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Factual Information

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Activity No.

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Factual Information
1. What may cause the total collapse of world peace?
The slight mistake, misconceptions of any action done as provocation by any of
the contending world powers or world alliances and the world is known to be filled with

2. What were the observation of former US Senator George Mitchell?

Former US Senator George Mitchell perceived that it was impossible to have a
resolution to the conflict. He reasoned out the increasing population of the poorest
countries and because of this there will be huge and rising demand for land, for water, for
natural resources of all kinds, to job and opportunity, for economic and political power.
He also emphasized that, as the gap between the rich and poor widens, it is realistic to
imagine the complete vanishment of conflict.

3. What did venerable K. Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera notice?

K. Sri Dhammananda distinguished the belief that the only way to fights force is
by applying more force has led to the arms race between the great powers. This resulted
to the very brick of total self-destruction and the next war will be the end of the world
when there will be neither victors nor victims. I have understood that he thinks the
problem also is the pursuit of the objects of our desire and attachment involves the use of
aggression and competitiveness as supposedly efficacious instruments. These mental
processes easily translate into actions, breeding belligerence as an obvious effect. If
people have those qualities on both opponents with the other there could be no victor at

4. What did writer Bobit S. Avila say about world peace?

Bobit S. Avila did not mention world peace in the textbook though he pointed up
in the statement retrieved from the article “The World needs Fatima” the information of
the ISIS terror campaign. He emphasized the world condition and what is occurring in the
world that tends to make it illusive than be peace. He said that our world today is
beginning to be like the biblical Armageddon.

5. What did reader Justin tell Commander Andy?

In the selection, Justin that our world peace is a failure because of lack of justice.
It was stated in the text the definition of justice which was related to the failure Justine
mentioned. It said justice is fairness in the way people are treated and the quality of being
right and deserving fair treatments. Which made it mean that Justin thinks people are not
fairly treated with the rightful.

The Importance
1. Why is world peace erratic?
Erratic is defined as having no fixed course and characterized by lack of
(Merriam-Webster). The world peace is erratic for it has variables to accord. Our world
has variables such as changing of world events, geopolitical issues, countries and world
agendas and the whole world population who have their own perspectives and priorities
regarding peace itself. These variables influence, overlap and are constantly changing the
direction of the whole world peace itself.

2. Why is conflict impossible to resolve?

Conflicts are difficult to resolve because people tend to get caught up in their
feelings and their various stand as person in any situation. Conflict situations can trigger
an innate stress response. When we encounter something difficult or aversive, our natural
tendency is to escape or avoid the situation. The easiest thing to do when confronted with
conflict may be to pretend we don’t notice and hope that it will go away on its own. In
the state of as social-being, we have a tendency to build alliances. From a biological point
of view, this benefit our survival. Being in a group and taking on functional roles may
help ensure our safety and wellbeing. It is natural for people to fear disapproval, because
it can jeopardize our group belongingness.

3. Why does the world need Fatima?

In a world of social, political, and religious turmoil, the world tells us that peace
can be felt only when there isn’t any conflict. Fatima was there to guide Jesus in His life.
We need Fatima because in our world we will always feel conflicts in the past, present
and future, it is overflowing of conflicts. We could have Fatima as guidance like Fatima
to Jesus. Our world needs to lean on something and that could be Fatima’s values and

4. Why does the world peace fail according to the reader Justin?
According to Justin world peace is a failure because of its lack of justice. Justice
and peace go hand in hand. Justice is taken to mean improving and implementing laws.
As a result, actions tend to focus on increasing the capacity of law institutions, such as
the police and courts, to improve access to justice. Justice is not something that is merely
dispensed through courts and the police. Instead, it is experienced either positively or
negatively through the quality of opportunities, relationships, transactions and behaviors
right across society. Because of the negative impact of it, a constant circumstance that it
will lead to that situation, it tends to make the world peace a failure.

5. Why does religious contribute to the failure of world peace?

Religious conflicts can assume “larger-than-life” proportions, appearing as
struggles between “good” against “evil”. Reason for such conflict are both complex and
varied, but it seems clear that religious and secular worldviews can encourage in
particular standards to various areas including home, law, education and politics. But in
the case of world peace, the inconsistency of the relationship of religion to its conflict is
not clear when we think about religious involvement in the standing. When world peace
erupts into failure, there are also nonreligious issues to take into account, including
ethnicity, gender, culture, class and power and wealth.

People’s Reaction to the Problem

1. Are the citizens of the world aware about this serious problem? Why?
Yes, they are aware but some of the people are blinded. Citizens have various
types, some of it are experts at living and ignorant. Those who are aware of it are
considered expert at living, conscious and with the help of Science and Technology,
which contributed immensely to the overall experience of humankind includes to our
material comfort and well-being and to our greater understanding of the world we live in.
Its field identified something seriously wrong with our progress and development in our
world. However, because of this ignorant people who also haven't yet mastered
themselves, who haven't tamed their ambition to raise themselves up at the expense of
others, and who haven't learned to start from today onward, letting past wrongs
committed by both sides remain in the past are the reason for the failure of the creation of
world in which war ceases to break out.

2. Are we doing enough work to keep peace? Why?

No, people now are exerting enough work today to keep the peace, though we
need more work for the future. The efforts of people today are quite efficient for keeping
the peace nonetheless people should be more competent and strive to achieve more. As
Gandhi famously said, by becoming the change we wish to see. Strive to become an
expert at living. Be good to those around you in concrete ways. Create an island of peace
in your own life. If you do, it will spread. If enough of us do this, our islands will meet,
ceasing to be islands and becoming whole continents. World peace exists literally in the
actions each one of takes in our own lives.

3. Are the world leaders aware that a third world war may signal the end of the world?
Yes, as a world leader you aspire to be competent, kind of vicious at times and be
knowledgeable for the benefit of the nation. It is already known by many of what the next
world war could bring to the world. As the leader, they have permitted various Science
and Technology to our nation. In this aspect, they are knowledgeable that this Science
and Technology exercises to institute more nuclear weapons use, something Russia
already does frequently.

4. Why are some world leaders egoistic and apathetic?

Countries don't go to war because the leaders of countries go to war. Leaders
marshal their reasons, stir up the public, dehumanize the enemy, and send out their
forces. The number of people actually responsible for the decision to go to war can
usually fit comfortably inside a single large-sized room but millions of people dies
because of their decisions. They get angry when they shouldn't, let their egos motivate
them more than they should, and are entirely too concerned with doing what is popular
rather than what is right. They suffer from the same three poisons as the populations they
lead: greed, anger, and stupidity.

5. Why do some people allow themselves to be used in terrorism?

Terrorist groups are recruiting members with expertise in fields such as communications,
computer programming, engineering, finance, and the sciences. As by recruiting, the
leader forces, persuade or negotiate with his people, as all known, people can’t merely
allow themselves in the situation they know could harm them. The fact that people have a
quality of fear, they might have been force to ought to. However, the individuals who
carry out themselves to be use in terrorism generally been recruited into the organization.
Their motives for joining may be different. New recruits are often isolated and alienated
young people who want to join not only because they identify with the cause and idolize
the group's leader, but also because they want to belong to a group for a sense of self-
importance and companionship.

Fact of Opinion
1. A complete world peace can still be achieved.
This idea of world nonviolence is one motivation for people and nations to
willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that has this
objective. Different cultures, religions, philosophies, and organizations have varying
concepts on how such a state would come about. Various religious and secular
organizations have the stated aim of achieving world peace through addressing human
rights, technology, education, engineering, medicine or diplomacy used as an end to all
forms of fighting. Various religious and secular organizations have the stated aim of
achieving world peace through addressing human rights, technology, education,
engineering, medicine or diplomacy used as an end to all forms of fighting

2. It only needs understanding and cooperation among nations of the world.

Every understanding and cooperation of a human-being is a huge contribution to
the world. Understanding and cooperation among nation can be an effective tool to
strengthen themselves to elude the negative perception and qualities that regards to
world. Cooperation among countries can support and reinforce national efforts for global
development and also enrich perspectives on best practices and lessons learnt in other
countries. These exchanges of understanding and cooperation have the potential to impact
subregional and regional integration processes as well as global development policy

3. Increase in a country’s military power is also an increase in its dominating power

Every country who has a high military power has a means to be a dominant as
they can use it to defend themselves. The great-power, or state-on-state, competition, is
leading to a focus on how to assess relative military capability. In a “crisis situation” a
country has an advantage for their high military power which makes them have the
dominating power, knowing a high military power is outmatched against any country.
Because of the said scenario, such fears, vague but existential, can be showed by the

4. A weak country remains weak forever.

A weak country can be also be a strong country. Lu zhengxiang, a great diplomat
of the qing dynasty, was the most direct recipient of foreign insults. In an interview, he
concluded that "strong countries do not respect morality, weak countries do not have
diplomacy." In this case, the lack of negotiations between nations loses its competence to
be a strong country and remains weak but not entirely forever. People have always an
aspect that a weak country is caused by the incompetence or weakness of their
government. A weak government being utterly unable to take advantage of their society’s
huge potential for growth, condemning their citizens to a lifetime of poverty makes them
remained weak. However, every circumstance in the world are complex.

5. Military power is essential in the country’s existence.

The heading ‘military power’ refers to countries with a proven ability to deploy
capabilities at strategic range. Furthermore, military power might influence a judgement
of how globally significant their capability is, it is a great weapon. Military power could
significantly affect their portfolio of capabilities and their standing as global, which
makes it an essential for it holds the standing. Indeed, it is important to remember that
some countries may choose to limit the utility of their military power, they could be
recognized as weak but truly they have a high defense power. Restrictions on military
power could be one example, based on national levels of ambition and factors including
history and military culture.

6. The United States a super power

The United States is a super power, and is likely to remain there for decades. It
holds the world's greatest soft power by far. The U.S. also receives far more (1 million)
immigrants per year than any other country in the world. The United States is leading the
world in the fields of high technology (Silicon Valley), finance and business (Wall
Street), film (Hollywood) and higher education (17 of the top 20 universities in the world
conducted by Shanghai). The US is home to many entrepreneurs and has created many
iconic products which are highly sought after around the world, for example Apple and
Facebook. Militarily, the US remains the world's only superpower. The USA's cultural
influence extends across the world, for example over two billion people speak some
English in the world today with the majority speaking an Americanized version of the
language. These attributes are the US’s international influence which made them the
super power, they uphold the world in another level.

7. The Israelis and the Palestinians have been in war against each other for a long period of
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict was started when the United Nations proposed the
partition plan for Jewish homeland in 1947. The Jewish agrees with the plan but the
Palestinians disagree because they think it is unfair for their land being taken. These wars
had made angry Palestinian lost more and more land causing many terrorist attacks and
suicide bombings occurred during the conflict planned by Palestinian terrorist
organizations. Israel - The Palestinian conflict is by no means a simple bilateral conflict,
but all Israelis have opinions, all Palestinians have different views. In both communities,
individuals and groups are supporting the complete deprivation of the territory of other
communities, supporters of bilateral solutions, and those who support a single long-term
bilateral solution. The conflict between the two may never find the media of happiness,
and the war continues in this land.

8. Increase in weapons of mass destructions delivers nations at the brink of war.

Weapon of mass destruction refer to the one that is in a position to cause damage
to the people as well as to other forms of life in a given society (Franklin 1999). The
innovation of atomic bomb is one of the factors that has led to nations such as the United
States to grow economically. These kinds of weapons have with time caused a number of
massive damages to the world not only in the area of production but also to the entire
world which deliver nations at the brink of war for its damages that cause the other’s

9. A third world war signals the end of the world.

Because the world is complex the next world war could signal the end of the
world. The most important verb describing the impact of technology on warfare is that it
changes warfare. Technology has been the primary source of military innovation
throughout history. The point is even more obvious in humankind’s other fields of battle
—the sea and the air. The present have technology advancement to conquer a war it isn’t
impossible it can be the end of the world if a third world war is triggered to held. As
people today gets the possibility to get provoke by the action of world leaders and help up
nuclear as defense.

10. The United States fights war on terror through armed droves.
As Filipino citizen I have noticed a U.S military base here. U.S. armed forces will
often be called upon to assist foreign governments that wish to eradicate terrorist groups
on their territory but lack the capabilities to do so on their own. In such cases, U.S. forces
can strengthen the capabilities and will of host-government forces by providing training
and equipment, disrupt terrorist activities, find and capture or kill terrorists, help to
alienate terrorists from the populace, gather intelligence about terrorist networks and
activities around the world, and protect friendly forces and bases.

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