Chapter 25 p.1060-1075 PDF
Chapter 25 p.1060-1075 PDF
Chapter 25 p.1060-1075 PDF
= gastric fundic tongue sutured to the margins *both done at the same setting
of the myotomy over a distance of 3 to 4 cm *by double positioning the patient
and replaced into the abdomen *may be done at two operations
-maintains separation of the muscle
and acts as a partial fundoplication to
prevent reflux. *do the abdominal component first
(+)epiphrenic diverticulum =>esophageal outflow obstruction
-source of most of the
POEM Myotomy of the Lower Esophageal
Sphincter (Heller Myotomy)
PO -Peroral
E - endoscopic *Achalasia
M- myotomy
=second only to reflux disease
= new procedure that allows a long myotomy
to be performed from the lumen of the =most common functional disorder of the
esophagus with an endoscope. esophagus to require surgical intervention.
*An oral diet is resumed on the seventh day, *Exposure of the GEJ via removal of the
after a barium swallow study shows gastroesophageal fat pad follows.
unobstructed passage of the bolus into the *Anterior vagus nerve
stomach without extravasation. = swept right laterally along with the fat pad
*Vigorous achalasia *Distal esophageal myotomy is performed.
=simultaneous esophageal contractions are *It is generally easiest to begin the myotomy
associated with the sphincter abnormality 1 to 2 cm above the GEJ, in an area above that
of previous botulinum toxin injections or
=Myotomy should extend over the balloon dilation.
distance of the abnormal motility as
mapped by the preoperative motility study *An antireflux procedure follows completion
-failure to do this will result in of the myotomy.
continuing dysphagia
*Either an anterior hemifundoplication -scintigraphic assessment of esophageal
augmenting the angle of His (Dor) or emptying time
posterior partial fundoplication (Toupet) can
be performed. *Postdilation LES pressure
*50% of the local recurrences in patients with -any patient with a forced
esophageal cancer who are resected for cure expiratory volume in 1 second
occur in the intrathoracic stomach along the of <1.25 L
line of the gastric resection.
-40% risk of dying from
*Length of the esophagus =17 to 25 cm respiratory insufficiency
*Length of the lesser curvature of the stomach within 4 years
=approx.12 cm
*Transhiatal esophagectomy
*In most patients with carcinoma of the distal = for patients with poor pulmonary
esophagus or cardia: reserve
-curative resection with cervical = as the pulmonary morbidity of this
division of the esophagus and a operation is less than is seen following
>50% proximal gastrectomy thoracotomy.
-performing EMR on all nodules identified in
a field of Barrett’s esophagus
-T staging is performed by histologic analysis.
Minimally Invasive Transhiatal *Retrograde esophageal stripping
=>performed by dividing the
*Mini-invasive surgery (MIS) transhiatal esophagus below the GEJ and sliding
esophagectomy a vein stripper from the neck down
=operation combines the advantages into the abdomen followed by an
of transhiatal esophagectomy at inversion of the esophagus in the
minimizing pulmonary complications posterior mediastinum and removal
with the advantages of laparoscopy through the neck
(less pain, quicker rehabilitation).
=>reserved for patients with high-
*High-grade dysplasia or intramucosal grade dysplasia.
=> vagal sparing procedure *For small cancers at the GEJ:
-vagal trunks are separated from the
esophagus at the level of the -esophagus stripped in an antegrade
diaphragm and the lesser curvature fashion by sliding the vein stripper
dissection of the stomach allows the down from the cervical incision and
vagus and left gastric pedicle to out the tail of the lesser curvature
remain intact.
- tail of the lesser curvature is pulled
- provides no LN staging and is thus out a port site high in the epigastrium
inadequate for all high-grade dysplasia while the esophagus is inverted into
and intramucosal cancer. itself.