Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Duration and Timbre
Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Duration and Timbre
Melody, Harmony, Dynamics, Duration and Timbre
Minor scale A seven note scale still composed of half and whole steps but has
different melodic intervals than the major scale.
Pentatonic Scale A five note scale with all whole step intervals.
Whole tone scale- A seven tone scale which is composed of all whole steps.
3. Tie is a curved line connecting the heads of two notes of the same pitch,
indicating that they are to be played as a single note with a duration equal to
the sum of the individual notes' values.
4.Fermata-also known as a hold sign or as a grand pause when placed on a
note or a rest) is a symbol of musical notation indicating that the
note should be prolonged or held beyond the normal duration its
note value.