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DL Speaking Notes (Acad - GT)

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Lecture Notes


Room 303M Bernardo Building, Magallanes Street, Davao City



Please be informed that you are supposed to email the center for your copy of the actual
speaking test questions once you are through mastering these lecture notes. Furthermore,
kindly make appointments for your speaking test practices at least ten days before your actual


A. Format

Parts of Interview

Part 1 Personal Information 4 - 5 mins

Part 2 Individual Long Turn 1 + 2 mins

Part 3 Extended Discourse 4 - 5 mins

B. Criteria

Notes on Criteria

Fluency- Students are considered fluent when they possess the necessary
SPEED and showcase a considerable amount of details in their answers.
Fluency & Coherence
Coherence-Students are coherent when they are responsive to the

Students do well here when they use APPROPRIATE words and when they
showcase greater level of sophistication in their choice of words.
Lexical Resource
Highfalutin language is not a required. Topic-based vocabulary is what is

Students are expected to showcase a VARIETY of sentence and

grammatical structures (different verb tenses) and they are supposed to
Grammatical Range and
present accuracy when it comes to rules in grammar such as S-V-A, tenses,
pronouns and prepositions.

This is different from accent. Students are supposed to utter correct sounds
Pronunciation of words. Typical concerns: th sound, p vs f, b vs. v, and the long e vs. the
short e.


Personal Information 4-5 mins

1. Keep answers concise, except when asked to describe

2. Be prepared for the unexpected questions.
3. Be creative and imaginative.
Tips for Part 1
4. Volunteer pieces of information.

* The number of questions asked shall be upon the

interviewer’s discretion.
* Ideally, interviewers stick to the questions on paper.

Individual Long Turn 1 + 2 mins

1. Study past questions in Part 2.

2. Master the art of note-taking.
3. Be creative and imaginative.
Tips for Part 2
4. Use wow-factor language.
5. Talk for two (2) minutes and sound interesting
6. Don’t say “that’s all” to end your talk.

Extended Discourse 4 - 5 mins

1. Master all the speech functions and their

corresponding expressions.
2. Think about what most people in your community
Tips for Part 3 experience.
3. Lengthen your answers.
4. Be confident in expressing your opinions.
5. Avoid sweeping statements.


Part 1: Personal Information

Speech functions refer to the typical kinds of questions being asked in the IELTS speaking test.
By knowing these forms and mastering how well they are responded to, you should be able to
speak in confidence. Here are the typical speech functions tested in part 1 of the IELTS
speaking test.

Speech Function # 1: HOW?

Your task is to explain a process so use the words by or through (not “because)

Q: How do you relax?

A: I unwind by being alone. I relax most of the time by simply doing nothing. Sometimes,
I stay in my room reading books with my favorite music in the background and enjoying
my privacy.

Speech Function # 2: DESCRIBING

You may begin by expressing your viewpoint. (Do you like it? Are you proud of it? Are you
knowledgeable about it?)

Q: Describe your city.

A: I am very proud of where I come from. Davao City is interesting because it is
known for its massive land areas. It is actually one of the biggest cities in the world
when it comes to the area it occupies. It is situated in the war-stricken Mindanao, yet it
is relatively peaceful. It has a booming economy with its flourishing IT industry and real
estate businesses. My city is popular for its abundant durian fruits and orchids.

Speech Function # 3: DEFINING

To define properly, begin by identifying its generic classification (Is it a feeling? Is it a state of
mind?) and then discuss its specific function.

Q: Define globalisation.
A: Globalisation is an international policy (generic classification) where countries open their
doors to others to share goods and services in the hope that international commerce
and communication shall improve further.


Speech Function # 4: CITING PREFERENCES

Begin by explaining your choice (Don’t forget to use the expressions inside the LANGUAGE
BANK). Add a short explanation why you don’t go for the other choice given.

Language Bank:
(a) I choose _____ over ________
(b) __________ is better than ________
(c) I prefer ______ to __________
(d) _________ is far superior than _____

Q: Which do you like better, English movies or Filipino movies?

A: In general, I choose English movies over Filipino movies. I find the western
films more interesting since their storylines are unique and their technical production
more advanced. With Filipino movies, plots are highly predictable and they seldom tackle
new themes for viewers to be surprised and amazed.
N.B. Use the comparative degree in explaining your choice.

Speech Function # 5: ANSWERING “YES/NO” QUESTIONS:

BE RESPONSIVE. Start with a “Yes” or a “No” answer. Don’t forget to use the expressions
inside the LANGUAGE BANK) Proceed to your explanation. Why yes? Why no?

Language Bank:
YES: Definitely; certainly; without a doubt; truly; unarguably; absolutely
NO: Unfortunately; I’m afraid…

Q: Do you like watching movies?

A: Definitely! I love watching movies. They are my primary source of entertainment and I bond
with my friends through watching movies. Movies relax me and they help me learn about the
culture of other people, notably the Americans.

Q: Do you love sports?

A: Unfortunately, I haven’t developed the liking for sports. I didn’t have any role model at home
when I was young and I wasn’t given the opportunity to enjoy them.

Speech Function # 6: ANSWERING THE FIVE W’s (what/when/where/why/who) :

This is probably the easiest of all the speech functions. The suggested structure surely helps
in organising your thoughts properly. The key here is to be direct to the point, yet to be able to
speak long enough to satisfy the interviewer.

The 2nd part of the interview (Individual Long Turn) is characterised by these questions. What
is important is you connect your ideas smoothly by using transitional devices as you move
from one question to the next.




1. Copy first ALL the key words of the questions.
2. Answer each question by identifying specific NOUNS, ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS.
3. Observe WOW factor language.
4. Identify the verb tense/s to use.
5. Be creative and imaginative.

1. Don’t write your notes in sentence forms.
2. Don’t be picky. Stick to the answers that first spring to mind.


1. Proceed right away to your topic.
2. Take your time in answering each question by
citing specific details.
3. Use transitional devices.
4. Use expressions that will make you sound natural/conversational.
6. Stick to the order of the questions.

1. Don’t be glued to your notes.
2. Avoid lengthy and “canned” introductions.


1. See to it that you talk for 2 straight minutes.
2. Think of other relevant pieces of information for you to extend up to 2 minutes.

1. Don’t ever say “THAT’S ALL” to end your talk.

Other reminders:

1. Practice! Practice! Practice!

2. Expect to be asked of 2 rounding-off questions
before going to Part 3.


Sample Part 2 questions and answers:

An advertisement that really caught my interest was the newest TV
Talk about an advertisement advertisement of Nescafe. This was in relation to its newest product,
that your really liked. You Nescafe Cappuccino. Nescafe, by the way, is the leading brand of
coffee in my country.
should say:
If my memory serves me right, I think I first saw it on TV two
• what it was about weeks ago. It was actually an ordinary evening. Just to pass up time,
I decided to watch one of the more popular national programs on TV
• when you saw it and during the show’s break, this new advertisement was shown. I
• where you saw it was at home when I saw it. I was seated on the sofa with my dog on
my lap. It was such an interesting moment.
and explain why you liked it. The advertisement’s plot is very simple. It’s between 2 yuppies. The
man is drinking coffee, while the woman is playing the role of an
entertained spectator. Because the man is drinking this very frothy
cappuccino, much of the froth stays on his upper lip. The woman, seemingly concerned with the man’s funny look,
gestures for the man to check his upper lip. She does this by sticking out her own tongue to lick her own upper lip.
Interestingly, no words are exchanged between them. What ensues is the man unwittingly thinking that the
woman is sexually interested in him. In the man’s perspective, the woman being so beautiful and all appears to be so
drawn to him that she couldn’t control her actions. The man only realises the sad and cold truth when the woman
approaches him and puts some tissue on his face.

Personally, I find the advert very effective. Advertisements are created primarily to bring the product to the
customers’ attention, and it really caught my attention instantaneously. I love the funny scenario plus the subtly
seductive scene. In my opinion, the message of the advert is drink this particular coffee if you want to attract
attention. I think most young professionals find the advert relatable. It’s a wise decision for the director not to use any
words. Only music accompanies the silent advert to magnify dramatically the development of the story. If I were
to play the role of an armchair critic, I would definitely give it my two thumbs up.

It was in my Survey to Philippine Literature class that the unfortunate thing happened. I failed to come on time
during that particular session, and, because of my tardiness, I missed a very important quiz.

I can still vividly remember the entire scenario. I was in my third

Talk about an instance year in college when this took place. This was in 1997, and this
when you were late. You happened in the second semester.
should say: I was supposed to be inside the classroom before 1.30 pm because at
exactly that time we would have our quiz. It was actually an
• what it was announced quiz, so you could just imagine how prepared everybody
• when it happened
• where it happened The thing was, since our last class in the morning was dismissed
• Why it happened early, I decided to spend my lunch break in my boarding house,
which was just actually 15 minutes away from my college campus by
foot. I think I ate too much during lunch time that my cat nap ended
and explain what you felt up becoming a 2-hour long sleep.
about it.
It was the sweltering heat of the afternoon that woke me up. My
body was drenched with my own sweat, and I woke up panicking and
not knowing what to do. The quiz would start at 1.30, and it was already 2 o’clock when I finally gathered all of my
senses. With all the speed I could physically muster, I ran to my school with the hope I could still join the quiz. Our
teacher had already left the room when I arrived. Luckily, I was able to tell her of my predicament —- I didn’t lie to
her. I told her I overslept and if she could give me another chance. My self-remorse turned into a huge relief when
she said I could take the test in her other class. Indeed, I was lucky enough to have a very understanding teacher.
Honesty paid off, and I was able to take the quiz with flying colours.


A movie that failed to meet my expectations was entitled My Little Bossings. It was the most popular movie during
2013’s Metro Manila Film Festival, and it starred Vic Sotto, undeniably
the country’s most popular comedian to date and Kris Aquino, another
very controversial TV and movie actress. Playing the title roles were Kris
Talk about a movie that you Aquino’s younger son and another very popular and talented TV
did not like. You should say: personality, the very young Ryzza Mae.

I watched this movie during the Christmas Holidays two years ago, and
• what it was this happened inside Abreeza Mall, another very popular mall in my city.
• when and where you saw it
• what happened in the movie The movie was about a wealthy woman accused of scamming many
people through pyramiding. To protect her son from the death threats
she was getting, the rich mother decided to leave her son under the care
and explain why you did not like of her very laid-back accountant who happened to live in the slums. It
it was through this arrangement that the supposed funny riots would

The movie was a big disappointment. The plot was unbelievably very
lousy. If I were to play the role of an armchair critic, I would say that the producers did not give the movie
much thought at all. They were only banking on the fact that they had the most popular actors nowadays. The
dialogues were also too commercial. There were no new jokes presented, and most of the highlights in the movie were
already shown on TV trailers. In my opinion, the movie was a wasted opportunity both for the veteran actors and the
newbies. The movie may be the most watched among the entries in the festival, but it was not something that the
people behind the production would be very proud of. Even my nieces and nephew who were supposed to be the
target audience found the movie lacking lustre. It was so boring, I could see the big disappointment in the eyes
among children who were inside the movie house. Most of the time they were staring blankly at the big screen.

The house I saw and liked is a bungalow, and it is dominantly white. It is mostly made of glass, tile and cement.

I paid the house a visit because I was invited by the owner. Actually, the owner was the one who brought me there.

The house is owned by one of my students, and it is occupied by her family. If

my memory serves me right, I think that residence houses my student, her Talk about a house you
husband, their 3 children and their 2 stay-in housemaids. have visited, which you
particularly liked. You
Interestingly, the house differs from the other houses I have been to because it
looks expensive even if it is just a one-story building. The furniture and fixtures should say:
inside are impressive, and the house really veers away from the typical expensive
houses, which are tall, huge and which really scream for attention. From the • what kind of house it is
outside, the house looks ordinary, but once you’re inside, you will really be swept • why you visited it
off your feet. • who lives there
Clearly, the cleanliness of the house, its interior design and the warmth that its • how different it is from
totality brings made me admire the house. It was very elegant, yet homey. If I other houses
would have my own house, without a doubt, I would draw out my inspiration
from it. and explain why you
particularly liked it.


TIGSO was the particular game I was really fascinated to play when I was young. This has been a very popular game
among Filipino children, and this is all about the players’ running speed. I don’t think there is an English term for
this particular game.

Talk about a game (not a I can still vividly remember how engrossed I was in playing this
game with my classmates. Normally, we would play TIGSO after we
sport) you played when had our lunch and once the afternoon classes were concluded.
you were still young. You When not in school, I would encourage my neighbours and cousins
should say: to join me, and we would play this under the scorching heat of the

• what it was TIGSO is an outdoor game, so we would use our school playground
• with whom you played it or any of the backyards of our neighbours. Since we lived in the
middle of the business district in our place, at night we would play it
• how it is usually played in the middle of the street.

and explain why you liked it. This game is played by two teams with equal number of members.
The objective of the game is for the players to catch as many
members of the other team. What makes this game interesting is the
fact that members can rescue their teammates who are caught by the other team. They just have to run as fast as they
can in going to the other camp. Of course, the other camp would give their best in guarding their prisoners.

I loved playing this game because it was very intense. The best runners in our class would usually compete, and what
I particularly liked in this game was the opportunity to pretend I was in a battle and I had to rescue our members.
Although our older relatives would complain whenever we played TIGSO because the heat of the sun was already
roasting all of us — especially when we played this during midday — as young as we were, we were impervious of the
danger the sun might bring and were so focused instead on rescuing our comrades in the game.

If there is an event in the year that I really look forward to, without a
doubt, I’d say it is Christmas. In my country, Christmas is the biggest
event that majority of the Filipinos celebrate. Talk about your most
awaited time or season of
Christmas is the annual commemoration of the birthday of Christ, the the year. You should say:
biggest influence among christians, and, by practice, this is held every
December. As a proof that this is such an anticipated event in our
country, many of us would start experiencing the christmas fever as • what it is
soon as the “BER months” hit the calendar. As early as September 1, • when it happens
people would start decorating their houses with christmas-related • what the weather is
adornments, and radio stations would start playing christmas songs in
the air. and explain why you like this
What I find fantastic about Christmas is the fact that the weather is time
cool, and it is breezy for the most part of the christmas season. I know
that Christmas in America and in Europe is filled with snow. I believe that the Christmas spirit travels all
around the world that is why it is windy and chilly in most areas of the globe during this time.

I take delight in experiencing Christmas for various reasons. First of all, the spirit of generosity is very
much alive among everybody that is why gift-giving is very popular during this time. Christmas is also a
feast for the senses. When I go to malls, I am easily captivated by the very colourful and warm
decorations found inside. This I also feel in offices and in almost all the homes I visit. Financially,
Christmas is a blessing because this is usually the time that employees receive their bonuses from their
employers. Also, I should not forget to mention the reunions, the parties and the feasts that make
Christmas very memorable. Indeed, if there is one best time to visit our country, definitely it is during


I really like visiting merriamdictionary.com. It is a fun, interactive and

informative site that learners of the English language can visit free of
Talk about your favourite
website. You should say: I take delight in visiting this online facility because Merriam dictionary
has been a household name among students of the English language.
Its popularity stems from the fact that it has become a formidable
• what it is authority when it comes to the study of the English words and phrases.
• why you like it With confidence, I can say that this site is very reliable if one wishes to
study the nitty gritty details of English words. Apart from giving
• how often you visit it information about how words are spelt, pronounced and defined, this
site also allows the users to know more about the history of words and
and explain why you like it. their synonyms.
I visit this site frequently. Almost every night before I go to bed I would
open my iPad and surf the net and enjoy what this site can offer.
Sometimes, when I am not preoccupied during daytime, I keep myself busy by playing the vocabulary games available. I
have at least 5 games to choose from, and the one that stands out for me is this particular game that pops up specific
words and gives me choices. The faster I identify the correct synonym, the higher the points I get. I could complete as
many as 5 rounds in one sitting.
I tirelessly go to this site because it is very beneficial to me. It not only helps me improve my vocabulary, it also informs
me about a lot of notable ideas regarding specific words. I love this site because it always offers something new. Just
yesterday, I have learned a few useful words like unscathed meaning UNHARMED and mulct which means to fine. I
really feel fortunate to have discovered this website. Even my friends go to this site now because of me.

A particular service that I really enjoy availing of is the massage services of my

favourite spa in our community. The English name of the establishment is
Pressure Points and true to its name, it really identifies the pressure points of a
person and touch them in a very healing way. Talk about a good service
a shop or company offers.
I have just chanced upon this small spa quite recently. It was actually two You should say:
months ago when I first experienced the spa’s services. After watching a
movie, before I went home, I had decided to give this space that’s near my
favourite cinema a shot. The signage outside the spa was very welcoming and • what it is
ever since that very first satisfying visit, I have become one of their loyal • when and where you had
customers. it
There are a number of reasons why I only have good words to say about the •
spa’s services. First of all, their attendants are well-trained, and they are very and explain why you think it
courteous and kind. I should not forget to mention the good ambience of the is a good service.
place. Even if it is a pretty small place, the layout is excellent, and the music
they play inside plus the ambient lights they use makes the place very relaxing.
The 90-minute massages they give are also very soothing and to top it all, their
services are very affordable. As a student, my allowance is just enough. However, with the minimal rates they
charge, I can go there as frequently as every fortnight. Even if there are many other cheap spas that exist in my
community, I guess one reason why I have become an avid fan of this particular spa is the fact that the receptionists
are very friendly. They are very hospitable and warm.


Part 3 Speaking: Extended discourse

The final part of the IELTS speaking test jumps off from the part 2 topic. However, the kinds
of questions can be a little more challenging because here the candidate may be asked to
identify specific ideas quickly, express his own views about an idea and speculate about the
future. Here are the typical speech functions asked in part 3 of the interview.


Sample questions:
1. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of intensive training for young sportspeople?
2. What are the disadvantages of making friends easily?



 Start with a general statement.
Avoid using the word “many” or specifying
the number of advantages/disadvantages you
intend to enumerate.

positive aspect
Enumerate your answers. good thing
If asked to enumerate only either the favorable
advantages or the disadvantages, try to come up good point
with three ideas. gain
If asked to enumerate both, one task may only
have 1 idea, while the other task may have 2 or DISADVANTAGE:
more. downside
Briefly explain each answer and use linking negative aspect
devices to achieve cohesion. problem
Use the other equivalent terms for drawback
advantages and disadvantages.

Q: What are the advantages and the disadvantages of intensive training for
young sportspeople?

A: Exposure to sports can both benefit and harm the young people.

On the plus side, these young players easily gain mastery over their chosen sports since
constant exposure will help them develop the right techniques. Another good thing about
this is that they become physically active; they develop the stamina they need to win the

The downside though is that overexposure may mean lesser time for studies, and this is not
good at all. Additionally, students are at risk of sustaining injury.



Sample questions:
1. What are the differences between family parties and parties given by friends?
2. Compare a group discussion from a speech.


Start with a general
statement. SIMILARITIES:
Begin by identifying whether a lot of They are alike in the sense that
differences exist or if the things Their common trait would be that
compared are in general similar. They are regarded as the same in their
They are almost identical when it comes to
They are comparable in

They are hardly distinguishable when it comes
Enumerate your answers. to
To compare and contrast properly,
think first of your distinguishing factors.
See to it that the points you are
They vary
comparing (regarding the two subjects)
They differ
match .
One disparity is
Briefly explain each comparison and
One contrast is
use linking devices to achieve cohesion.
They are essentially dissimilar in terms of...
Use the other equivalent terms for
similar and different.

Q: What are the differences between family parties and parties given by

A: Family parties and parties with friends differ in a number of ways. One disparity is the
purpose. Usually, families hold parties to celebrate typical occasions like birthdays, reunions,
and Christmas gatherings, whereas friends party even without any special occasion. As long
as the troop is complete, any meeting among friends may end up becoming a party. Another
difference is the atmosphere or ambience of the event. With family, events are normally
observed formally, while with friends, guests can be very casual and loud. They can also vary
in their venues. With family, events are held at a family member’s house, in contrast to
parties with friends that are usually held in bars or beach resorts.


Speech function # 9: EXPRESSING OPINIONS

Sample questions:
1. Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed
people nowadays. Would you agree or disagree?
2. Do you think advertisements are good for children to watch?



Start with your stand. Explain your stand.
Start your talk by identifying how Develop your answer using at least 3
strongly you agree or disagree with the sentences.
question. You may expound your answer by
Do not say: I agree to. Instead, say: I citing examples or by quoting famous
agree with. sayings.


____ 1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4____ 5 ____ for because:
on account of, for the reason
I strongly disagree I strongly agree that, since, as, due to the fact
that, owing to the fact that
- I don’t believe that at all - I think that’s absolutely true
- I think that idea is incorrect - I totally agree
- I do not see it that way - Without a doubt
- By no means do I think of that - By all means that’s correct


- In my view/opinion -Well, from my point of view

- To my mind - It seems to me that
- Personally, I think - My impression is that
- I suppose - As far as I am concerned

Q: Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to
employed people nowadays. Would you agree or disagree?

A: I do not believe that at all. I say so since workers perform their tasks with speed,
precision and convenience because of technology. Multi-tasking is easily done due to the
many gadgets that readily assist office workers in their daily activities. It is also through
technology that employees manage to generate more free time. With the aid of new
equipment in the office, workers finish their jobs fast.



Sample questions:
1. Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future?
2. Do you think the text lingo and the chat lingo will form part of the formal language in the


1 Start with an expression

denoting your certainty.
Use the expressions listed to your
2 Explain your answer.
Develop your answer using at least 3
You may also explain how different or
similar the future is to the present situation.
To be substantial, think of the experiences
or conditions that people will have in the

If you are certain, start by saying: *Possible concerns include:

There is a strong possibility that People’s heavy reliance on technology
There is no question in my mind that People living more fast-paced lifestyles
There is every chance that People confronting worsening
I can say without a doubt that environmental problems
I can say most definitely that The world as one global village
I am utterly convinced that People becoming highly mobile
People assuming more liberated lifestyles
If you are fairly certain, begin by saying:
It might be the case that
It could be that
It could lead to
It has the potential to

If you are uncertain, say:

I’m not really sure if
I think it is debatable whether
No one can predict whether
It is impossible to say if

Q: Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in
the future?

A: There is no question in my mind that all new homes will be fitted with household
machines in the future.

People’s heavy reliance on technology is a strong proof to this and since they will be
assuming a much more fast-paced lifestyle in the future, I think that this will be the case.
The widespread use of technology now will surely lead to the saturation of modern
machines in most households in the years to come.


IELTS Writing and Speaking Component
VERY IMPORTANT: To do well in both writing and speaking, students are supposed to
showcase range and variety.


1. Simple: Subject + Verb + Object -I live in Davao City.

(S-V-O) -My favorite pastime activity is watching movies.
A group of words -The Internet is a very dynamic source of information.
expressing one
complete thought

2. Compound: (S-V-O) + (S-V-O) -I am the only child, and I work as a nurse.

-I finished nursing, but I work as a teacher.
A group of words -My community is one of the biggest in the city; it is
expressing two highly accessible.
complete thoughts
joined by
and (;)
3. Complex: (S________-V-O) -Abreeza Mall, one of the most elegant malls in my
city, is my favorite mall to date.
A group of words -My house, a two-story building, is situated within
expressing a the city centre.
complete thought
with either the -My friends usually go to Pearl Farm, a world-
subject or the verb (S-V-O________) renowned beach resort.
having additional -I cannot leave my house without my laptop, a
information or a Macbook given to me by my mother.
dependent clause.
-I like it when it is cloudy because it is not muggy.
(S-V-O) + -Although most of my friends have already
Dependent migrated to Australia, I still prefer to go to New
(although, because,
even though, despite, in
spite of, while, whereas)




4. Compound- (S________-V-O) -Abreeza Mall, one of the most elegant malls in my

Complex: city, is my favorite mall to date, and I usually visit it
+ (S-V-O) every Sunday.
A combination of
compound and -My house, a two-story building, is situated within
c o m p l e x the city centre, but I seldom stay there.

(S-V-O________) -My friends usually go to Pearl Farm, a world-

renowned beach resort; they go there at least four
+ (S-V-O) times a year.

-I cannot leave my house without my laptop, a

macbook given to me by my mother, and I use it
heavily for my class presentations.

-I like it when it is cloudy because it is not muggy; I

(S-V-O) + prefer it over any other types of weather.
Clause + (S-V-O) -Although most of my friends have already
(although, because, as, migrated to Australia, I still prefer to go to New
even though, despite, in Zealand, and I plan to live there with my nephew.
spite of, while, whereas)


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