Professional Opportunities-Adukia
Professional Opportunities-Adukia
Professional Opportunities-Adukia
• Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is an international certification program being conducted in the
country by Financial Planning Standard Board (FPSB), India. FPSB, India is affiliated to FPSB, US. In
CFP you will be able to study about Risk Management, Investment Planning, Taxation and
Advanced Financial Planning.
• Scope of CFP is very good in India as banks like ICICI bank, Standard Chartered Bank are making it
mandatory for their Relationship Managers to acquire the CFP certification. Regulatory bodies like
SEBI, IRDA, PFRDA etc. are gradually educating and encouraging individuals to consult CFPs for
their financial needs.
• The Certified Internal Auditor Program conducted by the Institute of Internal Auditors – USA. With
this qualification you’ll be an expert in the field of Internal Audit. CIA Students can appear for
exams from their home country through CIA exam centers located in different parts of the world.
There is no need to visit USA for exam. Basically it is an online exam and you can give exam any
time during the year. There is one certified course on Internal Audit conducted by ICAI, India
details of which may be checked at the link given below:
pl. whatsapp on 9820061049 or email at
9/11/2020 46 for any assistance
• If you have decided to practice, start filing IT returns, GST returns, tds
returns even at the time of your articles, on your own for your friends,
relatives, neighbors. That is the first circle of your professional work. First
you need to get out of the fear of doing works on your own.
• Then slowly the above people will start referring more people for you. First
recognize yourself as a CA in your area Whatever work comes to you , be it
getting PAN card, filing of simple salary return , take that and do it in a
sincere manner.
• Since asset building is about managing your affairs for the long-term health of your
career, you would better take charge of it yourself. Do not wait for your firm to
establish formal policies to reflect concern about the balance sheet as well as the
income statement.
• Among the worst mistakes a professional can make is under investing in marketing to
existing clients. Existing clients are not only more likely to give you new business, but
the business they will give you (if you work to earn) is likely to promote the value
both of your skill asset and your client relationships asset.
pl. whatsapp on 9820061049 or email at
9/11/2020 59 for any assistance
• Perfect market – many sellers and many buyers – margin is least