The Ultimate Guide: Intermittent Fasting

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With a three-day Sample Schedule and
Printable Intermittent Fasting Journal
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This document does not contain medical advice, nor is it a replacement

for medical advice from a qualified health professional. The contents of
this document are for informational and discussion purposes only. This
document is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition,
disease or illness. Consult your licensed physician or dietician any time you
plan to make changes to your diet, exercise or eating patterns. As always,
food and dietary choices are left to the individual consumer.

If you’re learning the ins and outs of intermittent fasting, you’re probably wondering what all the
buzz is about. What does stretching out your time between meals do for you? The answer — a
lot. Intermittent fasting benefits your body and your brain in ways you never thought possible.
It’s something you have to experience to believe.

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating Emerging research shows profound

that cycles eating time with periods of calorie effects like slowed tumor growth in
restriction. People do experience weight loss mice. You can get the details on the
with intermittent fasting, but think of it as less benefits of intermittent fasting here.
of a diet plan and more of a lifestyle to reap These effects aren’t small, so it’s worth
some incredible health benefits like: giving intermittent fasting a go for at
least a few weeks to see what it does
• Improved focus and mental endurance for you.
• Reduced blood pressure
• Decreased inflammation
• Skyrocketing energy
There are different intermittent fasting methods.
These are:

5:2: This method allows you to eat Eat-stop-eat: With this one,
normally five days a week. The other two days you restrict all food for 24 hours, once or
are your fasting days, although you do still eat. twice a week.
Just keep it between 500 and 600 calories.

12/12, 14/10, 16/8, Bulletproof Intermittent

or 20/4: You eat all of your daily Fasting: Bulletproof Intermittent
calories within a shortened period — four fasting closely resembles the 16/8 method, but
up to 12 hours — and fast for the rest of the with one crucial difference: you drink a cup of
day. You can do this every day, or a few times Bulletproof Coffee in the morning. Bulletproof
a week. You’ll need to experiment with your Coffee gives you an edge in a few ways:
timing to see how you feel. Most people settle
into a 16/8 pattern, where you fast for 16 hours • You don’t feel hungry and distracted
and eat over a period of eight hours. during your fast period
• Your body doesn’t signal that you’re starving
so you don’t produce extra stress hormones
that make you hang onto weight or eat
• As long as you’re eating fat without protein
and carbs, you still get the amazing benefits
of a pure fast
• Fat doesn’t interrupt autophagy, so your
cells continue to clean house and keep you
young even though you feel full

Bulletproof Coffee is the cheat code to success

with intermittent fasting. Here’s how to make it.

1. Choose an intermittent fasting method.

2. Make yourself a rough schedule of when you’ll eat and when you’ll fast. You don’t
have to be perfect -- you can always adjust your fast start times and end times to
adapt your schedule to how your day plays out.

3. Plan meals you’ll enjoy. Restricting eating times is much easier if you love the food
you’re eating when it’s time.

4. Go for it! This is going to be easier than you think.

Autophagy: Over time, cells accumulate dead organelles, damaged

proteins, and oxidized particles that interfere with cell function and accelerate
aging. Autophagy is the body’s method of recycling the junk in your cells, which
keeps you young. It’s the cellular equivalent of burning your trash to stay warm.

The best way to trigger autophagy is intermittent fasting.

Day ________ Weight ________

Type of intermittent fast (approximate)

Daily Intermittent Fast: 12/12 14/10 16/8* 18/6 20/4
* Recommended (hours fasting/hours eating)

Alternate Day Fasting:

___ 5:2 restricted (0 calories two days per week)
___ 6:1 restricted (0 calories one day per week)
___ 5:2 moderate (up to 600 calories two days per week)
___ 6:1 moderate (up to 600 calories one day per week)

Other __________________

Did you have Bulletproof Coffee while you were fasting? ___ yes ___no

Yesterday - fasting start time: __________________

Fasting end time/fed state start time: __________________
Fed state end time: __________________
Total fasted hours: __________________
Total fed-state hours: __________________

Fasting start time is the time you finished your last bite of food yesterday

Fasting end time/fed state start time is the time you had your first meal today.
Don’t count Bulletproof Coffee!

Fed state end time is the time you took your last bite of food today.

Total fasted hours is the total time between fasting start time and fasting end time.

Total fed-state hours is the total time between fed state start time and fed
state end time.
Hunger levels
Scale Morning Mid-day Evening

All I can think

about is food

Moderately hungry

Fairly hungry

Satiated for longer

than usual

I’ll eat because it’s

time, but I can go

I haven’t thought
about food

Energy levels
Scale Morning Mid-day Evening


On the tired side

Plugging along

More energy than



Focus and concentration

Scale Morning Mid-day Evening

Slogging through


Focused some of
the time, wandering
mind some of the


Laser focused
Evening before
7:00 p.m. Finished dinner

8:30 p.m. Cup of Rooibos Chai Tea Latte

9:00 p.m. Finished eating for the day

Day One

5:00-8:00 a.m. Cup of Bulletproof Coffee

1:00 p.m. Rice-Free Sushi Sandwich Wraps

4:00 p.m. Bulletproof Vanilla Shortbread

Collagen Protein Bar

7:00 p.m. Slow Cooker Pot Roast and

Brussels Sprouts

8:30 p.m. Bulletproof Turmeric Latte

Day Two

5:00-8:00 a.m. Cup of Bulletproof Coffee

1:00 p.m. Keto Hamburger Salad

4:00 p.m. German Chocolate Fat Bombs

7:00 p.m. Shrimp Pad Thai

8:30 p.m. Collagen Charcoal Beauty Elixir

Day Three

5:00-8:00 a.m. Cup of Bulletproof Coffee

1:00 p.m. Chocolate Coconut Keto

Smoothie Bowl

4:00 p.m. Veggie sticks with guacamole

7:00 p.m. Keto Slow Cooker Beef Stew

8:30 p.m. Keto Pot de Creme

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