CUSAT Syllabus EC
CUSAT Syllabus EC
CUSAT Syllabus EC
Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 EC Sem VIII
Audio Engineering: Sound waves, Complex sounds, Audio frequency range, loudness, pitch, and decibels.
Sound pick up devices (microphones): types: - condenser- carbon, piezoelectric – direction pattern-parameters of
microphones: - frequency range- sensitivity-impedance- noise. Sound reproduction devices: types: - horn, cone –
typical specifications- Acoustics of speech production and hearing. Recording of Sound: Magnetic recording
systems –optical storage systems-Coding and decoding applied to CD – CD-R
Module II
Video Engineering: Elements of Television System:- Basic Block Schematic of Monochrome TV Transmitter
and receiver, Gross structure, flicker& interlaced scanning ,number of scanning lines. Horizontal and Vertical
resolution, Resolution and Bandwidth. Composite video signal- Vertical and horizontal synchronization,
Vestigial Sideband Transmission, transmission of Sound signal. Modulation Positive and Negative Modulation
and its comparison - Picture tubes. Television Cameras, Working Principle and operation of CCD cameras,
Module III
Colour Television: Compatibility considerations, Colour response of human eye, three colour theory, additive
mixing of colours, chromaticity diagram, Luminance and chrominance, Block schematic explanation of Colour
TV Cameras. Colour difference signal and its generation. Colour signal transmission, Modulation of colour
Difference signals and colour burst signal. Basic Colour Television Systems: PAL, NTSC and SECAM.-Block
Schematic, explanation and Comparison. Colour TV picture tubes: CRTs, LCD and Plasma displays.
Module IV
Audio and Video coding: Introduction to Audio Coding, Audio compression, MPEG – Block diagram of audio
encoder and decoder, Digital Audio Broadcasting- Block schematic explanation.
Video coding and compression: Need for compression- video image representation – quantization of image data-
intra frame compression techniques: DPCM –DCT based transform coding- Motion Compensation –H261 video
conference coding standard-MPEG video compression- HDTV- DVB-T
Text Books:
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 EC Sem VIII
Module 1
Microwave Communication : Basic principles of microwave links- Microwave Relay Systems – Choice of
frequency – line of sight and over the horizon systems – modulation methods – block schematics of terminal
transmitters and receivers – microwave repeaters – microwave repeaters – microwave repeaters – microwave
antennas – propagation mechanisms – propagation characteristics – path loss models – shadowing models – small
scale fading and multipath fading – basic principles of design of microwave link
Module II
Module III
Spread system Communication: General concepts – Direct Sequence spread spectrum – frequency hopping –
transmitter and receiver – time hopping – Antijam consideration – CDMA
Telemetry and Remote Sensing : Definition of telemetry – different types – Applications – Image characteristics –
Contrast Ratio – Spatial Resolution – Resolving Power – brightness – tones etc. – Remote Sensing Systems –
Framing systems – Scanning systems – characteristics of aerial photographs – spatial and ground resolution –
relief displacement etc – IR detection and imaging – IR image characteristics – Applications of Remote Sensing.
Module IV
Wireless communication systems: Cellular concepts – Cell Splitting and Frequency Reuse - Propagation
Mechanisms – Modulation techniques for wireless communication – Analog, Digital and Spread Spectrum
modulation – Equalisation, Diversity and Channel coding Diversity Techniques – Multiple access techniques for
Wireless Commuications – FDMA,TDMA and CDMA – Wireless systems and standards – AMPS – Global
System for Mobile(GSM) – CDMA – General Packet Radio Service – DECT System .
References :
1. T.S. Rappaport, Wireless Digital Communications : Principles and Practice , Pearson Education/
Prentice Hall, NJ, 1996
2. Schiller, Mobile Communications , Pearson Education
3. Dennis Roddy, Satellite Communications, Prentice Hall
4. WL Prichard , Satellite Comunication Systems Engineering, Pearson Education
5. A Grarwal and An Zeng ,Introduction to wireless and Mobile systems , Thomson Learning
6. B P Lathi ,Analog and Digital Communication ,Oxford University Press
7. Floyd F Sabins, Remote Sensing Principle and Interpretation, WH Freeman & C, New York
8. Dr. B C Panda, Remote Sensing Principles and Applications, Viva Books Private Ltd.,2005
9. D. Muples and M Rehharia, Mobile Satellite Communication, Pearson Education
10. K Foher , Wireless digital Communications , Prentice Hall, NewDelhi,1995
11. Blake, Wireless Communication Technology, Thomson Publishers, I edition
Module 1
Nature of light, optical laws, optical fiber –ray analysis –wave propagation in di-electric slab wave guide – mode
theory of optical fiber – multi mode and signal mode fibers – graded index fiber –NA-fabrication of optical fibers-
specification of optical fiber – attenuation characteristics-dispersion- types-effect on bandwidth- dispersion
shifted and polarization maintaining fiber.
Module II
Optical sources-direct and indirect band gap materials-LED structures- quantum efficiency- modulation.
Laser diodes- rate equations- diode structure- single mode laser-modulation- temperature effects- quantum
cascade lasers-vertical cavity surface emitting lasers- modal noise- partition noise- reflection noise. Photo
detectors-PIN, APD, Photo detector noise - response time- structure of detectors- receiver units.
Module III
Light coupling-source to fiber coupling, fiber splices- fiber to fiber coupling-effect of mis-alignment-coherent
detection-transceivers for fiber optic communication. Pre amplifier types-optical receiver performance
calculation-noise effects-receiver modules: - Analog communication link - link power budget, rise time budget.
Optical spectrum analyzer- Applications-Measurement of attenuation-Cut back technique-Insertion Loss method,
OTDR, Dispersion measurement for chromatic, polarization mode and intermodal dispersion. Eye patterns.
Module 1V
Components of fiber optic networks: – couplers - splitters- semiconductor optical amplifiers- Erbium doped fiber
amplifiers- wavelength division multiplexers/ demultiplexers. Filters- isolators-circulators-optical switches-
Wavelength converters- Fiber gratings tunable sources-tunable filters.
Optical networks:- SONET/ SDH, DWDM, Optical CDMA, FDDI, performance of various systems.
Text Book:
Reference s:
1. John Gowar, Optical communication systems , Prentice Hall
2. Mynbaev and Scheiner , Fiber optic communications technology,Pearson education
3. Selvarajan, Kar and Srinivas, Optical Fiber communications, Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. John M. Senior, Optical fiber Communication, Prentice Hall
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 EC Sem VIII
Module I
Digital image fundamentals: representation - elements of visual perception - simple image formation model -
Image sampling and quantization - basic relationships between pixels – imaging geometry.
Review of matrix theory results: Row and column ordering - Toeplitz, Circulant and Block matrices. Review of
Image transforms: 2D-DFT, FFT, Walsh, Hadamard , Haar, DCT and Wavelet transforms.
Module II
Image enhancement: Spatial domain methods: point processing - intensity transformations, histogram
processing, image subtraction, image averaging; Spatial filtering- smoothing filters, sharpening filters. Frequency
domain methods: low pass filtering, high pass filtering, homomorphic filtering. Generation of spatial masks from
frequency domain specifications.
Image segmentation: Detection of discontinuities - point, line and edge and combined detection , Edge linking
and boundary description - local and global processing using Hough transform – Thresholding - Region oriented
segmentation - basic formulation, region growing by pixel aggregation, region splitting and merging - Use of
motion in segmentation. Fundamentals of Representation and Description.
Module III
Image restoration: Degradation model - Diagonalization of circulant and Block circulant matrices - Algebraic
approaches - Inverse filtering - Wiener filter - Constrained Least squares restoration - Interactive restoration -
Geometric transformations.
Fundamentals of Colour image processing: colour models - RGB, CMY, YIQ, HIS - Pseudo color image
processing - intensity slicing, gray level to color transformation.
Module IV
Image compression: fundamentals- redundancy: coding, inter pixel, psycho visual, fidelity criteria, Models,
Elements of information theory, Error free compression- variable length, bit plane, lossless predictive, Lossy
compression- lossy predictive, transform coding. Fundamentals of JPEG, MPEG, Fractals.
Text Book:
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 EC Sem VIII
Module I
Basic Concepts of Molecular Biology: Cells - Chromosomes, DNA, RNA, Proteins, Central dogma of
molecular biology, Genomes and Genes - Genetic code, Transcription, Translation and Protein
synthesis. Web based genomic and proteomic data bases: NCBI, GenBank
Module II
Sequence alignments – Dot plot-Pair-wise sequence alignments - local and global -Sequence similarity
and distance measures - Smith-Waterman algorithm, Needleman-Wunch algorithm, Multiple sequence
alignment –Sum-of-Pairs measure - Star and tree alignments – PAM and BLOSUM, Phylogenetic
Module III
Informational view of Genomic data, Genomic Signal Processing, DNA Spectrograms, Identification of
protein coding regions, Gene expression, Microarrays, Microarray image analysis
Module IV
Gene structure in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: Molecular Structure Prediction: Basic concepts and
terminologies related to molecular structures, Basic molecular Visualization, RNA secondary structure
prediction, Protein folding problem, Protein Threading, Protein Visualization, Introduction to Drug
Case Study
Software Tools: Use of Tools for basic and specialized sequence processing such as: BLAST, FASTA,
RasMol, Phylip, ClustalW
Text Books:
1. Setubal & Meidanis, Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology, Thomson:Brooks/Cole,
International Student Edition, 2003
2. Claverie & Notredame, Bioinformatics - A Beginners Guide, Wiley-Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd, 2003.
1. Lesk, Introduction to Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press, Indian Edition, 2003
2. Higgins and Taylor, Bioinformatics: Sequence, structure and databanks, Oxford University
Press, Indian Edition, 2003
3. Bergeron, Bioinformatics Computing, Prentice hall of India, 2003
4. Jiang, Xu and Zhang, Current topics in Computational Molecular Biology, Ane Books, New
Delhi, 2004
5. S.C Rastogi & Namitha Mendiratta, Bioinformatics method and application
Genomics,Protinomics & drug discovery
6. Dov Stekel, Microarray Bioinformatics ,Cambridge University Press
Type of questions for University Examination
Question 1 - 8 short answer questions of 5 marks each. 2 questions from each module
Question 2-5 – There will be two choices from each module .Answer one question from each module of 15 marks
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 EC Sem VIII
Module I
Introduction to ASICs: - Types of ASICs - Design flow - Combinational Logic Cell -Sequential logic cell - Data
path logic cell – I/O cells .Transistors as Resistors - Transistor Parasitic Capacitance-Logical effort.
Module II
Programmable ASICs: - Anti fuse - static RAM - EPROM and EEPROM technology – practical issues -
Programmable ASIC logic cells : Actel ACT - Xilinx LCA - Altera FLEX - Altera MAX.
Programmable ASIC I/O cells : DC & AC inputs and outputs - Clock & Power inputs .
Module III
Programmable ASIC interconnect: Actel ACT -Xilinx LCA - Altera MAX 5000 and 7000 –
Testing: Importance, Faults, Fault models, physical faults, Stuck at fault model, Logical faults, Fault
collapsing, Fault simulation – serial fault simulation, parallel fault simulation, concurrent fault
simulation, nondeterministic fault simulation, ATPG-D-Calculus, Basic ATPG algorithm, PODEM
algorithm, controllability, observability.
Module IV
ASIC construction: System partition - FPGA partitioning - partitioning methods – Popular algorithms
Floor planning and placement: physical design flow- algorithms. Routing : global routing - detailed
routing - special routing - circuit extraction - DRC.
Text book:
1. M.J.S .Smith, Application Specific Integrated Circuits , Pearson Education ,1997.
1. Andrew Brown, VLSI Circuits and Systems in Silicon , McGraw Hill, 1991.
2. S.D. Brown, R.J. Francis, J. Rox, Z.G. Uranesic, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Kluever
Academic Publishers, 1992.
3. Mohammed Ismail and Terri Fiez, Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing, McGraw
Hill, 1994.
4. S. Y. Kung, H. J. Whilo House, T. Kailath, VLSI and Modern Signal Processing , Prentice
Hall, 1985.
5. Jose E. France, Yannis Tsividis, Design of Analog - Digital VLSI Circuits for
Telecommunication and Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1994.
Type of questions for University Examination
Question 1 - 8 short answer questions of 5 marks each. 2 questions from each module
Question 2-5 – There will be two choices from each module .Answer one question from each module of 15
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 EC Sem VIII
Module I
Basic current mirrors and single-stage amplifiers : simple CMOS current mirror, common-source amplifier,
source-follower or common-drain amplifier, common-gate amplifier, source-degenerated current mirrors, high
output impedance current mirrors, cascode gain stage, MOS differential pair and gain stage. Basic Opamp Design
and Compensation – Two-stage CMOS opamp, Feedback and Opamp Compensation. Advanced Current Mirrors
and Opamps – Folded-Cascode Opamp, Current Mirror Opamp, Fully Differential Opamps, Common-Mode
Feedback Circuits, Current-Feedback Opamps.
Module II
Comparators using Opamp:- Charge-Injection Errors, Latched Comparators, Examples of CMOS comparators.
Sample-and-Hold Circuits, MOS Sample-and-Hold Basics, Examples of CMOS S/H Circuits, Band-Gap
Reference Voltage, Switched-Capacitor circuits – Basic building blocks, operation and analysis, Charge Injection,
Switched-Capacitor Gain Circuits, Correlated Double Sampling techniques.
Module III
Data Converter Fundamentals: Nyquist-rate D/A and A/D Converters, Oversampling Converters with and
without noise shaping, Sigma-delta A/D converters, Higher-order modulators, MASH architecture, band-pass
oversampling converters, multi-bit oversampling converters, Continuous-time filters.
Module IV
Analog Layout considerations:, CMOS Layout and design rules, Layout of integrated resistors, capacitors and
analog switches.
Text Book:
1. David A. Johns, Ken Martin, Analog integrated circuit design, Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997.
1. Mohammed Ismail, Terri Fiez, Analog VLSI signal and information processing, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
2. Philip E. Allen, Douglas R. Hollberg, CMOS analog circuit design, Oxford University Press, 2002.
4. Paul R. Gray, Robert G. Meyer, Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits, Wiley & Sons,
Inc.,4th edition, 2001.
5. Behzad Razavi, Principles of data conversion system design, IEEE Press, 1995
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 EC Sem VIII
Each batch of students shall develop the project designed during the VII semester. The implementation
phase shall proceed as follows:
x For hardware projects, practical verification of the design, PCB design, fabrication, design
analysis and testing shall be done.
x For software projects, a proper front end (GUI) if applicable, shall be designed. A detailed
algorithm level implementation, test data selection, validation, analysis of outputs and necessary
trial run shall be done.
x Integration of hardware and software, if applicable, shall be carried out.
x A detailed project report in the prescribed format shall be submitted at the end of the semester.
All test results and relevant design and engineering documentation shall be included in the report.
x The work shall be reviewed and evaluated periodically
The final evaluation of the project shall be done by a team of minimum 3 internal examiners including the project
guide and shall include the following.
Note: Points (i) and (ii) to be evaluated by the respective project guide and the project coordinator based on
continuous evaluation. (iii)-(v) to be evaluated by the final evaluation team comprising of 3 internal examiners
including the project guide.
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 EC Sem VIII
Each student is required to appear for a viva-voce examination at the end of the complete course work. The
students shall produce the seminar report and project reports duly attested by the institutional authorities, before
the examiners. The examination panel shall comprise of one internal examiner and one external examiner, both
appointed by the University. The examiners shall evaluate the students in terms of their conceptual grasp of the
course of study and practical/analysis skills in the field.
CUSAT B.Tech Degree Course – Scheme of Examinations & Syllabus 2006 EC Sem VIII
Last two references year/edition
References year/edition
References 2-9 year/edition
All texts and references year/edition
IOM to be added