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Republic of the Philippines

MODULE Province of Aklan

Municipality of Libacao


NSTP Libacao, Aklan

A Modular Worktext for Civic Welfare Training Service 1 (CWTS 1)
Module 1: Week 1
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master the different competencies. The scope of this module permits
it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of learners. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read
them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

This module is divided into two lessons, namely:

Lesson 1 – The Evolution of the NSTP Program

After going through this module, you are expected to

1. Explain the history and significance of the NSTP in the purview of
national security and development;
2. Appreciate the value of National Service Training Program (NSTP)
as a citizenship training program; and
3. Support National Service Training Program (NSTP)-related activities
and endeavors.

Direction. Choose the letter of the best answer from the choices given. Write
the letter of your choice in your notebook, scan it and send it to

1. It is a program designed to provide military training to tertiary level

students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for
defense preparedness.

2. Another program specifically designed to train students to become

teachers of literacy and numeric skills to school children.

3. Refers to the programs or activities contributory to the general betterment
of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of
facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education,
environment, safety, recreation and morals of the country.

4. Also known as the National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001.
A. RA 9163 B. RA 9577 C. RA 9090

5. The National Service Training Program (NSTP has ______ program

A. 4 B. 3 C. 2

6.The youth shall be motivated, trained, organized and mobilized in military

training, literacy and _______________.
A. cooking B. civic welfare C. religious act

7. From the policy directives of the Commission on Higher Education, who

shall take the National Service Training Program?
A. out of school youth B. senior high school C. tertiary students

8. This area involves disaster preparedness during fire, earthquake, or other

calamity that needs immediate response from any trained civilians
during emergency situations.
A. safety and security B. recreation C. moral recovery

9. This includes programs and activities that are vital to economic growth.
CWTS students demonstrates technical skills in making and how to
establish a business.
A. value formation B. care for health C. entrepreneurship

10. It involves management of waste, environmental protection, dissemination

and application of technologies supportive of the community needs and
livelihood activities related to environment and other related fields
supportive of the national thrust.
A. environment B. industry C. education

Lesson The National Service
Training Program (NSTP)
The Philippine Constitution provides that the defense of the state is a
prime duty of the government and the people, and in the fulfillment of this
duty, all citizens maybe required by law to render personal military or civil
service. It further states that it is the duty of the citizen to contribute to our
country’s development in the attainment and preservation of a just and orderly
society. The National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001 mandates
all citizens both male and female, to fulfill this civic duty.
Responding to the urgent needs of our developing country today and in
the foreseeable future, it is equally vital to develop and enhance civic
consciousness among the young generation to ensure national security and
development. NSTP, therefore, enables the youth, as the most valuable
resource of the Filipino nation, to be motivated, developed and utilized in
regard to their responsibilities as citizens and in fulfillment of their civil


The imposition of the national program for service training of the youth
in the Philippines began with the creation of Commonwealth Act No. 1,
otherwise known as the National Defense Act. It is a legislative act providing
basis for the national defense of the country, punishing certain violations
thereof, appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes under the
government of President Manuel L. Quezon in 1935. The same law that
required college students, particularly males, to finish two years, equivalent to
4 semesters, of military training as a modality to institutionalize the reservist
system in the Philippines national defense.

In 1980, the National Defense Act was amended to give existence to

Presidential Decree No. 1706, otherwise known as the National Service Law. It
mandated compulsory national service to all Filipino citizens. It was composed
of three main program components namely: Civic Welfare Service (CWS), Law
Enforcement Service (LES), and Military Service (MS). College students were
given an option to choose one from among these components in compliance
with this requirement for tertiary education.
The implementation of the National Service Law, except the provision of
the Military Service was suspended by Presidential Memorandum Order No.1
under the incumbency of the former President Corazon Aquino, paving the way
for the conceptualization of the basic Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC),
embodied under Republic Act No. 7077 (The Citizen Armed Forces of the
Philippines Reservist Law), effective school year 1986-1987.

The ROTC program aimed to realize the constitutional mandate of

developing a strong civilian base to supplement the professional military in the
nation’s defense system. It was designated to initiate ROTC trainees in the
rudiments of soldiership, instilling in them discipline and correct deportment.
The objective of the said program was to train all able-bodied tertiary students
for military skills in case of war. It cannot be disputed, however, that the law
on mandatory military training for male Filipino students that existed for
more than sixty (60) years was tainted with anomalies and irregularities in the
advent of the post-Marcos era that culminated to the unprecedented death of
UST ROTC cadet officer Mark Welson Chua for alleged anomalies of some
erring ROTC officials in 2001, thus defeating the purpose upon which this
military training program was anchored in.

As a way to offer an alternative in neutralizing people’s aversion to this

military program during the school year 2001-2002, ROTC was only made
optional under the National Service Training Program, conceiving the so-called
Expanded ROTC characterized by deviation from the rigid tactical training
offering alternatives like rendering civil auxiliary sources in the form of helping
maintain law and order, assisting socio-economic development projects and
delivery of basic health services or aiding in addressing local insurgency.

The main objective of NSTP is to stress the significant role played by

youth, male and female alike, in the task of developing our nation via national
service training. As such, it aims to develop the youth to become civic or
military leaders and volunteers through a modified, re-structured and
reinforced training package whom could be called upon by the nation in cases
their services are needed and in the event of disasters or emergencies.

Compared with ROTC, the NSTP Act ensured that three components -
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) Literacy Training Service (LTS) and
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), are given the same and equal
implementation in educational institutions. The non-military components of
NSTP, that is CWTS and LTS are committed to strengthening the values and
traits of the youth, improving skills and knowledge on various endeavors,
developed interest in community service and making them responsible for
peace and development to ensure harmony and growth in the Filipino


Safety and Security - This area involves disaster preparedness during

fire, earthquake or other calamity that needs immediate response from any
trained civilians during emergency situations. Basic life saving seminar, fire
drill and the like are some of these examples.

Education - This area involves enhancement of institutional support

materials and facilities for the community and school such as providing
materials containing basic literacy skills for pre-schoolers, alternative learning
system for out-of-school youths and adults, mathematics and science tutorials
and extended services of skilled students.

Recreation - This area involves sports fest, parlor games for street
children and painting that enrich youth’s capacities to relate with one another
in the community.

Values Formation and Moral Recovery - This involves the

development of youth to be good leaders, responsible individuals imbued with
good moral values and active agent of development of the community.

Industry and Entrepreneurship - This area includes programs and

activities that are vital to economic growth. CWTS students demonstrate
technical skills in communities like meat processing, silkscreen making and
how to establish small business.

Care for Health - This area aims to give knowledge on medical-related

fields and extend health services needed in the community. It includes medical
services like first- aid operation, vaccination, info dissemination, basic life
saving seminars, heath / nutrition technical assistance and training of youth
to be first aid assistants.

Environment - This area inculcates environmental awareness and its

contribution to health and related fields. It involves management of waste,
environmental protection, dissemination and application of technologies
supportive of the community needs and livelihood activities related to
environment and other related fields supportive of the national thrust.


1.What is the National Service Training Program Law?

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) Law or Republic Act 9163,
promulgated in 2001, is a program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness
and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of services and
patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three (3) program
components specially designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to
the general welfare

2. What are the program components of NSTP?

 The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) is designed to provide
military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train
organize, and mobilize hem for national defense.
 Literacy Training Service (LTS) is designed to train the students to teach
literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth and
other segments of the society.
 Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) which refers activities
contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the
members of the community or the enhancement its facilities, especially
those developed to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morale of the citizenry and other
social welfare services.

 Who are covered by the NSTP Law?

A. All incoming freshmen students, male, female, starting school year (SY)
2002-2003, enrolled in any baccalaureate and in at least two (2) year
technical- vocational or associate courses, are required to complete one
(1) NSTP component of their choice, as a graduation requirement;
B. All higher and technical-vocational education institutions must at
least offer one (1) of the NSTP components.
C. State universities and colleges (SUC‟s), shall offer the ROTC
component and at least one (1) other NSTP component.
D. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA), Philippine Merchant Marine
Academy (PMMA), Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA), and other

SUC‟s of similar nature, in view of the special character of these
institutions, are exempted from the NSTP.
E. Private higher education and technical-vocational education
institutions with at least 350 student cadets may offer the ROTC
component and consequently establish / maintain a Department Of
Military Science and Tactics (DMST), subject to the existing rules and
regulations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

Direction. Find in the word box the different answers to the following questions.
Print this material and scan the document, send the answered document to

Direction. Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the provided
1. Explain briefly the quotation “ A good citizen takes responsibility for helping
home, school, and community to be a good place for everyone.” 10 pts.
2. Name and discuss briefly at least five (5) legal bases for the establishment of
National Service Training Program (NSTP).
3. Having reflected on each of the program components of NSTP, do you think
these are important? Why?

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