The Ultimate Guide: Intermittent Fasting
The Ultimate Guide: Intermittent Fasting
The Ultimate Guide: Intermittent Fasting
With a three-day Sample Schedule and
Printable Intermittent Fasting Journal
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If you’re learning the ins and outs of intermittent fasting, you’re probably wondering what all the
buzz is about. What does stretching out your time between meals do for you? The answer — a
lot. Intermittent fasting benefits your body and your brain in ways you never thought possible.
It’s something you have to experience to believe.
5:2: This method allows you to eat Eat-stop-eat: With this one,
normally five days a week. The other two days you restrict all food for 24 hours, once or
are your fasting days, although you do still eat. twice a week.
Just keep it between 500 and 600 calories.
2. Make yourself a rough schedule of when you’ll eat and when you’ll fast. You don’t
have to be perfect -- you can always adjust your fast start times and end times to
adapt your schedule to how your day plays out.
3. Plan meals you’ll enjoy. Restricting eating times is much easier if you love the food
you’re eating when it’s time.
Other __________________
Did you have Bulletproof Coffee while you were fasting? ___ yes ___no
Fasting start time is the time you finished your last bite of food yesterday
Fasting end time/fed state start time is the time you had your first meal today.
Don’t count Bulletproof Coffee!
Fed state end time is the time you took your last bite of food today.
Total fasted hours is the total time between fasting start time and fasting end time.
Total fed-state hours is the total time between fed state start time and fed
state end time.
Hunger levels
Scale Morning Mid-day Evening
Moderately hungry
Fairly hungry
I haven’t thought
about food
Energy levels
Scale Morning Mid-day Evening
Plugging along
Slogging through
Focused some of
the time, wandering
mind some of the
Laser focused
Evening before
7:00 p.m. Finished dinner
Day One