1989 - House G-H
1989 - House G-H
1989 - House G-H
Grzegorz Majcherek
The Polish-Egyptian Conservation and Archaeological Mission at Kom
el-Dikka, sponsored jointly by the EAO and the PCMA, and directed
by Dr. Wojciech Kołątaj, worked from October 1989 till the end of July
1990. l The multiple tasks of this campaign could not have been
accomplished without the indispensable assistance of the authorities
of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization to whom we wish to express
our thanks. Particular gratitude is due Mrs. Doreya Said, the Director
of the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria, for her constant help
and support.
Beside ongoing archaeological research integrated with the mis-
sion's restoration program, excavations were concentrated in the habi-
tation quarter adjoining street R4 on the east (Sector W1N). The objec-
tives of this campaign, which was a continuation of previous seasons,
were twofold: to continue the investigation of Houses G and H, and
to study and verify the stratigraphy and chronology of the area as
worked out on the basis of excavations conducted so far.
The continued occupation of the quarter from the Late Ptolemaic
(c. 2nd-1st centuries BC) to the end of the Byzantine period (end of
the 7th century AD) was fully confirmed. As a result of the present
excavations, substantial remains of Late Roman building G were
cleared and its plan and functions thoroughly studied. Several subse-
quent chronological phases covering the period from the 4th to 7th century
AD were distinguished; their detailed description will be published
in the final report. Fragments of the Early Roman structure fragmentarily
The archaeological research was headed by Grzegorz Majcherek who worked
with a team including: Assist. Prof. Przemysław Gartkiewicz (architect), Assist.
Prof. Barbara Lichocka, Dr. Barbara Tkaczow, Miss Jolanta Jabłonowska, Miss
Iwona Zych (archaeologists) and Mr. Stefan Sadowski (photographer). The
Egyptian Antiquities Organization was represented by Messrs Ala'a ad-Din
Mahrous and Ahmad Mousa.
An Early Roman street of similar course and dimensions was uncovered
during the 1973 excavations below the Theatre Portico.
M. Rodziewicz, Alexandrie III. Les habitations romaines tardives d'Alexandrie,
Varsovie 1984, pp. 17-33.