The Reference Electrification Model: A Computer Model For Planning Rural Electricity Access
The Reference Electrification Model: A Computer Model For Planning Rural Electricity Access
The Reference Electrification Model: A Computer Model For Planning Rural Electricity Access
Douglas Ellman
A.B. Physics, Princeton University (2009)
June 2015
Douglas Ellman
Despite efforts from governments and other organizations, hundreds of millions of people—primarily in
Africa and South Asia—still have no electricity service. Electrification efforts have historically been
focused on extension of the main electric grid, but technology developments have made off-grid power
systems, such as microgrids and home systems, viable alternatives for some areas. Especially since rural
electrification typically depends on limited subsidies, if universal electrification is to be achieved in a
timely manner, smart planning is essential to ensure that resources are directed towards cost-efficient
technical solutions.
Since the areas requiring electrification are expansive, the technology choices are many, and experience
with off-grid systems is limited, planners struggle to evaluate tradeoffs between technology choices and
estimate project costs. This thesis demonstrates that computer models that can automatically produce
cost-efficient designs to the individual customer level can provide significant value to the planning
process. The development of such a model by the author and collaborators at MIT and Comillas
University, called the Reference Electrification Model (REM), is described. REM uses a series of heuristics
to process input data, identify areas better suited for on-grid or off-grid electrification, and produce
technical designs for recommended grid-extension and off-grid projects. In addition to the current state
of REM, the rationale for model design choices and recommendations for future developments are
described. The process and results of a pilot application of REM to Vaishali District, in Bihar, India are
also described.
REM will only be useful if it is actually incorporated into planning processes. In this spirit, concepts for
how models like REM can benefit the regulation of rural electrification are presented, with a focus on
Firstly, thank you to my advisor and thesis co-supervisor, Ignacio, who provided the opportunity for me
to get involved with this exciting and important project. He provided great guidance and support, was a
wealth of knowledge and experience, and challenged me to accomplish and learn more than I thought I
would or could in my time at MIT. Along the way we also had a lot of fun.
Thank you to my other thesis co-supervisor Claudio, who worked most closely with me in
implementation of REM, and made significant contributions in coding parts of the model. I depended on
many conversations with Claudio to develop a better understanding of power systems and to generate
ideas to help me solve big and small problems. Claudio’s positive attitude helped to keep me and the
team on track through some stressful times.
Thank you to Yael, who worked closely with me in all aspects of my research. We tallied an impressive
record of world travels and presentation tag-teams over the last two years. Yael served as a consistent
source of common sense whenever we risked getting lost in the weeds.
Thank you, also, to the rest of the Universal Access team, including Reja, Andrés, Lily, Vivian, and
Patricia. We shared many great discussions about energy access, a lot of hard work, and many fun times.
Thank you to Rob for his exceptional guidance and support, especially considering his many other
obligations. Thank you also to the rest of the Tata Center and the Tata Trusts for the financial,
educational, and administrative support.
Thank you to the team at IIT Comillas, who provided feedback to my ideas and provided access to and
support with using their Reference Network Models. Thank you especially to Carlos, who put many
hours into helping me to understand and make effective use of the Reference Network Models.
Thank you to the Technology and Policy Program for providing me with the opportunity to learn a new
set of skills to understand the world.
Thank you to all of the people in India who provided time and effort in support of my work. Exceptional
support was provided by people at Tata Power DDL, the North Bihar Power Distribution Company, the
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, SELCO, and Tata Consultancy Services. Special thanks to the
people of rural India who let us into their homes and communities as we sought to understand the
electricity access situation.
Thank you, finally, to my family and friends, whose love and support have been crucial over the last two
years. Special thanks to my parents and to my girlfriend, Elyse, who have been especially supportive. I
am looking forward to seeing more of you all when I finish school!
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Motivation and research question................................................................................................ 8
1.2 MIT’s Universal Energy Access Research Group ........................................................................... 9
1.3 Previous work in using computer models for rural electrification planning ................................ 9
1.3.1 Literature............................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.2 Existing solutions................................................................................................................. 10
1.4 Overview of the Reference Electrification Model....................................................................... 10
1.5 On the application of REM to Vaishali District ............................................................................ 11
1.5.1 Introduction to the Vaishali Study ...................................................................................... 11
1.5.2 India electricity access context ........................................................................................... 11
1.5.3 About Vaishali District ......................................................................................................... 12
2 Data inputs .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 On the organization of data ........................................................................................................ 13
2.2 Existing grid data ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.1 Geographic and topological ................................................................................................ 16
2.2.2 Electrical .............................................................................................................................. 19
2.2.3 Economic ............................................................................................................................. 20
2.2.4 Service quality ..................................................................................................................... 21
2.3 Customer data............................................................................................................................. 23
2.3.1 Customer location ............................................................................................................... 23
2.3.2 Customer electrification status ........................................................................................... 24
2.3.3 Customer type..................................................................................................................... 25
2.4 Energy resource and weather data ............................................................................................. 26
2.4.1 Solar PV and weather data.................................................................................................. 26
2.4.2 Diesel fuel data ................................................................................................................... 26
2.5 Equipment catalogs..................................................................................................................... 27
2.5.1 Local generation catalog ..................................................................................................... 27
2.5.2 Reference Network Model catalog ..................................................................................... 34
2.6 Settings file.................................................................................................................................. 37
2.7 REM execution script .................................................................................................................. 39
2.8 Reading source files into Matlab structures ............................................................................... 40
2.9 Creation of demand profile library ............................................................................................. 41
3 Design of local generation for off-grid systems .................................................................................. 44
3.1 Prior work in design of local generation ..................................................................................... 44
3.1.1 Literature............................................................................................................................. 44
3.1.2 Existing solutions................................................................................................................. 45
3.2 Architecture of local generation systems in REM ....................................................................... 46
3.3 Local generation lookup table .................................................................................................... 47
3.4 Pattern search of generation design space ................................................................................ 48
3.5 Simulation of operations............................................................................................................. 49
3.6 Cost calculation ........................................................................................................................... 53
3.7 Local generation results for Vaishali ........................................................................................... 54
4 Clustering of customers for off-grid and grid extension designs ........................................................ 55
4.1 Introduction to the clustering problem ...................................................................................... 55
4.2 Prior work in the clustering of customers................................................................................... 55
4.3 Creation of off-grid clusters ........................................................................................................ 56
4.4 Creation of grid-extension clusters ............................................................................................. 58
4.5 Vaishali clustering results............................................................................................................ 62
5 Selecting the final power system designs ........................................................................................... 63
5.1 Overview of comparison of electrification modes ...................................................................... 63
5.2 Design and cost for isolated systems .......................................................................................... 63
5.3 Design and cost for microgrids ................................................................................................... 64
5.4 Design and cost for grid extension.............................................................................................. 67
6 REM outputs ....................................................................................................................................... 71
6.1 Demand profiles .......................................................................................................................... 71
6.2 Local generation design and simulation ..................................................................................... 72
6.3 Clustering .................................................................................................................................... 77
6.4 Power system Designs ................................................................................................................ 80
6.5 Vaishali district results ................................................................................................................ 82
6.6 Discussion of the Vaishali study .................................................................................................. 87
7 Future work on REM ........................................................................................................................... 89
8 Proposed regulatory reforms to support electricity access in India and the role of REM.................. 92
8.1 Overview of a new regulatory framework for electricity access ................................................ 92
8.1.1 Rethinking the universal service obligation ........................................................................ 92
8.1.2 How to determine appropriate electrification modes ........................................................ 93
8.2 Changes to grid regulation .......................................................................................................... 93
8.2.1 Addressing incentives of the DISCOMs ............................................................................... 94
8.2.2 Sending efficient signals to consumers ............................................................................... 98
8.3 Recommendations for off-grid regulation ................................................................................ 101
8.3.1 General principles for regulation of off-grid systems ....................................................... 101
8.3.2 Current situation in India .................................................................................................. 102
8.3.3 A recommended approach for off-grid electrification planning ....................................... 102
8.3.4 Capacity Building ............................................................................................................... 104
8.4 Summary of regulatory reform recommendations .................................................................. 104
9 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 105
10 References .................................................................................................................................... 106
There is a strong commitment by countries and the international community to dramatically improve
the electricity access situation, including the United Nations’ Sustainable Energy For All initiative, which
set targets including universal electricity access by 2030 (World Bank & International Energy Agency,
Planning for the required investments to achieve universal electricity access represents a huge
challenge. There are major uncertainties about the geographic distribution and nature of electricity
demand in currently unelectrified areas. With the emergence of off-grid technologies, such as
microgrids and home systems,1 planners now have to consider more technical options than ever before.
In fact, the IEA estimates 70% of rural areas in the developing world may be served by off-grid systems
(International Energy Agency, 2013), which would require a totally different paradigm for rural
electrification planning compared to traditional grid extension. And the sheer numbers of customers to
be connected may render some traditional planning methods to be inadequate.
For all of these reasons, we now require new planning tools that are commensurate with the magnitude
of the electricity access problem. Fortunately, new capabilities exist today which were unavailable to
planners in the past. High-quality satellite imagery is now easily accessible, and image processing
techniques make it possible to automatically locate important features—such as the locations of
buildings—over large areas. Also, advancements in computing power have made it feasible to
automatically produce power system designs for hundreds of thousands of customers in reasonable
In this thesis, I describe my attempt to take advantage of these capabilities by developing a new
computer planning tool specifically catered to the context of planning for universal electricity access
where extension of the grid and off-grid systems are being considered. In developing the model—called
the Reference Electrification Model, or REM—and applying it to a district in India, I attempt to answer
the following research question:
“Can computer models effectively support the joint planning of grid extension and off-grid systems for
universal electricity access in a large region?”
In this document, “microgrids” refer to power systems consisting of local generation sources and an electricity
distribution network, which are not connected to the main electric grid. Terms such as microgrid and mini-grid
have different meanings in different communities, sometimes relating to the size of the system and whether it is
grid-connected. “Home systems” or “isolated systems” refer to power systems with local generation sources that
serve only a single customer, and thus do not require an electricity distribution network (except any internal
This thesis describes the products of my individual research, but my work was done as part of the
Universal Energy Access Research Group at MIT. I worked collaboratively with other team members
throughout my research, especially in the areas of gathering data and coding parts of the model. In this
thesis I have emphasized the parts of the work in which I was the lead contributor, but also discuss the
products of work in which I played a supporting role. Even where my teammates led in implementation
in some parts of this work, I was fully intellectually engaged and a part of the decision making process
about what to implement. I must acknowledge and thank my teammates who worked with me on this
project, because it allowed me to tackle a much more ambitious project than I otherwise would have be
able to.
The Universal Energy Access Research Group is supervised by Professor Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga, and
includes students and researchers at MIT, as well as students and researchers at the Instituto de
Investigación Tecnológica (IIT) at Comillas University in Madrid, Spain.
This thesis, focused primarily on the consideration of the technoeconomic factors in rural electrification
planning through computer models, is complemented by the thesis of Yael Borofsky, another member of
the Universal Energy Access Research Group who focused on non-technical factors.
1.3.1 Literature
There is a body of literature pertaining to planning of energy access in the developing world. Much of
this literature considers practical lessons drawn from case-studies or personal experiences. This
emphasis on practical lessons is useful because successful implementation of off-grid electricity systems
critically depends on negotiating a wide range of non-technical challenges, such as community
dynamics, payment collection, finance, and government policies. Context relevant to the design of rural
electrification systems is provided in (Chakrabarti & Chakrabarti, 2002; Chaurey & Kandpal, 2010;
Millinger, Marlind, & Ahlgren, 2012; Oda & Tsujita, 2011) but these papers do not emphasize the
specification of algorithms for the facilitation of system design. The most important consideration from
these papers is the electricity demand scenario, which is very different from the usual electricity
demand considered in developed world power system design. Important demand considerations which
are incorporated into the REM include allowing that not all demand is served (since this may be too
expensive) and providing multiple levels of value for electricity service (for example representing the
very large value of basic services like lighting).
One computer-based approach to the problem of determining least-cost electrification modes for rural
electrification (comparing between grid-extension, microgrids, and home systems) has been addressed
in (Kemausuor, Adkins, Adu-Poku, Brew-Hammond, & Modi, 2014). This approach considers generally
the same type as information as REM, except that it makes decisions at a “community” level, and does
not consider the location of individual loads. A comparison of cost of microgrids versus home systems
for rural electrification was performed in (Chaurey & Kandpal, 2010). This assessment was based on
general descriptions of a potential microgrid site including parameters such as dispersion, rather than
considering specific household locations.
REM includes advances over these types of approaches in terms of the range of technical and design
options considered, in the technical rigor of evaluating each option, and in the ability to produce actual
design recommendations.
Network planner has some advantages over the current implementation of REM in terms of usability. It
already has a functioning web-interface for the public to access the model. By considering aggregated
communities and having lower-fidelity technical representations, the data requirements and barriers to
understanding the model’s operation are lower.
However, REM has advantages in terms of being able to consider a wider range of design and
technology choices at a higher level of technical fidelity. Thus, while the learning curve and data
requirements may be steeper for REM, the quality and detail of results and derived insights should be
REM is a static model, in that it considers a single future year, and produces system designs and cost
estimates based on serving the electricity demand in that year. REM does, however, take into account
some year-to-year effects in a simplified way in order to estimate the lifetime performance of a system,
including degradation in solar panel and battery performance.
For a single run of REM, the user provides a description of the demand of a typical customer for a
certain initial year and an annual rate of demand growth. The user also indicates how many years are
between the initial year and the “final year” considered—this is the year in which project costs will be
calculated and technical constraints must be met. REM considers that the user is making a decision in
the initial year about what systems to build for the final year.
REM is a model under active development through the work of members of the Energy Access Research
Group at MIT, under the supervision of Professor Ignacio Perez-Arriaga, and collaborators at Instituto de
Investigación Tecnológica (IIT) at Comillas University in Spain. The ambition is that, through continued
improvements to the model’s core functionality and user interface, REM can become widely useful to
the global energy access community. This document describes the model as of May 2015, and some
recommendations for future improvements.
After an initial round of data gathering in summer 2014 and a semester of work, our team returned to
Bihar in January 2015 in order to present our progress on the Vaishali study and gather additional
information. This thesis includes our best available information about Vaishali as of that trip.
Of the 1.3 billion people that were without access to electricity in 2011, about 300 million were in India,
making it the single country with the most people lacking electricity access (International Energy Agency,
2013). The electricity access situation varies significantly across India, which is a very large and diverse
country. In several states the rate of electricity connection is, at least officially, over 99%, according to
the 2011 census. But in some states the situation is much worse. Bihar, the state which includes Vaishali,
has 83 million residents, and only 16% use electricity as their primary source of light, also according to
2011 census data. Many of those with grid connection have suffered from poor quality of service, with
electricity historically available maybe just a few hours per day and not necessarily every day or at the
times when electricity is most needed, especially in rural areas (Santhakumar, 2008).
India has made significant efforts to improve the state of the power sector through major reforms via
the Electricity Act, 2003 and subsequent supporting legislation and policy directives (Kumar &
Chatterjee, 2012). Additionally, India has implemented several programs to support rural electrification,
most notably the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) program, which emphasizes grid
extension projects. There are also active, but smaller, efforts in provision of off-grid electricity service
through government programs such as the Decentralized Distributed Generation scheme and the
activities of many private enterprises. While there is some coordination between government off-grid
projects and grid extension plans, many commercial off-grid system providers are operating outside the
scope of current regulation, and thus are not well integrated into planning processes. Despite some
improvements resulting from these efforts, India has failed to achieve past goals of universal
electrification, and hundreds of millions of Indians still lack reliable electricity access.
1.5.3 About Vaishali District
Vaishali is a district in the state of Bihar, India, which is located just across the Ganges River from the
state capital of Patna. As mentioned above, Bihar is the state with the worst electrification rate, with
only 16% of households reporting using electricity as a primary source of light.
As of the 2011 census, Vaishali has a population of about 3.5 million people, who are in about 626
thousand households. The population had grown about 29% between the 2001 census and the 2011
census. Vaishali has an area of about 2000 square kilometers and a population density of about 1700
people per square kilometer.
To put this in perspective, Vaishali has an area comparable to the smallest US state by area (Rhode
Island) and a population comparable to the 29th largest US state by population (Connecticut), resulting in
a population density more than three times greater than the most densely populated US state (New
Despite this population density, about 93% of Vaishali’s population lives in rural areas. Much of the
district, like much of India, is characterized by densely packed villages or hamlets dispersed throughout
farm land. There are also three urban areas: Hajipur (the largest), Lalganj, and Mahnar.
Most of the state is relatively flat and is generally accessible by road. The main accessibility challenges
are found in the sub-district of Raghopur, which is located on an island in the middle of the Ganges
River. For much of the year Raghopur is only accessible by boat and the island is prone to severe
Based on NBPDCL’s customer count and the 2011 census count of number of households, about 20% of
Vaishali households are electrified, making it a better than average district for Bihar, but still in need of
massive expansion of the distribution infrastructure. There are active projects and proposals for the
expansion of the grid in Vaishali, but a wide variety of opinions about when the grid will reach most
In order to receive quality results from REM, the data input must be of sufficient quality. This chapter
describes the data inputs which are required to run REM, and some thoughts regarding how they can be
obtained. In general, a pre-processing step is required in which the REM user transforms the available
raw data (and assumptions, as necessary) into the data inputs in the appropriate formats for REM. The
nature of this pre-processing step will vary from case to case, as the format and availability of data may
vary widely, especially in developing world applications. As an example, the process of gathering and
processing input data for Vaishali is described throughout the chapter.
For the Vaishali study, the study area is the entire district of Vaishali. The sub-districts are defined by the
administrative boundaries of the sub-districts of Vaishali. There are 16 sub-districts. For each REM
scenario, the 16 sub-districts were divided into 30 analysis regions.
The administrative boundaries (defining the study area and sub-districts) were obtained by geo-
referencing a map of Vaishali which had been recently produced by UNICEF2. This was the only source of
data we were able to find regarding the 2011 census boundaries. An image of the map is provided
The analysis regions were defined by using the k-means algorithm3 to divide the customers which are
believed to be not currently grid-connected into groups with comparable numbers of customers, such
that there were a total of 30 analysis regions.
Thank you to Tata Consultancy Services for support in this geo-referencing task.
The k-means algorithm groups points by minimizing the average distance from points to the center of the group.
More information is available at
The particular number of 30 for analysis regions was somewhat arbitrary, but here are some
considerations regarding the selection of number of analysis regions:
Larger analysis regions generally lead to better quality results because there are less artificial
divisions that systems cannot cross.
Analysis regions can be solved in parallel, so matching the number of analysis regions to the
number of regions your computer can solve in parallel (considering constraints in memory and
number of logical threads), can speed up model execution.
If extension of the existing grid is to be considered as an electrification mode, information about the
existing grid is required. REM considers the distribution grid, including transmission substations, high
voltage distribution lines, high-to-medium voltage transformers, medium voltage lines, medium-to-low
voltage transformers, and low voltage lines. Several categories of information are needed: geographic
and topological, electrical, economic, and service quality.
2.2.1 Geographic and topological
The geographical and topological description of the existing grid includes the specification of
coordinates of grid components and the connections between components. This is done by associating
point elements (substations and transformers) with nodes, and associating line elements (power line
segments) with pairs of nodes. Elements associated with the same node are electrically connected. Each
node has a specified location.
In the current version of REM, this detailed geographical and topological representation covers the
transmission substations, high voltage distribution lines, high-to-medium voltage substations, and
medium voltage lines. Detailed geographical and topological information about the existing medium-to-
low voltage transformers and low voltage distribution lines are not included.
Each substation is associated with a name and each feeder emanating from a substation also gets a
name. If a feeder branches, its path is described by multiple series of nodes—one for each branch. Each
branch then gets a name, consisting of the feeder name followed by a number to differentiate the
The locations of existing medium-to-low voltage transformers and low-voltage distribution lines are
considered through the specification of customers which are connected to the low-voltage grid. In
practice, high-quality information about low-voltage distribution may not be available, and so the path
of the medium-voltage lines may be the best available information about locations of grid-connected
For the Vaishali study, we were fortunate to find a map with geographical information about the paths
of much of the distribution network. It appears that in most of Bihar there is not much documentation
of the geographical layout of distribution infrastructure, so the existence of this map was one of the
main reasons that we selected Vaishali for an initial study location. An image of this map appears below.
It includes paths of high voltage lines (33 kV) in green, medium voltage lines (11 kV) in blue, and
substation locations written in red. This map was later supplemented and modified with additional
information about the locations of substations and power lines.
See the section on customer data for additional information about how the locations of electrified customers are
Here is a summary of the process that we used to turn this map into a digital representation of the
topology and geographical locations of the distribution network in Vaishali:
1. We roughly oriented a digital image of the map over Vaishali district in Google Earth. At this
point the features in the image were generally close to their true geographic location, but there
were certainly significant errors, on the order of a few kilometers.
2. We created KML files in Google Earth containing point features for each of the transmission
substations and high-to-medium voltage substations, and path features for the high voltage
lines and medium voltage lines. On the original map, high voltage (33 kV) distribution lines are in
green and medium voltage (11 kV) lines are in blue. The KML path objects representing the
medium voltage lines were organized by “feeders.” One feeder corresponds to all of the
branches downstream of a single line which exits a high-to-medium voltage substation.
3. There were some ambiguities in the existing grid topology based on the information in the map,
and we knew that the distribution company had done work on the grid subsequent to the
creation of the map. To augment the map with the best-available current information, we
visited the office of the chief engineer responsible for this part of the grid, who is located in the
city of Hajipur in Vaishali. The chief engineer was able to provide us current information about
recent projects which reconfigured the high-voltage connections of the high-to-medium voltage
substations, created new sub-stations, and created new medium voltage feeders. Location
information was provided to us in terms of sequences of villages, which we matched to village
names listed on the map. The KML files described in step 2 above were updated to take account
of this information. Since this updated information was provided to us verbally and not through
validated documentation, it is possible that there are some errors in our digital representation.
4. The KML files were read into Matlab, where each node (corresponding to a substation or vertex
of a distribution line) was given a reference number. Nodes which represented electrically-
connected elements were joined into a single node (for example, a substation and the head of a
feeder, or two branches of a feeder where they meet). A spreadsheet containing the name and
coordinates of each node was saved, along with Matlab structures which described the topology
of the grid in terms of sequences of nodes.
5. In order to improve the accuracy of the locations of nodes, we obtained the help of Tata
Consultancy Services to identify the names of the villages corresponding to grid nodes on the
map and find accurate coordinates of those villages. When they updated the spreadsheet with
improved locations, we were able to incorporate this information. The updated locations have
not yet been validated with on-the-ground information, and may still have significant errors.
6. The Matlab structures with the topological description of the grid and the updated spreadsheet
with locations of nodes were used to create a structure with information about the medium
voltage grid lines, which is used for producing grid extension designs. This structure represents
the paths of the medium voltage grid as a series of line segments, each connecting a pair of
An image of the final existing grid data is shown below. High voltage lines (33 kV) are in green and
medium voltage lines (11 kV) are in blue. The transmission substations are labeled with the prefix “GSS”
for “grid substation” and the high-to-medium voltage substations are labeled with the prefix “PSS” for
“power substation.”
Overall, this was a significantly labor-intensive process to get a reasonable picture of the topology of the
high and medium voltage distribution network, and it is very likely that there are some errors in our
description of the topology and locations. Also, due to ongoing projects, it is likely that the grid changed
between the time this information was gathered and now. Thus, while this process was perhaps
necessary and sufficient for an initial test case of REM, it would have been much better if the
distribution company was able to directly provide validated digital GPS data about the existing grid. In
Bihar, they were beginning a process of GPS mapping of their grid assets, so the availability and quality
of information is likely to improve in the future.
2.2.2 Electrical
Additional information is added to the geographical and topological representation of the grid to enable
the creation of an electrical representation of the grid. The electrical information about the grid is
processed into a specific format so that it can be used by the brownfield version of the Reference
Network Model. The brownfield RNM was developed at IIT Comillas University, and it is able to consider
the electrical characteristics of the existing grid when evaluating grid extensions, and can check whether
upstream upgrades to the existing grid are required. In the current implementation of REM, the
brownfield model is not yet integrated into the logical flow and we instead use the greenfield RNM to
design grid extensions. The greenfield RNM was also developed at IIT Comillas University (Peco
González, 2001), and it can design distribution networks with a minimal representation and
consideration of existing grid infrastructure. Despite the fact REM does not currently use the brownfield
RNM, we have set up the data structure for the electrical information so that we are ready to integrate
the brownfield RNM into REM in future work.
For the substations, each type of transformer present must be specified and the count of each of those
transformer types. The transformer type is specified through the name of the transformer
corresponding with the appropriate item in the Reference Network Model catalog (see the section on
equipment catalogs below).
For the power lines, the conductor type must be specified. In the current implementation, each feeder is
associated with one conductor type, where the conductor type corresponds to an item in the Reference
Network Model catalog (see the section on equipment catalogs below). The conductor type, plus the
lengths of feeder segments, can be used to calculate electrical parameters of the grid lines.
Information about the demand of current customers must also be included. In the current
implementation, demand is associated with each medium voltage feeder. In a data processing step, this
feeder demand is evenly dispersed among “imaginary” medium voltage customers located at the nodes
of the medium voltage lines. The idea is that each of these imaginary customers represents a collection
of real customers. This allows for a reasonable representation of existing demand on the medium and
high voltage lines and transformers when finer resolution data is not available. Aggregating the real low
voltage customers and low voltage lines into representative medium voltage customers also likely has
the advantage of reducing the run time of the brownfield RNM.
The arrangement of electrical protection devices can be inferred from the topological description of the
existing grid. A breaker is placed at the head of each high voltage and medium voltage feeder. A fuse is
placed with medium-to-low voltage transformers.
For the Vaishali study, information from NBPDCL was available with the number and size of transformers
at each substation, the primary conductor types for each medium voltage feeder, and the peak and
average demand on each feeder.
For detailed planning of required network upgrades, it would be important to know the type of
conductor for each segment of each feeder, rather than just the primary conductor type for the feeder.
This more detailed information was not readily available for Vaishali. If the information was available,
the REM data files and structures would need to be modified to be able to account for this information.
2.2.3 Economic
The economic information associated with the existing grid entails the cost of procuring energy from the
transmission grid plus the costs of distribution between the transmission substation and the start of the
new grid extension. This is used to calculate the cost of energy supply to new grid extensions.
In the current implementation, this cost is represented by a volumetric charge in currency per kilowatt-
hours. The cost is associated with medium voltage power lines, which are the lines to which grid
extensions can connect in REM.
The most recent tariff order for NBPDCL indicated that the average cost of supply for 11 kV services was
estimated to be 6.39 INR per kWh for 2015-2016, or around $0.10 per kWh. This is the true cost to the
distribution company, including purchasing power and all distribution and retail activities. However,
these costs reflect the cost of supply to currently connected customers, who are disproportionately
located in more densely populated areas relative to the currently non-connected customers. The cost of
supply to remote rural areas is often dramatically higher than the average supply cost (Pérez-Arriaga,
2013). While a detailed study of the actual cost of supply to typical non-connected parts of Vaishali was
not done, we used a value of $0.20/kWh to account for the fact that the cost of supply in these areas is
likely higher than the reported average cost of supply.
In future work, the study would benefit from a more refined look at location-specific costs of supply
from the existing grid.5
One limitation of this representation of availability is that it can only consider one typical or average day.
In some cases, the total level of demand and the hours of peak demand may vary considerably over the
course of a year.
In Vaishali, reliability information can be inferred from the logbooks at the substations. In these
logbooks, the demand for each feeder for each hour is recorded, including any outages. This data is
recorded with pen and paper and may only exist at the sub-station itself.
Our team was able to copy several months of logbook data for a rural medium voltage feeder of the
Hajipur substation. Our team analyzed this data and produced representative availability percentages
for each hour of the day. These numbers are shown in the figure below and were assigned to all medium
voltage feeders for our study.
There is also a more fundamental question of whether this cost should only include the cost of electricity supply,
or the combined cost of electricity supply and distribution. The decision of whether or not to include distribution
costs here should be synchronized with the consideration of distribution costs in other parts of the model
(especially the consideration of any upgrades to the existing grid that may be required).
The representation of reliability of power supply from the grid that we used for this study does not
account for all of the features of reliability that we qualitatively know to exist. Some of these missing
features are:
Reliability was worse in the summer months of data and better in the winter months in the data
we gathered. This may be due to a combination of higher temperatures (which lower the
effective capacity of transformers and conductors) and higher electricity demand in the summer
(due to a combination of seasonal trends and demand growth—the summer data was most
recent). We have ignored this seasonal variation and included a single representative day of
reliability data for the sake of simplifying the model and reducing the volume of input data.
We have heard that reliability tends to be worse on feeders that are more rural and remote, but
we were unable to directly collect information to quantitatively estimate this effect.
Reliability at the customer level may be significantly worse than the medium voltage feeder
reliability in some cases. This would be primarily due to failures of equipment between the head
of the medium voltage feeder and the customer. From what we hear, burnout of medium-to-
low voltage transformers is a common issue, which may lead to worse availability of grid power
to the customer.
Investments are being made in the generation, transmission, and distribution systems which are
leading to a trend of improving availability of power from the main grid. Additionally, programs
to segregate agricultural feeders from residential feeders may improve the availability of power
to residential customers.6
The information required for each customer includes the location, the customer type, and whether the
customer is already connected to the electric grid.
We did not have access to any comprehensive pre-existing data sources about customer locations in
Vaishali, and due to the total number of customers (around 650 thousand based on the number of
households in from the 2011 census) it was not feasible to do manual surveys to identify household
locations. Thus we used a satellite image processing algorithm to identify household locations, using
free images from Google Earth. The image processing algorithm used is being developed and improved
by other members of the MIT Universal Access Research Group team, but the version used for this study
was a very early version. Thus, the algorithm identified buildings in a way that seems to give a general
indication of regional building density, but had a high error rate in terms of missing buildings and finding
false positives. In addition to improving the image processing algorithm, it is likely that the accuracy of
building identification could be improved by using higher quality images.
The algorithm identified 250 thousand buildings, which was significantly less than the 650 thousand we
expect to be in Vaishali based on the 2011 census count of households in Vaishali. To give a more
realistic representation of customer density we artificially added more buildings in a way that preserved
the variations in building density found via the satellite image processing. Thus the additional 400
The immediate impact of feeder segregation in Vaishali may be marginal since, from what we have heard, diesel
pumps are most common in this area.
thousand buildings were assigned to 50 meter by 50 meter cells in proportion to the density of
identified buildings in those cells, and then were randomly placed within the cells.
For some runs of the model, we were interested in the impacts of increased building density on the REM
results. To produce the building data set for these runs, we added an additional 13% of buildings
(bringing the total to approximately 735 thousand) using the same procedure described above.
If good information is available about which specific customers or which areas are electrified, this
information can be directly used to designate which customers are electrified in a pre-processing step. If
such information is not available, the location of customers which are already connected to the grid can
be inferred from information about the existing grid lines. The paths of low-voltage lines would be best
for this purpose, but even if this is not available, locations of medium-to-low voltage transformers or
paths of medium voltage lines can be used to approximate where electrified customers are located.
For Vaishali, we obtained information from NBPDCL about the number of current electricity customers
by electrical subdivision. Each subdivision is an administrative unit of NBPDCL which is responsible for a
subset of high-to-medium voltage substations, and the associated downstream infrastructure and
customers. We used this information to produce buffers around the medium voltage feeders such that
the number of buildings within the buffers corresponding to each subdivision matched the data. There
were about 130 thousand current electrical customers, representing about a 20% electrification rate in
Vaishali. The image below shows the remaining customers in black, after the customers within the
buffers around the medium voltage lines were removed.
Of course, many customers in the developing world who are nominally connected to the grid receive inadequate
service. This is a very important issue, but one that REM does not address for now.
For the runs with additional customers added, the same buffers as the baseline run were used.
In reality, the medium voltage lines likely take less direct paths between the villages that they cover, and
not all customers near to the lines will be connected. But given the availability of data, this approach
gives a reasonable representation of where the customers connected to the grid are likely to be located.
Each customer type is associated with a function which can build a profile of 8760 hours (1 year) of
electricity demand. For each hour of the year, the customer gets two demand numbers—one for critical
demand and one for non-critical demand—each of which is associated with a different cost of non-
served energy.8 The functions that create demand profiles include some randomization in the
production of profiles, so that successive profiles produced for individual customers with the same
The cost of non-served energy notionally represents a cost incurred by the customer when electricity service is
not available. This could represent a combination of financial costs to the customer and lost utility. From a
practical perspective, the non-served energy cost drives balance between higher quality service and higher costs,
as the model aims to minimize the total cost of service plus non-served energy cost.
customer type will be slightly different. This allows the model to consider the benefit of aggregating
customers into larger systems—if demand profiles are varied, the peak power demand for a group of
customers will generally be less than the sum of the individual customer peaks. More details on the
specification and creation of demand profiles are provided in the section about creating demand
In the current implementation, only one customer type can be considered in each run of REM for a
study area. In future developments, the model could be extended to consider multiple customer types.
The majority of the modification would be in producing the lookup table of pre-solved local generation
designs for off-grid systems, which is described in a later chapter.
For this study, we assumed all non-electrified customers to be “typical” rural residential customers. The
assumption that all customers are residential customers is not as great of a distortion as it might initially
appear, because NBPDCL data shows that about 97% of their current customers in Vaishali are
residential. If the reliability of the grid improves, it is likely that there would be more agricultural
demand as farmers switch from diesel to electric pumps.
In the current model implementation, PV and weather data are associated with sub-districts. This allows
for some regional variation in solar and weather patterns to be considered in the model.
For the Vaishali study, one PVWatts file with hourly data was obtained for each of the 16 sub-districts,
using a geographical location near the center of the sub-district. The standard installation and mounting
assumptions in PVWatts were used.
In the current implementation of the model, only a single diesel price is considered.
The MIT Universal Energy Access Research Group team has looked into adjusting local diesel prices
based on estimated travel times from major towns or cities. However, the model run time became
excessive when each off-grid system was designed with a separate local diesel fuel price, so we returned
to using a single price. In the future, improvements could be made by factoring remoteness into the cost
of diesel fuel, as well as considering remoteness in other system costs.
Since the cost of diesel is uncertain and variable over the lifetime of a project, some judgment should be
used when selecting a diesel price and it may be beneficial to run scenarios with different diesel prices
to get a sense of how sensitive the results are to this parameter.
In the Vaishali study, we used a diesel fuel cost of $1/L. This cost was obtained as the local diesel fuel
price for Patna, Bihar (the nearest large city to Vaishali) from late 2014 from the website In recent months the price of diesel has dropped to around $0.8/L in response to the
drop in global oil prices, but projections (for example EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook, 2015) predict a
rebound in oil prices in the coming years.
Item Notes
Solar photovoltaic Two sizes of solar panels can be specified as constituents of PV arrays. The
(PV) panels smaller should be of a size appropriate for a single-customer system. The larger
should be of a size appropriate for larger microgrids.
For each panel, the following information is required:
Size (kW)
Cost ($)
Life (years)
Installation cost as a fraction of panel cost
Annual O&M as a fraction of panel cost
Annual O&M man-hours
Annual capacity loss (fraction)
Initial State of Charge (fraction)
Capacity at end of life (fraction)
Installation cost as a fraction of battery cost
Annual O&M as a fraction of battery cost
Annual O&M man-hours
Kinetic battery model parameters9
Lifetime energy throughput (kWh)
Diesel generators A list of diesel generators of various sizes is included in the catalog. For each
generator, the following parameters are required:
Generator size (kW)
Fuel consumption at ¼, ½, ¾, and full load (gal/hr)
Minimum power (kW)
Startup fuel (L)
Lifetime (h)
Cost ($)
Additionally, the following parameters apply to all of the diesel generators:
Installation cost as a fraction of generator cost
Annual O&M as a fraction of generator cost
Annual O&M man-hours
Charge controller The following parameters are included for the charge controller:
A series of charge controller sizes (kW) paired with costs ($/kW)
Minimum size (kW)
Lifetime (years)
Efficiency (fraction)
Installation cost as a fraction of charge controller cost
Annual O&M as a fraction of charge controller cost
Annual O&M man-hours
Other These parameters are not associated with specific pieces of equipment:
O&M labor cost ($/hour)
Additional costs per system ($/year)
The kinetic battery model is described in (Manwell & McGowan, 1993).
The following tables list the parameters and values included in the generation catalog for the Vaishali
study, along with some explanation of how the values were obtained.
These “other” parameters are numbers used in local generation design and cost calculation but are not
associated with a particular system component. The O&M labor cost is based on 2010 hourly costs of
manufacturing in India, as reported by the United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics in their
International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs in Manufacturing, 2012.10
Battery (1 of 2)
Battery Type Cost SOC Init. Capacity at end Installation Annual Annual
($) (fraction) of life (fraction of Costs as O&M as a O&M
nameplate fraction of fraction of man-
energy capacity) battery cost battery hours
TROJ_T105 150 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.02 5
VIS_CP12240D 60 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.02 5
Battery energy SOC SOC eff_batt Nbatt alpha Imax Vnom Lifetime c k
Name min max _d_c _rt _c Energy
Units kWh A/Ah A V KWH 1/hr
TROJ_ 1.38 0.3 1 0.92 0.85 1 11 6 845 0.28 1.85
VIS_ 0.28 0.4 1 0.89 0.8 1 9.6 12 103 0.33 2.38
Two batteries were included in the battery catalog. Trojan T105 is a flooded lead-acid battery and the
Vision CP12240D is a sealed lead-acid battery. The Vision battery was selected as a relatively cheap
smaller battery that could be used in home systems, and the Trojan battery was selected as a battery
Available at
with low cost for larger systems. These batteries were also selected because the kinetic battery model
(Manwell & McGowan, 1993) parameters for these batteries were available in the HOMER catalog.11
The unit costs of the batteries were obtained from online price quotes from retailers such as The initial state of charge was set to the minimum states of charge for the
respective batteries.12 The additional battery parameters were estimated based on the modeler’s
judgment, but could be improved if data were available.
The 20W solar panel was selected as a relevant panel size for home systems and the 250W solar panel
was selected for a relevant panel size for larger systems. The costs of these panels were obtained from
online price quotes from retailers such as The 25 year lifetime was selected as a
common warranty period for solar panels. The annual capacity loss was estimated based on the analysis
in (Jordan & Kurtz, 2013). The solar installation costs were estimated based on the summary of a 2012
report on solar balance of system costs done by GTM Research and Solvida Energy Group, Inc.13 The
operations and maintenance numbers were estimated based on the modeler’s judgment, but could be
improved if data were available.
AC-DC Converter
Costs ($/kW) 927 740 600 543 364 319 260 220 190 190
Sizes (kW) 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 1 1.5 5 6 10 11.4
Min Size (kW) 0.15
Life (years) 15
Inverter Efficiency 0.95
Rectifier Efficiency 0.9
Rectifier Capacity / 0.8
Inverter Capacity Ratio
More information about the HOMER model is available at
The initial state of charge of the battery significantly influences the operation of the system in the first part of
the simulation. If the total number of hours included in the simulation is long enough, this effect may not
dramatically impact local generation designs or cost estimates. See the discussion of local generation design in the
next chapter. It might be worthwhile in future work to modify the simulation so that it is less influenced by these
first hours—perhaps by allowing the battery cycling to reach something like “steady state” before starting the
“official” simulation.
Available at
Installation Costs as 0.1
fraction of converter cost
Annual O&M as a 0.01
fraction of converter cost
Annual O&M man-hours 2
The selection of data points for inverter sizes and costs were chosen based on data about available
inverters from in March 2015. The full set of costs and sizes of inverters that were
available is shown in the figure below. The range of available prices and sizes of inverters varies
substantially with the inverter features. The chart below indicates which inverters are one-direction
grid-tie, one-direction off-grid, and two-direction off-grid. Additionally, other features like the range of
control options, efficiency, warranty, and interoperability with other systems distinguish inverters. The
guiding principle was to select prices for the lowest cost available inverters at a variety of sizes, but in
practice, it may be beneficial to use more expensive inverters in some cases.
The inverter minimum size was selected as the smallest inverter available on The
inverter life of 15 years was chosen based on discussions with solar system providers. However,
warranties for inverters tend to be significantly shorter than 15 years.14 Inverter efficiency, rectifier
efficiency, and the rectifier to inverter capacity ratio were chosen as representative values based on
looking at specification sheets for many inverters, but in practice these values vary. The parameters
regarding installation costs and operations and maintenance were estimated based on the modeler’s
judgment, but could be improved if data were available.
Some solar providers in India also repair inverters to extend their life.
Charge controller
The charge controller sizes and costs were also selected based on available products at It is tricky to select a set of costs and sizes for two main reasons.
First, the prices and available capacities vary significantly with the capacities of the charge controller—
the primary distinguishing feature being whether or not maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is
Average efficiency
included. This feature impacts the amount of energy which can be obtained from the solar panels. In the
current implementation, REM ignores this effect, and assumes that all charge controllers can maintain
the panel at the maximum power point.
Secondly, charge controllers can often operate at multiple battery bank voltages, with power capacity
being roughly proportional to the battery bank voltage for a given charge controller. Thus the “power
capacity” of a charge controller is not well-defined unless it is paired with a specific battery voltage.
My general approach in choosing the data points for sizes and costs was to go for the lowest cost
available at a variety of power capacities. In reality, the charge controller cost may imply a battery bank
voltage that is not feasible for a given project, so the charge controller cost could be higher than
I did not have information about charge controller lifetime, so I assumed that is was similar to the
inverter lifetime. The efficiency value is based on looking at charge controller spec sheets. In absence of
better information, the installation costs and operation and maintenance cost parameters were chosen
to match the values for the inverter.
Diesel generator (1 of 2)
Generator 1/4 Load 1/2 3/4 Full No-load Min Lifetime Cost Startup
Size (kW) (l/kWh) Load Load Load (l/h) power (h) (USD) fuel (l)
(l/kWh) (l/kWh) (l/kWh)
1 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.03 0.1 25000 200 0.0007
2 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.06 0.2 25000 400 0.0015
3 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.09 0.3 25000 600 0.0022
4 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.12 0.4 25000 800 0.0029
5 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.15 0.5 25000 1000 0.0036
6 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.18 0.6 25000 1200 0.0044
7 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.21 0.7 25000 1400 0.0051
8 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.24 0.8 25000 1600 0.0058
9 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.9 25000 1800 0.0065
10 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.30 1 25000 2000 0.0073
15 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.45 1.5 25000 3000 0.0109
20 0.45 0.34 0.33 0.30 0.61 2 25000 4000 0.0145
30 0.66 0.45 0.40 0.37 1.10 3 25000 6000 0.0595
40 0.61 0.44 0.40 0.38 1.51 4 25000 8000 0.1279
60 0.45 0.37 0.32 0.30 1.82 6 25000 12000 0.2085
75 0.48 0.34 0.31 0.31 2.31 7.5 25000 15000 0.3348
100 0.39 0.31 0.29 0.28 2.80 10 25000 20000 0.4909
125 0.38 0.30 0.29 0.28 3.44 12.5 25000 25000 0.7078
135 0.37 0.30 0.28 0.27 3.71 13.5 25000 27000 0.8745
150 0.36 0.30 0.28 0.28 4.13 15 25000 30000 1.0974
175 0.35 0.29 0.28 0.27 4.81 17.5 25000 35000 1.4241
200 0.36 0.29 0.28 0.27 5.45 20 25000 40000 1.7796
230 0.35 0.29 0.27 0.27 6.28 23 25000 46000 2.2415
250 0.35 0.29 0.27 0.27 6.81 25 25000 50000 2.6366
300 0.34 0.29 0.27 0.27 8.14 30 25000 60000 3.3955
350 0.34 0.28 0.27 0.27 9.50 35 25000 70000 4.2514
400 0.34 0.28 0.27 0.27 10.83 40 25000 80000 5.1717
500 0.33 0.28 0.27 0.27 13.51 50 25000 100000 6.8643
600 0.33 0.28 0.26 0.27 16.20 60 25000 120000 8.7195
750 0.33 0.28 0.26 0.27 20.21 75 25000 150000 11.4905
1000 0.33 0.28 0.26 0.27 26.91 100 25000 200000 16.1132
1250 0.33 0.27 0.26 0.27 33.61 125 25000 250000 21.1412
1500 0.33 0.27 0.26 0.27 40.31 150 25000 300000 26.5745
1750 0.32 0.27 0.26 0.27 47.01 175 25000 350000 32.4132
2000 0.32 0.27 0.26 0.27 53.71 200 25000 400000 38.6572
2250 0.32 0.27 0.26 0.27 60.41 225 25000 450000 45.3065
Diesel generator (2 of 2)
The diesel generator data includes information about diesel generators at a range of sizes. The starting
point for this table was previous student work, and values were updated based on a rough check of
online diesel generator price quotes (for example from While the smallest
generators available in the catalog are 1 kW, I was not able to find diesel generators for sale below 3
kW. However, gasoline generators are available in this size range (down to 1 kW). If the off-grid system
requires heavy usage of the generator or remote start capability, these small gasoline or diesel
generators may not be appropriate. Thus designs with small diesel generators should be treated with
Information about generator installation cost was obtained from (Electric Power Research Institute,
failure rates. This information must also be copied to the RNM catalog
brief spreadsheet file, for use in other REM functions.
Transformers/Substations A selection of transformers for high-to-medium voltage substations and
for medium-to-low voltage transformation centers are included.
Required data includes technical parameters, costs, and failure rates.
This information must also be copied to the RNM catalog brief
spreadsheet file, for use in other REM functions.
Other categories Include:
Network parameters
Reliability requirements16
Reliability system costs
Voltage regulators
Costs related to slope, trenches, and supports
Parameters related to street mapping
Model configuration
RNM assumes balanced three phase power distribution, and thus the costs and technical parameters
should refer to installation of three phase distribution equipment by default. It is also possible to include
information representing single phase distribution, but in this case RNM may produce infeasible or
unbalanced designs. The ability to better consider single phase distribution in RNM would be an
important area for future work.
By default, RNM considers a separate set of conductor and transformer parameters for urban above
ground, urban underground, and rural above ground. Given that REM is primarily focused on rural
electrification, we have used the convention of providing the same set of conductor and transformer
information for all of these categories, so that they are all effectively treated as rural above ground
equipment. Model parameters regarding trenches and support infrastructure must be set in a particular
way so that this interpretation is internally consistent.
REM uses just one catalog of distribution network equipment, which is used for both the grid extension
and microgrid design cases. This is consistent with the perspective that basically the same equipment
and installation practices would be used in both cases, so that the microgrid distribution infrastructure is
matching the grid code. In future work, it would be interesting to explore the impact of providing a
different set of distribution network options for microgrids, potentially representing lower-cost
installation methods. A discussion of using lower cost distribution norms for rural electrification, which
has been applied in Brazil, is contained in (Bornstein, 2007).
The ability to consider DC distribution in the catalog and model would also be a beneficial area for future
work, especially since many deployed microgrids in the developing world use DC distribution.
The RNM consideration of reliability here pertains to failure to serve demand due to failures of equipment. This
is distinct from the REM consideration of reliability of power supply from the grid, which is often related to
intentional curtailment rather than equipment failure.
The RNM catalog includes many parameters regarding considerations which are difficult to get
information about in the developing world context and which may not neatly apply in the same way
they do in the developed world context. In future work, it might be beneficial to create a version of RNM
and the supporting catalog more catered to the developing world rural electrification context.
As a starting point for the RNM catalog, we used a complete catalog employed for previous studies in
Spain approximately 5-10 years ago. Values from that catalog were used as defaults where better
information from Vaishali or India was not available.
From that starting point, significant changes were made in the listing of conductors and transformers, as
well as in some parameters regarding how the model executes. Where available, information about
types of components used and their costs from NBPDCL was used as the primary source. Information
about project costs from Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited—a distribution company in New Delhi—
was used to supplement this as required. A lot of estimation, judgement, and assumption was required
to complete the catalog entries, as there was not complete information available. The values used in
these areas are presented below.
Low-voltage conductors:
Corrective maintenance
Predictive maintenance
Reactance [ohm/km]
Resistance [ohm/km]
cost [$/(year*km]
Rated current [A]
Overload [p.u.]17
cost [$/failure]
Av. failure rate
LV_weasel 1.77 0.8 49 1.2 0.113 0.113 0.113 2227 2.8 427
LV_weasel 0.885 0.4 146 1.2 0.113 0.113 0.113 3341 2.8 427
50_mm2 0.783 0.4 154 1.2 0.133 0.133 0.133 10858 2.8 427
70_mm2 0.542 0.4 196 1.2 0.133 0.133 0.133 13820 2.8 427
95_mm2 0.392 0.4 242 1.2 0.133 0.133 0.133 17064 2.8 427
120_mm2 0.31 0.4 282 1.2 0.133 0.133 0.133 19884 2.8 427
150_mm2 0.253 0.4 322 1.2 0.133 0.133 0.133 22705 2.8 427
185_mm2 0.202 0.4 374 1.2 0.133 0.133 0.133 26371 2.8 427
240_mm2 0.155 0.4 446 1.2 0.133 0.133 0.133 31448 2.8 427
300_mm2 0.125 0.4 514 1.2 0.133 0.133 0.133 36243 2.8 427
400_mm2 0.0981 0.4 601 1.2 0.133 0.133 0.133 42378 2.8 427
P.u. means “per unit.” It is basically percent divided by 100.
Medium Voltage Conductors:
Corrective maintenance
Predictive maintenance
Reactance [ohm/km]
Resistance [ohm/km]
cost [$/(year*km]
Rated current [A]
Max, failure rate
Min. failure rate
Overload [p.u.]
cost [$/failure]
Av. failure rate
MOLE 2.63 0.4 75 1.2 0.168 0.168 0.168 1648 700 900
SQUIRREL 1.34 0.4 114 1.2 0.168 0.168 0.168 2505 700 900
WEASEL 0.885 0.4 146 1.2 0.168 0.168 0.168 2975 700 900
RABBIT 0.529 0.4 197 1.2 0.168 0.168 0.168 4122 700 900
DOG 0.268 0.4 312 1.2 0.168 0.168 0.168 6855 700 900
WOLF 0.178 0.4 406 1.2 0.168 0.168 0.168 8920 700 900
Cost Energy Not Served - Normal ($/kWh)
Cost Energy Not Served - Critical ($/kWh)
Discount Rate (fraction)
High Voltage Level (secondary of transmission SS) (kV)
Medium Voltage Level (kV)
Load Voltage Level (kV)
Diesel Fuel Cost (Baseline) ($/L)
Distribution system losses (fraction)
Network Lifetime (years)
Per Customer Cost Isolated ($)
Per Customer Cost Microgrid ($)
Per Customer Cost Grid Extension ($)
Demand growth rate (fraction)
Final year to consider for generation design
Per Customer Investment Lifetime (years)
Per Customer annual O&M Isolated ($/yr)
Per Customer annual O&M Microgrid ($/yr)
Per Customer annual O&M Grid Extension ($/yr)
The following table list the settings values used for the Vaishali study in the baseline case. Additionally, a
case was run with a higher annual demand growth rate (16% instead of 1%).
REM is called via a Matlab script. In this script, some additional model configuration information and
parameters are specified.
First, the user must specify the locations of relevant folders, including the folder that contains the REM
code and the folder which contains the REM data and outputs.
Next, the user must specify over which analysis regions the model will produce input structures or run
the main REM module. For a given analysis region, it is necessary for the input structures to be created
before the module which produces results can be run. It is possible to copy the input files for any
analysis regions to another computer and run the main REM module for those regions on that
The user can also specify whether the model should run in parallel mode, and if so the number of
parallel processes. In parallel mode, some parts of the model execution are split up over the workers
and run simultaneously. This can allow large study areas to be solved much more quickly. The number of
workers is limited by the number of threads on the user’s computer. Also, the user should be careful to
check that the parallel operation does not overwhelm the computer’s memory resources.
Finally, some model parameters can be set in the execution script. These are listed in the table below.
For the Vaishali study, for each model case, all of the 30 analysis regions were solved in parallel. The
following tables list the parameters set in the execution script by case. The only difference is that in the
reliable grid case, the grid reliability data is overwritten with perfect reliability.
One folder of input Matlab structures is created for each analysis region, so that the analysis regions can
be solved independently—either sequentially, or in parallel on one computer, or split up amongst
several computers. In general, larger analysis regions will produce better quality results, since there
would be less artificial barriers which systems cannot cross. However, the user of REM may find it
desirable or necessary to divide sub-districts into smaller analysis regions to make the best use of
available computing resources.
Each region’s input folder contains all of the information necessary to run the REM algorithms on that
region. That means that information which is common to the entire study area is included copied to
each region. This common information includes the settings, the local generation catalog, the existing
grid data, and the input parameters required to create demand profiles.
Other information is associated with sub-districts. This includes the PVWatts files with hourly solar and
weather data for a typical meteorological year. Using this PVWatts data and other study area data, a
demand profile library and a lookup table of pre-solved local generation designs are created for each
sub-district. The processes of creating these items are described below. The PVWatts data, demand
profile library, and pre-solved generation design information for each subdistrict are all copied into the
input files for all analysis regions within the subdistrict.
Finally, some information is specific to each analysis region, and can directly be included in the
corresponding input folder. This includes the location of each nonelectrified customer in the analysis
Each demand profile consists of a two series of 8760 numbers, corresponding to the quantity of critical
and non-critical electricity demand for each hour of the year, in kilowatt-hours.18 The total number of
demand profiles to produce can be set in the execution script. A sufficient number of profiles should be
saved to adequately represent the variability in the profiles. On the other hand, limiting the number of
profiles reduces the memory requirements for the model and can allow the model to run faster.
The demand profile can be thought of as the amount of electricity the customer would consume in each
hour of the year if the electricity service availability was not a limiting factor. However, the power
systems designed in REM are not required to serve all of this demand. In the case of off-grid systems,
depending on the costs associated with not serving critical and non-critical demand, a more cost
effective solution can be to not serve some demand rather than increasing the size of system
components. In the case of grid extensions, the upstream grid may not make power available to the
connected customers all of the time.
The data in the demand inputs spreadsheet, paired with a CreateDemandProfiles Matlab
The PVWatts weather and solar data,
The annual demand growth rate and design final year, from the settings.
The demand inputs spreadsheet contains the primary description of demand. The spreadsheet contains
a series of rows, each corresponding with an electricity consuming activity. Each activity comes with the
following information:
Critical or non-critical – The cost of non-served energy that should be incurred if this demand
cannot be served depends on this parameter.
Energy – The amount of energy demand that should be added to an hour when this activity is
Available hours – The hours of the day is it possible for this activity to happen.
This can equivalently be thought of as the average demand in kilowatts for each hour.
Availability restrictions – Any criteria that remove an hour from being available. For example,
this could correspond to the level of solar irradiance (for lighting demand) or the temperature
(for cooling demand).
Average daily duration – The average number of hours that customers have this activity
occurring each day.
Average daily duration criteria – As an alternative to a flat average daily duration number,
average daily duration can be calculated based on specified criteria for each day. For example, it
could be calculated as the number of hours that temperature is above a certain level.
Variability in daily duration – a parameter which describes the variation in number of hours the
activity is occurring between customers on a given day.
Additionally, there is one parameter corresponding to the customer type, rather than a specific activity:
To produce a demand profile for a single customer for a single day, first the available hours for each
activity are determined based on the availability parameters for that appliance and the PVWatts data.
Then the target number of hours for each activity is calculated by adjusting the average daily duration
for that appliance (which is calculated from the daily duration parameters and the PVWatts data) with a
per-activity variability correction and a per-customer variability correction, as indicated below:
Then for each of the available hours for each appliance, demand is assigned to that hour with probability
of the target number of hours divided by the number of available hours.
This procedure is repeated for all appliances for all days to produce a profile for a single customer. This
is then repeated many times to produce a library of customer profiles for a given customer type. The
library of profiles will be used throughout REM to determine the best power system design.
At the end, total demand is increased by a factor based on the annual electricity demand growth and
the number of years for demand growth between the initial year and the final design year.
While this procedure for producing demand profiles is somewhat convoluted, it does have some useful
Demand can vary with weather parameters such as temperature, and the weather parameters
are synchronized with the solar resource in the PVWatts data. Thus seasonal variations can be
accounted for.
Giving a fixed energy demand per-activity and then having some variation regarding which hours
that demand is activated mimics the reality of customers turning on and off a set of appliances.
Having a realistic customer-level demand representation with variability allows REM to take into
account the advantage of grouping customers together to create a more advantageous
aggregate demand profile. (For example, a group of customers will tend to have a smaller ratio
of peak to average demand compared to a single customer, and thus will require a less
expensive system for the same quality of service.)
For examples of demand profiles produced in the Vaishali study, see the chapter on REM outputs. The
case of “typical” residential demand that was considered in this study includes lighting, television, and
fan usage. The specific parameters used to describe the demand came from a combination of census
data, studies, surveys, and demand data captured from Vaishali. For a fuller description of the process of
determining the demand profiles, see the thesis of Yael Borofsky.
The general methodology for selecting a design for a local generation system includes searching the
space of candidate designs, and evaluating their performance via one or more metrics based on some
system simulation.
There are several categories of approaches for searching the space of candidate generation and storage
options. These approaches include pre-selecting options, “gradient methods” such as linear
programming (Tafreshi, Zamani, Ezzati, Vahedi, et al. 2011; Zamani et al. 2012; Erol-Kantarci et al. 2011),
heuristic searches such as genetic algorithms (Khatib et al. 2012; Bala & Siddique 2009; Yang & Buxiang
2012; Tafreshi, Zamani, Ezzati & Vahedi 2011), and exhaustive searches. Among these methods, there is
generally a tradeoff between accuracy in representation of the system and speed of the algorithm.
Linear programming is among the fastest algorithms, but is not ideally-suited to handle non-linear
effects, such as battery operation and degradation, or to handle non-continuous decision spaces, such
as lumpy investment decisions. The REM utilizes a heuristic search through the design space with a
simulation of each design option. This allows all relevant system dynamics to be included in the
simulation, and for speed and accuracy to be flexibly traded by tuning the heuristic algorithm.
Within each of these search methods, there are various ways to represent system operation. System
operation could be optimized (Hafez & Bhattacharya 2012; Bustos et al. 2012; Whitefoot et al. 2012) or
based on heuristics (Tomoiaga et al. 2013), and can be represented with or without time-series
constraints. While representations without time-series constraints (such as load block demand
representations) enable faster-running solutions, they are not well suited for systems with large day-to-
day variability, such as systems with high levels of intermittent renewables. Thus, a time-series
representation of system operation has been chosen for the REM.
The literature includes microgrid design assessments based on many different metrics or objectives.
Most of the metrics can be bucketed into the categories of cost (Erol-Kantarci, Kantarci, & Mouftah,
2011; Liu, Liu, Du, Ruiqi, & Huang, 2013; Tanrioven, 2005), environmental impact (Saito, Niimura,
Koyanagi, & Yokoyama, 2009; Setiawan, Zhao, & Nayar, 2009), and reliability (Arefifar, Mohamed, & El-
Fouly, 2013; Bahramirad, Reder, & Khodaei, 2012). Some evaluations also may use more technical
metrics as objectives, such as ability to maintain stable frequency during grid events. Analyses may
consider only a single objective factor, or multiple factors. While all of these factors are relevant to
design of electrification systems, the REM focuses on costs because this is seen as the most pressing
issue for deployment of these systems in the developing world rural electrification context. In REM
costs can be considered from a business perspective (profit maximization) or from a social perspective
(maximization of social welfare through minimization of system costs plus cost of non-served energy).
For the Vaishali study, we have considered costs from a social perspective.
Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER) is a tool for selecting and sizing generation
and storage devices for a microgrid system. HOMER allows the user to specify generation and storage
options and then it simulates a year of system operation under each option in order to find the least-
cost option. It allows the user to make limited choices regarding operation of the system. An overview
of HOMER is provided in (T. Lambert, Gilman, & Lilienthal, 2006). HOMER is used or referenced in many
papers, including (Agalgaonkar, Dobariya, Kanabar, Khaparde, & Kulkarni, 2006; Fang, Cai, Lin, & James,
2012; Hafez & Bhattacharya, 2012; Mohamed & Khatib, 2013; Sen & Bhattacharyya, 2014; Setiawan et
al., 2009; Su, Yuan, & Chow, 2010; Tafreshi, Zamani, Ezzati, & Vahedi, 2011; Whitefoot, Mechtenberg,
Peters, & Papalambros, 2012; Zamani, Ezzati, Farashah, Dahri, & Tafreshi, 2012; Zhu & Yang, 2012).
HOMER is a mature and well-maintained commercial software, and a legacy free version is also
available. Advantages are ease of use and the ability to consider a large variety of generators. HOMER is
limited in only representing one value of unserved energy, having limited system operation options, and
not being easily integrated into distribution network design.
Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DER-CAM) is a tool which selects generation
technologies for a grid-connected home or microgrid with the objective of minimizing costs of utility
bills. It also provides guidance for how the system should be operated to minimize utility costs. DER-
CAM is described in (Bailey, Creighton, Firestone, Marnay, & Stadler, 2003).
DER-CAM has the advantage of better considering operations in the design of generation. However, it is
limited for this application in that it is intended for grid-tied single-building systems, and thus does not
consider siting of generation or network planning.
Hybrid Optimization by Genetic Algorithms (HOGA) is a tool which performs integrated optimization of
generation selection and operation for hybrid power systems via genetic algorithms.
HOGA allows for a very robust exploration of the generation design space in reasonable time, but it is
limited by its lack of integration with network design.
There are two main differences between the REM approach and these existing solutions. First, is that
REM is designed to automatically produce local generation designs for a large number of systems spread
over a large area, and includes tradeoffs between detail and speed that are catered to this purpose. The
second is that the REM local generation design approach is integrated into the broader algorithm for
planning rural electrification systems (including clustering of customers and distribution network
The figure below shows the general architecture assumed for local generation sites in REM.
The center of this architecture is a two-way inverter, which has three electrical ports: (1) a DC
input/output for receiving power from solar and batteries and for charging batteries, (2) an AC input for
receiving power from the diesel generator, and (3) an AC output for providing power to the loads. A
charge controller is required between the solar panels and the inverter’s DC port to convert the voltage
to the battery bank voltage level. The charge controller may also have maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) capabilities, which allows for maximum extraction of power from the solar panels (REM assumes
it does).
The REM representation of this architecture is flexible in that not all of the components are required.
Only one energy source is needed (solar panels or a diesel generator), batteries are optional, and REM
will automatically include or not the charge controller and inverter as required.
There are of course many alternate architectures that could be considered for a microgrid or home
system. This architecture was selected because it can be supported with commercially available off-the-
shelf components and because it provides AC service to the customers, which allows a more straight-
forward comparison with grid extension.
In practice, many home systems and small microgrids provide DC service, in part because it requires less
and less expensive components. DC service can also be paired with highly efficient DC appliances.
However this DC service is—at least today—seemingly less able to expand to meet customer aspirations
in that there is only a limited set of DC appliances available. Also, components to support higher-voltage
DC distribution, which would be required in larger DC microgrids, are less readily available. It would be
interesting in future work to do a more detailed study of in which cases a DC or an AC architecture
provide lower system costs. But it is important to remember that the tradeoffs between DC and AC
service depend on much more than cost, including issues such as:
In the current implementation, REM considers only one customer type per run, and so the lookup table
can be simply organized based on system size, where size is defined by the number of customers in a
system. For a sample of microgrid sizes, designs are saved including the following information:
Size of solar array, battery bank, and diesel generator (not all are required)
Annual financial cost
Annual non-served energy cost
Fraction of demand served
This information is used as a basis for quickly estimating local generation costs and other parameters for
off-grid systems of all sizes in subsequent steps of REM.
The lookup table is created by producing local generation designs and calculating their costs for a
sample of microgrid sizes, where several designs are produced for each size (the process of designing a
microgrid for a given size is described in the following sections). The user specifies the number of
microgrid sizes to be included in the lookup table, and REM automatically selects the sizes so that they
are log distributed between a size of 1 customer and a size with the maximum number of customers in
any analysis region (since that would be the largest possible microgrid for the run). Some small sized
microgrids are automatically included also, since granular information about small microgrids is
important to the clustering process described in the following chapter.
For a given trial of a microgrid with size n customers, the aggregate demand to be served is calculated
by randomly selecting n profiles (with replacement) from the profile library and adding up their demand.
Since there is some random variation between demand profiles, producing multiple designs and
averaging the design results helps to make sure that the design produced was not an outlier. This is
more important for the smaller microgrids, because at larger sizes the aggregate profile shape will
approach the average demand profile. The user specifies how many trial designs to produce for each
microgrid size in the REM execution script.
In principle, based on the REM local generation architecture and the local generation catalog, there is a
significant number of design decisions, including:
The design variables of type of solar panel and type of battery are fixed before the search by estimating
a likely final sizes of the battery bank and solar array (as proportions of the total energy demand), and
determining which solar panel type and battery type are likely to be cheaper at that size. This is a crude
approximation and likely could be improved in future work.
The design variables of inverter size and charge controller size are solved after simulating the microgrid
operation. The sizes of these components are initially assumed to be infinite for the operation, and then
they are set to be whatever size would be necessary to support the operation. In this way we lose the
option of saving some cost by restricting the sizes of these components, but significantly reduce the size
of the design space.
For the remaining design variables (sizes of solar array, battery bank, and diesel generator), REM seeks
to find the optimal design choice, which is the design that minimizes the sum of annualized up-front
costs, annual recurring costs, and annual non-served energy cost.
It would be difficult to calculate these costs accurately without actually simulating the operation of the
microgrid. Many of the costs depend on complicated time-series considerations, such as the hourly solar
resource and state-dependent operational rules. Thus this problem is not well-suited to methods that
depend on calculating the gradient of the cost in the design space.
REM searches the design space using a method known as “pattern search” that does not require
calculating a gradient (Hooke & Jeeves, 1961).19 This pattern search includes the following steps:
Define your space of candidate designs based on discrete options for the three design variables
Select an initial set of candidate designs to evaluate. This set consists of a “center point” design,
plus designs that are n design options away from the center in each dimension.
Calculate the cost of each of these design options. (There is more information on how REM does
this in the following sections.)
The lowest cost design becomes the new center point. If it is different from the previous center
point, select a new set of designs that are n design options away from the center in each
dimension, calculate their costs, and set the center point to the lowest cost point again.
Repeat this until the center point is the same for subsequent steps. When this happens, replace
n by n/2 (rounded up to a whole number), and continue the process.
When n has a value of 1 and all the immediately adjacent design options are higher cost than
the center point, the center point design is a local minimum. This is selected as the design, and
the costs and specifications of this design are returned.
This pattern search is guaranteed to find a local minimum in the defined design space, but may not
necessarily find the lowest-cost of all possible designs. In practice though, this method has performed
well for the cases I have studied.
In REM, we consider system operation by simulating the hour-to-hour operation of the system over a
sample of the hours of the year. The hours of the year to be considered can be specified by the user by
designating a number of blocks of hours and the duration of each block. The blocks are automatically
evenly spaced throughout the year, which allows the simulation to take into account seasonal effects.
The parameters of selecting a sample of the year are included in the REM execution script.
19 provides a helpful illustration of pattern search in
two dimensions.
In this simulation the following are major inputs:
Demand (kWh): Hourly demand is specified as the sum of the demand of each connected
customer in the final year, assuming that the annual demand growth rate applies uniformly to
every hour. In each hour the demand includes a critical and a non-critical component. The
demand is considered for just the specified set of hours.
Solar resource (kWh/kW): Hourly quantities for the DC energy production of a solar array per
kW of solar array effective capacity. The solar resource is considered for just the specified set of
PV nominal capacity (kW): PV nominal capacity is part of what defines the candidate design. It is
used to calculate PV investment and O&M costs.
PV effective capacity (kW): The PV effective capacity accounts for degradation in PV capacity
between initial installation and the final year. Since the installation of systems may be spread in
time between the first and last year, REM considers a representative PV capacity degradation by
applying the annual PV degradation for half the years between the initial and final years. It is
assumed that a PV array with a certain effective capacity operates the same as a new array with
that nominal capacity.
Battery nominal capacity (kWh): Battery nominal capacity is part of what defines the candidate
design. It is used to calculate battery investment and O&M costs.
Battery effective capacity (kWh): The battery effective capacity accounts for degradation in
battery capacity between initial installation and the final year. Since batteries are typically the
component of the generation system with the shortest lifetime, the representative battery
capacity is the midpoint between initial capacity and end-of-life capacity. It is assumed that a
battery bank with a certain effective capacity operates the same as a new battery bank with that
nominal capacity.
Diesel generator capacity (kW): Diesel generator capacity is part of what defines the candidate
design. It is used to calculate diesel generator investment and O&M costs. It is assumed that
diesel generator capacity does not degrade over the lifetime of the diesel generator.
Relevant technical parameters and costs from the local generation catalog and settings
The simulation represents hourly operation of the generation system for a selection of the final year. In
each hour the demand plus any battery charging plus losses must be met by outputs of the PV panels,
the diesel generator, and the batteries, plus any non-served demand (critical or non-critical). The
simulation considers only the information available in the current hour, and does not include any
The simulation decides how to use the available resources in two steps:
1. The least cost set of resources are utilized to meet the demand
2. If justified, additional resources are utilized to charge the battery
In future work, it would be interesting to explore what cost savings are achievable be incorporating forecast-
based operation into the control logic. In practice, I have not yet seen developing world microgrid operators
including forecast-based operations. For small microgrids, the additional cost and complexity of the control system
would be challenging, and there could also be data connectivity issues. Still, it could make sense in some cases.
The basic principle behind the dispatch is to meet the demand (and possibly charge the battery) at least
cost in each hour. The cost of using most of the resources in any hour is notionally known, but the
decision to charge or discharge the battery includes an opportunity cost which ties the use of the
battery to implications for other future hours.
For the battery, the opportunity cost of the battery’s energy cannot actually be known to the model
without simulating future hours (and dramatically increasing the time required for the simulation). To
estimate this cost I created a simple heuristic. The basic idea of the heuristic is that the battery energy
can substitute for another resource at a future time, so the value of the energy in the battery should be
based on the avoided cost of not having to use that other resource. If the battery is being used
optimally, it will substitute for the most expensive resources possible, so that total costs are minimized.
If there is only a little bit of energy in the battery, this would likely be used to substitute for some of the
most expensive resource over the coming hours. However, if the battery has more energy stored, it may
be possible to completely eliminate use of the most expensive resource over some time, plus substitute
for some of the second most expensive resource. In this way, when the battery is closer to fully charged,
the average value of energy stored in the battery is reduced. This concept is implemented in REM by
basing the battery energy value in each simulation hour on one of the other resources as a function of
state of charge of the battery, such that the battery energy value grows as the battery is depleted (and
vice versa).
To give a specific example, if there are three available non-battery resources to meet the demand, one
of those three would be assigned as the replacement resource each hour. If the battery state of charge
was in the top third of the effective range, the lowest-cost resource would be the replacement; middle
third of state of charged would be matched with the middle cost resource, and bottom third of state of
charge would be matched with the highest cost resource.
Once the battery is matched to a replacement resource, the value cost of energy in the battery is
assigned the cost for that resource to serve the demand, with a correction for the losses between the
energy stored in the battery and serving the demand (losses in the battery, the inverter, and the
distribution wires), and with another correction for the cost of using up some of the battery’s lifetime
While this heuristic for setting a value for stored energy in the battery bank certainly does not lead to
the optimal possible operation of the system, it does lead to reasonable operation in most cases. For
some examples of the resulting operation patterns see the chapter on REM outputs.
For the first step of the simulation in each hour (deciding how to meet the demand), the following
resources are available with the following costs:
Battery Cost of the replacement resource, with a correction for losses in the
battery, inverter, and distribution grid, plus a correction for using up
battery lifetime.
Each of these resources also has a limited amount of energy it could provide in the hour. These limits are
listed below:
These resources are used in order from least cost to highest cost until all there is a balanced generation
equation (i.e. when supply equals demand plus non-served demand plus losses). Losses are induced in
the battery, the charge controller, the inverter, and the distribution grid, where losses are calculated as
the product of the energy entering each item and the efficiency of the item. A more realistic
representation of the losses could be considered in future work.
For the second step of the simulation in each hour (deciding whether and how to charge the battery),
the following resources are available with the following costs:
For a description of the kinetic battery model, see (Manwell & McGowan, 1993). This model represents the
battery as a two-tank system, in which energy in the battery is split between a chemically-bound tank and an
immediately available tank. Time constants control the rate at which energy can transfer between the tanks. The
model can be used to determine the maximum amount of energy the battery can absorb or release in a given time
In the current implementation, the costs of using non-served demand as a “source” to charge the battery
assumes that power flows from the demand to the battery and imposes losses. This should be corrected in future
work, because curtailing demand will often actually reduce losses.
Curtail critical demand23 Cost of non-served energy for critical demand, with an adjustment for
losses in the distribution network, the rectifier, and the battery, plus
the cost of using up battery lifetime.
Each of these resources also has a limited amount of energy it could provide to charge the battery in the
hour. The limit is the limit from step 1, minus the amount of the resource that was allocated for use
during step 1.
If any of these resources have a cost below the opportunity cost of battery energy for that hour, they
will be used to charge the battery, starting with the least cost option. Each resource with cost less than
the battery energy cost will be used until all such resources are exhausted, the battery is fully charged,
or the charging limit for the hour (calculated by the kinetic battery model) is reached.
At this point, the dispatch of all available resources has been determined for the hour. These dispatch
values are saved, and the state variables are updated for the next hour (including battery state of
charge, kinetic battery model charging and discharging limits, and battery energy value).
Once all of the hours are considered, the dispatch of all of the resources for each hour is saved, and is
used to calculate metrics in later steps.
Required capacities for the inverter and charge controller: To reduce the dimensionality of the
design space, inverter and charge controller capacity are set to the minimum required capacity
to support the simulation. These capacities are used to calculate inverter and charge controller
Battery lifetime: The fraction of the battery’s lifetime throughput that is used up in the final
year is used to estimate the battery lifetime. This lifetime is utilized to calculate the annuity of
the battery system investment.
Diesel generator lifetime: The number of hours that the diesel generator is used to calculate the
diesel generator lifetime. This is employed to calculate the annuity of the diesel generator
Diesel fuel consumed: The quantity of diesel fuel used in generating electricity plus the quantity
used in starting up the diesel generator is calculated.
Non-served demand quantity: The quantities of non-served critical and non-critical demand are
used to calculate the non-served demand cost for the final year.
In all or nearly all cases curtailing critical demand should not actually be selected as a resource for charging the
battery, because it would not be cost-effective. Still, the option is included in the model.
These metrics are utilized to calculate a set of annual costs for the local generation system, including
financial costs and the cost to the customers for non-served demand. Here are all of the costs included
for a local generation system:
Annuity of investment costs for PV, batteries, diesel generator, inverter, and charge controller
(some of these may not be included in a given design)
Annual O&M costs for PV, batteries, diesel generator, inverter, and charge controller
Diesel fuel cost for the final year
Annual per-system cost
Non-served energy cost for the final year
For the calculation of annuities of investment costs the following information is needed:
Investment cost
Investment lifetime
Discount rate
The investment lifetime and discount rate are used to calculate an annuity factor as follows:
𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 =
1 − (1 + 𝑑𝑟)−𝑛
𝑑𝑟 = 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒
𝑛 = 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒.
This annuity factor is then multiplied by the investment cost to get the annuity of the investment.
For most of the investments, the investment lifetime is specified as input data (e.g. solar panels,
inverters, charge controllers).
For the battery, the lifetime is based on the lifetime energy throughput of the battery and the final year
dispatch of the battery. The lifetime energy throughput is divided by the battery usage (charging plus
discharging) to get the battery lifetime.
For the diesel generator, the lifetime is based on the lifetime operating hours and the final year dispatch
of the generator. The lifetime is calculated as the lifetime operating hours divided by the hours of
operation in the final year.
Given an analysis region with a large number of customers, there is a huge number of ways to group
those customers into potential off-grid systems or grid extensions. Ideally, we would like to know which
of all these possible groupings leads to the least-cost design. In practice, however, it would take too
much time to evaluate all of them. Thus, we need a strategy to reduce the number of possibilities so
that there is a feasible number of decisions and designs to be produced.
In order to manage this decision space, REM organizes customers into a set of grid-extension clusters.
Each grid-extension cluster represents a set of consumers which will be a part of a single grid extension
candidate design and will together receive the same decision about whether to be grid-connected or
receive off-grid systems.
Each grid extension cluster has an alternative off-grid clustering. The off-grid clustering defines the
grouping of customers into microgrids and isolated systems which could be selected instead of the grid-
extension design. Each off-grid cluster within the grid extension cluster represents a set of consumers
which could be part of a single microgrid, or a single consumer which could be part of an isolated
This chapter discusses how these clusters are produced. The following chapter describes how the
clustering result is used to design a set of systems, compare their costs, and decide on the final set of
ViPOR is based on a simulated annealing algorithm for design of minimum-cost distribution networks for
isolated power systems. The general approach is to propose an initial set of connections among
consumption and demand nodes and then iteratively remove or change wires until a near-optimal
design is obtained. This method has the advantage of explicitly considering tradeoffs between
connections of customers to a microgrid versus providing stand-alone home systems. However, it
assumes generation sites and costs are known and takes a long time to run for cases with many demand
nodes. ViPOR also does not include any consideration of technical constraints in its logic, such as voltage
ViPOR is not currently maintained, but a legacy version is available through HOMER Energy, the
company that maintains HOMER. ViPOR’s advantage is a relatively user-friendly interface, but it is not
well-suited for the design of large networks. It also only allows very limited consideration of generation
design in the network design process.
Additional insights on clustering approaches can be drawn from research in the design of traditional
distribution networks. While these approaches do not consider off-grid systems as an option, they are
especially relevant to the grid-extension option. (Gonzalez-Sotres, Mateo Domingo, Sanchez-Miralles, &
Alvar Miro, 2013; Mateo Domingo, Gomez San Roman, Sanchez-Miralles, Peco Gonzalez, & Candela
Martinez, 2011; Miguez, Cidras, Diaz-Dorado, & Garcia-Dornelas, 2002; Moreira, Miguez, Vilacha, &
Otero, 2012) describe heuristic methods for the design of large distribution networks. Some of these
methods are imbedded in RNM, so REM implicitly uses them during the network design step. In future
work, there could be advantages to integrating REM’s clustering process with the grid extension design
clustering process.
1. Build a minimum spanning tree (MST) that connects all of the customers.24 The connections (or
lines) in the minimum spanning tree define the off-grid clustering decisions that are considered.
A connection can be “activated” to join the customers on either side of the connection into the
same cluster, or not activated so that those customers are in separate clusters. Initially assume
that all connections are not activated, so that each customer is in its own cluster of a single
2. Number the lines in the MST according to length, from shortest to longest. This defines the
order in which the potential connections will be evaluated.
3. For each line, in the order defined above, evaluate whether to connect the customers on either
side of the line and join them into a single cluster. This is done in two parts.
a. Say that the customer on one side of this candidate connection (along with any other
customers already connected to it) is in cluster 1. And the customers on the other side
of the candidate connection are in cluster 2. Look at the local generation lookup table
for the number of customers in cluster 1 and cluster 2. If these clusters would be given a
generation site with no supply (i.e. the size of the generation components are zero),
A minimum spanning tree is the set of connections between customers so that all customers are connected
directly or through other customers and the sum of the lengths of the connections are minimized. To create the
minimum spanning tree, we use the mst function in the MatlabBGL library, which was posted to the Matlab file
exchange by David Gleich, Stanford University, 2006-2008.
An alternative clustering logic could initially assume that all connections are activated, and then consider
deactivating each connection. This alternative method was not selected because it was more difficult to implement
and took more computer time to run.
then join the clusters 1 and 2 into one cluster. This step helps to make sure that the
clustering process does not get stuck in a local minimum where the microgrid size is too
small and makes sure that REM is not designing microgrids with no generation site.
b. If the clusters were not already joined in step 3a, estimate the cost difference between
building separate systems for clusters 1 and 2 and building one microgrid for all of those
customers together. This cost estimation is described in more detail below. If it is
economical, join the clusters 1 and 2 into the same cluster.
4. Once all lines have been considered, the sets of interconnected customers are the final off-grid
clusters. Each of these clusters represents a candidate microgrid (if there is more than one
customer in the cluster) or a candidate isolated system (if there is a single customer in the
Here is a more detailed description of step 3b, where we evaluate whether each connection is
economical. The two situations which must be compared are shown in the diagrams below. Case 1 has
the candidate connection activated so all of the customers are served by a single system. Case 2 has the
connection under consideration removed, and two smaller local generation systems. The triangles
represent the local generation sites and the lines represent connections between customers.
Case 2: The candidate connection is not activated and there are two systems.
In the clustering process, REM only makes an estimate of the cost difference between these cases in
order to decide whether to activate the connection of the MST that is under consideration. REM does
not produce a full design for each case and do a detailed cost calculation because that would take too
much time.
The cost estimate considers the differences in local generation costs and the differences in distribution
network costs between the cases. The generation and network cost difference estimates are described
in the following paragraphs.
The generation cost difference is estimated using the pre-solved local generation designs, which were
described in the previous chapter. A local generation cost is extracted from the lookup table for the
system in Case 1 and for each of the systems in Case 2. If the lookup table does not include an entry for
the particular number of customers in one of the systems, the cost is estimated by a linear interpolation
between the next larger and smaller entries in the lookup table.
The distribution network cost difference is estimated as the cost of a power line connecting the two
clusters together. In the diagrams in the above figure, this line connecting the two clusters is the only
difference between the network designs, but in reality we do not know how any of the network designs
for the separate or combined clusters would look at this point. Thus this line cost is only a rough
estimate of the network cost difference. The power line cost is estimated in a function that considers
the length of the line (which is set as the length of the candidate MST connection) and the peak power
flowing through the line (which is set as the annual peak demand of the smaller cluster). This simulates
the situation of joining the clusters together and putting a generation site at the larger cluster.
The line cost function searches the RNM catalog for the least-cost low or medium voltage conductor
that can carry the specified power over the specified distance, while not violating the thermal capacity
of the line or causing a voltage drop of more than 10%.26 The function returns the annualized
investment cost of the line, plus annual maintenance costs. If there are no large enough lines, two lines
can each carry half of the demand.
Finally these generation and network cost estimates for the two cases can be compared.
If the sum of the case 1 costs are lower than the case 2 costs, then the candidate MST connection is
activated and the two clusters are joined into one cluster.
The voltage drop tolerance can be changed in the line cost estimate function. The voltage drop is calculated for
each conductor in the RNM catalog by using the MATPOWER Matlab toolbox (Zimmerman, Murillo-Sánchez, &
Thomas, 2011).
Each final grid extension cluster defines a set of customers that are included in a single grid extension
design problem that will be sent to the greenfield RNM. The process of actually producing this grid
extension design, calculating its cost, and comparing it to the cost of off-grid electrification is described
in the following chapter. It is important to remember that grid extension clusters just describe that a
group of customers should be considered together when producing a candidate grid extension design—
the grid extension clusters that this process produces are not yet associated with any particular
connections to the existing grid and may not receive grid connections in the final design.
The process of building grid extension clusters is similar to the process of building off-grid clusters. The
same basic paradigm of listing potential connections and then evaluating whether to activate each one
is used. In the off-grid clustering, the basic question for each candidate connection was: “If the
customers in these two clusters were to receive off-grid systems, would it be cheaper to build one
system for them all together or two separate systems?” Alternatively, for grid-extension clustering, the
question to consider for each candidate connection is: “If the customers in at least one of these two
clusters will be connected to the grid, would it be better to connect them all to the grid together, or to
give separate systems to the two clusters?”
1. The candidate connections between customers are defined by the same MST that was built in
the off-grid clustering process. Assume initially that all of the connections that were activated in
the off-grid clustering process are still activated, so that each off-grid cluster (microgrid or
isolated system) is its own grid-extension cluster. The grid extension clustering starts with this
off-grid clustering (as opposed to initially considering that every customer is separate) in order
to ensure that a single off-grid cluster is not split over more than one grid extension cluster.
2. Number the remaining MST connections—those that are not activated—by length, from
shortest to longest. This defines the order in which connections will be evaluated.
3. For each candidate connection, evaluate whether to activate it and joint the customers on
either side of it into a single grid-extension cluster. This is done based on a cost estimate and
comparison which is described in more detail below. This cost comparison is similar to the one
done in the off-grid clustering process, but it includes estimates of the cost of connection to the
4. Once all of the candidate connections have been considered, the sets of interconnected
customers are the final grid-extension clusters. Each grid-extension cluster represents a set of
customers which will receive a candidate grid-extension design in a single call to the greenfield
Here is a description of step 3, in which REM estimates the cost difference between joining two grid-
extension clusters into a single cluster and keeping them separate. The basic idea is the same as the off-
grid clustering comparison, where network and generation costs are estimated and compared between
options. The main difference is that the scenarios considered assume that at least one of the clusters
will be connected to the existing grid.
Following are diagrams of the scenarios considered and descriptions of estimated costs for the cases
where the two clusters are joined into one. In these diagrams the heavy black lines represent existing
medium voltage grid lines, the heavy blue lines represent extensions of the medium voltage grid, and
the blue squares represent transformers. The thin blue lines represent connections between customers,
and the shaded ovals represent the areas covered by each of the two clusters that could be joined.
Scenario 1: Two clusters connected together, Scenario 2: Two clusters connected together,
and to the grid through cluster 1. and to the grid through cluster 2.
1. Procurement of grid energy, plus non-served energy cost for clusters 1 and 2.
2. Cost of a line from the center of cluster 1 to the nearest MV line, carrying power of the total
peak demand of clusters 1 and 2 together.
3. Cost of a transformer with capacity of the total peak demand of clusters 1 and 2 together.
4. Cost of a line from the center of cluster 1 to the center of cluster 2, carrying the power of the
peak demand of cluster 2.
1. Procurement of grid energy, plus non-served energy cost for clusters 1 and 2.
2. Cost of a line from the center of cluster 2 to the nearest MV line, carrying power of the total
peak demand of clusters 1 and 2 together.
3. Cost of a transformer with capacity of the total peak demand of clusters 1 and 2 together.
4. Cost of a line from the center of cluster 1 to the center of cluster 2, carrying the power of the
peak demand of cluster 1.
Following are diagrams of the scenarios considered and descriptions of estimated costs for the cases
where the two clusters kept separate. In these diagrams, as above, the heavy black lines represent
existing medium voltage grid lines, the heavy blue lines represent extensions of the medium voltage
grid, and the blue squares represent transformers. The thin blue lines represent connections between
customers, and the shaded ovals represent the areas covered by each of the two clusters that could be
joined. Additionally, the blue triangles represent local generation sites for off-grid systems.
Scenario 3: Two clusters each connected to the Scenario 4: Cluster 1 connected to the grid,
grid separately. cluster 2 off-grid.
2. Cost of a line from the center of cluster 2 to the nearest MV line, carrying power of the total
peak demand of cluster 2.
3. Cost of a transformer with capacity of the total peak demand of cluster 2.
4. Cost of off-grid energy for cluster 1.
There are two versions of the REM clustering logic. In the first, the lowest cost of the first two scenarios
(i.e. the lowest cost with the candidate connection activated and the clusters joined) is compared to the
lowest cost of scenarios 3-5 (i.e. the lowest cost with the candidate connection not activated then the
clusters kept separate). If the cost of scenario 1 or 2 is lowest, then the connection is activated and the
clusters are joined.
In the second version of the REM clustering logic, scenarios 1 and 2 are compared to scenario 3 only,
with scenarios 4 and 5 not being considered (i.e. the scenarios with one cluster being grid connected
and one receiving an off-grid system are not considered). While this second clustering logic considers
less options and will perform worse than the first in some cases, in other cases this clustering performs
better in practice. This may be because this second clustering logic avoids comparisons between ideally-
sized microgrids and grid extensions that are too small early in the clustering process, which could result
getting stuck in a local minimum of the clustering process.
Both of these two clustering logics were applied in the Vaishali study in various cases.
The off-grid energy costs and the line costs described above are calculated in the same way as they are
in the off-grid clustering step. The only new types of costs here are the grid energy and the transformer
cost estimate.
The grid energy cost has two components: the cost of procuring energy supply from the grid and the
cost to consumers for non-served demand. First, the quantities of demand that will be served and not
served are calculated using the total demand of the cluster(s) and the grid reliability data. Once this is
determined, the non-served demand is imposed a cost based on the costs of non-served energy for
critical and non-critical demand. For the part of the demand that is served, a cost is imposed for the
volume of that demand plus losses in the distribution grid at a rate of the cost of grid energy.27
The transformer cost is estimated as the cost of the smallest medium-to-low voltage transformer in the
RNM catalog with high enough capacity. If the total demand is greater than the capacity of the highest-
capacity transformer, the required capacity is covered by one or more of the largest transformers, plus
one smaller one (if needed).
The cost of grid energy is described in the data chapter.
This chapter describes the process of producing designs for various isolated systems, microgrid, and grid
extensions, and comparing their costs to determine the final electrification mode for each customer and
the final set of systems. The sets of systems to design and the cost comparisons to make were
determined in the clustering process that is described in the previous chapter. While the clustering
process relies on rough estimates of network costs, in this step more accurate network costs based on
detailed network designs are used.
1. For each off-grid cluster that is a microgrid, design a local generation system and distribution
network. Calculate the total cost of the microgrid.
2. Design an isolated system for the analysis region, and calculate its total cost. This design and
cost will apply to any customers in the analysis region that receive isolated systems.
3. Compare each microgrid cost to the cost of replacing the microgrid with a set of isolated
systems. Temporarily assign the relevant customers to whichever option (microgrid or isolated
system) has a lower cost.
4. At this point the lowest-cost off-grid design has been produced.
5. For each grid extension cluster, estimate the costs that do not depend on the network design
(grid energy, non-served demand, per-customer costs, and transformers of sufficient capacity).
If these costs are greater than the total cost of off-grid systems for the customers in the grid-
extension cluster, assign the customers to off-grid systems and skip steps 6 and 7. This is done
to save the time of designing grid extensions in cases where they are clearly not the least cost
6. Design the distribution network for the grid extension cluster. Calculate the total cost of the grid
7. Compare each grid extension cost to the total cost of off-grid systems for the relevant set of
consumers. Assign the consumers to the option (grid-extension or off-grid) that has lower cost.
8. At this point, the lowest-cost set of systems has been selected for the analysis region.
The details of how the designs are produced and costs calculated for the three electrification modes
(isolated system, microgrid, and grid-extension) are provided in the following sections.
from the local generation lookup table. This gives all isolated customers in a given analysis region
identical isolated system designs.
With the design specified, costs for the isolated system can be calculated. The general idea is to
estimate the annual costs for the “final year” in line with REM’s static model approach. Here are the
included costs for isolated systems:
The first two of these costs are “per-customer costs” and refer notionally to equipment and
maintenance done at the customer-level. This could include items such as meters and in-home wiring
and activities such as meter reading and payment collection. These costs are calculated based on
information in the settings. The annuities of investment costs are calculated using the provided
information about investment cost and lifetime for isolated system per-customer costs, plus the
discount rate.
The remaining costs fall out of the local generation design, and are already saved in the local generation
lookup table.
The per-customer costs and the design and costs associated with the local generation system are
produced in basically the same way as for the isolated system. There are only two differences in this
part. First, the per-customer costs are multiplied by the number of customers. Second, it is possible that
the local generation lookup table does not include a design for the exact size of this microgrid. In that
case, the design and costs are estimated by linear interpolation between the next largest and next
smallest microgrid sizes that are in the lookup table. This design by linear interpolation has some
weaknesses that should be addressed in future work. This includes specifying infeasible designs in
between lookup table entries with different generation mixes (e.g. in the transition between a solar-
battery system and a solar-diesel system).
The design elements and costs that are new for microgrids are those associated with the distribution
network. In order to produce distribution network designs and calculate their costs, REM takes
advantage of another model called the Greenfield Reference Network Model, which is described in
(Peco González, 2001). This model originally had the purpose of designing traditional distribution
networks in order to estimate costs of the distribution company. For REM, we call RNM in a particular
way and then post-process the results in order to be able to use them to make microgrid distribution
By default, RNM assumes that the transmission substations are the primary source of power to the
distribution grid, and power predominately flows from the transmission substation to high voltage lines,
high-to-medium voltage transformers, medium voltage lines, medium-to-low voltage transformers, low
voltage lines, and finally to the low voltage customers. The trick that REM uses to get RNM to produce
microgrid distribution networks is to specify the transmission substation location as the geographic
center of the microgrid.28 RNM then designs the network from the bottom up, starting with the low
voltage lines. If RNM places only one medium-to-low voltage transformer, in post-processing, REM
replaces that transformer with a local generation system, and removes any higher voltage elements that
RNM designed. Alternatively, if RNM requires multiple medium-to-low voltage transformers, and only
one high-to-medium voltage transformer, the high-to-medium voltage transformer is replaced with a
local generation site, and the higher voltage equipment designed by RNM is removed. If multiple high-
to-medium voltage transformers are required, the current REM implementation will not produce
sensible results. Thus far, this has not happened in practice.
In order to call RNM, a set of RNM input files must be built and then RNM is called with an executable
file. RNM reads the input files, processes them, and then produces a set of output files. The output files
include tables with cost and performance information about the design, plus a set of files in the
shapefile format which specify the geographic locations and paths of distribution grid elements.
The following table lists the most significant RNM input files and how they are produced for the design
of microgrid networks.
File Notes
Low voltage Information about the customers to be connected to the grid in low voltage.
customers Includes:
Customer location – X and Y coordinates projected in meters for all
the customers in the microgrid cluster. Z coordinate is set to 0 in
current implementation.29
Demand – calculated as the peak hourly demand for the year for
each customer.
Cost of non-served energy (low, medium, high) – low and high are
the costs of non-served energy for non-critical and critical demand.
Medium is a weighted average of the two.
In the future it might make sense to have the center point weighted by demand. Since all customers are of the
same type in the current implementation, this is a non-issue.
If elevation information is available, RNM can take this into account when producing network designs.
Transmission Information about any existing transmission substations. RNM assumes that
substations a transmission substation is always the power source that feeds the
distribution network. It is not relevant to the REM grid extension design, but
it must be included for RNM to run.
Location – specified as center of the microgrid cluster.
Catalog Information about available technical components (including conductors and
transformers) and some model parameters. Most of the catalog is included
in the case input data. Some catalog parameters are added during the
execution of REM.
The following table lists the catalog parameters which are added during the execution of REM. These
parameters are selected to reflect the “static model” approach of REM. Thus the design is produced to
meet technical requirements (e.g. voltage) in the final design year, and the costs considered are the
annuity of the investment costs and annual costs occurring in the final design year.30
The cost of losses is the way for RNM to consider whether to invest in higher capacity conductors in
order to reduce losses, and thus reduce the cost of electricity supply. It is necessary to consider this cost
within RNM because the interaction between network and generation costs would otherwise be
Within RNM there is a present value calculation of costs, including annual losses that could vary from year to
year. However, the RNM settings used by REM make every year look identical so that this present value calculation
does not influence the design.
ignored. When total systems costs are considered for the selection of electrification mode, however, the
cost of losses is not included because the actual costs of electricity supply are directly included instead.
Once the design is produced, REM extracts the costs of conductors and transformers (including annuity
of investment costs and annual maintenance costs) at the voltage levels which are required based on
the post-processing logic described above.
This single step process to design a microgrid distribution that could be only low voltage, or a mix of
medium and low voltage, is adulterated by the cost and capacity limits of the medium-to-low voltage
transformers (which are placeholders for local generation sites in the former case and are “real”
transformers in the latter case). It would likely be better to modify the RNM logic so that it is designed
for the purpose of designing microgrids and this impact of the transformers is not an issue.
Here are the cost which are considered for the grid extension option:
The per-customer costs are handled in the same way as they are for isolated systems and grid
extensions. The costs of energy purchased from the grid and demand not served are calculated in the
same way as they are in the clustering process.
The new piece is how to call the Greenfield RNM in order to produce the grid extension design. The
general approach is similar to how RNM is used for producing microgrid designs, with a few significant
differences in how the model is called and how the results are processed.
The following table lists the most significant RNM input files and how they are produced for the design
of grid extension networks. The main difference between this and the microgrid network design is that
there is an additional file for “imaginary” high-to-medium voltage transformers which actually represent
the potential locations to connect to the existing medium voltage network. The secondary side of each
of these transformers is at medium voltage, and RNM will consider them as potential medium voltage
connection points for new grid extensions. In post-processing, REM will ignore these imaginary
transformers and upstream infrastructure, and instead assume that the new medium voltage line
connects to an existing medium voltage line at the same location as the imaginary transformer. A set of
potential connection points is provided (10 of them) in case it makes sense to split up the grid extension
cluster into parts that are fed from different connection points. This is especially important if the grid
extension cluster is very large and could not be fed by a single connection point in medium voltage.31
File Notes
Low voltage Information about the customers to be connected to the grid in low voltage.
customers Includes:
Customer location – X and Y coordinates projected in meters for all
the customers in the grid-extension cluster. Z coordinate is set to 0
in current implementation.
Demand – calculated as the peak hourly demand for the year for
each customer.
Cost of non-served energy (low, medium, high) – low and high are
the costs of non-served energy for non-critical and critical demand.
Medium is a weighted average of the two.
High-to-medium Information about any existing high-to-medium transformers. From the REM
voltage transformers perspective, these transformers actually represent the potential locations to
connect to the existing medium voltage lines.
Location – locations are specified for connections points at the 10
nearest medium voltage line segments.
Transmission Information about any existing transmission substations. RNM assumes that
substations a transmission substation is always the power source that feeds the
distribution network. It is not relevant to the REM grid extension design, but
it must be included for RNM to run.
Location – specified as the location of the furthest away of the 10
medium voltage connection points from above.
Catalog Information about available technical components (including conductors and
transformers) and some model parameters. Most of the catalog is included
in the case input data. Some catalog parameters are added during the
execution of REM.
The following table lists the catalog parameters which are added during the execution of REM. These
parameters are selected to reflect the “static model” approach of REM. Thus the design is produced to
meet technical requirements (e.g. voltage) in the final design year, and the costs considered are the
annuity of the investment costs and annual costs occurring in the final design year.32
If the grid extension cluster is large enough, RNM may decide that a new high-to-medium voltage transformer is
needed, beyond the set of those transformers that represent medium voltage connection points. If this happens,
the final result will not be sensible. This error should be addressed in future work.
Within RNM there is a present value calculation of costs, including annual losses that could vary from year to
year. However, the RNM settings used by REM make every year look identical so that this present value calculation
does not influence the design.
RNM Input Value set in REM
(Spanish name in RNM documentation)
Discount rate Matches REM discount rate
(tasa de descuento)
Demand growth rate 0
(tasa de crecimiento demanda)
Network equipment lifetime Matches REM network equipment lifetime
(años de vida útil)
Years of demand growth Matches REM network equipment lifetime
(años de crecimiento)
Years of demand growth for calculating losses Matches REM network equipment lifetime
(años de crecimiento solo pérdidas)
Fraction of initial demand to consider for calculating Irrelevant (a small positive number—e.g.
losses after years of demand growth for calculating 0.01—will avoid RNM errors)
(k demanda hasta fin vida útil)
Cost of losses The cost of energy procured from the grid.33
(Coste de las pérdidas (moneda/kWh))
Once the design is produced, REM extracts the costs of conductors and transformers (including annuity
of investment costs and annual maintenance costs) for the new medium voltage lines, new medium-to-
low voltage transformers, and new low voltage lines.
The grid extension options considered and costs calculated in REM do not reflect all of the real options
for gird extension or all of the true costs. For example, REM does not consider the options of connecting
customers through extension of existing low-voltage or high-voltage lines. Also, REM does not plan for
or consider costs of upgrades that might be required to the upstream network as a result connecting
these additional customers.
One option for addressing these issues is to use the Brownfield Reference Network Model. This model
considers a greater range of connection options and also considers impacts and required investments in
the upstream grid. Unfortunately, there are some challenges associated with using the Brownfield RNM
in the process of deciding which should be the final electrification mode. First, the Brownfield RNM
takes much longer to execute than the Greenfield RNM, so it dramatically increases the time to solve a
study area. Second, when there are multiple grid extensions being solved independently, it becomes
complicated to determine required upstream investments and allocate their costs. Third, the Brownfield
RNM does not deal well with systems that are undersized for peak demand, but undersized distribution
infrastructure is very common in developing countries. These issues should be explored in future work.
The current implementation assumes that all connection points face the same cost of energy procured from the
grid. The model would need to be upgraded to allow consideration of varied energy costs from the various tapoffs.
One potential approach would be to use an estimate of upstream costs that can be quickly evaluated
during the process of selecting electrification mode, and then using the Brownfield RNM model once at
the very end of the process to design all of the grid extensions together.
Another limitation is that the selection of which medium voltage connection points to use within RNM is
based on distance only, and does not consider the cost of energy available at that connection point or
the reliability of energy from that connection point. The capabilities of RNM would need to be upgraded
to be able to consider these factors.
This chapter demonstrates the outputs that can be obtained from REM by examining some of the
outputs of the Vaishali study. Outputs discussed include demand profiles, local generation design and
simulation, clustering, network design, and results summaries. Then an analysis of the results is
Some different options were examined in several cases which were run for Vaishali. Most of these
options were described throughout the chapters that describe the data and model logic. Here is a
summary of the cases considered. The relevant features of the case are listed for the baseline scenario,
and then deviations are listed for the other cases.
In the figure, the black line represents the average customer profile over all 100 profiles in the profile
library, and the colored lines represent single customer profiles for the first three profiles in the library.
The average profile reveals daily and seasonal trends. In the cooler months, there is evening peak with
lighting and television demand, nighttime lighting, and little demand during the day. In warmer months,
the demand is significantly increased in the daytime and evening hours by fan usage.
The single customer profiles reveal some of the variation between profiles and the advantages of
aggregating customers. Single customer profiles tend to have a greater peak demand than the average
profile, which makes it more expensive to serve single customers.
Here are observations relevant to all three scenarios:
In general, microgrid service improves (in terms of fraction of demand served) and levelized cost
of energy (financial costs per unit energy provided) decreases as microgrid size increases. In the
best cases, microgrids can serve nearly all demand at around $0.30/kWh.34
There are four main “types” of designs produced: no system, solar only system, solar-battery
system, and diesel-solar system. 35
For many single customer systems, no system was provided (i.e. the model chose a size of zero
for all components).36 This implies that the costs of the smallest equipment may be too
expensive to support the AC architecture for very small systems (given the costs of non-served
energy, demand profile, solar resource, etc.). In practice, most single customer systems offered
in the market are DC systems.
In some cases of small systems a solar only option, with no battery storage is produced. These
designs are only able to cover about 17% of demand—essentially only daytime demand. In
practice, small solar systems almost always are paired with batteries, so perhaps this reflects a
lack of battery options in the catalog.
Small to medium size microgrids receive solar-battery systems, which serve around 35% of
Larger microgrids receive diesel-solar systems and serve most demand. It appears that systems
with diesel generators are not used in smaller microgrids because small enough generators are
not available. In some cases the reliability dips, which is likely due to a lack of generator size
options in the catalog. The demand growth scenario also had a dip in reliability for the largest
microgrid size because the largest generator in the catalog could not meet the demand.
Here are observations from comparison of the baseline run and the repeat of the baseline run:
Identical or nearly identical designs were produced across the baseline scenario and the repeat
of the baseline scenario. This suggests that the generation design logic is somewhat robust to
the random variations in demand profiles, and that the heuristic pattern search performs
consistently, at least in this case.
Here are observations from comparison of the baseline runs and the demand growth scenario:
The results across these scenarios are qualitatively similar, but with larger systems in the
demand growth scenario (and diesel-solar systems being provided to microgrids with fewer
customers). This should be expected because the demand in the demand growth scenario is just
a proportional increase of the baseline scenario demand. If demand was to grow in a non-
proportional way, the types of designs produced might look more significantly different. For
example, if demand growth was concentrated in the daylight hours, it is likely that systems with
more solar panels would be selected.
This cost per unit energy only includes the cost associated with the local generation site. Costs of the distribution
network and per-customer costs are not included.
Other design types—such as solar-battery-diesel—are possible, but were not produced in these cases.
In some analysis regions for the demand growth scenario, single customers were provided with solar systems.
Following the tables, are figures which show samples of how the dispatch of resources look in the REM
simulations of solar-battery and diesel-solar microgrids.
For the solar-battery systems, the solar resource can cover daytime demand and charge the batteries
during the day. The battery is used to cover most of the critical evening demand. Non-critical evening
and nighttime demand is mostly not covered. During the sunny months, the battery may get fully
charged during the middle of the day, and additional available solar resource is wasted. This inability to
make full use of resources in off-grid systems is a large driver of higher energy costs for these systems,
compared to reported costs of grid-tied solar energy.
For the diesel-solar systems, the solar panels cover daytime demand as available. The diesel generator
covers nearly all of the critical and non-critical evening and nighttime demand. During peak hours of the
year, the system may be capacity-constrained and not be able to serve all demand.
Baseline scenario local generation study results for region 1 – repeat trial:
10 1.10 0.30 1.08 5.06 0 0.35 0.61
31 3.28 0.95 2 0 2 0.94 0.51
96 9.99 2.92 6 0 7 0.97 0.43
301 31.11 9.17 21 0 20 0.95 0.39
942 97.08 28.70 63 0 100 1.00 0.39
2949 304.63 89.86 192.5 0 250 0.99 0.35
9231 950.55 281.27 516 0 750 0.98 0.33
28902 2979.95 880.71 1614 0 2250 0.98 0.33
Operation simulation for solar-battery system (demand indicated by the black line):
Operation simulation for diesel-solar system (demand indicated by the black line):
The following tables show examples of clustering results for various scenarios. Only region 1 results are
shown for scenarios in which region 1 refers to the same geographical area, just to give a sense of the
nature of the results and some differences between cases that can be observed visually. Each analysis
region has around 20 thousand customers, which are difficult to show in a single image. Thus, one
should be careful about the inferences drawn from the images.
In the first table, off-grid clustering results are shown for the baseline and demand growth scenario.
There is one cross for each customer, and customers in the same off-grid cluster have the same color
(there are many more clusters than microgrids, so colors repeat). Qualitatively, the two results are
similar, with many relatively small off-grid clusters. It is possible to get a deeper sense of the differences
in the clustering results by looking at distributions in cluster sizes.
The second table shows grid extension clustering results. There is a dot for each customer, where
customers in the same grid extension cluster have the same color.
The left column shows clustering results from runs in which the first clustering logic was used. In this
clustering logic, the cost of a single grid extension is compared to the cost of two separate grid
extensions, or to one grid extension and one microgrid. Under this clustering logic, very small grid
extension clusters are produced when grid reliability is poor, and large grid extension clusters are
produced for the perfect grid reliability case. This is likely driven by the trend that for small groups of
customers, microgrid is typically more cost-effective than a grid extension with an unreliable grid.
The right column shows results for cases with the second clustering logic, in which the cost of a single
grid extension is only compared to the cost of two separate grid extensions—i.e. the option of one grid
extension and one microgrid is not considered. In this case, much larger grid extension clusters are
produced. There are more and smaller clusters in the demand growth scenario compared to the
baseline scenario, perhaps reflecting that the higher demand per customer means that less customers
can be served by a single medium voltage grid extension.
Overall it seems that the second clustering logic performs better for the Vaishali case, because the many
small grid extension clusters produced in the first clustering logic stand no chance of being cost-effective
grid extensions. However, it is possible to think up scenarios in which the first clustering logic performs
better. Ultimately, each possible clustering logic may perform better or worse under certain
circumstances. In future work, clustering options should be examined under a wider range of scenarios
(e.g. real cases from other parts of the world) to get a better sense of which clustering logics perform
well over a range of scenarios.
Grid-extension clustering for region 1:
Demand Growth Scenario – Clustering Logic 1 Demand Growth Scenario – Clustering Logic 2
The following tables show images of the power system designs for the first analysis region from the
same cases shown in the clustering results above.
While it is difficult to see the details of the images given the large number of customers, it is possible to
clearly see which parts of the region get off-grid systems or grid extensions.
As expected based on the clustering results which produces many small grid extension clusters, the
baseline and demand growth scenarios with the first clustering logic produce no grid extensions and
select the entire region for off-grid.
Alternatively, the second clustering logic for these scenarios leads to grid extensions for parts of the
region. Interestingly, the parts of the region which get grid extension in the two cases are significantly
different. I believe the basic intuition driving the decision between off-grid and grid extension is related
to the idea that larger microgrids generally look better than large grid extensions (when grid reliability is
poor), but grid extensions still look better than the smaller microgrids. Since the larger and smaller
microgrids are all mixed up together in each grid extension cluster, then choice between grid and off-
grid depends on the distribution of off-grid system sizes in that grid extension cluster. Obviously, this is a
simplification of the situation, but I think the general intuition is valid.
For the case with perfect grid reliability, grid extension is selected for all customers. This is sensible,
since Vaishali is a relatively densely populated place with decent coverage of medium voltage power
Power system designs for region 1
Demand Growth Scenario – Clustering Logic 1 Demand Growth Scenario – Clustering Logic 2
The first table below shows images of the system design results for the entire district of Vaishali for
many cases. In general, these images show the same trends as what was observed in the single analysis
result images described in the previous section. The first clustering logic leads to all off-grid systems,
unless there is a more reliable grid. The second clustering logic leads to a mix of off-grid and grid
extensions. The differences between which areas get grid extension and off-grid varies, but not in a
straightforward fashion.
The subsequent tables show some summary metrics of the results for the cases. Here are some
observations based on looking at these results:
Despite the similarity between the generation lookup table for the baseline run and the repeat
of the baseline run, there are still significant differences in final results (with costs varying on the
order of 10%). This may reflect that small differences in the generation lookup table have
significant impacts to the clustering results. Alternatively, there could be other features of the
logic that are driving this difference (perhaps variation in assignment of demand to customers in
the clustering and design steps). This deserves further investigation in future work.
Comparing the results of a given scenario with the two alternative clustering logics supports the
intuition I described in the previous section about the choice between off-grid and grid
extension—basically that grid extension is more likely to be preferred where more of the
alternative off-grid systems are small. In going from clustering logic 1 to clustering logic 2 for all
of the demand scenarios (baseline, demand growth, and more buildings) a greater proportion of
isolated systems are converted to grid extensions than are microgrids. Thus it seems that grid
extensions on average look more favorable in places that cannot support larger average off-grid
system sizes.
As demand increase, either through demand growth or adding more customers, a greater
percentage of customers are selected for grid extension when the second clustering logic is
Across solutions with comparable total social cost per customer (financial cost plus cost of non-
served energy), there can be wide differences in the split of financial and non-served energy
cost. Financial costs are the more important consideration for feasibility of implementation,
since distribution companies and other system providers may have limited financial resources.
Images of final designs:
Demand Growth Scenario – Clustering Logic 1 Demand Growth Scenario – Clustering Logic 2
Images of final designs (continued):
More Buildings Scenario – Clustering Logic 1 More Buildings Scenario – Clustering Logic 2
Results Summary: Baseline Scenario – Clustering Logic 1 – Repeat Trial:
Results Summary: Demand Growth Scenario – Clustering Logic 1:
Results Summary: More Buildings Scenario – Clustering Logic 2:
By splitting up analysis regions and solving them in parallel, it was possible to produce a full set of
results for the entire district in around 7 hours for each case. This makes it feasible to consider many
cases in a planning exercise to explore alternative policy or technical options, or to explore data
sensitivities. This opens up the possibility for much more rigorous and accurate planning of
electrification policy and implementation than was previously available.
It is important to remember, however, that one should be cautious in interpreting the results of REM for
Vaishali district, and in general. Some considerations related to interpretation of REM results and
limitations of the model are listed below:
Difference in the REM results from run to run could sometimes be based on idiosyncrasies in the
model logic rather than “real” differences between the cases. The analyst should be careful to
ensure the model is delivering consistent results before making major conclusions.
In the Vaishali case, REM was only aiming to minimize total social cost, but was not considering
many other important considerations than could impact the feasibility or desirability of
solutions. Other considerations include access to financing or sufficient subsidy, ability of
businesses to support installation and operation of the systems, ability of consumers to pay, and
local preferences. For example, customers or businesses might prefer to consolidate small
microgrids into larger ones, if the costs are not dramatically different, or they could prefer the
While REM provides detailed designs down to the customer level, errors in local data and local
implementation considerations will often necessitate modifications to the specific designs. Thus
REM is best suited to producing aggregate metrics about the systems over larger areas, rather
than information about very specific locations.
REM considers demand as given, and thus does not consider reducing demand through more
efficient appliances as an option. In practice, efficient appliances are especially relevant to
remote areas where the cost per unit energy is very high.
REM in the Vaishali considered only a single AC architecture for power systems. In practice,
different architectures may be desirable in some cases, such as DC systems or centralized
battery charging without distribution wires. Preferred architectures in practice depend on many
more considerations than cost minimization.
REM is a static model, yet it includes many parameters which are dynamic and uncertain. Special
care should be given to such parameters including demand, reliability of the grid, and costs of
grid power and diesel fuel.
REM in the current implementation does not consider costs of upstream upgrades to the grid.
This feature should be added in future work.
Since many systems produced by REM have far from perfect reliability, the costs of non-served
energy are very significant and should be treated with care. REM assumes non-served energy
costs are discounted equivalently to financial costs, which is not necessarily always a justified
In deciding between off-grid systems and grid extension for an area, there will often be winners
and losers for either case, in terms of total social cost per customer and quality of electricity
service. Thus some level of community engagement may be important to make the right
Based on the clustering of systems, customers may be put into more or less expensive systems
and better or worse performing systems more or less by chance. A policy solution may be
important to ensure that decisions about service and tariffs are equitable to an appropriate
Even if a particular solar microgrid can serve less demand than the grid, the microgrid generally
has the advantage of providing more predictable service. Most of the critical evening peak
demand is covered on most days by the microgrid, whereas the grid is least reliable during the
peak hours of critical demand and its availability may be subject to political interference.
REM considers investments in a single step, but in reality multi-step planning is important. This
should be considered in future work. An especially interesting angle would be to explore if it
makes sense to build grid-compatible microgrids in the near-term, which can be connected to
the grid at a later time. This, of course, would also depend on the development of technical and
legal/business standards for the connection of microgrids to the grid.
This chapter lists some of the priority areas for future work on the Reference Electrification Model.
Many of these topics are discussed in more context and detail in the preceding chapters, but this list can
serve as a convenient reference that consolidates ideas about future work.
General improvements:
1. REM is currently implemented as a static model (in that variation in parameters from year to
year are not considered) with a single decision step (in that only one set of investment decisions
is made). REM could be improved by considering year-to-year variations in parameters such as
demand, degradation of components, reliability of power from the grid, and fuel costs. REM
could also be improved by considering that investment decisions could be made in multiple
stages (e.g. build microgrids in one year and then connect the microgrids to the grid in a later
2. It would be beneficial to run cases of REM with additional sensitivities to get a better sense of
how different variables influence the final results. Some care should be taken to determine
where these influences are “real” effects of the variable on the optimal design, versus
idiosyncrasies or errors in the model logic.
3. For a given set of input data and parameters, it appears that REM can still have some significant
variation in final results from run to run. Some care should be taken to determine the source of
this variability, and to modify the model and/or produce guidelines for its use so that this
variability is minimized, if possible.
4. Many of the heuristics contained within REM and potential alternatives will tend to work better
or worse in different cases, depending on the input data. REM should be applied to a wider
range of relevant cases in order to get a sense of which approaches perform well in which
situations. The approaches that are successful over a broad range of scenarios should be used
by default.
Customer data:
5. Improvements should be made to the method of identifying customers, including improving the
building identification algorithms and adding the ability to include customers that are not
associated with buildings.
6. If multiple types of customers are to be considered for a given run of REM, there will need to be
a way to assign each customer to a customer type. Work could be done on assigning customer
type based on extracted features from the satellite imagery, such as assigning larger demand to
larger buildings.
7. Improvements should be made to the method of estimating the locations of customers that are
already connected to the grid.
8. The current representation of residential demand should be validated with real data.
Additionally, additional demand representations for other customer types should be produced.
For example this could include residential customers with various appliance sets, agricultural
customers, and commercial customers.
9. In a dynamic or multi-step model, it would be interesting to look at changes in demand from
year to year other than proportional demand growth. This could be represented through
customers transitioning from one demand type to another.
10. Different clustering logics should be explored in a variety of scenarios to get a better sense of
which perform well in which cases. Changes to the clustering logic could include starting with
the assumption of all customers being connected (rather than starting from them being
separate) and having tighter integration with the clustering logic that is internal to RNM for grid
extension design.
11. The performance of the cost difference estimates in the clustering step should be explored in
more detail.
12. If multiple customer types are used, the calculation of the location of the cluster’s center should
be weighted by demand.
13. The off-grid system costs, including the method of parametrizing the costs and the particular
values, should be improved based on a study of actual costs of off-grid systems. So far,
companies have been very protective of this information.
14. Alternate architectures for the local generation site should be considered. These include:
a. Generation assets distributed throughout a microgrid, to reduce network costs or
support customer autonomy or new business models.
b. More than one diesel generator, to allow more efficient diesel generator operation.
c. Inclusion of other generation sources, such as micro-hydro.
d. Grid-interactive architectures.
15. The method of producing a generation lookup table should be modified to accommodate
multiple customer types.
16. The method of selecting the solar panel and battery type should be improved.
17. The operation simulation could be modified to minimize the impact of the first hours of the
simulation, before the battery state of charge reaches “steady state.”
18. Alternative dispatch logics should be considered for the operation simulation, including
considering forecasting, optimization, and matching operations with various system
19. In the current dispatch logic, the cost of curtailing demand as a resource to charge the battery
should be corrected.
20. The representation of losses in the generation simulation should be improved, so that they are
not just proportional to energy flow.
21. Improved representations of PV capacity degradation, battery capacity degradation, and other
year to year effects should be explored.
22. Improvements should be made in using the lookup table to produce the final designs and costs
for microgrids. This could include making adjustments based on local prices (such as a
remoteness penalty), and based on the expected losses (which will vary with the size and shape
of the microgrid). Additionally, the method of linear interpolation to determine the final design
should be improved so that it does not produce infeasible designs.
Distribution network design:
23. The data about the locations and components of the existing grid should be validated and
24. The costs of providing energy from the grid to various parts of the network should be validated.
The ability to better account for different energy costs from different parts of the grid should be
25. The representation of and data about availability of power from the grid could be improved to
account for seasonal effects and variations in availability in different parts of the network.
26. The network catalog should be simplified to reduce the data collection burden, especially by
removing features that are less relevant for rural electrification.
27. The catalog values for the current case should be validated with more actual data from grid
extension and microgrid projects.
28. Additional catalogs should be produced based on lower-cost distribution options.
29. The catalog and model should be expanded to better consider single phase and DC power
30. The consideration of the grid extension option should be improved through considering more
options for grid extension (including extensions in low voltage and high voltage) and considering
upstream costs that may be imposed by extensions. This could be accomplished by applying a
version of the brownfield RNM.
31. New RNM modules should be developed that are catered to the REM needs in microgrid design,
grid extension design, and network cost estimates. This could improve the quality of results, by
avoiding clumsy post-processing and some errors that are caused in this step. Additionally, this
could improve model execution by integrating the model into REM, rather than requiring the
writing and reading of many files to pass data. One of the features of these new modules should
be to consider networks that are not sized for peak demand, and are instead capacity restricted
at some times, since this is a common feature of networks in the developing world.
While REM is a useful and valuable tool in its ability to find cost-efficient technical system designs, there
are many other systemic challenges that will still impede progress towards universal electricity access.
Regulatory reform is one important avenue to address many of these challenges. Given that electricity
access might be best provided through collective systems that may become natural monopolies, a layer
of government oversight is often critical to support efficient and fair outcomes. Regulation serves as a
link between electrification policy and implementation, and forces officials to make tough tradeoffs
between conflicting objectives.
Regulatory reform has been a hot topic in India over the past several decades, and major reforms were
introduced through the Electricity Act of 2003. While that regulation was primarily focused on improving
the performance of the national grid, it also provided some support to the relative immature industry of
off-grid system providers by allowing companies to distribute electricity in rural areas without a license.
That provision was likely important to supporting the growth in off-grid system providers over the last
Now with some more years of perspective and industry and technology development, it is becoming
clear that India’s regulation regarding electricity access is not sufficient—either for the provision of
reliable electricity service through the existing grid, or for the adequate coverage of other customers
through off-grid systems. Regulation of off-grid systems, in particular, has received attention of late. For
example in 2012 India’s Central Electricity Regulatory Commission sponsored the writing of draft
regulation for off-grid electrification, which provides a pathway for off-grid system providers to become
franchisees of the distribution company and eventually connect to the main grid.
This chapter discusses some of my ideas about potentially useful regulatory reforms to support universal
electricity access in India. It also highlights some opportunities for computer models, such as REM, to
support more effective regulation, especially in the harmonization of grid extension and off-grid system
Even if a DISCOM had the financial resources (e.g. via subsidy) to provide reliable grid service to all
customers within a service area, this would not necessarily be a prudent use of resources. For some
customers, especially those living in very remote areas and those who would demand small volumes of
electricity, an off-grid system—such as a microgrid or home system—would be the least-cost approach
to providing appropriate electricity service. While DISCOMs could hypothetically provide or facilitate
off-grid systems in order to meet a universal service obligation, the business of managing off-grid power
systems is quite different from the usual business of a DISCOM in a centralized power system.
Additionally, the best methods (in terms of technologies and business models) for implementing and
managing off-grid power systems are not yet well-understood, so many new ideas will need to be tried,
which could more easily come from many competing entities rather than a few DISCOMs.
While a DISCOM, as a sanctioned monopoly, ought to have some service obligation, a service obligation
for customers which the DISCOM is not equipped—financially or functionally—to serve does not make
sense. Thus, the universal service obligation of the DISCOMs should be modified so that they are
obligated to provide a reasonable quality of service to all those customers whose least-cost
electrification mode is the grid. Concurrent with this, other regulatory changes must be made to enable
that this level of service is actually provided. Section 2 of this chapter discusses changes to the current
regulation that should be made to enable acceptable electricity service for grid-connected consumers.
For those customers that would be better served by off-grid systems, a totally new regulatory approach
is required. This approach should accommodate the fuzzy interface between the areas appropriate for
on-grid and off-grid electrification and distinguish between various potential business and technical
approaches. Recommendations for the regulation of off-grid systems are described in section 3.
Regulators should make this determination considering the goal of maximizing social welfare, via the
minimization of the cost of electricity service and the social costs of non-served electricity demand and
lack of electricity access. Other relevant social and practical considerations should also factor into these
Estimates of least cost electrification modes for various areas could be estimated based on judgment
and experience or rough indicators, such as population density, distance from the grid, and income
level. However, since profit margins and subsidy dollars tend to be tight in the world of rural
electrification, a more sophisticated approach may be warranted to support efficient use of financial
resources. This is a place where computer models such as REM can provide significant value.
8.2.1 Addressing incentives of the DISCOMs
A first regulatory change which would support reliable electricity access in grid-connected areas is the
restructuring of the entities responsible for distribution and retail. Currently, the activities of managing
the electricity distribution infrastructure and selling electricity to end consumers are typically
undertaken by a single entity, known as a distribution company, or DISCOM. These DISCOMs are usually
state-owned companies which were established around the time the Electricity Act, 2003 required
unbundling of the State Electricity Boards into separate generation, transmission, and distribution
companies. The State Electricity Boards were elements of the state governments that managed the
vertically integrated and state-owned power system in each state. In the spirit of power system
liberalization activities around the world, the Electricity Act was intended to promote efficiency and
competition in order to reduce costs, improve service, and encourage private investment. In order to
ensure that these benefits were achieved, independent regulatory agencies were implemented to
oversee the power sector.
In reality, however, regulators have had limited success in driving DISCOMs towards efficiency and
competition. DISCOMs are often driven instead by short-term political goals, due to the close
connection between DISCOMs and the state governments (Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012). Activities of
DISCOMs in line with these short-term political considerations include:
- Allowing tariffs to be below the cost of service and allowing low payment collection rates and
rampant theft, in order to generate votes
- Procuring supply through politically favored companies or state-owned entities (often under
cost-plus contracts) rather than via competition to ensure least cost
- Inefficient operations through maintaining excessive staffs (potentially related to providing jobs
as political favors)
- Being slow to enable open-access to the distribution system, in order to reduce competition and
maintain political power (Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012).
As a result of these activities, DISCOM costs are high and revenues are low, meaning that they are
constantly losing money. As a state-owned company, this revenue inadequacy is mitigated in the short-
term by state subsidies and state debt. But over time, the burden of subsidies and debt have become
too large, which has created additional problems. DISCOMs are unable to adequately invest in
distribution infrastructure, which means they cannot afford adequate grid extension (directly impacting
energy access). They cannot afford required maintenance and upgrades for existing infrastructure,
which leads to high losses (further increasing cost) and poor service. Their poor financial state make
DISCOMs risky business partners, and they are not able to attract sufficient investments in generation
(Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012).
Eventually, due to lack of capacity and high costs, DISCOMs are forced to resort to massive load-
shedding, resulting in frequent blackouts and unpredictable service. The costs are highest and revenues
lowest in the rural areas, leading to especially poor service in those areas. In the cities the frequent
blackouts are a significant frustration and economic burden, often requiring households and businesses
to invest in expensive backup systems. In many rural areas, however, the service is so poor that it is
debatable whether it should count as even basic electricity access. For example, a 2006 survey found
that households in Bihar faced blackouts nearly every day and the average outage was for 16 hours
(Santhakumar, 2008).
94 Improving strength and independence of regulators
The myopic and politically-driven activities of many of the DISCOMs in India are certainly not in the spirit
of the reforms of the Electricity Act, 2003. But the blame should not be placed solely on them. Under
the Electricity Act, it is the responsibility of the regulators to oversee the activities of the DISCOMs and
other utilities to enforce compliance with relevant laws and policies. While the DISCOMs have incentive
to act in their own self-interest (typically reflecting the interests of politicians who are in power), the
regulators are supposed to be independent from politics and act in the long-term interest of the people
and investors. Unfortunately, state regulators in India often lack the independence and strength to act
Regarding independence, several factors keep the regulators interests in line with the interests of state
politicians and the DISCOMs. These include:
- Lack of financial independence, due to dependence on the state governments for grants (Kumar
& Chatterjee, 2012)
- Selection of regulators based on considerations of political patronage, rather than regulatory
experience (Bhattacharyya & Palit, 2013).
Regarding strength, regulators have limited instruments to enforce compliance with regulations.
Typically, regulators may use financial incentives to encourage good behavior by regulated entities. But
when the regulated entity is a state-owned company, profits are secondary to political objectives and
fines can be absorbed by state budgets. Thus, even an independent regulator with the best intentions
would have limited ability to enforce that the state-owned DISCOMs follow the regulation. In practice,
most regulators do not even attempt to impose any penalties (Bhattacharyya & Palit, 2013).
The following changes are recommended to improve the ability of regulators to effectively enforce
regulation that supports current and emerging laws and policies:
- Guarantee regulatory agency funding outside of the annual state budgeting process, in order to
support financial independence
- Require that at least one member of the regulatory commission be a non-Indian with regulatory
experience, in order to encourage competence and impartiality of the commission
- Allow the regulator to impose personal fines against management of utilities and to revoke the
license of utilities in extreme cases, in order to give effective enforcement tools for regulation of
state-owned entities.
- Mandate regulators to make public detailed statistics of quality of service of the DISCOMs that
they regulate and to establish comparison with the data from other states and other parts of the
One issue is that there is no recognition of retailing as an authorized separate activity in the Electricity
Act, which makes retail competition practically nonexistent. This means that a competing retailer would
need to also be a distributor and thus would need a redundant distribution infrastructure. Since
distribution is a natural monopoly, this leads either to unnecessary costs or a lack of retail competition.
In practice, there have been few cases of more than one co-located distribution company (Kumar &
Chatterjee, 2012). Distribution and retail should be recognized as separate activities in the Electricity
Act so that it is at least possible for retail competition to exist on a single distribution infrastructure.
Secondly, since distribution and retail are performed together, it is difficult to apply best practice
regulation regarding allowed revenues and incentives to each activity. There should be at least
accounting unbundling between distribution and retailing to allow separate and appropriate economic
regulation to be used for each activity. This accounting unbundling is also recommended in (Kumar &
Chatterjee, 2012).
These two changes—recognizing distribution and retail as separate activities and requiring at least
accounting unbundling between distribution and retail—would enable targeted regulation to be put in
place to help improve the distribution and retail functions.
The distribution activity should be remunerated based on a revenue cap—so that distributors are not
incentivized to encourage excess consumption—and a methodology to encourage efficiency, such as
RPI-X (Pérez-Arriaga, 2013). This should be augmented with incentives for improvements in quality of
service up to an optimal level, improvements in losses up to an optimal level, and providing connections
to more customers. The revenue cap and incentive parameters could be determined via the use of a
reference network model (Pérez-Arriaga, 2013).
In this case, the use of a reference network model is important in order to estimate and set targets for
technical losses, because without such a technical model it would be difficult to distinguish technical
losses (which should be the responsibility of the distribution activity) from non-technical losses (which
should be the responsibility of the retail activity). Thus, this is another area where computer models like
REM can support regulation to support electricity access.
On the one hand, open retail competition could allow more innovation and greater diversity with
respect to the service provided to customers. Different customer classes may desire different service
levels and features and be willing to pay different rates for the service. For example, wealthy
households may be willing to pay more for non-interrupted service, while poorer households may be
willing to accept lower service levels at lower rates.
On the other hand, retail competition creates an issue with respect to theft. If retailers can choose their
customers, who will be responsible for those illegal grid users that are not customers? Additionally,
retail may be a natural monopoly in some remote areas, since the default payment method is door-to-
door collection and the cost of getting to the village to collect may be high compared to the potential
revenue from electricity sales.
This method would allow for a great diversity of retail models to be implemented, in order to address
the variety of desired service characteristics and the need for innovation in retail.
In order to protect consumers and reduce transaction costs of this scheme, regulators should establish
standard minimum retailer requirements and templates for standard contract terms. Retailer
requirements should include the obligation to procure supply competitively, rather than via cost-plus
arrangements with single preferred parties. This would mitigate the issue with current DISCOMs in
which they overpay for supply from politically-favored private companies or state-owned generation
(Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012). Retailers should also be required to project demand and contract adequate
supply for any expected growth, which has historically not been done by DISCOMs (Kumar & Chatterjee,
Customers above a certain size (certainly at least those connecting to the grid at medium or high
voltage) should be given full open access to the network, meaning that they can use the network to
purchase power from any supplier. Open-access serves as another mechanism of retail competition to
encourage efficient and high quality service (Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012). Efforts should be made to
allow nondiscriminatory network access, such as isolating transmission utilities and system operators
from financial interests in incumbent retailers (Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012).
In practice, there have been positive experiences with distribution and retail privatization in India,
although there have certainly been mistakes to learn from.
in 2005-6 to 39 percent in 2008-9 (Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012). Challenges in Orissa have been tied to
lack of support from the state in the transition to privatization (Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012). These
examples show that there is great potential in privatization, but the transition must be taken with care.
In another model, known as the franchisee model, a state-owned distribution company may contract
out part of their responsibilities to a private company. This model also has examples of success. In one
case, a distribution franchisee in Bhiwandi reduced losses from 40% to 18% and improved payment
collection from 61% to 99% between 2006 and 2009 (Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012).
Given the promise of privatization in distribution and retail and the great challenges regulators have in
controlling state-owned companies, regulators should be given the power to initiate privatization of
elements of distribution and retail for chronically underperforming state-owned companies. It is worth
noting, though, that despite the strong performance of some private utilities, the Indian public still feels
significant uncertainty about the potential for improvements via utility privatization (Santhakumar,
With increased privatization of distribution and retail, increased strength and independence of
regulators, and increased community choice of service level, appropriate tariffs should naturally result
for most consumers. Retailers can decide, based on the nature of their service area, whether to offer
simple tariffs or more advanced schemes. I think there would be interesting opportunities for retailers
to innovate in low-cost methods for providing time-dependent pricing signals to consumers, without
depending on expensive sophisticated meters for every customer.
There are still, however, some items which could lead to revenue inadequacy which must be addressed.
These include customers who cannot afford the minimum socially guaranteed level of service, the
policy-based subsidies to certain customer classes (especially agriculture), and theft or non-payment.
These issues are addressed below.
98 Subsidies for the poor
To the extent that electricity is seen as a basic social right, or a critical enabler of development, the
government may choose to establish a basic universal service guarantee.
No matter the level of basic service, there will be some customers who cannot afford to pay for the full
cost of this level of service. The total quantity of this revenue gap will depend on the level of service.
For a very minimal level of service, for example power for a few lights and a phone charger for 4-6 hours
per day, most customers should be able to pay. Experience has shown that much of the rural poor are
already paying for lighting (often from candles or kerosene) and phone charging (from local
entrepreneurs), and rates they pay are far above the costs of grid electricity. If a higher level of service
was guaranteed—for example service deemed sufficient for productive uses to spur development—the
induced revenue gap would likely be larger.
In either case, some mechanism must be used to allow that this service is provided and to address the
revenue gap. One strategy is to charge the poor lower tariffs, and recoup the missing revenue via a
government subsidy to utilities. A second is to charge the poor lower tariffs, and recoup the missing
revenue via a cross-subsidy, where the utility charges another class of customers more than their costs.
A third strategy is to charge the poor tariffs that reflect the cost of service, and provide a direct subsidy
to the consumers to allow them to afford the minimum guaranteed level of consumption.
Historically, India has favored a combination of the first two strategies. They charge poor consumers
lower rates, and attempt to make up for the revenue deficit via direct government subsidy and a cross-
subsidy in which industrial and commercial consumers are charged higher rates (Kumar & Chatterjee,
2012). This has led to several issues. Since the poor do not see the true marginal cost of their
consumption, they are encouraged to waste energy and not invest in higher-efficiency appliances with
higher upfront cost. This increases the amount of missing revenue that must be found by utilities.
When commercial and industrial customers are charged rates that are higher than costs, many choose
to find an alternate supplier or depend on on-site generation. This effect combined with the first, leads
to increasing government subsidy requirements in order to cover the costs of utility operation.
Eventually the governments cannot afford these subsidies, utilities cannot afford to invest, and system
quality deteriorates. The result is that we aspired to give the poor affordable electricity access, but
instead gave them almost none.
In response to these experiences, and basic economic principles, the third strategy is recommended, in
which poor consumers still see the appropriate cost signals, but receive a direct subsidy to support basic
consumption. This strategy would likely also have some complications. For example, the process of
distributing the subsidy to consumers could be challenging and consumers might use the subsidy for
things besides electricity. One potential approach to address these concerns would be to allow retailers
to manage the subsidy for consumers, to simplify logistics and tie the subsidy directly to electricity use.
In this case, appropriate protections would need to be put in place prevent abuse by the retailers.
unaffordable. A few measures should be put in place to make any preferential electricity rates to
farmers affordable.
First, subsidized farming consumption should be metered where possible. Currently, consumption of
farmers are estimated based on the horsepower of their allowed irrigation pumps (Kumar & Chatterjee,
2012). But there are strong incentives for farmers to attach additional illegal pumps or use the power
supply for non-approved purposes. Since there is no metering, and technical and non-technical losses
on the network are so high, it is difficult to know how much extra subsidized electricity is being
consumed and by whom.
Second, regulators should implement a similar tariff scheme to the one recommended for the poor, in
which farmers see the full cost of their consumption in the tariff and receive a separate subsidy. This
will reduce the risk that this subsidy becomes unaffordable and will allow farmers to respond to efficient
economic signals.
Finally, with more metering and stricter enforcement of subsidized consumption limits, farmers might
complain that they can no longer afford to irrigate their land. This is likely related to the use of
inefficient pumps and inefficient flood-irrigation techniques. Regulators should encourage energy
service companies to facilitate installation of energy and water efficient irrigation systems in order to
yield utility bill savings. Metering and stricter enforcement should be rolled in gradually after a warning
period, to provide farmers and energy service companies time to make required investments.
The first, and probably best strategy, to reduce non-technical losses is to provide acceptable quality of
service. If customers are pleased with their service, they will value it and be more likely to be willing to
Secondly, community and social pressures can be leveraged to prevent theft and encourage payment.
Both positive and negative pressure are potential tools. As an example of positive social pressure, Tata
Power Delhi Distribution Limited has actively engaged in community development and education, in
parallel with improvements in service, in order to encourage residents of urban slums to pay for
electricity service. As an example of negative social pressure, Maharashtra has tied load shedding for
various regions to the level of non-technical losses (Kumar & Chatterjee, 2012). In this way, reduced
theft is rewarded with better service, and vice versa.
Finally, the strong profit motives that come with privatization seem to naturally lead to reduced theft
and increased payment collection. While state-owned utilities may prefer to accept losses rather than
facing public pressure against cracking down on payment collection, private for-profit entities do not
have this level of mixed incentives. Some examples of dramatic reductions in losses through
privatization were mentioned above.
Appropriate regulation for areas that can be well-served by the main grid will go a long way towards
enabling universal electricity access. But it will take some time for the grid to reach everywhere it is
currently the least-cost electrification mode, and many places would currently be more efficiently
served by off-grid systems.
Off-grid electricity systems fall on a spectrum, including devices, single home systems, and microgrids.
Along this spectrum, different business models are possible, including system sale, system leasing, and
providing electricity as a service. It is likely that a single regulatory approach will not be appropriate for
all systems and business models.
Additionally, off-grid electrification activities will need to be coordinated with on-grid activities, in order
to ensure that both activities can be viable and to minimize wasteful duplication of effort.
Finally, regulation of off-grid electricity systems should pay particular attention to broader
Recommendations regarding these issues are discussed in the rest of this section.
“Rule 1—Regulation is a means to an end. What ultimately matters are the outcomes (such as
sustainable electrification)—not regulatory rules.
Rule 2—The benefits of regulation must exceed the costs of regulation.” (Reiche, 2006).
While common regulatory paradigms have been developed for centralized electric grids, it is crucial to
not attempt to blindly apply those to off-grid systems without consideration of these golden rules.
The conditions that make it challenging to provide centralized electricity service in certain areas—
especially remoteness and poverty—also make it difficult to implement enforceable and affordable
regulation. Carelessly implemented requirements would be ignored or make it so that business is
impossible. Off-grid systems have different cost structures and enable different business models, which
may not fit well under standard remuneration and tariff-setting procedures. Based on these
considerations, regulation of many off-grid systems ought to be significantly different in nature and less
in quantity compared to regulation of the main electric grid.
However, there are still strong justifications for why some regulation is appropriate. Some forms of
regulation can protect consumers from systems that are of poor quality or unsafe and protect them
from companies exerting monopoly power. Regulation can also help to reduce business risk for
companies, so that providing electricity access becomes a profitable business in more places.
Regulation can encourage conformity to standards that enable interoperability and expandability, so
that investments in initial off-grid systems do not all become stranded assets as demand changes and
the main grid reaches the area.
Thus a balanced approach is required, where simple and enforceable regulations are implemented in
the cases where they are justified.
8.3.2 Current situation in India
Currently, India has taken a mostly hands-off approach to the regulation of off-grid power systems. The
Electricity Act, 2003 allowed for the distribution of electricity in rural areas without a license. This has
allowed for many small companies and non-governmental organizations to engage in the provision of
electricity through off-grid systems, without government involvement. These groups have implemented
systems with a wide variety of technical and business models. In parallel, several government agencies—
including the Ministry of Power, the Ministry of Rural Development, the Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy, and state agencies—are supporting additional off-grid electrification projects.
While this hands-off regulatory approach has probably encouraged more activity, it has also created
some confusion. It is not clear if anyone is tracking all of these projects, how many of them meet the
government’s expectations for basic service, and who is responsible for those who have not been served
(Bhattacharyya & Palit, 2013). Additionally, there is significant confusion regarding the relationship of
these off-grid projects to grid extension activities—including the technical, legal, and financial conditions
for eventual connection of off-grid systems to the main grid.
I recommend that off-grid electrification should be planned at a high-level in coordination with the
process of planning on-grid electrification. Since the government believes that basic electricity service
should be guaranteed to all Indians, all Indians should be included in the plan. A proposal for a basic
outline of a holistic electrification plan follows:
This assumes that the quality of grid service will not deteriorate in these areas. Smart planning, investment, and
operation is required to ensure that deterioration of service does not happen.
4. Each state should identify areas that are not currently grid connected, but could be served at
least cost by grid connection. The state should establish an order of priority and timeline for
connection of these areas.
a. For areas which will receive grid service soon, single user systems can provide basic
service in the near term. These areas should fall under the universal service obligation
of a distribution company.
b. For areas which will not receive grid-service soon, licenses should be awarded for
implementation and operation of grid-compatible microgrids which will be connected to
the grid eventually. The license should give the microgrid company a universal service
obligation for the area. Arrangements should be made for the microgrid company to
eventually sell the microgrid assets to a DISCOM or to operate as a distribution
franchisee or licensee.
5. Each state should identify the remaining areas, which do not currently have grid service and
would be served at least cost by off-grid systems. A certain agency (perhaps the Ministry of
Rural Development) should be assigned responsibility for tracking which households in these
areas have off-grid systems that provide an acceptable level of electricity access. It should also
have the responsibility of facilitating businesses to provide off-grid systems to those households
that have not been reached, including providing information about which technical and business
models are most likely to be successful. The Ministry of Rural Development would be well
suited to be a lead agency for off-grid electrification, since social concerns rather than technical
ones tend to be primary in this space (Bhattacharyya & Palit, 2013).
a. Collective systems, such as microgrids should be managed by light-handed regulation.
This could consist of, for example, an obligation to file some basic information about the
system, standard service provider obligations, and standard consumer protection
mechanisms (Bhattacharyya, 2013). The terms of this light-handed regulation should
depend on the nature of the entity providing electricity service (Reiche, 2006). For
example, greater protection against monopoly abuse is required for a private entity
compared to a coop.
b. Incentives should be established that encourage investments in grid-compatible systems
in the regions that are closest to being ready for grid connections. These incentives
should target covering the incremental capital cost of the grid-compatible
infrastructure, in cases where operating revenues will cover operating costs, so that the
system is not dependent on perpetual subsidy (Bhattacharyya & Palit, 2013). The
Ministry of Power and traditional electricity regulatory agencies should have primary
responsibility over these systems which are slated for eventual connection to the grid.
c. Companies that can profitably provide individual systems should not require significant
economic regulation, but other consumer protections may still be required
(Bhattacharyya & Palit, 2013). The government should facilitate establishment or
awareness of product safety and quality standards to provide consumer protection.
d. For customers that cannot afford basic off-grid service, the government should have
subsidy programs to cover a percentage of initial capital costs, but avoid implementing
recurring subsidy of operating costs. In exchange for this subsidy, the system providers
(of collective or individual systems) should fall under a light-handed regulation where
basic service responsibilities are outlined, including an obligation to provide service for a
certain period of time. An approach similar to this was implemented by Bolivia for solar
home systems (Reiche, 2006). This program should be managed by the Ministry of Rural
Development, which can act as an intermediary between system providers and
Computer models such as REM can support this plan in two important ways. First, they can help
planners identify which areas are best suited for grid extension now or in the near term, and which
areas are best served with off-grid systems. Second, they can help to estimated costs of these systems in
order to support setting appropriate tariffs and plan for required subsidies.
First, regulators should support regional electrification planning including the designation of which areas
should fall under the traditional on-grid regulation versus a new off-grid regulation. This planning
should ideally use technical models such as REM to find least-cost electrification plans, but also take into
account social and practical considerations.
Second, in order enable true access through the on-grid electrification mode, significant reforms to
India’s on-grid electricity sector are required. These reforms are mostly related to the insulation of
power-system decisions from myopic and short-term political motivations.
Finally, a significant new regulatory capacity must be developed to manage a light-handed regulatory
approach for off-grid electricity access. This regulatory capacity would be best managed by an
organization like the Ministry of Rural Development, which has experience working with isolated rural
In this thesis I have described a computer model for the planning of electricity access systems called the
Reference Electrification Model (REM), which was developed by me with the support of other members
of MIT’s Universal Electricity Access Research Group. The application of REM to the district of Vaishali in
Bihar, India is described, in order demonstrate the feasibility of using computer models to support large-
scale electrification planning. The thesis ends with a discussion of recommended regulatory reforms to
support electricity access in India, including considerations regarding how models like REM can support
effective regulation.
Overall, I have shown that even in its current premature state, REM is a powerful and useful tool which
can be practically applied to a large region in a developing country. However, the data collection process
is challenging and the model requires an expert user and careful interpretation of results. Also, given the
current regulatory approaches in India, some of the potential values of REM might not materialize.
With some additional work to reduce the burden of data gathering and improve the consistency of
results, REM could be made accessible to many organizations involved in planning or studying electricity
access and have a major impact. With or without REM, regulatory reform is essential in order to support
effective and affordable provision of universal electricity access. Regulatory reform that takes advantage
of advanced planning tools such as REM may have the best prospect of harmonizing activities between
the diverse set of technologies and business models in the electricity access space.
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