Adolescence- the transition period from childhood to adulthood, extending from puberty to
Puberty- the period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of
Primary sex characteristics- the body structures (ovaries, testes, and external genitalia) that
make sexual reproduction possible.
Secondary sex characteristics – nonproductive sexual characteristics, such as female breasts
and hips, male voice quality and body hair.
Menarche- first menstrual period
Moral reasoning- Lawrence Kohlberg the thinking that occurs as we consider right and wrong.
Preconventional morality- before age 9, most children have a preconventional morality of self
-interest: They obey either to avoid punishment or to gain concrete rewards.
Conventional morality- by early adolescence, morality usually evolves to a more conventional
level that cares for others and upholds laws and social rules simply because they are the laws
and rules.
Post conventional morality- some of those who develop the abstract reasoning of formal
operational thought may come to a third level. Post conventional morality affirms people’s
agreed-upon rights or follows what one personally perceives as basic ethical principles.
Identity – ones sense of self; according to Erikson, the adolescent’s task is to solidify a sense of
self by testing and integrating various rules.
Intimacy – in Erikson’s theory, the ability to form close, loving relationships; a primary
developmental task in late adolescence and early adulthood.