Supercapacitors: A Project Report On

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A Project Report



Prepared in the partial

fulfilment of

Study Project (EEE F266)

Submitted By:

Karan Chauhan 2017B4A30873P

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Satyendra Kumar Mourya


1. Need of Supercapacitors

One of the main issues faced in electrostatic field is how should it be stored. Due to
the demand in high speed charging, studies are being done on supercapacitor, as they can
deliver a rapid charge and discharge cycles as compared to a conventional battery. The reason
for the high capacitance value is high surface area and use of thinner dielectrics used in the
fabrication of supercapacitors. The term Supercapacitor was first used in 1978 when it was
used to provide backup power for maintaining computer memory. While batteries can store
large amounts of charge per unit volume, supercapacitors are much more efficient at
generating a large quantity of electric current within a short duration. This burst of electricity
helps supercapacitors to quickly charge up devices, unlike batteries that can take much

Besides having a high capacitance, they are devices with very high energy storage capacity
and relatively low internal resistance, due to the presence of an electrolyte in between the
electrodes. Due to its high-power capability a bank of supercapacitors, can bridge the short
time duration between a power failure and the start-up of backup power generators.

2. Types of Supercapacitors

Based on the energy storage mechanism supercapacitors are classified into three

Activated carbons

Electric double


Metal Oxides

2.1. Electric Double layer Capacitors (EDLCs)

Ions in electrolyte
Accumulation of Potential Diffeence
Voltage is applied diffuse to opposite
charge is created

The principle of energy storage in EDLCs is electrochemical double layer. They can
either store charge electrostatically or via non faradic process i.e. no charge transfer between
the electrolyte and electrodes. To avoid recombination of ions at electrodes a double layer of
charge is formed. The double layer, combined with the increase in specific surface area and
distances between electrodes decreased, allows EDLCs to attain higher energy density. Due
to EDLC’s storage mechanism, a fast energy uptake and delivery takes place. Moreover, due
to the non-faradic process there is no chemical reaction thus eliminating the swelling
observed in active material.

2.2. Pseudo capacitors

Pseudo capacitors store charge via a faradic process which involves the transfer of charge
between the electrolyte and electrodes.

Passage of
Oxidation and Passage of
current through
Potential is applied Reduction on charge across the
electrode double layer

The faradic process allows them to achieve greater specific capacitance and energy density
compared to ELDCs. However due to the redox reactions they suffer from lack of stability
during cycles and having low power densities.

2.3. Hybrid

As seen that ELDCs can offer good cyclic stability and power performance while in
the case of Pseudo Capacitors it offers a good specific capacitance. By combining the energy
source of battery like electrode with a power source of capacitor like electrode in the same
cell. With the correct combination, it is possible to increases the cell voltage which leads to
an improvement in energy and power densities. Currently, researchers have focused on the
three different types of hybrid supercapacitors, which can be distinguished by their electrode
configurations: Composite, Asymmetric and Battery-type.

2.3.1. Composite

Composite electrodes combine carbon-based materials with metal oxides or

conducting polymer in a single electrode. As a result, a single electrode will have both
physical and chemical charge storage mechanisms. Carbon materials provide high specific
surface area and offer double capacitive layer of charge and through faradic reaction, pseudo-
capacitive material increases capacitance.

2.3.2. Asymmetric

Asymmetric hybrids combine Non faradic and Faradic processes by coupling and
EDLC with a Pseudo-capacitor electrode. They are set up in a way that the carbon material is
used as a negative electrode while either metal oxide or conducting polymer as positive

2.3.3. Battery-type

Battery type hybrid combines two different electrodes by combining a

supercapacitor electrode with battery electrode. This was done to utilize both
properties of supercapacitors and batteries in one cell.

3. Potential Materials

3.1. Manganese Oxide

Supercapacitors based on Manganese Oxide have the potential to combine the storage
capacity of batteries and fast charging of supercapacitors. Hence being touted as a promising
material. Moreover, on combining with Cobalt Manganese Oxide it forms a hetero structure
which allows to tune the interfacial properties. Manganese Oxide when coupled to a
semiconductor created a conductive interface with low resistance to electron and ion

Cobalt manganese oxide when used as positive electrode and graphene oxide as negative one,
yields an asymmetric supercapacitor with high energy and power density and improved cyclic
3.2. Manganese Dioxide nanoparticles (Green Supercapacitors)

Being a cheaper, readily available, safer, and stable compared to other transition metal
oxides. Lignin, a natural polymer is used to enhance the electrochemical properties of the
electrodes. To create the electrode lignin was treated with Potassium Permanganate, a
commonly used disinfectant.

Lignin treated with Application of heat

Deposition of MnO2
and pressure results Breakdown of KMnO4
KMnO4 on lignin
in Oxidation

Coating of lignin and manganese dioxide mixture on aluminium plate to form a green
electrode. Other electrode made up of aluminium and activated charcoal and supercapacitor is
assembled by sandwiching a gel electrolyte. For optimal ratio of lignin and manganese
dioxide, the specific capacitance can go up-to as much as 900 times more than other

3.3. MXene

Using Ti3C2Tx (MXene) and a gel electrolyte as a separator could shorten the transport
distance of ions and increase the mass loading of active material at device scale. Due to
alternative stacking the capacitance was ultra-high 10.8 F cm-2 with high volumetric density
of 10.4mWh cm-3 at 75mW cm-3. It has highest value in aqueous gel electrolyte system
compared to ionic. To go with miniaturization and portability it is essential to improve the
volumetric energy density of electrochemical energy storage devices. High mass loadings can
decrease the inactive component ratio at the device level, thereby leading to increased energy
density as well as decreased cost. This new design offers a new approach to achieve advanced
high areal and volumetric energy density in electrochemical energy storage devices.

3.4. Graphene
Graphene a one atom thick layer 2D structure has emerged as a unique carbon
material that has potential for energy storage device applications because of its superb
characteristics of high electrical conductivity, chemical stability, and large surface area.
When used as supercapacitor electrode material it doesn’t depend on the distribution of pores
at solid state, as compared to other carbon materials such as activated carbon, carbon

3.5 Nickel Oxide

Nickel oxide is among the promising electrode material for supercapacitor because of
its environmental friendliness, easy synthesis, and low cost. Among the benefits of
electrochemical strategy include reliability, simplicity, accuracy, low cost, and versatility. It
gives high specific capacitance of 1478 F/g in 1M KOH aqueous solution.

3.6. Polyaniline (PANI)

PANI is considered as the most promising supercapacitor electrode material because

of its high conductivity, easy synthesis, excellent capacity for energy storage and low cost.
However, due to repetitive cycles (charge/discharge process) swelling and shrinkage, PANI is
susceptible to rapid degradation in performance. However, when coupled with carbon
materials the stability of PANI increases.

4. Some unique Fabrication Approaches

4.1. 3D printing electrodes

Printable graphene aerogel can be used to build a porous 3D pseudo capacitive

material. These porous scaffolds when loaded with manganese oxide create a capacitor with
battery like performance. The main challenge for this technology is to increase the mass
loading of the material without sacrificing energy storage capacity of the capacitor. In
commercial devices the mass loading is around 10 mg per square centimetre. Most
importantly, the capacitance increased linearly with mass loading of manganese oxide and
electrode thickness, while the capacitance per gram (gravimetric capacitance) remained
almost unchanged. This indicates that the electrode's performance is not limited by ion
diffusion even at such a high mass loading.

4.2. Lightweight- Green Fabrication

This new technology promises to charge electric vehicles within a few minutes, in the near
future. The result of the process is a flexible, lightweight and a cost effective supercapacitor.

Integrating green tech into energy storage devices is tricky because it is difficult to control
the resulting electrical properties. It also includes chemical treatments which are hazardous.

4.3. Faradic Process

For Faradic processes there is a charge transfer between the electrolyte and electrodes.

4.4. Non-Faradic Process

It states that there should be no charge transfer between the electrolyte and electrodes.

5. Current State of Art

With the invention of supercapacitors an important alternative energy storage device emerged
offering high electrochemical properties, high power density and good stability. However,
there is still room for improvement in the design and fabrication of supercapacitors for them
to able to be used in more applications needing high energy density and the process of
fabrication being safer and more stable. Researchers are still focusing on the different
electrode materials like carbon materials, metal oxide and conducting polymers. Conducting
polymers show high specific capacitance, but the major challenges faced are their swelling
and shrinking when charging and discharging, leading to short lifetime, hence they require
some material to couple with e.g. MXene. With the discovery of graphene as electrode
material for supercapacitor, it has opened a lot of research opportunities being carried out.
Future work efforts should focus more on the effect graphene might have on other electrode
materials, which is by combining it with either metal oxides or conducting polymers to form
composites. Now researchers are focused on ternary composite which has been reported.

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