How To Teach For Exams

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Soe JeremyHarmer Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex M20 JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world, © Pearson Education Limited 2005 Al rights reserved; no part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or srunsmitted, in any form or by any means, eletronic, mechanical, photexopying,recotding, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publish ‘The Pablisher grants permission tor the photocopying of those pages marked ‘photacopiable’ according: to the following conditions. Individual purchasers may make copies for their own use oF for use by classes they teach. School purchasers may make copies for use by their sta and students, bur this permission does nor extend to addicional schools or branches, Under no circumstances may any par of this book be photocopied for rsa. ‘The rights of Sally Burgess and Katie Head tobe identified asthe authors of this Work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Prince in Malaysia Editorial development by Ocelot Publishing, Oxford, with Ros Bell. Produced for the publishers by Stenton Associates, Saion Walden, Essex, UK. Text design by Keith Rigley ISBN 0582 42967 6 [Acknowledgements We are grateful the following fr permission to repraduc copyright material Pearson Education Lad for extras frm Going for Gal fricrmedate Maier by Sally Burges, Michigan BCCE Gold amt Maximitr by Jin Cook News Fin CoeficteGald Bam Mariner by Sally Burgess, Jacky Newbrook an faith Wilson, Fit Gri Gold Now Fton by Richard. Nam a Sally Barges, New Proficeny Gold Concho by Jacky Newbrook and Jasith Wikon, New Hine Certie Gold Bum Maxinéer New Eatin by Sally Bangers and Richunl Acklam, New Find {Cris Gold Student Beet by acky Newbrook,Jath Wison and Richand Acklam, KET Prat Tea by Peter Lacantrai, PET Geld Pan Maxime by Jcky Newbrok an Judith Wile and acu om ELT Stade Be by Sue OConnell: Adams {Austen Pos fr entrit frm 101 Help Hino IELTS Adar al Peck, Oxford University Pos frets fron Fit Create Manat, Neo Ete Sturn Book by Simson Haines and Barbara Stomsrt © Oxf Univesity Prose 2004, Profiensy Mauerins Seems Bast by Cathy Gude and Michael Duckworth © Oxtin! Univeniy Pres 2004, disuse? Maserdass Taber? Beoe (New Edin) by Tria Aspinall and Annee Capel © Oxford University ress 19M, Tend Prfcincy Stunts Rost by Pet May © Oxford Univesity Press 2002, PET Maver Sadens Boat by Anette Cape i Rosemary Nivin © Oxford University Pres 2008 and OF 13 Toahing and Farming Lau he Chacreom by Tea Tg © Oxted Unversity Pros 2000: Cambridge Univenisy Pros forest fom Camridge Proaration fo he TORE Tot Jotene ant Robert Gear and Ofjcies CAP Sidon? Bork by Felicity O'Dell and Annie Bevadheat; Richa Publishing fr a {rmct fom Rismond Fine Conniftte Came Stor Bost by Diana Fried Booth © Diana L. Fried Boot, 1997, 200% and University of Cambridge Local Fxaminations Syndicate fr extrst r PE' Spitiatons fr wpdaed exam fo Mah 2008, CCELS Hadboot (2001) al KET Hanaré 2001). In some instances we hase boon nae to trace the ener of coppright material and we would appreciate any information that ‘would enable us to dos, “The Publisher are grateful othe flhrming fir their permbsion co repre copyright photographs ALAMY: ae 127 (tp ef mageshop ~ Zefa visual media UK Lud (Royal Pree: UNCHSTOCK: page 127 (ile let) Photoinc (Royalty Feet), hott le) RaberBall (Rosa Fre) Everyellort has been made ore the copyright holders and we aploe n abance for any unintentional amisons, We would ‘be pleas to insert the apprprateackoouleigement in any subequet elton ofthis puiaton Teach for Exams Sally Burgess Katie Head series editor: Jeremy Harmer Contents Page Introduction iv How to be a successful exams teacher 1 Whaat is special about teaching an exam class? What qualities make a suecessfl exams teacher? The first lesson of the course How to pace the course How to build students’ exam skills How to balance ceaching and testing in an exam class ‘When to test How to plan a course and choose materials. 15 Factors to take into account when planning How these factors affect course planning How to choose materials for a particular course How to teach reading for exams 7 The different types of reading test What is measured in reading tests How to prepare students for reading tests Exam procedures and strategies for students How to teach writing for exams 44 Writing tests compared ‘What kinds of writing tasks are there? What is measured in writing tests? Assessing written work and providing feedback How to help students to deal with task input Encouraging familiarity with genres How to prepare students for writing exam answers Handwriting and presentation How to teach grammer and vocabulary for exams 64 General approaches to teaching grammar and vocabulary for exams ‘Common exam tasks Criteria used to assess grammar and vocabulary Helping learners get to grips with grammar and vocabulary 6 How to teach listening for exams Testing listening What kinds of listening tasks are there? How listening tests are conducted ‘What is assessed in listening test Developing task awareness Developing listening skills and strategies Building confidence and managing stress 7 How to teach speaking for exams + What kinds of speaking tests are there? + How speaking exams are conducted + What is tested in speaking exams? + How to prepare students for speaking tests 8 — How to teach for low-level exams What is different about low-level exams? Low-level reading and writing Reading for general understanding Directed and free writing Low-level listening Low-level speaking Low-level grammar and vocabulary Task File Appendix: Exams overview Index Table: Exams and levels 78 What do students need to remember in the test itself? 99 121 Reading to test knowledge of how the language works 142 151 154 inside back cover Who is this book for? What is book about? Introduction How to Teach for Exams is for all teachers of English who are currently teaching exam classes or expect to become involved in exam teaching in the future. The approaches discussed in this book should be of interest, both to teachers who are very experienced and to those who have been working for a relatively short time. Teacher trainers and trainees will also find useful and accessible ideas for skills teaching in How to Teach far Exams. cis difficult to imagine a career in foreign or second language teaching that does not, at some point, involve working with students who are preparing for an exam. Although an exam class may have a lot in common with other classes, the fact that students are preparing for an exam makes special demands on the teacher. How fo Teach for Exams suggests how we might go about satisfving these demands. ‘The first two chapters establish the context of exam teaching and raise many of the most important issues. Chapter I highlights some of the main differences between teaching an exam class and teaching a general language class, and considers what sort of teacher is best suited to exam teaching. Tt also looks at the first lesson of an exam course, and suggests ways of balancing teaching and testing as the course progresses. Chapter 2 looks at exam course planning and choosing materials Chapters 3 to 7 deal with the skills and competencies tested in exams at intermediate level and above. Reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary, listening, and speaking are each focused on separately. These chapters offer a more detailed account of how each of these areas is typically tested in exams and suggest some teaching approaches. In each of these chapters there are activities (signalled by this icon" ) or sample lessons that can be adapted or used as points of departure to develop the teacher's own ideas. Finally, Chapter 8 deals with the growing body of low-level exams aimed at {ess proficient learners, ‘The Task File at the back of the book is divided into sections corresponding to each of the chapters. This can be used in a number of ways. Teachers might like to look at the tasks before reading the chapter, while reading, or indeed after reading. The tasks can be done individually or used as a basis for discussion with colleagues or fellow trainees. The Exams overview appendix summarizes the range of English Janguage ram available intemationally explains how the Common European Framework (CEF) and the ALTE system provide a basis for comparing the levels of different exams, and includes information to help teachers find out more about these exams. Inside the back cover is a table comparing the main exams offered by the different boards, and their levels. ‘The overview and table act as usefil reference documents explaining the context of the exams discussed in the book. jow to be a successful exams teacher What is special about teaching an exam class? What qualities make a successful exams teacher? The first lesson of the course How to pace the course How to build students’ exam skills How to balance teaching and testing in an exam class When to test coe eeee What is special Preparing students for an examination is a special responsibility. This is because exam results can have a significant effect on people’ lives and careers; exams provide access to higher levels of education and open doors to certain professions. An offér of a place at a British or American university, for instance, may be conditional on achieving a specified IELTS. or TOEFL grade; a pass in the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) is the passport to an English teaching job in some European countries, Even if a student is taking an exam for purely personal interest, or because their school requires them to, itis still an important event in their life and an opportunity to demonstrate success. Yet, in many ways, teaching an exam class is not so different from teaching a general language class. The classroom activities and teaching techniques that work in general teaching will help to make a successful exams teacher. It is as important to build variety and fun into an exam course as it isto drive the students towards the goal of passing their exam. As in any course of study, it is also important to nurture the individual abilities of learners and attend to their needs and concerns. As shown in the examples in this book, the sorts of tasks that are set in formal examinations are often quite similar to the language practice tasks found in any good coursebook; indeed, in recent years, exam boards have made great efforts to develop assessment tasks and methods which reflect real-life uses of language. ‘Many teachers find that teaching an exam class is immensely satisfying. There are many reasons for this. The learners have a shared goal and strong motivation to Succeed in their studies, The syllabus is clearly defined and there are lots of published materials (including, nowadays, some excellent How to Teach for Exams websites) available to supplement the main coursebook. On an exam course, it is easier to persuade students of the importance of homework, and of practising the skills in which they are weakest. And, at the end of all the effort, when the exam results are good, the teacher is rewarded by feeling that their teaching has contributed to the success enjoyed by the student. ‘On the other hand, exam teachers also need to be prepared for a range of possible frustrations ‘and challenges. They may have less control and flexibility in determining the course content than with other types of course, and a great deal more marking of student assignments or practice tests. Teachers need to keep themselves informed on exam regulations and administrative details. It tends to be the teacher the students will ask when they want to know, for example, where the exam will take place, how long the listening testis, or whether dictionaries are allowed in the exam room. ‘Teachers also usually have to cope with student anxiety in the weeks leading up to the exam; this may include counselling students who are not going to do well, perhaps because they enrolled unwisely or have not used their study time effectively. What teachers need to know Once teachers know they will be teaching an exam class, their first responsibility is to find out as much as possible about the format and content of the exam. The kinds of things they need to check are: + How long is the exam? + Whaat skills are tested in the exam? + What sorts of questions or tasks are used to test each skill? + How many different parts are there to the exam? + How much time is allowed for each part? + What are the assessment criteria for each question or task type? + How is the exam marked? + How are the results presented? This sort of information is not hard to find in exam coursebooks, handbooks, or on the website of the relevant exam board (see the Exams overview appendix on page 151). Every exam board now has its own presence on the ‘web, where itis often possible to find not just general information about an ‘exam, but also downloadable versions of the exam handbooks, syllabuses, and sample test questions. These websites are probably the most reliable and up- to-date source of information on particular exams. In order to become familiar with the format of an exam, it is a good idea to work through at Ieast one complete sample paper. Almost all exam coursebooks contain at least one practice test, designed to familiarize leamers with the different sections of the exam, the types of questions asked, and the time allowed to complete each section or question. In addition to this practice test, there is usually some general information about the format of the exam elsewhere in the book, often near the beginning. By comparing the practice test to this more general information, the teacher should feel comfortable with the format of the exam. Teachers need to know the date(s) when the exam will take place, and (eventually) the time, location, and procedural regulations. They may even What qualities make a successful exams teacher? 1 © How to be a successful exams teacher find that they are personally responsible for the administrative procedures and paperwork connected with enrolling students for the exam; it goes without saying that these procedures need to be meticulously followed and are often time-consuming. Public examinations tend to be heavy on rules and regulations, in order to ensure that, no matter where in the world the exam is being taken, procedures are standardized and security is maintained. Even if there is a member of the institution's administrative staff who will deal with this it is as well to make sure that the teacher liaises regularly with them and knows what they are doing, to ensure that candidate registrations are correctly processed and that information about exam dates, times, and. locations reaches the right students at the right time. ‘As well as finding out about the exam itself, teachers also need to find out as much as they can about the students in the class and their reasons for taking the exam. This will influence course planning (see Chapter 2) and allow appropriate support to be provided for the students. ‘The successful exams teacher is likely to be someone who: + thinks thar exams are useful and important. + enjoys the discipline of teaching towards an exam, and manages their own and their students’ time effectively. + knows and understands the exam that they are teaching (including the necessary administrative details) + listens to students’ concerns and anxieties. + gives honest and direct feedback on student performance. + motivates students and fosters autonomous learning. A positive attitude to exams ‘The following activity may be used, by experienced teachers as well as novices, co prompt reflection on their underlying attitude to exams. Call to mind some of the exams you have taken in your life, and make a list, of reasons why exams are useful and important. Think about ways in which exams have had a positive influence on you as a learner. What do you like about taking exams? To be a successful exams teacher, it is important to believe that exam preparation is a worthwhile exercise. Possible reasons for this might be: because they provide a target to aim at because they make me study harder because they make me revise and review what | have learned because they show other people what | am capable of because | can find out how good | am in comparison to other people because they give me qualifications which I can put on my CV because | like the feeling of knowing that | have achieved something How to Teach for Exams ‘This activity, or something similar, can also be used at the start of a course to encourage students to think about why exams are useful and important. They can be asked to come up with a list of reasons, based on their own previous experience, Students can pool their ideas and write them on a poster for the classroom wall. Enjoying the discipline of exam teaching ‘When preparing to teach for exams, we need to consider how willing we are to let the course content control’ us, rather than vice versa. Preparing students for an exam requires disciplined teaching and good time- management skills. Our task is to get all our students to the required level, usually within a limited period of time, and this tends to mean that there is less opportunity to be creative and spontaneous in making decisions about what we will teach, The course needs to be carefully planned in advance to censure that there is adequate coverage of all the various exam tasks and sufficient practice of exam techniques, as well as time to review and consolidate knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and to build reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, The factors to be taken into account when planning a course are considered in detail in Chapter 2. A well- organized person, who likes to spend time at the start of a course about how to fit its various elements into the time available, is probably well suited to teaching for exams. Someone who likes to work on a lesson-by- lesson basis and enjoys the spontaneity of reacting to whatever comes up in class may not adapt so easily to the constraints of exam teaching. Knowledge of the exam ‘As discussed on page 2, it is essential that we have a sound knowledge of the czam tell Seudema wl expect us to be able to angwer accurately 2 wide range of questions about the exam. As we gain experience with a particular exam, we will be able to answer more such questions immediately. If we are teaching an exam for the first time, we should at least know where to go to find the answers. Then we can make a note of any question we are asked and tell the student that we will answer it in the next lesson (itis important to avoid giving out incorrect information about how the exam is presented and assessed). Teachers cannot afford to skimp on knowledge of the exam; students need to feel confident that they are in the hands of an authoritative source of information ~ on administrative, as well as academic matters. As the main point of contact with students, it may well be the teacher's job to tell them about enrolment procedures, arrangements for the day of the exam, regulations on what they can take with them into the exam room etc. Keeping in touch with students A different kind of teacher authority is involved in creating the sort of classroom atmosphere in which students can feel confident and happy about their learning. When there is a target to be reached in a limited time, and an expectation that a lot of hard work is involved, an effective teacher will remain aware of each student as an individual and monitor both the learning The first lesson of the course 1 © How to be a successful exams teacher process, in terms of the student's motivation and effort, and their progress towards the desired outcome or exam result, Monitoring the process involves keeping in touch with our learners as people, and seeing that anxieties or difficulties are attended to. Most students start with a strong belief that they can succeed, and we need to support them by understanding and supporting that belief, especially when they are becoming anxious. We need to give students time to talk to us individually, let them tell us how they feel they are getting on, and tell them if we have any particular concerns about them. Ifa student appears to be doing badly or making little effort, the opportunity for an individual tutorial may uncover an explanation we had not thought of. Monitoring progress towards outcomes involves giving learners honest and direct feedback about how their performance ‘measures up to the exam criteria. For example, if they are making language mistakes which will be harshly penalized in the exam, writing in an inappropriate style, or ignoring or misinterpreting task instructions, they need to be clearly warned of the consequences. Maintaining motivation Motivation tends to be high at the start of a course, butis difficult to sustain without some conscious effort to get the students to take personal responsibility for their own success. Good exam teachers know how to foster each learner's ability to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, and are able to suggest strategies for building up those skills and knowledge areas which might otherwise let the student down in the exam. Helping learners to develop autonomous learning skills is important, since more independent learners will learn more and have a better understanding of their abilities than students who rely solely on what they are taught in class. V entry to the exam class is barred t6 students whose starting level of English is not sufficiently high, the teacher's task is simpler and easier. We may, however, find ourselves teaching students whose ambition to succeed is matched neither by ability nor by motivation to do the necessary work. Parents and sponsors, as well as the students themselves, often have high expectations of the course, and may have paid a lot of money for it. While it is important for the teacher to support each student's belief in their ability to succeed, we must also be prepared to make it clear to the student ~ and perhaps to their sponsor or parents — how big the challenge is. Imagine a student arriving for the first lesson of an exam course. What would they be thinking about? Probably, they would be wondering who the other students are and what the teacher is like; they might want some information about the exam and how the course is going to prepare for i. ‘They might be a bit worried about their current level of ability, the amount of work they will have to do, and whether they are going to be able to pass the exam. If it was their own choice to take this course, they may well also be quite excited, and eager to see the materials and find out what they are going to be doing, How to Teach for Exams ‘There are some usefull clues here to help teachers plan the content of the first lesson, It is worth spending some time on each of the following. Getting to know the students The kind of activity we use to start off the first lesson will depend on how well we already know the students, and how well they know each other. If wwe are all meeting for the first time, we will need to spend time learning names and helping stuclents to feel at ease. We might do this by setting up an_activity which requires them to talk to each other and find out information which they can then feed back to the whole group. Activities well-suited to such a purpose include interviewing a partner and then introducing their partner to the whole class, or talking to five classmates in order to find three things they have in common with each one, or a ‘Find someone who ...” activity (a version of this is described in Chapter 7, page 113). If we already know the students and are known to them, this phase of the lesson can be quite short, although it may be useful to find out why they are attending this particular class and what they know about the exam. We may find out at this stage, for example, that we have some students who are not interested in the exam itself, but only in attending the class (some students think that they will learn more in an exam class than in a general class); or that we have students wanting to ‘try’ an exam which is much too difficult for them, and who will say that they just want to see what itis like. We may even have students who have been placed in the class but have no interest in or reason for doing an exam preparation course at all. For others, however, university place, a job, ora financial sponsorship arrangement may depend on their exam result, or parents may be putting pressure on the student to succeed. It is as well to find out, as early as possible, what each student's level cof motivation is, so that we can consider how we are going to deal with these various cases. It is also interesting to discover whether the students have taken an English exam before (and with what results) ~ indeed, whether any students have taken this exam before and failed it (if so, why) — and how the students feel about exams in general. These issues, and ways of responding to them, are further addressed in Chapter 2. Introducing students to the exam An introduction to the format and content of the exam is likely to form a major part of the first lesson, Most students know very little beyond the name (and usually the level) of an exam, and itis helpful to give them a clear picture of what they are aiming for. The main information can be prepared on handouts which can be taken away and referred to throughout the course. For the lesson itself, the same information is best presented to the whole class, either on the board or using overhead projection. Students need immediate information on the date(s) when the exam will be held, when and how to enrol and pay the exam fee, the format of the exam (the number and type of different papers), and some sample questions showing which skills are tested and how. How to pace the course ‘+ How to be a successful exams teacher An overview of the different components of a particular exam can often be found at the front of coursebooks, as well as on the website or exam handbook of the relevant exam board. It is often presented as a grid showing the name of each paper, its length, and a brief list of the different task types. Although it can be difficult to absorb at such an early stage of the course, this is important reference information for students. To accompany an exam averview presentation, some sample questions can be practised, to illustrate the different task types on each paper. Alternatively, pages from the handbook can be copied and a set of quiz questions prepared, so that students have to scan the handbook pages for essential information such as: How long is the speaking exam? How many different question types are there in the reading section? The aim is to give a flavour of the exam, not to present complete papers, soit is necessary to be selective. A sample writing task can be set as a first homework. Introducing the course and establishing ground rules Different aspects of course organization, such as how the course is paced, how learning will be monitored, and when practice tests will be used, will have been considered in the pre-course planning, It is sensible to explain these aspects to students in the first lesson, so that they can appreciate the ‘way that the course is organized and how it will prepare them for the exam. Tt can also be a wise move to make clear in the first lesson what the teacher's own expectations are. Ground rules such as how much homework the students are expected to do, whether they should bring dictionaries to class, and how they should make up the work if they miss 2 lesson, should be clearly established. It can be a good idea to make a learning contract with the class, and put it up on the wall where ie can be easily referred to. This is a statement of both the teacher's and the leamers’ expectations of each other. Students preparing to take an exam need to understand that they will hhave to work on their own as well asin class, and that the hardest work may need to be done on areas of language that are least appealing, such as grammar and writing, ‘The build-up to an exam may be long or short, depending on the type of exam and on the time available. A course of two hours per week over ten weeks, for example, will be able to do little more than familiarize students with the exam format and give advice on techniques for answering the questions, while a course of 120 hours or longer will allow a more gradual build-up to the exam, with time for teaching as well as testing. Most exam coursebooks are designed for courses of around 120 to 150 hours. However long or short the course, careful planning is essential to ensure that the students are ready at the right time to perform at their best, and to take account of the highs and lows which are a natural part of the journey towards the day when they sit the exam. Typically, progress does not happen in a straight line but in a series of waves. Upward swells of enthusiasm will inevitably give way to downward drifts when confidence falters, boredom How to Teach for Exams How to build students’ exam sets in, or energy evaporates. This is something to be aware of and allow for in pacing, since it is likely to affect the teacher as well as the students. ‘Once the teacher knows how much class time is available, itis a good idea to prepare an outline plan for the course on a one-page grid, showing the number of weeks and the skills, topics, tasks, exam components etc. which will be the focus of each week's work. This allows a complete overview and makes it easier to ensure that the course structure includes everything that has to be covered. In planning, teachers will want to check that the time allowed for prcsing the diferent lnguage skis is fily balanced, and that there is some scope for recycling and reviewing previously learned skills, and knowledge as the course progresses Exams tend to be associated in learners’ minds with a great deal of pressure and anxiety, so itis important for us to help them maintain a sense of control and to foster skills which make them better able to cope. Our own memories of what it was like to be preparing for an exam will be an invaluable aid to thinking about the kind of support we can provide for our students. A helpful exercise for teachers planning to run an exam course can be to recall and note down any good study habits that they developed in the context of their own experience of taking exams. Developing good study habits ‘Most learners recognize that they cannot depend totally on their teacher to get them through an exam, and that they must do a lot of work for themselves. However, they do not always know how to do this, and often lack the organizational skills and discipline required. We can help them by encouraging the development of good study habits, both in and out of the classroom. Here are the sorts of things that students should be doing: + spending some regular out-of-class time working on their English ~ Steady commitment is a much surer guarantee of success than occasional bursts of activity. + reviewing what they did in class and making a note to ask about anything that was not clear — Failure to do this means that they don't know what they don't know, and neither does the teacher. + learning to use reference books such as dictionaries and grammars intelligently — Some teachers like to ban reference materials (especially dictionaries) from the classroom, to discourage students from over- dependence on them. However, there is much value in the opposite approach: encouraging the use of dictionaries and grammar reference books, and building some study-skills training into the early part of the course to teach students how to use them properly. + finding a time and place to study where they can concentrate and not be distracted ~ Students’ home circumstances may make it difficult for them to study properly: Itis a good idea to discuss this with each of the students and advise them appropriately: They will be reassured by knowing that we are aware of any difficulties that they are having with finding time and space to study. There is so much activity around people 1 How to be a successful exams teacher nowadays, and so much environmental noise, that their powers of concentration and tolerance of silence are often quite low, Some students may not have experienced before the feeling of sitting in a silent exam room, working on a question paper for an hour or longer and not being able to get up, make noise, and move around. Becoming comfortable with this constrained situation can be an important part of exam preparation. + organizing their paperwork so that they can review their work easily and get a sense of their own progress — Too often, completed work just kets pushed into a file or folder, never to be looked at again. It is worth spending time with students, helping them to set up retrieval systems, so that both they and we can review and monitor their learning over time. Some assignments may also function as useful revision material, as the exam draws near. + monitoring their own use of language, identifying and correcting their own mistakes ~ This relates both to the previous point and to the one made earlier about learning to use reference materials, There are a number of suggestions for helping learners to monitor and correct themselves throughout this book, + keeping an independent learning record or diary ~ If we want to monitor this, we can produce a simple form for each student, on which they record any work done in their own time, and which they periodically discuss with us. Another option is to ask them to keep a learning diary. This may appeal to some students, but can be time-consuming both for them to write and for us to read. + asking for help with anything that is worrying them — Noting down questions and problems which learners can't resolve on their own, and then asking someone for help, is a good study habit. However, it is important to know where to go for help and advice, and to make sure that the right sort of people are available to talk to learners. + practising and using the language as much as possible ~ Some students think that they can learn all they need to know for an exam by studying books and doing practice exercises and tests. This may have been true in the past but is much less true today, with most current exams designed to test the kind of language used in real communicative contexts Coping with the build-up of pressure Pressure affects people in different ways. Research shows that, up to a point, stress acts as a positive motivator and is even necessary to get things done (as the authors have found in writing this book!), but that once it goes beyond that point it tends to have a nogative and harmfal effect on a person’ ability to cope. This effect will be different for each individual. It is important to be alert to signs that a leaner is having difficuley coping with the pressure of exam preparation. For example, the student might be failing to hand in work, or doing work which is suddenly of a lower standard than before. They may miss lessons, or fail to pay attention. when they are present, or they may be seen studying in the library at all hours. Some students show stress in unsurprising ways, such as looking pale How to Teach for Exams 10 or tired, while others express it by behaving aggressively or insolently, lying ‘or cheating, or becoming isolated from the group. Of course, there could be many other reasons why a student is showing symptoms such as these, which is why it is important to talk to them privately to try and discover what is going on. The best approach for us as teachers is to start by telling the student thar we have noticed a particular behaviour and that this is concerning us. If we act supportively and offer the time to listen, the student should feel able to talk. Even if nothing of significance emenges at the time, they may come back later if there is really a problem, and ask us to help or advise. Some teachers feel that they should never show any anxiety or concern to their leamers, in case this leads to a breakdown of confidence. However, there is alot to he said in favour of an alternative perspective; many teachers feel itis important to be as open to our learners as we expect them to be to us, within the constraints of professional propriety and respect. If we are unsure how to proceed in relation to our concerns about a particular student, it can be helpful ro take advice from a trusted colleague (while bearing in mind possible confidentiality issues). Ata more general level, itis a good idea to build into the course some opportunities to raise issues relating to the maintenance of a healthy life-work balance, and how to cope when the pressure starts to build up. ‘There are various ways of doing this, for example, by finding a relevant reading text and discussing it, through role-plays of situations in which students are having difficulty coping with pressure (such as not sleeping, ting frequent headaches, feeling that they can't remember things) and are discussing their problems with advisors, or through an open discussion of strategies for coping with the stress of exam preparation. ‘One of the things that students worry most about is what is actually going to happen on the day of the exam. Just as one of the ways in which exam teaching is special is that the teacher needs to be very knowledgeable about the exam they are teaching, so this is correspondingly true for the students; the more they know what to expect, the less anxious they will be about turning up on the day. How to help learners do their best on the day ‘This exercise ~ useful for teachers ~ can he done with students, in the last few days before the exam. It is a great confidence-builder. Imagine that a close friend or relative of yours is taking an exam tomorrow. What advice would you give them? Note down your ‘golden rules’ for ensuring that they give themselves the best chance of doing well Divided into groups, each group of students is asked to come up with ten golden rules for passing the exam. The class can then negotiate and pick the ten hest from all the ideas collected. How to balance teaching and testing in an exam class 1 # How to be a successful exams teacher ‘Here are ten golden rules for written exams .. + Active in good time for the exam. + Bring a spare pen and pencil. + Look through the whole exam paper before you stact to answer the questions. + Read and follow the instructions carefully. + Divide your time sensibly between all the questions. * If there is a choice of possible answers, consider all the choices before making your decision, + Ifyou are writing an essay, keep to the point and show the examiner what you know: + Don't take risks, If you are not sure of a particular word or grammar point, try saying it in a different way, + Leave time at the end to check your work. + Weite legibly and tdily: ... and ten golden rules for speaking exams + Arrive in good time. + Find someone to talk to in English while you are waiting to go into the + When the examiner greets you, reply appropriately (e.g, Hello, My name is... + When you sit down, take your time to make yourself comfortable. The examiner will not begin until you say you are ready. + Listen carefully to what che examiner says, and ask him/her politely to repeat it if there is something you don't understand. + Show the examiner what you can do. Don't just give one-word answers to questions. + Ifyou are taking the exam together with another candidate, be sure to give each other enough time to speak. + Remember that the examiner wants you to do well. He/She is not trying to scare you or trip you up. + At the end of the exam, thank the examiner, and say goodbye, If the course has very limited class time, the teacher will be able to do little more than familiarize students with the exam format and teach them some cxam techniques. Given more time, it is wise, for a number of reasons, to build some formal tests into the course plan. Firstly, students enrolled on an exam course expect to do lots of practice tests. Indeed, some students expect the whole course to consist of doing one practice paper after another, and the fact that this does not happen can be a source of great frustration for such individuals. A second and more pedagogically valid reason, is that testing prepares students for the experience of reading, writing, listening, or speaking under exam conditions, and of following exam procedures. Itis as well to make class testing as similar to exam testing as possible, by sticking strictly to time limits, refusing to allow noise, insisting that answers are transferred to an official answer sheet (as is required by some exam boards), and so on. " How to Teach for Exams 2 ‘Thirdly, these practice tests can be marked using the formal exam criteria. This enables both teacher and students to see how well the students are doing. However, we need to be careful here if we have a class of students who are rather weak, since too much focus on the pass level can hightight their inadequacies and have a negative impact on their state of mind. The final section of this chapter considers «when it is appropriate to test students. The main ongoing work of the course, however, should be focused on teaching, rather than testing. The kind of teaching that is required will depend very much on the abilities of the learners, and on the extent of the gap between their current level and the level of the exam. Finding an appropriate balance between teaching and testing in a given class will depend on whether it would be described as ‘weak’, ‘average to good’, or ‘strong’, in respect of the likelihood of its students reaching the level required to pass the exam that they are enrolled for. ‘The weak class This class often has ambitions above its abilitics. There are always some students who enrol for an exam despite the best advice of their teachers, or perhaps because there is pressure from a parent or institution. These students tend to lack essential knowledge and language skills, so the prior has to be teaching rather than testing. The aim is still to get them througi the exam, bur this ig combined with a realsse aneument of theit capabilities and a programme of teaching which recognizes their limitations and fills in the gaps in their basic knowledge of the language. The average-to-good class This is a class of students who have already covered all the basic language patterns and vocabulary and have reasonably well-developed skills, although writing is often weaker than their other skills, pethaps due to lack of pressure to practise. They still have plenty of work to do, but their need is to review and consolidate what they should already know. They also need to practise those skills, normally reading and writing, which tend to be more emphasized in exams than on non-exam courses. Regular testing should have the effect of proving to these students what they can achieve through steady hard work, and provide a positive challenge. The strong class Occasionally, we may meet a class of students who are ready to take the exam with lite special preparation. They are already up to the required level, and there is not a lot to teach them beyond familiarization with the exam format and how to answer questions in the best way possible. This sort of class can sometimes be hard to motivate, since everything to do with the exam is quite easy for them. Regular testing will reassure them of this fact and stop them from worrying that they should be doing more to prepare for the exam. Teaching can concentrate on challenging them further in areas where they can demonstrate above-average ability such as vocabulary range, stylistic sensitivity, and pronunciation and intonation. They can be shown When to test 1 © How to be @ successful exams teacher how the marking criteria credit exceptional ability and how those who pass at the top level are distinguished from those who achieve an average pass. All students in exam classes need to be tested, at different stages of their course, for various purposes. Pre-testing Pre-testing takes place either before the course starts or in the first week of a term or semester. It is a way of determining what a student's abilities are before they begin to prepare for an exam. Pre-testing provides information which can be used to advise a student on which exam they should be taking Gf this is not yet decided), and on their chances of achieving the required result, I also gives students an idea of what the exam is like, and how close they are to achieving the necessary level. Sample questions from different parts of the exam may be used for pre- testing, and can be marked using the formal exam criteria. These will allow us to predict how well the student is likely to do even without preparation, which is useful information for the teacher. Revision testing The purpose of revision testing is to check that learners can apply their knowledge and skills to the sorts of tasks that will appear on the exam paper. Revision tests help to familiarize students with the various task types as well as indicating how well they are doing. They should reflect the work recently done in class and can be set at regular intervals throughout the course (such as after completing a unit) or at the end of each term. Mock exams The main reason for giving a mock exam is to reduce anxiety about procedural issues, such as how to complete a written exam in the time available, or what the examiner will ask you to do in the speaking exam. It provides an experience of exam-raking which can be reviewed afterwards with the students, and which allows them to identify and diseuss things that might be worrying them about the exam day: Ideally, an authentic past paper should be used for a mock exam; some exam boards publish these or make them available for download from their website, Tt is important to replicate exam-room conditions and timings as far as possible; in order to authenticate the experience, the teacher will need to stop behaving like a class teacher and start behaving like an invigilator (during the exam) and an examiner (when marking). As ‘invigilator’, the teacher must follow the rules of conduct stated in the exam regulations, for example, checking that students’ mobile phones are switched off, controlling start and finish times, and refusing to answer questions. As ‘examiner’, the teacher should mark strictly according to the formal criteria set by the exam board, and award grades. B How to Teach for Exams Conclusions 4 In this chapter we have: looked at similarities and differences between exam courses and other courses. * discussed some reasons why teaching exam classes can be satisfying, + identified the qualities needed to be a successful exams teacher. * considered some of the practical things an exam teacher needs to + co! know. jered what to do in the first lesson of an exam course. ‘+ explained why it is important to pace the course. + pointed out that learners need to take responsibility for their own learning, and presented ideas for fostering good study habits. suggested some ways of helping students cope with exam pressure, both during the course and on the day of the exam. commented on different levels of exam groups and their different needs with respect to teaching and testing, considered the purpose of formal tests, and when they should be used on an exam course. Factors to take into account when planning “@ Factors to take into account when planning © How these factors affect course planning © How to choose materials for a particular course When preparing to plan a course, the exam itself must be & primary influence. It is important to get a good understanding of the language level and purpose of the exam. Many exams can be directly related to the ‘Common European Framework (CEF) system of levels or to the ALTE system of levels, both of which are referred to in the course of this book. The Exams overview appendix, on page 151, gives a brief explanation of the CEF and ALTE level systems; it also lists the various exams and their website addresses, where it is possible to find additional and updated information on them, Apart from the exam itself, key factors to consider relate to the students, the time available, and access to resources such as computers, the Internet, and audiovisual equipment. The following checklist may help when thinking about who the students are, and where and why they are preparing for the exam: + How many students will there be in the elas How old are the students? Will the students be attending a school or a Do they share the same language and cultural background? Are there any specific linguistic or cultural factors to take into account? ‘Are all the students in the class preparing for the exam? Why are they preparing for the exam? Have they taken any public English exams before? ‘Once we have identified the students, we need to consider how much time is available, both inside and outside class, between the beginning of the course and the exam. The following questions may prove useful: + How many months will the course last? + Is this the last course students will take before sitting for the exam? + How many hours a week will Ibe teaching these students? + How much time will they have for independent study or homework? Finally, the availability of resources, materials, and support ~ both for the teacher and for the students ~ needs checking, as follows: 15 How to Teach for Exams How these factors affect 16 course planning + Will students have access to computers and relevant software at school and/or at home? + Will they have access to the Internet at school and/or at home? * Are there video facilities in the school, and how often will teacher and students be able to use them? + Does the school supply any of the course materials (e.g. class sets of dictionaries, grammars, CD-ROMs, online courses)? + How many course components can the students afford to buy themselves? Having answered each of the questions above, we should be able to build up a profile of our class, as in the following example: Foe Class | 10 students in group ged 18 to 16 Ail Polish speaker's 7 tating exten in dave vax year Lon parents? mstigation) \ planning to take exam in Decewrberr 2 vet yet decided to teke exam B have passed PET Can do about 8 hows? homanork 4 Week 32 weeks ov 180 howrst class tive avilable No computer or Internet access at schol but some home secess Video room in school can be Used once 4 nes School supplies dictienaries Students can by covrsebook avd workbook, How we design a course will be influenced by factors associated with the students, the context of their study, and the availability of time and other resources. These will also affect selection of the materials to be used. Class size ‘The number of students in a group obviously has a significant impact on methodology. At one extreme we might find very large classes (30 plus) in contexts such as universities or state-run schools and, at the other, private one-to-one exam classes. Tn the large class context, most classroom management decisions need to be made in advance. In the one-to-one or small class context, on the other hand, the teacher can very effectively adopt a test-teach-test approach. For example, a writing task might be set for homework. In a subsequent class, when reading and commenting on the written work, it might emerge that most students are having difficulty with participle clauses. The teacher will immediately do some work on that area and then set more homework to check that effective learning has taken place. Class size will also determine how many pieces of written work can be set and marked and how often speaking skills can be monitored on an individual basis. In large classes, it will almost certainly be necessary to set up student-stadent monitoring of speaking and written work, as well as 2 + How to plan a course and choose materials allowing time outside class for marking and record keeping. In one-to-one and small group contexts, a lot of marking and commenting on students’ writing and speaking can be done during the lessons themselves. Age A student's age may have an impact on motivation, and this will have implications for course design, classroom procedires, and materials Enrolling in an exam class and registering for the exam itself is usually something adults decide to do themselves. As a result, they may be highly motivated and willing to put in the necessary effort. This means that the teacher can plan a course geared towards active and committed adult learners. In the case of younger learners, the decision to take the exam is often made for them by a parent. In some cases, the student may resent having to prepare for it or feel pressured by parental ambitions. If an exam class is made up of young learners like these, itis important to ensure that there are plenty of entertaining activities like songs and games to bolster motivation. Parents can be reassured by evidence that their son or daughter is completing the exercises in the coursebook and workbook. Regular progress testing may help to convince parents that the teacher is doing a good job, and may also help to motivate learners. Students’ ages may also affect the decision to adopt an approach with an emphasis on autonomous learning. A course with a lot of student-produced tasks or project work may go down better with younger learners who will, in some cases, have met this approach at school. Older people who are more accustomed to a traditional teacher-fronted classroom environment, may show resistance to an exam course in which they are expected to participate in decision-making and materials design. Even so, taking responsibility for one’s own development is an essential element in exam preparation. It is worth persevering in this area with students, even if there is a certain amount of initial unease. There are suggestions throughout this book as to how students might be encouraged to take on such responsibilities. In terms of materials, it may be the case that younger learners respond very positively to electronic media while older adults might find these less appealing, possibly because they associate computer use with the work environment and not with language learning. Some older adults may even lack sufficient computer literacy to make materials in electronic format a viable option. At the same time, it is the adult learner who is more likely to have a computer and the wherewithal to purchase software. Context Whether the students are studying in an English-speaking environment, or in an environment where their first language prevails, may also influence exam course planning, Students who are studying in countries such as the UK, Ireland, the USA, Australia, Canada, or New Zealand will almost always be members of exam classes_in which many language backgrounds and cultures are represented. This will make class discussion stimulating, but it will also 7 How to Teach for Exams 18 mean that a focus on the particular problems of any one group will be inappropriate. For example, extensive remedial pronunciation work geared to the needs of Spanish speakers will probably bore and fuse cla in which speakers of Asian and Scandinavian languages are also represented. Students preparing for an exam in their own countries, on the other hand, can often take advantage of the language-specific materials some publishers make available, as well as benefiting from the expertise of teachers who understand their first language and the particular difficulties with English that it may bring. In a setting where there is minimal exposure to English outside the classroom, the teacher will want to devote plenty of class time to listening and speaking, especially to pronunciation (sec Chapters 6 and 7, as well as the companion volume in this series, Hezo to Teach Pronunciation). ‘An English-speaking envionment means ready access to native speakers of English, as well as to TV, radio, and cinema in English, and may therefore reduce the need for listening and speaking preparation and practice, and for the grading of that preparation and practice. It will also mean that students can play an active role in producing listening and reading materials for classroom use, though in the age of the Internet this is something that almost anyone can now do, regardless of where they happen to be living. Linguistic and cultural factors An obvious issue at the planning stage in the case of monolingual groups is the language and cultural background of the students. Awareness of particular problems experienced by speakers of the language concerned will probably prompt the teacher to programme additional work on these areas, perhaps making use of materials produced specifically for that context. Most of these materials are geared towards the grammar and writing components of the exam concerned. If the students’ first language differs markedly from. English in some respect (c.g. the article system, verb tenses, word order), then one would expect to find extra practice on these arcas. Cultural factors may have more subtle implications too. Students from some cultural backgrounds may expect the teacher to lead and control all classroom interaction and may be reluctant to work with other students. In such cases, it will be necessary to convince students that pair and group work plays an important role in exam preparation. ‘The demands of the exams themselves may be culturally alien to the students and may therefore need to be introduced carefully and handled with sensitivity. For example, some students may be unused to writing discursive essays in which they express an opinion. Similarly, paired~ speaking tasks may pose a particular problem because expression of disagreement is unacceptable in the culture or, on the other hand, because a more confrontational approach to discussion is the norm. It is sensible to devote more time to conversational strategies, such as expressing opinions or expressing polite agreement and disagreement, in contexts like these. Finally, most exams inevitably make certain assumptions about cultural background knowledge and we may find that our students are unfamiliar with some of the ideas and concepts that are taken for granted in skills work. In this case, a certain amount of cultural input can be included in the course 2. * How to plan a course and choose materials plan, possibly drawing on the Internet as a source. Activities can be prepared in which students research topics such as family life, celebrations, housing, education, and so on as an adjunct to the information provided in texts they encounter in the coursebook. Some teacher's books accompanying exam courses suggest web sources of this type Time factors Obviously, the time available has considerable impact on the choice of methodology and of materials. The amount of time students have to prepare for an exam can vary enormously. This is sometimes related to the kind of exam (see the Exams overview appendix) students are intending to take; some exams are designed to require minimal preparation beyond a general English language course, while others such as the Cambridge ESOL. exams may have a build-up time of two or even three years. ‘Where only very limited time is available, the teacher will want to streamline preparation by making sure students become thoroughly familiar with the exam format. Most of the work performed in class and set to be done out of class will be exam-focused, and it may be advisable to assign an exam handbook or workbook (see below), as well as making use of practice test materials in conventional and/or electronic formats. ‘Where there are longer periods of exam preparation, the teacher is more likely to opt for a gradual build-up to the exam. Many publishers now offer two- or three-level courses geared to specific exams; the lower levels offer less emphasis on explicit exam preparation, while coursebooks and workbooks intended for use in the final year of exam preparation are largely dedicated to examestyle tasks and advice on strategies and procedures. The amount of time that we expect to see our students will also affect course design. We may have one-to-one classes in which we see the student for only an hour a week. In contrast are intensive courses in which students attend class three to six hours a day, five days a week. In between is the situation in many private language schools, where students come to class for benween three and five hours a week. In the case of the one-to-one, one hour a week class, it is advisable to assign many tasks as homework, particularly in the case of reading and writing. The intensive course scenario, on the other hand, leaves students with litte time (or energy!) for independent study; it is also a context in which the teacher needs to make sure that there are changes in pace and a good variety of topics and activities. Students are then more likely to remain interested and motivated. Composition of the class We may find ourselves teaching a class in which some of the students are preparing for an exam and others are not. In such cizeumstances, the teacher ‘will need to give due attention to general skills and language development alongside exam-style tasks. Fortunately, many exam tasks reflect good classroom practice and can be used with general English students without their having to master complex and unfamiliar procedures. Depending on the proportion of exam and non-exam students in a class, the teacher can change the emphasis given to the various sections of cach unit in the 19 How to Teach for Exams How to choose mater 20 rials for a particular course coursebook, possibly assigning all exam-specific work as homework or asking exam students to buy a workbook or handbook for self-access use. The students’ exam experience Previous exam experience may mean that we do not need to give as much emphasis to exam techniques and procedures as we would with students preparing for their first English exam. If students are taking an exam for the first time, or afier many years away from formal study, it may be necessary to devote quite a lot of class time to study skills and learner training, as well as to the specific techniques needed for the exam. © a summary of what has been discussed so far, the following example scenario shows how decisions might be taken: Student profile Three sixteen-year-old Spanish-speaking girls preparing for the Cambridge ESOL Certificate of Proficiency in English in Spain. > Little variation in level (all three girls took Cambridge ESOL FCE two years ago. Grades A or B). All have been registered for the exam by their parents. All three are concurrently doing their final year of secondary school and preparing for university entrance, All are highly motivated. > All three have their own computers, > Began course in early October; will take the exam in early June, Approximately 32 classes (one class a week (3 hours) Saturday mornings). All are willing and able to devote approximately 6 additional hours a week to homework and study. Planning Decisions > Overall approach ‘Test-Teach-Test’ > Class time divided between listening and speaking with grammar and vocabulary revision and extension > Reading and writing work to be done outside class, also Use of English exercises (CD-ROM) > Discussion, marking, and review of homework in class An important part of course planning is the selection of appropriate materials. Since most teachers have busy schedules, in which they teach between twenty and thirty hours a week, at least part of what they do in exam classes may well involve using published materials. However, it is often worthwhile for teachers to find time to produce materials specifically for the needs of their own students, Here is a summary of the types of materials that teachers can use: Print materials + coursebooks + workbooks + exam handbooks *+ practice test books + supplementary books (dictionaries and grammars) 2 How to plan 3 course and choose materials Electronic materials + materials on CD-ROM + online materials ideo or DVD “Home-made’ materials + the teacher's materials + the students’ materials When choosing materials for a course it is helpful to analyse the issues according to the topic areas discussed in the rest of this chapter, ‘Audience + Is the course intended for teenagers or adults? The publishers usually indicate this on their web pages and in their catalogues, as well as on the covers of the materials themselves. If this not the case, the fact that students are expected to discuss, read, and write about weighty topics such as human rights or war would be good indication that the course is intended for adults. Materials directed at young teenagers, on the other hand, take much of their topic content from popular culture. They often tend to have a lighter-hearted approach to language and skills practice, including games, cartoons, and even pop songs. + Isthe course aimed at high-achievers or average learners? Again, this is often indicated, especially if the course is intended for candidates who are going for a grade higher than a pass. Exam-level texts and tasks will ‘occur early, and the later units might go beyond the demands of the exam elf to include language and skills work at a slightly higher level. + Is it geared to exam students only? Publishers sometimes avoid mentioning the exam so as not to limit the potential market. If a coursebook is geared exclusively to learners who are preparing, for the exam, descriptions of exam tasks, procedures, and strategies will be given prominence. There will aso be fewer, ifany, general non-exam activities and a great deal more specific exam preparation. Most language practice will involve exercises that are similar to the part of the exam that tests ‘grammar and vocabulary. Skills development will aso often be achieved through exam-style tasks. There may also be examstyle tests throughout the book and a practice exam at the end. + Isthe course intended for use in the final lead-up to the exam itself? If this is not the case, there will be more space devoted to general English, and language and tasks will be carefully graded starting well below the level of the exam itself. If, on the other hand, the course is intended for use in the last year of exam preparation, there will be alot of very focused and specific exam practice at or slightly above the level of the exam. There will also be at least one practice exam, Content and format ‘One of the first things to discover is how many components there are and what they contain. Apart from the units themselves, coursebooks usually include banks of exercises to check how successfully learners have absorbed a How to Teach for Exams 2 the content, normally interspersed with the units themselves. The publishers ‘may also include (at the back or in the middle of the book) various kinds of additional material such as a grammar reference, a writing reference with model answers, banks of visuals for speaking practice, communicative activities, practice tests, phrasal verb fists, and so on. Several publishers offer courses made up of modular components intended to prepare students for each exam paper (Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening, Speaking) or each of the areas tested. The rationale for this approach is that a flexible course can be designed where due emphasis is given to those parts of the exam that we consider to be particularly taxing for our students. This modular approach also allows us to design a course in which we use material from different publishers in the same exam class, or use some published elements and write the rest of the materials ourselves. All coursebooks are accompanied by a teacher's book. At the very least this will include answers to coursebook exercises and a tapescript of the recorded material. Most teacher's books offer far more. For example, they may include extensive teacher's notes with suggestions for classroom ‘management and exploitation of the material in the coursebook, additional activities, cultural background information for coursebook texts, advice on marking written work and on evaluating speaking tasks, a detailed account of the exam, end-of-unit tests, and so on. It is always a good idea to get hold of the teacher’ book as this will save a lot of preparation time. For some contexts, publishers also produce ‘companions’. These are glossaries of all the vocabulary used in the coursebook, sometimes slecompanied by practice exercises catering for the needs of speakers of a particular first Language. Even if a companion is not available for the country concerned, it may be worth getting hold of a copy of a companion written for students elsewhere because many offer interesting and useful exercises that can be assigned to ‘early-finishers’ or to the whole class. Increasingly, exam coursebooks are accompanied by workbooks. ‘Workbooks usually come in two versions: one with the answer key included in the middle or atthe end of the book and another in which there is no key. Some offer only grammar and vocabulary practice to. supplement the coursebook others include grammar surmaries, skills work, advice on exam strategies and procedures, learner training, and practice test material, IF the workbook covers all four skills, it will also be accompanied by audiocassettes of recorded material and/or a CD. In the case of CDs, these are sometimes given away free with the workbook. It is worth checking to see if the publisher has produced a ‘country-specific’ version of the workbook. Like the companions, these offer extra exercises, and sometimes tests, covering the specific problem areas for a particular group of speakers. ‘A recent innovation is to produce coursebook material for one exam board and to accompany it with two types of workbook: one catering for the same exam board as the coursebook and the other for another exam board with a test at a corresponding level. For example, the coursebook might be geared to Cambridge ESOL FCE but at the same time offer good preparation for students planning to take Michigan ECCE. The coursebook will therefore be accompanied by a choice of workbooks offering specific 2. * How to plan 2 course and choose materials. exam practice: one for FCE and the other for ECCE (see, for example, the Longman Gold series). Some publishers now offér electronic ~ online or CD-ROM - versions of their exam courses. These may be intended to supplement or replace print materials. They usually include additional exercises specifically written for the medium, There is a tendency for courses to be accompanied by a video, intended to provide stimuli and input for the writing paper of certain exams. The time factor will again be an important part of planning. How long i will take to cover the material depends on how many components there are and how many the teacher intends to use. Itis worth noting that the vast majority of coursebooks are free-standing and when the publishers refer to the number of hours it takes to cover the course they are usually refersing to the coursebook on its own. Many coursebooks are organized in terms of longer units which might take as long as fifteen hours to complete. Others are divided into much shorter units that can be readily covered in two or three two-hour classes. The number of units in a coursebook varies considerably as well. Obviously, assigning a workbook, CD-ROM, or other additional component adds more hours to the course planned, and it is important to decide how feasible this is and whether students would need to cover all or just some of the exercises. Materials appropriate for use outside a class Some workbooks can be used by students preparing for an exam independently of a class, either entirely on their own or with a private tutor. Exam handbooks also offer what is primarily intended as. self-study material, though they can, of course, also be used in class. As the name suggests, they are very much geared to the particular exam concerned and offer exam-targeted practice, tips, hints, and exam. procedures. Unlike workbooks and coursebooks, the material in the handbook will not always be graded, and they will also give less space to language development per se. Since they are aimed at the independent learner, they normally include exercises that can be corrected from the answer key (usually found at the back of the book). Handbooks generally come with either cassettes or CDs including examples of speaking tasks and listening material Many CD-ROMs can be used on their own or with minimal input from a teacher. The materials are generally at least partially interactive in that ‘they will ‘mark’ the answers that a learner provides. They may also provide hints and/or reference material that students can access if they have difficulty answering or get an answer wrong, Sometimes the material will include an avacar (a computer-animated character) who provides feedback through sound file recordings of encouraging comments, ‘There are now online versions of several major exam courses and banks of exam practice exercises written by staff at major language schools. In the case of the material produced by language schools, there is sometimes the opportunity for students to pay for email tutorials and to send in written work for comment and correction. One particularly innovative site (Flo-Joe) offers a service where student written work is cortected and annotated and then published on the net for others to see. Some sites make extensive use 23 How to Teach for Exams of audio files and offer good listening materials and remedial pronunciation ‘work. Chat and discussion forums are an important element on some sites, and there are even online courses that use meeting software so that students may actually participate in speaking practice either with a tutor or with other students, A few sites are free or offer some free services, usually as an enticement to get people to sign up for the fee-paying elements. Once a subscription or fee has been paid, in many cases there is almost unlimited access to practice materials. Supplementary materials *+ Dictionaries and grammars ~ several publishers recommend a particular dictionary, or sometimes a grammar, 2s companion volumes to their exam courses. There are usually ities in the coursebook and workbook that encourage students to learn to exploit dictionaries, though cross- referencing to a grammar is rarer, largely because most coursebooks include their own grammar reference. Obviously buying a coursebook and a workbook, plus a dictionary, and/or a grammar represents 2 considerable outlay for any student and may be very expensive. That said, a monolingual learner's dictionary is always a good investment, as is a reference grammar with exercises. If plenty of time is available and the teacher has course design expertise, it might even be possible to ask students to buy only a dictionary and a grammar. The rest of the tasks can be prepared by the teacher and, in some cases, by the students themselves. ‘There are now online versions of most of the major learners’ dictionaries and electronic (usually CD-ROM) versions of many good grammars aimed at intermediate level and above. + Practice test books ~ although some recently published practice test books (and a CD-ROM) include exam tips and advice, traditionally these have contained only materials reflecting the level and content of the exam itself. In some cases, the tests are actual past papers. A typical book ‘would contain between three and five tests presented in identical format to the exam, with an answer Key. In the case of exams that include a speaking and/or a listening test, the practice test book will be accompanied by an audio cassette ot CD. ‘Unadulterated practice tests can be used to best effect with students in ‘two contexts: at the beginning and at the end of the course. At the start of the course, a confident geoup of students can be assigned tasks from practice tests or past papers to give them a ‘feel’ for the level and nature of the exam. It is probably best simply to provide students with the answer key and get them to mark their own, work, reminding them that they have a course of preparation ahead of them and thus should not worry unduly if they do nor score well. It is sometimes necessary to use practice tests to discourage a student who is too far below the required level from registering for the exam. Exam registration is generally very expensive and it is best to deter someone who is not ready; a poor result ona practice testis often an effective means of doing this. 2 * How to plan a course and choose materials At the end of the course, practice tests can be used t0 give students experience of what it will be like to do the exam itself and can be administered under exam conditions (or a close approximation). This can serve to alleviate anxiety and, if preparation has been well-bandled, to raise confidence. The teacher can go through the answers and use this as the basis for revision, revisiting relevant sections of the coursebook or workbook to review problematic areas of grammar, vocabulary, or exam technique. Practice test materials can also be adapted in various ways, and students can even be asked to do this for their classmates. A listening passage can be used with a simplified task, or with a reading text accompanied by a glossary, or to practise guessing meaning from context. Reading texts can also be adapted for use as gap fills to practise a particular grammar point or to further develop knowledge of vocabulary. Speaking materials probably lend themselves most readily to teaching rather than testing. Images can be used as the basis for class or group discussion. Although teachers should be encouraged to try adapting the texts and images in practice tests for teaching purposes, itis not generally advisable to adapt them for other kinds of testing. If a reading passage is accompanied by a particular reading task, e.g. multiple matching, it highly unlikely that the text will be suitable for another task type, eg. gapped text. Likewise, a listening passage intended for a note-taking task will not generally work well with true/false questions. Teacher-generated course materials Many teachers ~ including exam teachers ~ enjoy producing their own materials. Time limitations are one of the main obstacles to generating tailored courses. Teachers who have not yet tried materials writing will find that this book offers ideas and guidance. When producing our own ‘materials, it is essential to check that what we write accurately reflects the demands of the exams that our students are taking. Most teachers build up files of interesting texts to exploit as reading, mar, and vocabulary practice material. Nowadays, with so much text available online and with the possibility of searching for particular topic areas, rather than combing the daily press, many of us can find texts for adaptation and exploitation very readily on the Internet. Listening material ‘can be recorded from radio and TV, but web-based sound files can also be used. Since it is possible to download images, it s also far easier than it once was to prepare attractive speaking materials. Teachers should inform themselves of possible restrictions with regard to recording, copying, reproducing, and distributing copyright material from electronic and print sources, and seek any necessary permissions. One’ source of text and talk that is often neglected is the students themselves. Higher-level student writing (with the originating student's permission, of course) can be used as reading material at lower levels, and recordings of speaking tasks to practise listening, 25 How to Teach for Exarns Conclusions 26 Students also enjoy and benefit from writing their own materials, either for their classmates or for students in lower-level classes. They may, for example, prepare cloze passages or reading tasks, particularly scrambled or gapped-text tasks. They can either use texts they find on the Intemet or alternatively exploit texts they have written themselves. They can be asked to give short talks in class and to prepare true/false or gup-fill questions to test their classmates’ listening comprehension. Students will also probably enjoy looking for images in magazines or on the Internet to use as a basis for speaking work. Throughout this book are a number of other suggestions about how the students’ creative energy can be tapped in the preparation of materials. Teachers might like to try some of these out, even if they have not involved students in this way before. ‘An extremely important teacher factor that affects course planning decisions is the amount of time we have available. Although we may endeavour to be creative, as teachers, we should not feel guilty or inadequate if we only use published materials. The exam courses that are produced by the commercial publishers involve huge investment in terms of research, author selection, piloting, and reporting by teachers and examiners. They should, as a result, be able to provide us and our students with pretty much everything necessary for exam preparation and can guarantee that what is provided reflects the exam concerned as accurately as possible. Especially if ‘we teach more than twenty hours a week, using 2 published exam course still remains our best option. In this chapter we have: * examined the factors to consider when planning an exam course. * provided an example of a class profile and a planning scenario, * discussed the way in which class size affects decisions about approach. * looked at the effect of age on choice of methodology and materials. * examined a variety of learning contexts and their impact on course planning. + noted that there may be linguistic and cultural factors to take into account. + discussed the impact of time limitations * considered classes in which not all students are taking the exam, and also how to support students who have not taken an exam. before. * provided an overview of available exam course materials for use in, or outside, a class situation, + explored a range of considerations when choosing materials. + explained the circumstances in which the use of practice tests is appropriate. * considered how and when materials might usefully be generated by the teacher and students themselves. The different types of reading test pu to teach ading for exams ‘The different types of reading test What is measured in reading tests How to prepare students for reading tests © Exam procedures and strategies for students Students have usually had plenty of reading practice before they begin an ‘exam course but this does not necessarily imply that they have had sufficient practice of exam-specific skills. Even in exam coursebooks, not all reading sections are particularly geared towards engendering these skills. Although non-exam reading activities provide valuable practice of reading skills per se, students should aim to be familiar and confident with the tasks that occur in the exam they are taking; and with the procedures to be followed when tackling these tasks ‘The reading component in most exams reflects the wide range of purposes for which people read in real life. Typical reading exams include texts of different types and lengths. Increasingly, the texts used are authentic or semi-authentiec (drawn from magazines, newspapers etc) ~ texts written for competent or native speakers of English, rather than being written ally for teaching or testing, The texts are accompanied by a variety of reading tasks, each of which is designed to test a particular combination of reading skills. The following are the most common tasks. Multiple choice This is the reading task that is likely to be most familiar to students. Tt consists of a text (or texts), which can be of almost any type (narrative, argument, descriptive etc) and genre (stories, letters, articles, signs etc), accompanied by one or more multiple choice items (where students have to choose between alternatives, e.g. a,b, ¢, or d). These may be in the form of a series of statements, a question plus answers, or an incomplete statement with a choice of phrases or words with which to complete it. There are usually three or four options, only one of which is correct. It is common to have items corresponding to specific sections of the text, but there may also be items to test comprehension of the text as a whole. True/false This is another task type that will be familiar to most students. Once again, there is a text or a group of texts accompanied by a series of statements. Candidates determine whether the statements are correct (true) or incorrect 27 How to Teach for Bxams 28 (Galse), according to the text. Sometimes a third option is included (not given’ or ‘not known), for cases where the text does not give the reader enough information to determine whether a statement is true or false. A variant on this task is simply to ask questions, to be answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’, about the subject matter dealt with in the text. Matching {Les uit perhaps, bu incresingly common, are matching asks, They are used by several of the exam boards, some of which include more than cone matching task in their reading tests. In matching tasks, candidates choose from a list of prompts. The prompts may be headings, statements, or question completions. For example, candidates might be asked t0 match a description to. the appropriate paragraph of a text, or to match words and phrases to their meanings. The texts used are frequently descriptive, but can be from a range of genres (book reviews, biographies, travel guides, articles etc). Sometimes there is a single text divided into sections and on other occasions a series of short, related texts is used. Low-level and young learners’ reading tests make liberal use of matching tasks, because visuals can be used as well as short texts, such as notices or signs. Gapped texts Tasks involving texts (including text in charts and diagrams) from which single words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs have been removed are also common to many reading tests, Single word, phrase, or sentence gap fills are found in tests of grammar and vocabulary too (see Chapter 5) In some tasks, it is the candidates who have to decide what should fill the gap, while in others they must choose (as with multiple choice tasks) from 1 series of alternatives, only one of which is correct. Where paragraphs or sentences have been removed, there is usually an item among the alternatives that does not belong to the text. In some cases, the candidate writes in the words or figures that are missing from a diagram, summary, or chart that accompanies the main text. For the most part, however, in this type of task only single texts are used. ‘These are of many types, but deseriptive narratives are particularly frequent. ‘They can be drawn from fiction, biography, articles, or letters. Gapped texts provide a task type that lends itself to the use of visual materials, and so can be found in reading tests for younger learners. This, kind of task may also be applied to dialogues in lower-level exams, Proofreading Proofreading tasks involve finding deliberate errors of various kinds in the text provided. Although they typically form a part of grammar and vocabulary tests, proofreading tasks are also used by some exam boards in reading exams. What is measured reading tests 3 * How to teach reading for exams The texts can be of any type and genre, though they are usually shorter than texts used in other parts of the reading test. In most cases, each line of the text is numbered. Some lines will contain an extra word, @ misspelt word, or a punctuation error, while other lines will be correct. Candidates are required to read the text and mark lines as correct, or locate the extra words, ot correct the spelling and punctuation errors. Some exams test reading and writing together, and candidates are expected to write longer responses to what they have read; these responses are also assessed as pieces of writing. Even where there is a separate reading test, there is often overlap between the testing of reading and the testing of writing. Many writing tests (see Chapter 4) involve quite a lot of reading. The same is true for tests of “English in Use’, which, although they focus primarily on grammar and vocabulary (sce Chapter 5), are frequently text- based and so test reading sub-skills. Students need to be aware of this as they sometimes do poorly in the writing or use of English section of an exam because of limitations in their reading ability. Each of the parts in a typical reading test is designed to measure a different combination of reading skills. Lower-level tests measure candidates’ ability to understand the main message and some detail. Only short factual texts (e.g. notices and letters) are used. At intermediate level and above, students are expected to be able to handle a full range of text types and genres, and text lengths of over a thousand words. More advanced tests are designed to measure a greater range of reading skills. Below and on the next pages are a list of the reading skills tested in exam tasks, each with an example test item and a brief explanation of how the task is typically used. Understanding the main ideas + multiple choice + matching What is the writer compl jing about in the letter? [A Buses are becoming more crowded, B Bus stops are poorly maintained. Adults can be thoughtless on buses. D Children should be more polite on buses. ‘The skill here is reading for gist or skimming. The candidate needs to read the text (in the example above, a letter) through from beginning to end. Tt is not normally possible to find any single, small section of the text that provides the answer to the question. Instead, the answer is derived from understanding whole paragraphs or the entire text. 29 How to Teach for Exams 30 Finding specific information and detail + multiple choice + matching, Look at the eight recruitment advertisements (A-H). Answer the questions below by writing the letters of the appropriate advertisements A-H in boxes 1-10 on your answer sheet. 11 Which TWO positions require a knowledge of computers? 2. Which position is for only a temporary appointment? ... etc In this case, the reading sub-skll tobe used is scanning, ie. looking through the whole text to locate key words and phrases. Generally, the words and phrases used in the questions do not occur in the text or texts, so students need to be able to recognize synonyms and parallel expressions, of, in the case of visuals, to activate the vocabulary related to the visuals and locate it in the text Recognizing the writer's attitude and opinion ‘The writer thinks that companies who advertise on the Internet A try to exploit their customers. B should be more carefully monitored. Care more common in the the United States. D never sell quality products. The answer will not usually be stated explicitly at any one point in the text. An appreciation of the writers attitude or opinion depends on picking up the meaning of adverbs and modal expressions that may be scattered throughout the text. Identifying the tone + multiple choice The writer's comments on the new exhibition centre are. A admiring, B critical © mildly complimentary. D slightly dismissive. Once again, we generally appreciate a particular tone on the basis of evidence found in many parts of the text, rather than in a single sentence or paragraph. Modal verbs, adverbs, and adjectives throughout the text will contribute to our seeing the tone as critical, admiring etc. 3 * How to teach reading for exams Understanding implication + multiple choice ‘The author implies that male nurses A are unprofessional. B have been undervalued, © do not take their work seriously. D cannot compete with their female counterparts, Here it is necessary to ‘read between the lines’ and understand what is not said overtly, rather than looking for the answer somewhere in the words of the text themselves. For example, if T ask you if you Tike your job and you answer that it is, at least, well paid, I can infer that the money is probably the only good thing about it, in your view. Itis also important to distinguish berween what the text actually implies and one’s own ideas and beliefs Identifying the purpose for which the text was written + multiple choice ‘What would be the best title for this text? ‘A How to get along with people in the office B My first day at work ‘Why you shouldn't work with your relatives D The diary of a copywriter Once again, there will not necessarily be any one section of the text in which the purpose is stated, though sometimes grammar will be a good indicator. A story primarily intended to entertain will in all likelihood, be told using narrative tenses (simple past, past continuous, past perfect) whercas if the intention is to advise, we would expect to find structures such as imperatives, and modals of obligation (should, aught to, must, hare to). Understanding text structure and organization + gapped text + proofreading [See the example on page 32.] ‘Text pattern recognition skills are brought to bear in scrambled text activities, so most students will have already had plenty of practice when using general English reading materials. There are a number of different patterns that students need to learn to recognize. For example, in narratives, sections of the text will introduce characters and setting, and there will be a series of events or actions that create some kind of problem that is then resolved in some way. In description, there is frequently a transition from the general to the particular, while in discursive texts a common pattern involves 31 How to Teach for Exams Choose the most suitable sentence from the list (a-f) for each gap (1-6) in the article. 4] Macy says she wants 10 know about he pas even if tis vety frightening ») Waking around a lake made her fel that she had akways liked being outsie Inthe res a, 1 Ths ines can be caused bya head injury othe brain or bya shocking event 2 She tls GE GBEDsne ic krow hee she was = ar no he was TREE BE ADalet and sothing to identi her. 4) Everything Before March 2 completly Dank The woman with no name It’s as if Macy's life began two weeks ago. She found herself alone and shivering from the cold on the side of a completely unfamiliar road. She remembers feeling a bump on the back of her head and looking in the Pockets of her jan and ang brown coat. She found $24.31 and a pink cigarette lighteK That was alJ@he found. (1) .......f... It was just after midnight on March 2nd when she went into a phone box outside a station near a small town in Virginia, USA and ialled the emergeney number 912) ...... She can't recall how Tong she walked that might and she can't remember anything else. Macy has a classic ease of amnesia. (3) She has no memories of friends or family and no memories of playing with classmates as a child. She doesn't know if she is a wife or a mother or if she has a favourite colour. She doesn't remember any films, books, names, faces or places. She didn’t recognise the President of the United States when she saw him on television or remember any recent events. Medical experts say cases like Macy's, in which there is such a complete loss of memory, are quite rare. (4) .... Usually the effects do not last long and the period of time that the person has forgotten is normally limited. Macy's doctors said medical tests show that she is healthy. They think something really terrible might have happened to her and that this made her ‘mind cut off all her memories. (5)... Macy has noticed some things that seem familiar. A desire to paint her nails pink made her think she might have enjoyed doing that before. (6) sreseescesseee » She can't explain why she chose the name Macy, but. wonders if it has something to do with her past. ‘Macy's doctors say all she ean do is wait, She says she is also praying, although she doesn't even know if she has ever done that before. Extracts on pages 32 and 33 adapted from: (Gang for Gold Intermediate Masiniserby Sally Burges (Longs) 32 How to teach reading for exams introducing a problem and then offering a series of possible solutions, each, of which is evaluated. Students also need to appreciate that individual paragraphs contain topic sentences, while other sentences in the paragraph support the topic sentence by providing detail, examples, and so on. Understanding cohesion and coherence *+ gapped text + proofreading + multiple choice CRD sasGB wants to know about har past even iit vee nahn, 19 a/und a ake made her fee that she had always kee beng outside in the fen ac she hae 19 memos offends or fay and no memores of plying ‘ith classmates asa child She doesn't know if she sa wfe Cohesion is a quality of texts such that elements (words, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs) are connected to one another. Coherence is the logical connection between ideas and concepts in a text. One way in which readers, understand text organization is by looking for such relationships at the level of individual words and phrases. This may involve understanding the meanings of pronouns (in the example above, Macy says she wants to know ‘about ber past even if it is very frightening.). Or, it can involve understanding that the use of a definite article or a demonstrative adjective (e.g. ¢is) can indicate that something has been mentioned earlier in the text (Macy bas a classic case of amnesia ... This itiness can be caused by a head injury), or that there is a relationship between lexical items, ie. that they are Synonyms, opposites, parts of a whole, and so on. In gapped-text tasks, students can check their intuitive guesses about the position of sentences and paragraphs by looking for these relationships. Students may be asked about the ‘meaning ofa pronoun or determiner plus a general noun (e.g, this illness) in some multiple choice tests. Understanding the meaning of specific words in context + gapped text + matching + multiple choice 33 How to Teach for Exams How to Prepare students for reading tests ‘The word crestfallen in line 31 is closest in meaning to: A intitated B relieved © disappointed D proud ‘This is not a question of how much vocabulary students know, but of their being able to work out the meaning of unfamiliar items from context. This generally involves looking at the immediate environment in which the word ‘or phrase occurs and sometimes for clues in terms of the form of the word, eg, negative prefixes. “There are many ways in which teachers can support students in developing the skills measured in reading tests, but it is important to highlight the connection between particular reading activities and the demands of the exam. For example, when presenting a scrambled text activity (ie. a text in which the order of sentences or paragraphs has been changed), the benefit will be greater if the teacher explains how this helps students to prepare for gapped-text tasks. ‘Teachers do not always feel comfortable about devoting precious class time to reading, since reading tasks can conveniently be assigned as homework. While it is often reasonable to expect students to carry out reading assignments in their own time, class time can be used very profitably to work on three areas: 1) developing task awareness, 2) developing exam skills and strategies, and 3) improving reading speeds. Developing task awareness We can ensure that students appreciate the value of reading practice in exam classes by familiarizing them with the exam itself, Candidates need to know how many parts there are in the reading exam and what kinds of tasks occur in each part. Good exam coursebooks or workbooks normally provide an exam overview at the beginning. It is sensible to go over this information with students at the beginning of the course. Ifan exam overview is not provided, teaches ean prepie ther own. The overview should include the following information: how long the reading exam lasts how many parts there are how long students have to do each part what tasks ean occur in each part how to answer the questions (e.g. choose between the alternatives) how long the texts are in each part how many words students have to read overall 3 © How to teach reading for exams Because so many reading exams involve entering answers on a sheet that can be read by a computer, it is important to make sure that students know how to fill these sheets in. The details of each task and the kinds of items that occur are best introduced gradually as the course progresses. Each part of the exam should be covered at least once, if not more often. Ideally, there will be enough ‘exam reading practice in the course to engage all the reading skills that are tested by each task. Teachers can provide information about the tasks used, explain what kinds of reading they are designed to test, and suggest procedures for tackling them. Specific strategies for each task can also be presented and demonstrated. This can be accompanied by an example of the particular task, so that students can try out the procedure and put the strategy into practice, They should then have further practice with the procedure at a later point in the course. Developing exam skills and strategies Unless the course is an intensive one in which students have only a very short time to prepare for the exam, itis best to use graded materials. Tasks, texts, and the conditions in which students read will become increasingly ‘exam-authentic’ ~ focused on exams themselves rather than on authentic reading in general ~ as we move closer to the exam date. This approach is more motivating because students will have a good chance of getting many of the answers right, even at the beginning of the course. Exam reading preparation can be graded in three ways: 1) by simplifying the tasks, 2) by simplifying the texts, and 3) by gradually introducing students to exam conditions Simplifying the task Reading tasks can be simplified in a number of ways, according to the task type. Here are some methods: + include fewer questions. * include only those questions that measure a particular skill, e.g. only attitude and opinion questions. + include fewer distractors, e.g. fewer options in multiple choice, no extra parageaph/sentence with a gapped text (that is, the number of paragraphs/sentences offered for matching would be the same as the number of gaps), all lines of text incorrect in proofreading (normally, there are several lines of text that do not contain errors). + avoid distracting ambiguity, e.g. no ‘overlap’ between matches in multiple matching (where headings are matched to paragraphs or sections of text). In tests, there are often one or two headings that might seem to apply to several sections/paragraphs. To simplify the task, we can make the headings clear-cut summaries of topic sentences (while still avoiding using the same words). * include only distractors offesing opportunities to practise a particular exam strategy, e.g. multiple choice options which say something that is true but not mentioned in the text. 35 How to Teach for Exams + provide (some) answers and indicate why they are sight/wrong, + highlight parts of the text where answers are to be found Simplifying tasks is relatively straightforward. Material from past papers or texts from practice exams books can be modified for use, and many exam coursebooks include simplified tasks. Simplifying the text Another aspect of the gradual process of developing exam reading skills and strategies involves applying those skills and strategies to increasingly complex texts. This means that students only meet texts at the level of the exam itself when they are thoroughly familiar with the task procedures and have a good grasp of exam reading strategies. The following are points to consider when selecting or simplifying texts for exam classes: + Length — many interesting magazine and newspaper articles and most short stories are simply too long for classroom use, though they may, of course, be assigned for extensive reading (ie. reading for information or pleasure, usually without structured comprehension questions). For use in lass, authentic texts like these will need to be edited. In the case of news stories, this is relatively straightforward, as one can generally edit from the bottom up, cutting paragraphs until the required length is reached. Other texts can present more of a challenge; one approach is to read the texta couple of times, put it aside and then write a summary of the length the students can manage (how faithful the short version is to the flavour of the original will depend on the teacher). + Number of unknown words ~ we usually develop good intuitions about words that will present difficulties for students and can therefore edit the text so that there are not too many of them. If teaching in a context where swe do not speak the students’ first language, or in a multilingual context, wwe might try giving any texts we are thinking of using to students at the level above the level of the class with which we are planning to use the text. We can ask these more advanced students to highlight all the words they know. We are then left with the unknown words. We can edit these out to ensure that every sentence contains enough familiar words to allow our learners to work out meaning from context. + Number of unfamiliar structures (e.g. participle clauses, such as, Feeling extremely anxious, I phoned 10 say T couldn't go.) ~ a grammar syllabus (shown, for example, on the contents page of a coursebook) should indicate which structures are being revised, and which are presented and practised for the first time. Ideally, the text should not include too high a proportion of grammar the students have not yet met. If it does, it should probably be simplified. This is particularly important where there is also unfamiliar vocabulary. + How much is left implicit ~ if the text is complex in terms of grammar and vocabulary, we may decide to make explicit what has been left implicit in the original text. The summary writing technique suggested above may help here, in that we may find that in our summary we have actually expressed what the original text simply implied. 3 # How to teach reading for exams + How much background knowledge is needed ~ students generally enjoy reading texts from which they can learn something new, but can be bewildered and irritated by texts that assume that the reader too grew up where the author did, This applies particularly to humovr. Texts that may have teachers rolling on the floor with laughter will often leave their students cold, We can semove or modily references to particular times, people, and places, but if too much cultural or specialist background knowledge is required to achieve an understanding of a text, it is probably safest to reject it. + How clear is the text structure ~ we might expect a text written by a professional to be exemplary in terms of text structure, but this is not always the case. Sometimes a lot is left up to the reader and the teacher will need to make relationships between sections of the text- more explicit. For example, if there is a cause and effect relationship that may not be clear to students, we could introduce a rhetorical question, e.g. Woy do people de this? One reason is that... We might even add a line or two to make these links clearer. + How likely it is that the topic will come up in the exam ~ students will ‘want practice with the vocabulary and background knowledge needed to tackle exam text topics, but they may also enjoy reading texts with content and style that are not likely to come up in the exam. Many topies that exam boards deem too controversial for usc in their tests may still be appropriate for classroom use. Simplification is useful and necessary, particularly early in an exam course, but itis important not to go too far in this respect. Students need to get a feel for texts at the level of complexity they will meet in the exam. It is important to preserve as much as possible of the original text so as to give learners access to the kinds of authentic texts they need to read for exam and rnon-exam purposes. Gradually introducing exam conditions ‘The conditions under which students do reading tasks in class can gradually approximate to those of the exam room. Farly in the course, students can be encouraged to discuss their answers in pairs or groups, before offering them to the whole class. Students may also be asked to do some reading tasks outside class, especially if they have a workbook as well as a coursebook. This usually means that they can spend as much time on the task as they wish and that they may use dictionaries to check meaning. Even in class we might pre-teach some of the vocabulary in the text. As we progress through. the course, these ‘cushions’ may gradually be eliminated so that eventually most reading will he done under conditions like those in the exam. This means that (if feasible) *+ twill be timed students will work individually no guidance will be given about how to approach the task Gictionaries ete. cannot be used answers will be entered on a facsimile of the answer sheet 37 How to Teach for Exams 38 Improving reading speeds Even those students with good reading speeds in their first language, or who read extensively for non-exam purposes, may have difficulty with timing in reading exams. It can sometimes be hard to convince students of this, however. Tris essential that they know how much they have to read and how much time they have to do it in. We can make students aware of time limitations at the beginning of the course by asking them to read a text of the maximum Jength required in the exam and do the accompanying task. When the time that would be allocated to this task in the exam is up, their answers are collected, regardless of whether they have finished answering the questions or not. They may well be frustrated, but the point will have been made. After this, it is useful always to set time limits and stick to them, while initially allowing slightly more time than candidates will have in the exam. The teacher can bring an alarm clock or a timer to class, and warn students five minutes before their task time is up. Encouraging students to keep an eve on the clock or timer, those who finish within the allotted time ean be rewarded by having their name entered on a record of speedy readers’. This means that everyone can finish their reading but that those who go over time are fully aware of this because they are not put on the ‘speedy readers’ list, Students can also be encouraged to take over the role of time keeper, timing a partner and then themselves without the teacher’ intervention. An important factor in reading speeds is how students cope when they encounter unfamiliar vocabulary in a text. Slow readers get stuck on individual words, while fluent, faster readers are more concemed with meaning beyond the sentence and do not hesitate even if there is quite a high proportion of new vocabulary. We can help students by teaching them to: + distinguish berween essential and non-essential words + work out meaning from context *+ work out meaning from word form One way of getting students to see just how much meaning one can derive from context, and how much redundancy there is in most texts, is to give them a familiar reading passage in a language they do not know at all (but with some relationship to their first language or to English), e.g. Litele Red Riding Heod in Esperanto. Once they have worked out the meaning of the title and the first line, they will often be able to ‘read’ the story without ‘knowing’ any of the words, Here is 2 lower-intermediate level sample lesson which helps learners look systematically at working out meaning from context, Example lesson ‘The students are asked to do a reading task in which the text contains from five to ten words or expressions that will be unfamiliar to them. They are asked to tell a partner what they normally do when they find a word they don't understand. The teacher then distributes this sheet with students’ techniques and asks if the pairs mentioned any of these: 3 © How to teach reading for exams A I continue reading and try not to worry about the words | don’t understand, B 1 look all the words up in a dictionary. € I look up important words in my dictionary. D | try and work out the meaning of important words from the context. Students can be asked to match these strategies to some comments by other students (these can be printed on the reverse side of the sheet): 1 “This doesn’t work. Some words are not important and it takes much too long to read the text!’ 2. "This is a very good idea. When you work out the meaning from context you usually remember the new word better.” 3 This is not such @ good idea. You might not understand anything at all!” 4 This can be very useful but | only do it when I've already tried to work ‘out what the word means from context.’ ‘The teacher then writes on the board: “The cat was skepmg peacctuly in Ws Favourite spot on the Chestarfidd, x sat down ‘The class is asked how they work out the meaning (of Chesterfield, which is almost certain to be the unknown word) from the context. Using this example, these steps are elicited: + Decide on the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc) of the word. + Look at the words and sentences before and after the word. * Try to think of another word (including a word in a better-known language or a general word) that could replace the unknown word. ‘This leads to the next exercise (or a similar one of the teacher's own). Firstly, the students study the activity on page 40 and are asked to say what part of speech the nonsense words are. This can be done in open class. ‘Then students work individually on deciding the meaning before checking their answers with a partner and then in open class. Students finally go back to the reading text which they studied at the beginning of the lesson and try to work out the meaning of the words or expressions that were new to them. The teacher can either say which words or expressions students should work on or ask them to choose their own. If they have worked on words of their own choosing, they can then teach a partner these new words and expressions. 39 How to Teach for Exams Look at the words in italics in sag gible came ound the corner these sentences (they are not real er, fas and amos bnached me sow, English words!). Decide what. ‘Tae dsr cit even see me ‘they mean by looking at the Agmoles: Aa type ofcar words and sentences before and after them. Underline the words B a type of animal 1 She nor alt her final exams because she that help you decide. The frst rn fone has been done for you asa sanjemeas: A toung 8 taal example. oon Gabi ae: Aes boas 2 ances a vey roy setion. ere ‘hrg ate lays happenng tee ssi Seerptiae Aun. 8 ky Going for Gold ~ Intermeiliate Maximiser by Sally Burgess (Longman) Exam procedures and strategies for students ‘She raced int the classroom and told ‘everyone the news, Totoagie means: A tosmle 8 ton Inaddition to developing their overall reading skills and familiarity with the tasks they will meer, students also need to become well-versed in a series of exam procedures and strategies. There are several procedures and strategies that apply to all exam tasks, while others are applicable to a specific task type. Time management ‘Typical reading tests last between an hour and an hour and a half. In most cases, any one part of the testis expected to take roughly the same amount of time fo complete as any other, though some tests (e.g. IELTS) include texts and tasks of increasing difficulty: Students need to learn how to allocate their time so that they do not spend too long on one part of the test and then run short of time for the other parts. They also need to allow time for entering their answers on an answer sheet that is, in many cases, marked electronically General procedures and strategies Students should use the following procedures in all reading tasks: + Look at the title and try to prediet what they will read about. + Skim the text(s) to get a general idea of meaning. + Read the test items only after they have skimmed the text. + Use specific procedures (see page 41) to choose their answers, + Where possible, identify specific parts of the text that justify answers. + Goon to the next question even if they are not sure of the answer to the previous one. Research into reading shows that by looking at the title we activate hackground knowledge we already hold and are able to make certain 3 * How to teach reading for exams predictions about what we are going to read, Having done this, we read to confirm or refute our predictions and are less likely to be slowed down or totally confounded by unfamiliar words or structures Students can be trained to look at text titles and to make predictions. In the early stages of the course they might, for example, be asked to speculate about the relationships between the title and the images accompanying 2 text. Even if there is no visual material, they can look at the ttle and suggest what they think the text is going to he about and what kind of text they expect it to be (c.g. giving advice of telling a story). Trying to predict the content from the title provides a good lead-in to skimming the text, as in the following activity. Example lesson Given a titled piece of text, students read it quickly to check their predictions (made first on the basis of the title alone). We can ensure that they do not get bogged down at this point by setting a strict time limit. It can be made clear that there will be an opportunity to read the text more carefully later. Once students have read the test through quickly, they ean look at the «questions (also provided). They will often find that they can readily answer some of these and should be encouraged to do so. Even if they are not certain of any answers, they will now be in a much better position to identify the parts of the text where the answers are to be found, so their second reading will be much more focused and, therefore, more efficient. ‘As they read the text for the second time, students should carefully check any answers they have already decided on, and find answers to the other questions. They should be encouraged to underline or highlight the relevant parts of the text. In the carly stages of the course some or all of the underlining can be done for them. The lines in texts in exam coursebooks are usually numbered and the teacher's book usually indicates where the answers are to be found. When checking through at the end of the reading task, the teacher can insist thar students justify their answers by referring to the text. Specific procedures and strategies ‘Whatever the type of reading task, students should begin by following the general procedures just described, that is, trying to predict what the text will, be about on the basis of the title and skimming to get a general idea of ‘meaning. Then ~ and only then ~ should they decide on their answers using specific strategies suited to cach type of task. Multiple choice 1 Read the text again carefully. 2. Look at the multiple choice questions one by one, without looking at the options, and try to answer them in your owa words. 3 Look at the alternatives and see which is closest to your own version. 4 Check that the other alternatives are wrong (if there is time). a How to Teach for Exams a2 Matching tasks 1 Lookat the prompts one ata time and scan the text(s) to find the answer. 2 Underline ‘parallel expressions’ (ie. expressions with similar meanings in the text(s) and prompts). Gapped text 1 Read the base text carefully, focusing on the sentences (or words) either side of the gap. 2 Try to ill in gaps in your own words. 3 Look at full nouns, pronouns, possessive adjectives (Aer, their ete), and determiners (the, tha ete) in both the base text and the sentences/paragraphs and try to work out what they refer back or forward to, 4 Decide on a sentence or paragraph for each gap. 5 Double check if you find you want to use the sume sentence or paragraph wie. Proofreading 1 Read the text sentence by sentence to locate the errors. 2 Puta tick at the end of correct lines. 3 Put che correction at the end of the incorsect lines. 4 Make sure that you have located and corrected errors in only some of the lines in the text (exam boards usually stipulate a maximum number of lines with errors) ‘The final step in the procedure in each case is entering answers on the answer sheet. Candidates should learn either to do this as they answer or to allow time for it at the end. Students can be introduced to these procedures and techniques in several ways. Here are some ideas for teachers: Do a reading task with them and ask them to suggest procedures and strategies themselves. © Provide a jumbled list including both sensible strategies and slightly silly ones (e.g. writing the letters A, B, C, and D on the sides of a match box and then throwing it to decide your answers). B. Introduce a sequence of strategies in a jumbled order and ask students to put them into a proper order of sequence. |B Explain a procedure and strategies for a particular task type to the students and then ask them to apply them to a reading task, and evaluate their usefulness. ‘A final word should be said about how to avoid getting stuck on individual questions. Students should know that they cannot lose marks for incorrect answers (rather, marks are lost for failing to supply the correct answers) and that they should not leave a question unanswered. If they have trouble with a particular question, they should press on and try to come back to that question later. If they don't have time at the end to work out the answer, they should guess! Conclusions 3+ How to teach reading for exams In this chapter we have: looked at the most common reading task types used in exams. * listed the specific reading skills measured in exams. * provided examples of questions testing each of these skills. « indicated how students can be informed and motivated to approach exam reading. shown how a graded exam reading course might be designed * provided some considerations for simplifying reading texts shown how students can gradually be familiarized with exam conditions. emphasized the need for reading speeds to be improved. discussed how students can deal with unfamiliar vocabulary in texts. looked at general reading procedures and strategies for all tasks. provided specific procedures and strategies for specific tasks, and suggested ways to introduce students to these. 43 Writing tests compared ow to teach iting for exams Writing tests compared What kinds of writing tasks are there? What is measured in writing tests? Assessing written work and providing feedback How to help students to deal with task input Encouraging familiarity with genres How to prepare students for writing exam answers Although there is n exams, there are many basic features that writing tests have in common: + The number of words candidates should write is always specified and they are expected to stick to these limits, neither writing a great deal more nor a great deal less, + Tests frequently offer a choice of writing tasks. Nowadays, most exam Handwriting and presentation ich variation, particularly between UK- and US-based boards have moved away from asking candidates to’ write only compositions or essays. This kind of writing is still used in some tests (eg. TOEFL) and is an option in others, but candidates are usually given a specific role and a task to perform in that role. For example, they might be asked to write a letter of complaint to the local council in the role of the representative of a neighbourhood association. The roles and tasks are intended to reflect the real-life writing needs of candidates of a certain age range and educational or professional profile. + Even though a choice of tasks may be offered, some tests also include a compulsory task *+ Candidates usually write their answers in a booklet or on paper provided, though some boards now make provision for students to write their answer on a computer. + The scripts are NOT marked electronically, but manually by examiners comparing them with benchmark descriptions of writing abilities within mark bands at the relevant level. Some exam boards (e.g. Trinity, Cambridge ESOL in KET and Young Learners) test reading and writing together (see Chapter 8 on low-level exams). This is done either by including in reading tests items which involve some writing, such as gapped-text tasks, or by asking candidates to produce longer responses to reading comprehension questions and then assessing What kinds of writing tasks are there? 4 © How to teach writing for exams these responses as writing. Even where there is a separate writing test, there is often overlap between the testing of reading and the testing of writing. Many higher-level writing tests involve quite a lot of reading. Sometimes students do poorly in writing exams because of a failure to read and deal with the task input adequately ‘There are also tasks in tests of English in Use’ which, although they focus primarily on grammar and vocabulary (sce Chapter 5), also assess writing skills by asking students to paraphrase or summarize texts Broadly speaking, exam writing tasks can be divided into three types: + Content and procedural knowledge-based tasks ~ these are tasks that demand specific knowledge or experience of some kind (eg. work experience in BEC and in one of the Cambridge ESOL CAE options, experience of academic study in IELTS Academic, or familiarity with set literary texts in Cambridge ESOL FCE and CPE). + Open-ended tasks ~ in these, all content is generated by the student. Topics vary widely, but no more than common knowledge is required. + Input-based tasks ~ hore students are expected to integrate the task input into their answer. For example, a student might be asked to integrate material from notes about a job advertisement into a letter of application. Regardless of the task type, candidates are expected to produce more than one of a wide range of genres (different types of writing). The following are the genres most commonly demanded in exam tasks: + articles (magazine, newspaper) 3 reviews (e.g. of films, books) competition entries (e.g. stories) leaflets and information sheets contributions to brochures applications (completion of forms and letters) letters (personal and formal) personal notes and messages essays (always discursive) compositions (these can be discursive, descriptive, or narrative) On some occasions the answer is composed of more than one piece. of writing and the candidate has to produce texts written in two or even three genres. Tn almost all cases the writing tasks are unseen. The exception to this is ‘TOEFL. A list of several hundred essay titles is published on the TOEFL ‘website, and from this titles are chosen at random and assigned to individual candidates who do the test online 45 How to Teach for Exams What is measured in writing tests? 46 Much more is measured in writing tests than just grammatical accuracy and the amount of vocabulary the student knows (or can squeeze into an exam answer). Although students will be marked down by all exam boards for answers with grammatical and vocabulary errors that prevent them conveying the desired message, or which are regarded as below the level of the exam, grammar and vocabulary are by no means the only aspects of written communication that students need to master. Range and control of grammar and vocabulary are never assessed independently of communicative purpose. An answer that has some errors but achieves its communicative purpose will get a higher mark than an answer that is grammatically accurate but does not meet the task requirements Candidate scripts are marked by assessors. They eximine each script and compare it to standard descriptions of candidate skills in order to artive at a grade on a band scale, They may use descriptions of overall task achievement and/or descriptions of specific skills. Flere is an example: 4 High Pass: Ideas well developed, easily understood. Clearly addresses the Issue. Good control of both complex and simple structures; some localized errors that do not interfere with comprehensibility. Vocabulary generally appropriate and on target. 3 Pass: Ideas easily understood, might not be well linked. Addresses the Issue, Good control of basic structures and basic vocabulary. Some complex structures and more advanced vocabulary but with errors that do not interfere with comprehensibility. From ECCE Certifiate and Scoring Precedure on University of Michigan: English Language Insticate website (hrp.//wwwdsa.umich-edu/ell) ‘The number of separate skills that candidates are expected to display in their writing varies according to the level of the test and how specific it is. However, it is possible to list the key skills generally measured in writing tests, and explain how these are displayed in response to exam tasks. + Task achievement — in most exams the writing tasks are expressed in terms of reader and writer roles and in terms of communicative purpose, as in the following example: A new canteen is going to be built at your school. The director of the school has asked you to write a report on the things students disliked about the old canteen and what kinds of food they think should be served in the new one. You have also been asked to find out what students feet about the sale of chewing gum and cigarettes. Write a report of between 120 and 140 words. 4+ How to teach writing for exams ‘Task achievement involves using language appropriate to the relationship erween reader and writer (in the example above, the candidate is expected to use a level of formality befitting the relationship between a student and the school director) and the communicative purpose, while including material on each of the points in the task rubric. All of this has to be done within the stipulated word limit. + Coverage of required points ~ in many exam writing tasks there is task input of some kind that candidates are expected to integrate into their answers. This may be in the form of annotations, graphs, survey results, and so on. Here is an example: a PRACTICE WRITING TEST THREE Writing Task 1 You are advised to spend a maximum of 20 minutes on this task. ‘The bar chart below shows the number of overseas students enrolled in ‘asecond year Graphic Design course ata college inthe south of England. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown. ‘You should write a least 150 words Key Ey Fro in CAD core oon Mt -Matesudens Jenolan Phir coreopion FF ders 0 8 cried 6 Seen ftom aad 4 2 ° te MPM FM FM FM F TCAD - Computer Ait Desi | rom 101 Help Hines for IBL.TS International Edition ‘by Garry Adams 8 Terry Peck (Adams 8 Austen Press) + Evidence of original output ~ where there are points to cover in the task input, candidates are expected to use their own words to express them. In, higher-level exams, they are also often expected to introduce some of their own ideas as well as the material specifically demanded by the rubric. a7 How to Teach for Exams + Range and control of structures and vocabulary ~ apart from avoiding errors that prevent them achieving their communicative purpose, candidates are expected to show that they know a range of vocabulary and a variety of grammatical structures. For example, in a letter written in response to a task where candidates need to ask for various kinds of information, they would gain marks by writing a variety of question and request forms (Gould you tell me ...? T would like to know ... etc). + Organization and cohesion ~ candidates are expected to demonstrate an understanding of how texts are structured as a whole and of paragraph structure. This includes understanding that each paragraph contains a topic sentence and that all other sentences in the paragraph relate to that sentence. Understanding of cohesion involves showing relationships between clauses and sentences by means of linking phrases, pronouns, other proforms (c.g. Most students want to use the library more often and they would do if it were open daily), and the use of synonyms (e.g. There are several problems swith the proposed tramline. One af the difficulties is the ‘ast.), antonyms, and so on. + Appropriate presentation and register ~ candidates need to know how the various genres (report, letter, note etc) are typically presented. They also need to use a register that is appropriate to the relationship between writer and reader, as discussed with the report to the school director (on pages 46-47). + Achievement of desired effect on target reader — this. involves combining an understanding of the role relationship and the communicative purpose. For example, a report written in response to the example task (at the bottom of page 46) that included a lot of very informal, colloquial language might sound presumptuous or even rude to the target reader and might cause offence. Clearly, this would not be the desired effect! + Development of topic ~ in advanced writing exams, such as Michigan ECPE, Cambridge ESOL CPE, and IELTS, candidates are expected to do more than simply provide an answer to a question. These more advanced exams share with first language exam essays the requirement that opinions are supported by reference to the student's knowledge of the world and their experience. Hf students do not do well in terms of all the skills tested in a particular ‘exam, clearly they will lose marks. It is not possible to compensate for a deficiency in one area by excelling in another. For example, no matter how faultless students’ grammar might be, if they have covered only some of the required points, they will only be given some of the marks. Similarly, they may also he penalized for using the wrong register or layout, and this in turn will inevitably prevent their writing having the desired effect on the target reader. If they produce a faultless answer in the form of a Ictter, when what was required was a brochure, then again they will lose marks. Assessing written work and providing feedback 4» How to teach writing for exams If students are to benefit fully from the time and effort we put into ‘marking their written work, it is important that we and they do as much with it as possible, There should be a process in which work is revised several times and analysed before being filed for Future reference. It can be very heartening for students to look back at what they did in the early stages of the course and see how much progress they have made, so we should make sure our students do this from time to time as they move through the course. Their written work files can form the basis of a personal error checklist which they can then use in the exam, What criteria should be used to assess written work? ‘The criteria used to assess written work should be as close as possible to those used in the cxam itself. While some exam boards readily provide handbooks with details of scales used in assessment, graded sample answers, and examiners’ comments, others play their cards closer to their chests. Even $0, it is generally stated somewhere in the material about the exam that form, content, and task achievement are all regarded as important. ‘We should assess students’ work in the lead-up to the exam in terms of the same criteria. To make sure that we are doing this, itis useful to give a ‘mark out of five or ten for each aspect of the writing process that is being assessed, eg. task achievement (the inclusion of all the points in the rubric, producing a text of the right length), range and appropriacy of vocabulary used, layout conventions, appropriate register, formal accuracy, and so on, ‘Marks for each criterion can be added up to give an overall grade. ‘Assessing written work is a responsibility that can be shared with students. The teacher can make up a checklist based on the criteria used in the exam they are taking, if available, or use the one below. Have you checked your work carefully for mistakes with the following: spelling? * basic grammar? * punctuation? Have you followed the instructions for: * length? ‘the kind of text you are supposed to write? * points to include? How do you think someone reading your letter, article, brochure, report ‘etc. would react? A Very well B Quite well © OK D Not very well E Badly 49 How to Teach for Exams 50 ‘The last question on that checklist could be used as the basis for a grade, though in the early stages of the course the teacher may not wish to give numerical or letter grades at all. Later in the course we will need to give marks, but these should be in keeping with the stage we have reached in the course. We should only grade strictly in accordance with the level expected in the exam in the final weeks of the course. Although to some teachers it may seem an extreme approach, asking students to grade their own work helps them to think critically and is, therefore, a very useful practice, especially in the weeks immediately before the exam (by which time they should have a good appreciation of the relevant criteria). Providing feedback Students are generally very interested in a numerical or letter grade, but it is important that they understand exactly where their strengths and weaknesses lie. We should therefore always try to write at least a brie! comment on their work where we mention task achievement ~ responding to the piece of writing as the target reader might do — before we go on to indicate what mark we give the piece or to comment on errors of form, accuracy, and so on. It is also very motivating for students if we comment positively on some aspect of their work. If they can see there is something to build on, they are more likely to take the trouble to revise their work and to try harder in future. Here is an example of the kind of comment we might You make some very interesting ptints about the problems with the canteen. Ht certainly scunds as if there are a lot of things that need 40 be changed. I was ed to see that wou tried 40 use some cf the linking expressions we studied in Un 5. Wl done! This wuld be «better report f you had used healings Gee p12 of the Wing Referee. [Se mired sme cher thrgs spa need de correct. Peace revice your werk and ge & back 4o me next week, Either we, or our students, should keep a record of our comments and other corrections so that when revised versions are handed in, we can sce that the learners have made an attempt to deal with any problems. One very ‘manageable way of doing this is getting students to send in their work by email. IF we establish a separate file for each student, we can then see at a glance how well they have coped with the revision process. We can also build up a bank of typical errors and problems, which we can use as a basis for class work. Extracts from students’ work can be pasted into worksheets or projected onto a sereen and these can be analysed and discussed in class. How to help students to leal with task input 4+ How to teach writing for exams Dealing with errors of form Exam boards are only really hard on errors that impede communication or which are seen as being below the level expected in that particular exam. ‘When we mark written work itis best to concentrate on those errors which will be significant in the exam. It is discouraging for students to get written work back covered in corrections and changes, particulaly if these are errors they could not possibly be expected to be able to correct themselves. Itis a good idea to use a correction code rather than simply writing in the correct form. This will mean that students gradually develop the ability to edit their own work rather than relying on the teacher. The development of this ability is particularly valuable in exam writing courses. We could use a ready-made correction code, such as is provided in Chapter 7 of Harmer's companion volume in this series, Hw to Teach Writing, or create, one in collaboration with our students using extracts from their work. This is particularly helpful, as it allows students to see worked examples of the most typical errors for people at their level. ‘The most important thing in relation to preparing students for writing tests is that the more opportunity they have to write, the better prepared they will be. There is no substitute for writing practice; this should lead to feedback, but it is important to consider the possibility that some of this feedback can come from other students. If students give one another feedback, it encourages constructive interaction between class members, will help them to think more critically about their own work, and will considerably ease the burden on the teacher, in terms of marking. Because writing is essentially a time-consuming and (usually) individual activity, teachers are sometimes uneasy about timetabling enough written practice. This is in some ways sensible, since spending half or more of a fifty-minute lesson with everyone working individually in silence may indeed be making less than optimal use of time that could be spent with the class interacting with one another or with the teacher. The solution is to assign most of the actual writing as homework. Class time will then be spent on the following areas, each of which allows for student-student, teacher-student, or teacherwhole-class interaction. Reading and analysing task rubrics Given that exam tasks can be very complex, it is essential that students get plenty of practice in identifying task demands when reading rubrics, particularly when there is algo input of some kind to deal with. The practice activities deseribed here can be done in an extended lesson, or the individual activities can be done at different times: Example lesson ‘The teacher gives out worksheets with several authentic exam tasks accompanied by true/false questions, as in the examples on page 52. In the fire ample, key worse hte sleaiy bees undctlined and the aue/se questions answered. Students work individually answering the true/false 51 How to Teach for Exams Read these exam tasks (1-3) and underline the key words. Then decide if the statements that follow the tasks are true or false. The first one has ‘been done for you as an example. 1. You have been doing a class project on young people and work. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinion on the following statement: Itis a good thing for students to have part-time jobs while they are studying. ‘Write your essay using between 120 and 180 words. a You are supposed to write a report on the project. 2/50 b You are supposed to say what you think about young people and work. “Thue You can disagree with the statement if you want to. “7 You can use a lot of informal expressions if you want to. False 2 You see this advertisement in a local English language newspaper: PRACTISE YOUR ENGLISH ‘We are looking for students of English to spend one morning a week working ‘with elderly English speakers living locally. Good pay and conditions for the right ‘people and a chance to win a trip 1o England for two, all expenses paid. Write to Dr Ronald Murdoch, Happy Days Fstave, PO Box 219 with information about th the elderly, and your availability your level of English, your experience ‘You have decided to apply for one of these jobs. ‘Write your application using between 120 and 180 words. ‘a You are supposed to write a formal letter. b In your letter you can say how good your English is, when you are available, and how much experience you have had, but you don’t have to. You should not mention pay and conditions or the trip to England, You should start your letter by saying where you saw the advertisement and telling the reader that you are a student, 3 You see this advertisement in a local English language newspaper: Under 25 magazine is looking for anicles in answer to the question, “Is life beter for today’s young people than it was foe their parents?” ‘There will be a prize of a trip for two to Disneyland Paris for the best article we recive, Write your article using between 120 and 180 words. a You can write a letter asking about the trip to Disneyland Paris answer to this question, 'b You should use very formal language in your answer. ¢ You are supposed to discuss the question starting, ‘ls life better ... 7” d_ You will get paid for your article in euros. 4 + How to teach writing for exams questions and underlining key words in the task rubrics to justify their answers before comparing with a partner. Answers are then checked with the whole class, eliciting the key words that should be underlined. ‘The teacher gives out another worksheet with task cubries and asks students to work in groups underlining key words, i. words that indicate the task requirements. Each group gives feedback as the answers are checked in open class. The students then choose one of the tasks to answer for homework. ‘The teacher gives out copies of the following: 1 An authentic exam task 2.A ‘sample’ answer that does not satisfy some or all of the task demands (These are sometimes available in exam handbooks.) Students work individually, locating parts of the rubric and task input that are not answered in the sample text. They should then compare their ‘work with a partner before checking in open class. Finally, they can be asked to write an ‘improved’ version of the sample answer, either in class or for homework, Dealing with the elements of task input ‘As we have scen, many exams include extensive task input (ie. the rubric jue and tertal and vimal materia, inching aotes, graphs, and diagrams), This represents several challenges to students’ Fiesty, many nts simply do not read the input carefully enough. They need to be reminded frequshtly t do thin, and to antentaad (iat thay ill br penalized if they do not include all the points demanded by the tsk. They also need to learn to integrate points from the input into their own writing in an appropriate fashion. Candidates who lift elements from the input wholesale lose marks, so students need to be trained to paraphrase rather than copy: Finally, they are often expected to add some of their own ideas and to integrate these with the points from the input. This is not always stated in the rubric and students may be unaware that itis expected of them. Here is an approach to dealing with the task input issue. Example lesson Give out a worksheet with an authentic exam task. Learners look at the task and assess a model text in terms of how far it meets the task demands and/or they answer open-ended or true/false questions about the task (teachers can write the model text themselves, or find a published example of such an activity in a coursebook). Students work individually on the questions before comparing answers with a partner and then checking in open class. They then work with the same partner on planning their answers. Guidance can be given, especially in the early stages of the course. The completed plans can be written up on OHP sheets and discussed in the next class. Work can be done on paraphrasing individual elements relating to the input but the rest of the ‘writing can be done at home, to be revised in pairs in a subsequent class. 53 How to Teach for Exams Each student can be given a checklist to make sue all the elements fom the input have been integrated. ‘Where input is in the form of graphs, tables, or statisties students may need help in dealing with these; an awareness-raising approach where they match elements of this kind of input to sample answers works wel. Students may not have had experience of producing some of the genres tested, even in their first language. Unsurprisingly, they may find it difficult to produce them in English. There are various ways we can deal with this lack of familiarity: by describing the genre ~ we can simply explain the features of the genre, e.g. by telling students about the layout conventions of a report or letter. This is the approach to use when time is very limited, in intensive exam preparation courses, for example, or as consolidation of | a longer process of familiarization using one of the two approaches below. by providing annotated models ~ the second approach is to provide models of key genres accompanied by annotations. Many coursebooks use this approach. Activities within coursebook units on various genres students need to produce in the exam are often cross-referenced to annotated examples in a writing guide appendix. An example is given con page 55 (top). Some bilingual dictionaries also include models of key genres which can be used for analysis and commentary. by getting students to analyse the genre ~ the third approach involves getting students to analyse authentic or semi-authentic examples of the genre and identify the key features themselves. This is obviously the most time-consuming of the three approaches, but it can be extremely rewarding for both teacher and students. We can either gather examples of the genres ourselves or set up @ genre collection, task where students find their own texts, Online newspapers provide excellent sources of articles, reviews, and even letters, Students preparing for university entrance English tests like IELTS or TOEFL. should be able to provide examples of essays, and business English students might have access to memos, letters, eports, and proposals in English. By writing to businesses, tourist information offices, schools, and colleges, it should also be possible to make a collection of brochures, leaflets, information sheets, instructions, and directions. This approach also provides valuable practice with letter writing and an absolutely authentic means of checking that the letter has produced the desired response in the reader. If this seems too ambitious a project for our students, we could use reading texts as a basis for genre analysis. Ideally, this material will include examples of all the genres students are expected to produce. It should be borne in mind that most coursebook reading texts are adapted newspaper, magazine, or journal articles and therefore provide examples of only one or two genres. Published materials do, 54 A» How to teach writing for exams How should | structure a formal letter? ein formal ter none o hese way + Dea Mess Lodge se ne persis ‘leardsurane yeu iron + Deo S/o it you doit naw he esas rare or whee they a= manor «woman. —————~ sar SMa, Sey why youare wing Cesrystatetesubiect ————— | am wrtna to olan about the re fw ent or orconest ‘nnn ou" a! a Lear compote fer SSequage rare. Tere 8 or cert roname wth pase rece Organs a the eset infomation fom Fray, ange pack you sont was frlerersof ‘netakpompsina der a ogi way Russa, not gig ery remember venta incre main prayapns of teeter Younay ngian box nado 0th, ho extbook reebo2da tre ens 6eas of ye on rontionadin the advert ws missing and ane ofthe {wo ul causetae wa broken an impoestve 1 ay. Furthermore, watched he Russian veo nd am ‘frac tay hat te ptr quay was very poe | ape tis nt tal of your videos. Savhow youewect he other grson to respond Natu Lam stil iterested nearing Engh, and ‘your eter sis spbroprte ‘wou grateful yu cou sendme the corect, ade However am not reared oer he Pusan ick uni have rowed te raplcerent ad hocks ‘he crtents cata. 80 expect ove aa poreliioesctaneniobeedveoed refund the cost of euming the Russi ack Yu Yourssincereyt you hve stare your ter smth the rame ofthe gen ou ae wit oo forward Hern rom you Yous arly you have stares youre Youre tatty, Deer Socom Seed From First Certificate Masterclass Student's Book ‘by Simon Haines & Barbara Stewart (Oxford University Press) nevertheless, include other genres in listening activities, grammar and vocabulary tasks, or as input for speaking work. By making use of this material, we should be able to offer our students a full range of genres, for analysis. Once we have a reasonable collection of, ‘we can set tasks in which students examine the following areas (page 56). Learners should be able to arrive at a list of poco features ot ‘dos and don'ts’ similar to the annotations in the example above. They will also have found functional expressions and vocabulary that occur frequently in these genres. Courschook writing guides, and bilingual and learners’ dictionaries also often list key vocabulary and functional language for the various genres, as in the example on page 57. 55 How to Teach for Exams formal and informal salutations (Dear Dr Bell, Hi Mary etd), contractions, vocabulary, style features grammatical structures layout features presence/absence of headings, bullet points, paragraphing etc staging typical openings and closings, obligatory and optional elements, structures and e.g, stating the reason for writing at the outset of a formal letter; apologizing for silence at the beginning of an informal letter typical ways of dealing with staging, e.g. ! am writing + to + vocabulary that occur in enquire about .../ apply for..J complain about .../ express my a number of examples thanks/disgustiappreciation etc. How to prepare students for writing exam answers Helping students to generate ideas and to plan their writing Students may not have had much experience of drawing on their own opinions and ideas to write exam answers. They will therefore need support and practice with generating ideas. The most common and effective method. for doing this is brainstorming, i.c. generating as many ideas as possible, some of which will later be rejected or modified. If brainstorming is completely unfamiliar, we can begin by showing students a list of ‘brainstormed’ points for potential inclusion in a piece of writing (this ean be a list of points generated by the teacher or something from a published source). The point is to make it clear that pretty mud anything that comes into one’s head can be noted down. Then we can try the brainstorming technique as an open-class activity in which everyone is encouraged to chip in with an idea or two. In larger classes, it is a good idea to divide the class into smaller groups and give each group a limited time to come up with five ideas for possible inclusion. The groups then report back and the ideas are written up on the board. In the case of brainstorming opinions ‘for’ and ‘against, if students have no particularly strong views on a subject, brainstorming may prove more successful if they try to list the opinions of someone they know well (an older relative, or a boyftiend, or a girlfriend) or even a famous person. Many students also need help with planning. They may not be convinced of its importance nor fully understand the relationship between planning and the final product. A model text is one possible starting point in one approach to making this relationship clearer for students. Students read the text and compare it to a plan, marking sections of the text that correspond to each part of the plan. Ara later stage they can be asked to decide which of two plans produced the model text. The plans themselves can be used as the basis for the overall structure of a range of texts of the same type (discursive, narrative, review, instructions). It is also important for students to see how plans are connected to the task rubric. For example, they can be given an exam task and two or three alternative plans, and asked to decide which of the plans would produce the most successful answer to the task, as in the example shown on page 58. 4 © How to teach writing for exams Dear toni, day ian, Ely hla cc fe ih lain fit; at alc dos Shree toca ot ar hay ish gr ahr hose igete chal. hoch ip io i wa rice ars oy vot robin nase ont of anguag. This ageng fice far bhai atta hari hck eigt faved cing sgl eater pile teh cdot hlp hr ora thin “gui ficbaraedihetso hol pdr mach tne ae tte Ps hal eter Louse has shed readers to write ging sugetions on how todos wth his problem Louse ‘sl pubtoh some of he lers We lear wich bugs Desr Render. Dear Reader Iam sintenn years ot and | decided to wrte mu eter becute Ace 3 sma problen ith my bes end 20 | think anole some hell advice. Fiat you have tok o your fend and nd out fshe has any other prams ee shy? Does she have low sleftwer and fel he shoul hut here away” s se facing tary problers? is she watching wolet moves because ber ov lifes boing? seen ore that ‘matching 00 much TV and shutong herself avay from her frends ust an ater to escape {rom het rel prose Hf you talk to her evi you ean ake er tase you and then he ‘cones the real reasons why she is dir this Irons approneh doesnt work perhaps you shold ty and ether wo see a counselor AN ‘upert ha heexperonce ro hap your fend dea wah he feangs and overcome her problem By expahing the consequences of cuing hereof rom other people and ing in ‘Tamas’ wor counselor can hep her see how he matting at on ie-A oungsor ean Sensaphone hg up & bln an up woth fa tmiy Ha he teal cauteof her problems, hin i worth ering to help sombody so keep on ring and don ogee dae shar it hayes colton ro» prolem, Yours 1 Topie voeabutary 2 Useful vocabulary ~ Giving advice ued tothe eievsion Why dont you? fxceaive bad ngage Mystics (> you) relent move Hive yu conscered Fy fwores pes of movies are How about 2 low satesteem ges. ‘teape from rely (One sluson might be to ‘Another sewer woud be From Michigan CCE Gold Exam Maximiser ‘by Jain Cook (Longman) How to Teach for Exams ‘You may be asked in an examination for a deseription of an ideal house, parent, pet, or something similar. In many ways this is a straightforward composition. However, its disadvantages ‘are that itis more difficult for you to demonstrate the full range of your writing abilities. Which of the three approaches below would be the most suitable for answering this question? Describe the ideal pet for a young child OUTLINE 1 general introduction about pets — description of your childhood pet —its looks, personality, etc. adventures you used to have ~ when you got it, how long you had i, who looked after it ~ problems and difficulties you used to have — what happened 16 the per in the end OUTLINE 2 take a number of examples and discuss advantages and disadvantages ~ dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits: discuss problems of keeping dogs in cities ~ mess on pavements, ec problems of what to do if the animal gets lost; cost of Keeping an animal: conclude by pointing out that many people don’t like animals OUTLINE 3 general introduction: purpose of giving a pet to child - emotional and educational ~ ‘characteristics of an animal that would make a good pet, ie good nature, practical ‘considerations, such as where child lives, parents, etc.: conclude with shor ist of choices Prom Prafcency Mastercas Student Book, Fist Edition by ‘Catiy Gude 6 Michael Duckworth (Oxford Univenity Press) Students also need to understand the relationship between brainstormed points and planning. They can begin by deciding which points should be eliminated and are then asked to organize the remaining points into sections of the plan. There are many published activities of this type. Finally, teachers need to demonstrate the transitions from points in a plan to connected text. Once again, we can start with the text and work backwards to the plan, asking students to underline words and expressions used to link points. They can then be given practice with the linkers as in the example on page 59. ‘Training students to revise their own work Before students submit work they should be given an opportunity to revise it. Initially, this works best as a pair-work activity, cither in class or via email. Students of similar achievement levels should be paired and asked to exchange and comment on each other's work. We can actually make this, paired revision process part of the task by getting learners to annotate their work, explaining the revisions their partner suggested and any dictionary or grammar reference research they have done to resolve doubts. This kind of approach works particularly well if we have previously established a means of working in class in which student writing is revised. collaboratively. Here is one approach: 'B_ Students copy their work onto overhead slides and also make sufficient paper copies to distribute to everyone in the class. Each piece of work is displayed on the projector and copies distributed. The teacher invites comments from the student who wrote the piece; these should include things the student feels pleased with and things they are uncertain about. The teacher then elicits, from the rest of the class, Look at these paints a student has written down to include ina compesition about tak 1 ‘rom Exercise 1, Decide ifthe points support the statement of offer the opposite point of view. Mare them © or ©. 1 tis. 2 good idea for young people to take some time of to travel Before they start work or Unversty revelling is fan and you ean have a ta ef aherturess Oo Tt em be difficult to settle done hen you come back, You om get +o know other cultures, ‘You can vrake Friends with people From all over the world. You can faa! homesick, Travelling cin be ethansting and even dargerous. 2. Combine the points into two paragraphs using the linking words below. A Qo There ore several obvious benefits of taking some time off to travel. Firstly avd perhaps most obviously, Wee wd Bb BD orn . and this ray help you in ater life. Another bereft is that (8) ‘nd even lear thar languages, Nevertheless, some young travllers perience diffieuites. Unfortunately, wo particularly i you travel alone Furthermere, if you don't have traveling companions, (8) 1 third disadvantage is that we wd this may affect your studies or your werk, Adapted from New Fist Certificate Gold Exam Maximiser by Sally Burgess, with Jacky Newbrook 8 Judith Wilson (Longman) 4 © How to teach writing for exams farther comments; these should include questions about the meaning or appropriateness of words and expressions, suggested revisions and corrections. Everybody makes any agreed changes and corrections on their copy of the piece and keeps this in a written work dossier. By using this method, we can do much of our ‘marking’ in class with the students present. This has obvious advantages, not least that we can ensure both that we have understood what the student was trying to say and that they have understood any corrections or changes. Over time, students become comfortable about commenting on their classmates’ work and can work very effectively with a partner. They either make the suggested corrections cn the spot or use a correction code. The use of such a code introduces a further revision stage and generally ensures that when work finally reaches the teacher, there is much less to correct. ‘We can then use the code and comment on the piece before returning it to the student for further revision. They should try to make the necessary changes and revisions, ether on their own or with a partner, and then resubmit their work. Before returning it to them to be filed, we can write in any correct forms that the student has been unable to find her- or himself. Giving students timed writing practice As the exam approaches, it is important to give students the experience of writing to a time limit. So as to avoid a situation where students panic and forget all the work they have done on analysing task input, brainstorming, planning, writing, and revising their work, it isa good idea to introduce timed practice in these stages. The teacher can begin by giving students an exam task and setting a five-minute time limit for analysis of the input. Then a second time limit is set for brainstorming, a third for planning, a fourth for writing, and a final limit for revising what 59 How to Teach for Exams has been written. Gradually, we build up to an exam-authentic situation where students are given a task and write their answers within a strictly monitored period of time. Debunking misconceptions Rumours about ways of getting better marks in all the exams discussed in this book circulate freely by word of mouth and on the Internet. Some of these offer sound advice, but it is a good idea to make sure that our students are not operating under any false assumptions. The following are three of the most common misconceptions. + ‘Memorizing perfect answers is a good idea’ ~ a surprising number of students believe that it is possible = or even advisable ~ to memorize a perfect answer and then regurgitate it in the exam itself. The chances of this strategy succeeding are almost nil and students should be told this in ‘no uncertain terms To begin with, most exam boards prepare new papers for each exam session. They do not secycle questions in exactly the same form and itis highly unlikely that a memorized answer will incorporate the same input, fulfil task requirements, or have the desired effect on the imagined reader. ‘Memorizing a text of the required length so well that one can reproduce it word for word probably takes more time and effort than learning to write well in the first place. Even in TOEFL, where the titles are published beforehand, it would be impossible to memorize answers to several hundred questions and theze is no guarantee that the one or two cone does happen to memorize will actually come up. Tt is usually easy to detect memorized text because it is seldom memorized perfectly. If examiners believe an answer has been memorized, it is marked down. + ‘Answers a few words over or under the limit fail’ ~ there are also some common fallacies with regard to length requirements. Many students believe that the examiners actually count the number of words and that if they have written a few words over or under the limit, their answer will not be marked. This is not true, though they should, of course, aim to reach ~ but not go too far over ~ the limit. An answer more than 10% above or below the limits will usually be penalized, though it will still be read and assessed. ‘Another assumption about length is that it is better to write more. Teachers should point out that if students write a lot more than they are asked for, they will be marked down for task achievement, as they have essentially changed the task. There is a lot of difference between writing a 180-word letter and a 300-word letter. (See Task File: Task B to experience what it is like to write to such a strict word limit.) + ‘Ttisbetter to spend your time writing one really good answer than two mediocre ones’ ~ a common misconception is the idea that, in exams where more than one answer is required, it is better to answer one question very well than the required number of questions moderately presentation 4 # How to teach writing for exams well. Again, this strategy would normally result in disaster. Although the second of the wo questions in IELTS is given more weight, it must be emphasized to students that they are very unlikely to produce a faultless answer that gains the highest possible grade. Even a poor answer to the first question would win them some marks. If they donit even attempt an answer, they are effectively throwing away a large proportion of the available marks. Teaching students to make good use of their time in the exam In some exams there is plenty of time; in others there is considerable pressure. Whenever there are time constraints, in exams where students must answer more than one question, they should divide the total time according to the relative mark weighting of the questions (unless specified otherwise on the paper, this is usually an even division). The time spent on each answer should then be divided among the following steps: 1 Reading the rubric and task input (if any) and circling or underlining key words 2 Brainstorming ideas 3 Planning 4 Weiting 5 Revising ‘Writing will take up the largest proportion of the time and roughly equal amounts should usually be devoted to the other steps. Students should always aim to leave enough time to read their work through and revise it. It is useful to encourage them to do this systematically. They can even create their own checklist of typical errors, memorize it, and then look for these mistakes in the exam itself. They should, however, be discouraged from attempting to write a piece out again, This is unnecessary, as long as they have made any corrections and changes clearly and neatly. The need for major rewriting is usually the result of inefficient — or non-existent — planning. In exams where there is a lot of time pressure, the planning stage may have to be very short and might involve noting down a few expressions or points for inclusion. In both TELS and TOEFL, students can be taught a basic schema that can be applied to a range of titles. If they are sufficiently familiar with this, they should be able to activate it in the exam without having to write it down Nowadays, many of us are relatively unaccustomed to writing more than a few words without a screen and keyboard, particularly under time pressure. Some of our students may experience additional difficulty if they come from Janguages that use a different script, but even those who share our alphabet may be more comfortable with a keyboard than a pen. University students, although generally used to taking notes, may stil find it hard to write neatly and legibly in an exam setting. Examiners are, of course, tolerant of variation, in handwriting, but if we have students whoze handwriting is very difficult 61 How to Teach for Exams Conclusions to read, we will need to point this out to them at the beginning of the course, and perhaps help them to find resources (.g. books or websites) for improving handwriting. ‘All students should be encouraged to test out different pens. Changing the kind of pen used can improve legibility, writing speed, comfort, and neatness considerably. Candidates should normally write their answers in ink. Pencil is unacceptable to some exam boards and creates an impression of tentativeness and impermanence that may have a negative effect on the reader. Exam answers are expected to be neat and legible but they need not be completely devoid of any evidence of revision and correction. Students should not waste valuable time with correction fluid and the like in the exam itself. They should, of course, cross out anything they wish the examiner to disregard. This also applies to any brainstorming notes, plans, or rough drafts. In some cases, these are written on separate sheets of paper specifically for rough work. For security reasons (ie. so that details of questions cannot be passed on to people in other centres where the same paper will be taken later), rough work is often collected at the end of the exam. session and then destroyed. Students need not worry that the examiner will see their rough work. It is important for candidates to indicate clearly where their answer to a question begins and ends. There is no need to write out the questions but, if there are several options, students should indicate which question(s) they have chosen to answer. If their answer goes on to a second or third pa they should number the pages. In this way, they can be sure that they will be assessed on the basis of what they really intend to present to the examiner, namely the carefully planned and meticulously revised piece of writing they have worked so hard to produce. In this chapter we have: « listed the characteristics common to many writing tests. ‘+ looked at the task types used in these tests. * listed the various abilities measured in writing tests. ‘+ emphasized the importance of task achievement among the abilities measured. suggested appropriate ways of responding to students’ writing. + argued that students should be encouraged to participate in the assessment of written work. * listed stages in the writing process that can be addressed interactively in class. + provided an approach for helping students deal with task rubrics. * suggested methods of familiarizing students with tested genres. + explained the role of brainstorming and planning, and provided approaches to presenting these to students. + outlined a method of revising student writing in class. * discussed possible misconceptions students may have about writing exams. 4 # How to teach writing for exams * identified the stages in the exam writing process and suggested how much time should be allotted to each in the exam itself. + considered the issues of handwriting and presentation. 63 64 General approaches to teaching grammar and vocabulary for exams © How to teach exams © General approaches to teaching grammar and vocabulary for exams © Common exam tasks © Criteria used to assess grammar and vocabulary Helping learners get to grips with grammar and vocabulary By the time learners hegin seriously to prepare for an exam, there should be no significant areas of grammar and vocabulary, relative to the level of the exam, that they have not already been taught. A period of exam preparation is not the time to start presenting large amounts of new language; rather, it is a time for reviewing and consolidating what has already been learned, with a view to achieving complete mastery of it. Practice tasks should therefore be designed to encourage learners to use the knowledge they already have, with confidence, and to notice where there are gaps in that knowledge. Learners should also be encouraged to explore and expand the range of grammar and vocabulary that they can put into active use, Practice tasks should motivate learners to find things out for themselves. They should highlight study techniques which develop independent learning, and provide guidance on the use of reference materials such as grammar books and dictionaries ‘An important principle underlying the incorporation of grammar and vocabulary into the syllabus is that they should be studied in context Extracts of written text and transcriptions of listening material can be used. to draw the leamers’ attention to the way in which a particular word or grammatical item has been used, and why. The reasons why particular forms of language are appropriate or correct should be explicitly discussed. This approach helps learners to develop awareness of stylistic differences between similar words and expressions, as well as requiring them to notice the features of the surrounding context that determine the choice and form of 1 particular word or phrase, Since exam success depends on using language accurately and appropriately, error correction. activities can be used to develop learners attention to detail, and sensitivity to incorrect and inappropriate uses of Common exam tasks 5 © How to teach grammar and vocabulary for exams Janguage. Finally, as the course progresses, practice tasks should reflect more closely the sorts of tasks that test grammar and vocabulary in the exam itself, In many English language exams, the candidate’ knowledge and use of grammar and vocabulary is tested in tasks which are skill-focused (reading, writing, speaking, or listening). However, there are some exams which include tasks designed to focus explicitly on the candidate's control of Janguage structure, grammar, and vocabulary. Some of the more common task types are described here. Gap-fill tasks A multiple choice gap-fill task offers the candidate a choice of possible answers to fill each of the gaps in a sentence or text. The right answer must not only make sense but must also fit grammatically, so awareness of sentence structure is vital. Learners need to be trained to examine the gapped sentence and to predict the sort of answer that is needed to complete the sentence, before they look at the three or four choices offered. Only one of the choices will fic the sentence correctly, and it is easier to n choice if you already have an idea of what you are looking f examples ~ a Michigan ECCE example at CEF level B2 (ALTE level 3) testing a grammatical structure, and a Michigan ECPE example at CEF level €2 (ALTE level 5) testing a vocabulary item: My niew job .... last week. He doesn’t own the car; he is a. is started onl it froma agen c. started is [Er] From Michigan Certificate Examinations Information Bulletin 2002-2003 More complex gap-fill tasks involve inserting whole phrases, rather than single words, into a gap. This is particularly demanding when dealing with isolated sentences, since making the correct choice depends on recognizing the structural fearares in the sentence: i. ‘mixed with a base such as egg yolk ‘was the exclusive medium for painting panels in the Middle Ages. (A) Finely ground pigments (B) Its a finely ground pigment (© A finely ground pigment (D) That a finely ground pigment ‘From Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test bby Jolene Gear & Robert Gear (Cambridge University Pres) 65 How to Teach for Exams 66 In order to choose the correct answer (C), the student must notice that the verb was is in the singular form (so the answer can't be A), that there is no relative clause in the sentence (so B is impossible), and that mixed is not a finite use of the verb (which might have been a reason to choose D) ‘A cloze test is a kind of gap-fill task. It uses a text from which words have been deleted at more or less regular intervals. The task is to think of a suitable word to fill each of the gaps. While in many gap-fill tasks the candidate is given a set of possible answers, in a cloze test they must find their own word, using the context to determine the kind of word which will fit grammatically and with the right meaning, as shown here: ‘The reais that (0) —exerume_ uses jargon. tt san essential part of the network of occupations and pursuits) make ‘up society Al jobs have an element of argo, which workers learn a they develop ther expertise All hobbies require istry of argon, ah cet oun ha) — Jargon. The phenomenon (4)... ut tobe universal and valuable. ‘From Objrctive CAE ~ Student Book by Felicity O'Dell ‘& Annie Broadhead (Cambridge University Pres) Occasionally, a gap will allow more than one correct answer; if so, this is, allowed for in the marking scheme. ‘Word formation tasks test the candidate's knowledge of word families, that is, groups of words deriving from the same base or root, An example would be decide, decision, decisive, indecisive. Knowledge of prefixes and suffixes is tested, as well as changes in the internal structure of words. In the example below, the words shown in the right-hand column must be used to form words that fit into the gaps in the text: WHY DO PEOPLE TAKE RISKS? 0 DANGER 1 EXPLAIN 2 EXCITE @ 2 FACE 4 SURVIVE 5 EASE 8 BASE 7 WEALTH 3 INTEREST 9 CURIOUS 10 SENSE Adapted from New Fist Crtifate Gold by Newbrook, Wilson & Ackiam (Longman) 5 * How to teach grammar and vocabulary for exams Students can prepare for this sort of task by developing their awareness of ‘common patterns of word variation. They can look for the different forms of words in dictionaries (sometimes they are grouped together) and write them on a grid, as shown below. It may be possible to post such a grid on the classroom wall, and add examples to it as the class encounters them. Now Verb Adjective | Adverbs decision | decide (indecisive (in)decisively success | succeed (unsuccessful | (un)successtully Text-matching exercises ‘The ability to make sense of the relationships between ideas in a text, using structural and vocabulary clues, is tested in exercises which involve organizing sections of a text into the right order. Candidates may be asked to sort sentences or paragraphs into sequence, or to fill gaps with other sections of text. For practice purposes, it can be helpfull to. photocopy exercises such as the one below and cut the list of phrases into strips so that they can be physically moved around and arranged in order. Handling them encourages learners to study their features more closely and focus on clues that indicate how they fit grammatically into the longer text. To make the exercise more difficult, thete are more phrases than gaps. Room for revolution Elscronie gadgets rave moved out of he otice ana to the ote bestoom inabg way. Gove arene cay wan ‘raft cty-crte hotels proved mare 8 & B wih a fow Inveom Kaur ton day's travolee are less inorested in ciotnes hangers an taweryors than com x machines and nay TV set that fot tam pay the bil, 0) ‘Som people even predict that imorew'slobetrcttrs ‘wort waste anytime inthe bby when they rl up st {he hotl forte nigh. Theyl chock thamever in on aninoom mentor neatupa snack inthrwal-meured ‘microwaveand meni) -Wall personal sorice wi ‘main apremium atthe topendas herman foomcloay we Hotels geared to push-button ving now provide persona pagers, ext prone lnes fortex aed computers, Invroom answanag machines, magnetic door kaye and teueh-scteens which can (3). Becsie remote Controls enable quests to fick trough a Score of TV ‘chanel, tim ip te tomperatue andi) Should From Advanced Masterclass CAE ~ Student Book pushbutton ting make guests lazy, hotels are aso Faeking up the igh ech content ofthat gyms, Videos plgintowhilo pumping on are now eorenerglace, whip Etat wt oon) ‘nemarmeroene vista reise he person touch st tomorow’ 'eacing hotels remain 1 be seen, Foes ae unk 1 (6) ——_. Howovey, here's Ite doubt that properties with upsto-tne-second communications technology wil steal a mach on the Wi tomorow’ travolers gladly swap 21st centuy gadgets foe aeiping goed os tashionedservioa? Tho ‘ances ae tey wil have cocked outanthor TV sean nde alway tothe plane before anyone thinks Yo ask raw te curtains wthou stining tom under the duvet Int tne ox command on tet epay screen ‘nla raning programmes in is charges cide where arto! te business goes Star steaming sts and pouring cffos ‘elvorexeroce bkos tthe room on request Sow averyng from massages to wosthor fess a ew butlons to check out nest day ‘er tangible berets to quests rather then s check hate pices and walsh movies by Trica Aspinall & Annette Capel (Oxford University Pres) 67 How to Teach for Exams ‘Sentence transformation tasks ‘This type of task introduces a key’ word that is to be used, in the given form to transform the sentence into a new grammatical form without changing its meaning. Here is an example: ould | possibly borrow your mobile phone? mind Would YoU ..sonsesninsnnnsesnne me your mobile phone? Learners need plenty of practice to familiarize themselves with the sentence patterns and changes that are likely to appear in these tasks. Common types of transformation include direct speech to reported speech, comparison (e.g, from Jane is a far better scwimmer than Ber sister to Jane’ sister doesn't swim nearly as well as she dees), constructions with modal verbs (such as the example above), from a sentence using the past simple tense to one using. the present perfect. There are between six and ten sentence transformations in a typical exam paper. Error identification and correction tasks Some exam tasks focus on identifying incorrect uses of English. The task may be made more difficult in that four possible mistakes are highlighted, of which only one is actually wrong, as in these TOEIC examples: 4150. Instn the government has led oa lower * eC in the grouat ate ofthe economy. ° 10, Bacusa he woes eats pay ut hey may * ‘enamels bs From Oxfond Preparation Course forthe TOBIC Test = Student Book (Oxford University Press) Alternatively, students may have to check each line of a text, to find and correct the mistake in it. There may be some lines with no mistake, as here: I dont know about you but my favourite day of the week don't is friday. You have all the pleasure of being able to Friday look forward to the weekend and its the day when you its ‘can go out without worrying about homework. v Students preparing for an exam will be doing a lot of written work, so it is important to train them to check their own work for mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. They should learn to expect the teacher not to Criteria used to assess grammar and vocabulary 5 © How to teach grammar and vocabulary for exams correct work, but rather to mark it with an indication of the number and type of errors made. The more they are encouraged to pay attention to their own language mistakes, the easier they will find this type of exam task. Accuracy and appropriacy By the time they reach CEF level B2 (ALTE level 3), learners are expected to show confidence in their handling of the main structures of English. This confidence derives from knowing which are the right words to use and how they fit together into sentences. Language which is not sufficiently accurate cr appropriate can impede communication, and may well create the wrong effect on the reader or listener. Knowledge of collocations Words and phrases which appear to be very similar in meaning are often distinguished from each other by the different ways in which they collocate with other words. This example illustrates how knowledge of collocations might be tested: Look at the pairs of words printed in italics in the following text. In each ‘case only one of the two words collocates correctly with the words before and after it. 3 One ofthe most charming and enduring images ofthe oncent antique cy of Cambridge punting along the River Canon a az summer afteoon | qty becoming one of the city's biggest largest headaches. A dramatic increase Info the ramber of ours taking to the he is leading to trates onthe Car anda level of noise thats botheng/dsturbing the pace of ‘he unery. “Adapted from Towanth Prficieny ~ Student Book bby Peter May (Oxford University Press) Although patterns of collocation are not easy to learn, they are an important feature of how language works and a strong argument for not learning words in isolation from their context. The following activity enables learners to practise such patterns. 2 Collocations with do, bave, make, and take ~ the class is divided into four groups, and each group given a dictionary: One of the four verbs, do, hace, make, fake, is assigned to each group. The students look wy ‘their’ verb in the dictionary, and list ten common expressions whicl collocate with that verb. They then close the dictionary and write a sentence containing cach expression. They can either write their sentences on an overhead transparency or whiteboard and present them to the class, or type them into a computer to create a gap-fill exercise for their classmates. The gap in each sentence should come directly after the verb, to elicit the expression which collocates with it in that context. 69 How to Teach for Exams Knowledge of fixed expressions and idioms Fixed expressions and idioms are collocations which are particularly strong and inflexible in form. Included under this heading are various types of fixed expression consisting of two or more words: compound nouns (mebile phone, asylum seeker), phrasal verbs (the milk gone off, I couldn't put up swith ‘er any longer, be turned down my offer), multi-word units (back to front, all at ‘once, in a mest), and idioms (a pain in the neck, all fingers and thumbs, over the moon), Knowledge of main grammatical patterns and vocabulary Exams tend to focus minds on the importance of grammatical accuracy: learners are explicitly penalized when they make grammatical errors in written answers, whereas litle feedback on grammar may be received when they are using English for more communicative everyday purposes. Within the context of exam preparation, therefore, teachers and learners willl probably give plenty of attention to consolidating knowledge of {grammatical structures and how to use them. Awareness of style and register By the time they reach CEF levels C1 and C2 (ALTE levels 4 and 5), learners are expected to have developed some sensitivity to differences of style and register. Candidates may be asked to comment on a text writer's reasons for using a particular language feature, or the effect it creates on the reader. Summary writing, which may be required at level 5, also demands skill in adapting language to an appropriately neutral or formal style. The connotations of words and phrases ‘When using a language in which they are fluent, people generally choose their words with care, intending to express particular feelings or ideas which would not be similarly conveyed if a different and ‘The word “serum in ie 3 is closet in meaning to -- More neutral word was used. These additional (inact ‘meanings are the ‘connotations’ of words, Learners ©) aatioun need to develop an appreciation of what a Deo pavticalir word inedis aa partiailarcontieny, dh why that word rather than another has been chosen. In the TOEFL exam, for example, From Gambridge Prparatin forte TOEFL an didates are asked to choose the word which is ‘Test by Jolene Gear & Robert Gear closest in meaning to a word used in a reading (Cambri Univesity Pr) prone 70 Learners of English arc tested not only on the accuracy of their usc of language but also on their range. The more awareness they develop of the connotations of different words and phrases, the richer will be the range of active vocabulary they can draw upon in descriptive writing and the more precisely they will be able to express what they are trying to say. Connotation is related to collocation, since the connotations of particular words often determine whether or not they form appropriate collocations with other words. Here are some sentences from an exciting story told by a Helping learners get to grips with grammar and vocabulary 5 * How to teach grammar and vocabulary for exams woman who survived a near-disaster during a canoeing trip along a river. In each case, one {The best un nent innate of the two words in italics has a more bck dramatic effect than the other, which makes 3 [Y= “sls wasderi marty y kes 5 twat pled ced under it more appropriate to the context being ” newer described. Students are asked to think about + rseuuaglet thang on the particular connotations of each word 5 sulted msi up which produce this effect. Fee carat bese There are some important teaching principles" ravineyesibe rei to bear in mind when helping students eards shou prepare for tests of grammar and vocabulary. Building on what students already know, From New Prefsieny Gold teachers can get students to work out the Geumaboe by] Newbrook & rules that govern grammatical and verbal J Wilson (Longman) forms, and also encourage the use of learners’ ‘own errors to support learning, For grammar and vacabulary to be understood, teachers should draw attention to the use of language in context. While we want to train students to become independent learners, we can also make sure that they have the right exam techniques, so that they can approach any tests of grammar and vocabulary with confidence. Building on what students already know Few things are less motivating than being taught something that you already know, and students can find it stressful and frustrating to be taught by a teacher who assumes that there are lots of things that they do not know. Teachers should generally avoid starting grammar and vocabulary lessons with a formal presentation ~ as if it were being taught for the first time ~ of the language point to be practised. On the other hand, students beginning an exam course need to understand that correct use of grammar and vocabulary is an important clement in the assessment of their language ability and that, even if they have previously been taught something, this is no guarantee that they have learnt to use it correctly. Many students expect exam courses to highlight the teaching of grammar and vocabulary, and view this as an attraction; what they may be less prepared for is the responsibility of developing their ability to be accurate and to learn from their own mistakes. A good starting point is to ask students how they think they learn grammar and vocabulary best, what they find most difficult, and what they think it is most important to learn. The information that we gather from this about students’ own approaches to learning grammar and vocabulary will help us to plan future work, both for the classroom and for individual study, These consultations may well highlight ideas that we were already intending to use, as well as making us aware of activities that the students ke, and differences between our own preferred approach and theirs n How to Teach for Exams Getting students to work out the rules Grammar is easier (and more enjoyable) to learn ifitis treated as something to be investigated and discovered. Students should already be fumiliar with the main terminology of grammar — the names of the different tenses, modals, articles, conditionals, reported speech, the passive ete ~ and they should also be able to recognize examples of the various forms and structures they denote. Grammar practice tasks should involve the students themselves in explaining why and how particular forms are used, what meaning they convey, and how certain pairs of sentences (although very similar in form) differ in meaning. Vocabulary is better remembered when students are working with a mix of known and unknown items, and when words and phrases are organized in groups of related items. This relationship may be one of topic (e.g. natural disasters: flood, earthquake, hurricane, drought), meaning sie hevordsn he sox @yHON)TS and antonyms), form (phrasal verbs, prefixes, and Mi Mite west neko crits), Tanction (hiking ura peprdtions) coz Reyearch Uncountoble there ore words has shown that vocabulary must be encountered at least seven whic you think ean be both Courtable and uncountabe, times before it is truly learned, and that it is easier to Seagate erg uncountable, remember things we have engaged with actively and built ‘nea’ betwee the Ss relationships with. Familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary items —— therefore need to be practised together, discussed, and geek wood beac vee | personalized in a variety of different ways, to be made ‘headache information memorable to the learner. 00k at the following basnes ciclen “agige | Students ean work in pairs or groups on exercises which coe ade county teva) weather ‘crocalte fer tp wok frat_enupment_tutbsh | an exam coursebook they will probably find that there are test their knowledge about the language, pooling ideas and ‘cold toast working out their answers together. If the teacher is following ‘many grammar and vocabulary tasks which lend themselves to pair work, encouraging learning through personal Slinceonddevdewtveah discovery and’ shared knowledge. On the left are two ‘ne & wrong or uni, examples of tasks which students can work on together to deepen and make explicit their understanding. This sort of learning is much more likely to stick than if the teacher simply goes through the exercise, explaining each 1 2 Hes gota short, black hairand that they learn more when the teache1 a beara Tel ke a chicken to sta with please. point as they go along. Te is a mistake for students to believe elling them what is correct than when they are discussing and thinking about the language point for themselves. Also, this is the time when the The nes ate very 836, mm teacher can walk around, answer questions from individuals, ~ monitor what the students are doing, and see who is having Heady problems with the exercise. Letime ie you some aaces Another effective approach to reviewing language is to get The Bobee was er helt learners to create their own exercises to test themselves and Gan have another bread please? each other. Here are some ways of doing thi Lets go fora walk ina county. [dike to make toast tothe From Fir Corifcate Gold ~ ‘Studint Book bide and groom by Richard Acklam 8 Sally Burgess (Longman) 5 © How to teach grammar and vocabulary for exams © Students go through their notebooks and make a set of wordcards. On one side of each card they write a word or phrase that they want to remember, and on the other side a definition (in English) and an example sentence. Working on their own, students can use these cards to test themselves on vocabulary. Working in class, in a group of three or four, students can test each other, taking turns. They’ can either (a) read out a definition and see if anyone can guess the word, or (b) read out the example sentence, leaving a gup for the word that is being tested, and see who can fill in the missing word. © Students work individually. For homework they choose cight words or phrases that they have difficulty using, and prepare eight sentences using them. They hand these in to the teacher for checking. In a follow-up lesson, the students work in pairs and dictate their eight sentences to each other. If noise is not a problem, it can be fun to get students to dictate to a partner sitting some distance away from them across the room, so that they have to speak the words loudly and with confidence. With everybody dictating at the same time, the energy level rises tremendously although the noise can be deafening! Using learners’ own errors Students need to be made aware of the importance of monitoring their own language for errors. This is necessary, not just so that mistakes are noticed and corrected before work is checked by the teacher, but also so that when it is returned they can learn from their mistakes. It can be constructive for teachers to mark written work using a correction cade which encourages the learners to notice and correct their own errors, rather than depending on the teacher to do this for them (see Chapter 4 for more on this). Students’ own errors should also be a focus of individual study on those areas of grammar and vocabulary that are presenting particular difficulty for an individual. Teachers should provide guidance on what those areas are. There are many different ways in which learners’ errors can be used to design classroom activities that provide remedial practice in areas of common difficulty, and do so within the framework of a ‘fun’ lesson. Here are some of the 5 ‘The teacher makes a collection of ten to fifteen sentences containing errors from students’ homework and writes them on the board. Leaving a set of pens and a board rubber by the display, the teacher sits, down quietly and allows the students to get up and correct the sentences. If the teacher can resist making any comment until the students have corrected everything they can, this gives an opportunity to observe the classroom interaction, while the class members discuss the sentences and advise each other on where and what the errors are and how they should be corrected. 3 How to Teach for Exams 74 B. The teacher prepares a set of ten sentences reflecting frequent student errors. The set should be prepared in two editions, each with five of the sentences written correctly and five written incorrectly (so, if sentences 1, 4,5,7, and 9 are correct on edition A, these five sentences are incorrect on edition B, and vice versa for the other five sentences). In pairs (where one student has edition A, and the other, edition B), and without showing each other their papers, the students read out their versions of each sentence and decide which is correct. BA fun way of calling attention to grammar is to have a ‘grammar auction’ where supposedly correct sentences are ‘sold’ to the highest bidder. Students are given a set of fifteen sentences which include some that are correct and others that have mistakes in them. The mistakes should not be too obvious otherwise the game does not work. Class members are told that they have 5,000 euros which they must spend at the auction and that their aim is to buy as many correct sentences as possible. They prepare in groups, deciding which of the sentences are correct and therefore worth buying, and how much they are prepared to risk on each one. The auction then proceeds (for full description of how to run a grammar auction, see Rinvolucri’s Grammar Games (CUP). B The teacher can organize a language quiz. This takes quite a lot of preparation, in order to provide several sets of questions, testing different areas of grammar and vocabulary such as tenses, phrasal verbs, idioms, time expressions, uses of the article etc. There should be about ten questions in each category. Students are arranged in teams. Each team picks a category and noininates a team member to answer the question. If they cannot give an answer, the question passes to the next team and may be answered by the first person to raise a hand. If they get it wrong, it passes to the next team, and so on. Questions can be of various kinds, including the following: + give me a sentence which includes the phrasal verb ‘X” + explain the difference between tense X and tense Y * when is it possible to use X to refer to Y (e.g. past tense to refer to furrure time)? * correct the following sentence: .. + give me a way of joining these two sentences together into one sentence: + give me an idiom using the word X and tell me what it means Drawing attention to the use of language in context Apart from practising grammar and vocabulary in free-standing exercises such as those described above, students can also learn how English works by looking at how words and phrases are used in longer pieces of text. Authentic or semi-authentic texts such as letters, magazine articles, transcripts of interviews and talks etc. can be studied, not only as reading or 5 © How to teach grammar and vocabulary for exams listening comprehension practice, but also to highlight particular features of language use. Students can be asked to look through a text and find examples of a particular grammar point, word, or phrase in use. Transcripts of listening material, as well as reading texts, can be used for this purpose. Having done it a few times in class, students can look for suitable texts themselves and prepare exercises with both comprehension questions and questions on the meaning and use of grammar and vocabulary items. They can then exchange their exercises with classmates, ‘Training students to become independent learners When the pressure is on and classroom time is limited, as it often is in exam preparation courses, students need to understand the importance of studying on their own between lessons. Depending on the age of our students and how mature they ate, this self-study can take the form of either set homework or encouragement to do additional work on areas of difficulty which they choose for themselves. Since grammar and vocabulary work is often remedial and widely catered for in self-study materials it is ideally suited to individual study. Early in the course, it is a good idea to spend some classroom time discussing with the learners how they can help themselves to improve by studying on their own, and to look at the use of dictionaries, grammar reference books, and self-study exercises. With good advice at the start, and monitoring of the amount and type of work that they do outside class, it may be more productive to encourage individual students to organize their ‘own self-study time than always to set the same homework for everyone to do. If a more flexible approach is adopted, however, students should be given guidelines as to what is expected, and recommendations on what to do. They should be encouraged to keep a record of their self-study activities, containing information such as what materials they have used, how long the work took them, and whether or not the activity was (a) useful, and (b) interesting, They should have an opportunity to speak regularly with the teacher about their self-study activities. Making sure that students have the right exam techniques Finally, teachers need to give learners sufficient practice of exam-type ‘questions, in exam-like settings, so that they know exactly what to expect on the day of the exam and are not surprised by anything unfamiliar. Firstly, they need to be thoroughly familiar with the task rubrics, A surprising number of candidates lose marks because they do not do what is, required. Examples of this are putting two words into a gap where only one word is allowed, or changing the form of the key word in a sentence ‘transformation task. Secondly, students need to recognize what the examiner is looking for in a particular question. In order to do, say, a sentence transformation correctly, the candidate needs to recognize which language point is being tested. Consider the examples on page 76. 5 How to Teach for Exams Conclusions 76 1] It’s vary easy to maintain contact with friends nowadays. touch TOO GEYBGR, cnssascisnsencstrine .-. with friends nowadays, 2] You missed the bus because you left home too late. caught HH you had left home the bus. From New Fint Crtifate Gold Bxam Maximizer ly Burges with Newbrook and Wilson (Longman) ‘The first item may be a trap for candidates who try to use touch as a verb rather than recognizing that the required expression is to Aeep/stay in touch ‘oid Ts eraiglete hs econ ia toe th nde meee produce the conditional form you would bave caught, and must also add the word earlier to complete the meaning: If you had left bome earlier, you cwould ave caught the bus. Thirdly, candidates need to practise writing their answers on a separate answer sheet, making sure that the intended answer is clear and easy to read. Exam boards make strenuous efforts to give the candidate the benefit of the doubt when. an answer is uncleas, but they will not accept two alternative answers to the same question, nor may examiners be happy to wade through large quantities of crossed out work. Students need to know that spelling is taken into account in questions which test grammar and vocabulary and which, for the most part, have relatively short answers. Lastly, candidates should understand that they may answer the questions in any order as long as the question numbers are clearly written on the answer sheet. It is generally a good idea to advise students to begin with a question they know they can do well, because by the time they have completed that they will have settled into the exam and be able to cope with. the more difficult ones. However, candidates must resist the temptation of spending too much time on a question they feel comfortable with, at the cost of devoting insufficient time to less favoured questions. They must learn to manage their time and know how long to allow for each of the sections on the paper (and how the available marks are divided between those sections, where relevant). This can be difficult when there are a number of sections testing different types of language knowledge and requiring different amounts of time to complete. Practice exams can be very helpful here ~ as well as with many other aspects of exam technique, In this chapter we have: ‘+ made some general points about the way that grammar and vocabulary are typically treated in an exam course syllabus. + looked at some different sorts of tasks that can be used to test knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. ‘+ drawn attention to accuracy and appropriacy as core concepts in assessment of language use. 5 » How to teach grammar and vocabulary for exams analysed the sorts of knowledge that are measured and assessed, Which are: collocations, fixed expressions and idioms, the main grammatical patterns of English, connectors and linking expressions, awareness of style and register, word families, and the connotations of words. suggested some principles for teaching grammar and vocabulary for exams, advocated teaching approaches which enable learners to work out for themselves how the language works. pointed out that knowledge of grammar and vocabulary can be enhanced by study of its use in context, as well as in formal exercises and practice tasks. highlighted the need for students to develop good independent study habits. recognized the need for students to be thoroughly familiar with certain exam techniques and procedures, pointed out that much depends on familiarity with the format and intention of particular question types, and on recognizing which language point is being tested. 7 78 Testing listening jow to teach istening for exams Testing listening ‘What kinds of listening tasks are there? How listening tests are conducted What is assessed in listening tasks? Developing task awareness Developing listening skills and strategies Building confidence and managing stress What do students need to remember in the test itself? ‘The skill of listening is usually tested by having candidates listen to audio recordings and complete written tasks to show their understanding of the spoken English that they hear There are several features of this activity which make it very different from most of the listening we do in real life. Fi in the real world listening is not an isolated skill but is part of social interaction. We can often interrupt when we do not understand or have lost the thread of what is being said, or when we feel we have listened for long enough and want to say something ourselves. We make sense of what we hear by putting it into the context of what we know about the topic, the speaker, or the situation. Secondly, in the real world we usually have control over what we listen to and when we listen, Whether or not we decide to pay attention to other people's speech is determined by our own needs and interests. Thirdly, in the real world — with the exception of radio and telephone communication — there are usually visual clues which help us understand what we are hearing; in face-to-face situations, if we can see the speaker, we pick up information from their gestures and facial expressions, as well as from their words. When wwe are watching a television programme or film, we have images to help us, understand what we are hearing. Finally, other than when taking down messages or taking notes in a lecture, we don't usually respond to what we hear by writing something down, and we rarely answer questions about what we have just heard. Although exam boards now base their listening material on the sorts of situations we are likely to meet in real life itis probably impossible to create truly authentic listening tasks or, given the pressures and artificiality of the exam setting, to arouse much genuine listener interest in the topic or activity. Also, there are constraints on the number of times that the material can be heard. These factors can make listening tests a daunting prospect for 6 © How to teach listening for exams students, so it is important not only to give them lots of practice before the exam, but also t0 build up their confidence by making sure that they are armed with strategies which are likely to lead to success. Text types Exam boards aim to make their listening material as authentic as possible, reflecting the different ways that the spoken language is normally used. Nevertheless, most listening material used in exams is seripted, and may sometimes sound ‘unnatural. When Tricia Hedge asked a group of teachers to compare the characteristics of natural conversation between native speakers with those of conversation scripted for the purpose of providing listening material for English language learners, the teachers came up with the following differences: ‘Spontaneous, informal speech * variations in speed of delivery, often fast + natural intonation + the natural features of connected speech, 9. elision| * variety of accents + any grammatical structures natural to the topic * colloquial language * incomplete utterances * restructuring in longer, more complex. sentences * speakers interrupt or speak at the same time * speakers use ellipsis (ie. miss out parts of sentences) + background noise present Recordings for language learners slow pace with little variation exaggerated intonation patterns carefully articulated pronunciation ‘Received Pronunciation’ regularly repeated structures ‘+ more formal language © complete utterances ‘+ grammatically correct sentences speakers take careful tums ellipsis infrequent (i. sentences usually complete) background noise absent rom Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom by Tricia Hedge (OUP) Some of these observations about specially recorded material are now becoming, somewhat less the case, certainly where exam listening material is concerned. For example, the recordings currently used reflect a variety of native and non-native speaker accents of English (though in mild, rather than strong, forms), rather than just Received Pronunciation, General American, or General Australian English. Features of spoken and colloquial language, such as incomplete sentences, hesitation, repetition, and use of idioms, are also common. Nevertheless, some of the characteristics listed by the teachers are fairly standard: only one person speaks at a time, probably alittle slower than normal, there is little ambiguity in the message, and little distraction in the way of background noise. In addition, the text tends to have a clear beginning and end, and the language content may be limited, especially at lower levels, to make it easier to understand. 79 How to Teach for Exams What kinds of listening tasks are there? Task types ‘The kinds of tasks that are set in exams are often divided into two types, productive tasks and objective tasks. Productive tasks require a response which includes writing or correcting information. Examples of productive tasks include: + note-taking, sentence or table completion + short answers: * prompts with single words/short phrase answers * identifying mistakes and correcting factual information Objective tasks only require the learner to mark or circle the correct response. Examples of objective tasks include: *+ Yes/No answers + ordering information + multiple choice + True/False answers + multiple matching Candidates should pay close attention to the instructions given for each ‘question, so that they are clear about what sort of response is required. ‘Themes and topics “Material used in exams is intended to relate to candidates’ real-life concerns, needs, and interests. The texts chosen should be sufficiently broad in their content and appeal to provide a fair opportunity for all learners, whatever their background knowledge and culture, to be assessed on their listening ability. So the kinds of themes and topics used in texts for listening exams are likely to include: + factual announcements, e.g. opening times, prices, telephone numbers etc. personal experiences and human interest stories announcements about events, the weather, local and international news: travel and tourism leisure work the home sport science and technology environmental issues skills learning language learning popular culture popular psychology and social issues health Usually, a narrator establishes the context, introduces the topic and describes the setting in which the spoken extract occurs, and this may help listeners to predict something of the content that they are going to hear. This introductory phase is also used to direct attention towards the relevant parts of the exam paper and reinforce what the candidate is expected to do. How listening tests are conducted What is assessed in listening tasks? 6 + How to teach listening for exams ‘The texts of listening exams are almost always pre-recorded, together with the candidate instructions. Professional actors with experience of this kind of work are used. Appropriate pauses are built into the recording, during which the candidates can read through each question before attempting the task, and check their answers afterwards. This means that, once the recording has started playing, it can be left running. Administrators check the recordings when they arrive at the exam centre, well before the exam, to make sure that there is nothing wrong with them. The quality of sound reproduction in the room where the exam will take place is also checked Most listening exams last thirty to forty minutes and have sections testing different types of listening. Time is allowed for the candidates to read through each question before they listen to the recorded text, and to check their answers after completing each section; in most cases these silent {gips are incorporated into the recording itself. In addition, it is now quite common at the end of the exam for candidates to be required to transfer the answers they have written on the question paper to a separate answer sheet which is computer-marked. idates need to be aware of these procedures and of the time allowed for transferring their answers. Itis also ‘worth pointing out to students that they should always answer while they are listening, rather than attempting the considerably harder task of trying to recall what they have heard so as to answer the questions afterwards. ‘The listening material for each section is usually, though not always, heard twice. Exceptions to note are the Cambridge ESOL Certificate of Advanced English, where Part 2 is only heard once, and the IELTS and Michigan examinations, where all parts of the listening test are heard once. Listening tasks are designed to assess the candidate's ability to process different forms of spoken English. The learners demonstrate their understanding by responding to a variety of tasks, which are similar to those encountered in the real world and depend on an accurate understanding of what is heard. The kinds of abilities tested include: + locating and understanding specific information + understanding detail + understanding the overall message, or gist, of what is being said + recognizing or inferring the speaker’ attitude or emotions + identifying genre, eg. recognizing an advertisement, a voicemail message, a formal meeting etc. recognizing the topic of a conversation following the development of an argument or narrative matching spoken to write following instructions or directions Most listening exams consist of a series of about four different and unrelated tasks. The tasks involve a mix of long and short texts, and of monologue and. dialogue. Here are some examples: 81 How to Teach for Exams Developing task awareness 82 1 The candidate hears a series of short exchanges between interacting speakers, of about thirty seconds each. The task is to identify the relationship between the speakers, where they are (location), or what they are talking about (opic) 2 The candidate hears a monologue lasting about three minutes, such asa talk or a lecture. The task is to identify key pieces of information presented by the speaker, 3 The candidate hears a series of short monologues, each describing a different witness account of the same event. The task is to match cach, extract to a picture. 4 The candidate listens to a three-minute extract from a radio discussion between two or more speakers about a social or environmental issue, The task is to answer multiple choice questions about the different speakers’ opinions and attitudes Answers are usually in the form of ticks and crosses, numbering of items, or completing notes or sentences with one to three words. Students should know that they do not have to give longer answers and that if they do they may even lose marks. Students often experience listening exams as difficult. It is therefore important that classroom listening practice allows them to enjoy a high level of success and build their confidence from the start. An important aspect of preparation for listening tests includes developing awareness of the tasks involved, and knowing what to expect in the exam. With this in mind, some teaching ideas and approaches follow, along with sample lesson tasks which show how these work in practice. Exam format Itis a good idea to let students know, carly on in their course, exactly what the listening exam consists of and how lon; be concerned about the reality of what is ahead than worry about ill- founded rumours. They should know: *+ how long the exam is. + how many tasks they have to do, + whar the various tasks are like. + what sorts of answers they will be expected to give. + how often they will hear the recording. + where the exam will take place and how it will be conducted. Whether or not it is wise to do a practice exam at this early stage will depend on the level of the students. If the preparation time is limited and they are not too far below the target level, trying real exam tasks can be a confidence-booster. On the other hand, if exposure to a mock exam is likely 6 © How to teach listening for exams to scare leamers and leave them feeling anxious, its best not presented until much later in their preparation. Task rubrics The context and task are established by means ofa rubric atthe start of each section. This rubric normally contains clues to the content of what the candidate is about to listen to and instructions for what they have to do. Preparation time is allowed at the start of each section for the candidate to read through and make sense of the task. Students need to learn the importance of using this time and information to get into the right frame of mind. The focus of the task may be on general understanding, specific points of information, speakers’ opinions, attitudes or feelings, or some other feature of the discourse, From a City and Guilds Pitman International ESOL sample paper at Access Level Published material can be easily adapted to provide convenient texts for use in classroom activities that help leamers to understand how the Ianguage works and develop their ability to cope with tasks like this one. A Recognizing patterns in text ~ the teacher prepares (or finds in a book) a text such as the one above, underlines cach connector and removes the piece of information following it. Using the example above, the text would look like this: Directed and free writing From a City and 8 # How to teach for lower-level exams Hi Jimi I'm in hospital with a broken leg! It was my birthday last week and... Yesterday we had some free time so with our skateboards. In our town you can either ‘Skate by the river or The park is better than the river because .. "Rashid skated down the hill TAPSt ANd wee - I had no problem with the mill but _ at the Bottom. And now I'm in hospital with a Broken leg! Nick Students work in pairs to predict what the missing information might be. They will come up with a range of different texts, which can then be read aloud so that the rest of the class can hear and discuss them. After this, the teacher gives out the missing sections of text from the original version, but in the wrong order. The students are given time to fit them into the appropriate spaces, and discuss any similarities and differences between this ‘model’ text and the one they wrote themselves. Finally, the class can discuss which of all the texts produced (including the original one) was the most interesting! Just as most reading tasks involve an element of writing, so most writing tasks involve an element of reading, This section takes a look at two types of low-level writing task: directed writing and free writing. Directed writing ‘The sorts of directed writing tasks set at low CEF/ALTE levels include simple form-filling, gapped texts, and correcting errors in spelling and punctuation, An example is given below of each of thes ‘The simplest form-filling task, herc illustrated at CEF level Al (ALTE. Breakthrough level), involves giving basic personal information (which need not be ‘true’ as long as it is Sports ub Form +) correctly presented ~it is quite acceptable to invent the | Fay None: | information’). | Candidates must not only | eephone Naber understand the headings given | on the form, but must also give the required information. in ties the correct form. The use of block capitals for name and Favour Spor | nationality, and the correct way of writing telephone numbers and dates of birth, can be modelled on the classroom board before the students are given their own copy of the form to complete. ‘The complexity of the form-filling activity, and the amount of information, required, increases gradually through CEF levels A2 and B1 (ALTE levels Jand 2). 129 How to Teach for Exams 130 A form-filling activity can be extended by pairing students and getting them to interview each other, perhaps as a role-play between immigration official and overseas visitor, or between hotel receptionist and guest. Having first practised the questions, the interviewer asks the interviewee for the information needed to complete the form. Spelling aloud, and correct pronunciation of numbers and dates, can also be practised, In gap-fill tasks, because only single words, numbers, and occasional short phrases are tested, candidates are expected to spell correctly and incorrect spelling is penalized. Here is a level 1 task, showing the text of a postcard which must be completed by writing one word in each space. Dear Alvaro, Tm having a great (© there in Spain! "The weather (41)... very good. It has (42) very ot every day ANd (43) ..ou.nn hasn't rained. ‘This morning, we (44) to the beach for a swim. ‘Tomorrow we (48) ‘going shopping in the afternoon. WARE tO DU (48) cones PROSEDES 10 (47) seen BODE for my family. There's als0 & Dig castle (48) 8 Dill ‘that I want to visit T Arve at (49) nnn AMFpOTE at 11.80 on Monday night. will PRONE (50) ou. 0M Tuesday morning and tell you ‘about my holiday: See you soon! Pietro From KET Practice Tits Pat by Perer Lucantoni (Longman) Students need to learn that they must read the whole sentence in order t0 ensure that the word they write is correct, and that it is written in the correct form. A student who writes de in the sentence ‘It has __ very hot every day’ will not get any marks, even though they have recognized that the verb be must be used in the space, Sometimes there may be more than one correct answer; for example, in the text above, the answer to number (4) could be went, walked, drove, cycled etc. As long as the sentence makes sense and the correct form of the word is used, the student will get the mark. A variation on this task that would make a usefil classroom activity would be to choose a text and make two versions of it, taking out different words in each text. For example, the teacher could make a second version of the above text which looks like this: 8 © How to teach for lower-level exams Dear Alvaro, rm having a great (Example: time ) here in Spain! The weather is very good. t (1). been very hot (2) day and it hasn't rained. This morning we went to (3) beach for a swim. Tomorrow we are @. shopping in the afternoon. | want to (5). some presents to take home for (6) family, There's also a big castle on a hill that | want (7) visit. {arrive at the airport (8) 11.30 on Monday night. | (9) phone you on Tuesday morning and tell (10) ‘about my holiday. See you soon! Pietro With the students divided into two groups, A and B, a copy of one text is given to every student in Group A, and a copy of the other text to all in Group B. Each student has to fill in the missing words in their text. The students in Group A then find a partner in Group B and compare their texts, remembering to check for correct spelling. Finally, everyone is shown. the complete text and reads it aloud in chorus. Free writing Without the constraints of having to fit their words to a prepared text, free writing tasks allow the candidate to show what they are capable of when starting with a blank piece of paper. Naturally, candidates are not expected to be able to write faultless English, and the main emphasis of assessment is on the success of the communication. The task is usually to write a short essay, letter, or message. There may be a required number of words (minimum and maximum), or a space may be provided on the paper to indicate the length of answer required. Students need to learn to read the instructions carefully so that they know what is required. This dccess level writing task must be completed in just 20 to 40 words: Writing Part You wantto book a holiday. Wite a eter toa travel agent + Sey where + Say how tong for + Findou ine cost From a City and Guilds Pitman Do not wite an across. Write 20-40 words. International ESOL Sample Paper az Access Level A candidate who includes the three required pieces of information, and formulates the piece of writing appropriately, will be considered to have completed the task successfully even if there are mistakes in spelling and use of Janguage. Students therefore need to learn the correct layout of notices, postcards, faxes, personal letters etc. as well as the basic conventions of Janguage use in these different genres. The teachers own collection of 131 How to Teach for Exams authentic texts is invaluable here, although we can also find model texts in the reading and listening sections of exam papers. These can be used to show students what a note, postcard, letter, or fax looks like and how it should be laid out on the page. ‘Yu would tha to study in Australia. Your family have given you the adress of some ol rend you have never ret Task One Wit after 1 the Australian family to: From GELS Handbook + ntradice youret and ge them some news of your own ey 5 say why you want 0 goto Austala (Caivensity of Cambridge 1 aekityod can sty wih Bom Local Examinations Syndicate) 132 ‘9k about language schools near the Australian family This is a level 2 task, where candidates are expected to write around 100-150 words. Such a task is most often a letter. Separate marks are usually awarded for ‘task completion’ and for ‘language’. In the above example, ‘task completion’ would mean that the piece of writing produced is clearly a letter (that is, it begins with ‘Dear ..."'and ends with an appropriate salutation, such as "Yours sincerely’ or ‘Best wishes). In addition, it includes all the information required in the task rubric, and organizes this information in such a way that the reader has no difficulty in following it. ‘Language’ is assessed separately, and it is the student's general control and range of language which is assessed, not the number of individual mistakes made Again, the impression made on the reader is central to the assessment. If the student comes across as a confident user of the language at their level, demonstrating generally good control and an ambitious range of structures and vocabulary, the mark awarded for language will be high. Frequent and erratic errors and poor punctuation, which have a negative effect on the reader, lead to a low mark for language. “Task completion’ and ‘language’ are equally important. Students can best prepare for these free-writing activities through regular practice. Tasks can be set for homework, marked for task and language according to criteria published by the exam boards, and discussed in class. ‘When marking, it is important not to focus too much on errors. Creativity and ambition are rewarded in the exam, so praise should be given for attempts which show that the student is stretching their knowledge, rather than simply playing safe and using correct but basic formulas. ‘The aim of reading and writing exams at low levels is to test candidates’ ability to carry out simple but authentic tasks in English, This is also trate for listening and speaking exams. Learners are expected to be able to make some sense of real spoken English, and to be able to communicate some sort of conversational response, from the very beginning of their studies. In listening, the task might be to recognize the correct conversational response, asin the level 2 examples shown below. This kind of task requires familiarity 8 * How to teach for lower-level exams with ‘real’ spoken English and a good sense of what is appropriate and polite. Sensitivity to what ‘sounds right’ is developed through repeated Exposure to authentic spoken English, o if students Have acess to"TV and videos they should be encouraged to watch programmes with plenty of good dialogue, Even if they don't understand much of what they hear, they will be training their ear to the sound patterns of English, and picking up a sense of appropriate responses, In this example, the first part of the exchange is heard by the candidate and they must decide which of the four responses is correct. 1 ‘Hil Great to see you after so long.’ A. Hello. Nice to see you too, B. Not much really . What're you going to do? D. See you soon, 2 ‘Fancy going to the cinema tonight?" ‘A. Why can't you? B. Isn't there? . Not really. D. No I'm not. 3. ‘Lam sorry I'm late.’ A. That's right. B. Of course not. ©. Don't worry. From a City and Guilds Pitman International D. You're welcome, ESOL sample paper st Achiever Level Listening tests require candidates to pick out important and relevant information from recordings of speech which, while specially scripted, are nevertheless as close to real-life dialogue or monologue as possible. They may even be adapted from authentic speech, for example, recordings of radio programmes or automatic answering machines. The kinds of text types which feature in many exams include: + announcements at railway stations and airports + traffic information given on the radio + public announcements made at sporting events or pop concerts + instructions given by police or customs officials Listening for gist ‘When we fisten to real speech, even in our own mother tongue, we do not pick up every word yet we still manage, if we are concentrating sufficiently, to understand and focus on what is really important or interesting. Language learners need to develop this skill of ‘tuning in’ to what is really essential right from the start, and the kinds of tasks set in listening exams are designed to encourage this. In listening tests, there is always a pause to allow candidates to look at the question before they hear the recording, Students need to learn that they 133 How to Teach for Exams 3 134 should use this time to think of what the answer might be, so that they know what they are listening for. If they listen with a purpose, they are less likely to be confused or distracted by redundant material which they do not need to pay attention to. This sample listening task consists of a series of short, recorded, spoken texts with a single multiple choice question on each. The options are presented as pictures. A typical question is shown here: a. - ais Bt Ep . 1 What shall we do tonight? it's bit old ta go cut $5 There's 2 good film on TV. oF we could havea game of cards. Or quite happy jst racine, 16 Lets watch the fim. 've got nothing to reed. and | alsa ose a cards. ‘Adapted from PET Gold Exam Mesiniver ty Jacky Newronk 8¢ Jith Wilton (Longin) Listening for gist (short dialogues) — material such as this may be used to give learners practice at getting the gist of what they are listening to. Having played the dialogue once, the teacher asks the students how many speakers there are, where they are, and what they are talking about, The students are also told that they have to answer one question about the dialogue, and asked to guess what the question is going to be. If they do this easily, they can be asked what they think the correct answer is, and also what other, ‘wrong’ answers there might be. Finally, students are shown the question as it is presented in the Another kind of listening task is a longer text with several multiple choice or true/filse questions. It is more difficult because candidates have to think about more than one question while they are listening. [See page 135.] This example shows very clearly just how much redundant information is included in the text, and why it is really important for students to prepare carefully by looking at the questions, so that they know which cues to listen out for. There is always quite a Jong lead-in to the first important piece of information, as in the example opposite where Jenny says what the age range for the computer game is; this gives the students time to get used to the speakers’ voices and the topic of their conversation. Notice also how there is a lot of information, that is irrelevant for the test, between the strect (Marsden street) where the shop is and the number of the shop (29). 8 + How to teach for lower-level exams Listen to Jenny talking to Mark about buying a computer game. (University of Cambridge Local ‘Examinations Syndicate) 41 The game isnt good fr people under A sie 8 ten ctv. 12 Blacks PC shopiein A cambrage © Peterstown, 13 The adorss ofthe shops A 29 Humor Road, 5 20.Water Stet. © 20Mareden Sroet A Oo A é A o 0 4 14 Thelast day youcan get aoe game is A Monday B Thceday crete 48 Thecomautergame cost A 2 8 ©, Audioseript o F —Hi,Mark. What are you doing? M Hello, Jenny. Shopping for a present for my lite brother. F | bought my brother a computer game called City two thousand and ten. He plays wth it for hours. M— How old is he? F 10, MM (Disappointed) Oh my brothers twelve. F That's OK. This game's good for eight to thirteen year olds. M—Greatl Where did you buy i? F In Black's PC shop. | looked everywhere in Cambridge and Peterstown, but I had to {go to a shop in London to find i. ‘Whereis the shop? In Marsden street. You know Hunter Road? Tum left at the end and its opposite Walkers department store at number twenty nine lean go there next Thursday. “That's good. Next week from Monday to Friday you get a second game free! Great. How much was your brother's game? (ihinking) \ ought two games that day and paid forty-eight pounds altogether, so my brother's game was twenty sb pounds. (Oh, less tnan thirty! That's not bad. Thanks, Jenny. g ovene 7z 135 How to Teach for Exams Ifwe find that our students are having problems with longer texts, a good strategy is to give them copies of the tapescript after the second listening, and ask them to double-check their choices before telling them what the right answers are. It may also be helpful to get them to mark on the tapescript where a section relating to a particular question begins and ends. This will alert them to important parts of the conversation that they have overlooked, and show them that just because a detail seems to fit, it is not automatically the right answer. Listening for specific information Some listening tasks require the candidate to listen for very specific pieces of information. Here is an example task that involves listening to a recorded message. The information which the candidate is expected to fill in consists ‘Yu want to vis the Glabe Theatre in London, where there s special Shakespeare exhibition. Listen to the recorded telephone message and complete the notes with a word or number. \F there ae Exhibition open cvery day from am] 1] toSpm ‘Admission charges: Adulte: £750 “The new season will start in CL 5 HAKESPEARE GLO 11 ‘Student and senior citizens: [E 2 children aged 5 to15: £5 [ 3 | ticket: £2% 1 | & more in your group, you must book before you come. Audioscript Thank yo er calling the Shaken Ge ‘etbton. fm ad no-one eva w ake yur cll jst now: The exibition, which Inches ule ur no the thea, i open rr 10am Spey Aisin charms are #750 frais 8 for ser ae stent an 5 freien aged S715. lay chet abe fr £23. Thi cover up 2 adhe sd 3 cen. Groups of 1S mre mt bok nave and re line for pci admision aes: Howe, ‘we ot ake bookings or ind Adapted from CELS Handbook “The Gla Theatre season has finished fo this (University of Cambridge Local yen The new san wil be eaneunc in Examinations Syndicate) Febraay and wil gin in May. 136 Low-level speaking 8 © How to teach for lower-level exams of specific details such as dates, numbers, prices, and other everyday words which they should know at this level. As with other types of listening text, alot of what the candidates hear is redundant information, and they have plenty of time to write down answers as they listen. They should use their preparation time before the first listening to read through the task and predict the kind of answer that is required in each gap; for example, in the above text the first answer isa time of the morning, the second is an amount of money in pounds, and so on. The more students practise these kinds of exercise, the easier they will find it to predict the sorts of answers that this task demands. Correct spelling is not essential, except where a word has actually been spelt out on the recording, but students are expected to use symbols appropriately (Five pounds, for example, should be written ‘65" with the pound sign in front of the number, not after it) and capital letters (for example, when writing names of people, months, countries, and the like). Regular short dictations of numbers (including telephone numbers), dates, prices, and suchlike are a very useful way of preparing students for this kind of task. A good approach is to start by dictating numbers or words in isolation, and build up to embedding them in sentences, while requiring students simply to write down the particular piece of information that is the focus of the exercise, Speaking tests at low levels tend to be very short (five to ten minutes) but despite this, they tend to be the part of the exam that students fear most. Giving them plenty of practice, and explaining exactly what will happen on. the day, will help to allay these anxieties, It is usefll to discuss what the and how they should behave, on entering and leaving the exam room. Practising beforehand will help them to feel more confident of knowing what the format of the exam will be, how the examiner will speak to them, and how they should respond to questions and instructions. If possible, it is better to ask a colleague to take the role of ‘examiner’ in a practice test; they can give more objective feedback on how the student has performed, and the situation is more realistic for the student than if their own teacher is playing the ‘examiner’ role. Typically, speaking exams consist of a series of short tasks which assess the candidate's ability to do some or all of the following: + understand and use everyday expressions for greeting and leave-taking + exchange basic personal information * express likes and dislikes, exchange opinions, agree and disagree + give information, such as describing a picture or talking about a hobby take part in a simple role-play, for example, in a shop or at the bus station follow instructions ask for repetition or clarification Candidates should expect to be tested on their ability to spell and to say numbers correctly. For example, they may be asked to spell the name of the street where they live, or to say their telephone number. ‘The language used by the examiner is carefully controlled. Examiners often use a script to ensure that they use appropriate language and treat all candidates equally, 137 How to Teach for Exams 138 Short exchanges: questions and answers Straightforward personal questions tend to be used early on in the exam to put candidates at their ease. Examples might be: © Where are you from? Where do you live naw? What's your address? What do you do? Are you a student, or do you have a job? Do you have any brothers and sisters? Tell me about your family. How do you travel to school every day? How long is the journey? How long have you been learning English? Why do you want to learn English? |B Personal questions — students can be asked to think of questions they would ask someone they were mecting for the first time, and their suggestions written on the board (they will almost certainly come up swith the sorts of questions that the examiner will ask). The teacher, with the class, should discuss some ways of answering the questions in ‘more than just one or two words. Each student then chooses one question and writes it on a card. As fir as possible, all the students should have different questions. The students go round the class, asking their question to as many different people as possible, and answering other people's questions. Their answers should be as full and interesting as possible. At the end, students can say who gave the most interesting answer to their question, and what it was. As a variation or follow-up to this activity, a fluent English speaker can be asked the same questions and their answers recorded for the students to listen to. Simple conversational exchanges may be introduced by giving candidates an instruction, ether to elicit a question or to request a response. The examples shown below are at CEF level Al (ALTE Breakthrough level). In the and Guilds Pitman exam, the interlocutor selects just two Type A (eliciting questions) and two Type B (requesting responses) items from a larger range of options pea From a Cit * om a City and Guilds + Tim your friend. Ask me the time. eS + its my birthday. What do you say? Reape + You want to find a post office. Ask me, SemPar quetion Type B We are in a café. I'm a waiter. You're a customer. Good morning. What would you like to drink? = We're friends. Hello. How are you? ‘+ I'ma tourist in your town. Excuse me, where's the station, please? Students taking a speaking exam which includes this activity need to be familiar with the form of instruction given, since this is a rather unnatural 8 * How to teach for lower-level exams way of interacti conversation in real practised in clas Prompts are used in some speaking exams to assess candidates’ ability to ask questions. In the following example, the candidates, who are being examined in pairs, must ask each other questions. which does not happen when people exchange life. However, it is very formulaic and can be easily ‘A here is some information about a shop which sells CDs. Turn to page 123) 'B, you don't krow anything about the shop so ask A some questions about ft (CD MARKET # address? + lage /smat? Adapted from KET Pracce Toss Pas by Peter Lucantoni (Longman) 4 kind of music? 4 telephone number? Do you understand? ] | Now B, ask A your questions about the CO shop and A, you answer them, closed / Saturdays? Candidate A - your answers —\ Get your rock music here! 3), Monday - Saturday p.m. \) Sunday 10 am. 6 pm. Tel: 678 543 Asking and answering questions ~ the teacher finds or creates two short texts, such as the CD Market advertisement above (any kind of information leaflet or notice will do), and makes copies. With the students divided into ewo gro B, each student in Group A 139 How to Teach for Exams receives one text and each student in Group B receives the other. The students are told to write five questions which can be answered from the information given in their text. They should write the questions on a separate piece of paper, not on the text itself. When they are ready, all students find a partner from the other group. Each student gives their text to their partner and asks them the questions they have prepared. This can be repeated a few times, or the activity can be further developed, B® Prompted questions and answers ~ this time, the students are in groups of three, and a different text has been given to each person in. the group. Each student reads their text and thinks of five questions, but instead of writing the whole question, they just write a prompt. Students then pass their text, and their set of prompts, to the person sitting on their left. This person passes the text on again to the third person in the group, but keeps the prompts. They use the prompts to ask questions, and the person with the text tries fo answer them. Longer speaking turns In the Trinity Spoken English exams, at all but the lowest (Initial) level, candidates have to give a short talk (for two minutes) on a prepared topic. They have a free choice of topic, to allow them to talk about something they are interested in and give them an opportunity to display the language they know. When they have finished their talk, the examiner develops the topic into a conversation. Candidates are strongly advised to use a picture, object, or other visual aid to illustrate their topic. They must not speak from prepared notes, nor appear to have learned their talk by heat. In other exams, candidates often have to deseribe a picture which the examiner gives them. This kind of task requires the student to sustain a longer speaking turn and use a range of language patterns and vocabulary. ‘They should describe everything they can see, in as much detail as possible, Classroom activities which encourage learners to observe, describe, and paraphrase when they do not know the exact word for something, are good preparation for this activity. TB. Students can be asked to find a picture in a magazine or newspaper, bring it to class, display it, and talk about it for one minute. This could become a regular activity, so that each week a certain number of students are responsible for bringing a picture. The pictures can also be used to develop vocabulary, build interview scenarios, or do writing activities. Hesitating and asking for clarification Students preparing for lower-level speaking tests need to understand that nobody expects their spoken English to be flawless and fluent. One way to demonstrate that even good speakers of English hesitate and have difficulty expressing themselves, is for the teacher to record herself in a lesson describing or explaining something, and listen to this recording with the students. This can be a good lead-in to a discussion of the strategies that can be used to keep speaking when the speaker cannot think of a word or to Low-level grammar and vocabulary Conclusions 8 * How to teach for lower-level exams clarify an instruction from the examiner that has not been fully understood. Students need to know that itis acceptable to ask the examiner to repeat or clarify information, and that they will gain credit for appropriately managing these difficult moments. Ithelps to prepare candidates for speaking tests by arranging for them to do a practice test, in the conditions that will exist on the exam day and, if possible, with the examiner's role taken by a teacher other than their usual «lass teacher. Supportive feedback from this relative stranger on the way in which a candidate presents him- or herself and hehaves during the test, as well as on the quality of the perform: can help to address difficulties and reduce the anxiety of the day itself At lower levels, exam preparation can easily fit within the framework of general English courses; the language that candidates at these levels are ‘supposed to know is limited, and the knowledge and skills tested reflects what is taught in most elementary and lower-intermediate textbooks. Students are expected to know those items of vocabulary and functional expression which typically occur in the everyday language of speakers of English, These include words and phrases relating to the home, workplace, family, places, hobbies, travel, holidays, likes and dislikes, shopping, food and drink, parts of the body, animal sport, education, and so on. Grammar and vocabulary are tested indirectly through reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities which require varying levels of accuracy and appropriacy, as specified in the eriteria for each task. The grammatical areas which students should be familiar with at level 2 include the main regular and irregular verb forms and tenses, modal verbs, conditionals, reported speech, question formation, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and ‘adverbs, countable’and uncountable nouns, pronouns, determiners (‘a/an’ and ‘the’), prepositions and prepositional phrases, common phrasal verbs, and connectives. In this chapter we have: * considered the aims and special features of lower-level exams. * discussed the different task types used in lower-level exams. * looked at the kinds of reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills which are assessed in lower-level exams. + highlighted the relationship between reading and writing. * provided sample tasks and classroom activities to practise a range of skills, strategies, and task types. + addressed the role of grammar and vocabulary in lower-level exams. 141 142 Task File Introduction = The exe es in this section all relate to topics discussed in the chapter to which the exercises refer. Some expect definite answers, while others only ask for the reader's ideas and opinions. * Tutors can decide when it is appropriate to use the tasks in this section. Readers on thei ‘own can work on the tasks at any stage in their reading of the book. ‘+ The material in the Task File can be photocopied for use in limited circumstances. Please see the note on the inside front cover for photocopying restrictions. prea How to Teach for Exams « Task File (eT 1 How to be a successful exams teacher A What is special about teaching an exam class? Pages 1-3 Make alist of differences between exam classes and non-exam classes. How different are they, in your opinion? [Exar crasses ]_[ NON-ENAM CLASSES | || Say whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. If possible, discuss them with a colleague. If you disagree with any of the statements, rewrite them to reflect your 1 Teaching an exam class is easier than teaching a non: are more motivated. 2 Learners in exam classes make more demands on the teacher than learners in non-exam classes, 3 You will be a better exam class teacher if you liked taking exams yourself when you were at school. 4 Invan exam clas, all the work should be exam-focused 5 Ifa student fails an exam, itis the teacher’ faule, B Building students’ exam skills Pages 11 How would you help these students develop better study habits? 1 Student A makes very similar mistakes in all his written work. When y homework, he checks the mark, then puts it away in his file and doesn look at it again, 2. Student B comes to you at the end of every class to ask you to explain bits of vocabulary from her out-of-class readi 3. Student C completes homework exercises on grammar and vocabulary, but never hands in an essay. 4 Student D started the course well, but seems to have lost interest and is missing some lessons. 5 Student E failed the speaking part of his exam last year, and is worried that he will do so again this year, 6 Student F gets her older brother to help her with her homework, and her results are much better than when she works on her own in class. um class because the learners Balancing teaching and testing Pages 11-13 Which of the following activities are ‘teaching’ and which are ‘testi 1 Filling in gaps in a written text Organizing Vocabulary into meaning groups. Predicting the content of a reading text. Answering true/false questions about some listening material Discussing the grammar of a set of example sentences with similar meaning, Writing a timed essay Reading a piece of dialogue aloud A multiple choice exercise on prepositions. Brainstorming ideas for an essay. Cera MReN Sally Burgess & Katie Head How to Teach for Exams © Pearson Education Limited 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE 143, TASK FILE How to Teach for Exams « Task File ceed e4 How to plan an exam course and choose materials A Choosing a coursebook Pages 20-23 List information about an exam class you may have to teach, as illustrated in the example profile in Chapter 2 (sce page 16). What sort of coursebook do you need for this “Tick the following if they seem necessary, and put a cross if not important. [Frnotivatons, sich as songs and games ‘explanations in students fist language rammar relerence sections balance of exam and non-exam material vocabulary isted by topic Tots of exam-style practice tests ‘model answers to writing questions ‘exam fps for students tupescrips in the students booke spanying online or CD-ROM mareral || ‘units which can be done in a single leon a self-study workbook 1 B Comparing published course materials Pages 20-23 ‘Using the information provided in publishers’ catalogues (available on their websites), make notes in a grid comparing five different exam course p: Titie of course | Examis) Range of materials ~~ Particular focus (if any) and publisher included Based on this information, which of these coursebooks would you be likely to choose for your class? If none are suitable, why not, and what would you do about that? © Using practice test material pages 24-25 Read the following comments by teachers about how they use practice tests, Which of them do you think has the best approach, and why? Are the different approaches suitable for different sorts of students or courses? L gue my studonts @ test, using real vam questons From past papers, rat start of ther course. 1 do ths 70 ave thom a Fed OF uhat the cam is tke, ard how near or Far they arc to kreuing eroudn Endlsh to pass it. They quite oFten Fink it a. bit scary! A 0 some kind. oF exam practice ovary wick, s0 that the studer used to the sorts oF tacks they will have te do in the cam. I don't believe in testing my students too wruch, 0 we don’t do any practice tests until a couple of wecks before the e1am, For most of the course Ne covcentrate on gereval skills improvement, although they do more veading and srgeettnogy qeardl sls eerormomts Sito thy more raat od reading and writing in the exam do an exercice and then we disc we ich they have had trouble with, 7 they make L base all my le Sally Burgess & Katie Head How to Teach for Exams © Pearson Education Limited 2005 144 PHOTOCOPIABLE TASK FILE How to Teach for Exams # Task File fee E How to teach reading for exams AA Developing exam reading skills Pages 40-42 Read the following pieces of advice on how to develop the skills needed for exam reading. Put a tick beside each piece of good advice and a cross beside each piece of bad advice Rewrite the bad advice so that it becomes good advice. 1D You can safely ignore the title of the text. It is only there for decoration, 2D Always start by reading the text slowly and carefully all the way through. 3. Don’ worry about difficult words when you are reading a text for the first time 4D Ifa word seems to be important, always stop and look it up in a dictionary: 5 21 In multiple choice questions, start by trying to think of the answers yourself before you look at the four options. 6 1 Ina text with gaps, make sure that the word you put into cach gap is in the right form. Check that it fits grammatically with the words before and after the gup. 7 Q Ieis important to do plenty of timed practice so that you learn how to read fast. 8 Qi Don't put down an answer unless you are completely sure that it is correct. B Developing task and strategy awareness Pages 29-34 & 41-42 Find a practice test for the exam you are interested in. (Past papers are available from the exam board, and most exam coursebooks also include at least one practice test.) Look at the questions which test reading. Put a tick on the list below against each of the task types that appears on the paper, Gapped texts Proofreading Other Then choose one of the exercise types, do it yourself, and take careful note of what strategies you are using to work out the answers. When you have finished, compare the procedure you used with the ones suggested in the section headed ‘Specific procedures and strategies. To what extent did your procedure match those? How successful were you! How would you rewrite the notes on page 41 for students trying to do this type of exer € simplifying tasks Pages 35-36 Choose a reading text and task from a past paper or practice test, Simplify the task in at Tease two ofthe ways suggested on page 35. Ger your student to do the task and monitor success and any difficulties they experience. Whar further changes would be needed to make it possible for your students to perform the task successfully? D simplifying texts pages 36-37 Find an unabridged feature article (500-800 words) from a newspaper or magazine. Highlight the parts of the text you would need to edit in order to make the text suitable for use with your exam students. Note what kinds of modifications you would need to make, Are all of these mentioned in the list of areas to consider when simplifying texts on page 36? Sally Burgess & Katie Head How to Teach for Exams © Pearson Education Limited 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE 145 TASK FILE How to Teach for Exams « Task Fle feed Cs How to teach writing for exams A Applying assessment criteria Pages 49-50 ‘Assess the two sample answers below. In which mark band (1-5) would you put the two answers? What comments would you make? Use the following criteria, which relate to CEF level B2 (ALTE level 3). The top mark (5) shows ful realization ofthe task set wth ll content points inckuded and approoritely expanded: a wide ‘ange of vocabulary and structure; minimal errs and wel-devloped contro of anguage tfectve organization of iaas with a variety of Inking devices; consistent appropriate register and format. Fully achieves the desired effect on the target reader. The botlom mark (1 isa poor attempt at the task with mejor omissions ands irelevance; narrow range of vocabulary and structure: requent eros wrich obscure communication; lack f organization: ite or no awareness of register and format. Has avery negative eflect on te target eades student magazine is offering a prize for the best article with the title, ‘My favourite place’. Write your article in 120-180 words. Script 1: (from the Longman Learner corpus) Script 2: (from the Longman Learner cospu trees ancl f B Understanding difficulties with writing pages 51-61 Look at the writing section of a past paper of the exam you are working with. Write answers to the questions, adhering strictly to the time and word limit. If possible, get a colleague to grade your work or compare your answers to sample marked answers in the exam handbook. What grade would your inswer receive? Which (if any) of the following difficulties did you experience? nari) on 8 ganane. petiably He L couldn't write within the word limit — T couldn't integrate all the input ~ Tcouldn't complete ‘he task(s) within the time limit ~ I found the task(s) uninspiring ~ I couldn't think of any tdeas =I didn't have time to revise my took ~ I sas unfamiliar with the layout conventions of the genre =I misunderstood the task rubric ~ otber (tobat®) How different are your problems from those of your students? If you are at the same proficiency level as your students in a language other than English, repeat this task in that language. (Better still, net hold of a past paper or practice exam with a writing rest for that language and actually do the writing tasks.) How do the problems you experience in the two languages differ? Sally Burgess & Katie Head How to Teach for Exams © Pearson Education Limited 2005 46 PHOTOCOPIABLE TASK FILE How to Teech for Exams © Task Fle fei How to teach grammar and vocabulary for exams Page 65 Work through the following IELTS exercise, Observe very carefully how you work out which word fits into each of the gaps in the text. If possible, put a tape recorder close by and talk aloud about what you are doing. When you have finished, consider the following questions: J Flow long did the exercise take? Hlow long do you thik it would take a seudent? + What strategies did you use to complete the exercise? How successfil were they + Was there any part of it that you found particularly easy + Do you think a dictionary would have helped you at all? If so, how? ‘Then write down some ideas for helping students with this kind of question. Complete the summary by choosing answers from the list of words in the box. Dr Adrianne Hardman explains that it is (1)... to follow a special programme at a gym in order to improve your health. Research has shown that doing everyday household tasks can @ «the risk of serious disease. It hes also been found that, (3)... to popular opinion, several short periods of exercise are as beneficial as longer ones. This is especially {good news for those who (4) take exercise, because they are likely to experience the greatest benefits. Dr Hardman takes issue with traditional advice, which emphasises the need for (5) activity, believing that this (6) many people. Her overall message is that it isn't essential to be (7) in order to be healthy, we simply need to be more ® Uist OF WORDS prevents regular —dlscourages rarely according —__importent helps fit lessen unnecessary careful contrary [frequently vigorous __inerease __gentle active suits From Focus on IELTS by O'Connell (task instruction and numbering has been modified) 9 different sorts of learner errors Pages 69-71 Apply the following correction code to indicate different sorts of errors in the piece of writing shown. If possible, get a colleague to do the task too, and compare marks, WE word form ID idiom or fixed expression DIS discourse (use of connectors) WG word grammar ST style or register. GR grammar SP spelling ‘The strangest thing about rmy grandfather is hie incredible curiousness. Ae older he acts, so more questions he likes to atk. He desires to know everything about you, even in case he has never met you before. Sometimes Tam afraid to accompany with him on 1a journey by bus or train, because I die with embarasement every time when he Inelets Yo take with another pascengere. Although he gete old now, my grandfather's memory is like an elephant, and fe neuer forgets that what he learns. He always says that life is stort and before he dies he must learn something new in every minute. He is a very amazing penton! Selly Burgess & Katie Head How to Teach for Exams © Pearson Education Limited 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE 17 Task File TASK FILE How to Teach for Exam: eg 6 How to teach listening for exams A Exploring differences between exam listening and listening to spontaneous informal speech Page 79 Listen to some of the tasks on the cass 1g, What differences do you notice between the recording and spontaneous informal ? Compare the differences you noted to the list on page 79. or CD accompanying an exam course you are spee B Understanding the importance of prediction Pages 85-86 tinue each of the following scripts in you How easy or difficult was it for you to do thi at the s: as your students, ask a native speaker to pr ferences did you find in your ability to comp n words to produce a self-contained text. aka foreign or second langu: we a similar task fe the scripts? 1 The train on Platform 11 is the ... 2 Ics with great pleasure that I welcome you here today. 3 You have phoned Clare and Martin 4. Speaker A: Excuse me, Is there a club called Vampy’s somewhere around h Speaker B: 5. Speaker A: Hi. 'm just coming out of the station. Is there anything you want from the shop? Speaker B: 6 A: If youd just take a seat, Sasha will be with you in a moment, Can I C Developing exam strategies Pages 85-93 Which of the following do students need to do in the exam? Why? Why not? 1 Make sure they understand every word. 2 Read the instructions. 3 Try and predict what they are going to heat 4 Wait tll the recording has finished before they try to answer the questions. 5 6 7 Write their answers on the answer sheet the first time they listen Skip any questions they are not sure about. Check that their answ don’t contain any spelling or grammar mistakes. D Developing note-taking skills Pages 3-90 Make a list of the difficulties learners experience with notetaking or sentence-completion exam tasks, What strategies would you suggest for overcoming these difficulties? Sally Burgess & Katie Head How to Teach for Exams © Pearson Education Limited 2005 148 PHOTOCOPIABLE preaa es How to Teach for Exams # Task File fod U How to teach speaking for exams A Working with interlocutor scripts Page 100 You will nced a colleague to help you with this task. Ask your colleague to play the role of the interlocutor, and tell them to read from the following script. Answer each question, imagining you were an exam candidate (this script is based on material from the CAE and CPE interlocutor scripts printed in the Cambridge ESOL exam handbooks). How different are the questions and your responses to those of people meeting for the first time in a social or professional setting such as a party or a conference? Good morning/afternoon. My name is... . And yo ? First of all, Td like to know a little about you. Where de you live? What da you enjey about living 0 Could you tell mé sometbing about why yo What do you enjoy mest about your work? Apart fram languages, her sRillsdo you think it eoill be important to learn in the future? Hor ambitious are you What interesting things have you done recently? Looking back on your life, what do you consider to Be the most memorable event? Tank you B Developing coping strategies for the exam room Pages 108-116 What linguistic patterns would you teach students taking intermediate level exams, to deal with the following situations? d to teach English? 1 They don't understand what they have been asked to do. 2 They didn't hear what somebody said 3 They don't know the correct word for something. 4 They can't think of anything to say about a picture. 5 They are in the middle of speaking when their mind goes blank. 6 They disagree with an opinion expressed by another candidate or by the interlocutor. 7 They feel that another candidate is talking too much and not letting them say anything. 8 They realize that they have made a mistake and want to correct it Sally Burgess & Katie Head How to Teach for Exams © Pearson Education Limited 2005 PHOTOCOPIABLE 149 TASK FILE How to Teach for Exams « Task File raed 8 How to teach for low-level exams A What's different about lower-level exams? Pace 121 List as many diff and B1/ ALTE levels 3 to 5). B Giving feedback on written work Pages 131-132 Decide which errors you would focus on giving feedback to a student at CEF level BL (ALTE level 2) who’ produced the piece of writing below. The task was to write 100 words to finish a letter beginning, Dear Publo, [bud a great day out last week and including information about where they went, who they went with, and what they did. snces as you can think of between lower-level exams (CEF levels A2 jevels 1 and 2) and higher-level exams (CEF levels B2 to C2 / ALTE Dear Pablo ) I had a great day out last week. | and my friend we have decided to visit the Lordon Zoo. We anved to there at Il am and Syst we must pay a ticket, The queue was too long but finally we could buy it and also we tock dre map. We were lucky to see the pénqirs when they ate some fish by the hand from’ the man. The elephants made us laugring with their Sumy games which they were playing when they were taking bath. But my Saverite was the tiger, when he made a big noise and he show so many tooths. | was a little bit fear! This has been my best day of my holiday because you know that | love the animals — | eficy very much’ this day. What about you? Do you have 20 good time like’me? lease send me your letter. Leve Freddy C Preparing lower-level students for speaking tests Pages 138-141 What advice would you give to these low-level students about their speaking test? 1 If we practise speaking in small groups Iwill pick up my classmates’ mistakes, 2 I get very nervous waiting to go into the exam room, 3 I'm afraid that the examiner will speak too fast and I won't understand. 4 Sometimes my mind goes blank and I can’t think of the word I need, 5 I know I can do well in the written part of the exam, but my speaking is re Sally Burgess & Katie Head How to Teach Writing © Pearson Education Limited 2005 150 PHOTOCOPIABLE ‘Appendix Exams overview ALTE levels and the Common European Framework a Be 8 R at ALTE 1 Breakthrough The range of exams ALTE. (hetpy// stands for The Association of Language “Testers in Europe. The association is made up of the leading exam providers representing 24 different languages, who are working together to develop a framework of comparison between exams in these different languages. The ALTE framework defines six levels of language ability (Breakthrough, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ~ see table below). Each ALTE level is further defined through a comprehensive set of ‘can-do’ statements (examples shown in table), which describe what a typical language user at each level can do in different types of context, The level of difficulty of an examination can be defined by its assignment to one of the six ALTE levels, and these levels are aligned with the Common European Framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEF). The CEF is the outcome of work conducted over many years by the Council of Europe to establish equivalences in the teaching and learning of different languages, which can then inform the development of curricula and materials and define levels of achievement. Most exam boards are now using cither the CEF or ALTE levels to describe their exams. When referring to levels in this book we give the CEF level followed by the ALTE level in brackets Description ‘The capaciy to deal wih material which is academic or cognitively demanding, and to use language {0 good eect at level of performance which may incerta respects be more advanced than that ofan average naive speaker. Examine: CAN scan tax ‘or relevant oration, and grasp main topic of text, reacng almost as quicly as a native speaker ‘The ability o be communicative wih the emphasis on how well tis done, in terms of appropriacy, senstvly, andthe capacty to deal with unfamiliar topics. Example: CAN dea with hostile {questoningconfigenty CAN get and holo on to ise turn to speak. ‘The capacity to achieve most goals and express oneself cna range of tpies. Example: CAN show vistors around and give a dbtaled desertion of a place. The ably 10 express onesat in a limted wey in amar situations and to deal in a ganeral way wit ren-routne information. Example: CAN ask 10 open an account at @ bank, provided thatthe procedure is staightoward. | ably to deal wit sinpe, staightonward information and to begin to express ones in femiiar conteds. Example: CAN take part in a routine conversation an simple predictable topics. ‘basic abity to communicate and exchange information ina simple way. Example: CAN ask simple ‘questions about @ menu and understand simple ansmners, From VALTE framework (ALTE Secretariat) Here is a list of the main English language exams, organized in terms of their key focus, such as general English, business English etc. To see how the exams match with the ALTE and CEF levels, see the Exams and Levels, table on the inside back cover. General English Exams + University of Cambridge ESOL Main Suite (heep:// ~ these are general English exams at all levels: 151 ‘Appendix * Exams overview 152 (Cambridge Key English Test (KET) Cambridge Preliminary Engish Test (PET) Cambridge First Certficate in English (FCE) Cambridge Certficate in Advanced English (CAE) Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) + Cambridge ESOL Certificates in English Language Skills (CELS) (hetp:// ~ these are a modular suite of exams offering separate assessment of each skill (reading, writing etc) at three levels: CELS Preliminary CELS Vantage CELS Higher + London Tests of English (htp://wwwedexce! ~ these exams are often particularly suitable for learners on short courses: Foundation Elementary Intermediate Upper Intermediate ‘Advanced Proficient + The Universi in: English Language Institute exams ( ~ these exams in American English are more or less equivalent in level and type to the Cambridge First Certificate and Proficiency exams: Examination forthe Geriicat of Competency in Engish (ECCE) Examination fr the Certficate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) * City and Guilds Pitman International English qualifications (htp:// — these exams offer particular flexibility to schools who want to arrange exams outside the main examining periods: Intemational ESOL (English for Speakers of Otner Languages) International SESOL (Spoken Engish for Speakers of Other Languages) + Trinity ESOL exams (hetp:/ — exams in spoken English are available at twelve levels, and integrated skills exams at three levels. Tent Spoken Engish Exams “Tenity Integrated Skis in English (SE) ‘Academic English Exams + International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (heepy/ — these exams are jointly administered by Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia ( All candidates take the same ing and speaking modules, but there is a choice in reading and writing between Academic and General Training modules. Candidates who intend to study in the medium of English at a further education college or university take the Academic modules. Candidates who are taking IELTS to show that their level of English is good enough for secondary ‘education or work training in an English-speaking environment take the General Training module: Appendix + Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) (hexpe// ~ this exam measures the ability of candidates to understand American English well enough ro undertake college or university study; primarily in the United States. TOEFL scores are quoted as three-figure numbers, ranging between 310 and 67 for the paper-based test, and 40 to 300 on the computer~ based test. A score of 550 on the paper-based test equates to 213 on the computer-based test, 550/213 is the score generally regarded as a necessary minimum for entry to university programmes English for Business and Work Purposes + Cambridge Business English Certificates (BEC) (hetp:// ~ these exams have a business focus but are similar in format to the Cambridge main suite exams. There are three levels: BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage BEC Higher + Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) (herp:/ —this isan American English paper-based exam particularly recognized by businesses in the Pacific Rim countries for the recruitment of stat TOEIC shares with TOEFL and IELTS the characteristic that candidates do not ‘pass’ o ‘fail’, but are given a score which may be compared with the standard expected by a specific employer. *+ City and Guilds Pitman Business exams (hetp:/www. ~ these exams are designed to test the language competence of people working in business contexts or preparing to do so: Pitman English for Business Communication Pitman Spoken English for Business Pitman English for Office Skills English for Young Learners + Cambridge Young Learners English tests ( ~ designed for children aged 7 to 12, these exams provide a bridge to the Cambridge main suite exams: Starters Movers Fes + London Tests of English for Children (hetp:// ~ designed for children aged 8 to 13, these exams cover topics of interest to this age group. + City and Guilds Pitman Young Learners exams (http://www designed for children aged 8 to 13, these exams cover topics of interest to this age group: Pitman Young Learners English for Speakers of Other Languages (YESOL) Pitman Young Learners Spoken Engish for Speekers of Other Languages (Spoken YESOL) 153 acca 69 ito to et, 3-4 brsnstrming 36 dictogloss, rs 8 fincten esac ay 112-13 ee 6 Fring we now you 6 113414 famian 73k Eetening 8-8 99-40, 92-3, oer tteet bee prenarcao, 819 Meni 2) 1347, 128-9 ‘evs en work, 58-9 ‘peaking, Sia, 116-7, Feiise0 ses management, 94-7 cabay 4 ALTE Aocton of Language "este Earp) 15,131 457 aepoopacy 69,90-1 arma, 69-71 ening es 81-2 speaking 9, 105-8 eal 8-71 wren wk by 8 49-51, 60 ‘eat ening sil wring sills aston 9 nud feingsopinion, 90,93, us (Cambridge BEC, 45, 153,157 Cambricge Young Learners, 44, 153,187 138, 152,157 lass companition, 19-20 lass profiles, 16,20, lass size, Woot? cohesion, 33,48 collocations, 69, 70-1 154 ti pe Few (CEB 15, 191157 spin ur 2 Connected yesh 31-2 Snes 17218 8-4 30, 64, 715 contaton, 92 Soneton cues 51, 59,73 oursehooks, se materials, choosing: planning a course deep breathing, 96 dkwrihing pte, 117

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