Vacuum Pulling 1. Preliminary Checks:: SM6 & SM7

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Vacuum pulling

􀂾 Ensure that TPRDS is charged condition from main steam line (10-12 kg/cm2 pr. & 2600C
temp.) i.e. turbine auxiliary steam is available up to ejector steam pressure control station.
􀂾 Ensure that the following valves are OPENED condition :

i) Condenser air off-take line manual isolating valves (SM6 & SM7).

ii) Isolating valve for valves gland sealing from DMSW pump discharge (DM48).

iii) Condensate isolating valve (CD54) for valves gland sealing from CEP discharge.

iv) Condensate isolating valves for the gland sealing of all the individual valves operating
under vacuum.

iv) All the CEPs gland sealing valves.

v) CEP suction relief valve discharge isolating valves (CS7, CS8 & CS9).

vi) Isolating valves for condenser normal DM make up supply line (DM52 & DM54).

viii) Main ejectors drip line isolating valves (DR41 & DR42).

ix) Steam line drain valves between ejector steam pressure control station and starting or
main ejectors (situated at just below the ejector floor)

􀂾 Ensure that the following valves are CLOSED condition :

i) CEP suction strainers vent valves.

ii) CEP suction drain valves (CS101 to CS108).
iii) Main ejectors loop filling isolating valves (No Nos.).
iv) Main ejectors loop drain valves.
v) Combined HP & LP Flash Tank drain manifold drain valves (DR116 & DR117).
vi) CRH line drain open to atmosphere valve at minus floor (near BFP-C Booster pump
vii) Boiler side reheater vent valves.
􀂾 Vacuum breaker (MAG11001) should be kept “OPEN” & “Manual” mode. Its manual
isolating valve (SM15) should be on Open condition.
􀂾 Ensure that at least one CEP is running on recirculation.
􀂾 Ensure that auxiliary steam is available up to turbine initial gland sealing steam supply
control station from TPRDS by opening motorized isolating valve (AS-9). Before that
drain valves at this station (upstream of GS supply valve) CRH-105 open to atmosphere
should be kept open to achieve the required gland steam supply temperature (minimum
􀂾 Open the starting ejector steam line drain valve (DR130).
􀂾 MCC of starting ejector steam valve and air valve (AS19 & SM14 respectively) should be
“ON” & “Normal” selection. Lock out switches of AS19 and SM14 should be “Released”
􀂾 MCC of ejector steam pressure controller bypass valve (AS15) should be ‘ON’ & ‘Normal’
position. L.O.S. of this valve should be released.
􀂾 Put MCC of steam valves (AS17 & AS18) and air valves (SM12 & SM13) ‘ON &
‘Normal’ selection. L.O.S. of these valves should be released i.e. normal position.
􀂾 Open the ejector drip to condenser isolating valves.
􀂾 Close the ejector loop drain valves.
􀂾 Open the ejector loop filling overflow valve. After that fill up the ejector loops from CEP
discharge by opening loop filling valves (CD61 / CD62). After sufficient water coming out
through the overflow valve, close the loop filling valve and overflow valve.
Ejector loop filling is required to prevent air / non-condensable gas ingress into the
condenser through the ejector drip line which is to be released to atmosphere through the
􀂾 Auxiliary steam line (from ejector steam pressure control station behind Deaerator FST to
Ejectors) is warmed up by slowly opening the ejector steam pressure controller bypass
motorized valve (AS15). Before that steam trap assembly bypass valve (AS212) of drain
line from auxiliary steam line to ejectors (which leads to the LPFT manifold) should be
fully opened.
􀂾 Open the ejector steam pressure controller (AS12) manual isolating valves (AS11 &
􀂾 After sufficient warming up of the above aux. steam line, close the valve AS15 and
subsequently close the drain valve AS212.
􀂾 Bring the ejector steam pressure control valve (AS12) in operation to maintain the
downstream pressure at about 6.5 – 8.0 kg/cm2 (g). Put the AS12 on “AUTO” mode.
􀂾 Put the Starting Ejector into service, firstly by opening steam side motorized valve (AS19)
and then opening air side motorized valve (SM14).
􀂾 After the condenser vacuum reaches more than 15 mmHg , open the gland steam supply
valve (MAW11AA002). Fully close the Vacuum Breaker (MAG11AA001) after gland
sealing steam pressure increases more than 200 mmAq. and put the Vacuum Breaker into
Set the gland sealing steam controller at “AUTO” mode to maintain the gland steam
pressure approx. 670 mmAq.
􀂾 When the condenser vacuum reaches 500 mmHg , bring one of the two main ejector (A/B)
into service by firstly opening the respective steam side motorized valve (AS17 or AS18)
and then opening the respective air side motorized valve (SM12 or SM13).
􀂾 When the condenser vacuum reaches above 650 mmHg , withdraw Starting Ejector from
service firstly by closing its air side valve (SM14) and then closing the steam side valve
􀂾 When the condenser vacuum reaches designed value (680 mmHg , practically vacuum
reaches above 700 mmHg) and maintain this vacuum as steady state, vacuum pulling up
operation is then completed.
Note 1 : Out of two main ejectors, one ejector is selected as working and the other as standby.
Practically steam side valve of the standby ejector is kept as “Opened” condition (i.e.
steam line is charged) during vacuum pulling up operation. After reaching of designed
condenser vacuum, close the steam side valve of the standby main ejector. If the
condenser vacuum falls, the standby main ejector can be brought into service by
opening its steam side valve and air side valve step by step.
Note 2 : If condenser vacuum tends to fall, check the following main items :-
• Ejector loops are perfectly filled with water.
• All the valve glands operating under vacuum are perfectly sealed.

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