Reading Data Card: Why Not To Start With Grammar?
Reading Data Card: Why Not To Start With Grammar?
Reading Data Card: Why Not To Start With Grammar?
CARD Nº Author and title of text: Topic (main idea): Reading goal:
The current view of listening as a many- Understand the listening process in students and comprehend
WHY NOT TO START WITH sided interactive process necessitates a how the teachers can teach listening.
GRAMMAR? more comprehensive approach to
teaching listening to help learners meet
the challenge of real-life listening.
1. Ideas or concepts related to the topic: 2. Concepts which were not explained well:
The importance of listening skill.
The processes that intervene in the listening. Top down process
The student role in the listening.
The teacher roles in the listening. Bottom up process
Techniques and strategies the teachers can use to improve the listening skills in their students.
3. Summary: 4. What did you learn from the Reading that you can apply in your
The text explains many aspects related to how we as teachers can teach listening. professional life and/or monograph?
One important thing is the teachers evaluate students’ comprehension based on the
correctness of their responses and proceed to the next. Implicit here is the focus on the The text was very useful because it share very important information of
result, the product of listening in the form of correct answer. how we as teachers can interact with our students and how we can
Using incorrect answers to detect weaknesses and designing activities to help, the aim is to improve the listening skills in them with certain techniques and activities
increase students’ awareness of their listening processes and reinforce effective listening that we will develop in our classes.
behaviors they can use when they face these problems again.
The process view of listening has changed the role of the listener from someone who was
thought to passively receive the spoken message to an active participant in the act.
One important aspect of active listening is its social dimension. To approximate real-life
listening experiences, students can be grouped or paired up to practice showing
understanding or incomprehension, asking questions, agreeing of disagreeing with the
speaker and interrupting when appropriate.
When teachers teach, they seem to take charge of everything. They select input, design and
sequences activities, determine tasks and decide what constitutes a correct response.
When students make a mistake, teachers deem it their professional duty to immediately
correct it.