ICON College of Technology and Management
ICON College of Technology and Management
ICON College of Technology and Management
Business Intelligence
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ID No: 16381
Business intelligence is concerned with technologies, applications, and practices for the purpose
of collection, integration, analysis and presentation of business data and information. The main
objective of business intelligence is to help the management in better decision making so that it
can achieve its goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. Action response, a London based
charity established to provide quick replies and responses to various critical situations throughout
the world. The current study will focus on the effective and systematic use of business
intelligence into the organization and will further discuss how it can help in better decision
making and the legal issues associated with the safety & security of business intelligence.
Flow chart
Core Step and supporting process
After going through the above process, it has been identified that there are some core Processes
and some supporting processes, some of them are follows:
Incoming application It is the core process as it is the step where organization used to
receive the different application in regards of the individual who are requiring fund. Activity
such as allocating the unique code to the applicant is the supporting process of the same, as it
used to give the applicant the surety that their application has been submitted successfully. At the
same time sending back the application to the one who’s information is not enough is also a
supporting activity in relation to gather application in the organization).
There are many different types of the input and output data which is flow throughout the
process, some of the input and output data are as follows:
Committee Approval
Input Data: Generally, the input data in the process is the application form of all the applicant,
as committee member in the organization used to get the idea about the different applicants
based on the same. Also, because of the same data different decisions are being made in the
Output Data: Output data in the business process is the response to the applicant which is given
by the completion officer. As completion officer used to draft the response on the basis of
decision which is passed on by the committee member.
Incoming application
Input data: Data which is generally received by the organization is the unstructured, as
applicant just used to submit the form, clerk in the organization used to make the data in the
structure form in the organization. It is generally raw data which is received by the organization.
Output Data: Output data is the information which is pass on by the clerk by going
through the application form which is submitted by the applicant and checking is the document
submitted used to involve whole data. It is semi structured type of the data.
Response to applicant
Input data: Data based on which this core activity is carried out in the organization was
information by clerk in regards of is application form is properly filled or not. It is the end data
based on which is response are given to end consumer.
Output Data: output in this context is the mail which is sent by the Assessors to the
applicant to make them aware about different activity. It is finished data which is sent to the
Data Types
Structured Data Type is highly organized, stored alphabetically in data base. It can have tables
with names on them, also rows and columns, quite easy to access, or to find a specific
Semi-structure Data has not an organized data model like the Structure Data but has some
structure that can have organisational assets. It can be put in storage in a relational database
In our scenario we can say that we used a structured data, since every form receive from the
students are scanned and stored in the data based from the university. As there are very many
students that want to apply, they cannot afford to lose any information, so they highly organize
all the applications to minimize the loss of any information.
Word processing software is the software which can be applied in the organization in the process
of business processing, as it will provide the organization with the features of input, editing and
output of text, often with some additional features (Cristian and et.al., 2018). Benefit and
Drawback of business processing is as follows:
This generally used to help the company in assuring that all the employee in the
organization are having same guideline about how to perform their work. Also, it used to reduce
the amount of the time taken to carry out different operation in the organization.
It will also help the company in improving the efficiency of different operation in the
organization as employee will take less time to complete the different activity in the
Another importance of using software in the organization is that with the help of the
software the organization is able to draw the process map more efficiently in the organization. As
this software in the organization used to understand the different activity of the business in more
efficient as compare to make the process map manually.
Business processing in the organization used to not provide the flexibility to the different
worker who are part of business processing. Another limitation which was identified in regards
of business processing in the organization is that it used to increase the cost of the company, as
some employee are hired in the organization but it used to not guarantee success for the business.
LO 2
Different decision and supporting activity
There are many different types of decision which has to be taken in the above decision,
also all the decision is to be taken on the basis of supporting decision. Some of the decision and
supporting action are as follows:
Application is structured: It is the first decision which is generally made by the clerk in
the organization in which they used to make sure that the different application which is being
receive is having the thorough information. This is generally taken by the first group of the clerk
who used to review the application. Based on the same they used to make the different decision
to carry on with the application or not in the organization. This decision is generally supported
by the different application forms which are generally received by them in the market. For
making these sorts of the decision in the organization different clerk requires the support of
different document which are provided, if document which are provided are enough different
decision can be taken easily.
Approval: It is another key decision which is taken by the trustee in the organization, they
generally used to make sure that they used to make the different decision is the company is
looking to provide funding to that application or not in the nation. They generally used to make
the different decision based on the document which are generally provided by the assessors in
the organization. For making these sorts of the decision in the organization, trustee requires the
support of Assessors secretory who used to guide and take trustee through document of the
Usage of intelligent system
Using intelligent system in the organization will eventually help the company in making
the different decision more efficiently in the organization. Intelligent system in the organization
will help the company in getting better raw data also will help the different party in
understanding the different data on better way, on the basis of the same different decision can be
taken in the organization.
Business intelligent tool will help the committee member in getting more synchronized
data based on the same different decision can be managed very easily in the organization. Also,
Business intelligent tool will help the clerk in getting better raw material to make the variety of
the decision in the organization. Intelligent systems are sometime complex in the nature which
uses wide range of technologies such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, natural language
processing, wireless networking, and graphical signalling. This may help the company in
improving efficiency of different activity.
Excel, it is the first technology which can be used by the organization to synchronized and
structure the different data in better way in the organization these will eventually help the
company in getting better guidelines to perform the different activity of the flow chart. Excel will
help the company in improving the level of presentation of different data in the organization, as
it used to help in making variety of table and graph. This technology will only help the company
in getting better raw data to make the decision in the process but it will not help the company in
knowing the efficiency of different decision for the same reason organization is having the
option to select SPSS as an information system technology in the organization, the biggest
reason behind the same is identified that usage of SPSS in the organization will eventually help
them in understanding the impact of different decision which can be made in business process.
Data Discovery – it is used to find and analyse big data extracting the unfound patterns used
previously by users.
Example of data discovery can be found as if you use one software of data discovery to see how
many students eat burgers sales, probably you may discover that many of them eat burgers in
school time, and probably they drink Coca-Cola. So this information can be used in marketing,
as promotions, in weekends to increase the sale.
Cloud Data Services – Easy to access from anywhere in the world, extremely popular in
digital businesses. Most of us are using some kind of data, either personal data for
Benefits of Data Cloud Services: faster implementation of a solution, creating a competitive edge
user, scale and administrative with ease.
Data warehousing (DW) – used for data analysis. If you want to check the order from 2 years
ago, you can used data warehouse to combine from sources. It maintains a copy of that
order in your system. Data Warehouse is good if you to keep a history of all your records
Application of business intelligence for the business process
There are various uses of business intelligence in the business process, but it varies from
organization to organization as per the needs and the requirement. The two major application of
business intelligence with respect to the scenario one is stated below.
It will help in effectively managing the application in the database which will help in
quicker processing of file or application from one person to another virtually without any
physical paper requirement and management as application can be made available
through online portal as well.
Business intelligence will provide proper details of the files under which person along
with other details.
Tools and techniques with respect to the business intelligence
The various type of tools and techniques that can be used with respect to the key
application of the business intelligence which are being stated above. Some of them are
described below.
Sisense, which can be used by the non-technical person as well. It will help in getting
access to the data easily and also help in building dashboards along with the business
intelligence (BI) reports. This will help in better presentation and extraction of the data.
Action Response will be able to easy extract the file as required without contacting the
other person and in this way all the people will have access to the data.
Web business intelligence is a combination of new tools and software which will help in
querying real time data by the employees and the other corporate users in a web-based
approach. This will help the Action Response in virtually managing the incoming
applications and transfer it on the system itself rather than doing everything manually.
It will be using modern database technology using 64-bit hardware and latest CPU
architecture, it will provide faster performance than any other BI solutions. It will utilize
RAM and CPU so effectively, that it will enable single commodity server to break the
terabytes of data and would be able to serve large number of users.
It uses Web Server which can be remotely installed on the system. It will provide access
to Application intelligence dashboard and admin screen.
An elastic cube server will be used which supports the management of ElastiCubes and
the data they contain. For small scale ElastiCube Data Directory of 50 GB and
application log directory of 3G.
As a Business Intelligence tool, I have used in this assignment Microsoft Excel. Ms Excel is
spreadsheet program of Microsoft Office. It has rows and columns with a specific value on each
one of them. This value can be changed through a range of simple or complex mathematics
Once the data is introduced in MS Excel, we have to take in consideration the type of sorting that
we want, alphabetic, numeric or by day/month/year. In my case I chose Alphabetical order by
surname. In order to that you have to select all the cell that have data, click on the Data Tab, and
select Sort button marked in the screenshot below with a blue arrow. After you reached the
dialog box showed in image, you can select what type of sorting you want from the tree boxes,
“Column”, “Sort on”, “Order”
For choosing a Theme its quite simple, click on Page Layout, then click on Theme on the left
side of the page. There is a wide range of theme, and you can also use one from your own
Using a simple filter can be not as difficult as it seems. Filter your data if you would like to show
files that meet specific conditions.
You can click, in my case, Surname and choose what do you want to display, or how do you
want to sort the table. If you choose address and sort it alphabetically the entire table will
change, and the Surname column will no longer be sorted or any other column apart from adress
There is also advance filter for a more complex standards.
The first difference from the Filter command is that instead of Autofilter menu, shows Advance
Second difference MS Excel uses separate conditions array in the advance filter above the range
of cells and lists
. Discussing how business intelligence tools can contribute towards effective decision making
Business intelligence basically involves the collection of strategies and tools used by a business
for the core objective of analysing business information. The tool utilizes the process ETL to
extract, transform and load data into a database so that it can be effectively used in reports and
data dashboards. The tool would help Action response in making use of the latest technology
contributes towards the success of various areas like sales, finance, marketing and human
resource recruitment. The main tools of business intelligence that helps Action response in
making better and smart decisions are as follows:
Forecasting the industry trends: Business intelligence uses ERP (enterprise resource planning)
software to integrate multiple applications to manage the business and automate various back
office function that are mainly related technology and human resource management. Thus, using
this software helps the company in analysing the future market trends which helps a business in
increasing its sales and overall profitability.
Creating realistic goals: It is imperative for every business to set realistic targets otherwise it can
lead to wastage of resources and reduced motivation of employees. Business intelligence
software performs the market analysis, monitors the company’s resources, and then set the
SMART (Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound) goals and objectives.
Transparent data: Business intelligence uses advance software and artificial intelligence to
collect reliable and accurate data for the company which further helps in preparation of correct
annual reports and financial statements that help in building the brand image of the organization.
It is important for Action response firm to use business intelligence as it has several clients
throughout the country therefore it is their responsibility to provide transparent data. Moreover, it
is difficult to ensure transparency through human collection as there are high chances of errors
and mistakes.
However, there are few considerations that must be made by Companies while choosing business
Cost-benefit: It is imperative for the Charity organization to check whether the digital tool is
within the budget of the company otherwise implementing it in the business can hamper the
firm’s financial liquidity. There must be an adequate balance between the features offered and
the price given for the tool.
Agile: It is important that the business tool is agile when it comes to processing the firm’s data
and thus it must not be difficult to implement the strategies into singular place.
Exploring the multiple legal issues involved in the secure exploitation of business intelligence
Action response while exploiting business intelligence within its structure could face various
legal issues. Though Business intelligence is an important tool for the incessant growth and
sustainability of the organization, but it is imperative for every company to be cautious while
using the digital technology because there are some legal issues involves with the
implementation of such tools. These issues are as follows:
Data security issue: Data security is the biggest issue in the field of digital technology, and it
causes various cyber-crimes like random ware attacks, malware and other multiple security
issues. It also leads to data loss; unethical tracking of Action response data and it mainly arises
because of business intelligence software.
Cloud attacks: Business intelligence heavily relies on cloud computing and cloud server for the
purpose of storage and the transmission of data. Sometimes, hackers get unauthorized access to
the cloud server and can use the data for their personal benefits which is dangerous and can
hamper the smooth working of the firm. This case of security issue further gives rise to several
legal proceedings and hearings.
Leakage of information and tracks: The main objective of business intelligence is to predict the
latest trend analysis and help the management of Action response charity firm in making better
decisions so that the organization can achieve its goals and objectives adequately. However, due
to lack of security and proper encryption, the latest data from the software can get easily leaked
by unauthorized agents and parties, and further it can be manipulated which can bring financial
loss to the company.
Data encryption issue: There are several types of tools that provide encryption and it is
imperative for every company to use this otherwise it can be a threat to company’s security.
Even after having access to Internet, there are several business intelligence platforms that fail to
provide encryption to the data and as a result it leads to leakage of the data. These are the few
security related problems that give rise to legal proceedings and can pose a significant threat to
the growth and well-being of the company.
From the above study it can be concluded that business intelligence is an important and vital tool
in the growth of Action Response firm as it helps in better and smart decision making along with
prediction of trend analysis. It further helps the company in systematic achievement of its goals
and objectives. However, there are certain legal issues involved in the security context of the
digital technology as it sometimes leads to leakage of information, data loss and cloud attacks
which lead to a huge financial loss for the business and gives rise to legal proceedings as well.
Thus, it can be stated that business intelligence has both merits and demerits, and it is the duty of
organization to use it adequately along with taking all the protective and safety measures to
avoid all the cyber-crimes and security issues.
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