Stat & Prob 11 Exam 3rd FINAL
Stat & Prob 11 Exam 3rd FINAL
Stat & Prob 11 Exam 3rd FINAL
3rd Grading Examination :
2nd Semester, S.Y. 2019 - 2020
CORE SUBJECT: Statistics and Probability
Family Name, Given Name Middle Name Learner Reference Number (LRN)
Technical – Vocational – Livelihood (TVL) FOOD ( FISH ) PROCESSING
Track and Strand Specialization
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Shade the circle that correspond the letter of your answer.
1. It is a science involves the methods of collecting, processing, summarizing and analyzing data
in order to provide answers or solutions to an inquiry.
A) Statistics
B) Chemistry
C) Physics
D) Trigonometry
2. Which of the following is answerable through a statistical process?
A) typical size of a Filipino family
B) president of the Republic of the Philippines
C) number of hours in a day
D) salary of a newly-hired public school teacher in NCR
3. Which of the following is NOT answerable through a statistical process?
A) average wage rate in the country
B) favorite fruit of Filipinos
C) number of hours you sleep last night
D) biggest planet in the Solar System
4. Which of the following situations do NOT need to need undergo a census?
A) determining the best-selling soap brand in Metro Manila
B) most in-demand job in the Middle East
C) ingredients in cooking chopsuey
D) number of households with compost pit in Lower Tiparak
5. It is a characteristic that is observable or measurable in every unit of the universe.
A) population
B) sample
C) universe
D) variable
6. It is a subgroup of a universe or of a population.
A) population
B) sample
C) universe
D) Variable
7. It is the collection of respondents from whom one obtain the data.
A) population
B) sample
C) universe
D) variable
8. It is a set of all possible values of a variable.
A) population
B) sample
C) universe
D) variable
Frequency Class
Scores fX (X - ࢞
ഥ) ഥ)2
(X - ࢞ ഥ)2
f(X - ࢞
(f) Mark (X)
46 - 50 2 48 96 14.1 198.81 397.62
41 - 45 8 43 344 9.1 82.81 662.48
36 - 40 9 38 342 4.1 16.81 151.29
31 - 35 14 33 462 -0.9 0.81 11.34
26 - 30 12 28 336 -5.9 34.81 417.72
21 - 25 5 23 115 -10.9 118.81 594.05
i=5 Σf = 50 ΣfX = 1695 Σf(X - ࢞
ഥ) = 2234.5
31. Which of the following is the value of the summation of all products of the class marks and
the frequency?
A) 5
B) 50
C) 1695
D) 2234.5
32. How was the values of the 5th column obtained?
A) by multiplying the frequency of a class interval by its class mark
B) by subtracting the class mark by the value of the mean
C) by squaring the difference of the class mark and the mean
D) by multiplying the mean value by the variance.
33. What is the mean value of the given table?
A) 33.4
B) 33.9
C) 34.9
D) 39.3
34. What is the variance of the given table?
A) 45.6
B) 46.5
C) 54.6
D) 56.4
35. What is the standard deviation of the given table?
A) 5.67
B) 5.76
C) 6.57
D) 6.75
For problems 36 to 40, refer to the table below. Write the answer on the line before the number.
Frequency Class
Scores fX (X - ࢞
ഥ) ഥ)2
(X - ࢞ ഥ)2
f(X - ࢞
(f) Mark (X)
41 - 50 5
31 - 40 8
21 - 30 11
11 - 20 10
1 - 10 6
i = 10 Σf = 40 ΣfX = Σf(X -࢞
ഥ) =