Clinical Genetics Case Scenarios

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Clinical Genetics

Case Scenarios

Part I
• Introduction
• Summary of fetal anomalies on US scans
• Case 1 presentation
• Discussion
• Case 2 presentation
• Discussion

Discussion includes:
Diagnosis, management, recurrence risk
calculation, prenatal diagnosis, prevention,
genetic counseling
Every student, following this session, should be able to:

1. Appreciates the significance of US in fetal

assessment during pregnancy
2. Recognize the important fetal anomalies on US scan
3. Interpret the signs in relation to their cause
4. Reach a specific diagnosis / DDx from the signs
5. Follow the management steps from diagnosis
6. Apply the basic rules of genetic diseases on actual
daily life cases from inheritance pattern, recurrence
risk calculation, prenatal Dx, prevention, and genetic
General Scenario

A 25-year old pregnant lady attended the

antenatal care unit and was sent for regular
U.S. examination.

The radiologist detected abnormal sign(s) in

the fetus.

Below are the findings in different cases and

different gestational ages ..

Fetal head Neural tube

Open tubes lesion increase
Lemon sign afetoproteins


Fetal head Increase secretion

with decrease

What’s abnormal in this scan? Chiari


Congoint twin
What’s abnormal in this scan?

Club foot
What’s abnormal in these scans?

Down syndrome

Hcg decrease
Afeto decrease

Quadriple , triple

These signs refer to which disease? Underdevelopment



Cystic hygroma is a sign of which genetic disease?

Structural abnormality of x chromosome
Ovaries dysgenesis

Is it an enlarged clitoris or a small penis?

Ambiguous genitalia
Hemophrodate when male determining region
misplaced in x chromosome

Chorde d hypospadius
Ear and renal abnormalities linked

10 Myelomeningocele
11 Hydrop fetalis
Abo RH
Heart failure
Certain syndrome

These signs refer to which disease?

12 Fetal demise
In any of the above cases,

1. What is your diagnosis / suspicion?

2. How would you confirm your suspicion?
3. What and how should you tell the mother about the
4. What are the lines of management?
5. Terminate pregnancy or not?
6. Treatment options and plan (pre/postnatally)
7. Could this condition recur in future pregnancies or
8. Can it be Prevented?
9. Other issues to consider
Fetoscopy technique
Condition MSAFP uE3 HCG
Neural tube defect Increased Normal Normal
Trisomy 21 Low Low Increased
Trisomy 18 Low Low Low
Molar pregnancy Low Low Very High
Multiple gestation Increased Normal Increased
Fetal death (stillbirth) Increased Low Low
Clinical Genetics

Case Scenarios

Part II
A 28-year old Huda is now 14/52 pregnant and has a
family history of beta thalassemia major (her
nephew and her sister). She is married to her cousin.

She is asking whether:

1. Her current pregnancy is possibly affected or not?
2. There is a diagnostic test to confirm that?
3. If confirmation was made that the current
pregnancy is affected, would you advise to
terminate the pregnancy or not?
4. If it could recur in the future?
5. She could have a normal baby?
6. There is any preventive measure for future
What if Mrs. Huda had a previously affected child

a. Hemophilia A?
b. Sickle cell anemia?
c. Achondroplasia?
d. Phenylketonuria?
e. Congenital deafness?
f. Galactosemia?
g. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
h. G6PD deficiency?

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