, total absence of teeth in the lower jaw, a significant atrophy of the
alveolar bone. What needs to be done to improve the fixation of the denture?
Expanding the boundaries of the denture
Narrowing of the dentition
Reduction of the denture borders
Increasing the height of the teeth
Expansion of the dentition

The patient, 55 years old, uses two complete removable dentures with four magnets in the
lateral portions of the denture. What is the method of fixation of these dentures?
Physical and biological
Anatomical retention

The patient, 65 years old, complains of poor fixation of full removable denture in the lower
jaw. Objectively: atrophy of the alveolar bone of the lower jaw - class 4 by Keller. What
anatomical structures on the lower jaw can be used to improve the fixation of the denture in this
Internal oblique line
The branches of the lower jaw
Transitory fold
Mandibulohyoid space
Retroalveolar space
The patient, aged 65, complained of the breakage of the complete removable denture for
the upper jaw, which was produced a month ago. On examination, of the prosthesis a crack in the
base center was found. The dental arch in the lateral portions of the jaws is extended, the teeth
are placed with a tilt vestibularly. How should have the premolars and molars been set in the
In the center of the alveolar bone ridge
With displacement orally
With displacement vestibularly
With the tilt distally
With the tilt medically

Woman, 65 years old, complains of the biting of the mucous membrane of the cheek
during eating. Full removable dentures for the upper and lower jaw were produced 2 days ago.
Objectively: the mucous membrane is swollen, hyperemic, has traces of injuries. What is the
likely cause in this clinical case:
Intercuspal interference in the posterior region
Incorrectly determined bite height
Fixed anterior occlusion
Elongated of the borders of the denture base
Selected teeth of the wrong size

A complete removable denture is being produced for the patient, 65 years old, by setting
the artificial teeth on the glass on the lower jaw. The dental technician has created a surface that
begins in the oral cavity on the rear contact point of the first premolar and ends at the distal-
buccal cusp of the wisdom tooth. What is the basis of this setting?
Spee curve
Medial line
Transversal curve
Pupillary line
Kamperov horizontal line

Complete removable laminar dentures are being produced for patient R. 56 years with
complete loss of teeth. The edentulous jaws relation is orthognathic. The setting of artificial teeth
is carried out on the glass by the method of M.E. Vasilyev. At the level of which artificial
posterior teeth in the upper jaw is the highest convexity of the trasversal occlusal curve?
Second molars
First molars
Third molars
First premolars
Second premolars

Complete removable dentures are being produced for the patient, 70 years old. The setting
of the artificial teeth is carried out on a spherical surface. What average radius of the spherical
surface provides a firm contact for the teeth during the lower jaw movement?
9 sm
5 sm
7 sm
12 sm
18 sm
Complete removable dentures for the upper and lower jaws are being produced for the
patient, 70 years old. The setting of the artificial teeth is made by Vasilyeva method. Which teeth
in the upper denture should not touch the glass?
The lateral incisors and second molars
The central incisors and first molars
The first and second premolars
The canines and first molars
The second premolars and first molars

Patient B., 50 years old, as a result of the injury the left eye is absent, the injury site is
closed with a bandage. Complete loss of teeth. Uneven atrophy of the alveolar bone of the
maxilla. Which benchmark should be used for setting the teeth in the anterior area?
Perpendicular to the face of the median line
Kamperov horizontal line
The line that connects the eye pupils
The level of the alveolar bone
The canine line

Complete removable dentures are being produced for the patient, years old. The protrusive
relation of the jaws was defined. What are the characteristics of the teeth setting for edentuous
The upper dental arch is reduced by two premolars
The frontal teeth are set on the «inlet»
The lower dental arch is reduced by two premolars
The front teeth are set in orthognathic closing
The front teeth are set in the direct occlusion

Patient R., 63 years complained of the loss of teeth, difficulty while chewing food.
Objectively: complete absence of teeth in the upper and lower jaws, underdevelopment of the
lower jaw. What feature must be considered in the setting of the teeth:
The lower dentition is shortened and the front teeth are tilted forward
The upper dental arch is shortened by 1 tooth
Upper front teeth are set on the “inlet”
Upper front teeth are tilted backwards
The chewing teeth are placed in a orthognathic bite

Patient B., 54 years old, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry complaining of severe
effacement of artificial teeth on the complete removable laminar dentures, which were made 6
months ago. She suffers from bruxism. What is the doctor's tactics in this case?
Produce new dentures with porcelain teeth
Produce new dentures with plastic teeth
Restore worn out teeth with acryloxide
Install new plastic teeth on the old dentures
Install new porcelain teeth on the old dentures

Complete removable dentures are being produced for patient D., 70 years old, with a
complete loss of teeth. After determining the central occlusion the technician sets the artificial
teeth on the spherical surface by Sapozhnikov. What radius of the spherical surface must be
selected to ensure close contact of teeth during various movements of the mandible?
Radius – 9 sm
Radius – 7 sm
Radius – 18 sm
Radius – 5 sm
Radius – 12 sm

Patient T., 57 years old, lecturer, complains of the difficulties in the use of full removable
laminar dentures on the upper and lower jaws, which were made 1 year ago. The difficulties are
related to unclear pronunciation of sounds «S» and «Z». What tactics must be used to remove the
Set the front lower teeth more anteriorly
Set the lower teeth on «inlet»
Rebase the denture, making the insulation of torus
Produce a new denture with porcelain teeth
Save the setting of the teeth, producing a metal base

Patient D., 57 years, has complete loss of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. Objectively:
atrophy of the alveolar bone - type I by Schroeder in the upper jaw and the type I by Keller on
the lower jaw, sharp protrusive jaw relation. What are the special characteristics of the artificial
teeth setting in this case?
Front teeth are in protrusive relation, the upper dental arch is shortened by one premolar on
both sides; cross-setting of the lateral teeth
No special characteristics of the setting of artificial teeth
Front teeth in direct relation, the upper dental arch is shortened by one premolar on both
Cross-setting of the chewing teeth
Front teeth are in the protrusive relation, cross-setting of lateral teeth

Patient N., 76 years, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints at the
complete loss of teeth, inability to chew food, speech disorders, aesthetic defect. Objectively:
atrophy of the alveolar bone of the upper jaw - type III by Schroeder, the lower jaw - type II
Keller. During determining of the centric occlusion protrusive relation of the jaws can be
observed. The doctor decided to use the method of setting artificial teeth on a spherical surface.
What is the radius of the spherical surface (by Monson)?
10,4 sm
20 sm
12,6 sm
15 sm
8,2 sm

In determining the centric relation of the jaws using wax patterns the doctor made a
drawing of the upper wax pattern. The purpose of this manipulation is:
Selecting and setting the upper anterior teeth
Setting the lower central incisors
Setting the upper central incisors
Match the shape of the teeth to the shape of the face
Selecting the teeth by the size

What is the anatomical reference point for setting the front teeth of the upper jaw of a
patient with complete atrophy of the alveolar bone in the frontal area of the upper jaw?
Incisor papilla
Nasolabial angle, and facial profile
The shape of the upper lip
Alveolar bone
Transitory fold
While setting up the teeth in the lateral parts the length of the dental arches should not
exceed the distance:
Between the distal surface of the teeth and the mucous tubercle basis or maxillary cusps
Do not go up to the maxillary cusps by 1 cm
Between the distal surface of the canines and end on the mucous tubercle of the lower jaw
End on the mucous tubercle of the upper jaw
shortened on the lower jaw and does not reach the mucous tubercle by 1 cm

How should the anatomical setting of the teeth lateral parts be carried out when the slope
of the interalveolar lines in the lateral parts in accordance with the horizontal (prosthetic) plane is
equal to 85°-90°?
In the center of the alveolar bone, overlapping the buccal cusps of the lower teeth with the
upper teeth
Set the teeth on the spherical surface
Perform the cross-setting of the teeth
Set the teeth with opposite incisal overlap
Set the teeth with incisal overlap of the lower teeth by 1/3 by the upper teeth

Setting of the teeth behind the glass by M.E. Vasilevu provides the distance from the
lateral incisors from the prosthetic plane:
0,5 mm
0,4 mm
0,3 mm
0,2 mm
0,1 mm

Anatomic setting of the teeth behind the glass by M.E. Vasilyev is prescribed at:
Straight type of centric relation of edentulous jaw
Distal type of relation of edentulous jaws
Medial type of relation of edentulous jaws
Cross type of relation of edentulous jaws
Severe atrophy of the alveolar bones of the upper and lower jaws

The rules of the anatomic setting of the teeth behind the glass by M.E. Vasilyev provides
for the establishment of the upper front teeth in the cervical part:
By 2/3 in front of the center of the alveolar bone
In the center of the alveolar bone
With vestibular tilt
With the tilt in the direction of the palate
Setting on «inlet»

In case of complete loss of teeth with high pear-shaped alveolar bone in the frontal area of
the upper jaw it is necessary to set the teeth:
On «inlet»
Without contact of incisors of the upper and lower jaws
On the glass
With incisal overlap of the lower teeth by the upper teeth by 1/3
With incisal overlap of the upper teeth by the lower teeth

In order to achieve contacts between artificial teeth of the complete dentures for upper and
lower jaws, in the lateral parts the setting is carried out:
In the center of the alveolar bone in accordance with the tilt between the alveolar lines
In the center with vestibular tilt
Without taking into account the tilt between the alveolar lines
In 0.5 mm outside from the center of the alveolar bone
In the center with oral tilt

Aesthetic criteria for setting of artificial teeth, proposed by Nelson, include:

Match of teeth and dental arches to face shape
Match of teeth and dental arches to the facial profile
Match of central incisors of the upper jaw to the shape of the face
Match of the front teeth of the upper jaw to the shape face
Match of the front teeth of the lower jaw to shape of the face

Setting teeth on the inlet provides for:

The establishment of the front teeth of the upper jaw at a tangent to the mucous membrane
of the alveolar bone with palatine basis
The establishment of anterior teeth without contact of cutting surfaces
The establishment of the front teeth of the lower jaw on the tangent to the mucous
membrane of the alveolar bone with basis by lingual surface
The establishment of lateral teeth tangential to the mucous membrane of the alveolar bone
The establishment of anterior teeth in direct contact without incisal overlap

Setting of the teeth by Vasilyev M.E. - the sequence of setting artificial teeth of the lower
The second premolars, molars, premolars, front teeth
The front teeth, molars, premolars, second premolars
Molars, front teeth, the second premolars, first premolars
The first premolars, second premolars, the front teeth, the molars
Second premolar, first premolars, molars, the front teeth

Setting the front upper teeth by Vasilyev M.E.

The cutting edge of central incisors touches the glass, of lateral incisors - is separated by
0.5 mm, the canines touch the glass
The cutting edge of central incisors is separated from the glass by 0.5 mm, lateral incisors
touch glass, the canines touch glass
The cutting edge of central incisors touches the glass, of lateral incisors - is separated from
the glass by 0.5 mm
The cutting edge of central incisors touches the glass, of lateral incisors and canines - does
not touch the glass
There is no right answer

Patient A., 48 years old, of medium height, with an oval face shape, came to the doctor
with the purpose of prosthetic treatment of edentuous upper jaw. The lower set of teeth is intact.
How should the setting of artificial teeth in this clinical case be performed?
In close contact with the lower intact teeth
Observing all the rules provided by the methodology of M.E. Vasilyev
Not to take into account the presence of intact teeth on the lower jaw and set the teeth on
the glass
Apply the methodology of setting the artificial teeth, designed by A. Gysi
There is no right answer
Patient M., 65 years old, with correct and proportional face and with complete loss of teeth
went to the orthopedist for prosthetic treatment. The examination revealed a pronounced uniform
atrophy of the alveolar bone of the mandible and moderately uniform atrophy of the alveolar
bone of the maxilla. The top of the alveolar bone of the lower jaw is in the same plane. What
guidelines should be used for setting of the lower lateral teeth in this patient?
Pound triangle
The center the alveolar bone of the mandible
To be guided by the alveolar bone of the upper jaw
The attachment of the tongue frenulum, lower lip and cheek bands
There is no right answer

Patient S., 32 years old, with complete loss of teeth, came to the orthopedist for prosthetic
treatment Preliminary dentures had been used for 4 years, but recently the fixation of the denture
deteriorated significantly. Objectively: there is a slight uniform atrophy of the alveolar bones of
the edentulous jaws, orthognathic jaw relation. Which method of setting of artificial teeth should
be preferred in this case?
А. Gysi by the reference plane
Naradovo- Sapozhnikov
There is no right answer

During the clinical examination of the patient with complete loss of teeth severe atrophy
the alveolar bone of the mandible with a wide neutral zone, high location of the transition folds
and difficulties in defining the middle of the alveolar bone were revealed. The setting of the teeth
in the lateral parts needs to be implemented using:
The methodology of Pound, taking into account the location of the mucous tubercle
The individual formation of the occlusal curves
Taking into account the Christensen phenomenon
Sagittal occlusal curve by Spee
Transversal occlusal curve by Wilson

Patient C with complete loss of teeth has severe atrophy of the alveolar bone of the
mandible, complains of poor fixation of complete removable dentures, which were repeatedly
altered. Interalveolar space is unevenly distributed with high location of the lower artificial teeth.
The rule for interalveolar distribution of space of the prosthetic plane during setting of artificial
teeth are:
Approximation of the teeth setting level to the alveolar bone with more pronounced
Distribution of interalveolar space into two equal parts
Approximation of the teeth setting level to the alveolar bone with less pronounced atrophy
Different levels of teeth setting in anterior and lateral parts
Does not matter

The patient has been trying for a few months to get used to and use complete removable
dentures; he constantly comes to see a doctor in order to correct the dentures. The examination of
the denture revealed that borders coincide exactly with the limits of prosthetic bed, fixation is
sufficient, but the stabilization of prostheses has not been reached and as a result there are
ground by corrections mounds of artificial teeth in the lateral parts. Which teeth setting method
will help to solve this problem?
Individual shaping of occlusal surfaces taking into account the Christensen phenomenon
Setting of teeth on a spherical surface
Anatomical setting of teeth «on the glass»
Cross-sitting of the teeth
Setting of teeth by egalitarian Gysi plane

In patient S. with edentulous jaws parafunctions of masticatory muscles with the

manifestation of foodless chewing were found. The dentures, produced a year ago, do not have
the grounding effect due to the erasing of chewing teeth cusps. The setting of porcelain teeth a
reduced tilt angle of the mounds is recommended. What are the special characteristics of the
production of such complete dentures?
Gypsuming of the model in the cuvette by the straight method
Crampon front teeth diatoric chewing teeth.
Making dentures with two-layer basis
Making dentures with metal basis
Making dentures without palate

Patient K., age 56 years, came to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry. In the clinic, a
definition of the centric relation of the jaws was made for the production of complete removable
laminar denture for the upper jaw. What is the next clinical stage?
Checking the wax composition of the denture
Making a functional impression of the upper jaw
Superimposition of the full removable laminar denture
Determining and fixation of the central occlusion
Making an anatomical impression

Patient A. came to the clinic with complaints of inability to use the complete removable
dentures. The dentures were made three months ago. Objectively: nasolabial and chin folds are
pronounced, corners of the mouth are turned downward. The height of the lower third of the face
is reduced. In which clinical stage was the error made?
Defining the central occlusion
Making anatomical impressions
Making functional suction impressions
Setting of the teeth
Superimposition if the denture

At the stage of checking of complete dentures prognathic ratio of dentition was found,
front teeth are not in contact. What are the reasons that led to this error?
Fixing the front occlusion
The lateral occlusion is fixed
Prosthetic plane is not determined
The interalveolar height is lowered
Improper formation of the prosthetic plane

Patient F., 68 years old, with complete loss of teeth on both jaws came to the orthopedic
department with for prosthetic treatment. During the check of the dentures on wax basis it was
found that the interproximal contact is observed only in the lateral parts. In the frontal area there
is a 1 sm wide sagittal slit. What a mistake, in your opinion, was made in previous clinical
Frontal occlusion was determined and fixed
Received incorrect anatomical impressions
The interalveolar height was determined incorrectly
Lateral occlusion was determined and fixed
The wax basis was deformed
Patient L., 65 years old, complains of the impossibility to use complete removable
dentures. From the clinical history, we know that complete dentures were made two weeks ago.
Getting used to the dentures was difficult for the patient, while talking and chewing the teeth
chatter, swallowing is difficult. When the patient is smiling, the artificial gum becomes visible,
chewing muscles get tired, pain occurs under the dentures. What mistake was made during the
production of the dentures?
The height of the central occlusion is heightened
The height of the central occlusion is lowered
Frontal occlusion was fixed
Lateral occlusion was fixed
Posterior occlusion was fixed

Patient K., 78 years old, complains of the impossibility to use the complete removable
dentures. Complete dentures for the upper and lower jaw are being produced for the patient.
During the check of the wax denture reproduction it was found that the setting of artificial teeth
in the articulator is in an orthognathic bite, and in the oral cavity the teeth interlock in prognathic
bite. What mistake was made in determining the centric relation?
Frontal occlusion was determined
Lateral right-sided occlusion was determined
Lateral left-sided occlusion was determined
The height of the occlusion is lowered
Distal occlusion is determined

The patient, 73 years old, complains of nausea when using complete removable dentures
on the upper jaw. Objectively: denture is fixed well, the rear edge overlaps the «A» line by 4
mm. How much should the denture cover the «A» line?
1-2,0 mm
2.5-3,0 mm
3,5-4,0 mm
4,5-5,0 mm
5,5-6,0 mm

At a stage of checking the design of complete removable dentures for patient K., 70 years
old, sagittal gap between the upper and lower front teeth was discovered. What was the mistake?
Forward position of the lower jaw was fixed
Incorrectly determined the height of the bite in the lateral areas
Incorrectly determined the height of bite in the frontal area
Lateral occlusion was fixed
The lower bite block was crushed

The patient, 57 years old, with complete loss of teeth came to the clinic for prosthetic
treatment. After the examination, the production of complete removable dentures for the upper
and lower jaw is recommended. During the check of the denture design it was found that the
interproximal contact is observed only in the lateral areas and in the frontal area there is a
horizontal slot. What mistake in clinical stages is most likely?
Frontal occlusion was determined
Inaccurate impressions were made
the basis was deformed while determining the central occlusion
Lateral occlusion was determined
The prosthetic plane was identified incorrectly
Complete removable dentures for the upper and lower jaw are being made for the patient,
65 years old. At the stage of «check the denture design» the doctor finds out pronunciation of
sounds «S» and «Z». Which of these methods is more appropriate to apply in this case to
normalize the function of speech?
Phonetic tests

A woman of 70 years complains of teeth chattering while using complete removable

dentures. Objectively: lips are closed with tension, interval in between the artificial teeth of the
upper and lower jaws during speech is 2 mm. What mistake was made during prosthetic
The interalveolar height is heightened
Lateral teeth are set not in the center of the alveolar bone
The smile line id defined incorrectly
The interalveolar height is lowered
The artificial teeth are set in the direct bite

Complete removable dentures for the upper and lower jaw are being made for the patient,
P., 60 years old. At the clinical stage, «check the design of wax denture reproductions» the
following was revealed: intercuspal interference the right side, increase of the bite, displacement
of the center of the lower dentition to the right, space between the lateral teeth on the left side
from 3d to 7th tooth. What mistake was made in determining the central occlusion?
The offset of the mandible to the left
Posterior bite
Anterior bite
Deformation of the wax bases
The upwards offset of the lower basis with the block

The patient, 70 years old, has complete absence of teeth on the upper and lower jaws.
During the inspection of complete dentures, a slit, as in the open form of the bite between the
front teeth, was found in the mouth, there is intercuspal interference in the lateral sections. In
what position were the lower jaw wax blocks fixed?
In the anterior occlusion
In the left lateral occlusion
In the right lateral occlusion
In the central occlusion
In the posterior occlusion

Complete dentures were produced for the patient, 75 years old, in the clinic of orthopedic
dentistry. During the process of fixing centric occlusion the patient protruded the lower jaw. The
doctor fixed the front occlusion. What relation of denture dentition will the doctor find when
checking the design?
Horizontal gap between the front teeth
A gap between lateral teeth on the right
Deep overlapping
Vertical gap in the anterior area
The patient 75 years of age. During the check of the design of complete removable
dentures it was found that there is contact only on the lateral artificial teeth, there is a gap
between the front teeth. In the lateral parts on the one side there is cusp-to-cusp interproximal
contact, on the other side there is a horizontal slit; the center line is offset. What was the
Lateral occlusion was defined
Unevenly softened bite blocks
Anterior occlusion was defined
The interalveolar height was increased
The wax patterns were deformed during the process of determining the central occlusion

Partial removable denture for the lower jaw is being produced for the patient, 65 years old.
Checking the wax composition of the denture was made. What clinical stage of prosthetic
treatment should be the next?
Superimposition and correction of the denture
Defining central occlusion
Denture correction
Making impressions
Making gypsum models

Male, 70 years old, complains of the teeth rattling when using complete removable
dentures. Objectively: the lips are closed with tension, elongated face, chin and nasolabial folds
are smoothed, the gap between the artificial teeth is 3 mm during speech. What mistake was
made during the prosthetic treatment?
The interalveolar height is increased
The artificial teeth are set in the direct bite
The interalveolar height is decreased
The artificial teeth are selected improperly
The smile line was defined improperly

A patient of 70 years complains of cheilitis in the corners of the mouth. He uses full
dentures. Objectively: the lower third of the face is shortened, lowered corners of the mouth,
they have a skin maceration. What is the cause of the cheilitis?
The decreased interalveolar height
Continuous usage of the denture
Breach of oral hygiene
Incorrect set of the teeth
Decreased salivation in the oral cavity

Complete removable denture for the upper jaw was made for the patient, 47 years old. At
the stage of the denture design the check revealed a cross-bite. What caused it?
Fixing lateral occlusion
Fixing anterior occlusion
Fixing central occlusion
Fixing posterior occlusion
Fixing habitual occlusion

Patient B., 60 years old. At the stage of checking the design of complete removable
dentures and the set of the teeth on wax bases a gap between the teeth in the frontal area and
intercuspal interference in the lateral was found. What was the mistake?
Anterior occlusion was determined instead of the central occlusion
Lateral occlusion was determined instead of the central occlusion
The models were mounted in the occluder incorrectly
The blocks were crushed while determining the central occlusion

Full removable dentures for both jaws were produced for patient N., 64 years old. At the
stage of checking the denture design it was revealed, that in the mouth there is the contact only
of lateral teeth, there is a slit in the mesial-distal direction between the front teeth. What was the
Anterior occlusion was determined
Lateral occlusion was determined
The interalveolar height was increased
Wrong setting of the teeth
The interalveolar height was decreased

Full removable dentures for both jaws are being produced for the patient, 47 years old. The
check revealed the protrusion of the upper lip. At what stage was the mistake made?
Formation of vestibular surface of the bite block
Determining the height of the upper bite block
Formation of the occlusal plane
Determining the height of the lower third of the face
Fixing of central occlusion

The patient, 49 years old, came to the clinic for prosthetic treatment. The production of
partial removable denture was prescribed after the examination. During the check of the wax
reproduction it was found that the contact between upper and lower incisors is missing. What
mistake was made during the clinical stages of the production of the denture?
Anterior occlusion was determined
Posterior occlusion was determined
The wax templates were heated too much
The wax templates were heated not enough
The height of the bite is increased on the molar

During the production of the laminar denture in the wax reproductions review stage it was
found that that there is an extension of the lower third of the face, nasolabial folds and chin are
smoothed, sound of teeth can be heard during a conversation. What kind of mistake did the
doctor make in determining the central occlusion?
The height if the central occlusion was increased
Posterior occlusion was determined
Anterior occlusion was determined
Lateral occlusion was determined
The height if the central occlusion was decreased

During the check of the wax design of the complete removable laminar denture for the
upper jaw the pronunciation of words in the mouth during speech tests is wrong. The
pronunciation of «B», «P», «M» sound is wrong What caused the violation?
The vertical size of the front upper artificial teeth is increased and they are protruding too
Thinned distal edge of the denture base
The narrowed form of the dental arch of the upper jaw
Too wide form of the dental arch of the upper jaw
Front upper artificial teeth are too short
During the design check of partial laminar dentures a sagittal gap between the front teeth
was found. In the articulator the front teeth contact is normal. What was the mistake?
Anterior occlusion was fixed
Lateral occlusion was determined
The height of the bite is too high
The height of the bite is too low
Posterior occlusion was fixed

Patient A., 69 years old, came to the clinic with the complaint that teeth rattle during
speech and swallowing is difficult while using the recently produced complete removable
dentures. What mistakes were made by the doctor in the process of production of the denture?
The height of the bite is too high
Three point Bonneville contact was not created
The prosthetic plane was not built properly
The height of the bite is too low
Improperly designed edge of the functional impression

During the design check of complete removable dentures it was found that the patient has
pronounced nasolabial folds, the lower jaw slightly protrudes forward. What mistake was made
by the doctor in the previous stage?
The interalveolar height of the central occlusion was lowered too much at the fixation stage
The prosthetic plane was not defined properly
The mesio-distal position of the mandible was not determined properly
The interalveolar height of the central occlusion was heightened too much at the central
occlusion fixation stage
Incorrectly marked guidelines on the bite block

Patient K., 75 years old, complete removable dentures are being produced. Objectively:
complete absence of teeth in the upper and lower jaw. At the stage of checking the wax denture
design with artificial teeth, a contact between the lateral teeth and its absence between his front
teeth in complete removable dentures was found in the oral cavity. Question: What was the
Anterior occlusion was fixed
The deformation of the working model
A mistake during teeth setting
Absence of contact between the bite blocks in the lateral areas
Absence of contact between the bite blocks in the anterior area

Patient B., 58 years old, removable dentures are being produced. At the stage of checking
the wax denture design with artificial teeth the heightened bite: flatness of nasolabial folds,
corners of the mouth are raised, no gaps between the teeth during speech, masklike face type
were revealed. Question: What are the methods of eliminating the too high setting of central
occlusion in the wax design review stage?
Redefine the height of the central occlusion and mesio-distal position of the lower jaw
Abrasion of the artificial teeth of the lower jaw
Abrasion of the artificial teeth of the upper jaw
Abrasion of the artificial teeth of the upper and lower jaws
Rebuild the dentures

Complete removable dentures for the upper and lower jaws are being produced for a man
of 66 years. Objectively: alveolar bones are slightly atrophied, the mucosa is moderately supple.
At the stage of design check of the dentures the lips are closed with tension, the height of the
lower third of the face at the closing of the teeth and at the rest of the mandible were equal. How
much is it necessary to reduce the occlusal height?
2,0-3,0 mm
0,5-1,0 mm
1,0-1,5 mm
1,5-2,0 mm
3,0-3,5 mm

At the stage of checking the setting of artificial teeth on complete removable denture for
the upper jaw intercuspal interference of the left lateral artificial teeth is found, the gap between
the teeth on the right side is 13 to 17 mm. What mistake did the doctor make in determining the
centric occlusion?
Left lateral occlusion is fixed
Wax patterns deformation
The height of the CO is too high
Anterior occlusion is fixed
Right lateral occlusion is fixed

A woman of 67 years came for the purpose of prosthetic treatment. After the examination
the design for partial dentures for the upper and lower jaw was selected. While checking the wax
reproductions of the dentures it was found, that the interdental contact in the lateral portions is
observed only on the right, on the left there is a gap between the teeth. What mistake was made
during clinical stages?
Lateral occlusion was defined
Inaccurate impressions were made
Anterior occlusion was defined
The interalveolar height in the lateral area on the left is too big
The basis was deformed while defining the central occlusion

Patient S., 82 years old. During the stage of setting the artificial teeth the occlusal contact
was found only on the second molars. One gets the impression that the patient has an open bite.
What a mistake was made at the previous clinical stage?
Anterior occlusion was fixed instead of posterior
Habitual occlusion was fixed instead of central
A persistent displacement of the mandible was fixed
The most rearward position of the mandible was fixed
Lateral occlusion was fixed instead of central

full removable dentures for both jaws were produced for the patient, 75 years old. At the
stage of «checking wax denture reproductions» cuspal contact of teeth on the right, increased
bite, a gap between the teeth on the left from 35 to 37 teeth were found. What mistake was made
by the doctor while determining the centric relation?
Right lateral occlusion was fixed
Posterior occlusion
The shift or the lower jaw on the right
Anterior occlusion
Left lateral occlusion

Patient, 72 years old, complains of a crump in the temporomandibular joint. He uses partial
removable dentures for about 10 years. Objectively: the lower third of the face is shortened. The
teeth in the dentures are significantly abrased. What is the most likely cause of this
Decrease of the interalveolar height
Patient`s age
Partial edentia
Continuous use of dentures
Eating hard foods

The patient is 68 years old, has used complete removable dentures for more than 7 years.
Objectively: in the alveolar bone of the mandible on the lingual side, there is an ulcer with
swollen and bleeding hyperplastic edges and bottom. Hasn`t used the denture for more than 2
weeks. Your actions in this clinical situation?
To direct the patient to the oncologist
Produce new dentures
Continue therapeutic treatment
Perform articulatory denture correction
Perform the denture correction in the area of pressure ulcers

The patient, 65 years, with complete loss of teeth in the upper jaw, after the production of
complete denture, on the basis of complaints, physical examination, laboratory tests, was
diagnosed with toxic stomatitis. What must be applied in this clinical setting?
Produce a new denture
Put the denture in an alcoholic solution for 1-2 days
Chemical denture silvering
Rebase the denture using the laboratory method
Rebase the denture using the clinical method

Patient, 60 years old, complains of pain in the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular
joint. The dentures were produced a month ago. Objectively: the face configuration is irregular,
the lower third of the face is elongated, the lips are closed with tension, the basis of the full
removable denture is exposed at smiling, diction disorder. What mistakes were made on the
stages of upper jaw denture production?
The bite height is too big
The bite height is too low
Posterior occlusion is defined
Anterior occlusion is defined
Improper setting of the teeth on the upper jaw

Male, 66 years old, complained of the absence of all teeth in the upper jaw. Objectively:
the alveolar bone of the upper jaw is slightly atrophied, the mucosa is moderately supple. It is
planned to produce a complete denture with a plastic basis. Select plastic for the base of the

Patient S. came to the clinic with the purpose of making a full denture for the upper jaw.
Objectively: maxillary atrophy of class 2 by Schroeder, the mucous membrane - type 3 by
Supple. Where should the boundary of complete denture be situated in the mouth for this
By passively movable mucosa
By actively movable mucosa
By the transitory fold
Above the actively mobile mucosa
By the «valve» zone

Complete removable dentures were produced for patient M. for the first time. The patient
came for the clinical stage of the «dentures imposition». Among other recommendations the
doctor specifies a period of use for the dentures. Determine when new dentures must be
produced for the patient.
In 3 years
In 2 years
In a year
In 6 months
In 5 years

The patient, 48 years old, has used partial removable dentures for 3 months. On the basis
of patient`s complaints, physical examination data and other research methods, allergic disease,
caused by dyes in acrylic plastic of the denture, was diagnosed. How to eliminate the allergic
effects of dyes?
Produce the dentures from colorless plastic
Produce two-layer bases
Form the plastic by molding
Produce cast metal denture bases
Produce stamped metal bases.

Patient K., 69 years old, complained of frequent breakdowns of complete removable

denture for the upper jaw. Objective: cracks on the palatal surface of the denture extends in the
direction between the central incisors, traces of repeated repairs denture are visible. The denture
was made 8 years ago. Your further actions?
Produce a new laminar denture
Repair the denture
Rebase the denture
Repair and rebase the denture
Perform the correction of the denture

The patient, 73 years old, complains of nausea when using complete removable dentures
on the upper jaw. Objectively: denture is fixed well; the rear edge overlaps the «A» line by 4
mm. How much should the denture cover the «A» line?
1-2,0 mm
2.5-3,0 mm
3,5-4,0 mm
4,5-5,0 mm
5,5-6,0 mm

The patient, 68 years old, came to the doctor after 2 years of use of complete dentures for
examination. Objectively: the functional and aesthetic qualities of the denture are good. What is
the average period of use for a full denture?
3 years
1 year
2 years
4 years
5 years
A full denture for the upper jaw was produced for the patient, 62 years old. The next day,
the patient complains of increased salivation, indistinct pronunciation of certain words. What is
the average period of adaptation to the removable dentures according to Kurlandskiy?
33 days
7 days
18 days
1 day
50 days

Woman, 60 years old, complains of discomfort while using a full denture for the lower
jaw, made a week ago. Objectively: the mucosa of the mandible is pale pink, painless on
palpation. What is the average period of adaptation to the removable denture for an edentulous
33 days
3-5 days
7-8 days
10-12 days
15-20 days

A full removable denture for the lower jaw is being produced for the patient, 70 years old.
Objectively: the alveolar bone of the lower jaw - type 2 by Keller, mucous membrane, covering
the alveolar bone - type 2 by Supple. From what materials is it advisable to produce a basis of
complete denture in this clinical situation?
«Ftorax» and «PM-01» plastic
«Etacryl» (AKR 15), «Boksyl»
Chrome cobalt alloy
«Redont» and «Orthoplast» plastic

The patient, 67 years old, complained of a burning sensation under the basis of the partial
removable denture, which has been used for 5 days. Burning appeared during a day of use of the
denture. Previously she used removable laminar dentures, but these complications were not
observed. Objective: there is redness, inflammation of the mucous membrane in the area of the
denture base. What was the premise of this complication?
The presence of residual monomer
An allergic reaction to the dye
Functional overload the under denture base
An allergic reaction to plastic
Improper care and use of dentures

A week ago dentures were produced for patient K., 63 years old. The patient returned to
the clinic of prosthetic dentistry complaining of clicking of dentures (false teeth) and some
fatigue in muscle that lift the lower jaw. What kind of mistake did the doctor make?
Interalveolar height is too high
Incorrectly defined central occlusion
Interalveolar height is too low
Improper teeth setting
Incorrectly defined denture border

Complete removable dentures were produced for the patient, 78 years old, in the clinic of
prosthetic dentistry. Upon delivery of the prosthesis a significant increase in interalveolar height
was found. At what stage of the denture production was a mistake made?
In determining and fixing the central occlusion
During the process of packing and polymerization of plastics
While setting up the teeth in the articulator
While fixing the models in the articulator
While checking the denture construction

The patient complained of discomfort when using removable dentures, trauma to the
mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed, inability to chew food. Prostheses were made 2 days
ago. The examination revealed elongated denture border. What kind of manipulation should be
carried out?
Perform the basis edges correction
Examine the dentures and give recommendations on the use of prostheses
Coat the prosthetic bed with 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide and forbid eating hard
Perform the correction of the alveolar bone at the site of injury
Produce new laminar dentures

Full removable denture for the lower jaw is being produced for the patient, 65 years old.
Checking the wax composition of the denture was made. What clinical stage of prosthetic
treatment should be the next?
Superimposition and correction of the denture
Defining central occlusion
Denture correction
Making impressions
Making gypsum models

The patient of 73 years old complained of cheilitis in the corners of the mouth. She uses
full removable dentures for the upper and lower jaws. Objectively: the height of the lower third
of the face is shortened. The corners of his mouth are drawn, the skin in them is macerated. What
is the most likely cause of this complication?
Lowering of the interalveolar height
Patient`s age
Deformation of denture basis
Continuous use of dentures
Breach of oral hygiene

Male patient, 60 years old, complains of pain in the lower jaw in the side area on the right.
Pain increases during meals. From history: three days before the patient issued a full denture for
the lower jaw. Objectively: complete removable denture on the mandible. The area on the right
side along the transitionary crease, which corresponds to the edge of the denture, there is a
mucosal defect with oval edges covered with white. Sharp pain at touching. What is the most
likely diagnosis in this patient?
Decubital ulcer
Allergic stomatitis
Toxic stomatitis
Actinomycetic ulcer
Syphilitic ulcer

A patient of 70 years came for prosthetic treatment. Objectively: the complete absence of
teeth in the upper jaw, the median defect of the hard palate. It is planned to produce at occlusive
complete removable denture with two-layer basis. What kind of plastic should be used for the
exterior part of the prosthesis?

Patient, 50 years, came to the clinic complaining of a sharp pain under complete removable
denture on the lower jaw at chewing. The denture was made 2 weeks ago. Objectively: in the
anterior part of the mandible in the area of transitory folds decubital ulcers were revealed.
Determine the cause of this complication:
Mismatch of the denture and the orthopedic bed boundaries
Breach of plastic polymerization technology
Breach of plastic molding technology
An allergic reaction to plastic denture basis
Interalveolar height is too big

Patient, 48 years old, has been using partial dentures for 3 months. Based on the patient`s
complaints, physical examination data and other research methods, allergic stomatitis caused by
the dyes of the acrylic denture plastic was diagnosed. How can we eliminate the allergic effects
of dyes?
Make dentures from colorless plastic
Make two-layer bases
Form plastic by molding
Make cast metal denture bases
Make stamped metal bases

For medical reasons, complete removable laminar dentures with plastic artificial teeth were
produced for the patient, 65 years old, in the clinic of prosthetic dentistry. Under current law,
what minimum guarantee period is provided by the state for this type of denture?
Minimum guarantee period – 12 months
Minimum guarantee period – 20 months
Minimum guarantee period – 24 months
Minimum guarantee period – 36 months
Minimum guarantee period – 48 months

Patient E., aged 48, came to the clinic of prosthetic dentistry with complaints of pain
during use of complete dentures, made 2 weeks ago. Objectively: there are rounded bony
prominences, sized 0.2-0.3 mm on the inner surface of the mandible in the premolar area, the
mucous membrane over them extremely hyperemic. What maneuver is it necessary to use for
prosthetic treatment of the patient with complete removable dentures?
Produce a denture with elastic padding
Remove exostoses surgically
Perform the correction
Produce the basis with holes for exostoses
Change denture borders
The patient in '49 made clasp denture for the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: Dental Claims 44,
43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, the other teeth are missing. Toothless alveolar process in the areas
of rapidly obsolete. How to improve denture stabilization?
Apply continuous clasps
Increase size saddles
Decrease size saddles
Increase wide clasp
Decrease clasps width

Patient '46 addressed with complaints of pain in the palate area while using Partial
denture for the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE: the mucosa of the hard palate in the area of the clasps
prosthesis clasp ulcerative bedsore. What is the most likely cause of ulcers?
Snug fit curves to mucosal
Moderate pliability mucosal
High slope palate
Acceptance solid foods
Continuous use of prosthesis

Woman 48 years, complains of the lack of 38, 37, 36, 45, 46, 47, 48 teeth. 35, 44 intact,
stable, anatomically shaped crowns, quite high. What would be best orthopedic design to offer
the patient?
Clasp denture
Removable partial dentures
Adhesive prosthetic appliances

The patient, 45 years old approached with a view to prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: defect
dentition and class at Kennedy available - 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, 48. Bite fixed. Bore 35 and 45 are
low, with barely pronounced anatomical shape intact. The patient made clasp denture. What
clasp prosthesis fixation system most appropriate in this case?
The telescopic fixing system
Clasp Roach
Clasp Roach-Aker
Continuous clasps

The patient of 50 years complained of lack of 37, 36, 45, 46, 47 teeth. 35, 38, 44, 48
intact, stable, anatomically shaped crowns, quite high, relatively parallel to each other. Boundary
line of a typical passage direction 35, 44 supporting the teeth. What the locking element should
be used to clasp prosthesis based on 35, 44?
Clasp Acker
Clasp Roach
Clasps Jackson
Telescopic fixing
Curved wire clasps

C. Patient 61, complains about the loss of multiple teeth. OBJECTIVE: no 48, 47, 46, 45,
44, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 teeth. Alveolar bone in the area of the missing tooth of the lower jaw has a
pronounced atrophy in the medial area (III type for Elbrehtom AG). Indicate that should be
included in the design of the prosthesis to the patient to reduce shift forward?
Continuous clasps
Clasps Aker
Enhance border basis
Produce a combined basis
Telescopic clasps

The patient complains of '45 difficulty chewing food. OBJECTIVE: no 48, 47, 46, 45, 35,
36, 37, 38. Teeth are one degree of pathological mobility. What rational design of the prosthesis
used in this case?
Partial dentures with Clasps
Console prosthetic appliances
Partial denture
Telescopic bridge
Solid prosthetic appliances

Patient J., 48, alleges a breach of chewing function, the lack of teeth in the upper jaw on
the left. From history, it was found that teeth lost due to caries complicated over 12 years.
OBJECTIVE: no 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Bite - orthognatic. The patient made clasp denture in the
upper jaw. What type clasps should use 23 tooth?
Roach clasps
Single ring
Single clasp reverse action
Clasp Acker

Patient G., 45 years appealed to the clinic complaining of the lack of teeth in l/j right.
OBJECTIVE: no 46, 45, 38, 48. 47 mobile tooth (1 stage), 44 tooth crown destroyed at 1/2.
What orthopedic design appropriate to recommend a patient to restore chewing efficiency and
preventing overload of periodontal 47, 44 teeth:
Clasp prosthesis with clasp fixing 47, 44, 34 teeth
Soldered prosthetic appliances based on the 48, 44 teeth
Sintered prosthetic appliances based on the 47, 46 teeth
Prosthetic appliances with one-sided support 47 tooth
Small saddle prosthesis fixation of clasp 47, 44 teeth

'44 Patient complains of loss of teeth in the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: no 48, 47, 46, 45,
35, 36, 37. The teeth remaining stable. The doctor decided to make a clasp prosthesis. Select the
type of clasps to ensure the fixation and stabilization clasp prosthesis in the patient:
System Ney clasps
Hold clasps
Plastic clasps
Beam system
Joint lining

Male, 53 years old complains of difficulty chewing food and cosmetic defect due to the
loss of the upper front teeth. OBJECTIVE: teeth remaining on the upper and lower jaw are
stable, intact, not converg, percussion painless. Bite orthognatic. What design feature clasp
prosthesis in this case?
Clasp prosthesis with a «split» or «L-shaped» curve
Conventional clasp prosthesis with two Clasp Aker
Clasp prosthesis with a circular clasp
Clasp prosthesis Clasp Jackson clasp
Prosthesis with telescopic fixation
Patient M. mobility of teeth 44, 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33 and II degree; 47, 46, 45, 34, 35, 36,
37 are missing, the prosthesis that may apply in this case to prevent further development of
Partial dentures with multilink clasps
Partial dentures with attachmen without multilink clasps
Prosthetic console prosthesis based on 43, 42, 32, 33 and intermediate part 45, 35
Prosthetic appliances based on the 44, 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33 and intermediate part 46, 45,
34, 35, 36
Plastic partial dentures

Husband '68 4 months ago was made a unilateral resection of the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE:
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 intact resistant, high crown. Dentures upper jaw with clasp fixation. Use
clasps which can improve the fixation of the prosthesis in this case?
Single Hold
Double Hold

The patient in '42 made clasp denture for the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE: Dental Claims 18,
17, 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 28. The tooth is tilted toward the cheek. What type of company
Ney clasps systems should be used?

Patient '50 appealed on prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: Dental Claims 44, 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33,
34 intact teeth, crowns high mobility with the second degree. What denture design is better to
Partial clasp dentures with splinting elements
Laminar prosthesis with Hold Clasp
Removable bridge
Laminar prosthesis with supporting Clasp
Laminar prosthesis with supporting-Hold Clasp

The patient in '48 made clasp denture for the lower jaw of the supporting-containing Clasp.
Which of the reference surface of the tooth must be placed stiff shoulder clasps of the first type
of firm Ney?
Above the boundary line
On the anatomical equator of the tooth
Under the anatomical equator tooth
On boundary line
Following boundary lines

The patient made clasp denture for the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: Dental Claims 31, 32, 33,
34, 41, 42, 43, 44. 44 is tilted toward the cheek. What type of company Ney clasps systems
should be used?

In clinical validation stage frame clasp denture in the mouth revealed uneven is off clasps
prosthesis of the mucosa of the hard palate and alveolar bone within 0.8 cm of contact. What
method may eliminate this shortcoming?
Produce new frame clasp prosthesis
Align the frame with the help of forceps
Align the frame with the help of a hammer and anvil
Preheat the metal with the help of gasoline burner and pressing align the model
The above disadvantage does not need correction

Patient S., 74 years, 8 months after resection of the right half of the upper jaw resection
planned production of permanent prosthesis. Which device can be used to determine the optimal
limits resection prosthesis?
Parallel surveyor
Device Larina

The patient '32 plans to manufacture adhesive prosthesis. OBJECTIVE: lost 46 teeth. All
teeth resistant, high dental crowns with a pronounced equator. Bite orthognatic. What method of
research should be conducted to select the structural elements of the prosthesis?
Investigate models in articulators «Hnatomat»
Investigate model in occludator
Panoramic X-ray
Profilomety in «Korkhauz» machine

The patient in '48 produced clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE: Dental Claims
17, 16, 12, 11, 21, 22, 24, 28, 28. The tooth is tilted toward the cheek. Boundary line is high on
the vestibular surface of the tooth and low in the sky. What type of system Clasp Ney should I

The patient, 43 years old complains partial absence of teeth, and the teeth of the lower jaw
mobility remaining. From history: teeth 47, 45, 44, 35, 36, 37 removed 3 months ago. The teeth,
the remaining 1, 2 What degree of mobility orthopedic design should be used in this case?
Clasp dentures with splinting elements
Small saddle dentures
Removable partial laminar dentures
Removable splint by Mare

Patient C, 50 years complains of difficulty in chewing food due to the lack of teeth on the
lower jaw in lateral areas. OBJECTIVE: Teeth that remain on the lower jaw 34, 33, 32, 31, 41,
42, 43, intact, high crowns have mobility 1-2 degree. What denture design appropriate to use in
this clinical situation?
Partial dentures with splinting elements
Removable prosthesis laminar with Hold Clasp
Removable prosthetic appliances laminar
Removable prosthesis with dento-alveolar Clasp laminar
Removable prosthesis with supporting Clasp

The patient made clasp denture. In the study model jaw in parallel surveyor planned to
determine the depth undercut supporting teeth. What size measuring rods should be used for this
0.25, 0.5, 0.75
0.30, 0.55, 0.80
0.15, 0.40, 0.65
0.20, 0.45, 0.70
0.35, 0, 60 0.85

Patient B., 50, turned to prosthetics defect teeth of the lower jaw (II class at Kennedy).
Available in 33, 32, 31, 41, 42, 43 teeth with high clinical crowns, intact, the mobility of I-II
degree, the bottom of the oral cavity sufficient depth. What is the most rational design
Clasp dentures with cast clasps and multilink claw-like clasps
Laminar partial prosthesis
Partial dentures with stamped base
Removable cast splint

Patient A., 59, made clasp denture in the lower jaw. In the study in parallel surveyor plaster
model which purpose the sizes?
To determine the locations over the shoulders retaining clasps on supporting the teeth
To determine where occlusal overlays
To determine the reference diameter of the tooth
To determine the total equator line
To determine where the supporting-body retaining clasps

Patient B., '46, partial defect of dentition l/j in the side area is limited on both sides of the
teeth-II century. mobility. What orthopedic design will be most successful in this clinical
Clap dentures with splinting elements
Removable partial denture laminar
Stamped-brazed bridge
Solid splinting MP bridge
Solid MC splinting bridge

Patient K., 57 years, no 47, 46, 45, 35, 36, 37, 38. The planned production clasp prosthesis.
48 tooth has a slope side and tongue forward. On the language side of the tooth 48 Boundary line
has diagonal form of buccal - is low at the gum edge. What type of system Clasp Ney should
Clasp type V
Clasp type IV (rear reverse action)
Clasp type III
Clasp Type I
Clasp Type II

The patient, 64 years old, made clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw in the presence of a
defect dentition 2nd class at Kennedy. Following the established parallel surveyor types of
boundary lines on supporting the teeth. 24 tooth boundary line - type 1. What type of system
Clasp Ney shown to the patient?
I type
IV type
II type
III type
V type

The patient is 28 years old. OBJECTIVE: no 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27 teeth. Bore 18,
13, 23, 28 teeth high equator pronounced. What would be best functional design of the prosthesis
used in this case?
Clasp dentures
Sintered prosthesis based on 23, 28 and 13, 18 teeth
Adhesive bridge
Stamped-brazed bridge
Partial dentures laminar

Patient B., 58 years. Complaints about damage clasps, clasp insufficient fixation of the
prosthesis in the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE: properly prepared abutment teeth under occlusive
cover, 14 and 26 teeth broken shoulder vestibular supporting-retaining clasps. The patient
Redo prosthesis
Restore curved Clasp
Restore self-cure plastic
Remove cover conduct
Occlusal bite correction

The patient in '45, unilateral end dentition defect l/j ending 45 tooth, planned to replace
clasp prosthesis. Where occlusal pad should be placed to prevent an overload of 45 functional
In interdental spaces between 44 and 45 teeth
In the distal fissure 44 tooth
In the medial fissures 44 tooth
In the distal fissure tooth 45
Does not matter

Patient '56 6 months after resection of the right half in u/j planned resection making
permanent prosthesis. Which device can be used to determine the boundaries of resection
prosthesis on the model?
Parallel surveying
Device Larina

Patient K. '47 complains of loss of teeth in the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: 48, 47, 46, 45, 35,
36, 37, 38 teeth missing. Teeth that remain stable but weakly expressed equator. 45, 44, 35 teeth
inclined vestibular. What clasps should be used in the construction clasp denture this patient?
Clasp Ney 4 type
Ney clasps 1 type
Clasp Ney 2
Clasp Ney type 3
Ney clasps type 5

Male 45 years complains pouring liquid through the nose, blow impossibility, inflate
cheeks. OBJECTIVE: department in the side of the upper jaw at 26 remote perforation alveolar
bone defect size 1×1,5 cm. Exhalation of air through the nose with closed nostrils allocates
bubbles in the area of perforation. What structure should offer the patient?
Small saddle-backed prosthesis with clasp locking
Clasp prosthesis with occlusive part
Partial denture
Protective palatine plate

The patient was 50 years of hard palate defect produced palatine plate. OBJECTIVE: upper
dentition intact. What method of fixing should I use?
Breaking Clasp
Clasp Supporting
Telescopic system
Beam lock

After making clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw estimated quality of the design. Within the
values which should be the width of the arc prosthesis?
5-8 mm
8-10 mm
3-5 mm
10-12 mm
Does not matter

The patient in '47 made clasp denture for the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: intact teeth, crowns
high. When checking the prosthesis frame width is measured arc. What is the optimal width of
the arc?
2,0-3,0 mm
0,5-1,0 mm
1,0-1,5 mm
1,5-2,0 mm
4,0-5,0 mm

The patient in '47 made clasp denture for the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE: dental formula: -
14131211/212223 - 28. intact teeth, crowns high. When checking skeleton prosthesis estimated
location of the arc. Which of these indicators the most appropriate?
Is away to 0.5 mm
Adjacent to the palate
Is away 0.2 mm
Is away 0.4 mm
Is away to 1.0 mm

The patient was 48 years of age. Using maxillary elastic clasp prosthesis on attachments
brings comfort, mobility prosthesis while chewing food and articulation. The patient asks to
make new dentures considering these shortcomings. Clinical crown abutment teeth are low.
What system of fixing the most appropriate in this case:

The patient in '47 made clasp denture for the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: no 47, 46, 45, 44,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38. Intact teeth, crowns high. In step verification frame prosthesis estimated
thickness of the arc. Which of the following best performance meets the requirements?
1,5-2,0 mm
0,3-0,5 mm
0,6-0,9 mm
1,0-1,4 mm
2,1-2,4 mm

Patient X., 40 years appealed to the clinic with the purpose of prosthodontics prosthetics.
OBJECTIVE: no 17, 16, 15, 14, 24, 25, 26, 27. The patient was asked to clasp prosthesis. Bore
18, 13, 23, 28 teeth low of vague equator. What the locking element should be used?
Mount-carts containing Clasp
Clasp holding
Beam mounting

The patient, 55 years old approached with a view to prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: dentition
defect 1 class at Kennedy available - 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28. Bite fixed. Bore 15 and 25 are low,
with barely pronounced anatomical shape intact. The patient made clasp denture. What clasp
prosthesis fixation system most appropriate in this case?
The telescopic fixing system
Lock System (attachments)
Combined Clasp Roach Aker
Clasp Roach
Continuous clasps

Patient K., 35 years appealed to the clinic with the purpose of prosthodontics prosthetics.
OBJECTIVE: 18, 14, 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28 Crowns, limiting defect, high resistant. To
restore the integrity of the dentition planned production clasp-piece prosthesis. What type of
mechanical lock should be used?
Support-beam fastening
Clasps contain hold
Fastening clasps
Dent-alveolar clasps

Patient '48 appealed to the clinic with the purpose of prosthodontics prosthetics. When
examinations found no 48, 47, 46, 35, 36, 37, 38 teeth; 45 and 34 teeth have low clinical crowns
and not very pronounced equator. Planned production clasp prosthesis. What system of fixing the
most appropriate?
The telescopic design
Double wire
Loop-shaped wire
Fifth type system Ney
Wire single

By prosthodontics clinic appealed ill '56 complaining of pain during clasp arch prosthesis.
From history revealed that yoke imposed a week ago in another city. There is a mechanical
injury clasp arch denture, mucous membrane of the sky vault. At what distance should be in arch
prosthesis to prevent this complication?
0.5 mm
2-3 mm
0.2-0.3 mm
1.5-2.0 mm
5-6 mm

Patient B., 45 years old made clasp denture in the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE: dental formula:
1716-131211 / 212223-28. The teeth intact, stable, high crown. When checking skeleton
prosthesis for high functional values estimated width of the extended arc. Which of these
indicators the most appropriate?
1.5-2 cm
0.5 cm
1 cm
4 cm
5 cm

Patient K. '49 made clasp denture in the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: Dental formula: 48 --- 43
42 42 41/31 32 33 intact teeth resistant. Crowns high. In clinical validation phase is estimated
prosthesis frame width arc. Which of the indicators most correct?
4-5 mm
1-2 mm
0.5-1 mm
2-3 mm
7-8 mm

Patient K. '49 made clasp denture in the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: Dental formula: 48 --- 43
42 42 41/31 32 33 intact teeth resistant. Crowns high. In clinical validation phase is estimated
prosthesis frame thickness arc. Which of the indicators most correct?
2-3 mm
1-2 mm
0.5-1 mm
0.3-0.5 mm
7-8 mm

Patient 45 years old applied for the purpose of prosthetics. Works as an announcer on
television. OBJECTIVE: mandibular dentition continuous, the upper jaw end and included
defects in the lateral areas. The teeth of the remaining 18, 17, 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24 stable.
What clasp prosthesis fixing elements to be applied with cosmetic purposes?
Attachments and beam system
Telescopic crown
Clasp system Ney
Clasp Jackson and Bonihart
Dento-alveolar clasps
Patient S., 63 years, plans to manufacture arc prosthesis on the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE:
18, 17, 16, 15, 25, 26, 27 are missing, the gag reflex is not expressed, torus average. At what
distance from the blind holes should be positioned palatal arch to avoid possible inconvenience
of using the prosthesis?
10-12 mm
23-25 mm
2-3 mm
4-8 mm
16-22 mm

The patient complains of pain in the sky using a clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw. The
examination revealed that arch prosthesis clasp traumatic palate. What should be the distance
between the arc clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw and palate?
0.5-1 mm
0 mm
2.5-3 mm
2-2.5 mm
3-3.5 mm

Patient Y., 45 years turned to the clinic prosthodontics complaining of inability to use clasp
prosthesis for u/j, which made one month ago, resulting in very proximity of the arc to the soft
palate. At what distance from the line «A» should be located clasp arch prosthesis?
10-12 mm
6-8 mm
15-20 mm
25-30 mm
2-4 mm

The patient, 45 years old approached with a view to prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: defect
dentition and class III class at Kennedy available - 46, 45, 44, 34, 35, 36. Bite fixed. Bore 47, 43,
33, 37 high, with well-defined anatomic shape intact. The patient made clasp denture. What
clasp prosthesis fixation system most appropriate in this case?
Slab system Rumpel
Roach clasps
Clasps continuous
Telescopic fixing system

Patient D., 38 years. OBJECTIVE: no 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27 teeth. A prosthesis
manufacture Solid arc. Bore 18, 13, 23, 23 teeth low equator are not expressed. What are fixing
elements appropriate to use?
Telescopic mounting
Beam system
Support-containing fixing clasps
Hold clasps

Patient M., 65 years complains partial absence of teeth in the upper jaw, difficulty
chewing, snuffle. OBJECTIVE: no 18, 16, 15, 11, 23, 28, 35, 38, 48, 47, median postoperative
palate defect. The decision to make a clasp prosthesis with occlusive part. In part clasp occlusive
prosthesis is desirable to place part?
On arch of clasp prosthesis
On the grid clasp prosthesis
On the basis clasp prosthesis
On artificial teeth
On clasps

The patient '47 planned to produce Solid clasp denture for the lower jaw with combined
Clasp. What impression used better get working imprint?

The patient was 39 years old must produce clasp prosthesis in the lower jaw with porcelain
teeth. What is the method you want to use when replacing wax on plastic to avoid the play,
which in turn will lead to increased bite?
The method of casting pressing
Direct compression method
Reverse compression method
Combined method of compression
In water, under pressure

Patient 40 years the median defect of the hard palate 2×3 cm. Dental series intact. What is
the structure of the obturator is better to apply in this case?
Palatine plate
Laminar prosthesis with occlusive part
Obturator Pomerantseva-Urbanska
Floating obturator
Obturator by Ilina-Markosyan

Private S., '20, received a gunshot wound to the body defect l/j. At what stage of the
evacuation he provided specialized dental orthopedic care?
The hospital based
On the battlefield
In OMedB
At all stages of evacuation

Maxillofacial wounded evacuation stages OMedB was taken to an open fracture of the
lower jaw. Wounded primary debridement was carried out, the bleeding stopped. What measures
necessary to orthopedic maxillofacial injured at this stage?
Standard Tooth ribbon-like splints with steel hooks
Overlay with a sling bandage
Device Zbarzha
Splints with the engagement hooks on the lower jaw Tigerstedt
Single-jaw wire splint-bracket with Tigerstedt

The officer received 52 years on the battlefield gunshot fracture l/j. Before injured enjoyed
removable dentures (partial laminar for u/j and complete for l/j). What used to transport
immobilization of fracture?
Prostheses patient
Splint Vasilyeva
Tigerstedt splint
Splint Entelis
Device Zbarzha

Patient D., 41 years old, diagnosed with a fracture of the alveolar bone n/h. OBJECTIVE:
intact tooth rows. When closing in u/j and l/j observed multiple contact. It should be transported
to a specialized medical institution. Which shows the pre-medical help in this case?
Chin sling Entin
Smooth splint-bracket
Standard splint for Vasilyev
Splint with toe loops on Tigerstedt
Ligature linkage by Ivy

Patient N., aged 30, complained of pain in the anterior region of the mandible, which
connects with the jaw injury. Objectively: the ratio of dentition orthognathic. X-ray - the median
fracture of the lower jaw. Which splint is the most rational?
Smooth splint-bracket
Splint Gardashnikova
Soldered to the splint rings
Weber splint
Splint Vasilyeva

Patient B., 55 years old, was hospitalized with bilateral mandibular fractures within the
tooth row. OBJECTIVE: no 34, 35, 36, 45, 46 teeth. The lower incisors moving (I-II degree).
Shifting slightly fragments. Which splint is expedient to make?
Weber splint
Splint Vankevich
Splint Tigerstedt
Smooth splint-bracket
Splint Port

Military personnel with a fracture of the lower jaw are assisted to WFP. Which of these
devices should I use?

Patient 67 years old complains of pain, bleeding, violation of chewing. In the history of the
household trauma of the mandible. Objectively: a set of teeth on the upper jaw saved. The lower
jaw is toothless, the median fracture of the lower jaw with bone defect, swelling at the fracture
site. Which design is most suitable in this case?
Tooth-gum splint Vankevich
Gingival splint Port
Gingival splint Guninga
Tooth-gum splint type Weber
Complex Zbarzh

Patient D., 40 years old, complains of pain in the lower jaw, malocclusion. The injury got 6
hours ago. The examination found a single fracture of the mandible between the second incisors
and canines on the left. Displacement of fragments slightly. All teeth in the presence of resistant.
The optimal method of treatment?
Single-jaw splint-bracket
Osteosynthesis with mini-plate
Dubble-jaw splint
Splint Gardashnikova
Splint Vasilyeva

Patient 38 years old, complains of pain in the right half of l/j. The pain came after falling
and hitting. Objectively: a painful mouth opening, occlusion ratio breached. On palpation in
areas of missing 44, 45 teeth slight movement of fragments. All of the remaining teeth are stable.
On radiographs - fracture line in the missing 44, 45 teeth. Which splint for treatment must be
applied in this case?
Tigerstedt splint with truts
Splint Zbarzha
Splint Vankevich
Sling bandage
Smooth splint-bracket

Patient 59 years bilateral fracture l/j in 44, 34 teeth, the remaining chewing teeth are
missing, fragments unbiased toothless, but movable. Specify any orthosis is advisable to apply
for the immobilization of bone fragments?
Splint Vankevich pilots
Device Rud'ko
Splint Limberg
Device Petrosova
Device Zbarzh

The patient 22 years appealed to the dentist with pain complaints during the meal and open
your mouth. 2 days ago, was injured in the face. After the examination and diagnosis of the
doctor I decided to use the splint Vankevich, which is made of plastics in u/j and used for
Lower jaw
Upper jaw
Upper and lower jaws
Multiple fractures of the upper jaw
Gunshot fractures

Patient median traumatic fracture of the lower jaw with displacement of fragments. 31, 32,
41, 42 teeth are missing. Other teeth intact. Add that Tooth splint need to apply for reduction and
prevention of displacement of bone fragments?
A smooth splint-bracket with diverging bend
Splint with a toe
Smooth loop splint-bracket
Standard splint Vasilyeva
Splint with an inclined plane

The soldier 20-year-old received a gunshot wound to the body of the mandible defect. At
what stage of the evacuation he provided specialized dental orthopedic care?
Hospital base
At all stages of evacuation

The patient 50 years old with a gunshot wound to the lower jaw and the bone defect in the
chin area. immobilization method shown him?
Extraoral Rud'ko device
Splint with toe loops and elastic stretching
Rostral bone seam
Single-jaw splint-bracket
Fixation via spokes and rods

In the hospital delivered a patient after an accident. Objective: asymmetrical face, a bruise,
hematoma mental area, there is no 33 tooth. Bite slightly disturbed. On Ro-gram - a line break on
the 33 tooth axis of the cell. immobilization method should be used for the treatment of a
Splint with the engagement hooks on the elastic rods
Ligature by Ivy
Intraoral fixation with osteosynthesis
Fixation smooth splint-bracket
Fixing splint with spacer

The patient, 52 years old turned in maxillofacial hospital with complaints of pain, bleeding,
violation of chewing. In the history of the trauma of the mandible at the level of the canines - on
the left. OBJECTIVE: swelling at the site of the fracture, difficulty opening the mouth, both
toothless jaw. What structure should offer the patient?
Gingival splint Limberg
Gingival splint Port
Device Rud'ko
Gingival splint Guninga
Tooth-gum splint Vankevich

Patient P.45 years, as a result of the injury right hand fracture of the lower jaw. The patient
was fixed aluminum wire splint with the engagement hooks. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face,
mouth opening is accompanied by a slight pain, there is a slight movement of fragments. The
teeth on the lower jaw stable, have low crowns. These radiographs indicate that between 45 and
46 teeth defined by body without fracture of the lower jaw bone defect. What you need to use the
splint to complete treatment?
Weber Splint
Splint Vankevich
Splint Limberg
Splint Zbarzha
Chin sling

The patient 54 years of wrong accrete fracture of the lower jaw to form a lateral open bite.
OBJECTIVE: teeth retained between the side teeth left a gap of up to 2 mm. 36, 37, 38 teeth
intact. Which of these structures should be used?
Metal-ceramic crowns
Stamped crown
Metal inlay
Clasp prosthesis
Plastic splint
Patient S., 35 years old, fresh mental fracture of the lower jaw without apparent
displacement of fragments. What orthosis shown in this case?

The patient 19 years appealed to the clinic with a diagnosis of unilateral fracture of the
mandibular body between 33 and 34 teeth with displacement of bone fragments in the vertical
direction. Determine the type of orthopedic device for its intended purpose for this patient?

Sick M. 35 years appealed to the clinic with complaints of pain in the body of the mandible
on the left. Objectively, swelling of the face on the left, hematoma, dental goals series. Offset
fragments there. At palpation pain, while bimanual examination - abnormal mobility of the
mandible body in the field of 35 and 36 teeth. What method of treatment should be applied?
Aluminum splint toe hooks and between the jaw thrust
Produce elastic arc Angle on the lower jaw
Make apparatus Vankevich
Make apparatus Betelmana
Conduct medical treatment

Dentist in the treatment of mandibular fracture with bone defect in the anterior region, with
the aim of preventing depressions m (tissue lips and chin in the mouth to produce the splint
Determine its most appropriate structure for a given clinical situation:
Splint Rauer with spacer
Splint Tigerstedt
Splint Marey with slant plane
Tooth-gum splint Weber
Splint Port

Patient 45 years sent to the hospital with a diagnosis of closed fracture of the middle of the
lower jaw in the area of 41, 31 teeth without bias. Objectively: in the mouth have all the teeth in
the upper and lower jaw bone atrophy of the mandible on the 1/3 length of the roots of teeth
mobility I, II degree (periodontitis). Select from the offered splint for the treatment of fracture
this patient?
Tooth-gum splint Weber
Smooth splint-bracket
Splint Vankevich
Splint Tigerstedt with toe loops
Splint Vasilyeva

Patient 28 years, body fracture l/j in 65 hours. Fragments not displaced, on fragments of
the teeth stable. What you need to provide emergency care to the patient?
Immobilization fragments sling bandage
Splint Vasilyeva
Port splint
Splint Entelis
Splint Tigerstedt

Patient B., 63, at a body fracture l/j hours left in the mental foramen. Objectively: a
complete lack of teeth. Before injury enjoyed complete dentures. Which splint can be used to
immobilize the bone fragments?
Splint Port
Splint Weberian
Apparatus Shura
Splint Vasilyeva
Splint Vankevich

Patient 23 years old, a fresh fracture of the middle l/j with no apparent displacement of
fragments. dentition continuity is preserved. Which of the wire splints appropriate to apply in
this case?
Smooth -splint
Smooth splint with brace
Splint with ramp
Splint by Pomerantseva-Urbanska
Splint with hooks

Patient M., 58 years old, complained of post-traumatic pain in the jaw. The examination
identified: the median fracture l/j defect dentition 1 to Kennedy class increased gag reflex. The
patient is shown in the splint manufacturing Vankevich Stepanova modification. The height will
be determined by the guide planes of the splint?
Mouth opening height
Central relation
Form edentulous alveolar ridges on the l/j
In the height of molars u/j

The patient was a 75-year-old was admitted to the dental office with a diagnosis of a
fracture of the lower jaw to the right in the corner with an offset. Objectively: facial asymmetry
due to post-traumatic edema, palpation marked mobility of fragments in fracture pain. In history
- epilepsy since birth. Specify the method of treatment?
Immobilization splint Vasilyeva
Immobilization Tigerstedt splint
Splint Port
Immobilization splint Vankevich

Patient 45 years old fresh medial fracture of the lower jaw without apparent displacement
of fragments. What orthosis shown diversion in this case?

The man was 58 years old on the battlefield gunshot fracture l/j. Before injured enjoyed
partial dentures. What used to transport immobilization of fracture?
Prostheses of patient
Device Rud'ko
Splint Tigerstedt
Splint Entelis
Zbarzha device

For fractures of the lower jaw with a bone defect can be applied:
Splint Entelis
Splint Weber
Guninga splint
Splint Vankevich
Splint Port

In the clinic of orthopedic stomatology directed patient K., 35 years old, with a diagnosis
of a fracture of the lower jaw to the right within the dentition without displacement of fragments.
Of the locking apparatus shown in this case?
Lamellar tooth-gum splint
Gavrilova Apparatus
Apparatus Bruna
Katz device
Apparatus Shura

Patient K., 30 years old, appealed for help in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry. The
diagnosis: fracture of the alveolar bone without displacement in the 24, 25, 26 teeth. Defective
dentition missing, all the teeth are stable, intact. Which splint must be applied in this case?
Smooth splint-
Bracket Tigerstedt splint with diverging bend
Splint Tigerstedt with an inclined plane
Splint Tigerstedt reference plane
Tigerstedt splint with toe loops

On the battlefield, was found wounded with a bilateral fracture of the lower jaw. What
position should carry the wounded to prevent the threat of dislocation of asphyxia?
Lying face down or on its side to turn towards injured his head
Sitting with tilted forward head
Lying on his back, with the pre-fixation of bone fragments of the jaw with the help of a
sling chin
Lying on side, if there is no loss of consciousness
Lying face down or on its side to turn in side injured head with a fixed stud tongue

The medical center Regiment wounded were hospitalized with symptoms of bilateral
fracture of the lower jaw. What is the main task of the first medical aid?
The struggle with the shock, hemorrhage, asphyxia
Introduction painkillers and heart medicine
Cleaning the mouth of blood clots, damaged teeth and fragments of jaw
Control and correction of previously imposed bandages
Holding symptomatic treatment and care

Implemented orthopedic treatment of contracture, which arose after the clamshell splinting,
the patient M. At the mouth opening distance between the central incisors of the upper and lower
jaws 2 cm. Which device should be used for mechanotherapy?
Oxman Apparatus
Apparatus Vankevich
Apparatus Rud'ko
Device Petrosova
Bernadskii device

In the clinic of orthopedic stomatology a patient appealed N., 38 years with complaints of
pain in the right lower jaw, and shortness of breath. A month ago there was a domestic injury,
after which the patient to the hospital for help did not apply. On examination discovered a
traumatic mental right-displaced fracture of small fragments inside. Manual reposition of
fragments difficult, lateral teeth on the upper and lower jaws are resistant case. What, in your
opinion, the method of repositioning bone fragments most rational?
Repositioning apparatus Z.Ya. Shura with a spring ramp
Splint Guning-Port
Repositioning apparatus Bruna
Dentures in the lower jaw with a spring Weinstein
Repositioning apparatus A.Y. Katz

Patient D., 1954, appealed to the clinic with the aim of prosthetic dentistry prosthetics. A
year ago, it was treated on the left mandibular fracture. Objectively: absent in the maxilla 17, 26,
the lower jaw 32, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46. The remaining teeth are stable. Transversal
occlusion disorders due to the oral offset 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. From operation bloody mandible
repositioning of bone fragments the patient refused. Specify the most rational treatment.
Removable prosthesis with duplicated dentition
Denture prosthesis with a hinge in the fracture line
Hardware-surgical treatment
Removal 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 with the following prosthetics
Orthodontic treatment

In the clinic of orthopedic stomatology a patient appealed 35 years with complaints about
the limited opening of the mouth, pain in the temporomandibular joint. From history: fracture of
the mandible 1 month. ago. Objectively: the maximum distance between the cutting edges of the
central incisors is 2 cm, resistant teeth intact, there is a deformation of the bite. Diagnose.
Contracture of the lower jaw
Dislocation TMJ
Musculo-articular dysfunction
TMJ ankylosis

A man of 40 years asked for help after an accident. The survey found a fracture of the neck
of the articular process of the lower jaw on the left. What are the stages of treatment is fracture
of the neck of the articular process of the mandible?
Pulling rearward displacement of the lower jaw and lock it in the normal position
Surgery and the use of the locking device
Lock the lower jaw in a neutral position and medication
Reposition lower jaw and its fixation
Only fixation of the mandible in the correct position

What is repositioned in the unit must be applied in the treatment of fractures of the lower
jaw with displacement stiffness fragments (localization of the fracture at the level of central
incisors), mobility of the teeth in the sides of 1-2 degrees?
Apparatus Oxman
Repositioning apparatus Katz
Guide vane apparatus Vankevich
Grozovsky apparatus
Repositioned apparatus Pomerantseva-Urbanska

The repositioned in Bruna machine uses the following elements:

Aluminum wire
The wire ligature
Crowns (rings)
Rubber rings
Plastic pelota

A man of 62 years the median fracture of the lower jaw with the stiffness of the fragments.
OBJECTIVE: no 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. 42, 41, 31, 32 teeth have mobility
I and II degrees. Fragments mandible returned towards the mouth. The use of the device
repositioned in a more shows in this case?

Patient B. 25 years appealed to the clinic on the third day after the injury the person
complaining of pain in the lower jaw on both sides, difficulty swallowing and breathing.
Objectively: a slight swelling in the jaw, tooth fragment 44434241/31323334 shifted down and
back. Immediate reposition bone fragments does not lead to the desired result. Which device you
want to apply for the repositioning of bone fragments?
Apparatus Post
Single-jaw burls splint levers Kurlandsky
Device Weberian
Apparatus Betelman
Device with elastic arms by Katsu

In a hospital, wounded on the battlefield in the maxillofacial region receive appropriate

orthopedic (manufacturer of medical splints, devices, prostheses) and dental care?
In SVPHG (specialized military field surgical hospital)
In OMedB (separate medical battalion)
OMZ (separate medical teams)
In the evacuation hospital
In civilian medical institutions

Patient L., 51 years old, for 24 days, was hospitalized on the mandibular fracture. After
removing the splint felt limited mouth opening, minor pain in the temporomandibular joint.
Objectively: the distance between the cutting edges of the central incisors at the maximum
mouth opening is 2.5 cm Put the diagnosis:
Contracture of the lower jaw
Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint
Wrong accrete fracture
False joint

Patient S., 41 years old, appealed to the dentist-orthopedist complaining of limited mouth
opening (1-2 cm), which connects the results of mandibular fracture. It diagnosed with post-
traumatic contracture of the mandible. What orthopedic treatment should be assigned to this
Rostral pulling
Splint with ramp
Orthodontic treatment
Selective leveling the occlusal surface

Following the osteotomy and breeding jaws by 3-3.5 cm (between the incisors -
antagonists) between molars set with self-hardening plastic spacer (Redont, Protakril-M):
24 hours
12 hours
48 hours
6 hours
3 hours

By mechanotherapy devices operating in the nsplint dental arch are:

Unit Oxman
Limberg apparatus
Apparatus Vanshtein
Apparatus Matesisa
Yadrova`s device

For severe contractures are contractions in which the limitation of mouth opening is as
Up to 1 cm
Up to 2 cm
Up to 2-3 mm
Up to 2-3 cm
Up to 4 cm

At 24 years old soldier, wounded by shrapnel diagnosed fracture l/j with a bone defect in
the chin area of more than 2 cm. What is the method of fixing fragments l/j am show?
Fixation device fragments Rud'ko
Splint Tigerstedt
Rostral ligature linking by Ivey
Splint Guninga-Porta
Direct osteosynthesis

What do you know a characteristic symptom of bilateral fracture of coronary process of the
Open bite
Bleeding from the nose
Gap mucosa alveolar bone
Change molars bite by bite fracture
Change molars on the opposite side of the fracture

What do you know a characteristic symptom of unilateral fracture of coronary process of

the mandible?
Changing bite molars from the fracture
Open bite
Change occlusion molars on the opposite side of the fracture
Gap of the mucous membrane of the alveolar bone

By contractures are moderate contracture, in which the restriction of mouth opening is as

Up to 2 cm
Up to 1 cm
Up to 2-3 mm
Up to 3 cm
Up to 4 cm

By contractures mild severity include contracture, in which the restriction of mouth

opening is as follows:
Up to 3 cm
Up to 2 cm
Up to 2-3 mm
Up to 1 cm
Up to 4 cm

Patient 48 years old diagnosed with a fracture of the lower jaw with the stiffness of bone
fragments in the corner (outside the dentition) with displacement of bone fragments in the
lingual side. What is repositioned in the machine should be used for the treatment of this
The splint with the ramp
Device I.M. Oxman
Apparatus A.Y. Katz
Device Bruna
Splint Tigerstedt

When X-ray examination of the patient with a fractured mandible in the area of 45, 46
teeth (after the injury took place three weeks) found small fragments rotation around the sagittal
axis. Which device is appropriate to apply in this case?
Apparatus Z.N. Pomerantseva-Urbanseva with chaining with teeth on Shelgorn
Device Bruna
Apparatus A.Y. Katz
Device V.Y. Kurland
Device I.M. Oxman

A patient with a fracture of the lower jaw and stiffness of bone fragments to their
repositioning device was manufactured by IM Oxman. What is the applicable part of this unit?
Rubber rings
Inclined Plane
Spring arc

What was proposed by the authors of the pathogenesis of the development of contractures
of the lower jaw?
M.Z. Mirgazizovym
I.M. Oksmanom
E.I. Gavrilov
B.R. Vanshtein
A.A. Limberg

At what stage in the treatment of patients with contractures of the lower jaw is advisable to
apply mechanotherapy?
The period of healing the wounds
Immediately after the injury
During the exacerbation
Period of stable remission
Full restoration of function

The hospital admitted a patient with bilateral mandibular mental fracture and displacement
of medial fragment. Which device is shown in this clinical situation?
Repositioned in the apparatus Post
Repositioned in unit Y.M. Zbarzha
Repositioned in the unit V.U. Kurlandsky
Repositioned in the machine Z.Ya. Shur
Repositioned in a unit I.M. Oxman

On examination the patient was found left-sided mental fracture edentulous mandible with
the stiffness of the fragments. Which device should be used to match the fragments of the
Unit M.M. Vankevich
Device I.M. Oxman
Device Y.M. Zbarzha
Device D.L. Grozovsky
Device Bruna

After some time after the lower jaw and the absence of a fracture fixation of bone
fragments there of their stiffness?
After 20-30 days
Immediately after fracture
After five days the fracture
After 15-20 days the fracture
After 50-60 days the fracture

A patient diagnosed with a bilateral fracture of the branches of the lower jaw with the
stiffness of bone fragments. With the help of the device you need to spend reposition bone
Double machine Z.Ya. Shura
A.Y. Katz apparatus
Apparatus A. Limberg
Device Post
Splint M.R. Marey

Which of the following devices Mechano is an individual?

Apparatus Darsissaka
Device A.A. Limberg
Device I.M. Oxman
Device B.D. Weinstein
Pendulum apparatus V.A. Entelis
Which of the following devices Mechano operates on a separate section of the dental arch
of the jaw?
Apparatus Ёzhkina
«Swing spoon» A.A. Limberg
Device I.M. Oxman
Device Darsissaka
Device B.D. Weinstein

Patient 40 years old diagnosed with full linear fracture of the lower jaw in the area of
mental foramen; period of 20 days after injury. There is a tight mobility of bone fragments. What
orthosis shown diversion in this case?

Patient K in consequence of the injury in the maxillofacial region formed a complete linear
fracture of the lower jaw stiffness in the presence of edentulous fragments from both sides. He
was appointed repositioned in the machine M.M. Vankevich. What is effectively part of the
Guides in the plane
Sliding hinge
Springy rod
Repositioned in a screw

The patient of 56 years revealed a complete mental bilateral fracture of the lower jaw with
a persistent shift of median fragment forward and down. What is repositioned in the machine
must be assigned to the patient?
Apparatus Post
Katz Apparatus
Apparatus Oxman
Apparatus Grozovsky
Device Vankevich

In patients with in consequence of the injury in the maxillofacial area after fracture of the
lower jaw and treatment by splinting observed rostral moderate contracture. As far as the
opening of the mouth in a given patient will be restricted?
Up to 2 cm
To 1 cm
To 3 cm
Up to 5 cm
Up to 0.5 cm

The clinic patient appealed 25 years 1 month after treatment of mandibular fracture with
complaints of limited mouth opening. What trauma complication observed?
Extra-articular contracture
Stiff fragments
False joint
Incorrectly fused fracture
A patient with mandibular contracture appointed physiotherapy and Limberg device that
provides both active and passive movements of the lower jaw. Which group of devices it
For correction of dentition

Apparatus Yozhkina applies to:

Devices that operate on one portion of the dental arch apparatus
Which act on the entire dental arch
Devices used for the surgical treatment of contractures
Devices used for the treatment of mandibular fractures
Physical therapy devices

Which device is used for the treatment of reflex muscle contractures?


Which device is used for the treatment of extra-articular contractures?


Patient 50 years, the median fracture of the lower jaw with the formation of a false joint.
OBJECTIVE: 3334353637/4344454647 teeth intact, resistant, high crowns. Fragments visible
displacement of the mandible is not observed. On radiographs of bone defect of up to 1 cm. The
application is a dental prosthesis is shown in this case?
Bridges without the hinge joint
Plate with a hinge Gavrilova
Plate with the Oxman hinge
Partial denture
Bridges with a hinge for Oksman

Patient S. 36 years after a gunshot wound in the chin area and unsuccessful surgery bone
grafting has asymphytous fracture of the lower jaw in the area of 43 tooth. On the left there is a
fragment of a jaw 34, 36, 35 teeth on the right - 45, 46. From the second operation the patient
refused. A view of the prosthesis lower jaw is best suited in this case?
Removable prosthesis with hinge
Fixed bridge
Removable bridge
Clasp prosthesis
Removable plate dentures
Patient A., 45 years old. As a result of delayed treatment arose false joint in l/j on the right
body. OBJECTIVE: no 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. What kind of prosthesis
is necessary to make the patient?
Removable prosthesis with hinge
Partial removable plate dentures
Full removable plate prostheses
Clasp prosthesis

The soldier 23 years old, require orthopedic treatment in a specialized hospital. Diagnosed
false joint of the lower jaw in the anterior region. Teeth intact resistant 3 on each side. In some
cases, you can perform orthopedic treatment using a dental bridge?
When jaw defect not more than 1 cm
When the jaw defect is not more than 2 cm
When the jaw defect is not more than 3 cm
When the jaw defect is not more than 3.5 cm
When jaw the defect is not more than 4 cm

Male, 48 years, complained of difficulty in eating, strain bite. In the history of fracture of
the mandible 2.5 months ago. OBJECTIVE: mandibular defect in the frontal area of 1.8 cm
(false joint). On each fragment of the lower jaw there are 4 stable teeth, percussion painless.
What is the structure of the prosthesis should be used in this case?
Joint prosthesis design for Oksman nonremovable
Prosthesis with hinge on Oksman, double-joint
Prosthesis on a Oksman, single-joint
Prosthesis by Courland ball-amortisation
Hingeless denture

The patient 60 years of age diagnosed with pseudoarthrosis of the lower jaw with a bone
defect greater than 2 cm., In bone fragments left on the tooth 2. What prosthesis should be
offered to this patient?
Removable articulated prosthesis for Oksman
Fixed bridge
Removable partial denture plate
Replacement removable hinge prosthesis
Removable prosthesis articulated by Weinstein

Patient 58 consecutive years diagnosed with a fracture of the lower jaw with the
occurrence of a false joint. OBJECTIVE: no 38, 36, 32, 41, 43, 48 teeth, preserved intact teeth,
persistent. Offset mandible fragments are observed. On radiographs of bone defect of 2 cm.
What is the prosthesis structure is shown in this situation?
Joint prosthesis permanent structure for Oksman
Prosthesis with hinge on Oksman single-joint
Prosthesis on the prosthesis with Gavrilov
Amortization of ball-clasp on the Courland prosthesis
Prosthesis by Oksman with double-joint with a hinge

Patient D., 45 years old. Complaints about the difficulty chewing food due to the mobility
of the lower jaw. Diagnosed false joint in the area of the missing teeth 33 and 34. X-ray -
mandibular body defect size of 0.8 cm teeth on bone fragments on either side of the defect intact.
What prosthesis is recommended in this situation?
Fixed bridge on the IM Oksman
Smooth splint-bracket Tigerstedt
Splint Weber
Chin sling Entin
Splint Tigerstedt with strut to bend

Patient 62's median fracture of the lower jaw with the formation of a false joint.
OBJECTIVE: dentition: 33, 34, 35, 36, 27, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43. The teeth are intact, resistant, high
crowns. The mobility of small debris, there is no offset. On radiographs: bone defect 0.8 cm
Application of the prosthesis shown the most?
Bridges without hinge
Laminar dentures without joint
Prosthesis with the plate hinge Gavrilova
Laminar prosthesis with hinge Oxman
Laminar prosthesis with hinge Vanshtein

Patient 45 years as a result of delays in treatment false joint formed in the body of the
mandible on the right. Objective: to l/j have 48, 47, 36, 37, 38 teeth, the remaining teeth are
missing. What kind of prosthesis is necessary to make the patient?
Removable prosthesis with hinge
Partial removable plate dentures
Full removable plate prostheses
Clasp prosthesis

At the expiration of 3 months after the body of the mandible fracture in the patient persists
pathological mobility of bone fragments. On radiographs of the mandible body locking plate
defined in lateral projection on the edges of the fragments. Diagnose:
False joint
Unjoint fracture
Pathological fracture
Fracture that is not fused
Chronic traumatic osteomyelitis

The patient is 78 years old complains of difficulty in eating, strain bite. In the history of
fracture of the mandible 2.5 months ago. OBJECTIVE: mandibular defect in the frontal area of
19 mm (false joint). Both fragments mandibular tooth on three stable. What prosthesis design the
most rational in this case?
Joint prosthesis permanent structure for Oksman
Prosthesis with hinge on Oksman with single-joint
Hingeless denture
Prosthesis with amortization of ball-clasp on the Courland prosthesis
Prosthesis by Oksman with double-joint

Patient 40 years wrong accrete fracture of the upper jaw. Objective: Save 13, 14 teeth are
displaced in the oral direction. orthopedic treatment method is more appropriate in this case?
Removable prosthesis with double dentition
Cast clasp denture
Removable plate dentures
Prosthesis with metal base
Denture with two-layer basis
Patient 67 years mistaken the joint of the lower jaw. Made a removable plastic denture
with a hinge. What a hinge are made of wire?
Gavrilova Hinge
Hinge Kopp third type
Hinge Kopp first type
Hinge Kopp second type
Hinge Oxman

Patient 67 years mistaken the joint of the lower jaw. It is planned to manufacture the
articulated prosthesis. Which joint will provide the greatest mobility of its parts?
Oxman Hinge
Hinge Kurland
Hinge Weinstein
Kopp Hinge
Hinge Gavrilov

To the doctor dentist-orthopedist I asked the patient M., 35 years old. During the physical
examination revealed a false joint of the lower jaw with displacement of fragments in a
horizontal plane. Each fragment has three teeth. What do you think of the prosthesis structure is
shown in this case?
Fixed prosthesis with a hinge Oksman
Plate hinge prosthesis Gavrilov
Clasp prosthesis
Prosthesis with coil spring by Weinstein
Joint prosthesis Copp type 2

In what order is the process of fusion of the fragments of the mandible?

Fibroblast, bone
Hondroblastic, fibroblastic, bone
Hondroblastic fibroblast
Fibroblast, hondroblastic, bone
Hondroblastic, bone

What is the design of the prosthesis is recommended for false joint and the presence of
both fragments of the lower jaw of not less than 3-4 teeth at a stable bone defects up to 2 mm?
The prosthesis with hinge on Oksman double-joint
Prosthesis on a Oksman single-joint
Hinge prosthesis for permanent construction Oksman
Prosthesis with hinge on Gavrilov
Prosthesis with amortization of ball-clasp on the Courland

Which of the following structures relates to the hinge Kopp 3 types?

Steel plate, which two holes are connected by a slit
Steel plate with two apertures, which are introduced through the axis
Rhomboid head which is soldered to the crown (introduced into the tube head, mounted in
the prosthesis)
Steel plate with one hole
Rhomboid head is not soldered to the crown

Structure prosthesis Determine if false joint in the side section (offset fragments is carried
out mainly in the vertical direction). Each fragment has two stable teeth:
Prostheses single-joint articulation on Oksman
Fixed prosthesis with the articulation by a prosthesis Oksman
Double-joint articulation on Oksman
Removable un-joint prosthesis with an inclined plane
Prosthesis without double-joint joint according Oksman

What is the design of the prosthesis is recommended if there is a false joint of the lower
jaw fragments from the shift in the horizontal plane, if every piece has 2 teeth?
The prosthesis with hinge on Gavrilov
Fixed prosthesis with hinge on Oksman
Prosthesis with coil spring on hingeless Vanshtein
Removable prosthesis with ramp
Single-joint prosthesis for Oksman

In the treatment of fractures with fragments that are properly fused with the displacement
in the horizontal plane and a small amount of the abutment teeth used:
Splint Revzin
Orthodontic treatment
Fixed prosthesis with vestibular lining
Dentures with redundant dentition
Dentures without duplicating dentition

Patient M., 62, at requested for the purpose of prosthetics. An examination of some false
joint in the area of mental foramen l/j on the right. No 18, 27, 28, 38, 37, 35, 34, 31, 41, 44, 45,
46, 48 teeth. From the patient refused surgery osteosynthesis. Which design will provide the
greatest (individual) mobility of parts denture?
The spherical (double-joint) joint on the Oksman
Hinge wire Gavrilova
Hinge Vanshtein
Hinge Kopp type I
Ball-sinking clasp Courland

Patient 17 years wrong accrete fracture of the lower jaw with the formation of the anterior
open bite. OBJECTIVE: intact dentition, the teeth are stable. Between the front teeth of the
upper and lower jaws vertical slit up to 3 mm. The method of treatment more shows?
Orthodontic treatment
Grind articulating teeth
Removal articulating teeth
Prosthetic crowns
Making double dentition Prosthesis

Patient D., 59 years old, appealed with the aim of prosthetics. Three months ago, I was
treated on the body fracture l/j on the left. None: 18, 27, 28, 38, 32, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48
teeth. Bite cross from the left-hand side surfaces of the teeth closing. What is the treatment
method is most effective?
Removable prosthesis with double dentition
Grind teeth, followed by non-removable prosthesis
Orthodontic treatment
Fixed prosthesis on implants
Removable dentures with clasps on Kemeny

Features prosthetic patients with improperly fused fragments:

Making dentures with a double row of teeth
Prosthetics Failure to remedy the situation of surgical debris
Prosthesis with an arrangement of artificial teeth in the middle of the alveolar bone
Pre (orthodontic) correction of the dental arch position
Pre (orthodontic) correction debris situation

To a method for normalizing the occlusal relationships of the jaws when properly fused
debris include:
Making double dentition
Orthodontic corrective debris
Removal teeth
Repositioned in Overlay
Overlay unit a strut unit

In patient V., 62 years, the median fracture of the lower jaw to form a joint. OBJECTIVE:
dentition 33 34 35 36 27 47 46 45 44 43. The teeth are intact, resistant, high crowns. The
mobility of small fragments, no bias. The use of the prosthesis more efficient?
Bridges with the hinge
Plate denture without joint prosthesis
Plate hinge Gavrilova
Laminar prosthesis with hinge Oxman
Laminar prosthesis with hinge Vaynshtena

Patient K., 36 years after a gunshot wound in the chin area and unsuccessful surgery bone
grafting. OBJECTIVE: asymphytous fracture of the lower jaw in the area 43, located on the left
of fragments 34, 35, 36, on the right - 45, 46. What is the main feature, which allows to
determine the presence of "false" mandibular joint in the front portion, is:
Asynchronous movement of the articular heads of temporomandibular joint
Lack of occlusal disorders relationship with the upper teeth
Displacement of the fragments in the buccal direction
Speech Violation
Violation of the act of swallowing

In patients with MM, 45 years old, due to complications of medial fracture of the
mandible, there was a false joint with bone defect greater than 2 cm. Both fragments preserved
molars and premolars with healthy periodontium. Fragments have the right position and little
mobility in the vertical direction. What is the design of the prosthesis shown in a clinical case?
Non-removable hinge prosthesis for Oksman
Removable Plate-articulated prosthesis for Gavrilov
Removable articulated prosthesis for Volodya-Yarovenko
Un-joint removable prosthesis on Oksman
Single-joint hinge removable prosthesis on Oksman

Patient D., 75 years old, with a false joint, localized in the frontal area, the prosthesis
design is chosen. OBJECTIVE: fragments have significant vertical displacement; on each of
them remains on one tooth. What kind of design shows make this patient?
Removable articulated prosthesis for Vanshtein
Un-joint removable prosthesis on Oksman
Non-removable hinge prosthesis for Oksman
Removable prosthesis with amortization of ball-clasp on the Courland
Prosthesis with redundant dentition
Due to ineffective treatment of the mandible fracture in the patient M., 67 years old, he
formed a false joint in the corner. On the small fragments survived only 48 teeth, and large bone
fragments were 37, 36, 35, 34, 33 teeth. What prosthesis shown in this clinical situation?
Joint prosthesis with amortization of ball-clasp on the Courland
Un-joint removable prosthesis on Oksman
Removable articulated prosthesis for Gavrilov
Non-removable hinge prosthesis for Oksman
Partial removable prosthesis fixation clasp

Patient S., 72 years old, with a false joint in the lateral portion of the prosthesis design is
chosen. Objectively: fragments displacement occurs mainly in the vertical direction with a large
amplitude. Each fragment remained stable at 2 tooth. What prosthesis design to patient?
Double-joint hinge removable prosthesis on the prosthesis for Oksman
Un-joint Oksman prosthesis
Un-joint removable denture with an inclined plane
Denture with the hinge on the Gavrilov
Non-removable prosthesis with hinge Copa type 1

Patient B., 37 years old, selected orthopedic design for the treatment of fracture of the jaw
lower improperly fused fragments OBJECTIVE: fragments fused with the displacement in the
horizontal plane (with a slope towards the language), each of which remains stable for 2 tooth.
Buccal mounds lower teeth are in contact with the palatal cusp of the upper teeth. What
prosthesis design shows this patient?
Removable laminar dentures with redundant dentition
Orthodontic device with a non-removable screw
Non-removable device with vestibular prosthesis linings
Non-removable device Bruno
Non-removable prosthesis to the remaining teeth with an extended chewing surface

Patient Yu 32 years appealed to the clinic with a diagnosis of prosthetic dentistry: a

fracture in U/j. For the treatment of fracture in U/j is possible to use a standard set by Zbarzhem.
How is this fixation with the oral part?
With the help of a double standard arc tooth
Aluminum splint
Palatal plate of plastic
Splint Weber
Splint to support crowns

Patient A., 16 years old, fractured maxillary alveolar bone diagnosed after a sports injury
with an offset-tooth fragment in alveolar palatal side. What is repositioned in the unit most
appropriate to use in this situation?
Palatal plate with a screw and vestibular arc
Elastic arc Angle
Splint Vankevich
Smooth splint-bracket
Splint with strut bend

The patient 37 years old was hospitalized with a fracture in U/j on the average type. Dental
series intact. Select the device for the treatment of this patient.
Set Zbarzha
Device Yadrova
Device Rud'ko
Device Ermolaeva-Kulagova
Splint Port

Patient S. 52 years after the impact there was a turning point in U/j. OBJECTIVE:
flattening and pressing face, mobility and overhang broken off jaw cartilage of the nose and
eyeballs, nose bleeding, tissue edema, a symptom of «points», palpation: crepitus, subcutaneous
emphysema, liquorrhea, loss of sensation in half in U/j, wings nose and front teeth. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
Fracture U/j at Le Fort III
Osteomyelitis U/j
Odontoma U/j
Fracture U/j at Le Fort I
Cancer U/j case

Patient F., 30 years old suffered the injury in the middle third of the face. Complained of
pain, soft tissue swelling in the upper jaw, the pain of closing the mouth. The examination
diagnosed a fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort III. Which splint should be used in the
Apparatus Zbarzha
Splint Guninga
Splint Limberg-Port
Splint Vankevich
Splint Stepanova

Patient S., 46 years, appealed to the clinic with complaints of violation of posttraumatic
teeth clamping. The examination revealed a fracture in bilateral U/j, with limited mobility debris.
Teeth preserved. Which device is indicated for the treatment?
Apparatus Z.Ya. Shura with opposing rods
Extraoral Standard splint Zbarzha modification M.Z. Mirgazizova
Splint Tigerstedt with rostral pulling locking
Device extramedullary AF Rud'ko
Pressed plastic splint for E.Y. Vares

The patient was injured with a blunt object in the midface. Objectively: the mobility of the
nasal bones, a significant swelling of the soft tissues left cheekbone, a symptom of «ladder» on
the bottom edge of the eye socket on both sides and in the area of the cheekbones, jaw joints,
bleeding, open bite. Elongation midface. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort II
Fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort I
Fracture left zygomatic bone
Fracture nasal bones
Fracture Le Fort III

Patient 40 years wrong accrete fracture of the upper jaw, bite deformity. What is the
treatment of the dentition strain most appropriate?
In the clinic of orthopedic stomatology a patient appealed A., 63 years old, with a complete
lack of teeth in the upper and lower jaws, after injury with fractures of the upper and lower jaws.
Which device is recommended for the treatment?
Splint Port
Splint Vankevich
Device Pomerantseva-Urbantseva
Splint Weber
Splint Guninga-Port

Patient P. 45 years was injured mid-face as a result of an accident. Objectively: the

flattening of the midface, malocclusion, nosebleeds, pain when you try to close the teeth. The
diagnosis: fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort II. What can be used to immobilize the patient
during transport to a specialized agency?
Splint-spoon with Limberg out-mouth rods
Smooth splint-bracket
Rostral ligature linking by Ivey
Standard Splint Vasilyeva
Splint Tigirshtedta strut to bend

Patient B. 39 years was injured persons. OBJECTIVE: elongated face, symptom score,
diplopia, with interdigitation eyeballs move up, pain in the zygomatic arch. In direct radiographs:
fracture passes through the nasal bone and the frontal process, the bottom of the eye socket, the
fronto-zygomatic suture. Set diagnosis.
Fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort I (top)
Fracture of the maxilla Le Fort II (medium)
Bilateral fracture of the zygomatic arch
Traumatic arthritis of the TMJ
Bilateral fracture of articular process of the mandible

The patient complained of pain in the left upper jaw, malocclusion, pain at the closing of
the teeth, bleeding from the mouth. The teeth are intact. These injuries are the result of work-
related injury. The survey found diagnosis: fracture of the alveolar process of the maxilla in the
left frontal area. What is the structure of a strut unit most suitable in a given situation?
Smooth splint-bracket
Splint Guninga-Port
Splint Vankevich
Device Zbarzh
Standard splint Vasilyev

What symptoms are determined by a gunshot wound of the upper jaw (fracture in the orbit
level) Breakdown of vegetative character:
Hypostesy or skin anesthesia in the area of innervation lower-pit nerve
Disorder sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the nose, mouth, tongue
Disorder vegetative character asymmetry tearing by mechanical stimulation of the
Empowered mucus and nasal laying on one side
Discharge of mucus and laying one nasal passage

When intrusive fractures of the alveolar process in the anterior use:

Smooth the splint-bracket Tigerstedt
Stationary wire arc 1.2-1.5 mm thickness
Rubber ring
Elastic arc Angle
Wire ligatures

In the treatment of unilateral fractures of the upper jaw with the stiffness of the fragments
Smooth splint-bracket
Splint Tigerstedt with toe loops and rubber rings
Ligature linking
Rubber gasket
Splint with an inclined plane

Patient 48 years old, there was a fracture on impact maxilla. OBJECTIVE: flattening and
indentation persons mobility and sagging broken off jaw cartilage of the nose and eyeballs, nose
bleeding, tissue edema, a symptom of «points», palpation: crepitus, subcutaneous emphysema,
liquorrhea, loss of sensation in half in u/j, wings nose and front teeth. What is the most likely
Fracture U/j of Le Fort II
Ostemy U/j
Odontoma U/j
Fracture U/j of Le Fort III
Cancer U/j Right

Patient K, 34 years, complains of severe pain in the teeth in the frontal area of the upper
jaw, which is enhanced by biting, tooth mobility and displacement. In the history of facial
trauma. Objectively: a. The teeth 11, 12 mobile I-II degree, the mucous membrane in the region
of 11, 12, 13 teeth is hyperaemied. At R - 11 gram, 12 in the upper third of the root - fracture
clear contours. Palpation of the projections 11,12 and percussion painful. What is the primary
tactics of the doctor in this clinical situation?
Spend ligature linking mobile and stable tooth
Conduct root apex resection 11, 12
11, 12 depulp teeth, make pin-design
Remove the mobile teeth
Apply smooth splint-bracket

The patient, 32 years, complains of severe pain, tooth mobility in the frontal area of the
upper jaw, speech disorder, whether due to injury. Objectively: a maxillary alveolar ridge with
12, 11, 21 teeth shifted down mucosal discontinuities. There is a movable support 16 - 13, 22-24
- I st, clinical crowns lower. Which orthopedic design is suitable in this case for treatment?
Wire splint is a U-shaped protrusion up with rubber traction
Wire splint with U-shaped ledge down ligature thrust
Stationary steel wire arc thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm with a rubber traction
Splint Tigerstedt with the reference plane
Elastic arc Engle

Patient S., 46 years, appealed to the clinic with complaints of violation of posttraumatic
teeth clamping. The examination revealed a fracture in bilateral U/j, with limited mobility debris.
Teeth preserved. Which device is indicated for the treatment?
Apparatus Z.YA Shura colliding extraoral rods
Standard splint Zbarzha M.Z. modification Mirgazizova
Splint Tigerstedt with rostral hood locking
Device extramedullary A.F. Rudko
Pressed plastic splint by E.Y. Varese
The patient 23 years. Fracture of the alveolar bone in U/j in 24, 25, 26 are not displaced
fragment, the teeth are stable. What you need to provide emergency care to the patient?
Immobilization fragments sling bandage
splint Vasilyeva
Port splint
Splint Entelis
Splint Tigerstedt

Maxillofacial wounded evacuation steps were taken to OMedB open jaw fractures.
Wounded primary debridement was carried out, the bleeding stopped. What measures necessary
to orthopedic maxillo-facial wounded at this stage?
Standard Tooth belt splint with steel hooks
Overlay sling with headband
Device Zborzha
Splint with toe loops on the lower jaw on Tigerstedt
Single-jaw wire splint-bracket for Tigerstedt

Patient M., 46 years complained of the mobility of the front teeth of the upper jaw after the
injury, minor bleeding of the gums. OBJECTIVE: intact tooth rows, there is mobility of 12, 11,
21, 22, 23 I-II degree. What is the most expedient method of orthopedic?
Temporary splinting
Extraction of mobile teeth
Depulp mobile teeth
Permanent splinting

At the turn which the facial bones may liquorrhea?

Fracture of the upper jaw on the upper type
Fracture of the upper jaw on the average type
Fracture of the upper jaw on the bottom type
Fracture of the articular process of the mandible
Fracture of the zygomatic arch

What are the main difference between the zygomatic bone fracture from a fracture of the
upper jaw?
Saving occlusion
Sensitivity of the skin facial
Facial deformation
Change the transparency of the maxillary sinus
Hemorrhage in the mucosa of the mouth vestibule

What immediate assistance should be provided to the victim with a fractured upper jaw
with loss of consciousness for prevention of aspiration asphyxia?
Provide patient forced position - face down
Conduct rostral teeth ligature binding
Apply sling parietal-chin bandage
Impose a temporary splint-spoon Limberg
Horizontal stitch tongue and fix it in the extracted position ligature to the neck

The main symptom of a fracture of the upper jaw are:

Pathological mobility of the maxillary bone
Pathological mobility of the lower jaw
Breaks mucosa alveolar processes

Synonym fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort I:

Oral brain division
Maxillofacial division

Synonym fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort II:

Separation alveolar bone
Oral brain division

Synonym fracture of the upper jaw of Le Fort III:

Separation alveolar bone
Maxillofacial division

Additional methods for the diagnosis of upper jaw fractures:


Under the action of the thrust of the masticatory muscles displacement of the upper jaw
with the sub-orbital fracture occurs:
Down and posterior
Offset is not marked
Top and down
Medial and forward
Lateral and up

Under the action of the thrust of the masticatory muscles displacement of the upper jaw
with Subbazal fracture occurs:
Down and posterior
Up and forward
Offset is not observed
Lateral and up
Medial and forward

Fracture of skull base usually happens:

When Subbazal fracture maxillary
Alveolar process isolation
When suborbital of the upper jaw
When Subnazal fracture of the maxilla
At the fracture of the zygomatic bone

Violation of the functions of cranial nerves usually happens:

When Subbazal fracture of the upper jaw
When suborbital fracture of the maxilla
When isolation of alveolar bone
At the fracture of the zygomatic bones
At the fracture of the nose bones

Pillow method of immobilization for fractures of the upper jaw, held in a specialized
hospital department:
Overlay bimaxillar splints sling bandage
Wire Engle
Device Rud'ko
All answers are correct

A patient of 68 years of the lower third of the defect by removing nasal cancer. The back
of the nose to the middle third of the nostrils and external contours saved. From plastic surgery
patient refused. What a way to fix the nose ecto-denture most expedient in this case
On the rim of glasses
With tape
Transparent tape
Using anatomical retention
Head cap

For floating obturators (Kez, Chasovskikh et al.) For defects of hard and soft palate get
imprint S-shaped trowel. What impression material is applied at the same time?

Patient D., 52 years old. Complaints about the partial absence of teeth in the upper jaw,
difficulty chewing food. Objectively: in the hard palate area non-operated congenital defect sky.
From operation refused. What you offer orthopedic treatment to the patient?
Partial denture with obturator made of elastic plastic
Clasp prosthesis with fixation on attachment
Clasp prosthesis with fixation clasp
Full dentures
Partial dentures

The patient 55 years old with oral examination revealed defects connected hard and soft
palate. Which of the following types of maxillofacial devices shown in this case?

The patient 65 years appealed to the clinic of orthopedic stomatology about manufacturing
ecto-denture orbit, lost as a result of injury. With that done prosthesis fixation orbit?
Glasses and frame
Clock spring
Hinge device

The patient was 45 years to replace the defect hard and soft palate obturator is made by the
method of Ilina-Markosyan. What a way to connect with occlusive fixing part will be applied?

Patient A., 44 years old complains of slurred speech, getting liquid food into the nasal
cavity. The history of a gunshot wound. OBJECTIVE: dentition of the maxilla with bilateral
defects included dentition, abutment teeth stable in the front third of the palate defect size 1,0 ×
1,5 cm, the defect borders changed scar, scars have a rounded shape. Sick of surgical treatment
refused. What prosthesis design shows this patient?
Obturator prosthesis, with a two-layer basis
The replacement palatal plate
Partial dentures with retaining clasps
Collapsible design - obturator, fixing plate
Clasp prosthesis with an obturator made of elastic plastic

Patient 58 years for the manufacture of orbit ecto-denture receive a face mask. In what
direction to take it off?
Go down and forward
Forward and left
Forward and right
Forward and up

Patient 40 years old complains of twang, the impossibility of a full meal - pouring it
through the nose. Objectively: the teeth and bridges without any damage. Bite - orthognathic. A
year ago, he underwent surgery again uranoplasty. On the hard palate defect detected through
tissues. What is the structure of the prosthesis to be manufactured?
The protective palatal plate
Obturator Syuersena
Kez obturator
Obturator Ilina-Markosyan
Obturator Shildskogo

The patient, 70 years old, with complete loss of teeth in the upper jaw and palate defect
complains of shortness of food, pouring liquid through the nose, frequent chronic diseases of the
mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Objectively: the alveolar bone of the upper jaw atrophied
- I type on Schroeder, compliance mucosa - I class Supli. On the hard palate -. scar defect
measuring 2×3 cm What denture design is most appropriate in this case?
Full denture with a system of internal and peripheral valves
Full denture with the production of artificial teeth in the gums
Soft seal and complete denture
Full denture with a defect in a thickening
Complete dentures with a metal base and a soft obturator

Patient K. 75 years of total absence of teeth in the upper jaw and hard palate through the
defect as a result of a gunshot wound. The defect is located in the anterior and middle thirds of
the sky and has an oval shape measuring 1×2 cm without compromising the integrity of
transitional fold. What a way to fix the prosthesis most appropriate in this case?
Separate production of the obturator and complete denture
Due to occlusive part of a complete denture
With the help of magnets
By means of springs
Through the establishment of the prosthesis form around the defect

The patient was 40 years old defective hard and soft palate is planned for the production of
the obturator Ilina-Markosyan. Identify a part of its design:
Locking and occlusive
Fixing and forming
The fixing and closing
Repositioned and occlusive
Guiding and forms

Patient J., 35, sent to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry for the manufacture of prosthetic
face. What is the solution for the mask's face, in order to suppress the solidification of gypsum
should be used?
3% sugar solution
3% sodium chloride
3% potassium sulphate solution
3% sodium sulfate solution
0.2% potassium permanganate solution

The patient was 62 years for manufacturing ecto-denture need to get a facial mask by
Hippocrates. What impression material should be used?

Patient G., 55 years, appealed to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry after plastic surgery on
the nose of the defect. What orthosis is indicated for the formation of the nasal cavity and
airways, as well as the external contours of the nose?
Apparatus Shura
Device Oxman
Vankevich Splint
Splint Weber
Splint Limberg
Patient 40 years as a result of a gunshot wound to form a large defect in the nose. From the
surgical treatment of the patient is temporarily refused, and he was asked to manufacture the
nose ecto-denture. What impression must be obtained for this patient?
Gypsum print the entire face
Combined print
Impression thermoplastic mass on all the face
Silicone print defect
A reprint of the elastic mass with a defect

Wounded soldier 20 years. Objective: completely absent chin and lower jaw and 45 to 34
teeth. 45, 46, 47, 48, 34, 35, 36, 37 teeth stable. At what stage of medical evacuation of the
injured will be provided specialized medical care?

The patient was 65 years complains of partial absence of teeth in the upper jaw, difficulty
chewing, twang. Objectively: no 18, 16, 15, 11, 23, 28, 35, 38, 48, 47, postoperative median
palate defect. Make clasp denture with occlusive part. On what part of the prosthesis is occlusive
On the arc
On the artificial teeth
On clasp
On the basis
On the grid

The patient 65 years appealed to the clinic of orthopedic stomatology about manufacturing
ecto-denture nose and orbit, lost as a result of cancer. With that done prosthesis fixation orbit?
Spectacle frames
Springs from the clock
Hinged devices

A patient of 50 years with a median defect palate requires prosthetics. Objectively: the
teeth are preserved intact. Due to what is provided by fixing a plate of separation?
Clasps hold
Musculoskeletal retaining clasps
Springs Foshara
Locking fasteners

The patient was 50 years old defective hard and soft palate made obturator Pomerantseva-
Urbantseva. What do I need to use for connecting and fixing occlusive parts of the obturator?
Metal button
Metal plate
Steel spring
Elastic plastic
Wire rod
The patient 40 years old with a median defect palate requires prosthetics. Objective: Save
17, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23, 27. Which of these prostheses is advisable to apply?
Clasp with clasp fixing
Plate with a metal basis
Plate with a double-layer basis
Plate with a plastic basis
Fixed bridge

The patient was 47 years old made ecto-denture face. It assumed its fixation with the
denture. Connection method captures and replacement parts should be used?
Locking system
Steel bar
Wire rod
Metal plate

Patient B., 68 years old, the complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw and hard palate
through a defect in the anterior and middle thirds, as a result of a gunshot wound, an oval shape,
size 3h2sm without compromising the integrity of transitional fold. prosthesis fixation method is
best suited in this case?
Due to occlusive part of a complete denture
With the help of magnets
By means of springs
Through the establishment of the prosthesis in performances around the defect
Separate manufacturing obturator and complete denture

Patient A. 68 years has a defect of the lower third of the nose as a result of the removal of a
malignant tumor, he saved back to the middle third of the nose and the outer contours of the
nostrils. The skin at the base of the nose thinned, erosive. From plastic surgery patient refused.
The method of fixing ecto-denture nose is most suitable in this case?
On the rim of glasses
With tape
Transparent tape
Using anatomical retention
Head cap

Patient N., 45 years old, complains of twang, the impossibility of a full meal, its loss
through the nose. OBJECTIVE: intact tooth rows, orthognathic bite, the mucous membrane
intact. On the solid and soft palate defect detected through post-traumatic stress. What is the
structure of the prosthesis to be manufactured?
Kez obturator
Protective palatal plate
Shildsky obturator
Obturator Syuersen
Obturator Ilina-Markosyan

Patient S., 32 years old, appealed with the aim of prosthetic upper lip after an unsuccessful
plastic Filatov stem. OBJECTIVE: There are no soft tissue 2/3 of the upper lip. mobile Fabrics,
palpation painless. The alveolar process of the maxilla without pathologic changes, teeth - intact.
The doctor decided to do a replacement prosthesis lips. Choose the best way to fix it.
On the cast splint
On the removable attachments
On bent wire clasps
On plastic doghouse
On telescopic crowns

What impression material get the impression from the patient's nose or defect orbit?
With Gypsum, all face
With thermoplastic mass all face
With an elastic mass defect
With thermoplastic mass a defect
Silicon mass from all face

Which of flexible plastics used in the manufacture of the prosthesis the outer ears?

At the side of the hard palate defects to separate the maxillary sinus from the oral cavity
using the following structure:
Small saddle with clasp locking
Clasp dentures
Small saddle with telescopic fixation
Removable Partial occlusive part of a flexible plastic
Obturator Ilina-Markosyan

The patient during the inspection found defective hard and soft palate. What is the
structure used in this case, the inability of plastic reconstruction?

The patient has a defect of the hard palate, teeth - intact. It was decided to produce a palatal
plate. fixation method is best to use?
Toggle clasps
Beam Support
Clasp lock
Telescopic system
Attachment system

Patient S. 54 years have an operation removing the left half of the upper jaw of a malignant
tumor, sprouted from the maxillary sinus. Removal will be held in the middle of the bone seam
maintaining the right half of the upper jaw and dentition. View the most immediate prosthesis is
appropriate in this case?
According Oksman
Repositioned in the machine Shur
By Courland
Protective plate of Zbarzh
Protective plate of Rofe
The patient was 52 years after unilateral resection of the upper jaw prosthesis is
manufactured close. The term of its use?
1-3 months
1-2 months
7-12 months
2-3 years
4-5 years

The patient after unilateral resection of the upper jaw is made resection prosthesis.
Objectively: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 teeth are resistant, hard palate broad, flat. What is the
connection with the clasps basis will reduce, in your opinion, tilting the cutting of the prosthesis?
Joints compound
Stable compound
Elastic compound
Rigid compound
It does not matter

The patient was 50 years after the temporary prosthesis imposed unilateral resection of the
upper jaw. After what period of time it will be possible to replace it with a constant?
3-6 months
7-9 months
10-12 months
12-15 months
16-18 months

The patient of 56 years underwent resection of the mandible chin department. Which splint
should be used to hold its fragments?
Splint Vankevich
Splint Vasilyeva
Tigerstedt splint
Splint Port
Splint Limberg

Patient 35 years planned resection of the half of the lower jaw. It made just for the
prosthesis Oxman method. What are the components of the design will have it?
Fixing and resection
Fixing and stabilizing
Fixing and repositioned
Fixing and replacement
Fixing and guide

The patient was 68 years old had an operation complete removal of L/j. For operation in
the shot mark U/j L/j and manufactured prosthesis substitutive L/j. By means of this fixation is
ensured that the denture in the mouth?
Coil springs Foshara
Toe loops

In the clinic of orthopedic stomatology a patient appealed with K. in post-resection defect

U/j, penetrating into the nasal cavity. What is recommended to make the prosthesis in this case?
The replacement prosthesis with obturing part
Floating obturator
Protective plate
Forming prosthesis
The replacement prosthesis

Patient B., 52 years sent to the orthopedic surgery department of Oncology Center to select
the design of the prosthesis. The patient was planned resection of the alveolar bone in the frontal
area without communication with the nasal cavity. What should be the design requirements of
the prosthesis post-resection in this case?
The basis of the prosthesis in the resection area made with thickening occlusive prosthesis
Made with a hollow part
Usually made a partial denture, with the production of teeth "on touch"
Made clasp denture with obturator
Made removable bridge

Patient S., 48 years old appealed for help to the clinic after surgery unilateral resection of
the upper jaw, which suffered 3 days later. The remaining teeth are stable. Treatment plan:
making direct prosthesis Oksman. What part of the prosthesis should make first?

Terms of use of the prosthesis directly?

1-3 months
1-2 months
7-12 months
2-3 years
4-5 years

After what period of time is necessary to replace the temporary denture to permanent?
3-6 months
7-9 months
10-12 months
12-15 months
16-18 months

What are the components of a prosthesis for immediate Oksman?

Fixing and resection
Fixing and stabilizing
Fixing and reposition
Fixing and replacing
Fixing and guide

Patient D., 48 years after the right-sided resection of the upper jaw, applied directly
prosthesis manufactured by I.M Oksmana procedure. How many manufacturing steps of this
Three stages
In the model, a two-layer molded on a reprints
Using individual spoons

The patient was 72 years 6 months ago unilateral resection of the right upper jaw was
performed. Objectively: the existing teeth 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 - intact, with high clinical
crowns. Mandible - toothless. It is planned to manufacture the cutting of the prosthesis according
to the timing of the remote prosthetics. Using the clasps which will improve the fixation of the
Solid support-retaining
Retaining single-shoulder

In the absence of the majority of both the upper jaw and retaining on one side is not more
than 1-2 teeth as fixing elements used:
The plate is fixed to the teeth remained
Guidewire plane
Telescopic crowns
Springs Foshara
Repelling magnets

To improve the fixation of the prosthesis resection with unilateral resection of the upper
jaw IM Oxman proposed:
Manufacturing on the vestibular prosthesis roller
Phantom resection model in the frontal area of work step
Using palatal lock
Using the telescopic crowns
Use crowns with projections Gafner

The prosthesis after resection of half of the mandible has a particularly appropriate:
Make ramp
Lower prosthesis rounded edge
Make sublingual rollers
Basis behind the dentition slightly thickened and elongated teeth
Setting offset to cheek

After a period held remote prosthesis after resection of the jaw?

3-4 months
1-2 months
Within 1 month
1-1.5 months
4-5 months

Patient P., 58 years, planned to direct the production of the cutting of the prosthesis for the
replacement of the defect after unilateral resection of the upper jaw. What is the feature can
improve the fixation of the prosthesis?
The roller on artificial gums in the area of premolars and molars
Reduced area basis in the resection area
Fewer artificial teeth
Musculoskeletal retaining clasp Roach on Fang opposite side of the resection
Implant in the resection area
Patient 62 years sent to the orthopedic surgery department of Oncology Center to select the
design of the prosthesis. The patient was planned resection of the alveolar bone in the frontal
area without communication with the nasal cavity. What are the requirements for the design
resection prosthesis in this case?
The basis of the prosthesis in the area of the resection is made with occlusive thickening of
Prosthesis is made of a hollow
Usually made a partial denture, with the setting "on touch" teeth
Made clasp denture with obturator
Made removable bridge

Patient B. 52 years, 4 months ago resection of the right and of the left half of the upper jaw
of a malignant tumor was performed. Immediately after the surgery, he used a protective plate.
On the upper jaw of the patient there is a great defect in the sky and through the absence of teeth
23, 24, 25, 26. What is the most appropriate way of fixing resection prosthesis in this case?
By Vares-Knotko
By Zbarzhu
By Schur
According Oksman
By Courland

Patient B., 53 years old, planned resection of the left half of the mandible, together with its
branch. Displaying manufacture jaw prosthesis directly on Oxman. prosthesis element serves to
hold a fragment of the lower jaw, the remainder of the mixing in the direction of the defect?
Removable or non-removable ramp
Fixing part
Multiclasp system
Resected portion
Artificial teeth

Patient B., 50 years old, focused on orthopedic oncologist, dentist consultation with a view
to providing orthopedic postoperative period. Diagnosis: ameloblastoma of the mandible body in
violation of the integrity of the lower edge of 2 cm in length. type prosthesis is recommended in
this situation?
The immediate post-resection prosthesis
Removable laminar dentures
Single-jaw soldered splint
Double-jaw splint Port

Patient G., 62 years old, a partial resection of the mandible 3 months ago. What is
necessary to make the machine and deliver this patient?
Replacement removable splint- prosthesis in the lower jaw
Formative removable splint-denture on the lower jaw
Dentures in the lower jaw with a hinge
Splint Tigirshtedta with "U" shaped projection
Removable denture on mandible

Patient D., held remote unilateral prosthesis after resection of the right upper jaw. To
reduce the risk of overturning in the prosthesis should be considered:
reduction of the area of the basis
Statement of occlusive artificial teeth into the center of the alveolar ridge
Production of plastic artificial teeth
Splinting all permanent teeth design
Semimobile connection with clasps occlusive part

The soldier, 20 years old with a large defect in the left half of the upper jaw, with a
message from the nasal cavity and the lack of 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26-obturator prosthesis uses a
fixation clasp 16 11. The patient turned again as a result of the mobility of the abutment teeth,
poor fixation of the prosthesis. That in this case, to improve the fixation of the prosthesis,
recommended Oxman?
Removal of the second premolar to increase the number of clasps
Overlay first premolar of the ring, which is connected to the fixing part of the prosthesis
Coating abutment teeth crowns with a tipped or performances Gafner
Making S - similar dentoalveolar clasp on the healthy side of the teeth
Telescopic locking system

In unilateral resection of the upper jaw are planning to make an immediate prosthesis for
IM Oksman. What part of the prosthesis is made first?

The prosthesis can be fixed after complete resection of the mandible by means of:
Springs Foshara
Chin sling
Rostral linking
Intermaxillary fixation
With tongue

Which device is used to determine the optimum state resection prosthesis borders?
Parallel surveyor
Device Larina

The patient was planned resection of the left half of the lower jaw with a branch.
Displaying made directly on the prosthesis Oksman. To keep the lower jaw fragment, the
remainder of the shift towards the defect in this case is:
The fixing system as a whole
Multiclasp system
Resection part
Artificial teeth
Inclined plane on the fixing part

A young man of military age army passes the examination in the clinic of orthopedic
dentistry. Chewing efficiency is planned to determine the method of Ruby. What weight should
be given the test nut?

Male 55 years complains pouring liquid through the nose when using liquid food.
Objective: department in the side of the upper jaw at 16 remote perforation alveolar bone defect
measuring 3×2,8 cm. From surgery patient refused. What structure should offer the patient?
Small saddle-backed prosthesis with clasp locking
Clasp prosthesis with occlusive elastic part of the usual plastic
Removable partial denture
Non-removable prosthetic appliances
Protective palatine plate of celluloid

Patient A., 42 years old, with two-way distally unlimited defects of dentition in the
mandible is planned to make partial denture. From history we know that the teeth have been lost
over the periodontal disease. A detailed examination found no place for the location of the arc
partial denture. What are the possible solutions to overcome this situation?
Replace arch advanced continuous clasps
Apply implants
Locate the arc from the vestibular surface
Craft coronal mouthguard
Craft console removable prosthesis
Patient Yu 67 years, appealed with complaints about the lack of 34, 35, 36, 37, 45, 46
teeth. In dental panoramic x-rays in the remaining alveolar ridge resorption within 1/3 the height
of the interdental membranes. What design advisable to offer the patient?
Clasp dentures with splinting elements
Bridges in the area of posterior teeth
Removable partial denture
Van Til splint
Cap splint

Patient 57 years we appealed with complaints about the mobility of the teeth on the lower
jaw. OBJECTIVE: 34, 35, 36, 45, 46, 47 teeth missing. On the panoramic x-rays of teeth
remaining resorption of alveolar ridge height within 1/3 interdental membranes. What structure
should offer the patient?
Clasp dentures with splinting devices
Bridge in the area of posterior teeth
Removable partial denture laminar
Cap splint
Splint Van Til

By prosthodontics clinic patient appealed 65 years with complaints about the lack of teeth
in the front area of the lower jaw, chewing dysfunction, language, aesthetic defect. The teeth
removed 1 year ago about the diseases. In the mouth, no 31, 32, 41, 42, 43 teeth. 44, 45, 46
outdoor and II degree, 34, 36, 37 outdoor and II degree. What type of prosthesis most efficient in
this case?
Clasp dentures with splinting elements
Fixed bridge based on the 34, 33, 44, 45
Fixed bridge based on the 33, 34, 35.44, 45, 46
Dentures on implants
Partial dentures with fixing clasp 37, 46 teeth

The patient, 19 years old complains of pain and tension in the muscles of mastication,
chewing wearing cusps teeth gnashing of the night. Which treatment is most acceptable?
Use separating cap, miogymnastyc, self-massage
Appointment sedatives treatment
Treatment a psychologist
Making crowns on side area denture
Use bite plates

Patient '28 complains of difficulty nibble food, speech and facial features due to lack of 11,
21, 22, 23. From the oral dental arch marked deformation due to displacement of 31, 41, 42
above the occlusal plane with simultaneous growth of alveolar bone. According to the
classification of which may determine the diagnosis?
According to Ponomarev
For Bushanom
Over Schroeder
For Oksmanom
For Katz

Student '20 complains of pain in the masticatory muscles, which occurs in the morning,
wearing cusps chewing teeth hyperesthesia phenomenon. Masticatory muscle pain and
hyperesthesia phenomenon intensified during examinations. When viewed in the area of the
lower posterior teeth 36, 37 there is a crater wearing chewing surface bounded by a thin layer of
enamel. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Pathological grinding
Enamel erosion
TMJ dysfunction
Wedge-shaped defect

Sick of 38 years complains of pain in the front of the projection of the ear canal, clicking
when you open your mouth, «lay» in the ears. Objective: symmetrical face, mouth opening for
flat trajectory. Defect teeth and cells. by Kennedy, no 18, 17, 16, 26, 27, 28. Which anatomical
structures perceive the greatest burden?
Articular disc (meniscus)
Articular head
Distal slope medial articular tubercle
Bottom articular fossa of the temporal bone
Joint capsule

Woman '45 complains often repeated dislocated of temporomandibular joint. Objective: no

18, 17, 27, 28, 48, 47, 37, 38. Diagnosed habitual dislocation of the temporomandibular joint.
Select the method of orthopedic treatment of this patient:
Limit mouth opening
Complete immobilization jaw movements
Holding physiotherapy

Male 47 years. Miner, examined on tooth wear. The height of the lower third of the face is
reduced. Indicate the most possible causes of tooth wear in this case:
The influence of production factors
Genetic inferiority enamel
Hypertrophy masticatory muscles
Hypertrophy facial muscles
Hypertrophy alveolar processes

The patient complains of '42 gnash their teeth at night. Objective: in the mouth intact tooth
rows. No multiple contact in central occlusion. Premature contacts of teeth 47, 46, 36, 37.
Identify tactics remove 47, 46, 36, 37 in the supporting teeth supracontacts in this patient:
Do not remove slopes of cusps
Completely grind
Remove supporting humps
Remove top of the hill
Remove teeth – antagonists

Male, 45, a teacher, complained of significant mobility of teeth, pain in the gums in the
lower jaw in the frontal area. It is planned to remove the front teeth L/j. What type of prosthesis
should offer the patient?
The patient was 42 years old, teacher by profession, asked about prosthetics. OBJECTIVE:
front teeth of the upper jaw with mobility III grade. It is planned to direct production of the
prosthesis. At that time impose immediate dentures?
After tooth extraction
After 1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days More

Patient 40 years, complains aesthetic defect, breach of chewing, speech. OBJECTIVE:

teeth of the upper and lower jaws worn to the gum region. Facet erased teeth have a flat shape.
What form abnormal abrasion?
Generalized horizontal III degree
Generalized horizontal level II
Vertical Generalized level III
Level II degree vertical
Generalized mixed form

The patient, 48 years complains wearing teeth, aesthetic disadvantage tooth sensitivity to
temperature stimuli. OBJECTIVE: mixed form of pathological erase more than 1/3 of the length
of their crowns. Height of face reduced by 5.6 mm. Bite ortohnatic. Which of treatment should
be preferred?
Treatment held in 2 stages (preparatory and rational prosthetics)
Production of plastic caps for the entire dentition mandibular
Production of plastic caps for the entire dentition of the upper jaw designs
Production counter in the side sections
Production of metal structures on the upper and lower jaw

Male 43 years, complains of abrasion of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.
OBJECTIVE: teeth of the upper and lower jaw erased to the gingival margin. What form of
pathological abrasion in this case?
Generalized horizontal
Vertical localized
Localized horizontal
Generalized vertical

The patient in '68 after suffering a stroke were observed frequent vomiting, which occurred
at joint dislocations on one side. Sprains able to exercise only under anesthesia. Missing 21 - 28,
15, 16, 17, 18, 36, 37, 44, 46, 47. What is the design of the prosthesis during treatment is most
appropriate for this patient?
Removable dentures with restrictor plate mouth opening
Device Schroeder with a sliding hinge
Device with Petrosov limiter
Device Yadrovoyi
Device Khodorovich-limiter with Burhonskoho

The patient, 52 years old complains on grind teeth, aesthetic disadvantage tooth sensitivity
to temperature stimuli. In history, repeatedly conducted abrasion treatment, but to no avail.
OBJECTIVE: mixed form of pathological erase more than 2/3 of the length of their crowns. Bite
orthgnatic. Which of treatment should be preferred?
Treatment held in 2 stages
In the production constructions opposing lateral parts
Manufacturing crowns with plastic chewing surfaces
Production of plastic caps for the entire dentition
Production clasp prosthesis in the lower jaw

In the clinic prosthodontics turned sick in '57 complaining of dull pain in the right TMJ,
which intensified during the meal. The disease begins gradually with stiffness jaw movements in
the morning and a fluctuating course. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face, mouth opened to 3cm.
When you open your mouth and articular clicking noise (step-like displacement of the
mandible). The skin over the joint is not changed. Palpable muscle tone is not changed. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
Acute arthritis right TMJ
Right TMJ syndrome
Neuromuscular-occlusive articulation

The patient was the purpose of prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: lower third of the face of
reduced nasolabial fold depth, front group of teeth of the upper and lower jaws missing, crowns
17, 15, 26, 27, 36, 37, 45, 47 teeth worn to 2/3 height chewing surfaces these teeth are smooth,
pigmented, not hypertrophied alveolar bone, height of face is reduced. Identify the form of
pathological abrasion in this patient,
Horizontal, uncompensated, III severity
Horizontally offset, III severity
Vertical, uncompensated, III severity
Vertically offset, III severity
Mixed, uncompensated, III severity

Patient '50 complains of pain in the area TMJ joint. Planned production caps. What it
should cause a therapeutic effect?
Removing hypertonic of masticatory muscles
Coordination function of masticatory muscles
Restructuring miostatychnoho reflex
Restructuring periodontal - muscle reflex
Increase in the height face

Patient '32 partial absence of teeth of the lower jaw, extension in the region of 16, 15 teeth
1/3 height crowns. What method of leveling the occlusal surface should be used?
Grind tooth
Orthodontic method
Of surgical instrumentation
Device surgical technique

The patient is 30 years old, complains of frequent dislocation of the mandible.

OBJECTIVE: tooth rows saved ortohnatic bite. Determined click in temporomandibular joint
when opening the mouth. The use of these devices which will prevent dislocation?
Limberg device
Petrosov device
Device Zbarzha
Shur device
Device Oksmana
'45 Patient complains of pain in the area TMJ while taking solid food. In the history of
treatment for TMJ arthritis left. The examination revealed a localized form of pathological
wearingi teeth of the lower jaw, multiple premature contacts of teeth. 36 restored coronal cement
seal. Deep incisor overlap. What is the most likely cause of TMJ disease?
Premature tooth contacts
Acceptance solid food
Inflammation tooth pulp 36
Inflammation periodontal 36
Deep tooth overlap incisor

Patient '55 partial absence of teeth of the upper jaw. Determined dentoalveolar extension in
the region of 36, 37 teeth above the occlusal plane to 3 mm. Which of these methods align
occlusal surface more shows?
Dental surgical apparatus
Tooth disocclusion

'54 Patient complains of pain in the temporomandibular joint. In the history of sclerosing
treatment for osteoarthritis. OBJECTIVE: intact tooth rows. Bite orthgnatic. What are the most
significant changes of the temporomandibular joint in this patient?
Congruent joint surface
Deformation arthritis
Dystrophy articular joint head
Bone destruction of the articular head

'36 Patient complains of severe pain, clicking in the right TMJ, burning in the area of right
external auditory canal. Movement of the mandible step-like from blocking brief moments in the
joint and acute pain. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face. Bite orthgnatic, the intraoral palpation of
the lateral pterygoid muscle pain felt right. On tomograms contours of the articular surfaces of
bone structures level, smooth. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Dysfunction of TMJ
Rheumatoid arthritis TMJ arthritis
Acute post-traumatic TMJ
TMJ Ankylosis
Deforming arthrosis of TMJ

In the orthopedic department appealed patient K., 50 years - employee sewing workshop
with the aim of prosthetics. The examination revealed generalized pathological wearing teeth.
From history: 1 year ago strumectomy held. Specify possible the cause of this disease,
Hypofunction thyroid
Professional Harmful habits change
Disgormonal climacteric
Hyper - or hypo thyroid
Hyperfunction thyroid

The patient radiographically detected flattening and pointed head shape right
temporomandibular joint, ecsofits education in the field of cervical articular process and cutting
branches of the mandible. What joint disease is the patient?
Deforming arthrosis
Acute arthritis
Chronic arthritis
Bone ankylosis
Fibrous ankylosis

Patient '63 appealed to the clinic for further prosthodontics prosthetics. He established
diagnosis of pathological wearing. An X-ray examination. What method of examination is
necessary to elect a method for orthopedic treatment?
Functional chewing test

Patient M., 53 years old complains of abrasion of teeth on the lower jaw crunching in
temporomandibular joint, changing facial features. OBJECTIVE: the height of the lower third of
the face is lowered, nasolabial folds pronounced, mouth drooping corners. The teeth 48, 47, 46,
36, 37, 38 are missing. The teeth on the lower jaw, which were worn to the level of the gums.
Face height of 8 mm. How to reach restructuring miotatic and reflexes necessary height of
Incrementally on teeth splint
Simultaneously dental dentures
Simultaneously splints
By «incertion» upper teeth

The patient is a 32 years old, teacher, asked to consult a prosthodontist about a generalized
form of pathological abrasion stage I (horizontal form). OBJECTIVE: premolars and molars of
the upper and lower jaws depulp. Seals on the chewing surface. Which of the following most
optimal designs?
The metal inlay on the side teeth of both jaws
Metal tabs on the side of the upper jaw
Teeth metal tabs on the side of the lower jaw
Teeth plastic tabs on the side of the upper jaw
Teeth plastic tabs on the side of the lower jaw teeth

Patient G., 60 years, Complained of frequent breakdowns laminar removable prosthesis.

From history found that the patient suffers from bruxism. In order to prevent breakdowns
laminar removable denture material from which the prosthesis is recommended manufacturing
Metal (KHS)
Ortosyl M

'35 Patient complains of pain in his teeth while taking solid food. OBJECTIVE: chewing
bumps and cutting edges of all teeth of the upper and lower jaw erased 1/3 height intact, reaction
to chemical and thermal stimuli positive, direct bite. Somatic diseases, occupational hazards and
bad habits were found. What is the most likely cause of increased tooth wear?
Violation of amelo- and dentynogenesis
Reception of solid food type
Bite type
Age patient

In the statistical analysis of orthopedic diseases in the regional oncologic dispensary

revealed a high percentage of severe forms of abnormal tooth wear in patients after receiving
radiation therapy for head and neck cancer pathology. Established that prevention methods are
not used. Which of the proposed methods can be used for prevention X-ray seems hard tissue of
Splintping teeth on exposure during a session plastic splint
Reducing the total radiation dose
Reducing exposure and exposure sessions
Prophylactic doses of adaptogens Reception for 1 month before exposure
Mouth baths with antiseptic session immediately before exposure

'42 Patient complains of intense pain in the jaw joint when chewing movements of the
mandible. Pain was a month ago. According sparing the patient's diet and physiotherapy were
ineffective. OBJECTIVE: symmetrical face, tooth rows retained crowns to teeth worn contact
surfaces. Teeth stable, their bare neck, redness gingival margin. What the doctor should perform
during the first phase of orthopedic treatment?
Increase occlusion using removable plastic occlusal splint
Impose Tihershtedta tires with aggressive hooks and rubber traction
Raise bite using Run-piece crown
Selective grinding of teeth
Jaw immobilized using Vasiliev tires

Patient G., 50, appealed to the clinic for the treatment of prosthetic dentistry parafunctions
chewing muscles. OBJECTIVE: teeth in the upper and lower jaws saved observed wear and II
degree. Doctor mouthguard plans to produce at lower jaw dentition of separation bite. Which of
these values is optimal?
2-3 mm size of free space intraocclusal
3.5-4.5 mm size of free space intraocclusal
4.9-5.9 mm size intraocclusal free space
1-1.9 mm free space size intraocclusal
6-7 mm size of free space intraocclusal

Patient K., 49 years, appealed to the clinic for the treatment of prosthetic dentistry
parafunctions chewing muscles. OBJECTIVE: teeth saved, erased 1/3 of the height of the crowns
of natural teeth. The doctor plans to produce plastic mouthguard on the dentition of the
mandible. A term that usually occurs improving muscle performance?
3-4 months
7-8 months
5-6 months
1-2 months
9 or more months

Patient G., 49, appealed to the clinic for the treatment of prosthetic dentistry parafunctions
chewing muscles to prevent functional overload. OBJECTIVE: resistant teeth, percussion
painless. Checked increased wear teeth, gums and atrophy hole. Which of the following
measures doctor should offer first?
Production of splint for occlusal adjustment period of myotatic reflex
Applying mechanical therapy
Acupuncture application
Appointment of tranquilizers
Production stamped crowns

The student, 22 years old, studying at the dental department, complaining of pain in the
masticatory muscles, especially in the morning bleeding gum chewing teeth erase hills. What
preventive measures?
Myogymnastic, sedative therapy, auditory training, separating splint overnight
Prosthetics patient counter crowns in the lateral sections
Selective grinding chewing teeth, restoration
Curettage gum pockets, paraffin baths, therapeutic use toothpaste «Metrogyl Dent»
Using rem-therapy with subsequent restoration

Faculty of Dentistry Student complains of pain in the teeth of thermal stimuli.

OBJECTIVE: to chewing teeth visible characteristic wear crater, visible areas exposed dentin.
EMG confirms the heightened tone of masticatory muscles. Which treatment should be
Myogymnastic, separating splint the night, restoration, outpatient observation site
Prosthetics side metal-ceramic crowns
Use of solutions to reduce tooth sensitivity, restoration hills and fissures of teeth chewing
Selective grinding, rem-therapy, recovery
Rem-therapy exposed areas, restoration lateral areas wetting areas gum pockets

Patient K., 57 years, complains aesthetic disadvantage in TMJ crunch due to abrasion of
the teeth in the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE: the height of the lower third of the face is reduced.
Nasolabial folds pronounced. Configuration profile changed. Erasing the hard tissue of teeth of
the upper jaw almost to the level of the gums. Lower face height is 7 mm. What is the doctor's
tactics in this case?
Phased restructuring miostatic reflex dental splint
Use of tooth-gum splint
Orthodontic treatment
Using counter crowns
Tooth extraction

Woman '45 complained of increased tooth sensitivity to temperature stimuli, discomfort

when consuming sweet food. OBJECTIVE: wear all teeth to the formation of contact sites
between the incisors upper and lower jaw. Lower face height and height of the lower third of the
face is reduced to 5.6 mm. All teeth stable. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Pathological abrasion, generalized form, mixed type II st.
Symptom Kostena
Pathological abrasion generalized form of vertical type, and I st.
Bite that reduced I-II st.
Pathological abrasion localized form horizontal type-II st.

'45 Patient complains of pain in the left TMJ tinnitus. Pains were three weeks ago.
Restriction of movement of the jaw and physiotherapy treatment according to the patient were
not effective. When you open your mouth distance between the cutting surfaces of central
incisors 5 cm mucosa pink, with no visible lesions. The teeth intact. Revealed generalized
pathological wear teeth, toning the muscles of mastication. What is the likely cause of the pain?
Reducing bite
Temporal muscle hypertonus
Hypertonic masticatory muscle
Hypertonic digustricus muscle
Hypertonic chin-sublingual muscle

The patient in '23 straight bite. The development of pathological process which can be
expected in this case?
Dental caries
Development gum disease
Loosening teeth
Gums retraction

Patient '50 addressed with complaints of aesthetic defect. OBJECTIVE: lower third of the
face shortened, nasolabial folds and chin too pronounced drooping corners of the mouth. On
examination of the oral cavity - teeth all saved generalized tooth wear 2/3 length crown. That
first step is to make this patient?
Temporary removable denture splint-piece
Clasp removable prosthetic
Partial dentures laminar with overlays
Nakusochna plate with inclined plane

The patient complains of '50 «old» look and face shape violation teeth. OBJECTIVE: the
external review - the height of the lower third of the face is reduced. An examination of the oral
cavity, tooth rows stored, erasing all the chewing surfaces of teeth and side cutting edges of the
front teeth 2/3 lengths crowns. On the panoramic x-rays - a complete obliteration of the root
canal of most teeth. Specify the type of prosthesis is possible in this case:
Splint on worn teeth, dentures covering
Stamped crown
Cast crown
Dentures with overlays

The patient complains of '45 aesthetic defect. OBJECTIVE: 12, 11, 21, 22 teeth worn to
1/2 the height of crowns but contact with the antagonists due to hypertrophy of alveolar bone.
The remaining teeth intact. Lower face height not broken. Choose a treatment strategy for this
patient in the first stage:
Cover teeth Splint plastic
Coatings lateral teeth, separating-repositioning splint
Production bite plate with inclined plane
Production relaxation splint
Coating lateral teeth stabilizing splint

The patient complains of '50 difficulty chewing. OBJECTIVE: the external examination - a
slight decrease in the height of the lower third of the face. Dental Claims 17, 14, 13, 12, 11, 21,
22, 23, 27, 37, 33, 32, 31, 41, 42, 43, 47. Erasing saved teeth 1/4 lengths crowns. Select the type
of prosthetic patient:
Solid bridges
Removable partial prosthetic appliances with metal base
Partial denture with occlusal overlays
Denture laminar with a plastic base
Stamped-brazed prosthetic appliances
'60 Patient complains of pain in the jaw joint that appears when chewing, talking.
OBJECTIVE: the external review - a significant reduction in the height of the lower third of the
face. Nasolabial folds and chick pronounced. Palpation painful joints. An examination of the oral
cavity: intact tooth rows, erasing all the chewing surfaces of teeth and side cutting edges of the
front teeth more than 2/3 of the length of crowns. Reducing lower face height by 10 mm. What is
the first stage of orthopedic treatment?
Normalization lower face height
Creating space for prosthetic
Removal occlusal surface deformations
Replacement teeth defects
Elimination supracontacts

The patient in '37 with a generalized form of pathological tooth wear second degree for the
restoration of the front teeth are made of metal-ceramic crowns. What special preparation of
The minimum obliquity stump, creating a ledge
Increase taper
Edge shoulder stump below the gum
Above the edge of the shoulder
No gum ledge

In the study of occlusal contacts in patient R., 43 years old, the doctor - orthopedist showed
multiple contacts at balancing side. Which diseases can cause this condition?
Wedge defect

Patient N., 42 years old, Miner, appealed with complaints of pain in the teeth of the upper
and lower jaws of thermal and chemical stimuli, cosmetic defect teeth. OBJECTIVE: reduced
height of the lower third of the face, oral mucosa flushed in the area of alveolar processes,
petechiae on the oral mucosa through the closing of the teeth. Defects in dentition missing. D.S.:
generalized form of pathological abrasion of teeth with reduced height bite. What criteria
restoration bite height?
Height physiological rest
Record the movement of the mandible
Picture patient with intact tooth row

When examining a patient diagnosed '49 compensated form generalized abnormal wear of
dental hard tissues. Which of the following treatments should choose a dentist?
Sequential desocclusion
Shape correction dentition
Restructuring miotatic reflex
Restructuring reflex-muscular
Immediate desocclusion
The patient complains of '62 scrunch in the temporomandibular joint. Enjoys partial
removable dentures next 10 years. OBJECTIVE: lower third of the face is shortened. Teeth
prostheses substantially erased. What is the most probable cause of this complication?
Reducing lower face height
Age of patients
Partial absence of teeth
Continuous use dentures
Acceptance solid food

Male, 32 years old, complains on a constant movement of the mandible, simulating

chewing, that occur during neural stimulation. In addition, there is a night gnashing of teeth.
Objectively: the teeth in the side portions are erased, no cusps. Which treatment is the best
Using the decoupling splint at night, myogymnastics, self-massage
Prosthesis with meeting dentures
Drug and hardware treatment with the direction to a dental surgeon
Consultation of dental surgeon
Alignment of dentition (selective grinding)

Patient, 52 years old, complains of dental abrasion, aesthetic defect, increased sensitivity to
thermal stimuli. Objective: teeth worn by 1/3 of the crown length, intraalveolar height reduced
by 5-6 mm. All the teeth are stable. What designs advisable to restore intraalveolar height?
Solid crowns
Three-quarter crowns
Plastic crowns
Stamped-brazed crowns

The patient, 40 years, appealed to the dentist complaining of pain from thermal, chemical
and mechanical stimuli arising in the teeth of the front group of the upper and lower jaws. Also
notes the slight pain in the temporomandibular joint. Objective: overbite, on the lingual surfaces
of the front teeth of the upper jaw and the buccal surface of the mandibular teeth enamel is
erased to the dentin, which is pigmented and shiny. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Pathological wearing of the teeth
Acid necrosis
Physiological wearing
Erosion hard tissue
Syndrome of stanton-capdepon

Patient K., 48 years appealed to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry with a preliminary
diagnosis: parafunction masticatory muscles for the purpose of splinting teeth. Objectively: the
teeth on the upper jaw saved and mandibular molars removed to the right and the left. There
primary traumatic syndrome. Which of these splints is the most favorable?
Removable splint plastic teeth
Removable splint with composite teeth
Clasp prosthesis with cast lining
Removable splint with porcelain teeth
Consoled dental prosthesis

Patient D., 43 years, appealed to the clinic with the aim of prosthetic dentistry prosthetics.
Objectively: the lower set of teeth intact. On the upper jaw tooth 26 removed 2 weeks ago, the
other teeth are preserved. Which of the following methods recommended by the doctor in the
first place to prevent possible deformations of dentition?
Early prosthetic
Appointment LFK
Iontophoresis 5% sodium salicylate
Appointment sedatives
Use of reflexology

Patient K., 27 years old, appealed with the aim of prosthetics. Teeth removed 5 years ago.
Objectively: facial configuration is not changed. There is included a defect mandibular dentition
due to the absence of 35, 36, 37 teeth. There is a shift of 26, 27 in the vertical direction by 2-2.5
mm from the occlusal plane and the increase in alveolar bone. Cervical not bare teeth. Determine
the pathological condition of the patient:
The teeth-alveolar lengthening
Teeth divergence
Vertical anomaly
Teeth convergence
Functional teeth overload

Patient S., 68 years old, complains of a violation of chewing function. On examination: the
upper jaw unilateral shortening of the tooth row from left to 24. The teeth 35, 36, 37 are shifted
to the side of missing teeth with antagonists decrease interalveolar space in the distal portions to
0.5 mm. The roots of bare, broken extra- and intraalveolar ratio teeth parts. What kind of
secondary deformity classification Ponomareva, V.A.:
II Group II subgroup
2 Group
Teeth-alveolar extension
I group
II group, subgroup 1

Patient 34 years old, complains of a violation of chewing function due to lack of 25, 26.
Objectively: the deformation of the dental arch of the lower jaw as a result of minor
supraocclusion 35, 36. What is the treatment for secondary deformation of dentition most
rational in this situation?
Method serial disocclusion
Hardware-surgical method
Depulpation displaced teeth
Grind hard tissue of teeth displaced
Removal of displaced teeth

The patient, 45 years, appealed to the clinic with the purpose of prosthetics. Objectively:
no 47, 46, 45, 35, 36, 37 teeth. There is a tooth - alveolar vertical movement 17, 16, 26, 27 teeth,
increased alveolar bone, tooth necks are not stripped. When closing the distance between the
dentition occlusal surfaces of the teeth and the alveolar ridge approximately 3 mm. Determine
the most rational method of treatment of the secondary deformation in this patient:
Hardware-surgical method
Teeth grinding method
Disocclusion method
Depulpation and grind
Patient 47-year turned over the prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: no 24, 25 teeth, small teeth-
alveolar lengthening in 34, 35 teeth. Which of the following methods of leveling the occlusal
surface should be applied?
Shortening teeth method
A method for increasing of interalveolar height
Orthodontic method
Hardware-surgical method
Tooth extraction method

The patient 45 years appealed to the clinic with the purpose of prosthetics. Objectively: no
47, 46, 45, 35, 36, 37 teeth. There is teeth-alveolar vertical movement 17, 16, 26, 27 teeth,
increased alveolar bone, tooth necks are not stripped. When closing the distance between the
dentition occlusal surfaces of the teeth and the alveolar ridge about 6 mm. Determine the most
rational method of treatment of the secondary deformation in this patient:
Depulpation and grind
Techniques by grinding teeth
Hardware-surgical method
Method disocclusion

Patient 46 years old complains of a violation of chewing function due to the lack of teeth in
the upper jaw on the left. Objectively: the pathology of hard tissues and periodontal not
identified. Based on what features you can establish the diagnosis of secondary deformation of
Supra and infraocclusion
Crowding tooth
Rotation about its axis
Irregular shape of the dental arch

The patient 40 years appealed to the dentist complaining of partial absence of teeth, bad
chewing food. OBJECTIVE: no 48, 47, 46, 45, 44 teeth, 17, 16 and 15 are displaced together
with the alveolar ridge to the alveolar bone of the lower jaw. What reasons led to the emergence
of the phenomenon of Popova-Godon?
Loss antagonist teeth
Mouth breathing

The patient G., 36 years, is determined by the tooth-alveolar extension 26, 27 teeth (the
initial stage of the 2nd form with Ponomareva). What method it is advisable to eliminate this
Hardware-surgical method
Shortering teeth
Increasing intraalveolar height

Patient K. 30 years of complaints about the partial absence of teeth, difficulty chewing
food. Objectively: None 35 36 25 teeth and 26 teeth are offset vertically, almost to the opposite
jaw alveolar process. How it is advisable to fix orthodontic appliances occlusive disorders?
Removable bite plate dentures
Palatine plate with an inclined plane
Splint Bynina
Device Andresen-Goyplya
Apparatus Engle

The patient 47 years of fan-shaped teeth of the upper jaw differences. For use with these
devices can eliminate this strain dentition?
Palatine plate with vestibular arc
Schwartz Splint
Splint Bynina
Crowns Katz
Palatine plate with inclined plane

Patient M., 32 years old. Complaints about the partial absence of teeth, lack of aesthetics.
OBJECTIVE: 14,24,25 15 missing teeth, the central group of the teeth of the upper jaw is in the
protrusion of the presence of the three. What orthodontic appliances is advisable to prepare the
oral cavity for prosthetics?
Palatine plate with arc vestibular
Apparatus Brückl
Splint Schwarz
Palatine plate with an inclined plane and vestibular arc
Extends the plate on the upper jaw with the orthodontic lock

Patient M., 28 years of complaints about the difficulty in chewing food. Objectively: 35, no
teeth 36, teeth 25 and 26 are displaced in the vertical direction, forming a "lock". The patient was
asked to laminar dentures with the separation of bite on the 25, 26 teeth. At what height it is
advisable to share a bite at one time?
1-2 mm
7 mm
3-4 mm
5-6 mm
Is not allowed at all

Woman 43 years complained of mobility and displacement of the maxillary anterior teeth.
Objectively: dentition 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23,24, 25, 26, 27, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42,
41, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. 12, 11, 21, 22 teeth are inclined in the vestibular side, and three
have a diastema, the mobility of I-II degree. Select orthodontic device for correcting incorrect
tooth position in the complex treatment of periodontal disease:
Palatine plate with vestibular arc
Bynina splint
Splint Schwartz
Katz crown
Palatine plate with an inclined plane

Woman 25 years old, complains of difficulty chewing food, due to the absence of teeth in
the lower jaw on the left. Objectively: a slight increase in alveolar bone 24, 25, the teeth are in
position infraocclusion (1/3 the height of the crowns of teeth). The reduced distance between the
occlusal surface of 24, 25 and the alveolar ridge of the lower jaw missing teeth. On the lower jaw
34, 35 removed. Determine diagnosis:
Defect dentition mandibular Kennedy class 3, complicated Popova-Godon phenomenon
Generalized pathological effacement of the teeth of the upper jaw
Partial secondary edentia complicated traumatic syndrome
defect dentition mandibular Kennedy class 3
Partial secondary edentia, reduced occlusion

The patient, 17 years, complains of a violation of speech due to lack of 12, 13, 22, 23.
Objectively: the deformation of the dental arch of the lower jaw in the area of 32, 42, which at
the central occlusion touch mucosa of the alveolar process of the maxilla. The method of
treatment of the secondary deformation of dentition most rational in this situation?
Method disocclusion consistent
Hardware and surgical
Grind hard tissue of teeth
Surgical method
Depulpation displaced teeth and then align the occlusal plane

Patient S., 35 years old. Teeth lost for 10 years as a result of complicated caries. Last
removal 1 year ago. Previously, no prosthesis. Objectively: 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44. The occlusal plane of the upper dentition is deformed due
to the phenomenon of Popov-Godon 1 form of Ponomarev. Select the optimum design for
prosthetic treatment:
Laminar dentures to l/j with increasing intraalveolar height
Clasp prosthesis on l/j with clasp fixing
Plate denture to l/j without increasing the intraalveolar height
Clasp prosthesis on l/j of locking
bridges in u/j

Patient S., 65 years, appealed to the clinic of orthopedic stomatology with complaints of
difficulty in chewing food, cosmetic defect. After the examination, he was diagnosed with a
partial secondary edentia fourth class at Kennedy in the upper jaw, the second class of the first
subclass of Kennedy on the lower jaw. The teeth have been lost as a result of delays in the
treatment of complicated caries. There have deformation of dentition in the form of tooth-
alveolar extension in the lateral portions of the upper and front portion of the lower jaw. It was
decided to use in the course of the treatment method consistent disocclusion. What is the
maximum possible value disocclusion?
4 mm
1 mm
2 mm
3 mm
5 mm

Patient P., 40 years. The deformation of dentition in one-sided vertical displacement of the
upper teeth on the left after 15 years after the removal of the antagonists. Which group
deformation applies this pathology?
The first group
Second group
Third group
Fourth group
Fifth group

Patient G., 49 years, appealed to the clinic with complaints of partial absence of teeth.
History: 7 years ago was carried out on the removal of complicated caries 36, 37 teeth.
Objectively: 26 - dento-alveolar extension of 1 mm. Specify Solution secondary deformation.
The shortening of the crown by grinding
Hardware-prosthetic method
Surgical method
Method of increasing the height of the bite

Patient P., 50, appealed to the clinic with complaints of partial absence of teeth.
Objectively: the lower third of the face is reduced, no 16, 15, 27, 35, 36, 45, 46 teeth,
deformation of dentition weakly expressed. Specify the method to eliminate the secondary
Increasing bite height on antagonist teeth by applying crowns and prosthetics with bridges
Shortening by grinding with subsequent prosthetics with bridges
Orthodontic method using bite guards
Splints prosthetic method comprising the prosthesis by means of clasp dentures with
occlusal overlays
Hardware-surgical followed with prosthetic dentures

Patient J., 19 years, appealed to the clinic with complaints of partial absence of teeth.
History: surgery for tumor formation-odontoma was carried out in 14 years. Objectively: the
upper jaw are missing 13, 14, 15 teeth and there is vertical movement of the teeth. The ratio of
16 and 46 teeth - 1 Engle class. Specify the secondary deformation class Gavrilov
3 Class
1 Class
2 Class
4 Class
5 Class

The patient 28 years appealed to the clinic with complaints of partial absence of teeth.
History: 3 years ago after an injury 46, 15, 16 teeth were removed. Objectively: the lower jaw
was medial displacement of tooth 47, which is accompanied by a tooth inclination in the region
of the defect. This medial cusps is the occlusion. Specify the class of the defect by Gavrilov:
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 3
Class 2

Patient J., 20 years appealed to the clinic with complaints of partial absence of teeth in the
lower jaw. Medical history: a child had an injury maxillofacial area, which resulted in the lower
jaw were removed 41, 42, 31, 32 teeth. Sometimes, the patient noted pain in the joint.
Objectively: the lower jaw are missing 41, 42, 31, 32 teeth. On the upper jaw fan-shaped notes
differences in the frontal area. Add defect class Gavrilov?
5 Class
4 Class
3 Class
2 Class
1 Class

Patient B., 25 years appealed to the clinic with complaints of partial absence of teeth in the
upper and lower jaws. History: the teeth have been removed over the complicated caries.
Objectively: the lower jaw removed 35, 37 and 16 on the top, 14 teeth. 17 tooth is tilted in
palatal direction and 36 in the mesial-distal. Add a secondary deformation class Gavrilov?
6 Class
5 Class
3 Class
1 Class
4 Class

Patient J., 23, appealed to the clinic with complaints of partial absence of teeth in the lower
jaw. History: 36, 37 teeth were removed 4 years ago about the complicated caries. Objectively:
in 26 noted the teeth-alveolar extension, and against the background of increased process begins
to manifest atrophy of the crest of the wells and the clinical crown of the tooth increases. Add the
shape of the teeth-alveolar extension for Gavrilov?
2 Form
1 Form
3 Form
4 Form
5 Form

Patient B., 30, at complained of the lack of 35, 36 for 3 years. OBJECTIVE: vertical tooth-
alveolar extension 25, 26 teeth. The method of treatment is best to apply in this case?
Disocclusion using partial denture in the area of 25, 26
Grind elongated teeth, followed by prosthetic bridges, building on the 34 and 37
Removal of elongated teeth, with the substitution of the defect following fixed prosthetics
structures on
Replacement of a defect with bridge
Replacement of a defect with removable prosthesis

The relationship between the extra- and intra-alveolar tooth structure remains unchanged
when the phenomenon Popov:
In the first form
In the second form, Group 2
In the second form, group 1
In the third form
All forms

Symptomatic deformation of the dentition is after the loss of antagonists:

The blockade of movement of the mandible in the sagittal direction
The blockade of the lower jaw movements in the vertical direction
The blockade of movement of the mandible in the mesial direction
Blockade of movement of the mandible in the sagittal and vertical directions
Blockade movements of the mandible in the sagittal and mesial directions

Patient '57 normal dislocation of the mandible. To limit the mouth opening device made
Yadrovoyi. What should be the treatment period?
3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
18 months

Patient F., 41, from dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is designed centered
medical diagnostic cap, which divides bite to 3 mm. The disappearance of pathological symptom
started on day 3 of treatment. For how long should appoint a temporary prosthesis use?
At least 3 months
At least 6 days
At least 12 days
At least 2-3 weeks
At least 3 years

In the dental clinic of orthopedic patient appealed 34 years with complaints of pain,
crackling in the final phase of opening the mouth. In the history of «dislocation». The amplitude
maximum mouth opening - 58 mm. Which size should be limited mouth opening?
40 mm - 50 mm
25 mm - 30 mm
50 mm - 60 mm
10 mm – 15 mm
90 mm - 100 mm

Patient B., 40 years of pain, crackling in the temporomandibular joint, excessive mouth
opening. An objective examination, palpation of the articular heads through the painful ear canal,
mouth opening more than 7 cm. To prevent complications in which the temporomandibular joint
should be sent to orthopedic treatment?

In the hospital the patient approached K. '62, diagnosed - TMJ arthritis. An X-ray
examination. Who is right in the X-ray picture artorosis TMJ:
Changing the shape of the bone joint elements
Expansion joint space
Narrowing joint space
Lack of joint space cortical
Layer seals the joint head

The patient in '46 complains of discomfort and tinnitus, difficulty chewing food,
nervousness. OBJECTIVE: two-way end dentition defect l/j, limited first premolars, horizontal
wear front teeth, zigzag closing the mouth. For what disease is characterized by these signs?
Dysfunction of temporomandibular joint
Partial loss of teeth
Excessive loss of teeth
Generalized periodontitis
Auditory nerve neuritis

Patient B. appealed with complaints of limited mouth opening. From anamnesis aware of
articular disorders in the left temporomandibular joint (TMJ). X-ray study, subchondral sclerosis
joint areas, uniform joint space narrowing, limiting trips left TMJ articular process. What
diagnosis should put the patient?
Osteoarthritis left TMJ
Arthritis Acute serous left-side TMJ
Acute suppurative arthritis left-side TMJ
Ankylosis left TMJ
Deforming arthrosis of the left TMJ
Patient B., 46 years old, appealed with complaints about restrictions open mouth, fever,
swelling of the tissue around both the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). From history we know, 2-
3 months ago for several days were short-lived slack bilateral pain in the parotid-masticatory
areas, limited mouth opening, sense of tension and discomfort in the left and right parts of the
TMJ. What preliminary diagnosis is most likely?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Deforming arthrosis
Fibrous ankylosis
Infectious arthritis

Sick AG filed a complaint for a limited mouth opening. From anamnesis aware of articular
disorders in the left temporomandibular joint (TMJ). X-ray study, flattening the left
anterosuperior surface of the joint head, in her presence ecsofit anterior and changing the shape
of the site. What diagnosis should put the patient?
Deforming arthrosis
Bone ankylosis
Fibrous ankylosis

What is the most common complication of suppurative arthritis of temporomandibular

joint in childhood?
Bone ankylosis
Arthritis chronic
Deforming arthrosi
Fibrous ankylosis

Patient '40 appealed with complaints wear plastic teeth full dentures, which took place
within 1 year from the date of manufacture. OBJECTIVE: wear plastic teeth full dentures upper
and lower jaws more than half the height of the crown. According patient: teeth were lost in the
30-year-old «because they erased». What are the next steps the doctor?
Produce new complete dentures with artificial ceramic teeth and referred for consultation
to the surgeon-dentist about TMJ pathology
Produce new full dentures and increase lower face height
Replace plastic denture teeth
Produce new complete dentures
Grind occlusal surface of the plastic teeth

The patient in '37 with recurrent dislocation of the mandible, made non-removable device
to limit mouth opening. What term treatment of this unit?
2-3 months
3-4 weeks
4-5 months
5-6 weeks
1-2 weeks

The patient in '32 with recurrent dislocation of the mandible planned manufacturing system
to limit mouth opening. OBJECTIVE: preservation of teeth, persistent, with a distinct equator,
percussion painless. Open your mouth incomplete because of shyness recurrence of dislocation.
The use of any prosthetic restoration is recommended?
The device Yadrovoyi
Device Petrosov
Ligature dressing-limiter
Device Schröder
Device Pomerantseva-Urbanskiy

Patient K., 37 years, appealed to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry TMJ dislocation after
reduction to select the device that limits the mouth opening. OBJECTIVE: teeth preserved,
stable, percussion painless. The movement of the mandible accompanied by a clicking in the
joint. A patient suffering from rheumatism. Which of the following devices is the most rational
and aesthetic?
Device Petrosov
Device Bruno
Device Alex
Device Weberian
Device Larin

'40 Patient complains of pain in the temporomandibular joint affair with food.
OBJECTIVE: no 36 and 37 teeth. In occlusiongramm multiple premature interdental contacts.
What treatment should primarily perform?
Selective grinding teeth
Dentures prosthetic appliances
Receiving diagnostic model

Patient '60 appealed to the dentist about chewing violations result in pain in the side teeth
of the lower jaw. Three months ago treated on chronic arthritis left TMJ. OBJECTIVE:
symmetrical face. The mouth opens fully. Dental formula: no 35, 36 46, 47, 48. The mobility of
45, 44, 34, 37, 38 - third degree. Roots exposed to 2/3. which should be podiatrist tactics in this
After removal of mobile teeth conduct rational prosthesis
Splint dentition capo Elbrehta after removal of mobile teeth
Run splinting mobile teeth crowns connected
Raise the height of the bite using removable plastic caps
Perform a custom grinding teeth

'45 Patient complains of pain in the left TMJ. The examination revealed inflammation of
the gums, deep traumatic occlusion. What is the most likely cause of pain in the joint?
Deep bite
Gum disease
Trigeminal neuralgia
Inflammation periodontal teeth
Inflammation chewing muscles

'53 Patient complains of pain click when eating in the area of the left TMJ. X-ray
examination revealed marginal bone growths articular surfaces. The teeth intact. What diagnosis
was possible in this case?
Deforming arthritis
Inflammation masticatory muscle
Subluxation mandibular
Trigeminal nerve
Acute arthritis

When prosthetic patients with disorders of the temporomandibular joint design dentition is
in fully adjustable articulators. What does it use?
The record jaw movements

A patient 50 years with disorders of the temporomandibular joint study occlusal

relationship. The teeth in contact in three locations: between the incisors and chewing teeth
separate right and left. Which occlusion meets a contact?
Side right
Side left

Patient K., 45 years appealed to the clinic prosthodontics with chronic TMJ dislocation
following the wide open mouth. Ob-no: teeth intact, bar. Open mouth reduces the patient because
of the fear of dislocation. The doctor makes limiting mouth opening by intra-jaw hinge
restrictions. Which of the following authors suggested that this structure?

Patient J., 56, turned in prosthodontics clinic complaining of noise and click in the area of
projection left TMJ, limited mouth opening (especially in the morning), offset the lower jaw to
the side when you open your mouth. In panoramic zonogram left TMJ side view of a marked
decrease in height and its head flattening, osteophyte on its front articular surface. Diagnose
Deforming arthritis left TMJ
TMJ ankylosis
Left anterior dislocation of the left TMJ
Pain dysfunction syndrome of TMJ
Arthritis left TMJ

The patient had selective teeth grinding in the mouth about TMJ disease, which is caused
by a violation of functional occlusion. After 3 days, he turned to the doctor - orthopedist
complaining hit cheek mucosa between dental rows matter and its trauma. Which was a mistake
at grinding teeth?
Grinding buccal humps peaks upper teeth
Grinding hills upper teeth
Grinding lower teeth pagan hills
Grinding peaks of hills palatine teeth
Grinding upper buccal peaks of hills lower teeth
Patient A., 38, complained of pain in the area clicking left temporomandibular joint.
Objective: asymmetrical face due midline shift to the left. In the mouth the missing 38, 36 teeth.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
TMJ dysfunction, occlusion-articulation syndrome
TMJ fibrous ankylosis left
Parafunctions chewing muscles
Osteoarthritis arthritis left TMJ
TMJ dysfunction, neuromuscular syndrome

'64 Patient diagnosed with chronic artorosis temporomandibular joint. Among intracapsular
joint lig discriminate the following:
Lig. diskotemporale anterius et posterius, lig. diskomandibulare mediale et laterale
Lig. pterigomandibulare et stylomandibulare
Lig. laterale
Lig. diskotemporale mediale et laterale
Lig. diskomandibulare anterius et posterius

Patient B. - 50 years complains of pain in the area of temporomandibular joint when

chewing food. Objectively: facial configuration is not changed, no teeth 17, 16, 15, 14, 24, 25,
26, 27, 47, 46, 45, 44, 34, 35, 36, 37 height is reduced. What is the cause of pain in the
temporomandibular joint?
The lack of lateral teeth, lowering the occlusion and distal displacement of the mandible
Lowering the bite
Lack lateral teeth
Lack of lateral teeth and lowering the occlusion
Occlusion Violation

In the dental clinic of orthopedic patient M. appealed with complaints about the «click» in
the temporomandibular joint. During auscultation sounds tapped early opening of the mouth.
What may indicate signs of?
Dislocation meniscus
Reducing the occlusal height
Dislocation of temporomandibular joint
Stretching of the joint capsule
Increasing the occlusal height

In the clinic of orthopedic stomatology a patient appealed B. inspection and examination

diagnosed habitual dislocation in the temporomandibular joint. Specify the particular attachment
of the joint capsule of the joint:
Outside of the joint
Is fixed to the head of the joint
Outside and inside the joint
Temporomandibular joint does not contains capsule contains
Inside the joint

Patient H., 67 years, appealed to the clinic with complaints of pain in the area of the
temporomandibular joint, crunching, stuffy ears. Objectively: the complete absence of teeth in
the upper and lower jaw. It uses removable dentures 2 month. What significant error was made
during the manufacture of dentures?
Reduced face height
Incorrect staging dental prostheses
Medial displacement of the occlusion
Distal displacement of the occlusion
Increased face height

In the clinic of orthopedic stomatology a patient appealed 63 years with complaints of pain
in the area of the left temporomandibular joint, which increases during biting. The patient notes
that the disease has begun gradually. When opening the mouth there is step-like displacement of
the lower jaw, clicking in the joint. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Osteoarthritis of the left TMJ
Acute arthritis left TMJ
Habitual dislocation of the mandible
Neuromuscular syndrome
TMJ occlusive syndrome

In the clinic of orthopedic stomatology a patient appealed 63 years. The diagnosis - TMJ
arthrosis. Which of the X-ray pictures of answers to this disease?
Narrowing of joint space
Expansion joint space
Lack of joint space
Dislocation of the articular heads
All answers are correct

Patient K., 62 years old, a diagnosis of chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate

severity with the existing premature contacts of teeth-antagonists. What method of treatment
should be used first?
Selective grind teeth
Use temporary splint
Conduct rational prosthesis
Use permanent splinting prosthesis
Produce splint Elbrehta

The woman, aged 39, complained of the mobility of the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: dental
formula: 17161514131211/21222324252627 47464544434241/31323334353637. Teeth are
intact, high crowns. Around 42, 41, 31, 32 teeth gingival pockets, I and II mobility degrees. To
immobilize mobile teeth made the cap rail with locking crowns 43, 33 teeth. What teeth
stabilization allows for the splint?
Front sagittal

Patient A., 35 years, appealed to the clinic of orthopedic stomatology with complaints on
the mobility of the teeth on the lower jaw. What kind of stabilization of the dentition is shown in
this case?
By arc

The patient, 36 years, appealed to the clinic one day after the fixation of metal crowns with
complaints of pain when biting on 46. Objectively: 46 Cast metal crown. Percussion 46 painful.
On the X-ray image 46 periapical tissue changes not. Bite fixed. What is most likely due to the
patient's complaints?
Primary traumatic occlusion
Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis 46
Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis 46
Secondary traumatic occlusion
Trigeminal neuralgia

The patient, 48 years old, complains of a defect hard tissue of teeth in the anterior maxilla.
The patient made metal-ceramic crowns to 11, 12 without a depulpation teeth. What type of
anesthesia to be applied at preparing teeth?
Application anesthesia
General anesthesia
Anesthesia cooling

Patient 48 years old complained of pain in the teeth 32 38, which appeared 3 months after
fixing them bridge. Gums around the abutment teeth bloodshot, swollen, is determined by their
mobility in the vestibular-oral direction. which led to this complication?
Functional overload of periodontal supporting teeth
Incorrect preparation of the abutment teeth
Wash shape of the intermediate portion of the prosthesis
Contact denture teeth with antagonists
Receiving solid food

The patient was 43 years complained of the mobility of the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: intact
dentition. The mobility of the teeth I-II degree. Planned immobilization single tooth to the splint
dentition rented splint. What teeth allow for stabilization of the splint?

The patient was 35 years old complains of pain in the cervical region 22, 21, 11 and 12
teeth, covered with combined stamped crowns, made two days ago. objective: hyperemia of the
gingival margin in the region of 22, 21, 11,12 of the teeth. What is the most likely cause of
Crown traumatize mucosa
Acrylic stomatitis
Violation polymerization mode
Wedge-shaped defects

The patient complains of '41 mobility of teeth in the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE: The teeth are
I-II degree of mobility. What kind of stabilization of the dentition must be applied?
Stabilization of the arc
Front stabilization
Sagittal stabilization
Parasagital stabilization
Frontosagital stabilization
Patient P., 39 years, appealed to the orthopedic department dental clinic complaining of
tooth mobility of the upper and lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: orthognathic bite. Dentition
continuous. In a study of oral teeth have abnormal mobility of I-II degree. Marginal periodontal
condition is satisfactory. What kind of stabilization of the dentition must be applied in this case?
By arc

The patient is 39 years old the first time turned to the dentist complaining of tooth
mobility, baring the roots of hypersensitivity, loss of contact between the teeth, inflammation of
the gingival margin. According to the clinical examination and X-ray composed
odontoparodontograma, determined force superiority of the upper jaw on the bottom. The
method occlusografy found items frontal excess pressure on your teeth. What make the initial
tactics of the doctor?
Selective grind and temporary splinting
Orthodontic treatment
Removing dental plaque
Permanent non-removable splinting
Permanent removable splinting

Patient. 30 years of progressive tooth mobility, exposure of roots, significant dental

deposits, swelling and bleeding gums. The biochemical indicator of blood glucose of 6.55
mmol/l. Radiologically osteoporosis intraalveolar tops of walls without a reduction of their
height. What is the primary tactics of the doctor?
Consultation endocrinologist
Purpose anti-inflammatory therapy
Study gingival fluid
Permanent splinting
Temporary splinting

Patient M. 53 years with generalized periodontitis in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry plan
on non- removable splint U/j and L/j with the stabilization of dentition in an arc. Which of the
buttresses L/j have functional importance in the distribution of chewing pressure?
Fronto-nasal, zygomatic, pterygopalatine, palatal
Fronto-nasal, zygomatic, shenopalatal
Zygomatic, wing-palatal
Fronto-nasal, pterygoid, palatine
Fronto-nasal, zygomatic, palatine

Patient B., 39 years with generalized periodontitis of II degree in planning splinting

constructions in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry conduct research endurance periodontal
gnathodynamometer to load. What anatomical and functional data obtained with this method?
Chewing pressure
Chewing force
The compliance periodontal
Tonus masticatory muscles
Chewing efficiency
If the dental examination, the patient was found: the displacement of the front group of
teeth, supraocclusion position as one of the tools with varying degrees of rotation. For some
diseases this symptom is main?
Periodontal disease, periodontitis
Acute pulpitis
During exacerbation of periodontal tissue diseases
When defects dentition
During exacerbation of chronic periodontitis

The patient with periodontal disease tissues at any stage of the treatment method of
selectively assigned grind teeth. Sampling grind teeth in periodontitis provides:
Grind rays cusps and deepening fissures
Shortening the top of the abutment teeth
Grind protective cusps
Grind cusps rays
Deepening fissures

The patient, 52 years, appealed to the clinic of orthopedic stomatology with complaints
about the mobility of the upper jaw teeth and the absence of 46, 45, 35 and 36 teeth. Diagnosed
chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity in the upper jaw, abnormal tooth mobility
I-II degree. What type of stabilization is to be preferred in the manufacture of a strut permanent
Stabilization of the arc
Front stabilization
Sagittal stabilization
Parasagittal stabilization
Fronto-sagittal stabilization

Patient P., 43 years old, complains of bleeding from the gums, pain in the gums around
individual teeth, bleeding during brushing. The diagnosis: localized periodontitis. With
occlusiongramm identified enhanced occlusal contact points. What is the doctor's tactics?
Grind occlusal surface
Produce metal crowns
Produce metal-ceramic crowns
Carry out functional tests
Produce splint

Patient 52 years old diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity,
abnormal mobility of teeth I-II degree. Dentist decided to carry out the treatment of selective
grind teeth. What is envisaged to create an occlusion in a patient?
Central balanced occlusion
Posterior occlusion
Side Right occlusion
Side Left occlusion
Anterior occlusion

Patient M., 45 years old, complained of loosening of the teeth as a result of the presence of
periodontal disease. Previously held surgical and therapeutic treatment. What kind of
stabilization of the dentition is expedient to carry out orthopedic way?
In the arc
Frontal sagittal

A patient of 50 years complained of the mobility of the front teeth of the lower jaw.
Objectively: the tooth rows are continuous. 33, 32, 31, 41, 42, 43 have teeth mobility degree I-II.
Immobilization of mobile teeth are planned splint of armored linings. What will ensure the
stabilization of the splint?
Sagittal front

The patient was 45 years complained of the mobility of the front teeth. Objectively: the
tooth rows are continuous. 33, 32, 31, 43, 42, 41 have teeth mobility degree I-II. Immobilization
of mobile teeth are planned splint Mamlok. Which will allow for stabilization of the splint?
Front - sagittal

The patient 38 years of fan-shaped displacement of the front teeth of the upper jaw. A
orthodontic treatment of anterior teeth. After treatment and removal of orthodontic appliance
after 1.5 months teeth parted again. Which treatment is best suited?
Splinting teeth
Teeth intrusion
Teeth grind
Therapeutic treatment of periodontitis

Patient M., 36 years old, complains of pain when chewing, gum bleeding, itching at the site
of the mandible on the right. From history: prosthetic week ago. Objectively: 47, 46 are covered
with stamped metal crowns, which are immersed in the gingival sulcus by 1 mm. Desna in the
area 47, 46 - hyperemic, swollen, painful on palpation. Horizontal percussion painful teeth. What
tactics are a doctor?
Removing artificial crowns and production of new
Removal of artificial crowns
Production of bridge 47, 46
Treatment in dental therapist
Manufacturing metal crowns

Patient A., 55 years old, went to the doctor complaining of mobility of the teeth on the
lower jaw. Objectively: 44, 55 teeth have mobility of II-III degree, and is a support for the
console fixed prosthesis (renewal 46 and 47 teeth). From history we know that the prosthesis was
made one and a half years ago. What processes are associated tooth mobility in this case?
Direct node traumatic
Condition menopause
Localized periodontitis of moderate severity
Reflected traumatic node
Localized periodontitis-severe
The patient 58 years appealed to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry over the wear of the
front teeth of the lower jaw. Objectively: mandibular no 47, 46, 45, 44, 34, 35, 36, 37. The
remaining teeth on the cutting edge are erased, there is no mobility. Treatment plan should begin
Prosthetic side teeth
Manufacturer splint prosthetic
Depulpation existing dental
Fabrication of tooth aligners
Restorations front teeth

The patient is 40 years complained of bleeding gums, tooth mobility in the frontal part of
the mandible, increased sensitivity in this area of the necks of the teeth. On radiographs in 42,
41, 31, 32 has advanced periodontal crevice, bone resorption of the alveolar bone is expressed by
1/3 the length of roots. 42, 32 - 1 degrees of freedom, 41, 31 - 2 degrees of freedom. What is a
temporary splint must be applied for stabilizing the front dentition?
Splint according to Novotny
Splint Mamlok
Splint Treumana
Splint Kogan
Splint Kopeikin

The patient 64 years of age revealed chronic localized periodontitis of moderate severity in
the lower anterior teeth. Pathological mobility incisors I-II degree. The patient has high aesthetic
demands and limited time. Which splint should be used in this case?
The splint is made of composite photopolymer material, reinforced tape Ribbond
Cap splint
Ring splint
Splint Mamlock
Detachable splint Shprenga

Patient T., 30 years old, suffers from generalized periodontitis. It is planned to manufacture
splints Elbrehta. The upper set of teeth intact, fan-shaped teeth are inclined vestibular have
mobility of I-II degree for Entin. With low pressure positioned in the dentition to the restoration
of interproximal contacts. What type of temporary splinting necessary to carry out a given
patient until the job prints?
Bonding composite interproximal contacts
Bonding contact surfaces polycarboxylate cement
Binding teeth polyamide thread
Temporary splinting ligature wire
Bonding dental sticky wax

Female 40 years old suffers from chronic generalized periodontitis. Objective: continuous
tooth rows 42, 41, 31, 32 have the mobility of I degree. Which splint is the most aesthetic for this
group of teeth?
Splinting based Glass Span and photopolymers
Cap splint
Splint of welded composite crown
Cap splint
Ring splint

The patient is 44 years with generalized periodontitis I degree dentist is planning a

selective grind teeth. What research is needed to hold the patient in front of his conduct?

Patient 42 years old applied to a dentist about the mobility of 32, 31, 41, 42. Objectively:
the mobility of I-II degree. Data teeth and allergic reaction to metal dental alloys and plastic
base. What method of splinting mobile teeth can be used?
Metal-ceramic crowns
Self-hardening plastic "Protakril-M"
Plastic crowns
Golden crowns stamped

A man of 45 years, actor, turned to the dentist complaining of mobility of the lower
anterior teeth, bleeding gums when brushing your teeth. OBJECTIVE: redness and bleeding
gums, periodontal pockets in the front portion of the lower jaw to 5 mm, tooth mobility I-II
degree. Which option splinting lower anterior teeth will be optimal for this patient?
Fiber adhesive splint
Splint cap
With ligature wire
Splint of full cast crowns
Pin splint

The patient is 45 years with a diagnosis of generalized periodontitis, mobility of 13, 12, 21,
22, 23 teeth of II degree. I go to the clinic for the purpose of prosthesis after removal of 11 teeth.
What orthopedic design is the most efficient in this case in the complex treatment of generalized
The combination of photopolymer material with fiberglass frame
Immediate dentures
Adhesive bridge
Solid bridge
Cable-stayed cermet denture splinting

The patient, 35 years old, suffers from localized periodontitis front teeth of the lower jaw.
Objectively: maxillary dentition is continuous, lacking the mandible 48, 47, 46, 45, 35, 36, 37,
38 teeth, other teeth have two degrees of mobility, three, diastema. Determine the tactics of the
doctor - orthopedist in this clinical situation?
Orthodontic treatment with splinting and subsequent prosthetic
Restore the occlusal height of the partial removable laminar dentures
Restore the occlusal height of the partial denture
Splint mobile teeth with subsequent prosthetic
Conduct temporary splinting of teeth of the lower jaw

The patient 40 years appealed to the doctor complaining of tooth mobility, pain when
chewing, gum disease. He was treated a year ago for about periodontitis. The dental formula - no
18, 16, 26, 27, 28, 38, 48. Gums swollen, dark red color, there are pockets of pathological
mobility of teeth II-III degree. Diagnosis: generalized periodontitis of II degree, the acute stage.
It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive treatment with:
Temporary splint with the stabilization of the arc
DC splint with the stabilization of the front section
Removable splint
Permanent splint with stabilization at sagittal
Detachable splint-prosthesis with the stabilization of an arc

Woman 43 years complains on the mobility of the lower anterior teeth. OBJECTIVE: no
48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. The teeth 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33 have the mobility of the
2nd degree, the mucous membrane around them swollen, with cyanotic shade. What a strut
design is optimal for this patient?
Composite splint, glass fiber reinforced
Removable partial denture with vestibular arc
Clasp prosthesis with clasps and multi-unit processes claw
Clasp prosthesis with antirotation
Cap splint-prosthesis in the anterior region

Patient 50 years complained of bleeding gums, tooth mobility in the frontal part of the
mandible, increased sensitivity in the area of cervical With the help of the device may determine
periodontal endurance?

Patient D., 43 years, complains about the lack of chewing food due to the lack of teeth in
the side portions of both jaws. As a result of the survey the doctor has diagnosed: generalized
periodontitis, Article III. severity in the acute stage. What treatment should be assigned to the

In a study of patient S., 56 years old, diagnosed with a partial defect of dentition and
periodontal disease, moderate severity. For the purpose of follow-up the development of the
disease the patient is not necessary to hold:
Record odontoparodontogramm
Electric pulp test

The patient, 48 years old, revealed localized periodontitis with uneven resorption alveolar
processes up to 1/3 the length of the roots of teeth I-II degree of mobility, occlusal overload in
the vertical direction. What is the suitable treatment plan?
Temporary splinting, closed curettage, unremovable splinting
Orthodontic treatment, removable splinting
Depulpation teeth, open curettage, removable splinting
Temporary splinting, open curettage, removable splinting
Depulpation teeth, open curettage, removable splinting
Orthopedist, Assoc. MR Marey proposed a combined method of temporary fixation of
mobile teeth with periodontal disease using:
Fisherman's splinting line and fast-hardening plastic
Stainless steel
Wire titanium
Wire for making clasps

The patient, 68 years in the complex treatment of periodontitis orthopedic dentist was
chosen A.M. Hotsyanovsky manufacturing splints. The material for the splint used:
Acrylic plastic
Composite material
Stainless steel

Modern manufacturing techniques of the time-constant splint involve the use of the
following materials:
Acrylic plastic

The sequence of clinical procedures during splinting teeth using reinforcing fibers
Cleaning of teeth, treatment of enamel and dentin, enamel etching, application of dentin
bonding and the first composite portions, placing the fiber strip, causing a second portion of the
composite exposure of the material, grinding, polishing, testing occlusal relations
Teeth preparation, etching the teeth, applying a composite material exposure placing
reinforcing fiber, grinding, polishing, the additional application of composite checking occlusal
Tooth cleaning, placement splinting strips of reinforcing fibers of the composite
application and its hardening, grinding, polishing, further application of a transparent layer
composite test color
Teeth cleaning is not mandatory, it is important to well-etched enamel, measure out the
desired length of a strip of reinforcing fibers, to impose on the etched portion to fill flowable
composite, after curing sand and polish
The sequence of manipulations irrelevant

The patient, 56 years old, at the time of the therapeutic treatment of the lower anterior teeth
made M.A. Napadova splint, which is modeled in the form of crowns:
Continuous multiclasp of self-hardening plastic
Continuous multi-unit clasp of Ftoraks
Plastic crowns
Plastic beams

Patient 27 years old, complains of the mobility of the lower jaw. Objectively: the lower
front teeth intact, have mobility 1-2 degree. What material is used for time on the splint
Self-hardening plastic
Hot polymerization plastic etacryl
Hot polymerization plastic Ftoraks
Ortodontiches wire
Polymer strand

Woman 46 years old, a teacher, went to the doctor dentist orthopedist complaining of
mobility, bleeding when brushing the upper front teeth. It was appointed splinting teeth
13,12,11,21,22,23 fiberglass adhesive splint. What will ensure the stabilization of teeth this
Front sagittal

Patient G., 48 years old, with a diagnosis of chronic generalized periodontitis third degree,
undergoing another examination system, being at a dentist-orthopedist at the dispensary. What
manipulation is mandatory in this disease?
Probing the gingival channels
Definition IROPZ
Chewing tests by Rubinov
Implementation EDI Implementation

Patient P., 49 years old, diagnosed with generalized periodontitis intensified pain when
chewing, increased tooth mobility, bleeding gums. Which doctor should refer the patient for a
Emergency physician

Patient K., 48 years old, applied to the prosthetic dentistry clinic with complaints of pain in
the teeth during closure of dentition, bleeding gums, tooth mobility I st. Dental series intact. Held
selective grind teeth. How many visits a patient needs to be done in this case?
3 visits
Individually - from 3 to 6 visits
1 visit
4 visits
5 visits

Patient K., 52 years, appealed to the clinic of orthopedic stomatology with complaints of
bad breath, itching, burning, bleeding gums, tooth mobility. OBJECTIVE: gums hyperemic,
edematous, the presence of over-and subgingival dental plaque. Teeth bared roots of 3-5 mm,
periodontal pockets up to 4 mm with a sero-purulent exudate, mobility of the teeth I-II degree,
traumatic occlusion. On Ro-gram: osteoporosis interdental bone septa, bone resorption within
1/2 of the root length, the phenomenon of horizontal and vertical resorption alveolar processes.
Put the diagnosis to the patient:
Generalized periodontitis of II degree. Severity, exacerbation stage
Generalized periodontitis swift-II stage. Severity, acute
Generalized periodontitis stage II stage. Severity, acute stage
Generalized juvenile periodontitis II stage. severity, acute stage
Generalized periodontitis of II item. severity, chronic stage

Patient P., 49 years old, diagnosed with generalized periodontitis, increased pain when
chewing, increased tooth mobility, bleeding gums. The doctor ordered a dentist curettage
pathological pockets. splint will be used for temporary splinting LA Pashkov. What material is it
Plasticized PMMA
Acrylic plastic
Solid stainless steel
Cobalt-chromium alloy
Silver-palladium alloy

Female, 35 years, needs splinting anterior mandible. Objectively: 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33
depulp teeth mobility of I-II degree, the rest of the teeth stable. Which splint based aesthetic
requirements can be applied?
Equator crown
With semi-crown
With soldered crowns

Male, 44 years old, complains of the mobility of the front teeth of the lower jaw.
OBJECTIVE: all teeth are present. 43, 42, 41, 31, 32, 33 teeth intact, the degree of mobility of I.
It planned splinting mobile teeth. What is the most rational design?
With punched crowns
With crowns cast
With plastic crowns
With metal-plastic crowns

Patient D, 40 L, appealed to the clinic with complaints of mobility of the anterior teeth.
Objectively: the mobility of the front teeth in the lower jaw of 2 degrees. Teeth depulp. Specify
permanent construction splints in the complex treatment of periodontal disease for the secondary
prevention of deformation:
Splint Mamlok
Splint with multi-unit clasp
Splint Elbrehta
Interdental splint for Kopeikin
Splint Nowotny

The patient, 33 years old, complains of the mobility of the teeth on the upper jaw.
Objectively: 12, 11, 21, 22 - 2 degree of mobility pulpless teeth do not change color. Choose the
design of the prosthesis in this case:
Splint Mamlok
Coronal welded rail
Band welded splint
A splint of the plastic crowns
Beam splint

The patient was 38 years old with a diagnosis of chronic generalized periodontitis is aimed
at orthopedic treatment. Objective: continuous tooth rows 12, 11, 21, 22 teeth are mobile 1
degree depulp. The rest of the teeth stable. Which of the following best splint for splinting
aesthetic front teeth?
Splint Mammloka
Ring Splint
Splint from welded composite crowns
Coronal splint
Cap splint

The patient, 45 years old, an employee suffers from periodontal disease for 6 years, he
applied for the purpose of orthopedic treatment in remission. Objectively: the mucous membrane
in the front group cyanotic teeth, teeth bared neck 2mm, 31, 32, 41, 42 movable in the vestibular-
oral direction, density 31, 41, 42. What is the most rational design splints for the front group of
Crown-cap splint
Beam splint of Courland
Coronal splint
Semi-crown splint
Splint semicircular

The patient was 58 years old need to carry out splinting of maxillary anterior teeth.
Objectively: 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth have mobility 1stepeni, depulp. Which of these splints
rational use?

Patient L., 54 years old, sick periodontitis for 5 years. He turned in remission for the
purpose of orthopedic treatment. Objectively: the mucous membrane in the area of the front teeth
of the upper jaw cyanotic, neck of the teeth are exposed to 2 mm, teeth 11, 21 have mobility in
the vestibular-oral direction. What is the most rational design for splinting the front teeth?
Semi-crown splint crown
Splint cap coronal
Beam splint Courland
Crown splint
Semi-circle splint

Fixed splints perform immobilization:

Vertical transvesal medio-distal direction
Vertical direction
Vertical direction and mesiolateral
Vestibular direction
Transversal direction and mesiolateral

Patient M. applied to the prosthetic dentistry clinic complaining of tooth mobility in the
side portions of the lower jaw. After inspection revealed tooth mobility of II degree. Which
splint ensures optimum stabilization of the teeth in the side areas?

Patient G., 43 years old, complains of pain in the area of the lower anterior teeth when
eating. The history of diabetes. Objectively: the remaining teeth 42, 41, 31, 32, 33 have a
mobility of II degree, the mucous membrane around them swollen, friable, with a cyanotic
shade. What a strut design is most suitable in a given clinical situation?
Splint-prosthesis with caps in the front region
Removable partial denture plate-double belt clasps
Clasp prosthesis with clasps and multi-unit processes claw
Clasp prosthesis with antirotation
Partial removable laminar dentures with vestibular arc

Patient S., 45 years old, went to the doctor complaining of mobility of the front teeth in the
lower jaw. Objectively: 33, 32, 31, 41, 42, 43 - have a mobility of II degree. Which of the
following splints efficiently used in this case, after the pretreatment teeth?
Splint Mamlok
Cap splint
Splint Entelis
Splint Vasilyeva
Splint Tigerstedt

Patient 53 years old he applied to the prosthetic dentistry clinic with complaints of tooth
mobility in the side portions, frequent loss of seals. Objectively: all molars and premolars in the
lower jaw have the mobility of I degree. On approxim-chewing surfaces of the seals. Which
splint design expedient to apply in this case?
Splints of equator crowns
Intradental splint
Crown-cap splint
Splint tabbed
Fixed-coronal prosthesis splint

Man 46 years old asked about prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: no 46 teeth. Necks 47, 45, 44
teeth bared, the mobility of the tooth 45 of I degree. Orthognathic bite. Planned replacement
dentition defect of the mandible soldered bridges with the support of 47, 45, 44 teeth. What more
fixing elements are shown in this patient?
Equator crowns
3/4 crowns
Combined crown
Clasp denture

The patient 49 years of generalized periodontitis of moderate severity. Make non-

removable dentures shiny-. What impression material must be applied in this case?

Patient 53 years old he applied to the prosthetic dentistry clinic with complaints of tooth
mobility in the side portions, frequent loss of seals. Objectively: all molars and premolars to l/j
mobile I degree. On approxim-chewing surfaces of the seals. Which splint design expedient to
apply in this case?
Inlay splint
The fixed-prosthetic coronal splint
Splints from equator crowns
Crown-cap splint
Splints in intradental

The patient was 50 years of age require splinting the front teeth of the lower jaw.
Objectively: 33, 32, 31, 41, 42, 43 teeth have mobility of I-II degree, depulp. Which of these
splints should I use?
Van Thiel

Patient 51 years, still the teeth. Marginal periodontium in the 14-11, 21-23 teeth have signs
of inflammation, abnormal tooth-gingival pockets of 4-5 mm deep. The patient chosen for the
prosthesis with plastic-molded construction. What are the features of the construction to the edge
of the marginal periodontitis in this case?
Circular garland around the necks of all the abutment teeth
Circular scarp formation at the level of the gum
Formation subgingival circular shoulder
Design is made as a single crown
Structure is made without lining, without the circular ledge

The patient, 38 years old, sent to the orthopedic department after the course of therapeutic
treatment for periodontitis. With history - frequent relapses of the disease, with marked
aggravation of periodontal abscesses. Objectively: a. 42, 41, 31, 32 mobile I-II degree, 43 and 33
are stable, neck teeth bared 1/4, hyperesthesia of hard tissues available. What is the rational
design of a permanent splint should be offered to the patient?
Solid, removable circular splint
Semi-crown splint
Splint Mamlok
Crown-cap splint
Beamed splint on Courland

Female, 59 years, needs splinting mandibular teeth. OBJECTIVE: all teeth are present. The
crowns of the teeth of the lower jaw are high, intact teeth, bare neck, the mobility of the II
degree. Which splint is better to use?
Removable cast
Soldered crowns
Equator crowns

Male, 45 years old, complains of pain and mobility of the front teeth of the upper jaw.
OBJECTIVE: all teeth are present. Necks 13, 12, 11, 21, 22 are exposed tooth mobility third
degree. Planned removal of mobile teeth and denture manufacturer directly. In what time frame
after tooth extraction impose immediate dentures?
On the day of tooth extraction
After 1-2 days
3-4 days
5-6 days
6-7 days

Patient M., 55 years old, treated at the clinic about the generalized periodontitis (II-III
cent.). During treatment it is necessary to remove a large number of teeth of III degree of
mobility. Through direct prosthesis imposed some time after the operation?
On the day of tooth extraction
After 7 days
After 14 days
After a day
2 months

Patient G., 45 years, appealed to the clinic with complaints of lack of teeth L/j on the right.
OBJECTIVE: no 46, 45, 38, 48. 47 movable tooth (1 degree), 44 tooth crown destroyed by 1/2.
What kind of prosthesis is expedient to recommend to the patient in order to restore chewing
efficiency and prevention of periodontal unloading 47, 44 teeth?
Arc denture with clasp fixing 47, 44, 34 teeth
Brazed bridge building on 48, 44 teeth
Sinter bridge building on 47, 46 teeth
Bridges with one-sided support 47 tooth
Small saddle prosthesis clasp fixing 47, 44 teeth

Patient K., 57 l., Appealed to the clinic with complaints of tooth mobility, inability meal.
Objectively: the lower jaw 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 45, 46 and 48 teeth are missing; 31, 32, 33, 34, 41,
42, 43, 47 - with a mobility II art, with low clinical crowns, tooth equator is not expressed.
Define the structure of the prosthesis in this pathology:
Removable-molded splint denture
Partial denture
Beam splint of Courland
Bynin removable splint
Removable splint with vestibulooral clasp

The patient, 38 years old, complains of the lack of mobility of the teeth and the lower jaw.
Teeth removed two months ago. No 46, 45, 44. 35, 36, 37 - 1 degree mobility. What is the
rational design of the prosthesis for this patient?
Clasp prosthesis splint
Partial removable laminar dentures
Saddle prosthesis
Clasp prosthesis

The patient complains 40, tooth mobility, bleeding gums, pain during food Objectively:
exposure of roots 13, 12, 11, 47, 46, 45, 35, 36, 37 of more than 2.3, the mobility III - IV degree.
On radiographs - atrophy of the cells. What methodology and terms of manufacturing imediate -
Making dentures before removing the teeth and fixing it immediately after removing
Making of dentures in a day after the removal of dentures
Making ten days after removal of dentures
Making of a month after the removal of dentures
Making of 1.5 months after removal
The patient was 40 years old complains of inability to chew food due to loss of posterior
teeth 18, 16, 15, 25, 26, 28, 38, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 48. The other teeth have mobility of I-II
degree. Generalized periodontitis. What prosthesis design the most rational in this case?
The removable splint-denture
Clasp prosthesis
Removable plate dentures
Fixed bridge
Prostheses with metal basis

The patient was 42 years old, teacher, planned production of the prosthesis directly on the
lower jaw to replace the front teeth with III degree of mobility. Select the impression material?

The patient was 43 years complained of the mobility of the lower jaw. Objectively: the
mobility of the teeth I-II degree. Planned splinting teeth removable cast splint. What material is
better to make this splint?
CCS Alloy
Stainless Steel
Alloy PD-250
Alloy of gold 900-carat

The patient was 42 years old 2 days ago was made directly after the removal of the
prosthesis of the lower anterior teeth. When permanent prosthesis to be made?
2-3 months later
A week later
A year after
End of the therapeutic treatment
3-4 years

Patient 45 years, as a teacher, consult a podiatrist, dentist, with the aim of choosing the
rational prosthetics. Objectively: teeth 12, 11, 21, 22 have a 3 degree of freedom. What
orthopedic care appropriate to apply?
Early prosthetic
Fixed prosthetics
Prosthesis remote
Clasp prosthesis

Patient L., 47 years old, the teacher suffers from generalized periodontitis. During the 5
years I enjoyed a non-removable plastic crown splint with the support of 32, 31, 41, 42.
Objectively: the front portion of the teeth have mobility grade 3 and vestibular inclination. It is
planned to remove the tooth. What is the structure after tooth extraction should be offered to the
patient, taking into account the specialty?
Immediate dentures
Fixed bridge
Removable bridge
Removable prosthesis
The fixed splint-splint-prosthesis

Patient F., aged 40, complained of bleeding gums, mobility of the teeth on both jaws, the
unpleasant smell from the mouth. After the examination, the diagnosis: generalized periodontitis
of moderate severity. After a therapeutic treatment must splint intact dentition. What most
rational design of splints?
Cast multi-unit rail Elbrehta
Stamped Metal splint Cap
Stampings plastic Cap splint
Crown splint
Cap splints

Patient B., 50 years old, asked for prosthetic dentition defect of the mandible (I Kennedy
class). Available 33, 32, 31, 41, 42, 43 teeth with high clinical crowns intact mobility degree I-II,
the bottom of the oral cavity of sufficient depth. What most rational design of the prosthesis?
Clasp prosthesis with cast clasps and multi-unit processes claw
Partial laminar dentures
Partial denture with stamped basis
Removable molded splint

Patient A., 52 years old, according to the actor profession, significant mobility complains
12, 11, 21, 22 teeth. Objectively: the roots of 12, 11, 21, 22 teeth bared at 2/3 height, abnormal
mobility of III degree. Removes 12, 11, 21, 22 teeth. What type of prosthesis should be used for
urgent prosthetics?
Direct partial removable plate prosthesis (denture-imediat)
Clasp prosthesis
Denture adhesive
Sinter bridge
Stamped-brazed bridge

Patient T., 38 years old, there is a need to remove 42, 41, 31, 32 teeth. All other intact
teeth. What tactics orthopedic treatment?
Produce immediate temporary prosthesis
After 3 weeks to make a bridge with the support of 33 and 43 teeth
Craft clasp prosthesis
Make a partial denture after complete epithelialization of the wound surface
Craft adhesive bridge

Male 52 years old, lecturer, asked the orthopedic department with complaints on the
mobility of the front teeth of the lower jaw. Necks 42, 41, 31, 32 teeth bared, the deep pockets of
pathological mobility of III degree. In what period of time it is advisable to apply dentures in this
On the day of tooth extraction
4 - 6 months
2 - 3 months
16 - 30 days
5 - 6 days
Patient S., 58 years, appealed to the clinic with the aim of prosthetics. Objectively: 33 and
43 tooth depulp have 1 degree of mobility, the other teeth are missing. What is the structure of
the prosthesis should be offered to the patient?
Partial removable laminar dentures with telescopic fixation on 33, 43
Complete dentures in the lower jaw after removal of 33, 43
Bridges with the support of 33, 43
Partial removable laminar dentures with clasp fixing 33, 43
Stamped crown 33, 43 clasp fixing partial denture

Patient S., 50 years old, complains of the impossibility of biting food in consequence teeth
mobility front portion of the lower jaw, and their pain. Objectively: 41, 42, 31, 32 have the
mobility of third degree. Planned removal of mobile teeth and alveolar bone formation
immediate prosthesis. After some time after removal is necessary to impose an immediate
On the day of tooth extraction
On the 15th day after the removal
Of 10 days after the removal
On day 3-4 after the removal
On day 6-7 after removal

A patient of 50 years complained of mobility of the teeth on the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE:
intact dentition, teeth bared neck, high crowns, tooth mobility I-II degree. What is a splint?
Splint Elbrehta
Splint from equator crown
Cap splint
Splint Mamlok
Splint full of crowns

Patient E., aged 47, went to the doctor complaining of mobility of the teeth of the lower
jaw, missing 35, 36, 46, 47 teeth. On ortopantomogramm resorption of the alveolar bone in the
teeth that are left, it is 1/3 the interdental septum. What orthopedic construction is shown in this
Clasp prosthesis with splinting elements
Mamlok splint
Splint with toe loops
Splint Elbrehta
Partial laminar dentures

The patient was 45 years complained of tooth mobility and pain in the area 31, 32, 41, 42
teeth, inability to eat and talk. Objectively: the mobility of 31, 32, 41, 42 teeth third degree, on
the X-ray - a significant atrophy of bone, teeth are fixed only at the tips. For a consultation, it
was decided to remove these teeth. What type of prosthesis should be used?
Immediate prosthesis (immediate dentures)
Partial laminar dentures
Clasp prosthesis
Cermet dentures

Patient H., 55 years old, patients with diabetes, appealed to the clinic with the purpose of
prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: no 16, 15, 25, 26; mobility 12, 11, 21, 22, III-IV degree. Motility 17,
14, 13, 23, 24, 27, I-II degree. What tactics podiatrist?
Removal of the upper incisors, manufacture partial denture
Removal of the lower incisors, manufacture stamped bridges during the month
Removal of the lower incisors, making partial denture for 2 months
Removal of the lower incisors, the production of rigid beam splinted construction in the
early stages
Removal of the lower incisors, production-cast bridge within 1 month

Patient K., 48 years old, appealed to the clinic with the purpose of prosthetics. Objectively:
the absence of 47, 46, 45. The mobility of I-II degree 44, 43, 42, 41. Diagnosis: defective
dentition mandibular class II Kennedy, generalized periodontitis. What orthopedic design might
be appropriate in this case?
Partial denture with dento-alveolar clasps
Partial dentures with fixing clasp 44
Related removable bridge building on 44, 43, 42, 41
Cantilever bridge building on 44, 43
Clasp prosthesis with a support 44

The patient complains of 45 chewing impossible due to the loss of the side teeth 18, 16, 15,
14, 25, 26, 28, 38, 36, 35, 34, 44, 45, 46, 48. The remaining teeth have mobility I -II degree.
What prosthesis design is most appropriate?
Clasp prosthesis
Fixed bridges
Removable dentures
Removable plate-splint-prosthesis
Fixed bridges

Patient 50 years old, an artist by profession, turned to the dentist for the purpose of
prosthetics. It is planned to direct the production of the prosthesis in the upper jaw with teeth to
replace IIІ degree of mobility. Choose the weight for print:

Patient L., 40 years old, appealed to the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry about
pathological movable teeth of the upper and lower jaws. Objectively, the teeth of the upper and
lower jaws have a mobility of II degree. The diagnosis: chronic generalized periodontitis
moderate. In the combined therapy ostentatious stabilization dentition. With some designs, you
can achieve it?
Splint Elbrehta
Splint Grozovsky
Wire splint with strut bend
Ligature bandage of Hippocrates
Splint Mamlok

Patient N., 76 years, appealed to the clinic of orthopedic stomatology with complaints
about the lack of teeth in the upper jaw, inability to chew, speech disorders, aesthetic defect.
Objectively: the upper jaw 23 is present, the lower set of teeth intact. 23 tooth stable, periodontal
pocket depth of 2 mm on the X-ray - the root canal is sealed to the apical hole, pathological
changes in the periapical tissues no resorption of bone tissue within the root length. Determine
orthopedic treatment plan:
Making a removable prosthesis on the upper jaw with a telescopic system of fixation
Production denture upper jaw with the locking system lock
Removal 23 tooth, making immediate denture
Removal 23 tooth, making a complete denture in the upper jaw denture
Production on the upper jaw with clasp lock system
The patient complains of '28 cast crown 23 teeth. Objective: root canals sealed, percussion
painless. What is the doctor's tactics?
X-ray study 23 tooth
Remove 23 tooth
Produce pin restore tooth 23 tooth
Crown polymer
Produce Belkin`s crown

Woman '48 appealed on prosthetics. Objective: no 18, 17, 16, 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36, 35.
The teeth intact, stable. The mucosa without visible pathological changes. Ortohnatic bite. A
diagnosis of underlying disease. What classes of defects dentition Kennedy classification in this
The upper jaw - the first, lower - the third
Upper jaw - the first, lower - the second
Upper jaw - the first, lower - the fourth
Upper jaw - the second, lower - the third
Upper jaw - third lower – fourth

At the doctor-orthopedist in the preparation of the tooth of the patient began an attack of
epilepsy. The attack was stopped. What made a mistake a doctor?
Not found life history
Not found history of the disease
Did not anesthesia
Roughly spent preparing
The patient did not refuse to accept

In the orthodontic clinic patient appealed '15 complaining of lack of upper lateral incisors
and aesthetic flaw («predator smile»). From history: the mother does not cut a right lateral
incisor, left a subulate form. OBJECTIVE: Configuration faces without features; no 12, 22. In
the frontal area of the upper jaw and diaresis implied diastema, canines slightly shifted toward
the missing teeth in neutral ratio dentition. Identify the most informative for diagnosis auxiliary
method of investigation in this case, diagnostic models:
Measurement Study
Genetic analysis
Axial radiography upper front area: jaw

The patient, 55 years old complains of dryness in the mouth, metallic taste. OBJECTIVE:
in the mouth is soldered prosthetic appliances based on the 47, 45, 43 and 35, 37 teeth. In places
soldering a change of color. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Traumatic stomatitis
Gastritis Hiperacidic

For the differential diagnosis of displacement of the mandible in the transversal plane used
in the clinic:
Sample Ilyina-Markosyan
Sample Schiller-Pisarev
Sample of water samples
Sample Eshlera Bitner

Patient 27 years old, complains of the mobility of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws.
OBJECTIVE: intact tooth rows. It determines the nature of the clamping teeth in central
occlusion. Which of the following methods to use the survey
Analysis of diagnostic models of jaws

Patient 58 years old, fanlike divergence of maxillary anterior teeth. What impression
material is better to use for a print?

The patient was 32 years old, complains of bleeding gums while eating and brushing teeth.
With history revealed that the patient 2 weeks ago made stamped metal crown. Objectively: 27
stamped metal crown, leaving under the gingival margin of 1-1.5 mm at the touch bleeds.
Percussion slightly painful. What tactics doctor in this case?
Remove the crown and to make new
Conduct rinse Rotokanom
Expand crown through the chewing surface
Allow the patient to get used to the prosthesis
Remove the crown and treat periodontal edge

The patient, 25 years old, complains of severe pain in the tooth 13, from which 5 days ago
fixed metal crown. Percussion tooth slightly painful. The mucosa without lesions. What do you
think is the most likely cause of pain in the tooth?
Traumatic periodontitis
Acute pulpitis
Chronic periodontitis
Chronic diffuse pulpitis

The patient complains of pain in the tooth 25, which appeared on the second day after the
fixation of an artificial crown. Objectively: 25 percussion painful edge-metal crowns on the level
of the gingival margin. On occlusiongramm premature contact on the tooth 25. What is the most
likely cause of the pain?
Advanced caries
Trigeminal neuralgia
Receiving solid food

The patient is a 57-mi years complaining about the mobility of metal-ceramic bridge with a
support 33, 37. Uses prosthesis 9 months. Objectively: at radiographs marked atrophy of the
alveolar process in the area of 33 2/3 and 37 1/2 of the root length, pathological pockets
gingivitis. What is the cause of pathological mobility of the abutment teeth?
Function overloading abutment teeth
Ligament injury circular edges of crowns
Depulpation massive abutment teeth
Grinding hard tissue
Modeling garlands in the cervical area

Sick N., complains of pain in the gums of the upper jaw on the left side, bleeding while
brushing and the use of solid food. Objectively: the upper jaw metal stamped - soldered bridge
building on 14, 16. The edge of the crown under the gum advanced by 0.3 mm. The intermediate
part adheres to the gum. red mucosa, edema, gingival papillae are flattened, bleeding occurs
when touched with a dental instrument. What tactics are a doctor?
Remove the bridge
Refer to dentist
Conduct radiological diagnostics therapist
Route for CBC
Make metal-ceramic bridge

The clinic patient appealed 45 years with the aim of a fixed bridge prosthesis. Set a
preliminary diagnosis of generalized periodontitis. What additional method of examination
finally decides the issue of application of teeth under the bridge for support?
X-ray examination
Sample Schiller-Pisarev

Patient A., 73 years, appealed to the clinic on the prosthesis. OBJECTIVE: maxillary
single tooth IІ 13 degrees of freedom, in the mandible single tooth 31, II degree of mobility.
How to prepare the patient for prosthetics?
Remove 31 tooth
Do not remove both tooth
Delete both the tooth
Remove 13 teeth

The patient was 34 years old complains of pain, bleeding gums at the site of a bridge on
the left side of the lower jaw. Bridges made a week ago. Objectively: the lower jaw stamped-
brazed bridge with support for 35 and 37. Desna in the area of the abutment teeth is hyperemic,
swollen, painful on palpation. Horizontal percussion 35 37 - painful. crown edge is immersed in
the tooth-gingival sulcus by 1.5 mm. Specify the error in prosthetics:
The long edge of the artificial crown
Not carried out X-ray diagnosis of the abutment teeth
Wrong choice of prosthesis design
Inadequate preparation teeth
Oversize CO

Patient S., 45 years, plan to make bridges in the presence of a tendency to loosening of the
teeth as a result of supporting the development of the pathology of periodontal tissue. How can
we reduce the load on the chewing abutment teeth?
Reduce the width of the intermediate portion of the bridge
Make saddle design intermediate portion
Make of the intermediate wash design
Make tangent construct an intermediate portion
Plastic intermediate stones

Patient S., 30 years old, the doctor makes semi-crown 11 tooth. At the stage of preparation
of the tooth to fix semi-crown doctor forms parallel grooves on the interproximal surfaces of the
teeth 11. At what depth is necessary to form grooves on the interproximal surfaces 11 of the
0.1-0.2 mm
1.5-2 mm
0.6-0.8 mm
1.2-1.4 mm
0.2-0.3 mm

The man's 47 years complains of pain in the area of 36, 37 teeth, worse when chewing.
OBJECTIVE: all teeth are present. 1/3 chewing surface and the distal wall 36 crown restored
seal, contact with tooth 37 missing. Percussion 36, 37 teeth painless. The use of denture allows
you to replace the defect 36 of the tooth crown and restore the interproximal contacts, the
violation of which resulted in periodontal disease?
Equator crown
Full ceramic crown
Pin tooth

In what year first did Strock carry out im-plantation of spiral implant in the socket of
removed tooth?

What type of implants was offered by Swedish dentist Н. Dahl at the beginning of 40th?
Subperiosteal implant
Spiral implant
Blade implant
Transradicular implant

What implant did suggest to apply Branemark in 1965 ?

Spiral demountable
Blade implant
Spiral undemountable

Blade implant was invented by:

L. Linkow

The organic matrice of bone is named:


An immature bone tissue is:

Rough Fibred

Mineralization of organic matrix of bone after a trauma comes on:

10 day
7 day
5 day
14 day
21 day

A physiological regeneration takes place on the next surfaces of bone:

Periosteal, endosteal and in the system of Gavers channels
Periosteal and endosteal
In the system of Gavers channels

Osteotylus it is a result of:

Healing of bone by the secondary pull
Physiological regeneration of bone
Healing of bone by the primary pull
Contact osteogenesis

Osteointegration is a result of:

Contact osteogenesis
Distant osteogenesis
Healing of bone by the secondary pull
Physiological regeneration of bone
Mineralization of organic matrix of bone

Which type of bone by Lekholm and Zarb, at that a thin compact layer surrounds a highly
developed sponges layer:
3 type
2 type
1 type
4 type
5 type
Process, characterized by the decline of general bone mass of bone organ with reduction of
his sizes:

Process, characterized by the decline of general bone mass of bone organ without the
change of its sizes:

What type of atrophy of toothless jaws by Lekholm and Zarb does belong complete
resorption of alveolar bone to the level of basale department of jaws?

Titan belongs to:

Bioinert materials
Biotolerant materials
Bioactivel materials
Bioneutral materials

A Co-Cr alloy belongs to:

Biotolerant materials
Bioinert materials
Bioactivel materials
Bioneutral materials

Hydroxyapatite belongs to:

Bioactivel materials
Bioinert materials
Biotolerant materials
Bioneutral materials

Name local factors influencing on the process of osteointegration?

All enumerated
Congruence of bone bed and implant shape
Primary stability
Non-traumatic preparing
Material of implant
Essence of principle of implantation isotopy, reasonable С. Mnratori, consists in the
The amount of the set implants must correspond to the amount of absent roots of teeth
An implant must be situated in a center (betwe two other implants) outside a line
connecting extreme implants
At plugging in the prosthetic construction of one tooth optimal variant is setting of two
implants, at including of two teeth - one implant
Amount of the set implants must correspond to the amount of absent teeth
Amount of the setimplants must correspond to the amount of absent teeth minus one

For determination of height of bone tissue in the place of the supposed implantation and
state of remaining teeth it is enough to use:
Panoramic X-ray
Computer tomography
Lateral Cefalography
Oral periapical sciagraphy
All answers correct

The most informing method of roentgenologic diagnostics atplanning of implantation is:

Computer tomography
Panoramic X-ray
Lateral Cefalography
Oral periapical sciagraphy
All answers correct

Choice of form, construction and sizes of implant not depending on:

Desires of patient
Type of edentia
Construction ofprosthetic appliance
Height and width of bone tissue
Bone density

For renewal of dental row for first molars at a complete edentia wis unremovable denture
6 implants
4 implants
Amount of implants corresponds to the amount of roots of absent teeth
Amount of implants corresponds to the amount of absent teeth
8 implants

For renewal of dental row for second molars at a complete edentia with unremovable
denture sufficiently:
8 implants
4 implants
Amount of implants corresponds to the amount of roots of absent teeth
Amount of implants corresponds to the amount of absent teeth
6 implants

Restauration with a distal counterextesion provides for :

Setting of implants in the frontal department of jaws
Realization of sinuslifting
Realization of transposition of lower alveolar nerve
Augmentation of lateral departments of jaws
All enumerated correctly

What type of architectonics of bone is the use of twostage spiral implants needed at with
obligatory bicortical or intercorical their setting?

Factors influencing on determination of term of exception ofimplant from a function it is

All variants are correct
Type of architectonics
Variant of location of implant in relation to the compact layer of bone
Common state of health
Anatomic situation

Relative contra-indications to the operation of implantation itis been:

Intensifying of chronic diseases
2 type diabetes
Tuberculosis in an active phase
Chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation
Psychical diseases

Decreasing the degree of overheat of bone is possible using:

All answers are faithful
of subzero speeds of rotation of instrument
of cooling solution
ofmethodology of the irregular boring
ofmethodology of the stage-by-stage preparing with gradation of instruments

On a construction implants are divided into:

Demountable andundemountable
Simple and complex
Cylindrical and platelet
Onestage and twostage
Metallic and ceramic

The synonym of head of implants is:

Healing abutment

Infrastructure of implant it:

Head of implant
Neck of implant

Name the use of screw are chokes in implantation?

Set during the first surgical stage for closing of the middleopening of head of implant is
Used as a fixative screw
Usedfor fixing into a bone
Used for connection with abutment
Set during the second surgical stage for closing of the middleopening of head of implant

Name the function of abutment:

Is a supporting-connectiv element between an implant and prosthetic appliance
Prevents to growing in of bone in the inside of implant
Temporally set on an implant for forming of contour of gum
Usually he is named an implant, it is into abone
Used for the impression taking of implant with thesubsequent making of model

Name setting of transfer :

Used for the impression taking of implant with thesubsequent making of model
Is a supporting-connectiv element between an implant and prosthetic appliance
Prevents to growing in of bone in the inside of implant
Temporally set on an implant for forming of contour of gum
Usually he is named an implant, it is into abone

What basic groups is it possible to divide implants on shape?

Plate and rootlike
Sadle and direct
Conical and cylindrical
Conical and spiral
Screw and not screw

What is minimum distance between implants:

3 мм
2 мм
4 мм
5 мм
1,5 мм

What is minimum distance between a standard implant and roots of nearby teeth :
2 мм
1 мм
3 мм
4 мм
5 мм

At the inspection of man 39, a doctor define the height ofalveolar ridge to the mandibular
channel and width of its comb, that made according to a 10 mm and 3 мм. What type of dental
implantation is most expedient?

Who of these authors over first did describe the phenomenon of implants osteointegration ?

Patient, 32, as a result of sporting trauma lost 41and 31 teeth. Replantation is impossible,
because the indicated teeth have cracks both on the surface of crownsand on the surface of roots.
After clinical and roentgenologicinspections possibility of realization of direct implantation is
certain. What implants do take advantage on material?
It is not important

For a patient 36 with a physiological bite after a domestic trauma that resulted in formation
of defect of dental row of IVof class by Kennedy - limit 34 and by 44 teeth, orthopaedic
interference is planned on proceeding in a dental row. Remaining teeth - intact. What
construction is most expedient?
Implant supported denture
Adhesive prosthetic bridge
Removable prosthetic bridge
Unremovable prosthetic bridge
Clasp denture

Patient 3., 22, grumbles about mobility of prosthetic bridge in the lateral area of lower jaw
on the right, sharp knife-like pain at pressing on prosthetic appliance. Pain spreads to the temple,
ear and neck. Prosthetic appliance leans against 3 cylindrical implant that were set 3 years ago.
What complication does take place? tic
Penetration of mandibular channel by implants with injuring of branch of nerve
Sharp postoperativeneuritis of trifacial nerv
Arthritis of TMJ
Intensifying of chronic osteomyelitis

Patient, grumbles about breakage of prosthetic bridge that leaned against a blade ventplant
with two headsduring 12 years. A patient insists on making of unremovableconstruction.
Endoosteal part of implant is at the level of alveolar ridg. A thickness of alveolar sprout in the
area of implantation is 9 мм. What tactics of doctor?
Settingof plate construction of ventplant next to a remain previous
Removing of remain of implant from the boneplastic arts and deferred implantation
Planning and realization of subperiosteal implantation
Removing of bitsand pieces of implant from direct reimplantation
Planningof бюгельной

A patient D., 1950 year of birth, appealed with the purpose ofпротезирования of end-
capping defects of supramaxilla oneither side. Defects begin with 13 and 23 teeth. The last
toothwas remote 3 ago. To it a patient used partial removableprosthetic appliance with the
chamber fixing on 13 and 23 teeth. What variant of протезирования in this case is most
Implantation no less than 3 cylindrical implants oneither side with the subsequent making
of independentorthopaedic construction
Implantation of 1th cylindricalimplant on either side with the subsequent making
oforthopaedic construction, that leans against an implant andnearby tooth
Implantation of 2th cylindrical implants on eitherside with the subsequent making of
orthopaedicconstruction, that leans against implants and nearby teeth
Implantation of 1th cylindrical implant on either side with thesubsequent making of
orthopaedic construction that leansagainst an implant
Implantation of 2th cylindrical implants with the subsequent making of independent

To the patient С., 1954 birth of, making of conditionally-removable construction is shown
on 8 ventplants. A patientproduces enhanceable cosmetic requirements in relation tofuture
prosthetic appliance. What variant of construction ofprosthetic appliance is most expedient?
Metalacrylic prosthetic appliance with a gingival mask and standardhead sets of teeth
Ceramet prosthetic bridge
Acrylic prosthetic bridge
Casts prosthetic bridge
Metalacrylic prosthetic bridge

For prosthetic of patient of С., 1960 year of birth, theconditionally-removable variant of

construction was select on10 ventplants. What requirement must implants answer in this clinical
Must have the internal threaded channel
Must have a large diameter
Must be screw
Musthave angular abutment
Must have demountable construction

A patient К., 1935 year of birth, 7years uses complete removable denture, but lately its
stabilizing during eating and conversation left off to satisfy. What variant of treatment in this
clinical situation is most non-traumatic?
Submucous implantation
Onestage subperiostealimplantation
Twostage l implantation
Onestage endoosteal implantation
Twostage subperiosteal implantation

With complete absence of teeth complete removableпластиночные prosthetic appliances

were repeatedly madethe patient of 63. Objectively: on a supramaxilla, fixing ofprosthetic
appliance is satisfactory. Getting used to lowerprosthetic appliance is not present in connection
with theunsatisfactory fixing and absence of valvular zone. As amethod of choice is offered
introduction of implant. What most primary and acceptable type of implantation in thiscase?
Submucous implantation
Trans-radicular implantation
Patient of Д., 62, appealed to the toorthopaedist withcomplaints about mobility of teeth,
impossibility ofmastication. Objectively: pathological mobility of teeth of III ofdegree. Disease
of paradontium in the stage of remission. What method is it possible to attain the satisfactory
stabilizingby means of in this case? of the the up
Trans-radicular implantation
Бюгельный denture with splinting elements
Use ofremovable splint
Temporal ligature splinting
Making of Mamlok splint

The patient of 42 appealed with complaints about absence26 tooth. Teeth that limit a defect
are intact. What additionalmethod of inspection is needed for the decision of questionin relation
to implantation?
Determination of degree of pliability ofmucous membrane
Study of diagnostic models of jaws
Anamnesis of disease

To the patient 50 in an orthopaedic separation it wassuggested to conduct the operation of

dental implantation. Which is an aim of this operation?
Subsequent dental prosthetic
Fixing of central occlusion
Removal of aesthetically discomfort
Prophylaxis of inclination of teeth
Prophylaxis of atrophy of alveolar part

To the patient a prosthetic bridge was 37 fixed with the lock fastening on a supporting
tooth and ventplant. What valuedoes have the lock fastening in this case?
Levels a difference in mobility of supports of prosthetic appliance
Increases mobility of supports of prosthetic appliance
Increases loading on a bone tissue
Increases durability of construction
Diminishes loading on a bone tissue

To the patient the prosthetic bridge connected by a screw with an implant was made. What
role of screw connection?
Providing of possibility of removal ofconstruction
Improvement of hygienical properties
Creation of more strongconnection
Possibility of adjusting of loading
Irrationality of such connection

A prosthetic bridge is made a patient with the use ofimplant. Prosthetic appliance is
connected with an implant bya screw. It provides possibility of removal of prosthetic appliance.
What primary purpose of removal of prosthetic appliance?
For the professional cleaning of implant and ceramet construction
For processing of bridge construction
For the professional cleaning of supragingival part of implant
For the professional cleaning of bridge construction
For replacement of implant
Endoosteal cylindrical, spiral implants of construction of Bronemark due to close to root of
natural tooth the most widespread was become a form in medical practice. What biologically
inert materials are these implants made from?
Silver-palladium alloy
Stainless steel
Silver alloy

A patient В., 36, appealed to the clinic of orthopaedicstomatology with the purpose of
протезирования. Objectively: absence 12 tooth. Teeth that limit a defect areintact. Alveolar
comb in an area 12 tooth of insufficient heightand insufficient thickness. What must stomatology
do, to create the proper terms for establishment of osteointegraed implant?
To conduct the boneplastic of alveolar comb with simultaneus or deferred implantation of
Conduct the operation of gingivotomy
Conduct the operation of osteosynthesis
Conduct the operation of sinus-lifting
Conduct an operation of gingivectomy

A patient С.,, appealed to the clinic of orthopaedicstomatology with the purpose of

prosthetic. At an objective inspection it is discovered: absence 23 teeth, adefect is limited to the
healthy teeth. A patient renouncespreparing of teeth categorically. Contra-indications to
implantation are absent. What method of prosthetic ismost rational in this case?
Making of ceramic crown with support on a osteointegrating implant
Prosthetic bridge with support on ceramic crowns
Prosthetic bridgewith support on the combined crowns by Belkin
Prosthetic bridge with support on crowns by Borodiuk
Cantilever bridge

The patient 52 years old diagnosed defects dentition the lower jaw 48 with absence, 47, 46,
45, 35, 36, 37, 38 teeth, I Kennedy class. Dentist-orthopedist decided to resume terminal defects
by establishing endosseous implants. What is the optimal number of implants for replacement of
defects ends of both the upper and lower jaw?
Three implants
Five implants
Seven implants
Six implants
Two implants

Patient N., of 36 years after the trauma of the dentition of the upper jaw in the frontal area
dentist decided to delete 11, 21 tooth, followed by implantation of titanium implants. Choose the
optimal time to establish the implants?
The implants are placed directly into the wells just extracted teeth
Implants installed 1.5 months after removal of the tooth
Implants installed 1 year after removal of the tooth
Dental implants installed in 3 days after the removal
Dental implants installed 3 months after tooth extraction

Patient L., 59 years old, with a complete lack of teeth in the lower jaw turned to the clinic
for the purpose of prosthetics. After inspecting the decision to hold subperiosteal implantation.
What material the impression should be taken?

Patient B., 59 years old, with a complete lack of teeth in the upper jaw held subperiosteal
implantation. For subsequent prosthetics necessary to remove the stitches. After what time, it
should be done?
After 7-8 days
After 10-12 days
After 4-5 days
After 3 days
After 2-3 weeks

Patient G., 62 years old, with a complete lack of teeth in the lower jaw held prosthetic
implant and recommended follow-up examinations by a doctor - orthopedist. What is their
2 times a year
3 times a year
1 per year
1time in half year
4 times a year

Patient A., 63 years old, with a complete lack of teeth in the lower jaw is held on the
subperiosteal implant prosthetics from Co-Cr alloy. How to carry out its sterilization?
in the drying ovens
in 4% solution of chlorine bleach
in a triple solution
in alcohol 96 °
in 76 ° alcohol

Patient D., 46 years, appealed to the clinic with a defect in the dentition of the upper jaw.
During the examination of the patient is established - no central incisor on the left, the distance
from the top of the ridge to the bottom of the oral cavity of 16 mm, the width of the ridge of 9
mm. Which implant is indicated for this patient?
Cylindrical endosseous
Full subperiosteal
Partial subperiosteal
Plate endosseous

The patient was 50 years to replace the defect of the lower dentition is planned to
manufacture bridge implant. On radiographs: the height of the array of bone from the projection
of the mandibular canal to the alveolar ridge tops is 2 cm. What type of implant is most
Tapered Screw
Patient K., 22 years, appealed to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry at the lack of teeth 21,
11 and 22 intact teeth. Which treatment is most suitable in this case since the removal of the
tooth 22 has passed 2 months?
implantation of implants with simultaneous production of metal-ceramic crowns
Partial denture prosthesis stamped-brazed with support for 11 and 22 teeth
Plastic prosthesis with support for 11 and 22 teeth

The patient was 35 years with a one-way terminal dentition defect of the mandible and
intraosseous cylindrical implant as a distal support needs in prosthetics. The remaining teeth are
intact, stable. The doctor decided to make a bridge with supports on the blocks "tooth-implant"
and "implant-implant". What should be the optimal ratio of the reference blocks and artificial
teeth in the dental bridges?

Patient S., 30 years old, entrepreneur, turned the purpose of prosthetics. Previously,
orthopedic treatment was carried out. OBJECTIVE: dentition of the upper jaw is intact. In the
mandible, dentition defect class II Kennedy with reduced dental arch right up to 44, the
remaining teeth intact. Orthognathic bite. What prosthesis design is the most rational in this
Bridges on implants
Bar prosthesis fixation with clasp
Prosthesis with telescopic fixation
Small saddle with a support-retaining clasps
Cantilever fixed prosthesis

The patient was 47-years old with a complete lack of upper jaw teeth. Implantation
performed a remote operation using cylindrical implants. Prosthetics advisable after:
5-6 months
1 day
2 weeks
1 month
3 months

Patient 45 years old applied to the orthopedic department about the partial edentulous
mandible in a lateral section. The patient categorically refuses the preparation of the adjacent
teeth. Which method of examination is the most informative for selection of surgical procedure
and the subsequent prosthetics?
Computed tomography
Sighting radiography
Cephalometric radiography in lateral projection

Patient S., 30 years old, entrepreneur, turned the purpose of prosthetics. Previously,
orthopedic treatment was carried out. OBJECTIVE: dentition of the upper jaw is intact. In the
mandible, dentition defect class II Kennedy with reduced dental arch right up to 44, the
remaining teeth intact. Orthognathic bite. What prosthesis design is the most rational in this
Bridges on implants
Bar prosthesis fixation with clasp
Prosthesis with telescopic fixation
Small saddle with a support-retaining clasps
Cantilever fixed prosthesis

The patient was 61 years old, complained of a complete lack of teeth in the upper jaw.
OBJECTIVE: complete atrophy of the upper jaw, type III for Schroeder. According to the
thickness of the bone CT less than 3 mm, the distance from the crest of the alveolar bone to the
bottom of the maxillary sinus 2-3 mm. What type of implant should be used if the patient insists
on a fixed prosthesis?

Patient M., 45 years old, indicated implant prosthesis bridges. In preparation for orthopedic
treatment was carried out two-stage implantation of intraosseous screw implants in the 34 and 36
teeth. What period is necessary for the integration of implants in this patient?
Three months
Two weeks
Ten months
Six months
One year

Patient 63 years old, he appealed to the clinic with complaints of dental implantology in
the complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw. The patient was denied implantation because of
the total absolute contraindications. What is it?
Decompensated form of diabetes mellitus type II
Chronical bronchitis
Hypertensive heart disease ii degree

Patient 61 years old, he appealed to the clinic of orthopedic stomatology with complaints
about unsatisfactory fixation of full dentures in the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: complete atrophy of
the alveolar process of the lower jaw class II Keller. On radiographs: the distance from the crest
of the alveolar bone to the mandibular canal of 5 mm. Which design is best suited to the patient?
Removable prosthesis fixation on 2 implants placed in the space intramental
Related removable bridge fixation with 6 implants
Removable prosthesis made according to traditional methods
Removable prosthesis with reinforced base
Arc denture

The patient was 50 years old, complained of unsatisfactory fixation of full dentures in the
lower jaw, cosmetic and phonetic defect. After further study has been diagnosed: a toothless
lower jaw type III Keller, toothless upper jaw type II by Schroeder. mucosal pliability 2 class
Supple. The loss of chewing efficiency of 100% for Agapov. On radiographs: the distance from
the crest of the alveolar bone to the mandibular canal less than 5 mm of bone type B3. What kind
of prosthetic design expedient to recommend to the patient?
Removable prosthesis with fixation by a beam structure on 4 implants
Related denture fixation with 6 implants
Production of the complete denture with soft liner
Making full denture with the base reinforcement
Arc denture

Patient 70 years old, he complained of unsatisfactory fixation of full dentures in the lower
jaw, cosmetic and phonetic defect. After further study has been diagnosed: a toothless lower jaw
type II Keller, toothless upper jaw type II by Schroeder. mucosal pliability 2 class Supple. The
loss of chewing efficiency of 100% for Agapov. Type of bone in the frontal area B3. After what
period of time after implantation of prosthesis should be performed?
After 2-3 months
Six months late
After 14 days
After 1 year
Immediate dentures

The patient was 59 years old, applied to the prosthetic dentistry clinic with complaints of
unsatisfactory fixation of full dentures in the lower jaw. Objectively complete atrophy of the
alveolar process of the lower jaw class II Keller. On radiographs: the distance from the crest of
the alveolar bone to the mandibular canal less than 6 mm. What is the minimum number of
implants is recommended to install the lower jaw?

The patient was 67 years old, complained of a complete lack of teeth in the upper jaw.
OBJECTIVE: complete atrophy of the upper jaw, type III by Schroeder. According to CT
distance from the crest of the alveolar bone to the bottom of the maxillary cavity of 3 mm left
and right. What is the minimum number of implants is recommended to install in the upper jaw?

In the clinic of orthopedic stomatology a patient appealed 68 years with complaints about
unsatisfactory fixation of full dentures in the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: full uniform atrophy of
the alveolar bone, mucous thin and dry. In the history of non-insulin dependent form of diabetes.
What treatment should be chosen for this patient?
Removable dentures on the jaw with fixing on two implants
Conditionally removable prosthesis fixation on 6 implants
Production of the complete denture with soft basis
Making full denture with the base reinforcement
Arc denture

Occlusal-surgical template is necessary in the planning, and later the establishment of the
implants, because it gives an opportunity to:
All these factors
Center the implant axis in relation to the occlusal surface of the abutment of the future
Calculate the length and width of the implant
Calculate the size and shape of the abutment
Rate relief of the occlusal surface of the future superstructure

The patient, 67 years old with a complete lack of teeth in the lower jaw made cast metal
bar with a support on 4 collapsible implant located in intramental space. What impression should
be removed?
Impression with beams, floating on implants
A reprint of a beam fixed on implants
Impression with screwed beam implants
Anatomical impression with implants
Functional impression with implants

The patient was 70 years old, applied to the prosthetic dentistry clinic with complaints of
unsatisfactory fixation of full dentures in the lower jaw. Objectively complete atrophy of the
alveolar process of the lower jaw class II Keller. On radiographs: the distance from the crest of
the alveolar bone to the mandibular canal less than 6 mm. What is the minimum number of
implants is recommended to install in the lower jaw for the manufacture of the prosthesis with
the fixation on spherical abutments?

Spherical abutments are used in:

In edentulous jaws prosthetics with removable designs implant
When prosthetic toothless jaws fixed structures implant
In edentulous jaws prosthetics shareware - removable constructions implant
In edentulous jaws prosthetic designs with screw-retained implant
When prosthetic toothless jaw structures cemented implant

The patient, 75 years referred to the clinic of orthopedic stomatology with complaints
about unsatisfactory fixation of full dentures in the lower jaw. Objectively complete atrophy of
the alveolar process of the mandible type II Keller. What plan of treatment is most appropriate?
The establishment of two implants with spherical abutments
Establishment of a single implant with a spherical abutment
Production of the complete denture with a shorter basis
Complete dentures made with flexible basis
Making full denture with metal basis

The patient, 65 years of age with a complete lack of teeth in the lower jaw implant 2
intramental set in space with spherical abutments. What you need to make a prosthesis?
On the basis of a rigid matrix fixation
Removable prosthesis with a flexible basis
Removable dentures with a metal base and ceramic teeth
Coating prosthesis
Sinter bridge
The patient 55 years appealed to the clinic with complaints of dental implantology in the
complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw. The patient was denied implantation about the
existence of contraindications. What is it?
Receiving bisphosphonates
Taking antihypertensive drugs
Receiving glucocorticoids
Admission antihistamines

The patient, 48 years, complained of minor pain and swelling at the site of the implant
installed. Objective: limited swelling and congestion, sinus mucosa in the area, which covers the
intraosseous element. Radiologically determined resorption of the bone-implant along the
border. What diagnosis is the patient?
Periimplantitis I-II degree
Hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the gingival cuff
Periimplantitis III degree
Periimplantitis IV degree

The patient, 48 years old complained of pain and moving in the area of the implant 25
within 14 days after installation. Objective: limited swelling and redness, implant mobility.
Radiologically determined destruction zone to 1 mm on the perimeter of the implant. What
complication can be diagnosed in a patient?
Implant rejection
Hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the gingival cuff
Periimplantitis III degree
Periimplantitis IV degree

The patient, 48 years old complained of pain and mobility in the field of implant 36 within
14 days after installation. Objective: limited swelling and redness, implant mobility.
Radiologically determined destruction zone to 1 mm on the perimeter of the implant. What
tactics of treatment for this complication?
Removal of the implant and the bone defect inspection, which was formed in its place
Set generator ash cuffs
Revision bone pockets, treatment and detoxification of the surface of the implant, the bone
filling pocket osteoconductive material
Start prosthetics
Appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy

The patient, 36 years, complained of minor pain and swelling at the site of the implant
installed. Objective: limited swelling and redness, fistula in the area of the mucous membrane
that covers the intraosseous element. Radiologically determined resorption of the bone-implant
along the border. What tactics of treatment for this complication?
Removing plugs, washing wounds, establishing shaper gingival cuffs
Removal of the implant and the bone defect inspection, which was formed in its place
Revision bone pockets, treatment and detoxification of the surface of the implant, the bone
filling pocket osteoconductive material
Start prosthetics
Ppointment of anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy
The patient, 35 years, complained of minor pain and swelling at the site of the implant
installed in 11 of the tooth. Objective: limited swelling and congestion, sinus mucosa in the area
covering the intraosseous element. Radiologically determined resorption of the bone-implant
along the border. What diagnosis is the patient?
Periimplantitis I-II degree
Hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the cuff ash
Periimplantitis third degree
Periimplantitis IV degree

The patient was 56 years old, complained of constant aching pain in the area of the implant
set, which appeared 3 days after surgery. Anti-inflammatory therapy had no effect. After 2 weeks
the implant was movable. What tactics of treatment for this complication?
Removal of the implant and the bone defect inspection, which was formed in its place
Set generator gingival cuffs
Revision bone pockets, treatment and detoxification of the surface of the implant, the bone
filling pocket osteoconductive
Appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy
Start prosthetics

The patient 54 years old, was the rejection of the implant in the area of 34 tooth. When
possible to make reimplantation?
After 4-6 months
2 months later
After 1 month
In 2 weeks
After 1 year

The patient, 45 years old were invited to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry for professional
hygienic treatment, which included the removal of deposits from dentures and teeth polishing,
preserving the purity of the necks of the implants heads. How often should I carry out a
professional hygiene treatment?
1 every year
2 times a year
1 once every 3 months
1 time per month
1 time in two years

The patient, 59 years old with a complete lack of teeth in the upper jaw 6 implants installed
on the two-step procedure and the subsequent production of permanent construction. What
material is used to fix the fixed prosthesis on implants?
Glass ionomer cement
Polycarboxylate cement
Photopolymer material
Alloplastic material
Osteotrophic material

The patient, 58 years old with a complete lack of teeth in the upper jaw 6 implants installed
on the two-step procedure, and subsequently made a temporary, provisory design. What a way to
fix the temporary structures used in such cases?
Removable fixing
Intraoral fixation
Extraoral fixation

Patient D. in 64 applied to the prosthetic dentistry clinic with complaints of unsatisfactory

fixation of full dentures in the lower jaw. Complete dentures enjoyed more than 16 years.
Comorbidities: hypertension, glaucoma, erosive - ulcerative colitis. Objective: complete atrophy
of the alveolar process of the mandible II class in Keller, architectonic B2 bone class. On the
upper jaw - complete denture, which satisfies the requirements. On radiographs: the distance
from the crest of the alveolar bone to the mandibular canal 5mm. Which design is best suited to
the patient?
Removable prosthesis fixation on 2 implants placed in the space intramental
Related removable bridge fixation with 6 implants
Removable prosthesis made according to traditional methods
Removable prosthesis with reinforced base
Removable prosthesis with soft basis

The patient, 67 years old, with a complete lack of teeth in the lower jaw shows
manufacturing denture implant. What are the advantages of removable design implant?
All these factors
Provide adequate support to the denture
Simple implementation of the technological
Provide adequate support to the soft tissues
It is easy to carry out oral hygiene

The patient, 40 years old applied for the purpose of prosthetic dentition defect Kennedy II
class of the lower jaw. 44, 45, 46, 47 teeth are absent. The bone is well preserved, atrophy
insignificant. What is the treatment plan is the most efficient?
Implantation in the region 44, 46, 47 and the subsequent prosthetic teeth after 2 months
Production of nylon partial denture
Making PRD with clasp fixation
Augmentation of bone with delayed implantation after 6 months
Making microdenture

Patient 50 years old no 15, 14 teeth. Following the X-ray examination found: B3 class
architectonic bones. After some time it is necessary to carry out the second stage of implantation
with a favorable course of wound healing?
4-6 months
1-3 months
10-12 months
More than 1 year
In 2 weeks

Who offered conditionally removable design, fixed on four implants - "all four"?
P. Malo
L. Linkov
B. Paraskevich
P. Paskvalini

The patient, 58 years old with a complete lack of teeth suggested manufacturing shareware
- removable prosthesis fixation implant. Disadvantages of these designs include:
All these factors
The relative labor intensity of dental work
The increase in the cost of prosthesis due to the complexity and the mandatory use of
auxiliary components of implants
The need for "maintenance" - replacement of seals, tightening screws, etc.
The difficulty in conducting oral hygiene

The criteria for implantation efficiency include:

All these factors
The lack of mobility of the implant
Bone loss in the first year of functioning of 1.49-1.5 mm and a subsequent loss of bone 0.1
mm per year
No pain, inflammation, paraesthesia, in the area of the implant, the implant-gingival
bleeding connection
95% success rate for the 5-year period of use

To select how the prosthetic implant when fully edentulous jaws need to be guided by the
following criteria:
All these factors
Anatomical and topographical conditions (availability of locations for anchorage systems
in the prosthetic, especially antagonists)
The length and diameter of implants
The desire of the patient relative to the stiffness of the prosthesis fixation and mobility
The period of healing

The patient, 44 years old, two implants installed in the teeth 45 and 46. Upon receipt of
casts of implants which use impression materials?
Elastic materials
Alginate materials
Only C-silicones
Only A-silicones

The patient, 56 years old has been found non-separable implant 3 in 34, 35, 36. What kind
of technique for producing molds used in this case?
Methods of closed tray with the abutment level using transfer waxing copings
Methodology open tray with the implant level
Methods of closed tray with the implant level
Traditional production of print
Combined method

The patient, 28 years old to obtain a print out of the method of open tray implant level in
the field of 45 was used?
Transfer to open tray
Shaper gum cuff
Implant analog

The patient, 56 years old with 3 of the implant in the lateral portion of the upper jaw on the
right. What methods were used to obtain a print?
Opening and closing of the tray
Anatomical impressions
Functional impressions
Compression impression
Impression with differentiation

The patient, 47 years old received print method to implant open tray portion 34 in the
tooth. Where a transfer is in the preparation of the imprint on this method?
The impression tray
Attached to the implant in the mouth
The prosthesis
On the bite block
On models

The patient, 37 years old got the impression by closed tray with the implant in the area of
46. Where a transfer is in the preparation of the imprint on this method?
Attached to the implant in the mouth
The impression tray
The prosthesis
Transfer is not used
On models

The patient, 46 years old got the impression by open tray with the implant in the area of 36
tooth. Impression should be carried out:
At one stage of individual tray
The two phases
With the use of biting rims
With the use of parallel surveyor
With the use of face-bow

The patient, 56 years established three-step procedure for the implant in the lateral portion
of the mandible left and subsequently made non-removable structure. What material is used to
fix the fixed prosthesis on implants?
Glass ionomer cement
Polycarboxylate cement
Restorative materials
Osteotrophic materials

Patient 36, installed at the site of the implant on the tooth 46-step procedure. After a period
you need to install driver gingival cuffs?
After 2-3 months
After 2-3 weeks
Six months later
After 1 year
During implantation

The patient was 43 years old, the implant is installed in the tooth 26 on the two-stage
procedure. What part of the implant system is used to form the gingival margin?
Healing abatment
The analogue laboratory
Abutment straight
Abutment corner

The patient was 35 years, the implant is installed in the tooth 15 on the two-stage
procedure. What part implantological system used for prosthetic fixation?
Shaper gum
The analogue laboratory

The patient was 43 years old, at the site of the implant set tooth 36, the type of bone-2. The
implant has a good primary stability. The level of care the patient's mouth good. When it is
necessary to carry out an immediate load?
The first 48 hours after surgery
The first week after implantation
The first two weeks after implantation
During the first month after implantation
Within 20 days after implantation

A patient, 48 years, 45 missing, and 46 teeth. Is it possible to install one implant at the site
of tooth 46 and 44 unite with the intact tooth in a prosthetic?
Not recommended
Combining necessarily
Perhaps the only cement-retained
Only possible with screw fixation
Perhaps beam structure

The patient, 23 years old, appealed with the aim of prosthetic dentition defect IV Kennedy
class. The absence of the tooth 21. Bone retained in full. What treatment plan should be chosen?
Implantation and immediate dentures
Non-removable denture prosthetics ceramic building on 11 and 22 teeth
Prosthetics nylon microdenture
Production of adhesive bridge
Prosthetic partial denture

The patient was 40 years, installed at the site of the implant on the tooth 26-step procedure.
In the manufacture of folding model for milling abutment is required:
Implant analog
Shaper gum
Abutment straight
Abutment corner
Protective cap

The patient turned to the clinic on the future implantation in 35 of the tooth. What
additional examination the patient needs to spend to solve the question of the possibility of
CT scan
Electric pulp test
The patient, 46 years appealed to the clinic with the aim of prosthetic dentistry prosthetics
defect dentition maxillary Kennedy class IV according to. No 11, 21 teeth. The bone in the
implantation zone atrophied from the vestibular side. What type of implant should be offered?
Removable screw implants
Subperiosteal implants
The insert implants.
Biodesign implants
Endodontics, implants endosseous

The patient 48 years appealed to the clinic with complaints of dental implantology in the
mobility of the bridge structure, building on two implants and tooth 44, which limits the terminal
dentition defect in the lower jaw. X-ray examination revealed: significant changes in the bone
tissue around the implant in the form of large areas of resorption. What is the likely cause of
implant mobility?
Inclusion in the prosthesis of an intact tooth support
The use of implants with a small diameter and a length
Poor oral hygiene
Not considered a contraindication to implantation
Invalid certain number of implants

The patient D. 32 years, appealed to the clinic with complaints of lack of 36 tooth.
Objectively: the distance between the contact surfaces 35 and 37 teeth 10 mm, thickness of the
alveolar ridge is no longer 8.5 mm. According to X-ray: the distance from the alveolar crest to
mandibular canal 15 mm. What size appropriate to choose the implant in the clinical situation?
L = 12 mm, d = 4,2 mm
L = 14mm, d = 3,75mm
L = 10mm, d = 3 mm
L = 8 mm, d = 5mm
L = 16mm, d = 4,2 mm

The patient 48 years, missing 25, 24 teeth. Following the X-ray examination found:
architectonic type III bone. After some time it is necessary to carry out the second stage of
implantation with a favorable course of wound healing?
4-6 months
1-3 months
10-12 months
More than 1 year
In 2 weeks

The patient D. 51 years, appealed to the clinic with complaints of lack of tooth 46.
Objectively: the thickness of the alveolar bone in the area of the missing tooth 46 - 9 mm mesio-
distal distance equal to 13 mm. How many implants need to set the patient to replace the defect,
given the generally Muratori - "implant isotopy"?

Patient K., 45 years old, single-sided distally unlimited defects dentition L/j, ending with
33 teeth. What kind of structure can be offered if the patient categorically refuses denture?
Cast bridge with the support of the tooth 33 and implants
Stamped-brazed cantilever bridge building on 32, 33 teeth
Solid cantilever bridge building on 32, 33 teeth
An adhesive bridge
Bridges telescopic fixing 32, 33 teeth

The patient was 55 years to replace the defect of the lower dentition is planned to
manufacture bridge implant. On radiographs: the height of the array of bone from the mandibular
canal to the alveolar crest the top is 12 cm What type of implant indicated?

The patient, 46 years conducted by a two-stage implantation technique in the field 36 of

the tooth. On how many days you need to install the driver of the gingival cuff?
After 14 days
For 7 days
In 2 days
On day 21
For 1 month

Patient C, 46 years appealed to the clinic with the aim of prosthetic dentistry prosthetics.
Objectively: 35 missing tooth. Teeth that limit defect intact. What should be the minimum
mesio-distal distance for installation of the implant?
7 mm
5 mm
10 mm
2 mm
All answers are correct

The patient is asked about prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: stand-alone 17 tooth. The neck of the
tooth exposed. It is planned to cover its artificial crown and making dentures with retaining
clasps. Which of the bits shown more in this case?
Full Metal

Patient '56 turned over the prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: on the chewing surface of the tooth
17 cement seal. It is planned to cover its full metal pressed crowns. Which thickness should
grind chewing surface of the tooth?
0.27-0.3 mm
0.31-0.4 mm
0.41-0.44 mm
0.42-0.47 mm
0.48-0.5 mm

Patient '47 addressed with complaints of mobility artificial tooth crown 36, made 2 years
ago. OBJECTIVE: 36 tooth is covered with pressed metal full crown. When probing revealed a
crack between the wall and the crown of the tooth. What could have caused this complication?
Loose neck of the tooth crown of coverage
Dive crown land in the gum pocket
Presence interdental contacts
Contact crowns of teeth - antagonists
Excessive term use of crown

Patient '45 plans to manufacture of metal prosthetic appliances based on the 23 and 26
teeth. OBJECTIVE: in the area of supporting the necks of teeth are wedge-shaped defects
resistant teeth, bite orthognatic. What kind of preparation near gingiva supporting teeth better to
apply in this case?
Without a ledge
With a beveled ledge
With the echelon top
With the straight scarp
With character ledge

Patient '46 indications is planned for manufacture of metal crowns 11, 12 teeth. In history,
liver disease. Teeth are not depulp. The patient is nervous, afraid preparation. Which type of
anesthesia should be preferred?
Sedation, anesthesia injection
Cooling anesthesia
General anesthesia
Anesthesia application

Patient L., 45 years complained of a metallic taste in the mouth, feeling sour, taste
disorder, burning in tongue, hyposalivation. OBJECTIVE: The upper jaw 15, 16 crown with
precious metal yellow. The lower jaw denture with clasp fixation clamp 34, 45. oral mucosa
without visible pathological changes. The side surface of the tongue hyperaemhia slightly
swollen. What is the diagnosis in this patient?
Toxic stomatitis
Allergic stomatitis

The patient complains of '28 defect hard tissue 11 cosmetic defect. After the restoration of
selected defect-metal crown. What method of preparation of the tooth you apply?
Dissection to form a ledge on the vestibular surface at an angle of 135°
Dissection to form a circular ledge at an angle of 150°
Without formation dissection ledge
Dissection to form a ledge 90° only oral and dental aproximal parties
Dissection to form a ledge only aproximal parties

The patient was 19 years old, with a degree actress complains about the change in color of
the central incisors in the upper jaw on the left. 1 year ago depulp and tooth was sealed, but
gradually became gray color. OBJECTIVE: 11 sealed, changed in color, persistent, percussion
painless. Bite deep. What is the clinical picture is a contraindication to manufacture porcelain
Deep bite
Defects front teeth that are not possible to replace the seals
Enamel hypoplasia with changing shape and color
Anomaly tooth color
Tooth defects depulp teeth. Which can not be tabbed to replace

The patient, 32 years old approached with a view to prosthetics. After physical
examination chosen structure metal-ceramic crowns. What impression material shown to
produce print?

A patient 25 years appealed with complaints about a cosmetic defect of maxilla frontal
department - to the left. OBJECTIVE: 23 depulp. Seal-aproximal restores vestibular surface of
the crown at 1/3, tight to the walls of the cavity, stable, does not match the tooth color, tooth
color altered, percussion painless. What is the optimal design shows the patient?
Metal-ceramic crown
Plastic crown
Stamped metal crown

Student K., 18 applied for the purpose of prosthetics 11 metal-21 design. The examination
revealed that the contraindications to use such a design no. What material to obtain a print of the
most appropriate?

The patient, 35 years complained of a metallic taste, sour feeling when eating, heartburn
tongue violation salivation, headache, irritability that appeared 2 months after prosthesis.
OBJECTIVE: in the mouth prosthetic appliances based on the 45, 47, 35, 37 made of stainless
steel and gold crowns on 15, 16, 17. The side surface of the tongue hyperemic, there is little
swelling. Which method is the most informative examination?
Measuring the value of the potential difference
Definition pH of saliva
Definition trace of saliva
Sample for Kulazhenko
Blood count

Patient M., '25, vestibular surface of the upper incisors affected by fluorosis. Which of the
following structures give maximum aesthetic result in the application?
The plastic crown
Cerami dental crown
Combined by Kurylenko
Metaloplastic crown
Male 40 years old, asked about prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: on the chewing surface of the
tooth 36 deep carious cavity wall cavity all saved. Which class classification Black owns the

Woman '25 filed a complaint on 13 discoloration of tooth aesthetic disadvantage. In the

history of dental treatment on complications of caries, allergy to plastic. OBJECTIVE: tooth 13
has a dark gray seal defect restored. On radiographs root canal is sealed to the top. Direct bite.
Which of the synthetic bits shown in this patient?

Female 18 years appealed on prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: tooth 21 has a dark gray color,
depulp. Orthognatic bite. It is planned to cover the plastic tooth crown. Choose plastic for the
manufacture of crowns:
Synma M
Protakryl M

Male 43 years asked about prosthetics. Objectively: crown of 37 tooth 2/3 destroyed,
buccal and lingual walls thin. In occlusiogramm tight contact with the antagonists. Which
thickness should grind chewing surface of the tooth during preparation under a metal stamped
0.28-0.3 mm
0.1-0.2 mm
0.5-0.6 mm
0.7-0.8 mm
0.6-0.7 mm

Male '36 turned over the prosthetics. Objectively: crown of 36 tooth 1/3 destroyed, buccal
and lingual walls thin. It is planned to cover the full metal tooth crown pressed stainless steel.
What is the thickness of the future crown?
0.25 mm
0.18 mm
0.32 mm
0.42 mm
0.38 mm

Male '55 turned over the prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: 13, 23 teeth are present. 13, 23 have a
wedge-shaped teeth defects. Planned production lamilar partial denture for the upper jaw with
wire-containing clasp. What are dentures should be applied to restore anatomic form abutment
teeth in this patient?
Complete crown
Equator crown
Window crown

Student medical school, 22 years old, complained of the change in color of the central
incisor maxillary right. 2 years ago depulp and tooth was sealed, but gradually became gray.
OBJECTIVE: 2 sealed, changed in color, persistent, percussion painless. Bite deep. What an
absolute contraindication to manufacture porcelain crowns in this patient according to the
clinical picture?
Deep bite
Defects front teeth that are not possible to replace the seals
Enamel hypoplasia with changing shape and color
Anomaly tooth color
Tooth defects depulp teeth. Which can not be tabbed to replace

The patient is 34 years old, complains of defect hard tissue of teeth 21, 22 patients showed
manufacturing metal crowns 21 22 depulpatsiyi without teeth. What type of anesthesia will be
applied in the preparation of teeth?
The injectable type of anesthesia
Application anesthesia
General anesthesia
Anesthesia cooled

Patient S. 28 years, must dissect intact tooth under 24-piece non-removable prosthesis.
Which anesthesia should be conducted?
Left - infraorbital, palatynal
From right and left infraorbital and left - tuberal
Left - infraorbital and tuberal
Left - infraorbital and tuberal
Left - infraorbital, incisive, palatynal

The patient in the clinic made of metal-ceramic crown on tooth 21. Under gingiva
dissection was performed. What stage production performed retraction?
Before dissection and removal of the print
After frame check
Before fixing
After removing the print
Before frame check

Woman 23 years, appealed for the restoration of the crown 11 teeth. OBJECTIVE: root 11
tooth at the gum edge, sufficient wall thickness. The doctor made and check pin-lay, which will
be made metaloplastic crown. Which of these plastics will be used for cladding?
Synma M
The patient appealed for help to orthopedists. Objectively: crown of 25 tooth broken on
2/3, buccal and medial wall are the 2 mm above the gum edge. In Ro channel is sealed to the top.
Select the optimum design of the prosthesis?
Pin crown
Equator crown
Full crown

The patient is planned tram manufacturing of metal based on pin-lay 23 tooth. Objectively:
crown of 23 tooth to gum ruined land. The root canal is sealed to the top. The doctor made a wax
composition stump with a pin; molten metal; check in the tooth; recorded Visfat cement; was
working plaster imprint. At what stage a mistake?
Prints making
Wax design
Casting manufacturing
Fixing stump

Patient D., 45, complained of a change of taste, feeling bitter, metallic taste. The
complaints came after orthopedic treatment two months ago. OBJECTIVE: lateral surface and
hyperemic tongue, tongue several swelling. 13, 14 - metall crown, 46 - a gold crown. Prosthetic
appliances for u/j steel. Enjoys lamilar removable prosthesis in l/j. What is the cause of
occurrence of these phenomena in the patient?
Presence in the mouth of metal alloys with different potentials
Reaction to acrylic plastic
Bad adaptation partial denture
Toxic effects monomer
Untreated mouth cavity

Patient A, 29 years. Requires replacement of defects dentition of the upper jaw, which can
be done by making prosthetic appliances with aesthetic cladding. A patient suffering from
intolerance to alloy base metals. What is removable prosthetics is the best choice for this patient?
Sintered prosthetic appliances on a frame made of precious metals
Sintered prosthetic appliances on the frame of KHS
Prosthetic appliances made of plastics - Hot polymerization
Metal-polimer prosthetic appliances
Soldered prosthetic appliances made by stamping

Patient replacement for defects coronal upper central incisors metal-ceramic crowns. A
dissection of teeth formation under gingiva ledge. Which impression materials should be
preferred in obtaining working prints?

He patient in '28 produced tab 24 tooth indirect method. Formed cavity for inlays. What
stage prosthesis should be followed?
Modeling Tab
Production model
Casting abs
Fixing tabs t

The clinic dental 26 years in the preparation of 35 tooth cavity fifth grade under the tab
accidentally discovered the pulp. What could be the most likely cause complications?
Forming flat bottom
Creating divergent walls
Creating convergent «walls»
Creating folded
No additional cavity

The patient is 29 years old. Complaints cast crown 26 teeth. OBJECTIVE: Code
destruction of the tooth (IROPZ) is 0.9, the root hard tissue, according radiography sealed to the
top of the channel, chronic periodontal inflammation were found. Which of these structures
appropriately for 26 prosthetic tooth?
Pin-lay and crown
Insert pin tooth with a ring
Pin tooth with tooth pin
Tab with protective plate
Simplified pin tooth

The patient, 28 years old complains of discomfort during eating. In the history of 24 due to
complications destroyed tooth caries. OBJECTIVE: IROPZ = 0.9, wall thick stump, percussion
painless. On radiographs, root canals sealed to the tops of root level, changes in the periapical
tissues there. What orthopedic design you choose?
Pin crown
Artificial crowns

Female, 28 years old, complained of a cosmetic defect in the front section of the upper jaw.
Objectively: crown 13 destroyed almost gum edge, stump sufficient wall thickness. Stump
slightly changed in color, percussion painless. Ro - root channel straight, wide, sealed all over.
What is the most appropriate design of the prosthesis in this case?
Pin crown
Plastic tooth crown
Metal-ceramic crowns

An objective examination of the patient is determined defect hard tissues of the tooth 24.
IROPZ = 0.8. Defect partially restored seal that does not meet the requirements. The tooth has a
pink color. On radiographs revealed no pathological processes. What is the structure shown in
this case?
Design of artificial crown
Semi crown
Equator crown
Woman '32 appealed with complaints crown defect in the frontal area of the upper jaw. In
history, the tooth once was sealed, but the seal fall. OBJECTIVE: 12 sealed. Defect class IV
Black. Devitalization been carried out, 12 painless. What orthopedic design appropriate to use in
this case?
Inlay on parapulpal pins
Semi-crown crown
Metal-ceramic crowns
Porcelain crown
Metal crown

Male, 26 years old, complains of frequent loss of fillings in teeth on the lower jaw left.
OBJECTIVE: Chewing on 26 - aproximal surface defect hard tissue coronal 1/3. Tooth color is
not changed percussion painless, positive reaction to the cold, quickly passes after the removal of
the stimulus. What is the design of the prosthesis shown?
3/4 crown
Plastic crown
Metal-ceramic crowns

Patient R., 43 years old, found no coronal tooth 13. Root stands above the gum 0.5-1 mm.
on the perimeter. Apical portion sealed. From history we know that coronal tooth 13 break 3
weeks ago. Besides tooth treated on chronic periodontitis. Percussion is not painful. The edges of
the root - hard. The mucosa is pale pink and moist. Your actions in this pathology:
Produce root-crown-metal inlay
Delete tooth root
Produce simple pin tooth
Restored tooth using photopolymer material and anchor pin
Produce tooth for Richmond

The patient was 35 years old, made a metal tab 37 tooth. OBJECTIVE: on the chewing
surface of the tooth 37 cavities. What feature of preparation?
Creation fold
Creation support ledge
Extension bottom cavity
Creation flat bottom
Creation auxiliary cavity

In the hospital asked the patient with a defect coronal 26. The examination revealed
carious cavity and class at Black. Ask optimal treatment:
Filling cement
Artificial tooth
Crown pin
Removing tooth and manufacturing of prosthetic appliances

The patient, 43 years old, complained of lack of tooth crowns in the frontal area of the
upper jaw. Objectively: crown 21 completely destroyed, root resistant, does not reach the level of
gum to 0.5 mm, percussion painless. In Ro-gram - root canal is sealed to the top of the root.
What design advisable to offer patients?
Prosthetic crown of manufacturing artificial tooth
Stump pin for pin tumbler Richmond
Tooth for a Akhmedov
Pin tooth by Ilyin-Markosyan
Porcelain crown with pin (for Logan)

Male '36 turned over the prosthetics. Objectively: crown destroyed 25 2/3, stump above the
level of the gingival margin to 3 mm. On radiographs root canal is sealed to the top. What
denture design shows this patient?
Pin crown
Semi-crown crown
Equator crown
Full crown

Female 26 years appealed on prosthetics. 45, 46 are missing. The teeth intact, stable, high
crown. In diagnostic models medial inclination of 47 triangular space between the chewing
surface and antagonists. Planned replacement dentition defect mandibular removable prosthetic
appliances based on the 47, 44. What is the recommended fixing element 47?
Complete crown
Equator crown
Hold clasps

Patient 36 years, appealed to the clinic complaining of frequent loss of 23 seals the tooth.
OBJECTIVE: 23 tooth carious cavity 5 class at Black. The doctor decided to restore the
anatomical shape of the tooth tab oral preparation which feature under the tab in this patient?
Building oval cavity
Expansion bottom cavity
Creation of retention points
Create further platforms in the sky
Withdrawal cavity surface

The patient 32 years appealed with complaints about the aesthetic defect. OBJECTIVE:
November 12 crowns 22 and 21 teeth destroyed by caries process at 2/3 the height of the crown.
Bite orthognatic. In Ro-gram canals sealed tops etc., pathological changes in the periapical
tissues there. What rational design in this case?
Stump inlays and metal-ceramic crowns
Artificial stamped metal crowns crowns
Restore teeth with composite materials
Manufacturing plastic tabs
Pin crown for Richmond

Patient '38 appealed to the clinic with the purpose of prosthodontics prosthetics. 11, 21, 22
are missing. Bite orthognatic. 12 sealed, mobility of I degree. Crown 24 destroyed more than 2/3,
stable tooth root sealed. What is reasonable under construction resistance in Solid prosthetic
Pin tooth
Design for a tooth pin Akhmetov
Simultaneously seal tooth
Restoration of tooth tab
Male 30 years it is planned manufacturing pin-lay tooth 36 and then coated crown.
Objectively: crown 36 destroyed to the level of ash, percussion painless. On radiographs
channels sealed to the top. Changes in periapical tissues there. What is the optimal number of
pins should make this patient?

Patient B., 58 years old, complains of insufficient chewing of food. OBJECTIVE: partially
damaged 35, 36, 37 teeth, fillings often fall; prosthetic appliances presence of gold in the mouth.
Planned production tabs. What material would be best to apply?
Gold-platinum alloy 750
Cobalt-chromium alloys
Chrome-nickel alloy
Nickel-cobalt alloys
Chrome-nickel-cobalt alloy

The patient was 24 years old. Broke artificial tooth crown 22, which was 8 years ago
depulp and coronal is completely destroyed. What Microdenture are needed to restore the crown
of 22 tooth?
Pin inlay
Stamped crown

Male, 37, university teacher, complains aesthetic defect in front of a section of the upper
jaw. In history, coronal timer 11 as a result of mechanical action. OBJECTIVE: fracture line at
the gingival margin, 11 fixed root. Percussion painless. On radiographs, the root canal is sealed
to the top of the root. What design advisable to offer the patient?
Pin inlay with metal crown
Pin tooth for Ilyin-Markosyan
Combined crown for Belkin
Porcelain insert pin
Tooth Akhmedov

Girl, 20, applied for the purpose of prosthetics. In history - because of injuries timer crown.
Objectively: crown of 13 tooth 2/3 destroyed. Percussion painless. On radiographs channel is
sealed to the top of the root. After preparation of the crown of the tooth above the gum to 3 mm.
What pin tooth structure appropriate to recommend the patient?
Pin Richmond tooth
Pin tooth for a Ilyin - Markosyan
Pin tooth Akhmedov
Pin tooth for Davis
Pin Logan

The patient '38 show manufacturing pin-lay 13 tooth. What wax should be applied during
the live simulation?

The patient complains of cosmetic defect 23 tooth. OBJECTIVE: coronal tooth destroyed
23 to 80%, root resistant, sealed to the top of the channel. After examination of the decision to
restore the destroyed tooth-root cast pin-lay. At the optimum depth which should be expanded
channel 23 tooth?
2/3 channel length
1/2 the length of the channel
1/3 channel length
1/4 the length of the channel
Entire length of the channel

Patient '29 asked about prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: on the chewing surfaces 24 and mesial
carious tooth cavity, broken interdental contact. Which class classification applies this Black

Patient '20 turned over the prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: on the chewing surface of the tooth
16 carious cavity wall crown all saved. To select the method of orthopedic treatment is
determined by the index breach the occlusal surface of the tooth (IROPZ). He offered his
Milikevych V.U.
Kopyeyikin V.M.
A.S. Shcherbakov
Courland V.U.
Gavrilov E.I.

Patient '26 appealed on prosthetics. Objectively: crown of 16 tooth 1/3 destroyed. It is

planned to restore its anatomical shape metal tab. What stage of forming a cavity for the tab to be
the first?
Expansion and remove affected tissue
Forming the walls of the cavity
Forming folds
Forming the bottom of the cavity
Forming additional cavities

Woman '43 appealed on defect prosthesis crown. OBJECTIVE: 25 destroyed at gums. In

the R-gram of root canal sealed to the top. Percussion painless. What prosthesis design shows?
The pin tooth Ilyin-Markosyan
Pin tooth for a crown Akhmedov

Patient B., 32, made the metal tab on the tooth 36 at I class by Black. What surface tabs
must grind and polish before fixing it?
Occlusal surface
All sides
Bottom side
Bottom tabs

Patient 51 years, appealed with complaints about minor defect crown left in L/j. Cosmetic
defect. OBJECTIVE: total defect crown of 33 tooth. On radiographs channel sealed, periodontal
tissues were normal. The decision to make pin-lay followed prosthesis. What should be the
length of the pin molded tabs?
2/3 length root
1/4 length root
Root 1/3 length
1/2 the length of roots
The entire length of the root

Patient '45 turned over the prosthetics. Objectively: crown of 26 tooth partially destroyed.
IROPZ is 0.9. Which of these dentures should be used?
Pin crown
Plastic crown
Metaloplastic crown
Crown stamped
Metal-ceramic crowns

The patient in '24 to restore the crown of the central incisor of the upper jaw tooth pin
manufactured by Richmond. Made cap. What stage prosthesis should be followed?
Fit the cap on the tooth stump and root canal pin
Soldering pin with cap
Adjustment cap with pin for tooth root
Production combined crown
Fixing tooth with cement

Patient A., 64 years old, plans to manufacture complete removable prosthesis laminar in
L/j. OBJECTIVE: in L/j there is only 33 tooth root. The land is at the root of the gums. Resistant.
In Ro-gram root canal is sealed to the top, changes in periapical tissues there. What is the
doctor's tactics against the root of 33 tooth?
Produce pin and telescopic crowns
Delete the root crown to 33
Renewing crown 33
Produce pin tooth
Produce pin inlay

Patient B., 29, made the metal tab on the tooth 26 direct method. OBJECTIVE: 26 tooth
cavity class I for Black. EDI - 6 mA. When viewed tabs casting defects in the area of the outer
surface angle. What are the next steps the doctor?
Produce new inlay
Fixing tabs for cement
Fixation tabs on the plastic
Tab fixing and restoring composite defect
Fixing tabs and restore defect amalgam
The young man '19 turned to prosthodontics clinic complaining of the lack of teeth in the
upper jaw on the left, aesthetic defect. objective: 23, 25 relatively parallel ortognatic bite. What
structure should be used in this case?
Adhesive prosthetic appliances
Console prosthetic appliances based on 25
Sintered prosthetic appliances based on the 23, 25
Piece prosthetic appliances
Stamped prosthetic appliances

The patient, 28 years old, has included defect dentition of the mandible, 35 missing. 36, 34
intact, stable, relatively parallel with preserved anatomical form. What better prosthetics used in
this case?
Adhesive prosthetic appliances
Fixed prosthetic appliances
Partial dentures
Partial removable bridge
Imediate denture

Patient P. '47 complains partial absence of teeth in the upper jaw. From history found that
teeth lost due to injury 3 months ago. 11, 12 are missing. 13, 21, 22 2/3 demolished, rebuilt seals.
Bite ortognatic. What prosthesis design to offer better patient given that he is a lecturer?
Sintered prosthetic appliances
Plastic prosthetic appliances
Partial dentures with fixing attachments
Removable partial dentures laminar for the upper jaw
Metallic stamped with prosthetic appliances facet

Male '27 turned over the prosthetics. Objective: The teeth intact, stable. ortognatic bite.
Planned replacement of defect teeth of the upper jaw metal-plastic prosthetic appliances. What
use to lining plastic prosthesis?
Synma M

The patient '28 made prosthetic appliances to replace defect teeth of the upper jaw.
OBJECTIVE: no 25, 26. The teeth intact, stable. ortognatic bite. Tested skeleton denture in the
mouth. What is the workflow necessary to cladding for the prosthesis?

The patient made prosthetic appliances 47 45 teeth. Preparation was done with ledge.
Which of the following materials will get quality mark?
The patient made brazed prosthetic appliances in stainless steel. During the making of
crowns performed calibration sleeves. Which of the following sets used?

Patient A., 45 years. OBJECTIVE: no 24 and 25 teeth. Bite ortognatic. 23 Crowns and
high 26zubiv intact. Recommended-metal prosthesis prosthetic appliances. What weight should
get impression imprint for the manufacture of dentures?

The patient, 48 years old complains of hard tooth tissue defect in the frontal area of the
upper jaw. The patient makes metal-ceramic crowns to 11, 12 without depulped teeth. What type
of anesthesia will be applied in the preparation of teeth?
Application anesthesia
General anesthesia
Anesthesia cooled

Husband '60 Solid prosthetic appliances made based on the 35 and 38 teeth. The patient
was in clinical stage «test design prosthetic appliances». The doctor reveals the presence
supracontacts. How should conduct this stage?
Occlusiogramm in all kinds of occlusion
Wax strips in central occlusion
Carbon paper in the center and front occlusion
Alternate input paper between dental series

Male '42 asked the orthopedic department for prosthetics. The teeth on the lower jaw left
lost 6 years ago, previously treatment. Objective: 35 36 absent. 34, 37 intact, stable, percussion
painless. 37 lopsided significantly towards the defect. Alveolar bone in the area of missing teeth
obsolete. What is the design of the prosthesis shown in this case?
Prosthetic appliances by the method of Shur
Solder prosthetic dentures
Solid prosthetic dentures prosthetic
Appliances by the method Kulazhenko
Prosthetic appliances by the method Lyhun

The patient complains of '47 partial absence of teeth in the upper jaw. From history found
that teeth lost due to injury 3 months ago. 11, 12 are missing. Bite ortognatic. 13, 21, 22 intact,
still. What prosthesis design to offer better patient given that he is an artist?
Bridge sintered prosthesis
Porcelain crowns, implant fixed
Partial dentures on the upper jaw
Clasp denture with attachments for fixing dentures
Plastic bridge

The patient, 42 years old, appealed with complaints of burning tongue, taste disorder, dry
mouth. Suffering from chronic cholecystitis. Objective: treated mouth. The 36, 46 amalgam
fillings. Gold prosthetic appliances with support 23 26 Single crown with 45 MW, 44, in contact
are determined to Iron pain. What research is necessary to first of all to establish the diagnosis?
Measurement of microcurrent in the mouth
Skin test
Saliva pH definition
Definition taste sensitivity
Definition traumatic occlusion

Orthopedic doctor dentist received a dental laboratory for testing solder frame prosthetic
appliances based on three crowns. During external examination frame prosthetic appliances
doctor found multiple defects (holes) of the three artificial crowns. What should prevent that
such defects are not formed?
Violation of the bleaching process
Incorrectly stamping
Actions flux at Peitz
Mechanical damage when processing
Long-acting temperature during annealing

Patient '52 addressed with complaints metallic taste in the mouth and tongue heartburn.
Objective: dental defects upper and lower jaws substituted solder prosthetic appliances with
stainless steel. How to hold the examination?

Patient '50 addressed with complaints metallic taste in the mouth and a feeling of acid.
Objective: dental defects both jaws substituted solder prosthetic appliances with stainless steel.
The side surface and the tip of the tongue hyperemic, slightly swollen tongue. What is most
probable pathological hundred?
Allergic reaction
Traumatic prosthetic stomatitis
Toxic chemical canker orthopedic
Toxic bacterial prosthetic stomatitis

Patient held metal frame metal-fitting prosthetic appliances. What should be the minimum
thickness of the metal cap from KHS in the manufacture of metal-bearing crown?
0.3 mm
0.5 mm
0.8 mm
0.4 mm

Patient '54 show-piece metal manufacturing prosthetic appliances for upper and lower jaw.
Which group should choose impression materials in the manufacture of these dentures?

The patient is recommended to make a prosthetic appliances based on the 43, 46. What
type of anesthesia is best for a smooth preparation of teeth?
Conductor (torusal)
General anesthesia
Anesthesia infiltration
Application anesthesia
Conduction (tuberal and palate)

In the clinic of orthopedic dentistry appealed patient complaining of acute pain in 26 tooth,
which increases in the evening and at night. OBJECTIVE: console cermet prosthetic appliances
with support for 26 tooth 25 tooth and consoles. Tooth alive, processing carried out under
anesthesia. The prosthesis is made in compliance with all requirements. What mistakes doctor
could lead to such complications?
Continuous cooling without tooth preparation
Lack provisionally crowns dental treatment in the form of a truncated cone
Forming a circular ledge in the area of cervical tooth
Absence of medial support in bridges
Cementing bridges in phosphate cement

Patient S., non-removable prosthesis prosthetic cermet structures. Full anatomical

compression two-layer prints lifted elastic silicone material «Speedex». Prints taken to the
decontamination 0.5% solution of sodium hypochlorite. Enter the time required for successful
disinfection prints:
20 minutes
10 min
5 min
30 min
60 min

Patient K., '25, appealed to the clinic with the purpose of prosthetics. On examination
discovered a defect in the frontal dentition department (21 teeth missing). Crowns teeth, limiting
defect intact, with well defined clinical equator and coronal high; ortognatic bite. What
orthopedic design doctor may suggest this patient, given the reluctance of the patient to prepare
the teeth and the presence of allergy to all anesthetics?
Developing of adhesive denture prosthetic
Appliances with dent-alveolar clasp
Containing denture with clasp
Clasp removable prosthesis
Implantation conduct

In the clinic asked prosthodontics patient T., 30 years with the included defects of the
lower teeth. After examination of the pathology side of periodontal tissue were found. It is
planned to manufacture prosthetic design. What should be the ratio of the amount of chewing
efficiency factors supporting teeth to the amount of chewing efficiency ratios teeth missing?
1: 0.8
1: 1
1: 1.5
1: 2
1: 2.5

Patient '40 turned over the prosthetics. Objective: no 35, 36, 45, 46 teeth. Deep incisor
overlap. Planned replacement of defects dentition mandibular stamped-brazed prosthetic
appliances. What feature should have your dentures?
Chewing surface land cast crowns
Crowns covering cervical tooth
Crowns edges do not come under the gums
Intermediate narrowed
Intermediate portion of the saddle shape

Patient G., 51, appealed to the dentist complaining of dryness, metallic taste in the mouth,
which increase when taking acidic food. Was treated 2 months ago. Objective: red border of lips
dry, slightly cyanotic, single crown 45 gold, prosthetic appliances made of steel, in places ration
visible oxide film. Who is most likely previous diagnosis of the patient:
Candidiasis stomatitis
Toxic acrylic denture stomatitis
Toxic on metal prostheses
Allergic stomatitis

Patient, 50 years, appealed to the clinic complaining of feeling of bitterness in the mouth,
metallic taste, feeling acid. 1.5 months ago received orthopedic treatment. Objective: lateral
surface and the tip of the tongue hyperemic, swollen tongue. Single crown and prosthetic
appliances made of steel. In places ration visible oxide film. The 47 - filling of silver amalgam.
What special methods of examination can confirm the preliminary diagnosis?
Measuring the potential difference in the mouth
Determining pH of gastric juice
Ro supporting teeth prosthetic appliances
Biochemistry blood
Scraping of the tongue, mucous membranes, followed by microscopy

Patient '42 addressed with complaints of burning speech, taste disorder, dry mouth.
Suffering from chronic cholecystitis. Objective: mouth sanitized. Gold prosthetic appliances with
support 23 26 Single crowns 45 MW, 44 at Iron touch are determined to pain. What research is
necessary to first of all to establish the diagnosis?
Measurement micro in the mouth
Definitions traumatic occlusion
Definitions oral pH
Skin tests
Determination of taste sensitivity

Patient B., 38 years, appealed to the clinic of orthopedic dentistry, the survey revealed
phenomena galvanism in the oral cavity. What are the materials dentures in the mouth can cause
these effects?
Stainless Steel –Gold
Gold - ATP
KHS - ceramics
Ceramics - plastic
KNS - photocomposite
In how many of the urban population is set one P-dentist podiatrist?
Ten thousand
Five thousand
Fifteen thousand
Twenty thousand
Twenty-five thousand

Which of these methods is carried out sterilization of nozzles for the unit?
Two-time rubbing swab dipped 1% solution of chlorine bleach, at intervals of 10-15
Disposable wiping a swab moistened with 96° alcohol
Two-time rubbing swab moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
Sterilization in a hot air oven at 120° C for 60 min
Autoclaving at 120° C for 60 min

Area orthopedic office, where two dental units are located, is 25 m2. What is the backup
area is needed to accommodate each additional installation?
7 m2
7.5 m2
8 m2
8.5 m2
9 m2

Dentist-orthopedist at the daily reception during inspection and during orthopedic

manipulation uses a dental mirror. How to sterilize dental mirrors?
The 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide preparing daily 6 hours
In a hot air oven at 180° for 10 minutes
The 1% solution of bleach for 10 minutes
The 0.5% solution for 20 minutes sulfachlorantin
The triple solution for 30 minutes

Doctor prosthodontist sent to the district hospital for the organization and delivery of
orthopedic care. Will work on 1 bet. How many dental technicians rates put this doctor?
0.5 rate
0.75 rate

The patient made a partial removable laminar dentures. With both jaws dropped
anatomical prints elastic alginate material "Ypeen" and aimed at decontamination. Specify the
means for data disinfection of impressions:
Glutaraldehyde 2,5% pH 7,0 - 8,7
Sodium hypochlorite 0.5%
Dezokson 0.1%
A solution of 6% hydrogen peroxide
A solution of 70% alcohol

The patient, 56 years old, made a partial denture. A history - an infectious disease. How to
disinfect the impressions of the patient obtained alginate material?
Glutaraldehyde 2.5% - 10min
Processing Lysol - 5min
Treatment of 0.1% chloramine solution - 15min
Washing with 70% ethanol

Organized municipal dental clinic to serve 200.000 of the adult population. How many
posts dentists should count orthopedic department?

Residents of a remote village in need of prosthetic care. What health care institution must
carry it out?
Regional Dental Clinic
City Dental Clinic
Health Service
District hospitals
Rural ambulance

The chair at the podiatrist is patient with defect of dentition 14, 15, 16. It is necessary for
treatment of teeth crowns. In what way must be processed before the dissection tip?
3% chloramine solution of 2 times 15 minutes
3% hydrogen peroxide solution
3% solution of chlorine bleach 1 times
The solution of acid potassium manganese
The solution furacilin

Patient V. - HIV-infected appealed to the clinic with the aim of prosthetics. Doctor plans to
manufacture bridges. How should we handle the tool after taking this patient?
According to a special scheme
Without features
The heat cabinet
Processing Lizoformin
Processing in a 3% solution of chloramine

The patient, 35 years old, in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry manufactured metal-ceramic
crown on tooth 21. What is the minimum guarantee period, under current legislation, it is
provided in the manufacture of metal-ceramic crowns?
The minimum warranty period - 12 months
The minimum warranty period - 24 months
The minimum warranty period - 36 months
The minimum warranty period - 6 months
Minimum warranty - 3 months

Dentist-orthopedist is necessary to provide specialized care to the patient A., aged 40, who
is sick with AIDS. Medical office staff in the provision of prosthetic dental care to the patient
should be guided by the provisions currently in force the Order of MOH of Ukraine "On the
improvement of medical care to patients with HIV infection (AIDS)", dated 27 May 2000 to

After receiving the patient B. it became known that he has HIVs. How does the processing
tool, which is used to treat any patient who is considered to be potentially suffering from AIDS?
Disinfection, pre-sterilization, sterilization
Autoclaving for two hours
Doubled the sterilization
Destroy tools
Double the exposure disinfectant solution

According to the requirements for the interior decoration for the painting of walls, it is
planned to apply a neutral light green or light gray color, which does not interfere with the doctor
to determine the correct shades of color of the mucous membranes, skin, teeth (natural and
artificial), as well as reduce the number of errors related to the definition of color. What should
be the optimal color of the reflection coefficient of the materials for painting the walls of the
Not less than 40%
Not more than 10%
Not less than 20%
Not less than 30%
Not more than 50%

A graduate of the completion of the university received a specialist certificate in the

specialty "Dentistry". What should be the specialty work experience to obtain a second serial,
first, the higher categories?
5, 7, 10 years
3, 5, 7 years
3, 4, 5 years
2, 5, 8 years
1, 2, 5 years

In the organization of the dental clinic in order to prevent differences of lighting jobs due
to direct sunlight is necessary to consider the location of windows dental offices, in accordance
with natural lighting. In what areas should be focused window?
North, Northeast, Northwest
West, North West
East, south-east
South, southwest

How many bets orthopedic doctors should have a regional hospital of the city, if the
number of the population is 36 thousand. Residents?
In the dental clinic, serving more than 25 thousand. Residents of the neighborhood, there
are 10 posts of doctors and dentists, physicians and surgeons. How to calculate the number of
posts of dentists-orthopedists?
Depending on the population of needs and workload
1 position on the 4000 population
1 position on the 2000 population
1 position on the 2500 population
1 position on the 3000 population

To ensure the activities of the orthopedic dental office, providing quality medical services
provided for determining the number of posts of doctors, nurses, paramedical staff. How many
posts of nurses required by applicable regulations?
1 P m/s at 1 position of the doctor
1 P m/s at 3 positions doctor
1 P m/s at 4 as a doctor
1 P m/s at 2 as a doctor
2 P m/s at 1 position of the doctor

Dentist working in the orthopedic department of the city dental clinic for 4 years and 8
months. Constantly improve their skills in courses, seminars, exhibitions, ten-day. On the
evaluation commission in the absence of time in obtaining search was denied. You can be
certified in what time frame to obtain, increase or confirm the qualification category?
years, 7 years, 10 years
years, 9 years, 10 years
4 years, 7 years, 10 years
3 years, 5 years, 7 years
years, 10 years, 15 years

Doctor prosthodontist who has worked for 7 years and 6 months, according to professional
standards, has received qualification category. What should be the length of service in
accordance with the approved standards for certification of the following?
10 years
15 years
9 years
12 years

Dentist orthopedic department provided consultation and examined the patient checked
crowns, fixed bridges, defined the central jaw relationships and implemented correction
dentures. What are the rules of load doctor in conventional units of labor (UET) in the month
when the five-day working week, according to the standards of providing assistance to adults?
6 UET - 126 UET
UET - 189 UET
7 UET - 147 UET
UET - 168 UET
5 UET - 105 UET

A patient with allergic history after spending allergic tests sensitivity to metals on the
testimony of bridges made of precious metal prosthesis (gold). What is the warranty period from
the date of completion of the prosthetic and fixation of the prosthesis in the mouth?
12 months
6 months
18 months
3 months

According to the rules of disinfection in dental offices forests, which are used for the
preparation of the teeth, should be disinfected by this method:
In open vessels in a hot air oven with hot dry air for 1 hour at 160° C
Boiling in water for 20 minutes
Wiping a 10% solution of bleach
Boiling in water for 10 minutes
Soaking in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

Patient 42 years old applied for the purpose of prosthetics. The history: tonsillitis,
rheumatoid arthritis, infectious disease. What are the conditions of the processing tool after
taking this patient?
According to a special scheme
Roasting in a hot air oven
Processing at 0,1% chloramine solution
Without features
Processing Lysol

Patient B., 60 years old, conducted orthopedic treatment fully edentulous in the first visit
received a full anatomical work prints "Stomalgin". Identify which instructions for disinfection
of impressions must make dentist orthopedic nurse:
Dip the impression by 10 min. in "CIDEX" solution
Dip impression to 3% chloramine solution twice for 10 min.
3% chloramine solution twice for 15 min.
Dip impression for 10-15 minutes. 2.3% solution of the aldehyde glyutargin
Dip impression for 10-15 minutes. 1% solution lizoformin

Before the operation, the preparation of hard tissue of teeth under the support elements of
fixed structures prosthodontist obliged to decontaminate the tip to secure the abrasive tools.
Choose the method of disinfection:
"Quick-des' 2-time 15 min. Then wash off with distilled water
0.05% chlorhexidine bigluconate three times for 15 min.
Furatsilin 5% solution thrice for 15 min.
6% hydrogen peroxide solution a one-off
Lizoformin 10% solution twice for 10 min.

Patient B., 70 years old, made complete removable laminar dentures on the upper and
lower jaw. During the second visit received functional impressions via "Sielast K". Specify the
method of disinfection in this case:
Soak for 10 minutes in a solution of "CIDEX"
Immerse the impression by 10 min. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
Edit imprint 2.5% solution of aldehyde glutargin
Soak for 10-15 minutes. sodium hypochlorite solution
Treat the surface of print 70% alcohol solution

Patient E., 60 years old, conducted orthopedic treatment fully edentulous, made two
complete removable plate prosthesis. What is the disinfection method is to choose a dentist
before applying orthopedic prostheses?
"Quick-des" 2-fold for 10-15 minutes. Wash in running water
Immersion in a container with 10% solution of sodium hypochlorite for 60 min. followed
by drying
Immersion in a container with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 120 minutes. followed by drying
Immersion in a labeled container with a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution for 60 min.
Immersion in a labeled container with a 4% solution of hydrogen peroxide for 90 min.

In assessing the completeness of the orthopedic department of dental clinics dental

technicians raised the question of the relationship between prosthodontist - a dental technician.
How should this relationship?

In assessing the completeness of the orthopedic department of dental clinic nurses raised
the question of the relationship between prosthodontist - a nurse. How should this relationship?

In assessing the completeness of the orthopedic department of dental clinics have a

question about the required number of instruments. How many sets should fall by 1 dentist-
At least 10 sets
At least 15 sets
At least 20 sets
At least 3 sets
At least 5 sets

Woman, 49 years old, made a partial laminar dentures for the upper jaw with a plastic
basis. OBJECTIVE: no 16, 15, 14, 13, 23, 24, 25, 26. Teeth are intact, stable. The mucosa
without visible lesions. Orthognathic bite. Before applying the prosthesis held his inspection.
What should be the thickness of the base of the prosthesis?
1.5-2.0 mm
0.5-0.8 mm
0.8-1.2 mm
1.2-1.5 mm
2.0-3.0 mm

Patient 30 years old, during the production of the print with the upper jaw for the
manufacture of restoring the crown suddenly appeared excitement, acceleration and deepening of
breathing, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure. Cyanosis, sweating. What is the most
likely diagnosis in this case?
Hypertensive crisis
myocardial infarction
The orthodontic clinic patient appealed 15 years with complaints about the absence of the
upper lateral incisors and aesthetic flaw ("predator smile"). From history: the mother does not cut
through the right lateral incisor, the left has styloid form. Objectively: the configuration of the
face without features; no 12, 22. In the front portion of the upper jaw and three are diastema,
canines somewhat biased toward neutral with missing teeth ratio dentition. Identify the most
informative for the diagnosis of the auxiliary method of investigation in this case:
Measurement of diagnostic models
The study of pedigree
Axial radiography of the front portion of the upper jaw

The patient 25 years appealed to the orthopedic department with complaints of aesthetic
defect in the anterior maxilla. At 12, 11, 21, 22 teeth with fillings are aproximal surface with the
capture of the cutting edge. Diagnose:
Defect crown Grade 4 by Black
Defective tooth crown 1 class on Black
The defect of the tooth crown 2 class on Black
Defect crown Grade 3 by Black
Defect crown Grade 5 by Black

The patient in '62 made partial removable laminar dentures. OBJECTIVE: There are no
premolars and molars in the upper and lower jaws. Diagnosis: defective dentition maxillary and
mandibular Kennedy Class I on. Which group of dentition defects in determining centric by
Betelman for this patient?
The second group
The first group
The third group
The fourth group
The fifth group

At a reception at the podiatrist during tooth preparation of the patient began an attack of
epilepsy. The attack was docked. What mistake have admitted the doctor?
Not fully assembled history
Not to apply one type of local anesthesia
Broke preparation rules
Not conducted psychological preparation of the patient
I do not use general anesthesia

Patient B., 33 years old, manufactured metal-ceramic crowns 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth. After
fitting the metal frame is necessary to determine the color of a porcelain coating. In what light
doctor expedient to conduct the choice of color?
In diffuse daylight in the morning
When artificial light in the office
By the light of a dental lamp
The solution takes a dental technician
The decision taken by the patient

The patient, 53 years old, made a partial laminar dentures for the upper jaw. OBJECTIVE:
dental formula: is present 23. 23 tooth is covered with a full metal crown, it has the mobility of I
degree. Impression on the upper jaw is obtained elastic material. What kind of the tray better to
Individual plastic spoon
Wax an individual spoon
Standard perforated spoon
Individualized standard spoon
The standard impression tray

The patient, 34 years old, shows the production of unit-cast bridges with plastic lining on
the u/j and l/j. What kind of impression materials comply more fully?
There is no right answer

The patient, 45 years, plan to make a clasp denture for the lower jaw. Objectively: the teeth
of high resistant. Moderately atrophied alveolar process. What kind of impression material
should I use?

The patient was 45 years after the preparation of teeth for metal ceramic crowns need to
remove the prints. What impression material is needed?
Stretch fabric

The patient made a partial removable laminar dentures on the upper and lower jaw. With
both jaws dropped anatomical prints elastic alginate material. Determine the most appropriate
actions of the doctor:
Send prints for decontamination
Prints to dry in the open air
Invite a dental technician for the joint evaluation of prints
Immediately transfer to a laboratory
Keep prints 90 minutes. in microten package

Patient K., 22 years appealed to the dentist complaining of aesthetic defect 12 and 23 teeth.
It was planned to produce metal-ceramic crowns on teeth 12 and 23. What impression material
should be used in the manufacture of crowns?

The patient 32 years appealed to the dentist complaining of aesthetic defect 14 and 25
teeth. It is planned to produce metal-ceramic crowns on teeth 14 and 25. What impression
material must be applied in the manufacture of crowns?

The patient made clasp prostheses in both jaws. Objectively: the partial absence of teeth in
the upper jaw, I Kennedy class, III class at Kennedy on the lower jaw. The mucous membrane of
moderate suppleness, oral bottom of a deep, sky high, maxillary cusps saved. What impressions
have to be obtained from the patient?
Anatomical workers prints with two jaws
Working with the impression of the lower jaw and the upper jaw with auxiliary
Working with the impression of the upper jaw and the lower jaw with auxiliary
Functional impressions of both jaws
Estimated impressions with two jaws

What material should be used to produce high-quality print function?

Corrective mass A – silicone

The patient was 35 years after the preparation of teeth for crowns and metall need to
remove the prints. What impression material to use?

The patient A., 43 years old, no 36, 45 teeth. 37, 35, 44, 46 resistant teeth, under the
prepared cermet dentures. The patient increased salivation. Following the procedure of removal
of a two-layer imprint in areas under prepared ledge observed procrastination. What impression
material should be used for clear display of relief?
A – silicones
C – silicones

The patient 32 years old at the time of removal of the impression from the upper jaw piece
impression material got into the respiratory tract, there was a threat of asphyxia. What should be
done primarily in the provision of first aid?
Sudden jerky squeezing epigastric
Removal of a piece of impression material airway
Conducting chest compressions
Conduct ventilation
Carrying tracheotomy

Patient S., 40 years, appealed to the clinic with the aim of prosthetic dentistry prosthetics.
During removal of the impression there was obstruction of the upper airway Department
impression material. An apnea, convulsions, dilated pupils, bluish face, grayish skin color, pulse
weak. An attempt to free the respiratory tract from foreign body manually was unsuccessful.
Admission Gemlih has not led to a positive effect. Follow tactics dentist - orthopedist:
Perform tracheal intubation
Once again hold a reception Gemlih
Start heart massage
hospitalized patients
Artificial respiration, oxygen therapy

Patient B., 65 years old, with a complete lack of teeth, for the manufacture of complete
removable plate dentures must be removed anatomical prints from the upper and lower jaws. The
patient has an increased gag reflex. What medications should be used to decrease the gag reflex?
10% lidocaine
0.1% solution of atropine
1% diphenhydramine solution
10% glucose solution
0.2% norepinephrine solution

Patient B., 45 years old, shows the production of metal-ceramic crown on tooth 23. What is
the safest type of anesthesia is advisable to apply for a smooth preparation of 23 tooth?
Infiltrational anesthesia using carpool syringe
Incisal conduction anesthesia
Applicational anesthesia
Conductor posterior superior alveolar nerve block
Conductor mandibular anesthesia

The patient 26 years appealed to the clinic with the aim of prosthetic dentistry prosthetics
defects crowns front teeth. It is planned to manufacture ceramic crowns on 12, 11, 21, 22 teeth.
From history - polyvalent, drug allergic reaction including for anesthetics. Choose the method of
anesthesia for teeth preparation of:
Choose anesthetic using prick samples
Audio analgesia
Neuro-lept anesthesia
Applicational anesthesia lidocaine 10%

Patient A., 28 years old, with labile mentality made mandibular anesthesia before
dissection 34, 35, 36 teeth for metal ceramic crowns. After that, there was deterioration of in the
general condition of the patient, thready pulse, blood pressure reduction sistolic to 50-60 mmHg,
single seizures. What is the state most likely developed in this patient?
Fainting severe
Fainting mild

When dissection of the intact tooth 23 under the support bridge a cemented prosthesis is
necessary to carry out anesthetic solution "Articaine-Forte." What anesthesia is appropriate?
Infiltrational of anesthesia in the projection apex
Tuberalnoe and plexual
Incisal and infraorbital

The patient manufactured metal-ceramic crowns on 11 and 12 teeth. conduction anesthesia

was performed before dissection. After a few minutes the patient felt anxiety, tinnitus, abdominal
pain, dizziness. Respiration of is accelerated, rapid pulse, BP - 60/40 mm Hg. Art. What
medication of assistance is necessary to provide the patient in the first place?
Enter / in 0.1% solution of adrenaline - 0.5 ml, prednisolone
Provide patient horizontal position
Enter eufilin
Promedol and suprastin
Bring to a nose cotton wool soaked with ammonia

In preparation of for the dissection of the tooth under the metal-ceramic crowns, the dentist
had a patient who suffers from asthma, regional anesthesia with 2% solution of novocaine. A few
minutes later the patient complained of shortness of breath (exhale more difficult), appeared
acrocianosis, neck veins bulging, pulse - 100 shocks per minute, rhythmic, blood pressure -
180/110 mm Hg Percussion over the light is determined by the "box" sound. What activities
should take place before the application of anesthetic?
Intradermal test
The reflex action on the vagus nerve
Nitroglycerin under the tongue
Samples by Herbst

The patient 45 years appealed to the orthopedic department with the aim of prosthetics.
Before dissection of hard tissues of teeth is performed infiltrational anesthesia 2% lidocaine
solution. A few minutes later there was oppression of consciousness, decreased blood pressure,
convulsions, involuntary urination of. What diagnosis can be tolerated?
Anaphylactic shock
Pain shock
Heart failure

Patient R., 38 years old, for the resumption of the integrity of the dentition of the upper jaw
is planned preparation of intact 14, 24 teeth for cosmetic crowns. What better way to spend an
injection anesthesia in this case?
General anesthesia

Patient L., 45 years old, infiltrational anesthesia 2% lidocaine was carried out before the
step of the tooth preparation of. After 15 min. the patient began to complain of headaches,
dizziness, nausea, sensation of heat and flushing, pruritus, sensation of shortness of breath and
tightness of the chest. OBJECTIVE: erythematous skin, cold sweat, breathing is shallow, rapid,
shortness of breath, frequent pulse, thready. The sharp decline in blood pressure, pain in the
heart, the pupils dilated. What complication of occurred in a patient?
Anaphylactic shock
myocardial infarction
Acute heart failure
Hypertensive crisis

A pregnant, 29 years old, directed the clinic of orthopedic stomatology prosthetic. Sick
with diabetes. OBJECTIVE: mandibular defect included in the side portion. Dental arch of the
upper jaw is continuous. The front teeth of the upper jaw are the mobility of I degree. oral
mucosa loose. Which of the anesthetic can be applied to preparation of teeth for this patient?
Septonest forte
articaine forte
2% solution of novocaine
2% lidocaine

Patient E., 46, anesthetic drug from the unmarked vial was used for tooth preparation of.
During the preparation of the patient has lost consciousness, had convulsions, blanching of the
skin. BP 80/60 mm Hg What kind of mistake that doctor did?
Used unknown substance
I do not do an allergy test
Not found life history
Not measure blood pressure
Do not treated injection site

Patient S., 35 years old, during the fitting of stamped crowns, anesthesia has been
conducted, the abutment teeth are alive. The patient began to complain of fatigue, dizziness,
retching. Objectively: skin pale, cyanotic, covered with cold sticky sweat; Blood pressure 80 mm
Hg The diagnosis: a collapse. What is the prevention of the occurrence of this complication of?
Adequate analgesia, if necessary, medication
General anesthesia during manipulation
The introduction of 0.1% adrenaline to manipulation
Introduction 0.2% norepinephrine to manipulation
Introduction 1% metazon 0.5 ml to manipulation

The patient was 32 years of planned production of plastic crowns on 12, 11, 21, 22. From
the history revealed that the patient can not tolerate the local anesthetics. What type of anesthesia
is shown in this situation?
General anesthesia
Physical methods of pain relief
Physical methods of pain relief
Applicational anesthesia

A man 22 years old at the time of preparation of the teeth without anesthesia suddenly
appeared dizziness, nausea, pale skin, light cyanosis of the lips, temporary loss of consciousness.
What is a medical emergency occurred in a patient?
Myocardial infarction
Hypertensive crisis
Patient B., 22 years old, experiencing the fear of pain during the conductive anesthesia.
The doctor decided that prior to anesthesia is necessary to apply the applicator mucosal
anesthesia at the injection site. Which drug is used for this purpose?
Lidocaine ointment 5%
Oxalin ointment 5%
Sinaflan ointment 3%
Sintomitsin ointment 1%
Deksatcyclin ointment 3%

Patient B., 45 years after the examination in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry was decided
to produce ceramic-metal bridge with support for 21 and 23 teeth. After 15 min. after anesthesia
4% solution Ubistesin forte appeared flushing of the skin, increased heart rate, headache,
fainting. Before the patient is not observed such a reaction to the anesthetic. What complication
of occurred in a patient?
Increased blood pressure
Anaphylactic shock
myocardial infarction

Patient K., 32 years old, at the 3rd month of pregnancy, referred to the clinic of orthopedic
stomatology about prosthetics. OBJECTIVE: no 16. It is planned to manufacture bridge with
support for 15 and 17 teeth. When anesthesia was used anesthetic of artikain series «Ultracain
DS». Why prosthodontist chose the anesthetic?
Low toxicity, does not penetrate the blood-barrier
It reduces the amount of the utero-placental circulation
Most often used in dentistry
Low toxicity
It does not contain in its composition sulfites

The patient was 38 years of manufacturing metal-ceramic crown is shown by 21. What is
the safest type of anesthesia should be used for a smooth preparation of?
Infiltrational of intraligamental
Application anesthesia
Conductor tuberal
Conductor infraorbital
Conductor incisal

In preparation of for the dissection of the tooth under the metal-ceramic crowns, the dentist
had a patient who suffers from asthma, regional anesthesia with 2% solution of novocaine. A few
minutes later the patient complained of shortness of breath (exhale more difficult), appeared
acrocianosis, neck veins bulging, pulse - 100 shocks per minute, rhythmic, blood pressure -
180/110 mm Hg Percussion over the light is determined by the "box" sound. Install a diagnosis:
Asthma attacks
Thrombosis of the pulmonary artery
Cardiac ischemia

The patient was a 35-year-old metal ceramic bridges made with reliance on devitalized 14,
16, 44, 47. For the preparation of the ledge physician was carried applicational anesthesia 10%
lidocaine. After 45 minutes of preparation of the patient complained of the swelling of the right
cheek, tongue, an increase of the lower lip. What pathology developed in a patient?
Angioneurotic angioedema
Hypertensive crisis
Anaphylactic shock

Patient 37 years old I applied to the orthopedic surgeon for the purpose of prosthetics.
During the preparation of hard tissue of teeth under a non-removable prosthesis design block
anesthesia was carried to him. During the administration of the drug in the patient appeared cold
sweat, sudden pallor and cyanosis, pulse became thready. The patient remained conscious, but
became relaxed and apathetic. What is the preliminary diagnosis?
Anaphylactic shock
Hypertensive crisis

Patient D., 35 years old, according to testimony made metal ceramic bridges, building on
the 47, 44, 34, 37. From the history revealed that the patient can not tolerate the local anesthetics.
What type of anesthesia is shown in this clinical situation of?
General anesthesia
Applicational anesthesia
Physical methods of pain relief
Anaesthesia with cold
The use of needleless injector BI-8

The patient 50 years appealed to the orthopedic department with complaints of defect hard
tissue 21, 22 teeth. Displaying the manufacture of metal-ceramic crowns on teeth 21 and 22. The
patient noted an allergic reaction during anesthesia during a previous visit a dentist. What tactics
are a doctor?
Carrying allergy laboratory samples
Conduct infiltrational anesthesia anesthetic of artikain series
Spend prick test for the anesthetic, which will be carried out anesthesia
Perform anesthesia anesthetic ether series
Perform subcutaneous test for anesthetic

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