Cuong Dao - Báo giá thiết kế

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_____________________ Dao Cuong

CUONG Co., Ltd 0934 666 214


CORE Logo Cái 15.000

Logo + Brand Identity Bộ 30.000
Key visual Cái 2.000
Packaging Cái 3.000
Window show Bộ 3.000
Lookbook Trang 500
Tag sản phẩm Trang 500

OFFLINE Window show Cái 3.000 1.500

Backdrop Cái 1.000 500
Decal kính Cái 700 400
Standee Cái 700 400
Menu Bìa/mặt 800 600
Ruột/tờ 500 450
Table tent Cái 700 400
Thiệp mời Cái 700 400
Brochure Mặt 400
Voucher Mặt 400
Bạt Opening Cái 700

ONLINE FB cover 500 300

FB post 500 300
Banner web 500 300
FB canvas 500 300
FB carousel 500 300
EDM 700 400
Landing page 700 400

REGISTRATION. Final responsibility for ensuring the registerability CANCELLATION. Should the project be cancelled before
of identities remains with the client and its legal council. All outside completion, payment will be due for any completed work
costs for legal searches and screenings shall be borne by the client. minus
the deposit amount. The Designer reserves the right to
DEPOSIT. Upon project commencement, one-half (50%) of phase terminate the project under the circumstance that the Client
1 will be billed and deposited by the Client. The first invoice must cannot provide approval after two (2) rounds of design
be paid prior to commencement of work. Upon completion of proposal.
phase 1, the balance (50%) of phase 1 will be billed. Subsequent
phases will each be billed to and paid by the Client in a similar FINAL ARTWORK DELIVERY. Working files will be delivered
manner upon phase commencement and phase completion. only after the confirmation of project completion and final
payment is made.
PAYMENT. All invoices and any reimbursement expenses are
due within 10 days of invoices, unless otherwise discussed. All CONFIDENTIALITY & OWNERSHIP. All works created for
payments to Designer will be net, free of any tax withholdings, Client are kept confidential. Upon completion of work and
stamp duties, levies, bank charges, etc. It shall be the Client's payment received, (1) Client owns all artworks that Designer
responsibility to pay all the aforesaid taxes, duties and charges has created specifically for Client, and (2) Designer owns the
and all charges required by the regulatory authorities of the permission to show the works in Designer’s portfolio or
Client's locale. self-promoting materials.

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