WGCSD Reopening Plan With Mandatory Elements 9-03-20 11am
WGCSD Reopening Plan With Mandatory Elements 9-03-20 11am
WGCSD Reopening Plan With Mandatory Elements 9-03-20 11am
Watkins Glen follows the guiding principles from NYS Education Department while developing the plan.
1. The health, safety, and well-being of the children and adults in our educational community are paramount.
2. We will always keep the issue of educational equity at the forefront of our thinking and decision making.
3. We recognize the diversity that exists among our students and families. It is important to develop creative solutions to their unique challenges.
4. We will enable and encourage our community of parents, teachers, administrators, and students to help us develop and deliver workable solutions to
unique needs. We will succeed through our collective effort.
5. We will proceed with the understanding that planning for schools to reopen is not a one-time event. We will continuously monitor the situation and
provide updated guidance to help families and staff as the situation requires.
Goal of the WG Reopening Committee:
The committee has provided guidance through research and collaboration on how to successfully open our schools. Members
will stay updated on the latest research and regulatory changes that may affect NY schools. The group also thoughtfully
developed multiple reopening plans for a fall start. The plans have been developed in the following categories as required by
the state.
Everyone Returns Hybrid (In Person and Remote) Remote
Health and Safety Page 2 Page 26 Page 51
Facilities Page 10 Page 34 Page 56
Child Nutrition Page 12 Page 36 Page 58
Transportation Page 14 Page 38 Page 61
Social Emotional Well-Being Page 17 Page 41 Page 64
School Schedules Page 18 Page 42 Page 65
Attendance and Chronic Page 18 Page 43 Page 65
Technology and Connectivity Page 19 Page 43 Page 66
Teaching and Learning Page 20 Page 45 Page 67
Staffing Page 25 Page 50 Page 72
Plan A - Everyone Returns
10 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol and Watkins Glen has received signage from the CDC and
appropriate signage to instruct staff and students the local health department. WGCSD will post these
in correct hand and respiratory hygiene. signs throughout the facility. A training will be given
to all staff/faculty and students to promote healthy
hand washing and mask wearing-and-removal
procedures. WGCSD will schedule hand washing
breaks for students.
11 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to ensure Classrooms have been measured and occupancies
all persons in school buildings keep social distance determined based on social distancing guidelines.
of at least 6 feet whenever possible. Masks will be required when students/staff are
unable to physically distance 6 feet. However, 12
feet physical distancing in all directions is required in
an activity that requires projecting the voice, singing,
playing a wind instrument, or aerobic activity (PE
Alternate entry points will be used to limit close
contact in high traffic situation and times. Doors will
be designated for certain grade levels/walkers/drop
offs. Arrival and departure locations for students will
be staggered, allowing time to screen for
temperature while maintaining social distance.
Desks will be facing one direction, including teacher
desks where applicable.
Outdoor areas will be used whenever possible.
Individual student belongings will be kept separated
and the use of shared supplies will be limited to one
group of students.
The size of groups/cohorts of students will be
determined by the number of students who can be
in each classroom while maintaining social distance.
Visual aids like posters or cones, to illustrate traffic
flow and appropriate spacing to support physical
distancing will be used.
Breakfast and lunch will be served in the classrooms
whenever possible, or cafeteria with social
All large gatherings such as assemblies, athletic
events, practices, performances, school wide parent
meetings will be cancelled or severely limited
Field trips and school events, as much as possible,
will be transitioned to virtual opportunities
Online meetings, whenever practical, will be held for
faculty meetings and parent meetings, particularly
where physically distancing cannot be practiced.
Playgrounds will be used when proper safeguards
are in place in the elementary school, and classes
will be staggered to allow for playground use by
cohort. Hands will be washed before and after
touching playground structures, and students will be
required to adhere to physical distance guideline.
Lockers will be assigned by cohort, or lockers will be
eliminated, and students required to carry their
materials (See Appendix F on Athletics Plan)
12 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol detailing WGCSD administration team will maintain written
how the district/school will provide protocols related to requested accommodations for
accommodations to all students and staff who are staff and students who are at high risk or live with a
at high risk or live with a person at high risk. person at high risk.
13 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol requiring A face covering will be required for all students,
all employees, adult visitors, and students to wear staff, faculty, and visitors when unable to physically
a cloth face covering whenever social distancing distance. Mask breaks will be given.
cannot be maintained.
14 Watkins Glen CSD will obtain and maintain Face coverings will be available for all employees, if
adequate supplies of cloth face coverings for they do not bring their own acceptable face
school staff, students who forget their masks, and covering. Students will be provided with face
PPE for use by school health professionals. coverings, if they forget their own. The district will
provide training on how to properly wear and
remove face coverings. Shields and gloves will be
required and provided for health professionals and
staff who are implementing temperature screening
15 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol for actions Our local health department will be notified and
to be taken if there is a confirmed case of COVID- consulted if a student or staff member reports a
19 in the school. positive test for COVID-19. Per CDC guidelines,
school affected areas will remain closed for at least
24 hours for sanitation and cleaning, and to help
with the investigation of contact tracing. All
potential individuals in contact with the affected
person will be notified. We will follow the isolation
and quarantine protocols. (Appendix A and B)
16 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol that WGCSD has a written protocol for return-to-school
complies with DOH and CDC guidance for the for staff and students. See Appendix A and B for
return to school of students and staff following a specific guidelines.
positive screen for COVID-19 symptoms, illness or
diagnosis of confirmed case of COVID-19 or
following quarantine due to contact with a
confirmed case of COVID-19. Return to school will
be coordinated with the local health department.
17 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to clean WGCSD will follow the Association of Educational
and disinfect schools following CDC guidance. Safety and Health Professionals (AESHP) written
protocol to clean and disinfect schools and
classrooms, on a regular basis following all DOH and
CDC guidance. See Appendix D
18 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to conduct WGCSD will follow the AESHP (pg56) for fire drills,
required school safety drills with modifications lockdown drills, etc. where physical distancing
ensuring social distancing between persons. cannot be followed. See Appendix D
19 Watkins Glen CSD has written plan for district-run The before and aftercare program including athletics
before and aftercare programs. will follow the same protocols set forth by the
school. The before school care will need to
temperature checks before students are allowed to
enter the building. We will also be using Standard
Operating Procedure as indicated in the AESHP
starting on page 64. See Appendix D & F
20 Watkins Glen CSD has designated a COVID-19 WGCSD has a designated COVID-19 safety
safety coordinator (administrator) whose coordinator (administrator).
responsibilities include continuous compliance
with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as
well as any phased-in reopening activities
necessary to allow for operational issues to be
resolved before activities return to normal or
“new normal” levels.
Category Item # WG Assurance WG Actions/Protocols
Facilities 1 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that changes or WGCSD is a spacious district and will not need
additions to facilities will comply with the new construction in order to maintain physical
requirements of the 2020 New York State Fire distancing.
Prevention and Building Code (BC) and the State
Energy Conservation Code and submit all
changes to the OFP.
2 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure compliance with The Annual Visual Inspection was completed in
the 2020 Building Condition Survey and Visual July 2020. The Building Condition Survey is not
Inspection, where applicable. due until a later date. We will continue to ensure
3 Watkins Glen CSD will conduct Lead-In-Water Lead testing was completed in January by the
Testing as required by NYS DOH regulation 67-4. DOH and passed. The concession stand and
bathrooms next to the stadium will be done in
the Fall.
4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure all existing and 35 hand sanitizing stations have been placed
new Alcohol-based Hand-Rub Dispensers which throughout the district.
are installed in any location is in accordance
with FCNYS 2020 Section 5705.5.
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that detailed floor N/A - No dividers will be placed in classrooms.
plans involving installation of dividers in
classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, auditoriums,
gymnasiums, doors, and other points of
congregation will be submitted to OFP for
10 | P a g e
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all new N/A - No new construction.
building construction and temporary quarter
project will be submitted to OFP for full code
7 Watkins Glen CSD will first consult with OFP for N/A - Not leasing any facilities
a preliminary evaluation prior to leasing new
8 Watkins Glen CSD will provide plans adhering to N/A - WGCSD does not anticipate the use of
BCNYS for the temporary or permanent use of tents. However, should plan change we will
Tents. assure compliance with BCNYS.
9 Watkins Glen CSDD will ensure that the existing WGCSD meets or exceeds minimum standards.
or altered number of toilet and sink fixtures
meets the minimum standards of the BCNYS.
10 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that each building WGCSD has 1,050 students and has 14 water
provides one drinking fountain per one hundred fountains; five bottle fillers; and 5 water coolers
occupants or we will provide a written plan for a available. We will not need an alternate source of
reasonable alternate source of drinking water. drinking water.
11 Watkins Glen CSD will provide written plans on WGCSD has a Building Management System that
how to maintain adequate, code required controls the precise air flow. All ventilation is
ventilation (natural or mechanical) as monitored 24/7 by the Day Automation
designated. Continuum Program. See Appendix “E” for
architects' recommendations on Ventilation,
Cooling, and Filters. Filtration has been stepped
up to MERV 8 and changing of all filters will be
moved up to 3 times per year.
12 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all project N/A - There are no current plans to submit new
submissions only dedicated to “COVID-19 projects for dedicated Covid-19 reopening.
Reopening” will be labeled as such.
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13 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that the use of N/A - WGCSD will not use plastic separators as
plastic separators will comply with the 2020 they do not comply with the fire safety code.
BCNYS Section 2606.
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distanced dining spaces for students with food
4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure protocols and All student schedules will be created to allow
procedures for how students will perform hand students to wash hands before all meals. The
hygiene before and after eating, how district/building administration will provide hand
appropriate hand hygiene will be promoted, and sanitizer or hand washing before meal times.
how sharing of food and beverages will be Sanitizing stations will be available before, during,
discouraged. and after meal times. The protocols are outlined
in the student handbook.
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure protocols and The district facilities department will ensure
procedures for cleaning and disinfection prior to procedures for cleaning and disinfection prior to
the next group of students arriving for meals, if the next group of students accessing common
served in the same common area. areas for meal service.
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure compliance with The district cafeteria team will develop systems to
Child Nutrition Program requirements. offer meals in compliance with Child Nutrition
Program requirements. Available and applicable
waivers will be utilized to deliver resources to
7 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure protocols for food The district cafeteria team will ensure food
service communication with families through service communication in languages spoken by
multiple means in the languages spoken by families by utilizing USDA documents with
families. available translations as well as coordinating with
the district resources for English as a Second
8 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students The district/building administration will provide
adhere to social distance (six feet separation) socially distanced dining areas or physical barriers
while consuming meals in school unless a while consuming meals. Examples include
physical barrier is provided. cafeterias, gyms, stage areas, and classrooms.
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Category Item WG Assurance WG Actions/Protocols
Transportation 1 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all buses All District vehicles will have high contact areas
(conforming and non-conforming to Federal cleaned between runs and will be disinfected
Motor Carrier Safety Standards, as well as type once per day per FMCSA standards.
A, C or D) which are used every day by districts
and contract carriers must be cleaned/
disinfected once a day.
2 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that high contact All district vehicles will have high contact areas
spots are wiped down after each a.m. and p.m. cleaned between each run daily with an approved
run depending upon the disinfection schedule. cleaning solvent.
3 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school buses Watkins Glen CSD will not equip any fleet vehicles
shall NOT be equipped with hand sanitizer due with hand sanitizer units.
to its combustible composition and potential
liability to the carrier or district.
4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school bus Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all drivers,
drivers, monitors and attendants will not carry monitors, and attendants will not carry personal
personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them on hand sanitizers with them on fleet vehicles. It will
the school buses. be part of our training.
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school bus All WGCSD transportation staff including drivers,
drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics monitors, attendants, clerks and mechanics will
will wear a face covering along with optional wear a face covering while on the school buses
face shield. and within the transportation facility when social
distance protocols cannot be followed.
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that WGCSD will provide training prior to the opening
transportation staff (drivers, monitors, of school and periodic refreshers to all staff
14 | P a g e
attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be including drivers, attendants, mechanics, and
trained and provided periodic refreshers on the office staff on the proper use of PPE and the signs
proper use of personal protective equipment and symptoms of COVID-19.
and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
7 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that WGCSD will provide training prior to the opening
transportation staff (drivers, monitors, of school and periodic refreshers to all staff
attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be including drivers, attendants, mechanics, and
trained and provided periodic refreshers on the office staff on the proper use social distancing.
proper use of social distancing.
8 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that WGCSD Transportation Dept will provide PPE,
transportation departments/carriers will be such as masks and gloves for all drivers, monitors
provided with Personal Protective Equipment and attendants in buses.
such as masks and gloves for drivers, monitors
and attendants in buses.
9 Watkins Glen CSD will provide hand sanitizer for WGCSD Transportation has installed hand
all staff in their transportation locations such as sanitizer units near the dispatcher's office and the
dispatch offices, employee lunch/break rooms employee break room.
and/or bus garages.
10 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that drivers, All WGCSD Transportation staff that will have
monitors and attendants who must have direct direct physical contact with children will wear
physical contact with a child will wear gloves. gloves to ensure safety
11 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school bus All WGCSD Transportation staff currently perform
drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics a self-health assessment for symptoms of COVID-
perform a self-health assessment for symptoms 19 before they arrive to work.
of COVID-19 before arriving to work.
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12 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students who WGCSD Transportation staff will ensure the
are physically able will wear masks on the bus. wearing of masks by students while on the bus
13 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students who WGCSD transportation will not deny
do not have a mask will NOT be denied transportation to any student who does not have
transportation. a mask and will provide a mask for those
14 Watkins Glen CSD will provide masks for Masks will be available on all fleet vehicles within
students entering the bus who do not have one. the Watkins Glen District
15 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students with Watkins Glen Transportation will ensure all
a disability which prevent them from wearing a students with disabilities which prevent them
mask will not be forced to do so or denied from wearing a mask be allowed on the school
transportation. bus. They will not be denied transportation or be
forced to wear a mask. Seating will be arranged
to allow for social distancing for those students
who are not able to wear a mask.
16 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students are All students that require transportation in the
trained and provided periodic reminders on the WGCSD will be provided with training during the
proper use of the personal protective first week of school and will receive periodic
equipment and the signs and symptoms of reminders on the proper use of PPE and the signs
COVID-19. and symptoms of COVID-19.
17 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students are All students that require transportation in the
trained and provided periodic reminders on the WGCSD will be provided with training during the
proper use of social distancing. first week of school and will receive periodic
reminders on the proper use of social distancing.
18 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that, if the school All nonpublic, parochial, private, charter school or
district is in session remotely or otherwise, pupil students whose IEP have placed them out of
transportation will be provided to nonpublic, district will be provided transportation if those
parochial, private, charter schools or students
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whose Individualized Education Plans have schools are still meeting and conducting in-person
placed them out of district whose schools are sessions when/if WGCSD is not.
meeting in conducting in-person sessions
when/if the district is not.
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4 Watkins Glen CSD will provide professional WGCSD will design professional development
development opportunities for faculty and staff opportunities for faculty and staff on a
on how to talk with and support students during weekly/monthly basis.
and after the ongoing COVID-19 public health
emergency, as well as provide supports for
developing coping and resilience skills for
students, faculty, and staff.
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We currently provide 1:1 devices to all students
in grades 3-12 and will expand this to 1:1 for K-2
as well. ATT Hot Spots will be provided to
students/teachers (if needed) who need internet
access. Devices will be handed out in late
August to all students.
3 Watkins Glen CSD will provide multiple ways for Watkins Glen CSD will provide multiple ways for
students to participate in learning and students to participate in learning and
demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in
remote or blended models, especially if all remote or blended models, especially if all
students do not yet have sufficient access to students do not yet have sufficient access to
devices and/or high-speed internet. devices and/or high-speed internet. Watkins Glen
CSD will use multiple platforms to deliver
instruction which we already have in place. Some
of these methods include the use of Schoology as
a Learning Management System, Office 365 tools
and Zoom/Team meetings via the internet. We
will continue to use a paper delivery system
where necessary.
21 | P a g e
delivered in-person, remotely, or through a
hybrid model due to a local or state school
closure, provides for clear opportunities for
instruction that are accessible to all students.
Such opportunities must be aligned with State
standards and include routine scheduled times
for students to interact and seek feedback and
support from their teachers.
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure a clear Email, telephone, office hours, zoom, after school
communication plan for how students and their help.
families/caregivers can contact the school and
teachers with questions about their instruction Instructional brochure with guidelines and
and/or technology. This information will be expectations.
accessible to all, available in multiple languages
based on district need, widely disseminated,
and include clear and multiple ways for students
and families to contact schools and teachers.
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that eligible WGCSD administration will follow health and
agencies with whom we contract for safety guidelines outlined in NYSED guidance and
prekindergarten programs will follow health and required by New York State Department of
safety guidelines outlined in NYSED guidance Health. WGCSD will communicate a Continuity of
and required by New York State Department of Learning Plan.
Health. Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that such
agencies have a Continuity of Learning plan that
addresses in-person, remote, and hybrid models
of instruction.
SP 1 Watkins Glen CSD, whether services are WGCSD special education department will design
provided in-person, remote, and/or through a a program to protect the health and safety of
22 | P a g e
hybrid model, will ensure the provision of FAPE students with disabilities and service providers
consistent with the need to protect the health while ensuring the provision of FAPE.
and safety of students with disabilities and
those providing special education and services.
SP 2 Watkins Glen CSD will document the programs WGCSD will design a brochure of services offered
and services offered and provided to students and provided to students with disabilities and
with disabilities as well as communications with share the information with parents.
SP 3 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure meaningful parent Teacher allies will be assigned to families to foster
engagement in the parent’s preferred language the student-teacher-family partnership.
or mode of communication regarding the WGCSD will continue to ensure collaboration
provision of services to his/her child to meet the between committees and service providers
requirements of the IDEA. representing the variety of settings where
students are served to ensure there is an
understanding of services. WGCSD will continue
to monitor and communicate student progress.
Teachers will use a variety of communication
SP 4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure collaboration WGCSD will continue to ensure collaboration
between the committees on preschool special between committees and service providers
education (CPSE) and committees on special representing the variety of settings where
education (CSE) and program providers students are served to ensure there is an
representing the variety of settings where understanding of services. WGCSD will continue
students are served to ensure there is an to monitor and communicate student progress.
understanding of the provision of services
consistent with the recommendations on
individualized education programs (IEPs), there
23 | P a g e
are plans for monitoring and communicating
student progress, and commitment to sharing
SP 5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure access to the WGCSD will offer students, staff, and parents
necessary accommodations, modifications, opportunities to train and collaborate as partners
supplementary aids and services, and in education prior to and throughout the school
technology (including assistive technology) to year.
meet the unique disability related needs of
BL 1 Watkins Glen CSD, whether using in-person or WGCSD will complete the ELL identification
hybrid instruction will complete the ELL process within 30 school days of the start of the
identification process within 30 school days of school year for all students who enrolled during
the start of the school year for all students who COVID-19 school closures in 2019-20, summer of
enrolled during COVID-19 school closures in 2020 and the first 20 days of 2020-21 school year.
2019-20, as well as all students who enroll
The district will contract with GST Boces to
during summer of 2020 and during the first 20
school days of the 2020-21 school year. After
this 20-day flexibility period, identification of
ELLs must resume for all students within
required 10 school days of initial enrollment as
required by Commissioner’s Regulations Part
BL 2 Watkins Glen CSD will provide required WGCSD will contract with GST BOCES to provide
instructional Units of Study to all ELLs based on required instructional Units of Study to all ELLs
their most recently measured English language based on their most recently measured English
proficiency level during in-person or hybrid proficiency level.
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BL 3 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure the maintenance Existing district communication tools will support
of regular communication with the teacher allies who counseling small groups of
parents/guardians of ELLs to ensure that they students and families.
are engaged in their children’s education during
the reopening process, and provide all
communications for parents/guardians of ELLs
in their preferred language and mode of
6 Watkins Glen CSD ensures that ill students and Ill students and staff will be sent to the Health office
staff be assessed by the school nurse (registered to be evaluated and will be sent to the isolation
professional nurse, RN) or medical director and room for additional review of COVID-19 symptoms
that if a school nurse or medical director is not as determined by the school nurse. If determined
available, ill students and staff will be sent home
sick, they will be sent home. Students and staff
for follow up with a healthcare provider. must remain home for 48 hours until fever and
symptom free or as DOH guidelines mandate (see
Appendix A)
7 Watkins Glen CSD has a written protocol requiring Ill students and staff will be sent to the Health office
students or staff with a temperature, signs of to be evaluated and will be isolated in the isolation
illness, and/or a positive response to the room. If determined ill, they will be sent home.
questionnaire to be sent directly to a dedicated Please see attached written protocol for additional
isolation area where students are supervised, guidance. (see Appendix A)
prior to being picked up or otherwise sent home.
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8 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to address Visitors will remain in the main office security
visitors, guests, contractors, and vendors to the vestibules if they are here to drop off materials for
school which includes health screening. students. Mandatory visitors will be screened,
temperature checked, signed in, and provided PPE
prior to entering the school buildings beyond the
security vestibule.
9 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that Parents/guardians will be provided with information
parents/guardians to observe for signs of illness in regarding signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Parents
their child that require staying home from school. will be required to periodically fill out a
questionnaire regarding health questions, as stated
above in number 5.
10 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol and Watkins Glen has received signage from the CDC and
appropriate signage to instruct staff and students the local health department. WGCSD will post these
in correct hand and respiratory hygiene. signs throughout the facility. A training will be given
to all staff/faculty and students to promote healthy
hand washing and mask wearing-and-removal
procedures. WGCSD will schedule hand washing
breaks for students.
11 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to ensure Classrooms have been measured and occupancies
all persons in school buildings keep social distance determined based on social distancing guidelines.
of at least 6 feet whenever possible. Masks will be required when students/staff are
unable to physically distance 6 feet. However, 12
feet physical distancing in all directions is required in
an activity that requires projecting the voice, singing,
playing a wind instrument, or aerobic activity (PE
Alternate entry points will be used to limit close
contact in high traffic situation and times. Doors will
30 | P a g e
be designated for certain grade levels/walkers/drop
offs. Arrival and departure locations for students will
be staggered, allowing time to screen for
temperature while maintaining social distance.
Desks will be facing one direction, including teacher
desks where applicable.
Outdoor areas will be used whenever possible.
Individual student belongings will be kept separated
and the use of shared supplies will be limited to one
group of students.
The size of groups/cohorts of students will be
determined by the number of students who can be
in each classroom while maintaining social distance.
Visual aids like posters or cones, to illustrate traffic
flow and appropriate spacing to support physical
distancing will be used.
Breakfast and lunch will be served in the classrooms
whenever possible, or cafeteria with social
All large gatherings such as assemblies, athletic
events, practices, performances, school wide parent
meetings will be cancelled or severely limited
Field trips and school events, as much as possible,
will be transitioned to virtual opportunities
Online meetings, whenever practical, will be held for
faculty meetings and parent meetings, particularly
where physically distancing cannot be practiced.
31 | P a g e
Playgrounds will be used when proper safeguards
are in place in the elementary school, and classes
will be staggered to allow for playground use by
cohort. Hands will be washed before and after
touching playground structures, and students will be
required to adhere to physical distance guideline.
Lockers will be assigned by cohort, or lockers will be
eliminated, and students required to carry their
materials. See Appendix F on Athletics
12 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol detailing WGCSD administration team will maintain written
how the district/school will provide protocols related to requested accommodations for
accommodations to all students and staff who are staff and students who are at high risk or live with a
at high risk or live with a person at high risk. person at high risk.
13 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol requiring A face covering will be required for all students,
all employees, adult visitors, and students to wear staff, faculty, and visitors when unable to physically
a cloth face covering whenever social distancing distance. Mask breaks will be given.
cannot be maintained.
14 Watkins Glen CSD will obtain and maintain Face coverings will be available for all employees, if
adequate supplies of cloth face coverings for they do not bring their own acceptable face
school staff, students who forget their masks, and covering. Students will be provided with face
PPE for use by school health professionals. coverings, if they forget their own. The district will
provide training on how to properly wear and
remove face coverings. Shields and gloves will be
required and provided for health professionals and
staff who are implementing temperature screening
32 | P a g e
15 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol for actions Our local health department will be notified and
to be taken if there is a confirmed case of COVID- consulted if a student or staff member reports a
19 in the school. positive test for COVID-19. Per CDC guidelines,
school affected areas will remain closed for at least
24 hours for sanitation and cleaning, and to help
with the investigation of contact tracing. All
potential individuals in contact with the affected
person will be notified. We will follow the isolation
and quarantine protocols. (Appendix A and B)
16 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol that WGCSD has a written protocol for return-to-school
complies with DOH and CDC guidance for the for staff and students. See Appendix A and B for
return to school of students and staff following a specific guidelines.
positive screen for COVID-19 symptoms, illness or
diagnosis of confirmed case of COVID-19 or
following quarantine due to contact with a
confirmed case of COVID-19. Return to school will
be coordinated with the local health department.
17 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to clean WGCSD will follow the Association of Educational
and disinfect schools following CDC guidance. Safety and Health Professionals (AESHP) written
protocol to clean and disinfect schools and
classrooms, on a regular basis following all DOH and
CDC guidance. Appendix D
18 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to conduct WGCSD will follow the AESHP (pg56) for fire drills,
required school safety drills with modifications lockdown drills, etc. where physical distancing
ensuring social distancing between persons. cannot be followed. Appendix D
19 Watkins Glen CSD has written plan for district-run The before and aftercare program including athletics
before and aftercare programs. will follow the same protocols set forth by the
school. The before school care will need to
33 | P a g e
temperature checks before students are allowed to
enter the building. We will also be using Standard
Operating Procedure as indicated in the AESHP
starting on page 64. Appendix D and F - Athletics
20 20. Watkins Glen CSD has designated a COVID- WGCSD has a designated COVID-19 safety
19 safety coordinator (administrator) whose coordinator (administrator).
responsibilities include continuous compliance
with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as
well as any phased-in reopening activities
necessary to allow for operational issues to be
resolved before activities return to normal or
“new normal” levels.
Category Item # WG Assurance WG Actions/Protocols
Facilities 1 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that changes or WGCSD is a spacious district and will not need
additions to facilities will comply with the new construction in order to maintain physical
requirements of the 2020 New York State Fire distancing.
Prevention and Building Code (BC) and the State
Energy Conservation Code and submit all
changes to the OFP.
2 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure compliance with The Annual Visual Inspection was completed in
the 2020 Building Condition Survey and Visual July 2020. The Building Condition Survey is not
Inspection, where applicable. due until a later date. We will continue to ensure
3 Watkins Glen CSD will conduct Lead-In-Water Lead testing was completed in January by the
Testing as required by NYS DOH regulation 67-4. DOH and passed. The concession stand and
bathrooms next to the stadium will be done in
the Fall.
34 | P a g e
4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure all existing and 35 hand sanitizing stations have been placed
new Alcohol-based Hand-Rub Dispensers which throughout the district.
are installed in any location is in accordance
with FCNYS 2020 Section 5705.5.
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that detailed floor N/A - No dividers will be placed in classrooms.
plans involving installation of dividers in
classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, auditoriums,
gymnasiums, doors, and other points of
congregation will be submitted to OFP for
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all new N/A - No new construction.
building construction and temporary quarter
project will be submitted to OFP for full code
7 Watkins Glen CSD will first consult with OFP for N/A - Not leasing any facilities
a preliminary evaluation prior to leasing new
8 Watkins Glen CSD will provide plans adhering to N/A - WGCSD does not anticipate the use of
BCNYS for the temporary or permanent use of tents. However, should plan change we will
Tents. assure compliance with BCNYS.
9 Watkins Glen CSDD will ensure that the existing WGCSD meets or exceeds minimum standards.
or altered number of toilet and sink fixtures
meets the minimum standards of the BCNYS.
10 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that each building WGCSD has 1,050 students and have 14 water
provides one drinking fountain per one hundred fountains; five bottle fillers; and 5 water coolers
occupants or we will provide a written plan for available. We will not need an alternate source
a reasonable alternate source of drinking water. of drinking water.
35 | P a g e
11 Watkins Glen CSD will provide written plans on WGCSD has a Building Management System that
how to maintain adequate, code required controls the precise air flow. All ventilation is
ventilation (natural or mechanical) as monitored 24/7 by the Day Automation
designated. Continuum Program. See Appendix “E” for
architects’ recommendations on Ventilation,
Cooling, and Filters. Filtration has been stepped
up to MERV 8 and changing of all filters will be
moved up to 3 times per year.
12 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all project N/A - There are no current plans to submit new
submissions only dedicated to “COVID-19 projects for dedicated Covid-19 reopening.
Reopening” will be labeled as such.
13 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that the use of N/A - WGCSD will not use plastic separators as
plastic separators will comply with the 2020 they do not comply with the fire safety code.
BCNYS Section 2606.
38 | P a g e
to its combustible composition and potential
liability to the carrier or district.
4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school bus Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all drivers,
drivers, monitors and attendants will not carry monitors, and attendants will not carry personal
personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them on hand sanitizers with them on fleet vehicles. It will
the school buses. be part of our training.
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school bus All WGCSD transportation staff including drivers,
drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics monitors, attendants, clerks and mechanics will
will wear a face covering along with optional wear a face covering while on the school buses
face shield. and within the transportation facility when social
distance protocols cannot be followed.
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that WGCSD will provide training prior to the opening
transportation staff (drivers, monitors, of school and periodic refreshers to all staff
attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be including drivers, attendants, mechanics, and
trained and provided periodic refreshers on the office staff on the proper use of PPE and the signs
proper use of personal protective equipment and symptoms of COVID-19.
and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
7 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that WGCSD will provide training prior to the opening
transportation staff (drivers, monitors, of school and periodic refreshers to all staff
attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be including drivers, attendants, mechanics, and
trained and provided periodic refreshers on the office staff on the proper use social distancing.
proper use of social distancing.
8 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that WGCSD Transportation Dept will provide PPE,
transportation departments/carriers will be such as masks and gloves for all drivers, monitors
provided with Personal Protective Equipment and attendants in buses.
such as masks and gloves for drivers, monitors
and attendants in buses.
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9 Watkins Glen CSD will provide hand sanitizer for WGCSD Transportation has installed hand
all staff in their transportation locations such as sanitizer units near the dispatcher's office and the
dispatch offices, employee lunch/break rooms employee break room.
and/or bus garages.
10 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that drivers, All WGCSD Transportation staff that will have
monitors and attendants who must have direct direct physical contact with children will wear
physical contact with a child will wear gloves. gloves to ensure safety
11 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school bus All WGCSD Transportation staff currently perform
drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics a self-health assessment for symptoms of COVID-
perform a self-health assessment for symptoms 19 before they arrive to work.
of COVID-19 before arriving to work.
12 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students who WGCSD Transportation staff will ensure the
are physically able will wear masks on the bus. wearing of masks by students while on the bus
13 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students who WGCSD transportation will not deny
do not have a mask will NOT be denied transportation to any student who does not have
transportation. a mask and will provide a mask for those
14 Watkins Glen CSD will provide masks for Masks will be available on all fleet vehicles within
students entering the bus who do not have one. the Watkins Glen District
15 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students with Watkins Glen Transportation will ensure all
a disability which prevent them from wearing a students with disabilities which prevent them
mask will not be forced to do so or denied from wearing a mask be allowed on the school
transportation. bus. They will not be denied transportation or be
forced to wear a mask. Seating will be arranged
to allow for social distancing for those students
who are not able to wear a mask.
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16 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students are All students that require transportation in the
trained and provided periodic reminders on the WGCSD will be provided with training during the
proper use of the personal protective first week of school and will receive periodic
equipment and the signs and symptoms of reminders on the proper use of PPE and the signs
COVID-19. and symptoms of COVID-19.
17 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students are All students that require transportation in the
trained and provided periodic reminders on the WGCSD will be provided with training during the
proper use of social distancing. first week of school and will receive periodic
reminders on the proper use of social distancing.
18 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that, if the school All nonpublic, parochial, private, charter school or
district is in session remotely or otherwise, pupil students whose IEP have placed them out of
transportation will be provided to nonpublic, district will be provided transportation if those
parochial, private, charter schools or students schools are still meeting and conducting in-person
whose Individualized Education Plans have sessions when/if WGCSD is not.
placed them out of district whose schools are
meeting in conducting in-person sessions
when/if the district is not.
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2 Watkins Glen CSD has an advisory council, WGCSD has created an advisory council and will
shared decision-making, school climate team, or select members for the 2020-21 school year.
other collaborative working group comprised of Their role will be to inform the comprehensive
families, students, members of the board of developmental school counseling program plan.
education, community-based service providers,
teachers, certified school counselors, and other
pupil personnel service providers including
school social workers and/or school
psychologists to inform the comprehensive
developmental school counseling program plan.
3 Watkins Glen CSD will provide resources and WGCSD works closely with Schuyler County
referrals to address mental health, behavioral, Mental Health and other local agencies to provide
and emotional support services and programs. resources and referrals.
4 Watkins Glen CSD will provide professional WGCSD will design professional development
development opportunities for faculty and staff opportunities for faculty and staff on a
on how to talk with and support students during weekly/monthly basis.
and after the ongoing COVID-19 public health
emergency, as well as provide supports for
developing coping and resilience skills for
students, faculty, and staff.
43 | P a g e
limited or no access and will continue to provide
Hotspots where applicable.
A parent survey was completed in April 2020
identifying household for needs of internet and
devices. We plan to send out a new survey the
week of August 17th and we gather more
information during the scheduled parent
meetings held the same week.
2 Watkins Glen CSD, to the extent practicable, will Watkins Glen CSD, to the extent practicable, will
provide devices and internet access to students provide devices and internet access to students
and teachers who currently do not have and teachers who currently do not have sufficient
sufficient access. access.
45 | P a g e
• Fewer students in classrooms to
accommodate for social distancing.
• Students staying as much as possible in one
• Limit sharing of equipment.
• Use bigger spaces if class size dictates
(cafeteria, auditorium, library, gym, etc.).
• Utilize outdoor spaces for classrooms
• Uniform content management software for
instructional delivery.
• Offer students, staff, and parents
computer/tech opportunities prior to
school opening and perhaps during the
school year.
2 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that instruction is Prioritized, standard-based curriculum
aligned to the New York State Learning
Standards regardless if instruction is delivered
in-person, remotely or in a hybrid model.
3 Watkins Glen CSD will provide a program that • Hybrid model: every other day schedule,
includes regular substantive interaction with Wednesday online.
between teachers and students whether • Attendance taking every day and each
delivered in-person, remotely or through a period.
hybrid model of instruction. • Students follow a schedule whether they
are on-site or remotely. See Appendix G for
simplified remote plan
46 | P a g e
4 Equity must be at the heart of all school Devices for all students and hotspots when
instructional decisions. Watkins Glen CSD will necessary.
ensure that all instruction developed, whether
delivered in-person, remotely, or through a Students with disabilities, ELL and special
hybrid model due to a local or state school considerations students will have access to on-
closure, provides for clear opportunities for site supports in a hybrid model including the
instruction that are accessible to all students. option to attend in person daily.
Such opportunities must be aligned with State
standards and include routine scheduled times
for students to interact and seek feedback and
support from their teachers.
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure a clear Email, telephone, office hours, zoom, after school
communication plan for how students and their help.
families/caregivers can contact the school and
teachers with questions about their instruction Instructional brochure with guidelines and
and/or technology. This information will be expectations.
accessible to all, available in multiple languages
based on district need, widely disseminated,
and include clear and multiple ways for students
and families to contact schools and teachers.
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that eligible WGCSD administration will follow health and
agencies with whom we contract for safety guidelines outlined in NYSED guidance and
prekindergarten programs will follow health and required by New York State Department of
safety guidelines outlined in NYSED guidance Health. WGCSD will communicate a Continuity of
and required by New York State Department of Learning Plan.
Health. Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that such
agencies have a Continuity of Learning plan that
47 | P a g e
addresses in-person, remote, and hybrid models
of instruction.
SP 1 Watkins Glen CSD, whether services are WGCSD special education department will design
provided in-person, remote, and/or through a a program to protect the health and safety of
hybrid model, will ensure the provision of FAPE students with disabilities and service providers
consistent with the need to protect the health while ensuring the provision of FAPE.
and safety of students with disabilities and
those providing special education and services.
SP 2 Watkins Glen CSD will document the programs WGCSD will design a brochure of services offered
and services offered and provided to students and provided to students with disabilities and
with disabilities as well as communications with share the information with parents.
SP 3 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure meaningful parent Preferred Mode of communication means we
engagement in the parent’s preferred language need to keep paper mailings as an option.
or mode of communication regarding the
provision of services to his/her child to meet the Teacher allies will be assigned to families to foster
requirements of the IDEA. the student-teacher-family partnership.
SP 4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure collaboration WGCSD will continue to ensure collaboration
between the committees on preschool special between committees and service providers
education (CPSE) and committees on special representing the variety of settings where
education (CSE) and program providers students are served to ensure there is an
representing the variety of settings where understanding of services. WGCSD will continue
students are served to ensure there is an to monitor and communicate student progress.
understanding of the provision of services
48 | P a g e
consistent with the recommendations on
individualized education programs (IEPs), there
are plans for monitoring and communicating
student progress, and commitment to sharing
SP 5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure access to the • Offer parents computer/tech classes prior
necessary accommodations, modifications, to school opening.
supplementary aids and services, and • Teacher allies will be assigned to families to
technology (including assistive technology) to foster the student-teacher-family
meet the unique disability related needs of partnership.
BL 1 Watkins Glen CSD, whether using in-person or WGCSD will complete the ELL identification
hybrid instruction will complete the ELL process within 30 school days of the start of the
identification process within 30 school days of school year for all students who enrolled during
the start of the school year for all students who COVID-19 school closures in 2019-20, summer of
enrolled during COVID-19 school closures in 2020 and the first 20 days of 2020-21 school year.
2019-20, as well as all students who enroll The district will contract with GST BOCES to
during summer of 2020 and during the first 20 complete.
school days of the 2020-21 school year. After
this 20 day flexibility period, identification of
ELLs must resume for all students within
required 10 school days of initial enrollment as
required by Commissioner’s Regulations Part
BL 2 Watkins Glen CSD will provide required WGCSD will contract with GST BOCES to provide
instructional Units of Study to all ELLs based on required instructional Units of Study to all ELLs
their most recently measured English language based on their most recently measured English
proficiency level.
49 | P a g e
proficiency level during in-person or hybrid
BL 3 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure the maintenance Existing district communication tools will support
of regular communication with the teacher allies who counseling small groups of
parents/guardians of ELLs to ensure that they students and families.
are engaged in their children’s education during
the reopening process, and provide all
communications for parents/guardians of ELLs
in their preferred language and mode of
50 | P a g e
Plan C – All virtual if stay at home orders go into effect.
Category Item WG Assurance WG Actions/Protocols
# **Some of these are not applicable if this is a
virtual learning plan.
Health and 1 Watkins Glen CSD will review and consider the N/A
Safety number of students and staff allowed to return in
person. These factors will be considered when
determining resumption of in person instruction: (1)
Ability to maintain appropriate social distance or
face coverings; (2) PPE and face covering
availability; (3) Availability of safe transportation;
and (4) Local hospital capacity – in consultation
with our local department of health.
2 Watkins Glen CSD will engage with school WGCSD has a reopening committee, consisting of
stakeholders and community members (e.g., faculty, staff, and administrators. They are in
administrators, faculty, staff, students, continual contact with local health care providers,
parents/legal guardians of students, local health and the local health department. There are also
departments, local health care providers, and three advisory groups: parents, students, and
affiliated organizations, such as unions, alumni, community. . The school District will hold 3
and/or com- munity-based groups) in developing additional parent meeting at the HS auditorium.
our reopening plan and will identify those that Tuesday, August 18th at 6 PM for PK-6 parents,
participated in the reopening plans. Wednesday, August 19th at 6 PM for 7-12 parents,
and Thursday August 20th at 6 PM for any parent.
Additionally, a teacher meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, August 19th at 1 PM. All meetings will
take place live at the High School Auditorium with all
attendees maintaining proper DOH social distancing
51 | P a g e
and face covering guidelines. Meetings will be lived
streamed for participants from home.
3 Watkins Glen CSD ensures a communications plan WGCSD will send out a reopening plan to families by
for students, parents/guardians, staff, and visitors August 15th. Staff and faculty will be trained on
that includes applicable instructions, training, cleaning materials and how to appropriately sanitize
signage, and a consistent means to provide and disinfect via video. Signage will be posted from
individuals with information. Public Health/CDC around the facilities.
Parents/Staff/Faculty/Students will be provided
consistent information through the use of email and
WGCSD website, and the WG social media pages.
4 Watkins Glen CSD has a written protocol The written protocol is included in the faculty/staff
developed in collaboration with the district or handbook. Responsible parties will be provided
school’s director of school health services to resources to educate themselves regarding the
instruct staff to observe for signs of illness in careful observation of symptoms of COVID-19 and
students and staff and requires symptomatic health screening. If symptoms are observed for
persons to be sent to the school nurse or other anyone in the building, they will be sent to the
designated personnel. isolation room.
5 Watkins Glen CSD has a written protocol for daily Faculty and staff will be required to complete a
temperature screenings of all students and staff, Health Screening Questionnaire before arriving on
along with a daily screening questionnaire for campus that addresses exposure, symptoms, and
faculty and staff and periodic use of the travel behavior.
questionnaire for students. Students will have their temperature checked when
they arrive on campus. If a student's temperature is
above the recommended 100.0 degrees F per CDC,
the student will not be permitted to enter the
building and will be required to go home. A
52 | P a g e
questionnaire will be periodically completed by
students: “Have you knowingly been in close contact
in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested
positive or has had symptoms of COVID-19, have you
traveled to any of the restricted states, have you
taken any temperature reducing medications, have
you experienced any symptoms of COVID-19
including a fever in the past 14 days?”
6 Watkins Glen CSD ensures that ill students and Ill students and staff will be sent to the Health office
staff be assessed by the school nurse (registered to be evaluated and will be sent to the isolation
professional nurse, RN) or medical director and room for additional Covid symptoms as determined
that if a school nurse or medical director is not by the school nurse. If determined sick, they will be
available, ill students and staff will be sent home sent home. Students and staff must remain home
for follow up with a healthcare provider. for 48 hours until fever and symptom free or as DOH
guidelines mandate.
7 Watkins Glen CSD has a written protocol requiring Ill students and staff will be sent to the Health office
students or staff with a temperature, signs of to be evaluated and will be isolated in the isolation
illness, and/or a positive response to the room. If determined ill, they will be sent home.
questionnaire to be sent directly to a dedicated Please see attached written protocol for additional
isolation area where students are supervised, guidance. (Appendix A)
prior to being picked up or otherwise sent home.
8 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to address Visitors will remain in the main office vestibule if
visitors, guests, contractors, and vendors to the they are here to drop off materials for students.
school which includes health screening. Mandatory visitors will be screened, temperature
checked, signed in, and provided PPE.
53 | P a g e
9 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that Parents/guardians will be provided with information
parents/guardians to observe for signs of illness in regarding signs and symptoms of COVID-19, parents
their child that require staying home from school. will be required to periodically fill out a
questionnaire regarding health questions, as stated
above in number 5.
10 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol and Watkins Glen has received signage from the CDC and
appropriate signage to instruct staff and students the local health department. WGCSD will post these
in correct hand and respiratory hygiene. signs throughout the facility. A training will be given
to all staff/faculty and students to promote healthy
hand washing and masks wearing and removal
procedures. WGCSD will plan for hand washing
11 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to ensure Classrooms will be measured and occupancy will be
all persons in school buildings keep social distance decided based on physical distancing guidelines.
of at least 6 feet whenever possible. Masks will be required when students/staff are
unable to physically distant. See Athletics Apendix F
12 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol detailing WGCSD administration team will maintain written
how the district/school will provide protocols related to requested accommodations for
accommodations to all students and staff who are staff and students who are at high risk or live with a
at high risk or live with a person at high risk. person at high risk.
13 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol requiring A face covering will be required for all students,
all employees, adult visitors, and students to wear staff, faculty, and visitors when unable to physically
a cloth face covering whenever social distancing distance. Mask breaks will be given.
cannot be maintained.
14 Watkins Glen CSD will obtain and maintain Face coverings will be available for all employees, if
adequate supplies of cloth face coverings for they do not bring their own acceptable face
school staff, students who forget their masks, and covering. Students will be provided with face
PPE for use by school health professionals. coverings, if they forget their own. The district will
54 | P a g e
provide training on how to properly wear and
remove face coverings.
15 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol for actions Our local health department will be notified and
to be taken if there is a confirmed case of COVID- consulted. Per CDC guidelines, school affected areas
19 in the school. will remain closed for at least 24 hours for sanitation
and cleaning, and to help with the investigation of
contact tracing. All potential individuals in contact
with the affected person will be notified. We will
follow the isolation and quarantine protocols.
(Appendix A)
16 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol that Close Contact with an Infected Person
complies with DOH and CDC guidance for the Employees may have been exposed if they are
return to school of students and staff following a within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a person
positive screen for COVID-19 symptoms, illness or with COVID-19 for a prolonged period of time (15
diagnosis of confirmed case of COVID-19 or minutes). See Appendix A for specific guidelines.
following quarantine due to contact with a
confirmed case of COVID-19. Return to school will
be coordinated with the local health department.
17 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to clean WGCSD will follow the Association of Educational
and disinfect schools following CDC guidance. Safety and Health Professionals written protocol to
clean and disinfect schools and classrooms, on a
regular basis following all DOH and CDC guidance.
Appendix D
18 Watkins Glen CSD has written protocol to conduct WGCSD will follow the AESHP (pg56) for fire drills,
required school safety drills with modifications lockdown drills, etc. where physical distancing
ensuring social distancing between persons. cannot be followed. Appendix D
55 | P a g e
19 Watkins Glen CSD has written plan for district-run WGCSD will follow the AESHP (pg56) for fire drills,
before and aftercare programs. lockdown drills, etc. where physical distancing
cannot be followed. Appendix D & F on Athletics
20 20. Watkins Glen CSD has designated a COVID- WGCSD has a designated COVID-19 safety
19 safety coordinator (administrator) whose coordinator (administrator).
responsibilities include continuous compliance
with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as
well as any phased-in reopening activities
necessary to allow for operational issues to be
resolved before activities return to normal or
“new normal” levels.
2 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure compliance with The AVI was just completed. The BCS is not due
the 2020 Building Condition Survey and Visual until a later date. We will continue to ensure
Inspection, where applicable. compliance
3 Watkins Glen CSD will conduct Lead-In-Water Lead testing was completed in January by the
Testing as required by NYS DOH regulation 67-4. DOH and passed. The concession stand and
bathrooms next to the stadium will be done in
the Fall.
56 | P a g e
4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure all existing and 35 hand sanitizing station have been placed
new Alcohol-based Hand-Rub Dispensers which throughout the district.
are installed in any location is in accordance
with FCNYS 2020 Section 5705.5.
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that detailed floor No dividers will be placed in classrooms.
plans involving installation of dividers in
classrooms, libraries, cafeterias, auditoriums,
gymnasiums, doors, and other points of
congregation will be submitted to OFP for
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all new No new construction.
building construction and temporary quarter
project will be submitted to OFP for full code
7 Watkins Glen CSD will first consult with OFP for Not leasing any facilities
a preliminary evaluation prior to leasing new
8 Watkins Glen CSD will provide plans adhering to N/A - WGCSD does not anticipate the use of
BCNYS for the temporary or permanent use of tents. However, should plan change we will
Tents. assure compliance with BCNYS.
9 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that the existing or WGCSD meets or exceeds minimum standards.
altered number of toilet and sink fixtures meets
the minimum standards of the BCNYS.
10 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that each building WGCSD has five bottle fillers and water coolers
provides one drinking fountain per one hundred available, we will not need an alternate source of
drinking water.
57 | P a g e
occupants or we will provide a written plan for a
reasonable alternate source of drinking water.
11 Watkins Glen CSD will provide written plans on WGCSD has a BMS that controls the precise air
how to maintain adequate, code required flow. All ventilation is monitored 24/7 by the Day
ventilation (natural or mechanical) as Automation Continuum Program. See Appendix
designated. “E” for architects’ recommendations on
Ventilation, Cooling, and Filters. Filtration has
been stepped up to MERV 8 and changing of all
filters will be moved up to 3 times per year.
12 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all project There are no current plans to submit new projects
submissions only dedicated to “COVID-19 for dedicated Covid-19 reopening.
Reopening” will be labeled as such.
13 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that the use of WGCSD will not use plastic separators as they do
plastic separators will comply with the 2020 not comply with the fire safety code.
BCNYS Section 2606.
3 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure measures to The district cafeteria team will collaborate with
protect students with food allergies if providing the district/building administration to
meals in spaces outside the cafeteria. communicate applicable food allergies from a
licensed health care provider. The
district/building will accommodate socially
distanced dining spaces for students with food
4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure protocols and Not applicable in a virtual environment.
procedures for how students will perform hand
hygiene before and after eating, how
59 | P a g e
appropriate hand hygiene will be promoted, and
how sharing of food and beverages will be
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure protocols and Not applicable in a virtual environment.
procedures for cleaning and disinfection prior to
the next group of students arriving for meals, if
served in the same common area.
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure compliance with The district cafeteria team will develop systems to
Child Nutrition Program requirements. offer meals in compliance with Child Nutrition
Program requirements. Available and applicable
waivers will be utilized to deliver resources to
7 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure protocols for food The district cafeteria team will ensure food
service communication with families through service communication in languages spoken by
multiple means in the languages spoken by families by utilizing USDA documents with
families. available translations as well as coordinating with
the district resources for English as a Second
8 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students Not applicable in a virtual environment.
adhere to social distance (six feet separation)
while consuming meals in school unless a
physical barrier is provided.
60 | P a g e
Category Item WG Assurance WG Actions/Protocols
Transportation 1 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that all buses All District vehicles used will have high contact
(conforming and non-conforming to Federal areas cleaned between runs and will be
Motor Carrier Safety Standards, as well as type disinfected once per day per FMCSA standards.
A, C or D) which are used every day by districts
and contract carriers must be cleaned/
disinfected once a day.
2 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that high contact All district vehicles will have high contact areas
spots are wiped down after each a.m. and p.m. cleaned between each run daily with an approved
run depending upon the disinfection schedule. cleaning solvent.
3 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school buses WGCSD will not equip any fleet vehicles with
shall NOT be equipped with hand sanitizer due hand sanitizer units.
to its combustible composition and potential
liability to the carrier or district.
4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school bus WGCSD will ensure that all drivers, monitors, and
drivers, monitors and attendants will not carry attendants will not carry personal hand sanitizers
personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them on with them on fleet vehicles. It will be part of our
the school buses. training.
5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school bus All WGCSD transportation staff including drivers,
drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics monitors, attendants, clerks, and maintenance
will wear a face covering along with optional will wear a face covering.
face shield.
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that WGCSD will provide training and periodic
transportation staff (drivers, monitors, refreshers to all staff, including drivers,
61 | P a g e
attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be attendants, mechanics, and office staff on the
trained and provided periodic refreshers on the proper use of PPE and the signs and symptoms of
proper use of personal protective equipment COVID-19.
and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
7 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that WGCSD will provide training and periodic
transportation staff (drivers, monitors, refreshers to all staff, including drivers,
attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be attendants, mechanics, and office staff on the
trained and provided periodic refreshers on the proper use of social distancing.
proper use of social distancing.
8 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that WGCSD transportation will provide PPE such as
transportation departments/carriers will be masks and gloves for all drivers, monitors, and
provided with Personal Protective Equipment attendants on busses.
such as masks and gloves for drivers, monitors
and attendants in buses.
9 Watkins Glen CSD will provide hand sanitizer for WGCSD transportation has installed hand
all staff in their transportation locations such as sanitizer units near the dispatcher office and the
dispatch offices, employee lunch/break rooms employee break room.
and/or bus garages.
10 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that drivers, All WGCSD transportation staff that will have
monitors and attendants who must have direct direct physical contact with children will wear
physical contact with a child will wear gloves. gloves to ensure safety.
11 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that school bus All WGCSD transportation staff currently perform
drivers, monitors, attendants and mechanics a self-health assessment for symptoms of COVID-
perform a self-health assessment for symptoms 19 before they arrive to work.
of COVID-19 before arriving to work.
12 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students who WGCSD transportation staff will ensure the
are physically able will wear masks on the bus. wearing of masks while on the bus.
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13 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students who WGCSD transportation will not deny
do not have a mask will NOT be denied transportation to any student who does not have
transportation. a mask and will provide a mask for those
14 Watkins Glen CSD will provide masks for Maks will be available on all fleet vehicles within
students entering the bus who do not have one. the Watkins Glen district.
15 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students with WGCSD transportation will ensure all students
a disability which prevent them from wearing a with disabilities which prevent them from
mask will not be forced to do so or denied wearing a mask will be allowed on the school bus.
transportation. They will not be denied transportation or be
forced to wear a mask.
16 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students are All students who require transportation in the
trained and provided periodic reminders on the WGCSD will be provided with periodic reminders
proper use of the personal protective of proper use of PPE and the signs of symptoms of
equipment and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
17 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that students are All students who require transportation in the
trained and provided periodic reminders on the WGCSD will be provided with periodic reminders
proper use of social distancing. of social distancing.
18 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that, if the school All nonpublic, parochial, private, charter school or
district is in session remotely or otherwise, pupil students whose IEP have placed them out of
transportation will be provided to nonpublic, district will be provided transportation if those
parochial, private, charter schools or students schools are still meeting and conducting in-person
whose Individualized Education Plans have sessions when/if WGCSD is not.
placed them out of district whose schools are
meeting in conducting in-person sessions
when/if the district is not.
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Category Item WG Assurance WG Actions/Protocols
Social 1 Watkins Glen CSD has a district-wide and The comprehensive developmental counseling
Emotional building-level comprehensive developmental plan is on the district website. The plan was
Well- Being school counseling program plan, developed approved May 2020.
under the direction of certified school
counselor(s), and has been reviewed and
updated to meet current needs.
2 Watkins Glen CSD has an advisory council, WGCSD has created an advisory council and will
shared decision-making, school climate team, or select members for the 2020-21 school year.
other collaborative working group comprised of Their role is to inform the comprehensive
families, students, members of the board of developmental school counseling program plan.
education, community-based service providers,
teachers, certified school counselors, and other
pupil personnel service providers including
school social workers and/or school
psychologists to inform the comprehensive
developmental school counseling program plan.
3 Watkins Glen CSD will provide resources and WGCSD works closely with Schuyler County
referrals to address mental health, behavioral, Mental Health and other local agencies to provide
and emotional support services and programs. resources and referrals.
4 Watkins Glen CSD will provide professional WGCSD will design professional development
development opportunities for faculty and staff opportunities for faculty and staff on a
on how to talk with and support students during weekly/month basis.
and after the ongoing COVID-19 public health
emergency, as well as provide supports for
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developing coping and resilience skills for
students, faculty, and staff.
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Category Item WG Assurance WG Actions/Protocols
Technology 1 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that the District Watkins Glen CSD Will ensure that the District has
and has knowledge of the level of access to devices knowledge of the level of access to devices and
Connectivity and highspeed internet all students and highspeed internet all students and teachers have
teachers have in their places of residence. in their places of residence. WGCSD will continue
to gather high speed internet availability
information from parents and guardians as we
enter new students into the district. Although we
recognize about 10% of the population has
limited or no access and will continue to provide
Hotspots where applicable.
A parent survey was completed in April 2020
identifying household for needs of internet and
devices. We plan to send out a new survey the
week of August 17th and we gather more
information during the scheduled parent
meetings held the same week.
2 Watkins Glen CSD, to the extent practicable, will Watkins Glen CSD, to the extent practicable, will
provide devices and internet access to students provide devices and internet access to students
and teachers who currently do not have and teachers who currently do not have sufficient
sufficient access. access.
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access. Devices will be handed out in late
August to all students.
3 Watkins Glen CSD will provide multiple ways for Watkins Glen CSD will provide multiple ways for
students to participate in learning and students to participate in learning and
demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in
remote or blended models, especially if all remote or blended models, especially if all
students do not yet have sufficient access to students do not yet have sufficient access to
devices and/or high-speed internet. devices and/or high-speed internet. Watkins Glen
CSD will use multiple platforms to deliver
instruction which we already have in place. Some
of these methods include the use of Schoology as
a Learning Management System, Office 365 tools
and Zoom/Team meetings via the internet. We
will continue to use a paper delivery system
where necessary.
4 Equity must be at the heart of all school • Devices for all students and hotspots when
instructional decisions. Watkins Glen CSD will necessary.
ensure that all instruction developed, whether • Paper packets will be delivered to students
delivered in-person, remotely, or through a if necessary.
hybrid model due to a local or state school • Teacher allies will be assigned to small
closure, provides for clear opportunities for student groups to support at-home
instruction that are accessible to all students. learning.
Such opportunities must be aligned with State • Students with disabilities, ELL and special
standards and include routine scheduled times considerations students will have access to
for students to interact and seek feedback and additional contacts with teacher allies.
support from their teachers.
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5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure a clear • Email, telephone, office hours, zoom, after
communication plan for how students and their school help.
families/caregivers can contact the school and • Instructional brochure with guidelines and
teachers with questions about their instruction expectations.
and/or technology. This information will be
accessible to all, available in multiple languages
based on district need, widely disseminated,
and include clear and multiple ways for students
and families to contact schools and teachers.
6 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that eligible • WGCSD administration will communicate
agencies with whom we contract for Continuity of Learning Plan.
prekindergarten programs will follow health and
safety guidelines outlined in NYSED guidance
and required by New York State Department of
Health. Watkins Glen CSD will ensure that such
agencies have a Continuity of Learning plan that
addresses in-person, remote, and hybrid models
of instruction.
SP 1 Watkins Glen CSD, whether services are WGCSD special education department will design
provided in-person, remote, and/or through a a program to protect the health and safety of
hybrid model, will ensure the provision of FAPE students with disabilities and service providers
consistent with the need to protect the health while ensuring the provision of FAPE.
and safety of students with disabilities and
those providing special education and services.
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SP 2 Watkins Glen CSD will document the programs WGCSD will design a brochure of services offered
and services offered and provided to students and provided to students with disabilities and
with disabilities as well as communications with share the information with parents.
SP 3 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure meaningful parent • Preferred mode of communication means
engagement in the parent’s preferred language we need to keep paper mailings as an
or mode of communication regarding the option.
provision of services to his/her child to meet the • Teacher allies will be assigned to families to
requirements of the IDEA. foster the student-teacher-family
SP 4 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure collaboration WGCSD will continue to ensure collaboration
between the committees on preschool special between committees and service providers
education (CPSE) and committees on special representing the variety of settings where
education (CSE) and program providers students are served to ensure there is an
representing the variety of settings where understanding of services. WGCSD will continue
students are served to ensure there is an to monitor and communicate student progress.
understanding of the provision of services
consistent with the recommendations on
individualized education programs (IEPs), there
are plans for monitoring and communicating
student progress, and commitment to sharing
SP 5 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure access to the • Offer parents computer/tech classes prior
necessary accommodations, modifications, to school opening.
supplementary aids and services, and • Teacher allies will be assigned to families to
technology (including assistive technology) to foster the student-teacher-family
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meet the unique disability related needs of
BL 1 Watkins Glen CSD, whether using in-person or WGCSD will complete the ELL identification
hybrid instruction will complete the ELL process within 30 school days of the start of the
identification process within 30 school days of school year for all students who enrolled during
the start of the school year for all students who COVID-19 school closures in 2019-20, summer of
enrolled during COVID-19 school closures in 2020 and the first 20 days of 2020-21 school year.
2019-20, as well as all students who enroll The district will contract with GST BOCES to
during summer of 2020 and during the first 20
school days of the 2020-21 school year. After
this 20-day flexibility period, identification of
ELLs must resume for all students within
required 10 school days of initial enrollment as
required by Commissioner’s Regulations Part
BL 2 Watkins Glen CSD will provide required WGCSD will contract with GST BOCES to provide
instructional Units of Study to all ELLs based on required instructional Units of Study to all ELLs
their most recently measured English language based on their most recently measured English
proficiency level during in-person or hybrid proficiency level. This will be done virtually.
BL 3 Watkins Glen CSD will ensure the maintenance • Existing district communication tools will
of regular communication with the support teacher allies who counseling small
parents/guardians of ELLs to ensure that they groups of students and families.
are engaged in their children’s education during
the reopening process, and provide all
communications for parents/guardians of ELLs
in their preferred language and mode of
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Category Item WG Assurance WG Actions/Protocols
Staffing Eval Pursuant to Education Law 3012-d, Watkins WGCSD will ensure that all teachers and
1 Glen CSD will ensure that all teachers and principals are evaluated pursuant to our currently
principals are evaluated pursuant to our approved APPR plan. If changes are needed, the
currently approved APPR plan, including any district will negotiate a new plan with the WGFA.
variance applications approved by the NYSED.
Cert Pursuant to Education Law 3001, Watkins Glen WGCSD will continue to adhere to the
1 CSD will ensure individuals employed to teach in commissioner’s regulations concerning
New York State public schools hold a valid and appropriate certification.
appropriate certificate for their teaching
assignments except where otherwise allowable
under the Commissioner’s regulations (e.g.,
incidental teaching) or Education Law.
Appendix A
WGCSD Covid – 19 Return to Work/School Protocols. Web Link
Appendix B
WGCSD Contact Tracing and Testing Plan. Web Link
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Appendix C
Hand Sanitizer Locations (42 Locations with the WGCSD)
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Appendix D
Association of Educational Safety and Health Professionals (AESHP) - Practical Guidance for Schools Reemerging from a
Pandemic https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AIHr9algtzVWs1PDCY6KrCp_qGO-clyV/view
Appendix E
Ventilation and Filter Plan WGCSD
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Appendix F
Athletic Reopening Plan
Appendix G
Remote Reopening Plan – Simplified to one page
New York State Department of Health – Interim guidance for in-person instruction at Pre-K to grade 12 schools during the
Covid –19 public health emergency – Web Link https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/Pre-
New York State Department of Health – Interim Guidance For Sports and Recreation During the Covid –19 Public Health
Emergency – Web Link
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Considerations for Schools – Web Link https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
79 | P a g e
New York State Education Department – Recovering, Rebuilding, and Renewing: The Spirit of New York’s Schools – Web
Link http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/reopening-schools/nys-p12-school-reopening-guidance.pdf
Association of Educational Safety and Health Professionals (AESHP) - Practical Guidance for Schools Reemerging from a
Pandemic https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AIHr9algtzVWs1PDCY6KrCp_qGO-clyV/view
WGCSD Advisory Committees – Parent Advisory Task Force, Student Advisory Task Force, Instructional Advisory Task Force,
WGCSD Board of Education and the 25 member District Reopening Committee.
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