Transesophageal Echocardiography: The Hemodynamic Monitoring Utilizing

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Hemodynamic Monitoring Utilizing

Transesophageal Echocardiography: The

Relationships Among Pressure, Flow, and
Jan I. Poelaert and Guido Schüpfer

Chest 2005;127;379-390
DOI 10.1378/chest.127.1.379
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Copyright © 2005 by American College of Chest Physicians
Hemodynamic Monitoring Utilizing
Transesophageal Echocardiography*
The Relationships Among Pressure, Flow, and
Jan I. Poelaert, MD, PhD, FCCP; and Guido Schüpfer, MD

(CHEST 2005; 127:379 –390) hospitalized patients was found to be as high as 57%,
although changes occurred more frequently in ICU
Key words: echocardiography; hemodynamic; left ventricular
function; monitoring
patients compared to those admitted to the hospital
(54% vs 37%, respectively).1,2 Nevertheless, the
Abbreviations: A wave ⫽ late-filling wave; CW ⫽ continuous-
transthoracic approach for echocardiography has
wave; ⫹dP/dtmax ⫽ positive maximum first derivative of pres- certain specific limitations regarding the visualiza-
sure, corrected for time; Ea ⫽ arterial elastance; E/A ⫽ ratio of tion of different cardiac structures and great vessels.
the early and rapid-filling wave to the late-filling wave; E
wave ⫽ early and rapid-filling wave; LA ⫽ left atrium atrial; Table 1 demonstrates in detail the potential advan-
LAP ⫽ left atrial pressure; LV ⫽ left ventricle/ventricular; tages and shortcomings of both techniques. Trans-
LVEDA ⫽ left ventricular end-diastolic area; LVEDP ⫽ left esophageal echocardiography (TEE) with Doppler
ventricular end-diastolic pressure; LVEDV ⫽ left ventricular
end-diastolic volume; PCWP ⫽ pulmonary capillary wedge pres- imaging has opened a completely different window,
sure; PW ⫽ pulsed-wave; PWR ⫽ cardiac power; RV ⫽ right and has become a fascinating and appealing tool, not
ventricle/ventricular; RVOT ⫽ right ventricular outflow tract;
SV ⫽ stroke volume; TDI ⫽ tissue Doppler imaging; TEE ⫽ only for diagnosis in routine cardiology practice3 but
transesophageal echocardiography; VTI ⫽ velocity-time integral also for perioperative hemodynamic monitoring,
having a decisive impact on surgical management.
Moreover, owing to its bedside availability, TEE
C ardiac imaging is an important cornerstone in
decision making and management in cardiovas-
facilitates the routine diagnosis and management of
cardiovascular failure both intraoperatively and in
cular medicine. Echocardiography and Doppler ul-
trasonography developed as the main and most ICU patients.4
commonly used bedside imaging techniques. Trans- Circulatory failure of cardiac origin in adults often
thoracic echocardiography is an invaluable imaging is due to ventricular failure. More than 50% of all
technique with respect to the diagnosis of cardio- patients who are scheduled for surgery or are admit-
vascular disease. The impact of echocardiography ted to the ICU have experienced cardiac problems.
on the change in the therapy and management of Impaired cardiac function, which is often seen in
critically ill patients, is mostly evidenced as pump
*From the Department of ICU (Dr. Poelaert), University Hos- failure. Several etiologic factors of pump dysfunction
pital, Gent, Belgium; and Klinik für Anästhesie und Operative (eg, ischemia, septic cardiomyopathy, inflammatory
Intensivmedizin (Dr. Schüpfer), Kantonsspital, Luzern, Switzer- responses, right ventricular (RV) failure in conjunc-
This research was supported in part with a grant from the tion with pulmonary hypertension, or a combination
International Research Centre, Gent, Belgium. Jan Poelaert was of several factors) have been well-studied during the
supported by a grant from the Research Fund “Bijzonder last decades. Left ventricular (LV) function is a
Onderzoeksfonds” (No. B/03719) of Ghent University, Gent,
Belgium (2002–2003). determinative parameter in various diseases, al-
Manuscript received January 9, 2004; revision accepted August though the role of the RV in critically ill patients
24, 2004. should not be underestimated.5 Therefore, the clin-
Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permis-
sion from the American College of Chest Physicians (e-mail: ical evaluation of cardiac function must pertain to the assessment of the LV and the RV with respect to
Correspondence to: Jan Poelaert, MD, PhD, FCCP, Cardiac increased morbidity and mortality. Crucial in the
Anaesthesia and Postoperative Cardiac Surgical ICU, Depart-
ment of ICU, University Hospital, De Pintelaan 185, B9000 Gent, discussion is the early detection of LV systolic and
Belgium; e-mail: diastolic dysfunction by sensitive monitors, in partic- CHEST / 127 / 1 / JANUARY, 2005 379

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Table 1—Indications of Transthoracic Pressure and Flow
Echocardiography and TEE
Several pressures are used in daily clinical practice
Echocardiography TEE
to outline ventricular preload. In this section, the
relationship between various currently used pres-
General screening—overall Hemodynamic instability sures and intracardiac flows will be discussed. In
Hemodynamic evaluation Echocardiography when
order to obtain relevant measurements of flow,
ventilated patient (also Doppler echocardiography has to be used. When an
when prone ventilation) ultrasound beam strikes a moving object (eg, a
Exclusion of tamponade Tamponade (local) moving RBC), the frequency of the reflected sound
Pulmonary edema Cardiac surgery: intraoperative is altered. This phenomenon is known as the Dopp-
and postoperative
hemodynamic monitoring
ler shift (Christian Doppler, 1842). Doppler echo-
Noncardiac surgery: cardiography shows the velocity data, which are
intraoperative monitoring derived from the measured frequency shift, and
Acute RV overload (pulmonary Acute RV overload with illustrates them as a spectral display. Movements of
embolism, pulmonary hypoxemia RBCs, which are moving toward the transducer, are
Thoracic trauma (patient not Thoracic trauma (in a
displayed above the zero line, and negative signals
ventilated) ventilated patient) display the movements of the RBCs away from the
Contraindications for TEE Diagnosis/exclusion of thoracic transducer. The following general principles have to
aortic dissection; diagnosis/ be kept in mind when obtaining and interpreting
exclusion of endocarditis; Doppler signals and waveforms9:
exclusion of left atrial
appendage thrombi 1. The Doppler beam must be aligned with the
estimated direction of blood flow. The inter-
cept angle should be ⬍ 20°. Larger angles
induce an unacceptable error. To correct this
ular when rapid fluid shifts occur, as in patients with error, the cosine of the intercept angle must be
hypovolemic or distributive shock. taken into account in calculating the true
LV systolic performance is governed by the fol- Doppler velocity. At an angle of 60°, the trans-
lowing three major determinants: (1) the Frank- mitted velocity will be half that the true veloc-
ity, which is important data in clinical practice.
Starling mechanism, necessitating the measurement
2. Continuous-wave (CW) Doppler ultrasound
of pressures and volumes; (2) contractility, indepen-
must be used whenever high velocities are
dent of loading conditions; and (3) heart rate. An
present. Pulsed-wave (PW) Doppler ultrasound
assessment of ventricular contractility must include can induce an underestimation of flow veloci-
the independence of loading conditions. To describe ties. This is due of the physical characteristics
the hemodynamic status of a patient, most clinicians of both techniques. CW Doppler (with one
routinely employ an analysis of pressures rather than transmitter and one receiver crystal) records
a determination of volumes. Nevertheless, pressures all velocities in the beam axis without a limita-
only provide a rudimentary approximation of the tion in analyzing high flow velocities. Neverthe-
physiologically relevant determinants of ventricular less, CW Doppler lacks the spatial resolution
function, namely, contractility, preload, and after- needed to estimate the correct depth at which
load. Several reviews6 – 8 already have stressed the the measurement is obtained. PW Doppler
elegance of how TEE provides data in this respect. ultrasound is characterized by a crystal, which
Clinically, pressure and flow appear to be the most sends and receives consecutively, considerably
important features. From these parameters, numer- retarding the process of the measurement of
ous variables have been derived describing more Doppler velocities. This allows a precise deter-
precisely hemodynamics of the (left) heart and the mination of the location of the source of the
peripheral circulation. The interplay between pres- frequency shift but immediately limits also the
sure and flow is an important characteristic of car- range of velocity, which can be measured. The
diac function and the dynamics of the circulation that latter can be explained as follows:
is more precise than one parameter alone. The • The depth of the sampling gate. The further
relationship between flow estimated with echocardi- away the sampling place (interrogated tar-
ography and related pressure measurements and the get), the longer the waiting time because of
energy generated by the LV pumping blood into the the consecutiveness of action of both the
circulation is the subject of this review. transmitter crystals and receiver crystals.

380 Opinions/Hypotheses
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• The PW Doppler ultrasound signal is ob- and volume is difficult to determine, in particular when
tained at the rate of the pulse repetition myocardial ischemia or tamponade occur,21 although,
frequency, which is approaching the fre- in theory, pressure-volume loops will allow the deter-
quency shift of the Doppler effect. mination of LV compliance. The direct assessment of
• With respect to Doppler physics, the trans- ventricular volumes to estimate preload is superior to
ducer must sample twice as fast with a measurements of pressures because of the important
5-MHz probe as with a 2.5-MHz probe to interference by ventricular compliance. Numerous fac-
measure the same Doppler shift. Hence, at tors interfere with this relationship, such as altering
the same pulse repetition frequency the max- compliance during myocardial ischemia, inotropic stim-
imum recordable Doppler velocity with a ulation, and altered intrathoracic pressures.
2.5-MHz probe is twice the recordable ve- Utilizing two-dimensional echocardiography, the
locity with a 5-MHz probe. This phenome- position of the interatrial septum and the curvature
non implies that a 5-MHz probe will scan reflects the relationship between right and left atrial
more superficial layers of tissue than a 2.5- pressures (LAPs).22 Hence, relative pressure differ-
MHz probe. ences between the right and left atrium can be
detected. In addition, the filling status can be
3. The sample volume has to be placed in the roughly estimated. In particular, the movement of
middle of the vessel in order to diminish po- the interatrial septum during the cardiac cycle sug-
tential turbulence. gests pressure differences between the right and left
4. PW Doppler echocardiography is not useful atrium.22 In patients with hypovolemia, this move-
whenever a pressure gradient across a valve is ment is increased. The estimation of RV and LV
present or a subvalvular stenosis has to be preload by means of the position of the interatrial
assessed. In both circumstances, CW Doppler septum cannot be used in the following situations:
echocardiography must be utilized.
• The presence of tricuspid regurgitation with a
Echocardiography is not only an established tool
consequent shift of the septum toward the left
for the assessment of global ventricular function, but
appears a well-recognized technique in the evalua-
• Acute mitral regurgitation, in which an increased
tion of regional ventricular function in patients with
septal movement is present; and
potential cardiac disease. For many years, routine
• Mitral stenosis or chronic mitral regurgitation, as
echocardiography allowed only the visual analysis of
in severe LV failure, in which the septal amplitude
a regional dysfunction. The interpretation of myo-
is decreased. This is important information as it
cardial thickening and endocardial motion requires
provides insight into the duration of a diagnosed
an experienced observer, and the method is subjec-
cardiac disease.
tive and not useful in research. Color-coded tissue
Doppler imaging (TDI) was introduced a few years Doppler echocardiography provides a good esti-
ago, permitting the assessment of low-velocity Dopp- mate of left-sided filling pressures using the trans-
ler high-amplitude shifts and the real-time display of mitral flow pattern, the peak flow regurgitation flow
color-coded tissue velocities.10,11 This technique en- velocity, the pulmonary venous flow pattern, and
ables the noninvasive delineation of myocardial ve- myocardial Doppler imaging. The transmitral flow,
locities in a noninvasive manner in the human obtained in a four-chamber view, is directly related
heart11,12 at the level of a segment of the myocardial to the filling of the LV and is governed by the
wall13 or the mitral annulus. In addition, both dia- transmitral pressure gradient. The normal filling
stolic function14,15 and regional systolic function pattern is displayed as a biphasic tracing with an
parameters can be derived from the myocardial wall early and rapid-filling wave (E wave), followed by a
motion Doppler pattern. diastasis period with minimal or no flow (Fig 1).
Finally, a late-filling wave (A wave) follows, caused
by the atrial contraction. Both velocities of the
Left-Sided Filling Pressures
respective flow waves and corresponding time veloc-
Echocardiography permits the indirect estimation of ity integrals are as important characteristics of LV
LV filling pressures in various ways, utilizing both filling.9 Another easily calculated parameter is the
Doppler echocardiography16 –18 and two-dimensional ratio of the peak flow velocities (ie, the ratio of E
echocardiography.18 –20 In patients with normal cardiac wave to A wave [E/A]). A normal flow velocity ratio
function, LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) is di- is in the range of 0.75 to 1.40. The E/A ratio is
rectly related to LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV). strongly age-dependent. With increasing age, the
Clinically, in patients with decreased ventricular com- E-wave velocity diminishes in favor of the late-filling
pliance, however, the relationship between pressure A wave. It is important to remark that the various CHEST / 127 / 1 / JANUARY, 2005 381

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Figure 2. A normal pulmonary venous Doppler pattern. Pre-
Figure 1. A normal transmitral flow Doppler pattern. Following ceding a large systolic flow wave, a reverse contraction is seen.
the E wave, the atrial contraction wave is observed. The sometimes biphasic systolic flow wave is followed by the
diastolic flow wave.

Doppler velocities are the resulting effect of several whenever a low filling status is present. The change
physiologic characteristics, such as LV compliance in systolic flow velocity from the pulmonary vein is
and relaxation, left atrial (LA) compliance, mitral directly related to changes in cardiac output. The
valve area, and LA pressure (LAP). In addition, ratio of the systolic time-velocity integral and the
mechanical ventilation23 as well as external con- sum of both systolic and diastolic time-velocity inte-
straints (thrombi in the pericardial sac, stiffness of grals correlates most strongly (r ⫽ ⫺0.88)16 when-
the pericardium, or high positive end-expiratory ever pulmonary venous flow wave duration (the a
pressure ventilation with potential cardiac compres- wave) exceeds the transmitral flow wave. This is
sion by the lungs) affects LV filling. Owing to these usually thought to be a sign of adequate filling
various interfering factors, it is conceivable that there pressures.25 A systolic/diastolic flow velocity ratio of
is no correlation between the early filling velocity ⬍ 0.4 reflects the markedly increased ventricular
and the left-sided filling pressure (ie, LAP). As long filling pressures. This is mainly due to reduced LA
as LAP is low in patients with dilated cardiomyopa- compliance.26 This study also shows that LVEDP is
thy, the E-wave velocity, as well as the E/A ratio, will the main determinant of the systolic velocity of the
be low. With the progression of heart failure in these pulmonary vein Doppler pattern (regression analy-
patients, the E-wave velocity will increase, and the sis). A minor interfering factor is the systolic ventric-
E/A ratio will be ⬎ 1. The higher E-wave velocity ular function. To estimate the LVEDP, a pulmonary
will have a shorter deceleration time, reflecting venous Doppler pattern obtained at one of the inlet
decreased ventricular compliance, making an evolu- orifices of the pulmonary veins should help. A ratio
tion toward a restrictive pattern (E ⬎ A),24 a very of the systolic and diastolic flow wave velocities of
stiff LV with a rapid and important rise of ventricular ⬍ 0.4 is suggestive of an increased LVEDP.27 An-
pressures with small amounts of fluid. other important feature is the ratio of the duration of
When present, mitral regurgitation can also be the atrial reverse flow wave at the level of the
used to estimate LV filling. Doppler echocardiogra- pulmonary veins and the atrial contraction wave at
phy permits the estimation of the LAP using the the level of the mitral valve. The difference between
modified Bernoulli equation, as described in the the duration of the atrial reversal flow and the
following formula17: duration of the atrial inflow wave is independent of
age and thus may be used as a reliable index of
LAP ⫽ RRao ⫺ (4 V2tmf)
LVEDP, even in elderly patients. A reverse a wave
in which RRao is the systolic aortic pressure, and duration that exceeds the duration of the atrial inflow
V2tmf is the transmitral peak regurgitant flow ve- wave predicts an LVEDP of ⬎ 15 mm Hg. No
locity. This method is based on the assumption there correlation was found between this index and the
is no pressure gradient between the LV and the LAP, suggesting that this index is a measure of late
ascending aorta. diastolic LV compliance.28 A significant relationship
The pulmonary venous flow pattern (Fig 2) is a was seen between the systolic pulmonary vein Dopp-
third possibility for estimating left-sided filling pres- ler velocity-time integral (VTI, ie, the area under the
sures.25 The systolic flow wave is frequently biphasic curve of a Doppler signal) and the atrial wave VTI,

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suggesting a relation between atrial filling and emp- Estimation of Preload
tying. LVEDP is the main determinant of the systolic
velocity of the pulmonary vein Doppler pattern.18,26 TEE permits good qualitative and quantitative
In clinical practice, all three Doppler methods will parameters to estimate preloading conditions in pa-
be used consecutively. tients with either normal ventricular function or
The systolic forward flow wave in the pulmonary vein dysfunction. The short-axis view is in this respect of
Doppler pattern is preceded by a small reverse atrial the utmost importance. In an adequately sedated
contraction wave. The systolic forward flow wave some- ICU patient, the presence of a hyperdynamic ven-
times shows two peaks, which are related to the atrial tricle in the absence of inotropic drugs could be a
relaxation and the mitral annular descent, respective- sign of hypovolemia.33 In addition, the presence of
ly.25 The systolic flow wave is followed by a diastolic kissing walls, with a potential, nearly complete oblit-
flow wave. The pulmonary capillary wedge pressure eration of the outflow tract, is very suggestive of a
(PCWP) correlates best with the atrial reverse flow low filling status.33
wave velocity (r ⫽ 0.81).25 In a study29 of patients who LV volume assessment is done by tracing the
had experienced acute myocardial infarction, it was end-diastolic endocardial border in a mid-esophageal
shown that PCWP had a strong negative relationship long-axis view in a longitudinal plane.34 The software
with the deceleration time of the pulmonary venous used to calculate the volume in the echocardiograph
Doppler pattern in diastole (r ⫽ ⫺0.89), with a sensi- uses the methods of discs (the Simpson rule), which
tivity and specificity of this measure of ⬍ 160 ms in is an extremely well-validated technique, providing
predicting a PCWP of ⬎ 18 mm Hg of 97% and 96%, very accurate data both in adults and children.35
respectively.29 A quantitative estimation can be performed in dif-
In 1998, Nagueh et al30 demonstrated that left- ferent ways using two-dimensional echocardiogra-
sided filling pressures can also be estimated fairly phy. The LV end-diastolic area (LVEDA), measured
accurately by utilizing Doppler myocardial imaging per definition at the midpapillary level of the LV,
(ie, TDI). TDI assesses velocities of the moving correlates well with volumetric analogues.36 In par-
myocardium and, hence, detects the phase shift of ticular, the changes in LVEDA closely resemble
the ultrasound signals reflected by myocardial tis- the changes in LVEDV. Very suggestive for low
sues. Velocities are much lower (ie, ⬍ 10 to 15 cm/s) filling status of the LV is the LVEDA index, referring
than the blood flow velocities. The amplitude of the to a body surface area of ⬍ 5.5 cm2/m2.37 Other
reflected ultrasound wave is higher (40 decibels). authors described in patients with normal LV func-
These two major changes make important adjust- tion during graded hypovolemia a linear decline of
ments necessary in interpreting the results. LVEDA of 0.3 cm2 per percentage blood loss.38,39 A
Therefore, TDI works with a high-pass filter, good correlation (r ⫽ 0.87) was found between
allowing the low velocities to be measured. The changes in the LVEDA index and intrathoracic blood
Doppler settings are adjusted for a Nyquist limit of volume, which was measured with the dye dilution
20 cm/s with the lowest wall filter and a minimum technique in postoperative cardiac surgical patients,
gain setting. Furthermore, TDI has some beneficial although neither parameter (evidently) correlated
attributes, improving its power to be used in criti- with PCWP.40
cally ill patients as follows: TDI is based on fre- Several shortcomings and limitations of LVEDA
quency shift rather than signal amplitude; TDI uses have to be recognized. When regional wall motion
lower transmitting frequencies, permitting better abnormalities are present, the correct use of LVEDA
tissue penetration; and TDI has favorable temporal as a preload parameter is limited. Furthermore, the
resolution. apical region of the LV is more susceptible to
The early diastolic velocity measured with TDI (ie, regional wall motion abnormalities than the base of
arterial elastance [Ea]) behaves as a relative load- the heart.41 In this respect, the above-mentioned
independent index of LV relaxation. The ratio of the Doppler echocardiographic methods and the respi-
E wave to Ea showed the strongest relation to PCWP ration-induced variation in maximal Doppler veloci-
(r ⫽ 0.86), irrespective of the pattern and the ejec- ties must be appreciated.42 Echocardiographic data
tion fraction.31 Whereas the E wave of the transmi- from a single plane seldom provide information
tral flow pattern is load-sensitive, the Ea, obtained by about filling status.
TDI, behaves as a relatively load-independent index Besides using the short-axis view to obtain the
of ventricular relaxation. In 100 patients, a relation LVEDA, a midesophageal view allows the scanning
was described between the E wave/Ea ratio and the of the long axis of the LV. Volume determination of
PCWP (r ⫽ 0.86), irrespective of the pattern and the LV can be performed utilizing the Simpson rule.
ejection fraction,30 although this has not been con- The LV is divided into 20 ellipsoid disks of equal
firmed.32 heights but different diameters. The sum of the CHEST / 127 / 1 / JANUARY, 2005 383

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respective volumes of the slices allows the calcula- Ejection fraction is a classic example of a load-depen-
tion of the total ventricular volume. This technique dent description of global ventricular function.46 Nev-
has been validated against angiography. ertheless, in view of the discussion on flow and func-
Over the last years, the term fluid responsiveness tion, ejection fraction or, in echocardiographic terms,
has been proposed as an important estimate of the fractional area contraction will not be disputed
optimization of preload (Fig 3). Using methods that With TEE and Doppler echocardiography, it is
are analogous to systolic respiratory pressure varia- relatively easy to estimate swiftly the load-dependent
tion43 and stroke volume variation,44 which have characteristics as SV, cardiac output, and positive
been shown to correlate well with a positive fluid maximum first derivative of pressure, corrected for
responsiveness, Slama et al42 demonstrated the value time (⫹dP/dtmax). The assessment of SV includes
of flow measurements across the aortic valve in the both the measurement of the flow and the determi-
assessment of flow velocity variation with cyclic
nation of the area through which this flow moves
altering of intrathoracic pressures. The VTI at that
forward. The area through which this flow is propa-
level decreased progressively, in close relationship
gated is one aspect of the determination of the stroke
with a graded and controlled blood loss performed in
an animal experimental setting. Respiratory varia- volume. Either the diameter of a certain location or,
tions of VTI are a sensitive index of fluid responsive- preferably, the effective time-averaged surface area
ness, concurring completely with the findings of must be measured. Several localizations have been
systolic pressure variation, stroke volume (SV) vari- used, as follows: RV outflow tract (RVOT) and
ation, and pulse pressure variation. pulmonary artery47– 49; mitral valve; and LV outflow
tract50 –52 at the level of the aortic valve. It is clear
from earlier studies53 that the diameter of the pul-
Flow and Function monary artery is sometimes difficult to measure,
explaining the lower correlation coefficient. Never-
Multiple indexes have been proposed to describe theless, placing the sample volume in the position at
global ventricular function. Both load-dependent and the level of the midpulmonary artery is an easy and
load-independent parameters have been discerned.45 elegant method for assessing SV.53 Some training

Figure 3. Clinical approach of hemodynamic monitoring. Art.syst. ⫽ arterial systolic; CO ⫽ cardiac

output; PHT ⫽ pulmonary hypertension; LCO ⫽ low cardiac output; SVO2 ⫽ mixed venous oxygen
saturation. Pulm. ⫽ pulmonary.

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permits even the assessment of SV in the RVOT
from a deep transgastric view.54 The diameter of the
mitral valve is difficult to measure as the annulus is
not circular and changes throughout the cardiac
cycle, not permitting the use of the mitral valve for
measuring SV.55 The measurement of the flow across
the aortic valve is a third possibility.56 To permit the
measurement of the diameter of the aortic valve, a
longitudinal midesophageal image must be obtained
(Fig 4). It has been demonstrated that the direct
measurement of the effective time-averaged aortic
area allows for superb accuracy.50,51 This method can
be performed with the transducer at the midesopha-
geal position, rotating the multiplane probe toward
25° to 40° (Fig 5). In routine clinical practice,
however, the method including the measurement of
the diameter is more easily performed with a lower,
albeit acceptable, precision.52,57–59
The flow is obtained by the measurement of the
area under the curve of a Doppler wave. This gives
information on the VTI (in centimeters) [Fig 6]. VTI Figure 5. The aortic valve (AV) with the three cusps is visualized
at the level of the upper mediastinal level in an intermediate
provides the distance that an RBC is projected plane. This view allows the measurement of a time-averaged
forward during one cardiac cycle and is therefore effective aortic valve area. RA ⫽ right atrium.
directly related to the systolic function of the LV or
RV, depending on the place of the sample volume.
Hence, the SV can be calculated from the follow- when the method of the effective time-averaged
ing different formulas: aortic valve area (AVA) is chosen. This method
SV ⫽ VTI ⴱ AVA provides higher accuracy.
SV ⫽ VTI ⴱ 0.78 ⴱ D2
when the method of measurement of the diameter
(D) is preferred. In clinical practice, however, the
method of measurement of the diameter at the level
of the pulmonary artery or the aortic valve provides
an adequate estimation of the SV.
When aortic stenosis is present, the CW Doppler
signal shows a characteristic image with two densities
of flow.60 The VTI of the most intense part repre-
sents the SV, whereas the external contour shows the
peak velocity, which permits the calculation of the
aortic valve gradient utilizing the modified Bernoulli

Figure 4. A deep transgastric view in the transverse plane is

obtained by introduction of the probe deep in the stomach with
maximal anteflexion and lateral flexion to the left. This view
allows the functional evaluation of the aortic valve, as the
intercept angle between the Doppler beam and blood flow is very Figure 6. A continuous Doppler flow pattern is shown, permit-
low or nonexistent. MV ⫽ mitral valve; AA ⫽ ascending aorta. ting the assessment of the flow across the aortic valve. CHEST / 127 / 1 / JANUARY, 2005 385

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equation. This technique cannot be used when sig- namic monitoring. Although this tracing offers consid-
nificant aortic regurgitation is present. erable information about SV, contractility, and loading
The technique of flow calculation is also utilized conditions of the left heart, all information is mainly
when intracardiac shunts are present (eg, atrial septal based on eyeballing. Many investigators searched for
defect). The VTI calculated from in the RVOT other more revealing variables, which could be, how-
(including the measurement of the diameter of the ever, be more difficult to obtain. Many years ago, LV
pulmonary annulus) can be compared with VTI maximal elastance, the line connecting all end-systolic
obtained from flow analysis in the LV outflow tract, points in a pressure-volume diagram, was considered
in order to calculate the flow through the shunt.61 for use.65 Although significant improvements have
⫹dP/dtmax is another flow-derived, load depen- been proposed to upgrade this variable to a more
dent parameter to circumscribe global left ventric- clinically useful parameter,66 several drawbacks have to
ular function (Fig 6).62 The estimation of ⫹dP/ be recognized, diminishing considerably the usefulness
dtmax, as the mean rate of pressure rise, with of this technique in clinical practice.
Doppler echocardiography obliges a leakage of the Another, more clinical, parameter is derived from
mitral or aortic valve. At the mitral valve, ⫹dP/ hydraulic energy. Hydraulic power is based on the
dtmax is calculated using the modified Bernouilli fact that the heart is a pump that is used to circulate
equation.63 If the change pressure gradient is the blood into both the pulmonary and systemic
measured from the ascending limb of the mitral circulation. The cardiac muscle provides the energy
regurgitant flow wave between the velocity levels necessary for this circulation, dispersing more energy
of eg 1 m/s and 3 m/s (Fig 7), change in ventriculo- as the blood proceeds deeper into the smaller ves-
atrial pressure gradient is calculated as sels. The effort performed by the ventricle to pump
4(1)2 ⫹ 4(3)2 ⫽ 32. A change corresponding to the the blood against gravity and to overcome the inertia
left ventriculo-atrial pressure gradient of 4 and of the blood is nothing else than ventricular work.
36 mm Hg, is measured with Doppler echocardi- Cardiac hydraulic power output, the work per time
ography. With this method, it is assumed that any unit, is the product of cardiac flow output and its
gradient across the mitral valve is absent. A normal pressure delivered in the arterial system.67–70 It
value of ⫹dP/dtmax is between 800 to 1,200 mm increases proportionally to the exercise workload
Hg/s. Analogous measurements can be performed performed and represents the rate at which the
from the descending limb of the aortic regurgita- ventricle performs external work.71 Cardiac power
tion flow wave in a deep transgastric transverse (PWR) provides the best representation of the per-
view utilizing CW Doppler providing Doppler- formance obtained in a single cardiac cycle to coun-
derived dP/dtmax.64 Although easy applicable, the terbalance the demand imposed by the metabolizing
Doppler technique may underestimate the true tissues on the cardiac pump. In patients with cardiac
maximum dP/dt. failure, the measurement of PWR at rest and after
the administration of positive inotropic stimulation
provides insight into the cardiac energetic reserve.72
Pressure, Flow, and Function In the absence of mitral regurgitation, the ventric-
ular volume change during systole equals aortic
In clinical practice, the arterial pressure and mor- volumetric flow. Hence, PWR can be described as
phology of the tracing are the mainstays of hemody- follows:

PWR ⫽ Plv ⴱ Fao

where Plv is instantaneous LV pressure and Fao is
instantaneous aortic flow. The product reaches its
maximum after the attainment of the peak flow and
before peak aortic pressure is obtained.8 At this time,
the aortic and ventricular pressures are similar.
Hence, the determination of the different factors,
building up PWR, is in this way markedly facilitated.
As the various parameters of volumetric flow are
easily obtained, the previously mentioned formula
can be rewritten:
Figure 7. Measurement of the time difference between a
regurgitant transmitral velocity of 100 cm/s and 300 cm/s is PWRmax ⫽ PAO ⴱ VAOmax ⴱ AVA ⴱ 1.333 ⴱ 10⫺4
shown. This time difference allows the calculation of the ⫹dP/
dtmax. where PAO is instantaneous aortic pressure, VAO-

386 Opinions/Hypotheses
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Figure 8. Relationship between LVEDV and preload-adjusted maximal power (pamp) in a group of
postoperative coronary artery patients. The poorer contractile performance, the more the ventricle will
exploit its preload reserve by the Frank-Starling mechanism. Regression statistics with curve
extimation. eda ⫽ end-diastolic volume.

max is instantaneous maximum aortic blood flow maximal power diagram with respect to LVEDV.76
velocity, AVA is time-averaged aortic valve area, and This implies certain limitations of the power mea-
PWRmax is the maximum PWR (in watts). In clinical surement in, for instance, severely hypertensive or
conditions, instantaneous aortic pressure is arterial hypotensive patients. This method cannot be used in
BP at the time point at which the product of pressure patients with severe mitral regurgitation or aortic
and flow becomes is at the maximum. valve disease.
The clinical attractiveness of the parameter PWR
is high, taking into consideration various criteria,
such as the integrity of the heart in relation to the Consequences for Daily Practice
circulation, accounting for both the pressure-gener-
ating and flow-generating capacity of the cardiac Echocardiography permits a rational approach to
muscle in healthy and diseased hearts.70 In addition, the problem of hypotension. As stated earlier,7 the
PWR can be measured with a single-beat technique, basic and starting view of each type of investigation
without cumbersome manipulations of loading con- (ie, either transthoracic or transesophageal) must be
ditions,8 which is even useful in patients with atrial a short-axis view of the LV, as this image provides
fibrillation.73 A close relationship was shown to exist information on the following three fundamental is-
between preload-adjusted maximal power and ven- sues: (1) global contractility; (2) the presence of
tricular maximal elastance.73 regional wall motion abnormalities; and (3) the first
PWR shows great stability concerning the changes indication of volemia. If global contractility is nor-
of afterload but is also highly sensitive to preloading mal, any other cause of the hypotension than the
alterations. Therefore, several authors have proposed heart should be investigated (eg, sepsis, vasoplegia,
the correction of PWR with the square of the and technical problems). If hypotension is combined
LVEDV,71,74 the LV end-diastolic diameter, 75 or the with a decreased global LV function, a complete
LVEDA.8,71 A close relationship between LVEDV, echocardiogram should reveal the causes of this
as a marker of preload, and maximum PWR/LVEDA hemodynamic instability. In addition, some relatively
ratio,2 as a measure of myocardial contractility, is easy hemodynamic features can be measured and
shown in Figure 8. This graph demonstrates clearly estimated to obtain a global picture of the hemody-
the higher dependence of ventricles with poor per- namics. Contractility, preload, and afterload can be
formance on preload in maintaining their output readily estimated in a fairly reliable manner. In
possibilities. Figure 3, we have proposed a practical scheme that
The ability of PWR to characterize global LV can be used whenever the problem of hypotension
contractility is less accurate beyond physiologic pres- is present, and that can be worked out rapidly to
sures and volumes. This has mainly to do with the allow quick and adequate management. In another
reliance on the intercept of the preload-adjusted study,77 the importance of the quick and decisive CHEST / 127 / 1 / JANUARY, 2005 387

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390 Opinions/Hypotheses
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Hemodynamic Monitoring Utilizing Transesophageal
Echocardiography: The Relationships Among Pressure, Flow, and
Jan I. Poelaert and Guido Schüpfer
Chest 2005;127;379-390
DOI 10.1378/chest.127.1.379
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