LGBT Websites
LGBT Websites
LGBT Websites
General Websites
Websites are in the native language of the country of origin unless stated in brackets that they are in English
Middle East
Gay and Lesbian Arabic Society is an Homan: The Iranian Gay, Lesbian, The Beer-Sheva & South Gay & Lesbian
international organisation established Bisexual and Transgender Organisation Organization
to provide a network of organisations Inc.
for Gays and Lesbians of Arab descent or International website to support LGBT html
those living in Arab countries. Iranians across the world. Lots of useful Email (English) contacts to services, events and other
websites with movies and articles. The Society of Homosexuals, Lesbians
Iranian Queer Organisation and Bisexuals in Israel
We help Iranian gay, lesbian, bisexual and Email
transgendered refugees all over the world.
We help when Iranian lesbians or gay men Israel Kazakhstan
are threatened with deportation back to LGBT in Tel Aviv website, information on Kontrast is the national HIV/AIDS charity
Iran. We also help Iranian LGBTs (lesbian, activities, clubs and organisations. that also advocates for the rights of LGBT
gay, bisexual, transgender) obtain asylum (English) people in Kazakhstan.
in friendly countries. National gay website with information on (English) the LGBT scene in Kazakhstan.