A Sustainable Ocean Economy For 2050
A Sustainable Ocean Economy For 2050
A Sustainable Ocean Economy For 2050
A Sustainable
Ocean Economy
for 2050
Approximating Its
Benefits and Costs
Manaswita Konar and Helen Ding
Secretariat of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable
Ocean Economy, World Resources Institute
About the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel) is a unique initiative by 14 world leaders
who are building momentum for a sustainable ocean economy in which effective protection, sustainable
production and equitable prosperity go hand in hand. By enhancing humanity’s relationship with the ocean,
bridging ocean health and wealth, working with diverse stakeholders and harnessing the latest knowledge,
the Ocean Panel aims to facilitate a better, more resilient future for people and the planet.
Established in September 2018, the Ocean Panel has been working with government, business, financial
institutions, the science community and civil society to catalyse and scale bold, pragmatic solutions across
policy, governance, technology and finance to ultimately develop an action agenda for transitioning to
a sustainable ocean economy. Co-chaired by Norway and Palau, the Ocean Panel is the only ocean policy
body made up of serving world leaders with the authority needed to trigger, amplify and accelerate action
worldwide for ocean priorities. The Ocean Panel comprises members from Australia, Canada, Chile, Fiji, Ghana,
Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Namibia, Norway, Palau and Portugal and is supported by the UN
Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean.
The Ocean Panel’s approach is both ambitious and practical. Collaborative partnerships are essential to
converting knowledge into action. To develop a common understanding of what a sustainable ocean economy
looks like, the Ocean Panel gathers input from a wide array of stakeholders, including an Expert Group and
an Advisory Network. The Secretariat, based at World Resources Institute, assists with analytical work,
communications and stakeholder engagement.
In the spirit of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), providing value to the UN Decade of
Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement, the Ocean
Panel commissioned a comprehensive assessment of ocean science and knowledge that has significant
policy relevance. This includes a series of 16 Blue Papers and various Special Reports that offer a synthesis of
knowledge, new thinking and perspectives, and opportunities for action. This body of work is informing a new
ocean narrative in the forthcoming Towards a Sustainable Ocean Economy report. Together, this research and new
narrative serve as inputs to the Ocean Panel’s deliberations for its forthcoming action agenda.
The Ocean Panel commissioned the Secretariat at World Resources Institute to prepare this Special Report,
a benefit-cost analysis which examines the global net benefit of implementing sustainable, ocean-based
interventions over a 30-year time horizon (2020–50). This paper is an independent input to the Ocean Panel
process and does not necessarily represent the thinking of the Ocean Panel.
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the current global economic prospects look less favourable as the resulting
economic crisis has dramatically disrupted lives, communities and economies worldwide. The ocean economy also
has been severely affected by the global economic downturn. Productivity and output across tourism, shipping and
fisheries are down, and job loss is high. Debt is rising across the ocean economy while small businesses struggle to stay
afloat. Moreover, there will likely be increased pressure to roll back environmental policies; this, in turn, will compromise
long-term recovery and economic benefit. Given the world’s reliance on the ocean, these impacts reverberate across the
global economy. In addition, we continue to ratchet towards a warmer and more unstable climate, with even more severe
implications for ocean health, the global economy and millions of lives.
Now, more than ever, we need a healthy ocean to provide the key ecosystem services and benefits crucial for a
sustainable future. As political leaders and policymakers, the private sector, financial institutions and local communities
seek to reset and recover economically—and build social and natural resilience into the future—there is an opportunity to
partner on the rapid transition to a sustainable ocean economy as part of a blue recovery that reflects these investments
and benefits.
The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel) commissioned the Secretariat at World Resources
Institute to develop a benefit-cost analysis as an independent input to the Ocean Panel process. This analysis, which was
subject to a rigorous and independent peer review, is the first-ever attempt to estimate the global net benefit and the
benefit-cost ratio over a 30-year time horizon (2020–50) from implementing sustainable, ocean-based interventions. It
focuses on four ocean-based policy interventions: conserving and restoring mangrove habitats, scaling up offshore wind
production, decarbonising the international shipping sector and increasing the production of sustainably sourced ocean-
based proteins. Building on several existing analyses and reports, including The Ocean as a Solution to Climate Change:
Five Opportunities for Action (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2019), this analysis demonstrates that ocean-based investments yield
benefits at least five times greater than the costs.
As co-chairs of the Ocean Panel Expert Group, we wish to warmly thank the Secretariat and reviewers for responding
rapidly and effectively to the opportunity to conduct this novel analysis. We also thank the Ocean Panel members for their
vision in commissioning this analysis. We hope they and other parties act on the paper’s findings. Sustainable, ocean-
based investments are more relevant than ever before while the world fights a global health crisis and endures significant
economic shocks.
Hon. Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D. Professor Peter Haugan, Ph.D. Hon. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ph.D.
Oregon State University Institute of Marine Research, Norway University of Indonesia
To address that question, this working paper estimates the global net benefit and
the benefit-cost (B-C) ratio over a 30-year time horizon (2020–50) of sustainable
ocean-based investments on four ocean-based policy interventions: conserving and
restoring mangrove habitats, scaling up offshore wind production, decarbonising the
international shipping sector and increasing the production of sustainably sourced
ocean-based proteins (to ensure a healthy, balanced human diet by 2050).
The results show that, on the whole, sustainable ocean-based investments yield
benefits at least five times greater than the costs. Over 30 years, investing US$2.0–$3.7
trillion globally across the four areas would generate a net benefit of $8.2–$22.8 trillion.
A full accounting of all benefits and costs would suggest that acting to transform these
sectors will generate benefits that are much larger than the costs. Better awareness of
the return on investment will strengthen the economic imperative for action.
Executive Summary
The ocean and its resources provide key ecosystem For each intervention area, the impact to reach
services and benefits that are crucial for human well- a sustainable transformation pathway by 2050 is
being and the prosperity of the global economy, but measured relative to a business-as-usual scenario.
these services are at risk. The ocean’s wide range of A B-C ratio is developed by dividing the present value
ecosystem services (including food, energy, recreational/ of benefits in 2050 by the present value of costs. The
cultural services and trading/transport routes) is vital categories of benefits assessed include health (such as
for the well-being of society. However, climate change, a reduction in mortality and morbidity), environmental
overfishing, pollution and a loss of biodiversity and and ecological (such as benefits from higher biodiversity,
coastal ecosystems are eroding the ability of the ocean to reduced water usage and land-based conflicts, and
sustain livelihoods and prosperity. coastal protection) and economic and social (such as
increased business revenues, household income, jobs
Taking action to protect these ocean-based
and food security). The categories of costs include costs
ecosystems and ensuring the environmental
to business (such as capital investments and increases
sustainability of ocean-based activities will produce
in operational costs), costs to government (such as
health, environmental and ecological, and economic
costs of regulations, research and development [R&D]
and social benefits to people and the planet. A key
expenditures, enforcement and monitoring costs)
question for policymakers and funding agencies is how
and costs to households (such as opportunity costs of
these benefits compare with the costs. This analysis
forgone activities). The benefit and cost estimates are
aims to answer the question by building on several
partial estimates; impacts are monetarily quantified
existing analyses and reports, including The Ocean as a
where possible and are qualitatively described when
Solution to Climate Change: Five Opportunities for Action
quantifiable data are absent.
(Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2019) and The Global Consultation
Report of the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU 2019).
Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, it
demonstrates that ocean-based investments yield
benefits to society in the long term, and these benefits Taking action to protect these
substantially outweigh the costs.
ocean-based ecosystems and
This analysis is the first attempt to estimate the
global net benefit and the B-C ratio over a 30- ensuring the environmental
year time horizon (2020–50) from implementing
sustainable ocean-based interventions. It indicates the
sustainability of ocean-based
scale of benefits compared to the costs by focusing on activities will produce health,
four ocean-based policy interventions: conserving and
restoring mangrove habitats, scaling up offshore wind environmental and ecological, and
production, decarbonising the international shipping
sector and increasing the production of sustainably
economic and social benefits to
sourced ocean-based proteins (to ensure a healthy, people and the planet
balanced human diet by 2050). These interventions
would contribute to global efforts to reduce greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions and move countries towards their
Sustainable Development Goals and targets (Hoegh-
Guldberg et al. 2019).
Table ES-1. Summary of Benefit-Cost Ratios for the Four Action Areas in 2050
a. The ratio presented is the combined ratio for mangrove conservation and restoration. When assessing specific interventions, the benefit-cost ratio
for conservation is estimated to be 88-to-1 and for restoration is 2-to-1.
b. The benefit-cost ratio estimated for decarbonising international shipping ranges from 2:1 to 5:1
c. The benefit-cost ratio estimated for scaling up of global offshore wind production ranges from 2:1 to 17:1
Figure ES-1. Benefits Significantly Outweigh Costs across Sustainable Ocean-Based Interventions, with Average B-C Ratio
Ranging between 3:1 and 12:1
Conservation &
3:1 $0.2 trillion
restoration of mangroves
Decarbonization of
4:1 $5.1 trillion
international shipping
Sustainable ocean-based
food production 10:1 $6.7 trillion
Offshore wind
energy production 12:1 $3.5 trillion
$10.3 trillion
benefits $1 trillion
benefits $4.3 trillion
are > 5X HIGHER
than COSTS
benefits $5 trillion
$2 trillion
Note: The total benefits and costs in the figure present the lower-bound present value estimates to demonstrate the minimum scale of quantified net benefits.
This analysis begins to estimate the benefits and costs We indicate the scale of benefits compared to costs by
of transitioning towards a sustainable ocean economy focusing on specific policy interventions across one
by focusing on four areas that represent key aspects of coastal ecosystem, mangroves, and the ocean-based
the ocean economy. It builds on The Ocean as a Solution sectors involved with offshore wind energy, international
to Climate Change: Five Opportunities for Action (Hoegh- shipping and ocean-based protein from capture fisheries
Guldberg et al. 2019) and The Global Consultation Report and mariculture (Table 1).
of the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU 2019) and other
Although it was not possible to cover all potential
analyses and reports to demonstrate that ocean-based
interventions across these sectors, specific interventions
investments can yield considerable economic benefits to
were chosen to meet three criteria: achievement of the
society in the long term.
Ocean Panel’s vision, contribution to the global efforts
to reduce GHG emissions, and contribution to delivering
countries’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
targets (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2019).5
Ocean-based renewable energy Scale up the production of offshore wind energy (fixed and floating wind installations)a
Ocean-based transport Reduce emissions from international shipping with a target to reach net-zero emissions in 2050b
Ocean-based food production Achieve a healthier balanced diet for 9.7 billion people by 2050 by switching a share of protein from
emission-intensive land-based sources of protein (notably beef and lamb) to low-carbon sustain-
ably produced ocean-based sources of proteinc
a. Based on the scenarios analysed, offshore energy will likely continue to dominate the generation potential of the ocean energy sector in 2050, accounting for 65
percent of the sector’s potential (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2019).
b. The analysis excludes military and fishing vessels and domestic transport and includes bulk carriers, oil tankers and container ships, which account for the majority
of the emissions (55 percent) in the shipping sector (Olmer et al. 2017).
c. Sustainable production involves reforming fisheries by 2050 and increasing the production of sustainable ocean-based aquaculture (fed and nonfed).
Source: Authors.
The benefit-cost (B-C) ratio indicates the return from ocean-based investments in the four areas in 2050. A B-C ratio greater than 1
demonstrates that the returns from an investment will be higher than the costs estimated over the chosen time period.
Discounting is used to compare benefits and costs occurring over different periods of time by converting them into present values.
This is based on the concept that people prefer to receive goods and services now rather than later.a The discount rate used in the
Green Book, also known as the social time preference rate, is based on two components: the ‘time preference’, which is the rate at
which consumption and spending are discounted over time, assuming no change in per capita consumption, and the ‘wealth effect’,
which reflects the expected growth in per capita consumption over time, where future consumption will be higher relative to current
consumption and is expected to have a lower utility.b
Conserve and Blue carbon ecosystems continue to decline, but Mangrove conservation: the per year loss under BAU is
restore mangroves at decreasing rates. The rate of loss of mangroves halted completely.b
globally is estimated at 0.11% per year.a Mangrove restoration: two scenarios were considered:
(1) a moderate restoration effort recovering 40% of the
historical ecosystem cover by 2050 (consistent with
Global Mangrove Alliance goals), and (2) an aggressive
scenario of complete restoration of pre-1980s cover.c
Scale up offshore Worldwide installed offshore wind energy capacity The total installation capacity for offshore wind
wind energy in 2018 generated 77 terawatt hours (TWh) per year energy is estimated to grow substantially by 2050. The
production and accounted for less than 1% of world energy offshore wind energy generation for 2050 is estimated
production.d The current energy technologies mix at 650–3,500 TWh per year.e Under this scenario, the
remains constant (and the share of offshore wind energy mix will shift to a higher fraction of renewables
energy remains low) as energy production expands. to meet the future increase in energy demand.
Decarbonise The total annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Emissions in international shipping are reduced to net
international from international shipping is estimated to grow from zero by 2050.g
shipping 800 megatons (Mt) in 2012, to 1,100 Mt in 2030 and to
1,500 Mt in 2050.f
Increase ocean- Fisheries continue to be overfished and global To meet healthy diet requirements in 2050, we
based food annual marine capture production declines in need to double the current amount of ocean-based
production 2050 by 25%.h protein.k Part of this can be achieved by fisheries
reform and the rest by increasing sustainable
Fed aquaculture (finfish) production remains at
marine aquaculture production.
the 2020 level (11.7 million metric tonnes, or mmt)
due to fishmeal constraints.i With global fisheries reform, annual marine
capture production increases by 40% compared
Nonfed aquaculture (bivalve) continues to
with baseline projections.l Fed finfish mariculture
grow slowly to 28.5 mmt in 2050 due to lack of
production increases to 22.4 mmt by 2050.m Bivalve
production grows to 65.2 mmt in 2050.n
Notes: Total energy generation in 2018 was estimated to be 27,000 TWh/year; offshore wind contributed 0.3 percent.
Sources: a–g. Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2019; h. Costello et al. 2019; i, j. FOLU 2019; k. Willett et al. 2019; l. Costello et al. 2019; m, n. FOLU 2019.
Box 2. A Description of Avoided Mortality Losses from Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The cobenefits of global greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions on air quality and human health are estimated using analysis from West
et al. (2013), which found that the global average marginal cobenefits of avoided mortality were US$50–$380 per tonne of carbon
dioxide reduced ($65–$490 in 2019 prices). The analysis used a global atmospheric model and consistent future scenarios via two
mechanisms: reducing coemitted air pollutants and slowing climate change and its effect on air quality. The model accounts for the
impacts of ozone as well as fine particulate matter (PM2.5), international air pollution transport and changes in global ozone from
methane, and the study evaluates future scenarios in which population susceptibility to air pollution and the economic ‘value of
statistical lives’ grows.a The authors state that the cobenefits may be underestimated because they do not account for people younger
than age 30 (including children and neonatal effects), and they do not account for the benefits of avoided morbidity outcomes (i.e.,
reduced output from lower productivity).
Note: a. The value of statistical life is based on the willingness (and ability) to pay for reducing the risk of death. Hence, the study estimates marginal
cobenefits to be high in North America and Europe, reflecting higher incomes in the region. Overall, though, the marginal cobenefit is found to be highest in
regions with largest population affected by air pollution.
Benefit-cost analysis assumes that society should reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions up to the point where the marginal cost of
reducing a tonne of CO2 is just equal to the marginal benefit of keeping that tonne out of the atmosphere. The social cost of carbon
(SCC) measures the benefit of reducing carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions; that is, it represents the dollar value of the cost
(i.e., damages) avoided by reducing CO2e emissions by one tonne.a
The model used to deliver SCC values, the integrated assessment model, provides a range of estimatesb because of the many factors
(including the types of greenhouse gas emissions) analysed, the types of impacts (gross domestic product, or GDP, versus non-GDP)
analysed,c the discount rates used and size of risk aversion of the population.d
The SCC value used in this analysis reflects the avoided costs from changes in net agricultural productivity, human health, loss
from increased natural disasters and changes in energy system costs, such as reduced costs for heating and increased costs for air-
conditioning.e To prevent double counting with estimated health benefits from a reduction in ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5),
we used the SCC value developed under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that focuses only on damage costs
from increases in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The damage costs for CO2 was estimated, in 2007 prices, at US$42
in 2020 and rises to $69 in 2050. Because the SCC value used does not account for all the damage costs, the impacts quantified
monetarily are underestimates.
a. Hausker 2011.
b. Based on a number of studies, SCC values range from $50 to $417 per tonne of CO2e reduced (BEIS 2019; Ricke et al. 2018; ToI 2019).
c. Activities counted in a country’s GDP, such as agriculture, fisheries productivity, tourism, manufacturing and services, would feature in a GDP measure
whereas non-GDP measures would include noneconomic impacts, including the loss of natural habitats and increased risks to human health (from heat
stress and other factors).
d. Standard practice in benefit-cost analysis is to take a risk-neutral approach to uncertainties. In the real world, individuals and organisations of all types
display risk aversion to catastrophic impacts (Hausker 2011).
e. EPA 2016.
GHG mitigation potential (GtCO2e per year) 0.02 0.04 0.16 0.25
Global restoration costs of mangroves 9,449 Bayraktarov et al. 2016
Notes: ha = hectare.
a. To assess the enforcement and monitoring costs, a global average cost estimate of marine protected areas was used as a proxy for the conservation costs for
mangrove protection. Balmford et al. (2004) state that the total costs per unit area of running the marine protected areas in their sample varied enormously, with the
sum of current expenditure plus estimated shortfall ranging from about $4 per square kilometre (km2) per year to nearly $30 million/km2/year (median, $2,698/km2/
year or $27/ha). We use the median figure in our analysis. The costs of a protected-area system are divided into three categories: (1) recurrent management costs for
existing areas, (2) systemwide expenses needed to support a network of protected areas and (3) costs of bringing new areas into the system.
b. At $13.50 per person/day x 4,500 person days in a year over about 50 km2 is about $12/ha/yr.
Table 5. Benefits of Mangrove Conservation and Restoration in Avoided Property Damage and Fisheries Productivity
Note: ha = hectare.
Table 6. Net Present Value and Benefit-Cost Ratios for Mangrove Conservation and Restoration
a. Conservation of 15,000–30,000 hectares per year based on halting annual loss of mangroves.
b. Based on 184,000 hectares per year for a moderate effort to 290,000 hectares per year for an aggressive estimate.
Strike price with transmission Strike price without transmission Project size: 350 MW
150 Average
2010 2015 2020 2025 2028
For this analysis, we looked at two scenarios based on production and extra costs for investments in reserves for
IEA cost projections (IEA 2019b): handling power plant or transmission facility outages).
A moderate scenario based on a standard cost of Offshore wind power requires an offshore grid as
capital financing representing full market risk (WACC well as expanding the onshore transmission grid. The
is 7–8 percent). In this scenario, the global LCOE falls transmission or grid costs are closely tied to the regional
from $140/MWh in 2018 to less than $90/MWh in 2030 regulations for connecting the project to the onshore
and close to $60/MWh in 2040. grid (IEA 2019b). In 2015, the grid and balancing costs
of integrating 50 percent of offshore wind power into
An aggressive scenario based on the same
the system were estimated at $43/MWh in 2019 prices
underlying technology costs and performance
(or €37/MWh) for offshore projects in Germany (Agora
parameters as the moderate scenario, but which
Energywiende 2015). These estimates were higher than
assumes low-cost financing (WACC of 4 percent). The
the integration costs for photovoltaic (PV) solar and
global LCOE of offshore wind declines from $100/MWh
onshore wind ($5–$20/MWh) because it costs more to
in 2018 to $60/MWh in 2030 and to $45/MWh in 2040).
connect with an offshore generation source. However,
these costs are expected to decline as offshore wind
projects increase and technologies improve. The average
The costs of integrating offshore power generation into
up-front cost to build an offshore wind project, including
the land-based electricity system include infrastructure
transmission costs, will drop by more than 40 percent
costs (for expanding and adjusting the existing electricity
over the next decade, according to the IEA. Such a drop
infrastructure to feed in electricity production) and
would be due to innovation, economies of scale and
balancing costs (for handling deviations from planned
supportive action to reduce costs by grid operators.25
Hydropower (seasonal)b 74 74
a. Levelised cost of electricity generation (LCOE) estimates for coal, natural gas and nuclear are based on NEA and IEA (2015) country-level analysis of LCOE for
the various technologies. The ranges show that the LCOEs will vary by location as each technology and each country faces a different set of risk profiles. Original
estimates are converted from 2013 prices to 2019 prices using the Consumer Price Index inflation calculator.
b. LCOE estimates for hydropower are based on analysis of plants based in the United States (see Stacey and Taylor 2019). They calculate LCOE for new plants using
EIA data (which used WACC of about 4%). They state that new plants have higher fixed costs and LCOE (than existing resources) as they begin their operational lives
with a full burden of construction cost to recover.
For this analysis, we take a conservative approach and ADDITIONAL COSTS OF ENERGY GENERATION
assume the grid and balancing cost is $43/MWh in 2020 FROM OFFSHORE WIND
and declines by 20 percent ($34/MWh) over 2030–50.
The following equation is used to calculate the
additional costs of scaling up offshore wind production:
In 2018, coal, gas, nuclear and hydropower accounted for Costs of offshore wind energy generation =
90 percent of the total electricity generation (IEA 2019a). offshore wind generation costs +
We assume that, under the baseline scenario, demand offshore wind integration costs –
for electricity will increase over 30 years (2020–50) and baseline energy generation costs
additional investments in conventional sources of energy
The total costs of scaling up offshore wind power are
(mainly fossil fuels) will be made to meet the demand.
shown in Table 8, with the moderate scenario costing
We analysed the LCOE of conventional sources of energy
$250–$884 billion and the aggressive scenario costing
to estimate the current costs of energy generation in the
$97–$420 billion.
baseline based on two discount factors (Table 7).
Moderate Global LCOE falls from $140/MWh in 2018 to less than $90/MWh in 2030
and close to $60/MWh in 2040
Integration costs: grid and balancing costs are $43/MWh in 2020,
declines by 20% over 2030–50
Aggressive Global LCOE of offshore wind declines from $100/MWh to $60/MWh in 2030
and to $45/MWh in 2050
Integration costs: grid and balancing costs are $43/MWh in 2020, declines by
20% over 2030–50
PV solar n/a 26
a. Dry cooling is also an option that is not discussed here as it is expensive and has limited application.
b. Once-through cooling involves lower water consumption but higher water withdrawal than circulating cooling systems. In some jurisdictions (typically arid), once-
through cooling is no longer permitted. However, we provide estimates of this technology to demonstrate a conservative water consumption scenario.
Climate impacts. We used the social cost of carbon be avoided or mitigated (Copping et al. 2016). For
method (see Box 3) to estimate the value of reductions example, spatial planning appears to reduce risks, such
in GHG emissions attributable to offshore wind at $344 as collisions with seabirds and impacts on migratory
billion to $1.4 trillion over 30 years. cetaceans, to manageable levels (Best and Halpin 2019).
However, as wind energy expands into new areas, it
Impacts on biodiversity. Building more offshore wind
could become more difficult to mitigate impacts.
farms could have both positive and negative impacts on
biodiversity. The net impacts have not been quantified Wind farms can have positive environmental impacts by
monetarily, and they would vary depending on the serving as artificial reefs for many organisms (Hammar et
location of the offshore wind farm and the policies and al. 2016). In addition, the prohibition of bottom trawling
measures to address negative impacts. Effective marine near offshore wind farms for safety reasons eliminates
spatial planning, combined with emerging ocean energy the disturbance of fish, benthos and benthic habitats.
technologies, can be effective in mitigating biodiversity Evidence from Belgium and Norway suggests that in
loss from ocean energy technologies and reinforcing areas with a homogeneous seabed, wind farms may
biodiversity cobenefits (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2019). enhance diversity (Buhl-Mortensen et al. 2012; Degraer
et al. 2012).
The risks of installing wind farms in the marine
environment include biological invasions, noise and
disturbing vibrations to marine species, collisions
This analysis does not monetise the impacts on jobs and
between birds and wind turbine rotors and the presence
livelihoods to the wider community, but it acknowledges
of electromagnetic fields that can disrupt marine life and
them qualitatively. Offshore wind energy can create jobs:
benthic habitats (Langhamer 2012; Sotta 2012). However,
German and UK case studies state that offshore wind
studies have shown a gap between perceived risks and
development is more labour-intensive than onshore
actual risks, and the former arise from uncertainty or
wind development because of the greater challenges
lack of data about the real impacts (Copping et al. 2016).
inherent in building and operating offshore farms in
While it is important to acknowledge possible impacts,
marine environments (BMWi 2018; IRENA 2018a). In
some of the actual risks are likely to be small and can
Germany, the offshore segment accounted for 17 percent
Table 10. Net Benefits from Scaling Up Offshore Wind Energy and Benefit-Cost Ratio
(US$, BILLIONS, 2020–50) (LOW) (HIGH)
Scenario 1: LCOE is US$140/MWh; integration costs are $43/MWh; baseline costs are $86–$94/MWh 0.9:1–3:1
Scenario 2: LCOE is $60/MWh; integration costs are $43/MWh; baseline costs are $86–$94/MWh 4:1–16:1
Scenario 3: LCOE is $45/MWh; integration costs are $30/MWh; baseline costs are $68–$75/MWh 7:1–28:1
Data Limitations and Caveats of the total emissions in the sector (Olmer et al. 2017).
The following scenarios were considered from Hoegh-
Data limitations and caveats are described in Appendix
Guldberg et al. (2019).
B. They include potential risks to biodiversity, variations
in GHG mitigation depending on the fuel mix in the Under the BAU scenario, it is estimated that total annual
local grid, variations in LCOE depending on local market GHG emissions from international shipping will grow
conditions, and omitting financial benefits from water from 800 megatonnes (Mt) in 2012 to 1,100 Mt in 2030
savings. to 1,500 Mt in 2050. The mitigation potential assumes
a 20–39 percent emissions reduction in 2030 from a
3.3 Decarbonise the International 2008 baseline, and in 2050, a 50–100 percent emissions
Shipping Sector reduction from the 2008 baseline emissions (Table 12).
Shipping is a significant source of emissions with The upper-bound emissions reduction for 2050 assumes
identifiable reduction pathways (Hoegh-Guldberg et that all vessels move to full use of nonfossil fuels from
al. 2019). The sector is responsible for approximately renewable feedstock. The lower bound is set at 50
1 GtCO2e per year and represents around 3 percent of percent, taken as the minimum interpretation of the
global anthropogenic CO2 emissions (Smith et al. 2015). IMO’s objectives in the initial GHG reduction strategy
Based on current trends, GHG emissions will double by (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2019).
2050 to roughly 2 GtCO2e, compared with 2010 (Hoegh-
Guldberg et al. 2019). In 2018, the United Nations
Assessment of Costs
International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a Because only a small subset of the fleet is likely to
resolution29 to reduce GHG emissions from shipping by at be ‘zero-carbon-fuels ready’ by 2030, we assume the
least 50 percent by 2050, relative to 2008 emission levels. mitigation potential for 2030 to be mainly driven by
However, greater ambition is needed to keep global maximising energy efficiency (Hoegh-Guldberg et
temperature rise under 2°–1.5°C (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. al. 2019). This includes technological measures that
2019; UNFCCC 2015). increase the energy efficiency of a ship, such as altering
its weight (using lighter materials) or design (such as
Baseline, Sustainable Transformation hull coatings and air lubrication to reduce friction), and
Pathway and Target Scenarios other ways to reduce or recover energy (such as via
The sustainable transformation pathway focuses on propeller upgrades and heat recovery). These measures
decarbonising only the international shipping sector. could result in fuel savings of up to 25 percent (ITF
Although there is potential to reduce emissions in both 2018). In addition, energy could be saved by changes
domestic and international shipping, we focused on in how ships—and, more broadly, maritime transport
international shipping, which accounts for 55 percent systems—are operated, such as changes in speed,
ship-port interface and onshore power. Over the last Assessment of Benefits
few years, both slower speeds and larger ship sizes have
The health, environmental and ecological, and economic
contributed to a decrease in shipping emissions (ITF
and social benefits from the international shipping
sector reducing its GHG emissions are summarised
However, efficiency measures are ultimately limited below.
by factors such as the efficiency of a propeller or an
internal combustion engine that are impossible to HEALTH BENEFITS
improve beyond a certain point (IMarEST 2018). As those Reduced PM2.5 from marine engine combustion mitigates
limits are approached, improvements have increasingly ship-related premature mortality and morbidity (Sofiev
diminishing returns and become less cost-effective et al. 2018). The annual avoided health damage cost to
(IMarEST 2018). Hence, the cost of decarbonising adults is calculated by multiplying the CO2e emission
international shipping is ultimately capped by the cost of mitigation potential by the average marginal cobenefits
switching to zero CO2 emissions fuels and technologies of avoided mortality (see Box 2). In addition to the
(IMarEST 2018). impact on adult mortality, evidence shows that reducing
shipping emissions will positively impact childhood
We refer to the IMarEST (2018) study to estimate the morbidity by reducing childhood asthma (Sofiev et al.
cost of GHG reduction in international shipping. The 2018). Based on the methodology outlined above for
study assumes that significant absolute emissions reducing adult mortality and for childhood asthma (see
reductions are achieved even at low marginal cost of Appendix C), we estimate the discounted cumulative
carbon ($50/tonne) (IMarEST 2018).30 The results from health benefits from reducing emissions to be $1.3 to
the same IMarEST (2018) model state that, depending $9.8 trillion over 30 years (2020–50).
on how prices evolve for renewable electricity in coming
decades and other assumptions in the scenarios, a ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOLOGICAL BENEFITS
70–100 percent absolute reduction in GHG emissions by Strong acids formed from shipping emissions can
2050 can be achievable for a marginal abatement cost produce seasonal ‘hot spots’ of ocean acidification
of $100–$500/tCO2e. By multiplying the cost per tCO2e in areas close to busy shipping lanes. Hot spots harm
abated with the mitigation potential estimated in the local marine ecology and commercially farmed seafood
Hoegh-Guldberg et al. (2019) study, we estimate the total species (Hassellöv et al. 2013). Reducing global GHG
costs (capital and operational) over 30 years to be $2.3 emissions, including shipping emissions, is critical to
trillion to decarbonise shipping by 100 percent.31 mitigating local and global ocean acidification.
Table 13. Net Benefit from Decarbonising International Shipping and Benefit-Cost Ratio
Wild-capture fisheries Global annual marine capture production will Global annual marine capture production
(marine) decline from 80 mmt in 2020 to 67 mmt in 2050a stabilises at 96–99 mmtb by 2050
Fed mariculture (finfish) Fed mariculture production remains at the 2020 Fed mariculture production increases to 22.4
level of 11.2 mmtc mmt by 2050d
Nonfed mariculture (bivalves) Bivalve mariculture grows to 28.5 mmt in 2050 Bivalve mariculture grows to 65.2 mmt in 2050f
from 16.3 mmt in 2020e
b. Costello et al. 2019; Costello et al. 2016; Sumaila et al. 2012; this refers to the higher estimates of the Sumaila et al. optimal catch range under reform.
In the sustainable transformation pathway scenario, Increasing the scale of fed mariculture and replacing
the capital costs for setting up fed mariculture farms fishmeal and fish oil with alternative fish feed will
are estimated at $157 million for offshore mariculture lead to a change in the variable costs of mariculture
and $60 million for nearshore mariculture for 2020–30 farms. To calculate the impact on variable costs, we
(FOLU 2019; O’Shea et al. 2019).35 Between 2020 and assumed that, until 2030, the price of alternative
2030, it is assumed that 25 percent of the additional feed would be twice the price of fishmeal and then,
production will come from new capital expenditures because of innovations, it would fall to equal the price
to build these farms (FOLU 2019). After 2030, we of fishmeal in 2030–50.
assume that the cost of investment will fall by 15
Public and private R&D spending across food and
percent. The capital costs will fall from $157 million to
land-use systems was assumed to grow from 0.07
$133 million over 2031–50. All increases in production
percent GDP (2018) to 0.1 percent of GDP by 2030.
beyond 2030 come from new farms.
FOLU analysis assumes 20 percent of the additional
Because mariculture expansion is limited by R&D spending on food and land-use systems ($197
shortages and the rising costs of fishmeal made from billion over 2018–30) is allocated to alternative fish
forage fish, we assume that fed mariculture expansion feed, intensification impacts and the scaling up of
is possible over 30 years (2020–50) because of a 50 innovative production methods such as multitrophic
percent reduction in traditional fishmeal, with the mariculture and offshore mariculture. After 2030,
gap filled by novel feed ingredients such as insects we assumed the R&D expenditure in the food and
or algae.36 Although these alternatives currently cost land-use systems would continue to grow at the same
more than fishmeal,37 we assume prices will decline rate38 (reaching 0.13 percent of GDP in 2040 and 0.17
with innovation and scaled-up production. percent in 2050), and the proportion spent on ocean-
based proteins would remain the same.
Table 15. Net Benefits from Increasing the Production of Sustainably Sourced Ocean-Based Proteins and Benefit-Cost Ratio
Source: Authors’ calculations based on estimates from FOLU 2019; Mangin et al. 2018; Sumaila et al. 2012.
Table 16. Summary of Benefit-Cost Ratios for the Four Action Areas in 2050
a. The ratio presented is the combined ratio for mangrove conservation and restoration. When assessing specific interventions, the benefit-cost ratio for conservation
is estimated to be 88:1 and for restoration 2:1.
b. The benefit-cost ratio estimated for decarbonising international shipping ranges from 2:1 to 5:1.
c. The benefit-cost ratio estimated for scaling up of global offshore wind energy production ranges from 2:1 to 17:1.
The values for ecosystem services of mangroves in Myanmar, as estimated by Estoque et al. (2018), illustrate the scale of the benefits
that accrue to society from various ecosystem services.
In Myanmar, a mangrove’s most valuable service is as a fish nursery (US$9,122 per hectare [ha] per year) and as coastal protection
from storm surges ($1,369/ha/year). Recreational benefits are estimated at $476/ha/year. Mangroves also regulate water flow ($275/
ha/year) and water quality ($61/ha/year) (see Table BA1.)=
Wood-based energy and timber Value of marketed and nonmarketed production 7.22
Regulation of water quality Reduced costs of wastewater treatment and sediment 617.13
Mitigation of climate change Potential value of carbon emissions reductions offsets 304.64
Maintenance of fisheries nursery Contribution to on-site and off-site capture fisheries 9,112.45
populations and habitat
Cultural, amenity and aesthetics Domestic and international visitor willingness to pay 28.46
Globally, 86 million children could suffer from The costs of investments increase (and consequently
asthma, based on the fact that 334 million people in B-C ratio decreases) if we assume a scenario where
the world have asthma and 26 percent of the world the cost of alternative fuel is higher.
population is 14 years or younger (Global Asthma
The analysis does not compare the carbon impact
Network 2014).42 Evidence-based regression analysis
of ship transportation versus air transportation.
shows that 16 percent of these cases could be
Investment in cleaner ships to meet demands from
attributed to shipping (Sofiev et al. 2018), accounting
a growing economy will lead to a lower carbon
for 14 million childhood asthma cases.
footprint solution for global trade and travel (versus
Sofiev et al. (2018) states that childhood asthma ground or air transport of goods and people).
morbidity due to shipping declines by 54 percent, from
The analysis is static and does not analyse the
14 million children affected in the BAU case to 6.4 million
secondary or indirect impacts following the shipping
children in the 2020 Action case.43 We assume these
sector transitioning to a low-fuel economy. Although
benefits are delivered in 2030 (i.e., when 54 percent
switching to cleaner fuel will impose costs to the
of children suffering from asthma are asthma free).
shipping industry, the overall impacts on the economy
We assume a 100 percent reduction of GHG emissions
will depend on how the firms absorb the increase in
in shipping will reduce childhood morbidity cases
costs and, thus, are relatively uncertain. Being faced
(attributable to shipping) by 100 percent (14 million).
with higher cost, the industry could transfer part of the
The average missed days is estimated to be 6.4 days impacts to the price of final commodities (more likely
per child (Nunes et al. 2017; Ojeda et al. 2013; Sullivan if they are price inelastic), produce more local product,
et al. 2008), and we assume at least one adult loses or reduce profit margins, which would lead to lower
that many days of work per year to care for the child. future capital investment until the industry’s market
The value of additional days lost attributable to equilibrium returns. The overall impact on consumers
asthma per year was $301 for each worker and $93 for and households will depend on which of these impacts
each student (Nunes et al. 2017). dominate, and by what extent. In most developed
economies, impacts are expected to be negligible,
The average annual health financial costs to and there are policy options for managing impacts
government for treating pediatric asthma is estimated in especially vulnerable and/or disproportionately
to range from $3,076 to $13,612 per child in the United impacted countries.
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The authors would also like to acknowledge Maximilian Bucher for his valuable assistance, advice and contribution,
especially in terms of providing essential data from The Global Consultation Report of the Food and Land Use Coalition,
clarifying its underlying assumptions and suggesting modifications for the purposes of this study.
Thank you also to Mary Paden, Lauri Scherer, Carni Klirs and Rosie Ettenheim for providing administrative, editing and
design support.
Contact: Manaswita.Konar@wri.org
Contact: Helen.Ding@wri.org
Our Challenge
Natural resources are at the foundation of economic opportunity and human well-being. But today, we are
depleting Earth’s resources at rates that are not sustainable, endangering economies and people’s lives. People
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essential for a sustainable planet. We must address these urgent, global challenges this decade.
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We envision an equitable and prosperous planet driven by the wise management of natural resources. We aspire
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