To Make A Mining Botnet: About
To Make A Mining Botnet: About
To Make A Mining Botnet: About
A botnet can be defined as a network of infected computers. It can be used for numerous
reasons in this guide I will be covering how to make money with it. I have been working with
botnets and on botnets for several years and I’m now here to share some knowledge. In this
tutorial I will only be explaining HTTP botnets, but that will be covered from start to end. Which
hopefully will give you the knowledge to make your own.
When categorizing botnets we will often and most likely hear about 3 types, if talking HTTP.
- Loader
- Stealer
Loader is made to hold the bots for the longest period of time possible, this often only allows
simple features as download & execute, update, uninstall and a simple botkiller. A botkiller is
used to remove all other malware, to make sure you get the most out of their pc.
Stealers are used to steal data, passwords, logins, credit cards, ftp clients basically everything
there is to steal (Of course depending on the botnet.) A very well known stealer could be
Neutrino HTTP.
DDOS botnets are typically the most known among the community and the reasons are good.
You have to option to make something go offline with a various of different ddos methods. This
can also be used for money if you make a ransom demand or rent it out.
Free Botnets
- Betabot is a strong multitask and native bot, this can be found cracked all over the
internet, but watch out for malware. This is one of the best choices to hold a good
amount of bots, it is featured with one of the best botkillers out in the public, AV Killer,
Persistence, Hosts file editor, few simple ddos methods overall a very nice and stable
- Novobot is loader made in C++, very simple botnet.
- Gaudox is a freeloader, released by excr4sh. It has a decent crypter and is possible
one of the best choices if you need to hold a fair amount of bots
- Loki is a very popular stealer
- OmegaNet is a botnet based of LiteHTTP (OPEN-SOURCE on github), it
differentiates from the original LiteHTTP by being classed as a multi-task botnet
instead of a loader.
- DiamondFox is a multi task botnet, very good many people use it..
by XKeyscore - NOTE: ALWAYS RUN
Paid Botnets
- Quant - Loader:
- Neutrino:
- Miner Bot:
- Azourult - Stealer:
- Godzilla - Loader:
So, before you go out believing you can conquer the world with only the first page you are wrong. You
will have to read everything in this ebook to be successful. When making botnets there is a clear nono
that is using normal hosting. No, you can not use google vps, amazon vps or any of “normal” hosting
sites. You will be in need of a offshore / bulletproof server and domain, this will save you from a lot of
trouble in the future.
- tonic.tu
- (Most populare with beginers.)
When buying hosting i suggest you are purchasing with “Fast Flux”, It’s a proxy system that hides
your servers real ip.
To access your SSH you are going to be needing Putty, which can be found here: once you have downloaded you should use your login credentials to access your
a. We will start out by updating our server and install wget and vim. You will throughout
installation be asked to confirm, in that case you press “Y” and enter.
b) After you have done that you will need to install Apache
c) Now we will need to install PHP. In most scenarios we are going to be needing a fully update
PHP, so we will install it and then upgrade it using REMI and EPEL Repositories.
- sudo yum install php
You will now need to enable the REMI repository globally. We will be needing VIM, the free text editor
we used before. (PRESS: Insert to edit and ESCAPE to go into command mode) Now go into
command mode and type this
- vim /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo
Now press insert and under the section [remi] and [remi-php56] change the following from 0 to 1:
enabled = 0 now press ESC again and type out the following command:
- :wq
Using these commands you can check your MySQL version and upgrade
d.1) These may not be necessary, but a few botnets need more PHP libraries- This can be
achieved like so.
by XKeyscore - NOTE: ALWAYS RUN
In my scenario i have installed PHP 5.6, which will mean i download the file called:
ioncube_loader_lin_5.6 and upload it to my server. Now this can be done with SSH, but for
the simplicity we will use FTP. Simply download a ftp client (etc. Filezilla) and login with your
credentials the rest should be easy for you as it will be extremely obvious. Now upload the
file you just downloaded to /usr/lib64/php/modules/ You will now
need to use VIM again for editing php.ini, it can be found under /etc/php.ini
- vim /etc/php.ini
Press insert and add the following to the top of the file. It is just a path to Ioncube loader. It is
crucial that the version of Ioncube loader and php is the same!!
When that has been done we will restart apache and mysql to check if you have
installed it correctly.
f) You will now need to run a MySQL installation script.
- mysql_secure_installation
This will allow us to setup a new root password to your MySQL, if any other questions
pop up simply type yes.
You have now successfully setup a Centos 6 VPS with environments suited for the botnet. If
you will like a Centos 7 version I will make that as soon as anybody need it :)
Making money
So, when all of that has been said and i went a bit off topic- Let’s get into the money making of it.
You should now have a botnet setup and ready to go. So, how do i make money?
When you have everything setup, you need to build your stub (The infected file / Trojan). To build
the stub open up your builder, each botnet has a different builder. If you are using a cracked
botnet be careful, it may be backdoored!!!! Building the stub should be very easy, most botnets
come with instructions on how to do it- Usually you only need to fill in spaces. Once you have
done that, you will need to encipher your stub. After you have done that, you can start spreading.
I won’t be covering that, so find some leak of books from HF :) I may link some if many need it.
You are now far enough in this process to give yourself a clap on the shoulder, you did good so far. I
don’t believe you already have a silent miner before reading this, but find one on the various of
different forums A silent miner is simply Crypto Mining Malware. Cryptocurrency mining is a
computationally intensive task which requires powerful resources from specialized hardware and
dedicated processors- Which has a significant electricity costs and the invest in hardware is simply to
much to avoid costs of expensive hardware, we will infect multiple systems and consume the users'
CPU and GPU power. . You will be charged for these, but they usually only cost around $20-30-
Which is a very cheap expense. If you have bought it, ask the seller if it is FUD (Fully Undetectable) if
it is carry on, if it isn’t encipher the build you got. Now comes the really easy part, login to your botnet
find tasks and upload the FUD silent miner build.
Many people would go for the most logical way, which is to mine bitcoin. But the most profitable is
Monero (XMR).
You are now making money! Keep spreading and if you need help message me :)