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arros r RxPG (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums, ech 2x) Documents Upload imager Scrapbook Acti Feeds Preparing for: Anghra Predesh PG (chsnge) 120 (sha re cet? cq : ONG: MaMS & Careers: TetBooks : Colkges: Denial RPG Dental NEET Forum Comedk 2013 answer key Page 4083 rashthakur egeventnakue 2 ‘Geto page, 2,3 Next 5 Feb 08,2013 9.76 am (3 days 960) #2 COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY this isthe informal answer key. provided by a reliable institute at bangalore. moot the post 2» moder 39 (rrp Glauste) oom) BS 7a) ‘REAOING: Comedke 2083 Answer Key BD i Fob 08, 2015 235 wm (3 days age) #2 “c* version 1. In prolonged starvation the main energy soureeof brain 2) Gluase ) Ketone bodies ©) Fructose 4) Fatty aciés 2, Mule myeloma has bean seen commonly after exposure to 48) Radioactive isotopes b) gota ) asbestos a) organieayes 2. Stain used to make the welted area of fiter paper stp more visible i 8) Fosin stain b) Haemotoxn stain ©) Ninhyarin stain 4) be stan 4. Which of these fe NOT an oncogene vias? 3} Human papilomavieus b) Cytomegalovius-- ) Epstein-Barr virus 4) Hepattis 8 virus 5. Leaming disabity & otherwise cated as a) Infantile psyenosis, ) Minimal brain aystintion ©) Childhood senzophren 4) tention defct disorders: 6, Ideal thickness of a free gingival graf obtained fromthe patate i 2)05-1 mm b) 1.5 mmc .2520mm 4)202.5 mm wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr ‘ejupatneedt | tefas0a¥ MebileEdion | MelyNenbe? | 24/7 Support [Slon Ove my Acceurs, Spore (Gear) Ay instant Messages: 0 New fonine users] Inpox: 0 New, 0 Unread (compose) (budeles] (Quo us ances] 298 ‘averse with RAP Dental NEET Community xP communty ‘or year aaseacive membe's 12,008 posts ‘opie 1 #188180, Started 3 days ago 5 community credits 22 contributors 102 posts | 2,261 views Thread index @ print threas reed od ‘Top contributors in this thread tarushchakur (20 posts) oredalott12 (13 posts) nietak (12 posts) ‘vorskeishna9786 (8 posts) natachard (8 posts) 1128arros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. 7. Reravel of parathyroid gland produces the following changes excerT Dental NEET Forum Charter 8) Dedine plasma caleim level = osoute ented cues for rem deri »b) Decrease in lasma phosphate level<-- fron ©} Neuromuscular hyperexctabilty 1) Hypocalcemtatany Moderators 8, Trench mouth is caused by PPG Team a) Fusform bacls ) Borel vincent Advertisements €) Bots (a) and (b}<-~ 4) None of tre above 9. Pationts with severe aleroi reactions such osanaphylaxis require Immediate therapy wien 8) slucoenrioids b) antihistamines ©) epinephrine 4) morphine 10.4.nasalantrostomy folowing Caldwethiue procedure is created a) Above the nfenorturbinate b) Beneat the superor turbinate €) Above the superar tubinate 4) Beneath the inferior turbinate<- 7 a @ Philips Trimmer ar 4019 Ore rice: £1,099 Ea CG 11, Main objective of increasing the focal spot to film distance in paraliating technique ito ') Reece the radiation dosage only b) Reduce the mage magnification & nerease sharpness and resolution €) Reduce the Imsge magnifeation & reduce sharpness end resolution 4) Reduce the magnification and dstortion 12, The granulomatous tssue thats responsible forgestracton of articular surfaces of TMI in meumatoid artis known a a) Pannus.<= b) Pulse grenutom. SDAMS BEST INSTITUTE FOR ‘MCI SCREENING” 79% RESULT IN MCI SCREENING FOR FMG IA Years of excelllence c) Baker’ vst 4) Irmune granuloms 13. Pulp vtalty esti 0 tooth with primary periodontal lesion will reveal pub to be 2) Vitale b) Nenatat ©) May be tal or non-val 4) None of tre above 14. Mute osteomas, edentomas, supemumerary teeth and impacced teeth are sean in 8) MeCune-Albright syndrome ) Matabraue's syndrome 6) Gardner synrome-= 4) Down's syndrome 15.Who gave the term ECC (Eaty Childhood Cares)? 2) Davies b) Moss ©) Winter @)iey 16. Sjogren's Syndrome affects a) excorne ands )parecrine glends ©) endocrine glands 4) autocrine glands perth pat ono 3g Grey Gautam C8 ra) Tr feb 08, 2013 2:43 am (3 devs ape) #3 17. The mineral having sparing action on vlan E a) Chromium b)Iron iodine \wanpgoniine.compest 186180 hr Choose Gmail Now Nail ‘You Get Lose Spam, More Storage & | Free SMS! Star Enjoying Gmal row. ‘SRM University: India Not ‘ou smu. applications Admissions for 2073 SAM Engineering Download or Asply Online Now APPG online Mock tests ww oninembb. om APES 20 OG hes we Dscusson Dera Bharaanaz Cease Suds crcena >arros sane (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. @) Selenium 18. The urine sample of patient has bean sent tothe oratory to look fr Leptospira.The specmen i Lo be screened by use ofthe 2) Scanning meroscope ) Inverted microscope €) Dark groun merascope<— @helectron mirascope 19, The secon heart sound is produced dus to 2) Closure of semiunar valves b) Clsure of atro-ventrular valves 6) Ventricular fing 4) Opening of semiunar valves 20, Activation of which one ot te folowing coagulation factors nat ‘essential for hemostasis a) xl bx ox ax 21. Which one ofthe following i nceatve of cardiac tamponade? 8) Pulsusparadoxuse-- »b) Wide pulse pressure ©} Kussmauts sign 4) Forest apical impulse 22. Gossopharyagealnerve passes through a) Foraman ovale ) Jugula feramen<— ) Foramen retuncum 4) Foramen spinosum 23. The most reliable index for the determining thepresence of active periodontal disease is ayhalrosis b) bleeding on probing e)pocket formation 4) gingival recession 24. Following are the changes during accommodation EXCEPT 2) Constnaton of pup )Dibtation of pope ©) Convergence af aye ball 4) Increase nthe anterior curvature of lens 25, In Temow’s tecmniqe, the methos deserved fordenues surface 2) semlunarcoranally repositioned fap<-- ) spit thickness corenaly repositioned fap 6) rae sof tesve autograft, 4) subepthetial connective Nap 26. The choice of retention for lower incsrs folowing orthodontic a) Clp-on retainer ) Spring retainer «) Tooth Postioner 4) Bonded canine to canine retainer 27. Ligand for peroxisome protferation activating receptor (PPAR) receptors 2 group of nudesrharmane receptors that are valved in the regustian af genes related to glucose and pid metabolism is 2) repeatinide b}voalbose 6) exanatse @)rosigitazone<— 28, The anbsactaral susstance prasent in tars which acts by spiting Cel wall components a) Penetia ) Lysozyme 6) Beta Wsine<- 4) Lactoperoxidase 29, Boginsing of adolescent growth in boys is wit 2) pubic har growin, ) feminine ft eistro ution wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hrarros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. )facal har on chin andl. 4) fie Mai 09 upper lip ont 20. Which ofthe following muscle not @ derivative of second pharyngeal arch? ') Buccinator muscle )Stapedus «) Platysma 4) Anterior belly of digastric 3, Apical third root facture in a vital tooth aretrested by 2) Pulpotomy b) Periapical surgery and removal ofthe fragment ) Relieve from occlusion and observe 4) Pulpectamy 32, Creal pl of saliva below this prc inorganic material ofthe tooth may Giesolve in caries, The cial pH value fs 26s b)55<- 278 60 23. Which one ofthe following fs nota Feature of long standing ‘mouth breathing maple 3) Adenoid faces bj Large nese<— ©) Upper anterior Inia singe 1) Frequent occurence of tonsils, allergic shits and ots maa 34. The danger of transmitting Infections to the dental teem orto the other patent parciclarly has athreat of 8) Required immune deficiency swnidrome (AIDS) bj Hepatris-® ©) Tuberculosis. aya ofthe above 135,19 oot canal treatment, the canalortees ae located by a) Endocontie excavator 1b) D646 Endodontic exporeree )cefe 4) Henle 6. The ratromalar pad must be covered by the denture base because als io 1) Retention only ) Retention and support ) Staity only 4) Stabity end Support 37. The most successful materals for sof tne appleations have been 8) Impression plaster ) Sileane rubbers 6) Waxes 4) reversible hyérocotoss 138. Carotid atheromas may appear radiographicalyas: 3) Nedularradio-opaque mass b} Double vertical rasio-opaque tines within the neck ©) Both of the above = 4) None of tre above 39. The commonly used root canal irigant, whicswes used for Inigation wounds during world wart by Dakin is 2) Stine b) Hydrogen Peroxige ©) Butlered sodium nypocnlontex 4) Dstites water 40.7he emine add eequre forthe synthesis meer is a) cltamine b) Gltamic acid ©) Giyane- a) Lysine 41, The Uesue and pus aspirate sto be collected fordiagnosis of Gas ‘gangrene. I should death Meransported using, 2) Burfere clycarel saline wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hrarros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. b) Togs - Hews broth ©) Robertson's Cooked Meat Mediume= 6) Hanks Balanced sale solution 42, Flowing antimérobals are termed as type Lcalomimetes that ‘mimic the stimulatory effectof ealewm on the calm sensing receptor tolnhibe PTH secretan ay the parathyrod langexcePT 8) Streptomycin ) Hamyeine €) neomyen 4) Gentamicin 45, Battle sign in head injury indicates fracture of 2) orbel plate >) Bae of salle ©) waxita 4) Manabe 44:1n 2 DNA molecule adenine always forms a link age with 2) Guasine b) cytosine ©) Thymine<~ aural 45, is condition fe due toa defect in the normalkeratinization ot te oral mucoss a) erytrema Muttorme ) White Sponge Nevuse~ 6) IncontientiaPigmenti 4) systemic scerosis 46, The dassic tra of single or mutiple areas of punches-out' bone destruction in tye sul, unibteral or blateralexapthalmus and diabetes insipidus is seen in a) LettererSiwe disease ») Eosinophie granuioma €) Langerhans eo histiocytosis 4) Hans-Senuter-chvstian disease<— 47-7he lactabacilus count test to assess caries activity was given by 2) Synaer bay 6) Hadley 4) Edelstein 48, What are the cells that produce PGE? inthe Perioontiim? a) Macapnages, b)Flroblasts 6) Netrophie @)aand be 49. Which ofthe folowing statement is FALSE? 8) The term’pear shaped’ pad was coined by Craddock »b) Mucosa everyng pear shaped pad s stpples ) Retvomolar pad les posterior to pear shaped pad 4) Mucosa overtyng pear shapes pad s nat stipsled<- 50. The most frequent svecion in which the atula dise gets aisphesd is 4) Anterior and lateral direction, ) Poster and lateral drection, 6) Anterior and medial direction <= 4) Pesteror and medial rection. ‘51. Maxllary sinus Is ned by whic type of epthelum 3} Pseudostratiied,cllated columnar mucus secreting epthelumé- b) Peeudostatiing lated commar serous secreting #pthetum ) Stratified, ciated columnar mucus secreting epithelium 4) Stratiied cilstes euboldal serous secreting epithe 52. Implantation yst 1s formed de to 2} Persistence of epthalal cell after wound healing b) Excessive wound contraction €) Brustingopen of wound 4) Allof the aboves== '53, Serum alkaline phosphatase levels elevated in 2) Pagers isease<- ) Infantile cortical hyperostosis wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hrarros pega (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. ) Cledocranildysplasio. 4) Piere “Robin Syndrome ‘5.1m 8 patient with unerupted and impacted maxillary canine the felling radiographic tecnniquesnil be idea for localization 8) OPA one PNS view b) Maxiary anterior occlusal vew ang 1OPA<- €) Browing and occlusal vow 4) 10PA ane vedusal view 55.25 year old mate patient complains of missing27 with no distal abutment and prefers a fxedform af prosthetic treatment, An ‘abutment thet present onl t one end ofthe edentulous spanis ‘alles 8) Cantlever abutment b) Pier abutment €) Mesial tte abutment 4) Distal tied abutment 56. Crteron to distinguish Between Miler class IT {ane il recession i 48) Interdental bone<- ») Malposttoning of the tooth 6} Extension of recession 4) Consistency of anghval '57.7The mandibular bial franum s 2 Morous bandtnat can be Influences by a} nisivus )orbieulansons 6) canis and indus 4) nests and orbiulars ons<-- 58. Which ofthe flowing is not 2 mouth temperature wax a) Adaptot b) Korte type 1<- ©) HL Physiologic paste 4) Towa wax 59. ACerebrospinal uid of 2? year ald child hasbeen sent to the Taberatory to detect tre presence ofa capsulated yeast. The staining technique most commonly employed forthe purpose is. a) India nk preparation<-~ b) Methenamine silver stain 6) ZahiNeetsen stan 4) Phyte~ferraco stain 60. The hae palate is coveres by a) Non-keratnized mucosa b) Keratinzed mucosa 6) Orthokerstinised mucosa 4) Pare keratnizes mucosa 62. Masiolnguel developmental groove is seen In 8) Maneiblar first premolsre- ) Manaibular second premolar €) Manila frst premolar 4) Maxiary seeand premolar separthe posto x maser be Grey) Glauste) om) CS oa) Fr Feb 08, 2013 247 am (3 days age) #4 62 adjunctive orthodantie refers to 8) corrective orthodontics in mis to moderate dental-sal ‘isharmony } mild-mederate orthodontic corrections in patients with periodontal andjor restorative needs<— ) moderate - severe maloedusions whic re-qules a combination of orthodontics and orhagnathie surgery 4) Orthedontes in patients with TMU dysfunction wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hrarros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. 6 the madial confvence of stress nes on themedial surface of the remus that represents the arcol growth of surface ofthe mansble i known as 8) XPoint 5) Pmeoint ©) Mepoint 4) eva paint 64. Normal ntrapulp pressure is 3) 10mm Hg ) smn Hg ©) mmHg 4) 15mm 65. The Lorothdel ede in Non Eugenalipaste hos the function of 3) Bacterostatic b) Fungidde< ) Accelerator 4) Preservative 66. Intereukin-t (IL-1) gene clusters responsible for a) Deneal Caries b) Periodontal diseases ©) Supernumerary taeth| 4) Peg leterals 67.7The sugar imolcated in the aetiology of dental caries I 2) Gtuase b) Fructose e) Mattose 6) Sucrose. 68, The mast comman ske of dentin hypersenstvty is a) Inesal b) Cervicate~ ) Proximal 4) Ocetsat 68. Andreasan Appliance is also known 3s a) Actvator<-- »)Bionator ) Oral Screen 4) ip Bureer 70, Dentist participating nthe dete dental plenerspald 90%h peteantile where asnon particpatingdentists are pala 3) 15tn Percentile b) 30th percentile ) 200th pereantle 4) 50th pereentie<-- 74.425 year old male comes with 2 complaint ofthrobbing pain In the upper part ofthe cheek or entire side of face, heavy feeling in the face, hich exaceroates on bending down and with associated pyrexia. The most probable diagnosis is 8) Acute dent aolar abscess in relation to upper frst malar ») reversible pulpit in relation to upper ne melar €)Roate maxillary sinusitis< 1) Acute perocontal abscess in relation to upper st mob 72. Which ofthe following causes exogenous pigmentation a) heemosibin b) ewamegenicbacteria<— ) melanin 4) Hemesiderin 73. Following factors delay the wound healing EXCEPT 2) Vtamin € deticancy b) Infection o)Anemia 4) Inmobiization<- 74. Maxilory seus is descrbed as 2 our sided pyramid containing base, apex, wot and Noor. The apex af manilary sinus extends aj.aterally into zygomatic process of maxis b) Mesiaty into 2ygomatie process of maxilla, 6) Laterally into fteral nasal wall wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr 71208arros satay (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. 4) Superiony into Noor of orbit 75, An deal locaton to attach a sprue fora posterior cast restoration a) Conerat fossa b) Cusp tps ©) Wargialdge 4) Contact point 76. 1n» percoronalabcess relate to clstoangularmpacted third mmole, the infection may spread to 8) Sub masseter space<— ) Buel space 6) Sublingual space 4) Sub mental space 77.7o view the zygomatic arches, the folowing projection is very 3) Lateral cophatomatic projection ) Lateral oblique view of manaible ) Underexposed submentovertex view<~ 4) Overexpased submentovertex view fenonthepeetonneainur oe rey Glaus) as) C87) Fr Feb 08,2013 2:50 am (3 day ag0) #5 7. 7he process of recesses formation in manllary sinus fs mast frequently seen with 1) 2ygematie process ) Frontal process 6) Aveolar process <— 4) Palatine process 79, the cos ofthe enamel organ which diferentiate nto future ameloblasts are 8) Calis of nner enamel epithelium ) Call of outer enamel epthelom 6) Celis of stelate reticulum 1) Cll of trum intermecium 80. In acuts seeking orthodontic treatment with esthetic appleatons asthe following may b choices excerr 8) Lingual onhodorr )ezramé brackets ) dear algner the 4) titanium brackets 81. Child ofan over protective indulgentmatner shows a) Shy, Submissive Sehavioure-- b) Evasive ane dawaling behaviour ©) Demancing and aggressive Behaviour 4) Stole behaviour 82. Following i not a mucogingival surgery to newase zone of attached gingWa 2} aingivaloutograr Db) connective tissue graft «) laterally asplaced fap 4) apically displaced np Aller correcte- 85, Sol, Seed and Sowers one ofthe princes of health education Inthis principle, seed i a) Mind ofthe parcpant, b} Heath educator © Haaltn eeueston <= 4) Transmitting medi, '84, Linear coefficient of thermal expansion of metal used for matal ceramic restoration ange from a)1ns.i2sxo-6/0c b) 105511 5x0-6/0¢ 6)13.5-14.510-5/0C<- 4) 1635.17. 5x0-6/06 wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hrarros tarushthakur (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. £85, Following are the branches of extemal carcbd artery EXCEPT 8) Facil artery )Lingualartery 6} Ocxpta etery 4) Miaate meningeal artery<-- 186. Toxc opti neuropathy can be caused by al othe folowing exceer 2) ethambutol ) Ethylene alco! 6) Cprotoxadine-= 4) Tetracydine 47, Asalvary gland tumour which histologically shows a double ayer of epithelial cele based on reactive Wmphoid stroma is a) Pleomorphicagenoma ) Mucoepi¢ermid carcinoma 6) Acne ca tumour 1) Warthin tumour {8 The feature of lower motor neuron lesion is a) Hypertonie ») Hyperactive strate reflex 6) Muscular atrophye= 1) Abnormal plantar extensor reflex Babinsk's sign) 19, During casting procedures creation of “Hot 8) The presence af reservoir resuling in delayed soliiation of eta 1b) Sprue formers attached at right angle creating a locales Ingering of molten matal afer casting has solaiied.<— 6) The length of Sprue is too long resulting in ready flow of raiten meta £4) Use of 0 high temperature resulting In localize disintegration of ‘90, Te strength of astocation between suspectedcause and eect In a eahore study s measured by 2) neibutabte rise bj odds rate ©) Bolagicl risk 4) Relatve ns 92, What is incorporated In porcelain during ting 3) Argon ) Hetume ) Hydrogen 4) Oxygen 92. Bruxism, uring steep a) walking byenuresis 6) grincing of teeth 4) apne episodes 93, The protein found in the amyloid deposts in senile systemic amybiaosis a) AL pretein b) a2micoglobuln ¢)2-amylié protein ayTrensthyretine reparthiepast 0a moder be (rey) Glauste) oom) BS oa) Feb 08,2015 2:88 am (3 des ag0) 6 94. Recording ta Weine's dassifeation of oot canal canigu single canal tom pulp chamber to apexcan be ayTipe b) Type ) Type It a) Type te wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hrarros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. 95, Which radiographic technique s employed tocorrectly determine the buccal or pasta placement of mpected mexilary canine? 3) SL08 or Claris Rule b)Perateing tecrnique €) Bsecting anole technique 4) Right ange technigue 96, Functional dlorders of salvary glands are best imaged using 23) Intraoral and extraorel eciogrephs b) Satigraphy end slalographye= €) Computes temegrapny aymRr 97. The orthodontic siagnosis focuses on a) futsmte by emational smi 6) socal smte.<- 4) gummy smile only 98, Following the premature loss of » deccuous tooth, space dosure 8) Ocaurs predominantly For the antanor in the maxilary arch and predominantly fram the poster inthe mendibuler erch 1b) 1s more rapd & months aftr te Iss of te tooth 6} Occurs more rapialy nthe maxillary arch then inthe mandibular 4) Inversely proportionate the time the decuous tooth has been missing 99. The technique used for defloration. 2) knutson's b) Bradevol's| ©) Nalgonca<- 4) Noland Reennigue 100. The embrasure areas inthe folowing areas ar continuous ) Labial and Unguale b)Lingualane Occlusal 6) Indsal and Occlusal 4) Labial and Occlusal 101. identity the materal used in maxil-facal prosthesis 4) Polyuretnane elastomers<= ») Polycarbonate ©) Autopolimerizing seve resin 4) Potyviny! enone 102. Glass ionemer cements used a8 a barrier overgutteperche fling before bleaching an encodontialy treated discoleed tooth 4) To prevent bleaching agent fom dissolving the guttapercha-< ) To prevent percolation ofthe bleaching agent into the apa area 6) To prevent eantaminstion of bleaching agent 1) To prevent decoration of tooth ram ebturating materi 103. during an attempted extraction of upper posterior teeth, to determine the postion ofthe roots displaced intoantrum, ideal raaiograph would be, 8) Btewing radiography of maxilary posterors b)TOPA of manaibular posterior teeth ©) Upper oblque occlusal radiograpn<~ 4) Lateral oblique view of mansibular postriors 104. Colour code used for segregation of fected human anatomic! 3) Yellow b)Rea ) Back 4) Green 105. Allthe folowing cranial nerves transi taste sensation tothe brain EXCEPT 8) facie nerve » glossopharyngeal nene €) vagus nerve 4) hypostessal nerve <- 105. Pigmentation ofthe permanent teeth may develop tetracyclines are given between the ages of wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr 1028arros ‘ack top Beck tp er) (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. 2) Sand years 5) 0.2 end'5 yearse~ 6 ane 10 years 4) 10 ana 12years 107. Norm cerebrospinal fd glucose levels are seen in 2) Pyogenie meningitis ) Vral meninatis=- ) Fungal meningis 1) Tuberculous meningitis Imeettnapestinn mecevr se a (Gem Qaneaeen Feb 08, 2013 2:54 am (3 dey ope) #7 ‘thank you forthe tine and effor.Just glance through, and answers, por tis pst 8 necator oe (Brepy) Qauote) soon) ES mI) Feb 08,2013 2.56 am (3 days ago) #8 108. The cementing maternal whieh has the mast severe injuous effect on pulps 2) Copper cement byzineoxyprosnphate coment ©) Siteate cement 1) Calourn nyaroxice 109. Unwversaly used method of enavior manage ment in padatic enistry for both enoperative and uneaoperstive chléren Is 2) Voice contro >) Behavour shaping 6) Implesion therapy 1) Communications 110. Chronic hyperplastic pups i 9 tyoe of 4) Rate ereversblepulpits ) Chronic reversible pubbks-— 6) cite reversible Pulte 1) Chron reversible pulpts 111. Hardness of fly mineralized cementum i a) Less than dentine= b) more than deatin ) Equal dentin a) none ofthe above: 112. Proms combines with glance tse i a) Neuroterame )Floroedenoma ©) Fibrolpoma 6) Floromyoma 113. when a éantist says "I cannot fix your tecth # you de not open your mouth wide", het employing 2) Problem ownersnip< ) Voice eantrt| ) Tolerance 4) Fleebiey 114. The folowing éruns induces gingival enlargement EXCEPT 2) Dlantin soaium } Cyclosporine ©) Niidipine 4) Amoxyelin<- 115. The Alma-Ata declaration on ‘primary heath care! was rade In the year a) 1980 >) 19786 wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr ‘We8arros seater? (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. ) 1982 41977 136. Pier abutments @ a) Lone standing abutmente-- b) Free end abutment €) Mesialytitec abutment 4) Dstalytited abutrent 117. Te volumsatrc shrinkage exhibited by heat polymenzed denture resin palymerized mass is 3) 0.07% b)07 % 6) ben 4) 70% 118. Intra Oral pomorphieadenoma usually occurs 3) Buccal mucosa b) Upper tp «)Fleorof tre mauth 4) Potate<- 139. Localsation of parathyrots in hyperparathyroidiem s done best 3) Xray neck by UsGnece ) 1131 sean 4) Teennetium 99 labelled sestamibi scan<~ 120. Chemical eauterizaton fr edentogenickeratoeystis done by 2) 10ssetrano! ) Hyarogen peroxise €) Camoys selutan< 1) 10% Foret 121. commonest tumour of parotid salivary sland is 2) Pleamerphic adenoma <- >) Warthintumor 6) Ace eal carenome 4) Mucoepiceraid carcinoma 122.Demineraleston of enaml occurs in the aH range of a)4ot04s, b)sot ss 6)60 0 6.5 70075 123. As» general rule in bordering crowang cases of broad facial ‘ype 48) an expansion treatment should be carried out-< bj extraction therapy shoul be considerec. €}ne treatment require. 4) only surgical treatment requires seporthe post ios macertr be (Grey Glauste) om) BS 7a) Fr Feb 08,2013 3.04 am (3 days 260) 98 124. Te range of lavel of fluoride secreted by the glangs into the mouth ie 2) 0.004-0.005
5) 0.006-0,007
©) 0.007-0.05
< 2) 0.007-0.08
125. The assessment or measurement of he quality of care and the Implementation of any necessary changes to either maintain or Improve the qualty of cre rendered 8) Qual Assessment ) Quatty Assurance €} Quality Plasning 4) Guldetnes 126, Rough surface of elastomeric Impression resuks fom: 2} adequate mang wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr 208arros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. by arbubbles €) Too rapid polymerization 4) Incomplete polymerzation causes by premature removal fom mouthe 127.813 year old boy presents with 9 large mixedhytic ans blastic ‘mass in the metaphyseal region ofthe bwer end af femur. The most kel diagnosis is 2) Ewing's sarcoma >) Osteosarcoma 6) Chonarosarcome 6) Gant calltumaur 128, brac pulp capping nas 2 favourable prognosis ifthe exposure 's around a) me b)AS mm 05m 4)2mm 129, Orvantral fistula 6 most commonly cused by the manipulstion of maxiary a) canine b) First motare= ©) Second motar 4) First premolar 130, Protein making up the bulk of keratohyaline granules in stratum franulosum of keratnized epithelium a) Involuemn b)vineatin ) Flagarin<— 4) Nectin 131. Vertcal malpedlisions include a) lateral deep bre. b} exmolex deep bie 6) singvaly supported deep bite.<- 4) inaWvally supported open bt, 132. Neural tbe formation occurs on 4)19 t0 25 deys post fertitzation and & the second stage of ‘caniofacal developmante= >) 26 to 38 days post Feritzation and is the third stage of caniotacal development 6) 42 t0 55 days post ferization and isthe fourth stage of ‘eaniolacal developmant 4) 17tn aay post fertitzation and isthe fest stage of craniofacial evelopment | 133. Approximete length of juntional epthetum 2) One mme-~ b) Two mm ) Three mm ) Four mm 134, Amelobnstc cells are ectodermal in orgin which tay dows 3) Enamel b)Dentine €) Cement 4) Pulp eavty 135. A patient with hereditary fructose intolerance is decent mn which of the follaing enzymes? 2) Aldolase Be b)Fructosinase | )Troknase 4) Al of above: 136. An indiviivelhas a fasting bled glucose concentration of 115 rmg/dt.on three oceasions. What a) He is normal b) He i diabetic €) He nas impavred glucose tolerance <- 4) He needs further evaluation by other bie-chemica tests 137. Small packats of acstycrolne releases rancomty wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr ra28ans (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Denfal NEET Forums. from the nerve coll mambrane at rest produces ») Miniature end plate potential. 6) Action potentia 4) Innibtory postsynaptic potental 138. Secondary haemormage occours wehin 3) 0:26 hrs 6) 1-2 wise alles b) Dene evaginatus 6) Tauredontisme 4) Dene invaginatus ©)9mava 141-Tasve conditioning materials are }Elastopolvmers ) Peiymers 4) Irpression plaster 142. Prevalence of clsnases is 6} Proportion 143. According ToMisch Bone Danity Classfeation D2 2) > 1250 HOUNSFIELD UNITS ¢) 880-1250 HOUNSFIELD UNITS<-- 144. Edge of toberculous ler is a) sloping ) Undermines 6) Punched out 4) verted 145. A surgeal obturator has to be sorted b) On the day of the surgery 6) 14 days ater the surgery 4) 30 days ater the surgery 146, Spectity can be cateulates 2s a) True postive 6) False postive True postive + Tue Negatve 4) Tre Negative p23 giz 148. whic of te flowing Is NOT 2 characterstic feature of alostore enzymes? 8) They are multienzyme complexes ) Follow Wichas-Menter Kinetics wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr wasarros er) (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. ©) Presence of Modulpisrte 4) Gve sigmois shaped curve 149. The efficacy ofthe molst-heatsterilzation technique commonly used to stenize laboratory ware and Cuture media is tested by 8) Chstidium tetan’ spores b) T-Ever-facterophages 6 Badlus stearcthermophius spores <- 4) Browne's tubes 150. Odontalgia thats occasionally typical n hypertensive patients is a ret of 3) Heacache radiating tothe teeth ) Nervous tension and wry. 6) Hyperaema of pulp resulting fom increased blood pressure.<-- 4) Abnormal stivuation ofthe sympathetic nerve system, For Questions 151-156 ‘A 20yr ols patient reports with multole swelings ofthe Jaws. Clinical examination reveals multole hard swellings Involving the jaws and Inte orally several missing teeth are noticed. Panoremicradiograph reveals multple radio opaque lesions Inthe manila and the mandlole ‘with matile impacted teeth and supernumerary teeth, ndiatve of Carcenetssynarome. 151.Te above mentioned condition is 1) Inhented autosomal dominant disease b) Autosomal recessive dsaraer €) ned lsease 4) A syndrome of unknown cause 152. One ofthe folbwing i leo # menifestation in the above mentones condition 8} Cafe-au-it pigmentation of the skin D) Multiple epicermid or sebaceous eyst ofthe skin ©) Basal cell arcnoma ofthe skin 4) Perioral dermatt. 153. One ofthe folbwing manifestations in Gardener's syndrome has a nsk of malignant tansformacen. 8) Mutiple poyposs of lege intestine b) Osteomas of the Jone ©) Desmoiss tmors of the skin 4) Epidermal and tichtemma ests 154. Mutple impacted teeth as seen in Gardners syndrome may also le seenin one ofthe folowing. 4) Ticho-dento-osseous synaromec= b) Heredtary intestinal polyposs 6} Conden's syndrome 4) Rubinstein Taybi synarome fenontne pect anounur 39 rey) Gleuste) om) CS) For Questions 155-157 ‘ALO yr old cil comes to you with exariuaton of 13. 155. This condition called as 2) Avalsione= )Intrsion ) Fracture wah enemas 4) Dibexraton 156. Treatment of choos forthe above condition i= a) Baracion ) Replantation<- 6) Revrasculortion 4) Composite Restoration 157. Chole of transport medium is wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr 1525arros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. a) Patients Blood b) Hot Water 6) ike 4) None of the above For questions 158-161 ‘An 18yr od ale pationt roported with chit complaint of pain and swelling inthe right lowe jaw and mid difcuty in opening mouth since one week, A general examination revealed fever and increased pulse rate. 150. tntrs-oral examination showed signs af lammation around the ingva of partially impacces tira molar, tencer on palpation wah ‘opposing tooth impinging. The mos hklydiegnosie i a) Necrotising ulcerative gigivts } Localsed aggressive perodontts ) Acate herpetic gingvostomatis 6) Pericorontiss 159. What isthe mirobial etiology ofthis conditon i? a) klebsiete byecal 6) Streptococel and anaerobic bacteree~ 4) Actnomyensis, 160. What would be the ideal management af this case? a) Antibiotes and Analgesics ) Removal of partialy impacted lower molar immediatly. 6) Imgation, antiaties and analgeses.<- 4) Hospitisation,Irigaion, antibiotics a removal of opposing tooth. analgesics and inmeciate 161. Te seal surgical management ofthis condition once the signs ane synptoms subside would be 8) Opercutectomy. »} Delaying the removal of testhto next episode €) Removal of tath under eal anaesthesia.<- 4) No treatment For Questions 162 - 164 ‘830 year olé male pavant reports withthe swellng at the angle of the mandible with duration of 6 months. Radiograph showed an Impactea third malar witha percoronalradotucency 162. Protein content of aspirate tic was greater than 4.0 om per 100 ml The lesion is kay to be 4) Odontageniceratocyst b) Denegerous eyste~ 6) Traumsticbone cyst, 4) Statne's bone est 162. Approprate treatment option fortis lesion 8) Enudlestone ) Marginal mandibulecory €) Segmental resection 4) Hemimandibutectomy 164. The most key tumor to develop from this lesion is 2) Ossivng forema b) Ameoblastam<— ©) Squamous cell carcnoma 4) Contralgiont cal granuloma For questions 165-167 1 40-yeer-ald male patient reported tothe restorative dentist with the chief complaint of missing back teeth in the upper jaw, and ‘ested replacement ofthe same. On cinicalexeminetion revesled missing 14,15,16,17,18,24,25,26,278 28 165. What isthe Kennedy's classification forthe glen clinical a) cass b)chss e) Class vi 4) chs 166, Specal design feature to be included in the above given cical wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr 1628arros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. 4) Broed occlusal table b) Minimal exension of denture base 6) Indeect retainer 4) Tube teeth, 167. One of the spedal Impression methods tobe employed for ches shustion is 4) Clsed mouth impression technique >) Open mauth tecnniave 6) Corrected east technique 4) Mucocompressive technique For Questions 168-170 ‘young female patient reports tothe dental office with complaint of smallgaps between her teeth, 168. The most feasible and economc treatment option for such a 2) Porcelain veneers )Porentin jacket crown €) Orthodnte Tooth movement 4) Dastems dosure using compositec 169. Shade selection for such trestient shoul be cared out a) Natural day tate 1b) Fuorescent gn )Ater slacement of ubser ¢am 4) When the teeth are dry 170.1 proper placement technique is net followed, kt would result 8) Tooth sensitvaye »b) Weer of opposing teeth ©) Debonded restoration 4) Heathy gingiva For questons 171-173 ‘N21 year ok mele heathy patient reported witha prognatic ‘mandible, intraoral he nas anteiercossbice and cass ll molar Felatonship,cepholometscally has an SNA of 78 degrees, SNS of 83 degrees. 171. what would be the treatment of choles forthe aduk Class It skeletal Maloecusion with a prominent 1) Fundional Appliance ) Fixes orthodontics Functional jaw orthopedic correction 4) Surgeal Orthedontes<— 172. Ine presurgical orthodontic procedures involves 2) Decompensation<= ) Compensation ) Setting elastics 4) immodiizaton 173. Te surgical procedure of hake for correction of mandibular excessive prognatnism s a) Le Fort Tosteatomy ) Bilateral sagital spit osteotomy<= 6) Caleweltie surgery 1) Ramalcetraction osteogenesis. For questions 174-177 twenty year old female patient comes tothe ale with Aiscoloration oF tre upper night canta incisor The tooth was intact fang otherwise asymotomatie 174. The most key cause forthe dcoloration in this patient would 8) Pulp necrosis b) Dental auorosss ) Intemalresorston 4) Meolealage wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr 8arros er) Back top 2 seman (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. 175. Te treatment mest often employed for managing discoleation Ina non vtal teeth is a) Mecoabrasien b) Watkingblewche== ©) Over the counter Bleaching 4) Veneer 176. Tre common sequlae follwing bleaching non val teeth are 2) nosis }Peridontal pathology 6) External cervical resorption’ 4) Reinfecton 177. Blesching is Inceated 9 whic of te following elnical stuations 8) Dentin cecalrationse »b) Teeth with ziscolored compostas ) Tooth discoloration due to caries 4) Teeth with superfial enamel discolorations For questons 178-180 145 year old female patient reparts to the cn with Mstory af am with toath 37. The tooth appears nermal on cinial and Feciographe examination except forthe fect thet pan occurs on bitng on a hard objet and then releasing the bite 178. Te most probable cause forthe pain may be 3) Occult caries ») Periogontiis ) Cracked tooth 4) Maxey sinusitis 179 The various other means of eiagnosing such a lesion include: a) Methylene blue staining ) Tooth sooth 6) Transttuminaton 4) Al ofthe above =~ 180. Immediate treatment of sucn a tooth involves 4) Slabitzation with orthodontic Band b) Baraction Rei rom secision <== 4) Full coverage crown overt allthe best guys Reettlepetwemecenor oF (Biepy) Qauote) aon) ES MI) vir wetcome..@ ya, answers seem accurate only. total scare might vary #/-3 in onginalkey: por tis posts 8 necertor eh thane 80 meh i het wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr 028arros ° ea veneceest?® Back top ° ea seniour 2 reenter wie ° ea éramusundax (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. a? | Rauote) eesony SH om 1) 5 Feb 08,2013 12:11 om (2 days ago) #13 cary two ans both b nd esha b correct other ques.with doubtful answers given inthe key are 4 28 75,102 ple smone fs d same...share thanieu por this pots a megertor oe (Brepy) Qauote) aon) ES mI) a Fr Feb 08,2013 1:58 9m (2 days ago) 14 142- prevalance is proportion 127-nbe ewings reper pest a moderator be (CLepy) Quote) oon) EF mI) 5 Feb 08, 2013 2:21 om (2 doy a0) 15 prevelence is given in question bank but prevalence i ratio anc Ineidence is rate Fu remember nact 2013 ques while ques.n0.127 ans gwen i por thi pst « mogerator be Give Geass) amon) CHF) 5 Feb 68, 2011 3:42 om (2 days a30) 16 please tellat willbe the cit of fang how much you alle searing 3? | Requote) eeaoan SS om) 5 Fr Feb 08, 2013 4:06 5 (2 dey ago) #17 cutoff cont know fends are seanng around 130, Tamfer below. think i willbe same as ast year.1t1 130-135 a? | Rauote) eesony SH om 1) 5 Fi Feb 08,2013 4:27 om (2 days ago) #18 wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hr 1928arros ¢ 2 woes ¢ s uta SSIS 1122 ¢ s sinitax 2 SSSSS ¢ 2 (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. ‘pers pst wo @ moderator be (Grepy) Quote) eon) ES om) Hey thanks 9 lot 1d ike to point aut some corections ect pulp capaing tess than o.Smm ret sturcevants Terom shobha tandon says im Toxic optic neuropathy tetracylnes ref type epreoxadn ané toxe optic neurpathy on net its very common argon incorporated in poresain curing fring ef phitps pulse ‘everywhere prevelence is propartin ref puke repeat question eal poston for sprue marginal ridge refphilps and nisha garg.leme know -m scoring 137 f problem ownership is eorrect reports pst 8 mecertor oe (Bieepy) Qauote) soon) ES mI) votshrinkage 4 heat cure-0.7 hardnes cementmzentin equal ents say, tent fx ur teeth i u dn pen ur mouth wide-ons voice crt exits fm sophstiats ee pte recity spor this posts « necertor be Gem Gee) Sao C87) ‘cementum nardness i ets than dentin l askee en endodontist als ts inorgenic content i ess than dentin end also k sbrades 35 times ease than enamal whereas centin abrades 25 times, So exnelucing less than dentin ‘por ti posts 8 necertor be L (Gey) Crowe) eo) EH PHI) cementum hardness i lees than dentin l asked an endodontist also ks inorganic content i less than dentin and als abrades 35 times easite than enamal whereas dentin abrades 25 tines. So eonclucing less than dentin reports pots « necertor be (Biepy) Qauote) aon) ES MI) 5 Fr Feb 68,2013 4:50 om (2 daye ago) #23 Increasing focal spot dst wico nly reduce cisterns magn, ro ef: on sharpnes.dats due to focalipet bik to 20degree pharoan gl recy ¢ wing por this posto « necertor be (Creepy) Quote) aon) ES MI) a i Feb 08,2013 4:54 9m (2 days age) #24 Hey the answer they gave is correct see. Magnification s correc but Aistortion fe due to change in agulation ane 8s we know clearly wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hrarros wragaiaiss7 @ ea urarax SSSSS Beck a ea a ea @ ea seriou @ ea im es (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. resolution increases with increase In focal spot to. Flm stance. How uch u scoring nkitak Just trying to see how everyones paper went ports post a moderator be (Brepy) Qauote) aon) ES MI) 5 Feb 08,2013 5:08 om (2 dey a0) #25 resolutn increase by mining focalipot obs distance n anguatng focalspot Inereasng distance hs nly to do wid redueng distor. crck pnaroan pi Wid dis key dt to get 120 t9 125 por tis posts # necertor be (Biepy) Qauote) aon) ES mI) 5 Feb 08,2013 5:17 pm (2 days ago) #26 yea. even thik the seme. shouldbe image magnication and Gistorion. but fu check. by creasing the focal spot to fm stance, penubra lorfuzzinss in the Image decreases..mating more sharper. reports pots 8 megertor oe (Biepy) Qauote) aon) ES mI) 5 Feb 68,2013 5:27 om (2 day ago) #27 wnat Bout 977 's socel smile corect ans. thot ful sie porns pot 4 moderator be (Brepy) Qauote) eon) CHIH) 5 Feb 08,2013 5:28 om (2 dey a0) #28 Is anybody scoring more than 130 por thi posto 8 necertor be (Ciepy Qauete) Sn) CHIH) 5 Feb 08,2013 5:33 om (2 day ago) #29 4.70 117 fst volumetric shrinkage of heat cure 0.798? gino 113. feel ts voice contol 4.70. 127 wis ostesarcoma correct or ewings? Gin0 170.8 tooth sensitivity corec? report pots 8 mecetor be (Creepy) Qauote) aon) ES mI) 5 Feb 08,2013 5:36 om (2 days ag0) #30 wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 ir 21128(COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. ¥ around 120,@ 6g Bao Gy Gan ty o tes 117-accto pulbe itis 6%, 50 closest is 75 ‘osteosarcoma is correc answer. ewings i in dlaphysis 133 even | wrote voce controlne reference though, reports post « moderator be Give Gaawte) amon) CHF) regarding @170 as there spaces between allthe teeth, Is composite for dosing fiastema the right answer? z sapae e 2Fd & ee serommnmer@ (mts porta jacket owns. 6g Bao Gay Gan att OS an reenter reports pots 8 mogertor be Beck Gem Gases CSD 4b, 75 ey 102d, 2B 2 rangicizhnasres® 6g mao GaGa att Im gating score of 140-145... willbe able to get seat .777arros e s anita seees seeusntnaku 2 e e ern, (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. ‘por ths posto « nogertor be Give Gass) amon) CHF) ine 70.4 toot sonstiny corsa? 117--accto pulse iis 6%, s0 csests 7% ‘osteosarcoma is corract answer. ewings iin diaphyss 6 8 chem cure.0 4 heat cure so nearest ans.7. osteo correct ‘oles extn ful se feel also qualty assurance ans fel. spor thi posts & necertor oe (Brepy) Qauote) soon) ES mI) 5 Feb 08,2013 5:55 9m (2 days ago) #37 congrats. bangalore good college | quess..defately clinical, ‘reports posto « megertor be Give Glaaote) amon) CHF) My dad works for quality assurance, Type the definition in the question you wil get answer qually assurance. Asa Looth senstivtty ordebondee restoration ? Lalo marked fullamle and problem ownership. Any re? And what about Volumetric shrinkage ? ‘reports port a mogemtor be (BLepy) Quote) aon) ESI) 5 Feb 00,2011 6:03 om (2 devs a0) #39 think 170 debonded restoration ‘ports pst @ moderator oP (Qepy Qauote] aon) CSI) 5 Feb 69,2013 6:08 om (2 deve a0) 40 veo evn wrote quality assurance ane debonded restoration not tooth sensitive. als think no 86 toxic optic neuropathy shouldbe tetracyclines a proftexacn auses i wanpgontine compost 185180 hrarros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. Sera manne 2 Beck tp Grey) Clause) om) FS) 5 Fi Feb 68,2013 6:08 om (2 daye ago) #42 a ea estas saa 11th may be deduce magni and distorton 2 Back tot Grey Gate) am) C87) 9g 177..ans given is dentin discoloration?? e Ttpue oom slencng es fe ete only on enamel and nat see reee reese me seen amwons i? suai Om Qa eaeee ° ‘gies 4 Ist 208 bt dt 4 tone ope neophyte sa a 0, usu seeee reson pst 9 modemtor 2 sock 0 [oreo (Crna 1G) 5 Ti fe 0, 7019 6:37 0m @ ar oan) #44 ° ea 4 n028 the answers Wsa2yme, thik 2 Bock tot Grey Gleuste) om) C87) a Feb 08,2013 6:31 om (2 days ago) #45 | wrote superfidal enamel disecor ithgt bleaching wnt wrk ti deep in dentine din kr wats ind actual Key. por tis posto « mecerator be Beck tp Gre Gam) a SIH) a 8 Feb 08,2013 6:48 om (2 days ago) #6 e ese tem anew pte ot eta ter woe notochord Maced eneer \wanpgoniine.compest 186180 hrarros (COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Dental NEET Forums. eso th est tw # modetor ae Beck op Oem Gea So) Ca) Q ya sla ea anes be Sack p ata See 5 TF 213708 pm (tye ge) #48 g ‘81 may be a and c because for over indulgent demanding and oe togranve behav ei anes eth meen pst» madame ae tearm me Gata See 9 guys am getting between 135 t0 140! wil get seat?? a? ‘Beck t top (BLepy) Qauote) soon) ES MI) 5 Feb 08,2013 7:16 9m (2 days ago) #50 Q vamaershna 5708 wrt ea ‘urs am geting bebween 135140! wil get e807 ‘nrax@ doc ap ton pakke mas karoge Sopegg [Nees Nv atrenr canes essa 1 le wait comedk forums nov uropinon abt ur score et of, creas nx regards por ti posts 8 necator oe ‘Back t top (Creepy) Qauote) aon) ES mI) ‘Topic Tags: #comadk #answer CQ Crammer (Bet) 487 Search Dental NEET forum “Adverisement saldians = Terms of service (108) + CC BY-NC-SA. [lauote me ast message " [Zane gare nates can be Sarge po wan pgoniine.comipest 186180 hranon COMEDK 2013 ANSWER KEY Derta NET Forums New posts in your browsing history Confeed news-nect pg 2013 resuk within 2 weeks (16 new posts) lege ralyatjanter mantaron 13th eb fram 11am. (25 new posts) Confemed-neet 99 esi in 1 year (26 new posts) ‘Ten Steps to Your Dream Seat Anywhere! (4 new posts) ‘Appa bts discussion lets start preparing (30 new posts) [Bicontact us about this page ‘Adebvoonki3 CO Questions Susiry MCO Medial MCO Aaaiomy MCO " Le r , Ste Map: tots (Mens Fons Revews oenanc Aout us Didar : ContactUs : Reporting aura Terme of Series Pusey Foley 4 _wom-2p-gonine compost 188460.hin
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