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Mendix Certification

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1. Before you create your pages, it's Create wireframes 17. What can you write in A microflow expression
good to: the expression editor?
2. The "Card Action" is: a Building Block 18. What does having role- Each user role has their own
based homepages mean? homepage
3. A connection needs to be created One-to-One
to support the following feature: A Association 19. What do story points the effort it will take to finish a
team can have only one home represent? user story
stadium and a stadium can have
20. What happens when a The commit won't be executed
only one team. Which association
before commit event
is needed?
returns a false Boolean?
4. Creating a page that is only for a selecting a device-
21. What is a good name for The information the page will
mobile device is done by... specific layout
a page? show and what kind of page it is
5. Does every database table in a True
22. What is an entity? An Entity defines the properties
Mendix app automatically have a
of a Mendix object
ID column?
23. What is a Parameter? Data that serves as input for a
6. The expression $Course!=empty true, false
will result in the following exits of
an exclusive split: 24. What is delete behavior? It defines what happens to an
associated object when an
7. The green bullet in the beginning The starting point of a
object is deleted.
of a microflow shows: microflow
25. What is the default Off
8. How can you get the latest Mendix By downloading it for
security setting when
Studio Pro? free from the Mendix
you start developing
App Store
your app?
9. How is the database structure By the Domain Model
26. What is the purpose of Allow the user to find the pages
determined in a Mendix app? when the app is
adding a navigation menu that they are looking for
in your app?
10. In the Web Modeler you can TRUE
27. What is the relationship A User role is defined on Project
preview the app on all device
between user roles and level, and is a collection of
types without publishing.
module roles? Module roles
11. It is possible for a button to do True
28. What needs to be clearly (NOT) the feature that needs to
stated in the User Story? be created, (NOT) the design of
12. The lifecycle of an app starts with: the capture how the feature is going to work
13. Mendix is best suited for: Agile 29. When can you start a When the time box for the
new sprint? previous Sprint is over (for
14. The Project Explorer is: The part of the
example, 2 weeks)
Desktop Modeler
which allows you to 30. When is it necessary to When new dynamic data is
access resources of extend the Domain needed in the app
the app such as pages, Model?
microflows, and
15. To send feedback on a particular Submit it via the
Mendix App, you need to: Feedback widget
16. A user role does not have access Edit the visibility of the
to an attribute. That attribute attribute
displays on a page that they do
have access to. That results to a
security conflict. To solve it, you
need to:
31. When validation is triggered In a pop-up 44. Which of the following is (NOT) When you create apps
on a page where there's no true? from within the Desktop
input widget for the attribute Modeler, Team Server is
that doesn't pass the automatically enabled.
validation check, where can
45. Which of the following Data grid
you expect to find the
widgets should not be used
validation feedback message?
when developing an app
32. When working with Scrum, the Scrum Team specifically for mobile?
who is responsible to make
46. Which parts of the the whole lifecycle of the
sure the project is successful?
application lifecycle does app
33. Where can you add validation Domain Model, Microflows, mendix support?
in Mendix? Pages
47. Which tool can you use for the Mendix Developer Portal
34. Where can you write some In the expression editor doing your Online Project
code to create custom logic Management in Mendix?
in your app?
48. While committing your work, The Modeler automatically
35. Where's the best place to find Check the newest updates Mendix reports a number of checks your app for things
hints and tips as well as the at the Atlas UI site errors. What does this mean? which you may have missed
latest information on creating and the error messages
great UX in Mendix? remind you to check and fix
these before committing
36. Which is the methodology to Agile
which Mendix subscribes? 49. Why is it important to be To give a consistent look and
consistent with using feel across important pages
37. Which layout is it best to use Phone Specific
layouts? in the app.
when creating an app for
mobile? 50. You can use a microflow to an object
38. Which of the following are Maximum Length, Range,
validation types on the Unique 51. You have written a blog The Mendix Community Blog
Domain Model in Mendix? about a cool project you are
working on with Mendix.
39. Which of the following flows A sequence flow
Which is the best place to
needs to have one start event
share that?
and at least one end event?
52. You manage your overall Project Security
40. Which of the following is a The Web Modeler/Mendix
security settings on:
WYSIWYG editor? Studio
53. You use a 'List view swipe' (NOT) Configure the settings
41. Which of the following is it is considered good
widget to set a participants of the widget
considered good practice? practice to commit small,
attendance to Attended or
consistent pieces of work
Unattended. How can you
to the repository.
make that happen?
42. Which of the following is not Text
54. You want to avoid your user Where you can validate one
an attribute type in Mendix?
getting validation messages member (attribute or
43. Which of the following is Committing is only for the same entity in association) of an entity in a
true? possible when your different places at different Microflow, do all the
working copy is up to date times. What is the best way validations in the one
with the repository. If to approach this? Microflow.
someone else committed a
55. You want to create a button In the properties of the
change since the last time
that has conditional visibility. button
you updated, you have to
Where do you configure
update first.
56. You want to create a microflow that will enable you to schedule a new training event ACT_TrainingEvent_CreateNew
directly from your homepage. According to the naming convention, what would be a nice
name for that microflow?
57. You want to create an exclusive split to check if a course is selected. Which microflow $TrainingEvent/TrainingEvent_Course
expression shows that the course has been selected? != empty
58. You want to make a quick fix on the layout of your app homepage. Which is the best place The Web Modeler
to do that quickly?
59. You want trainees to have access to only specific features of the mobile-specific app. What Set the project security accordingly
do you need to do?

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