Bachelor of Technology: Design and Prototyping of A Low-Cost Portable Ventilator

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Design and Prototyping of a Low-cost Portable


A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering


Rashmi Singh

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Sougata Kumar Kar

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

National Institute of Technology Rourkela

Department of Electrical Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela


This is to certify that the thesis entitled ”Design and Prototyping of

Low-cost Portable Ventilator” by Miss Rashmi Singh, submitted to the
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela(Deemed University) for the
award of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, is a record of bonafide research work carried out by her
in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering ,
under my supervision. We believe that this thesis fulfills part of the
requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology.The
results embodied in the thesis have not been submitted for the award
of any other degree elsewhere.

Prof.Sougata Kumar Kar


I wish to express my gratitude to Prof.Sougata Kar,Professor, Department of

Electronics and Communication,National Institute of Technology, Rourkela,
for providing me with his inspiring guidance, constructive criticism and
valuable suggestions throughout this project work.I would also express my
gratitude to all the professors of our Department of Electronics and
Communication,National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, for their guidance
and support.I also want to thank, for his help and guidance during my project
work. I also express my sincere thanks to all my friends & seniors who have
patiently extended help for accomplishing this project.

Rashmi Singh
B.Tech Electronics and Instrumentation
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
NIT Rourkela,Odisha

The ventilator (also known as a respirator) is a pneumatic and electronics
system designed to monitor, assist, or control pulmonary ventilation, and
respiration intermittently or continuously. It can also be used to control
human body oxygen levels, for example during surgery where blood loss can
result in hypoxia, or lack of sufficient oxygen in the patient´s body; it is best to
have less human interaction.

The objective of this project is to develop a low-cost portable ventilator

ventilator for use in mass casualty cases and resource-poor environments..It
represents a complex application where accurate measurement, correct
instrumentation, power manager, and signal integrity are a critical factor for
correct operation of a machine which a human life may depend on.

This device is primarily used in intensive therapy to help improve the patients
breathing by regulating the flow of gas in the lungs.The ventilator is
constantly monitored and adjusted to maintain appropriate arterial pH. This
system requires a set of sensors for pressure, volume, and flow. The
information from the sensors modulates the operations in the MCU. This MCU
receives information from the airways, lungs, and chest wall through the
sensors, and decides how the ventilator pumps. The pneumatic system has
two air supplies that can be oxygen and air, and can come from a pressurized
tank or compressor. Both sources are regulated by two input valves to control
mixture composition, which comes from an air tank where the mixture is kept
at certain pressure limits. If the mixture composition is correct and is in the
right pressure range, the system sends this air to the patient to control
breathing. For this system has an input and output valves connected to lungs
simulator to control pressure in lungs and the respiratory frequency to
maintain patient safety.

Contents 1

List of Abbreviations

List of Figures

List of Tables

Chapter 1

Chapter 2
System Background
2.1 System Background............................................................................................................11

2.2 System sensors......................................................................................................................12

2.3 Pressure sensor....................................................................................................................12

2.4 Breathing controller...........................................................................................................19

Chapter 3
Hardware Design
3.1 System definition.................................................................................................................21

3.1.1 Microcontroller.................................................................................................................23

3.1.2 Pressure sensors..............................................................................................................25

3.1.3 Power supply.....................................................................................................................27

3.2 Schematics.............................................................................................................................35

3.2.1 Solenoid Valve...................................................................................................................35

3.2.2 Time cycled........................................................................................................................35

3.2.3 Pressure Cycled...............................................................................................................36

Chapter 4
4.1 Conclusions and References.........................................................................................75

List of Abbreviations

Abbreviations Description
I:E Inspiratory to Expiratory time ratio
PEEP positive end expiratory pressure
PIP peak inspiratory pressure
MAP Mean Airway Pressure
ACV Assist-Control Ventilation
CMV Continuous mandatory ventilation
SIMV Synchronized Intermittent-
Mandatory Ventilation
PCV Pressure-Controlled Ventilation
PSV Pressure Support Ventilation
BVM Bag Valve Mask
INA Instrumentation Amplifier
MCU Microcontroller unit
CMRR Common mode rejection ratio
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
IDE Integrated development environment
USB Universal Serial Bus
ECG Electrocardiogram
DIP Dual in-line package
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
IC Integrated Circuit
NO Normally Open
NC Normally Closed
GUI Graphical User Interface

List of figures

2.1 Pneumatic System Diagram……………………………………………………………….13

4.1.1 Electronics System Block Diagram…………………………………………………..15
4.1.2 Arduino Uno…………………………………………………………………………………..16
4.1.3 MPS-2000 pressure sensor…………………………………………………………….17
4.1.4 AD620 Instrumentation Amplifier…………………………………………………..20
4.1.5 Pin diagram LM324………………………………………………………………………..21
4.1.6 Solenoid Valve…………………………………………………………………………………22
4.1.7 Ambu Bag………………………………………………………………………………………..22
4.2.1 Schematic of Controlling solenoid valve with Arduino…………………..25
4.2.2 The complete hardware schematic for controlling solenoid valve with
4.2.3. Block diagram implementation of time cycled ventilation
in Lab VIEW……………………………………………………………………………………………..28
4.2.4. Front diagram implementation of time cycled ventilation
in Lab VIEW……………………………………………………………………………………………..28
4.2.5. Hardware Implementation of Time-Cycled Ventilation…………………….29
4.2.6 Instrumentation Amplifier………………………………………………………………..31
4.2.7 Block diagram implementation of pressure cycled ventilation in Lab
VIEW using LED………………………………………………………………………………………..32
4.2.8 Front diagram implementation of pressure cycled ventilation in Lab
VIEW using LED……………………………………………………………………………………....34
4.2.9 Hardware Implementation of Pressure Cycled Ventilation using LED
4.2.10 AD 620 Instrumentation Amplifier and Pressure Sensor………………….36
4.2.11 Block diagram implementation of pressure cycled ventilation in Lab
4.2.12 Front diagram implementation of pressure cycled ventilation in Lab
4.2.13 Hardware Implementation of Pressure Cycled Ventilation and
Interfacing with Ambu Bag……………………………………………………………………….38

List of Tables
3.1 Ventilator classification……………………………………………………………………14
4-1 MPS-2000 Specification…………………………………………………………………..18

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

The ventilator which is also known as a respirator is basically a pneumatic

and electronics system which is used to monitor, assist, or control pulmonary
ventilation, and respiration intermittently or continuously. It is also required
for controlling oxygen levels in human body at the time of surgery where
excessive blood loss leads to hypoxia which is lack of sufficient levels of
oxygen in a human body. For this reason it is mostly suitable to have as less
human interaction as possible. A ventilator is designed also to control an
adequate amount of exchange of gases. However a ventilator is also used to
provide appropriate amount of lung expansion, and correct amount of
medication and sedation for the purpose of relaxation of muscles and also for
stabilizing the thoracic wall. The ventilator is essentially made up of a
compressed air reservoir, a set of valves and tubes, a reusable patient circuit
and most importantly air and oxygen supplies. The air reservoir which is
pneumatically compressed a number of times in a minute so as to supply
mixture of air/oxygen. Releasing of overpressure which is allowed by lungs is
known as passive exhalation and the release of this exhaled air is done
through a one-way valve present inside the patient circuit. The inspired gas
has an oxygen content set from 21 percent which has ambient air to 100
percent which contains pure oxygen

1.2 Important Parameters used in Ventilation

-I - Time: It is the amount of time spent in inspiration(0.5 seconds).
- E - Time: It is the amount of time spent in expiration.
• Volume (200 to 2000 ml)
-It is the amount of tidal volume that a patient receives.
• Pressure (0 to 100 cm of H20)
-It is the measure of impedance to gas flow rate.

• Flow ( 4 to 100l/min)
-It is the measure of rate at which gas is delivered to the patient.
• PEEP = positive end expiratory pressure ( 3 to 4 cm of H2O)-It is the
pressure maintained in the airways at the end of exhalation, it keeps
Alveoli from collapsing.
• PIP = peak inspiratory pressure (10 to 14 cm of H20) It is the point of
maximal airway pressure.
• Delta P = It is the difference between PIP – PEEP
• MAP(mean airway pressure),it is the mean pressure applied during
positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
• Minute Volume-Respiratory minute volume (or minute ventilation or
minute volume) is the volume of gas inhaled (inhaled minute volume) or
exhaled (exhaled minute volume) from a person's lungs per minute. It is
an important parameter in respiratory medicine due to its relationship
with blood carbon dioxide levels.
• Sensitivity-It is defined as the amount of effort in terms of cm of H2O
required to trigger the ventilator to get a breath by the patient.
• Compliance-It is the measurement of elasticity of lungs and chest wall.

1.3 Modes of Ventilation


Assist-Control Ventilation (ACV)

It is also known as continuous mandatory ventilation (CMV). Each breath

taken by the patient can be categorized as either an assist or control breath,
both of them having same volume. The larger the volume, the more expiratory
time required.ACV is extremely undesirable for patients who breathe rapidly
which might lead to both hyperinflation and respiratory alkalosis. Work of
breathing is not eliminated in such type of ventilation since the diaphragm is
always active.

Synchronized Intermittent-Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)

Risks of hyperinflation and alkalosis is reduced since patients breaths

partially on their own, the ventilator is this mode guarantees a certain number
of breaths to the patient. Such mandatory breaths provided by the ventilator

are in synchronization with the spontaneous respiration. An increase in
amount of work of breathing and a tendency to reduce cardiac output are
among some of the disadvantages of SIMV which has the risk of prolonging the
time period of dependency on ventilator. The work of breathing can be
reduced through the addition of pressure support ventilation to the
spontaneous breaths

Pressure-Controlled Ventilation (PCV)
In comparison to ACV and SIMV, there is reduced risk of barotraumas in PCV.
This mode of ventilation does not allow the breathes initiated by the patient.
There is an exponential decrease in the inspiratory flow pattern which leads
to improvement in gas exchange and reduction of peak pressures. This mode
of ventilation is undesirable since it has no guarantee for volume at times of
changing lung mechanics
Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV)

This mode of ventilation allows the patient to determine inflation volume and
frequency of respiration but not pressure since this is pressure-controlled
therefore it can only be used to augment spontaneous breathing. Pressure
support can be used to overcome the resistance of ventilator tubing in another
cycle where 5 – 10 cm H20 are generally used during weaning, or to augment
spontaneous breathing. Specialized face masks are used to deliver PSV.

Chapter 2

2.1 System Background

A ventilator is basically a machine designed to mechanically move air in and
out of the lungs so as to intermittently or continuously assist or control
pulmonary ventilation. This device is essentially used in the primary level in
intensive therapy purposes to improve the patients breathing which is done
by regulating the gas flow in the lungs. Absolute volume and changes of
volume of the gas space in the lungs achieved during a few breathing
movements constitute the most common indicators of ventilation. Constant
monitoring and ventilator adjustment is done in order to maintain
appropriate level of arterial pH and PaO2.For the measurement of variables
like pressure, volume, and flow this ventilator system requires sensors and
transducers. The operations involved in the MCU are usually modulated by the
information and data from the sensors. Information from the airways, lungs,
and chest wall are received by the MCU with the help of sensors. This
information from sensors forms the basis of deciding how the ventilator
should pump and in which mode. The pneumatic system consists of two types
of air supplies which are mainly oxygen and air that basically comes from a
pressurized tank or an air compressor. Both of these sources of air and oxygen
are regulated with the help of two input valves so as to control the
composition of the mixture delivered from the air tank. In the air tank the air
oxygen mixture is kept under specified pressure limits.If the mixture
composition is correct and in the right pressure range, this air is sent by the
system to the patient to control breathing. Figure 2.1 shows the pneumatic
system for this ventilator.

Figure 2-1. Pneumatic system diagram

2.2 System sensors
The signal output which indicates lung volume or pressure is a differential
signal, but this signal is not the signal which is measured directly from the
lungs. To get the desired signal, it is necessary to convert the pressure to
voltage. The sensor that is suitable for volume measurement is a differential
pressure sensor that accepts values from two sources of pressure
simultaneously. The output from the sensor is proportional to the difference
of the two sources.

2.3 Human machine interface

For the user to have control over the system it needs an interface with a turn
On/Off function, a provision to configure, monitor different parameters and
modes. The system here uses Lab VIEW 2013 as the Graphical User Interface
(GUI) that displays the parameters values to be set by the user/patient and
the values of the parameters of the patient which is to be monitored by the

Limits and set points — Values for limits and set points for all the controllable
variables and parameters, these values have some appropriate minimum and
maximum possible values which is to be known and displayed.
• Measure units —These parameters after getting modified are reflected after
each measurement is made and also denotes which units are used.
Conversions are included in the system and are valid for pressure.
• Mode of function — The operational mode of the system are cyclically
changed by these parameters. There are two control modes.
• pressure
• time
To use Lab VIEW to acquire different data's like analog and digital data's from
external devices and control different devices like Arduino Uno etc from Lab
VIEW we need to install LINX,NI VISA and Lab VIEW 2013.
Steps for loading LINX Firmware is as follows:-
1.Lab VIEW was launced.
2.Goto TOOLS>>MakersHub>>LINX>>Firmware Wizard
3. The Device Family was selected as Arduino Uno and then goto Next.
4.COM Port was selected as COM21>>Next

2.4 Air and oxygen blender and mix control
The MCU makes use of control signals to control the valves through a driver
circuit. Previously ventilator designs were mostly dependant on mechanical
blenders to deliver mixture of gases to a single flow control valve. With the
availability of high-quality flow sensors and processing capabilities, accurate
mixing becomes possible by using separate flow valves for air and oxygen. The
total flow control command signals between the oxygen and air valve is
divided ratio metrically since air contains about 21 percent oxygen.

2.5 Breathing controller

Ventilators can be categorized into five classifications which depends on how
the process of inhalation is terminated and how exhalation is trigerred:

Table 3-1. Ventilator classification


Pressure–cycled Inspiration of gas stops when a preset
pressure is achieved.
Volume–cycled Inspiration ends when the desired
volume of gas has been introduced.
Time–cycled Inspiration ends when a preset
inspiratory time is achieved
Flux–cycled Inspiration ends when the inspiratory
flux is below a predetermined level
Mixed The most commonly used, it combines
the characteristics of the other

A medical ventilator can support any of the above five modes.This reference
design supports only the following modes, but algorithms for different modes
of operation can also be done:

• Pressure Mode—Controlled for certain pressure limits.

•Time–Mode—Respiration and expiration are executed to a certain frequency.

Chapter 3

Hardware Design

3.1 System definition

An electronics system for a medical ventilator is complex in design because of
the variety of components and functions which has to be made accurate. It
must have the following modules:
Power supply—This PCB must power the microcontroller, sensors, 12V DC
500 mA solenoid valve , and a 12 A air compressor at different voltages. The
requirements of the power supply are 12 V (valves),5V ( differential pressure
sensors,ARDUINO UNO).
Human Interface—This system is able to support some operational modes
with different parameter values. It is important to have a user interface for a
personalized display and to observe and analyze different parameters.





VALVE @ 12 V

Figure 3.1.1 Electronics System Block Diagram

3.1.1 Microcontroller
One of the most critical modules in designing a ventilator is signal treatment
and measuring because the ventilator acts according to the information and
data acquired from the sensors and transducers. If this data is not reliable, the
ventilator can perform incorrect operations that can pose a risk on the
patient’s health. It is important to select the appropriate and reliable MCU and
sensors and transducers for accurate and precise performance of
instrumentation applications. The microcontroller used here is ARDUINO

Arduino/Genuino Uno is a microcontroller board which is based on the
ATmega328P. It consists of 14 digital input/output pins out of which 6 can be
used as PWM outputs, there are 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a
USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It fulfils
every requirement which is needed to support the microcontroller.To get it
started it is simply required to connect it to a computer or power it using
AC/DC adapter."Uno" means one in Italian and it marks the release of Arduino
Software (IDE) 1.0. Arduino is a single-board microcontroller which makes
the application more accessible which are interactive objects and its
surroundings. The hardware features with an open-source hardware board
designed around an 8-bit Atmel AVR Microcontroller or a 32-bit Atmel ARM.

Figure 3.1.2 ARDUINO UNO

3.1.2 Pressure sensors
It is important to have the correct sensors to accurately measure the control
variables in the ventilator system .The following pressure sensors are used:

MPS-2000 DIP Pressure Sensor

The MPS-2000 features silicon pressure sensors in 6-pin dual in-line
packages. All parts in these series are uncompensated high-performance die
mounted on a substrate with a plastic cap. Pins are designed for through-
board assembly. The MPS-2000 is ideal for applications requiring low
hysteresis, high reliability and stability. By applying a constant voltage
excitation, the MPS-2000 pressure sensor produces an output voltage that is
linearly proportional to the input pressure. The user can also provide MPS-
2000 followed by a signal conditioning circuitry for amplification of the
output signal or to maximize OEM value added. The MPS-2000 is compatible
with most noncorrosive gases and dry air.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.1.3.(a)Schematic Diagram of MPS-2000 pressure



 It has a wide operating temperature range:- 40 to +85 oC

 It has Solid-state reliability
 It is easy to Use
 It is easily embedded in OEM Equipment

 Blood Pressure Meter
 Digital Pressure Gauges
 Environmental Monitoring
 Consumer & Sports
 Medical Instrumentation & Monitoring
 Disposable Blood Pressure

Parameter Value Units

Pressure Range 5.8 PSI
Excitation 5 VDC
Input Impedance 4~6 kΏ
Output Impedance 4~6 kΏ
Linearity + 0.2 % Span
Bridge Resistance 4~6 kΏ
Zero Offset 20 mV
Span 50~100 mV

Table 4-1 MPS-2000 Specifications

3.1.3 Instrumentation amplifier

An instrumentation amplifier is an integrated circuit (IC) that is used for

signal amplification. Such type of amplifier lies in the differential amplifier
family because it amplifies the difference between two inputs. The
significance of an instrumentation amplifier is that it eliminates unwanted
noise that the circuit picks up. The ability to reject undesirable noise or
unwanted signals which are common to all IC pins is called the common-mode
rejection ratio (CMRR). Instrumentation amplifiers are very useful due to
their high CMRR, high open loop gain, low DC offset and low drift which makes
this IC very essential for circuit designing. For the purpose of conditioning
small signals in the presence of large common-mode voltages and DC
potentials many industrial and medical fields use instrumentation amplifiers
The three op amp INA architecture are used to perform the function of
providing high input impedance and eliminating common mode voltage in the
output stage and providing differential voltage. High impedance together with
high common mode rejection (CMR)is used in many sensor and biometric
based applications.
The input offset voltage of amplifiers shows variations over temperature and
time howsoever good the input technology can be. Input offset drift over
temperature are specified in terms of volts per degree Celsius by the
To create a balanced type of differential circuit, a bridge type of sensor uses
four matched resistive elements. A bridge type sensor is usually a
combination of resistors for quarter, half and full bridge applications. Low
noise, high accuracy voltage reference on two legs drives the bridge. The other
two legs are the differential signal where the output voltage change is
analogous to changes in the environment.
In a bridge circuit, the common mode voltage of the differential signal is the
midpoint potential voltage of the bridge excitation source. In a single supply
system using a +5V reference for excitation the common mode voltage
becomes +2.5V.Many pressure sensors require amplification in order to
achieve the desired requirements.
The instrumentation amplifier used here is AD620 and LM324.

AD620 Instrumentation Amplifier

The AD620 is a less costly and highly accurate instrumentation amplifier that
makes use of only one external resistor to achieve gains of 1 to 10,000. The
AD620 has 8-lead SOIC and DIP packaging which gives lesser power so it is
best for battery-powered, portable uses. The low noise, low input bias current,
and low power of the AD620 makes it suitable for medical uses

 Easy to use Gain set with one external resistor (Gain range 1 to 10,000)

 Wide power supply range (±2.3 V to ±18 V)

 Higher performance than 3 op amp IA designs

 Available in 8-lead DIP and SOIC packaging

 Low power, 1.3 mA max supply current


 Weigh scales ECG and medical instrumentation

 Transducer interface

 Data acquisition systems

 Industrial process controls

 Battery-powered and portable equipment

(a) (b)

Figure 3.1.4. (a)AD620 Pin Diagram (b) AD620 instrumentation amplifier

LM 324
LM324 is a 14 pin IC which consists of four independent operational
amplifiers constituted in a single package. Op-amps are defined as high gain
voltage amplifier with differential input and a single-ended output. The output
voltage is higher than the voltage difference between input terminals of an op-
amp.The requirement of dual supply is eliminated because this IC is powered
by single mode supply. They find applications as amplifiers, comparators,
oscillators, rectifiers etc.

Figure 3.1.5 Pin diagram LM324

3.1.4. Solenoid Valve

A solenoid valve is basically an electromechanically operated valve. The valve
is controlled by the flow of an electric current through the solenoid. In the
case of a two-port valve the flow is switched either as on or off.
Solenoid valves are the mostly find application as control elements in fluid
mechanics. Their function include shutting off, releasing, distributing or
mixing of fluids. Solenoids have the advantages of fast and safe switching,
being reliable, providing long service life, less power etc.
A solenoid valve consists of two main parts: the solenoid and the valve. The
solenoid converts electrical energy into mechanical energy which is used to
open or close the valve. A spring is utilized to place the valve as normally open

or normally closed. It is similar to relays and motors which are a form of an
inductive load. They are of two types Normally Open or Normally Closed.
Normally refers to the situation when there is no current in the solenoid. If
some water is forcefully applied in a NC (Normally Closed) solenoid valve,the
flow of water is blocked. On providing power to the magnet of the solenoid
with some amount of current or voltage, the valve will get opened and there
will be a flow of water. For NO (Normally Open) valves the operation is exactly
the opposite.

Figure 3.1.6 Solenoid Valve

3.1.5 Ambu Bag

A bag valve mask, abbreviated to BVM and sometimes known by the
proprietary name Ambu bag or generically as a manual resuscitator or "self-
inflating bag", is a hand-held device commonly used to provide positive
pressure ventilation to patients who are not breathing or not breathing
adequately. The device is a required part of resuscitation kits for trained
professionals in out-of-hospital settings (such as ambulance crews) and is also
frequently used in hospitals as part of standard equipment found on a crash
cart, in emergency rooms or other critical care settings.

Figure 4.1.7 Ambu Bag

Standard Components
The BVM contains an air chamber which is flexible and is attached to a face
mask through a shutter valve. When the face mask is properly applied the
device forces air through into the patient's lungs when the "bag" is squeezed,
and when the bag is released, it gets self inflated from the other end, thereby
taking in either ambient air or oxygen flow which is supplied by a regulated
cylinder thereby allowing lungs of the patient to deflate to changes in the
external temperature.
Bag and Valve
A bag-valve mask can be used without being attached to an oxygen tank to
provide "room air" (21% oxygen) to the patient, however manual resuscitator
devices also can be connected to a separate bag reservoir which can be filled
with pure oxygen from a compressed oxygen source – this can increase the
amount of oxygen delivered to the patient to nearly 100%.
Bag-valve masks come in different sizes to fit infants, children, and adults. The
face mask size may be independent of the bag size.Most types of the device are
disposable and therefore single use, while others are designed to be cleaned
and reused.
Method of Operation
Manual resuscitators cause the gas inside the inflatable bag portion to be
force-fed to the patient via a one-way valve when compressed by the rescuer;
the gas is then ideally delivered through a mask and into the patient's trachea,
bronchus and into the lungs. In order to be effective, a bag valve mask must
deliver between 500 and 800 millilitres of air to a normal male adult patient's
lungs, but if supplemental oxygen is provided 400 ml may still be

adequate.Squeezing the bag once every 5 to 6 seconds for an adult or once
every 3 seconds for an infant or child provides an adequate respiratory
rate (10–12 respirations per minute in an adult and 20 per minute in a child
or infant)
Professional rescuers are taught to ensure that the mask portion of the BVM is
properly sealed around the patient's face (that is, to ensure proper "mask
seal"); otherwise, pressure needed to force-inflate the lungs is released to the
environment. This is difficult when a single rescuer attempts to maintain a
face mask seal with one hand while squeezing the bag with other. Therefore,
common protocol uses two rescuers: one rescuer to hold the mask to the
patient's face with both hands and focus entirely on maintaining a leak-proof
mask seal, while the other rescuer squeezes the bag and focuses on breath
(or tidal volume) and timing
3.2 Schematics
In this section electrical connections are presented by schematic blocks and
their respective operations using LabVIEW 2013 as GUI.
3.2.1 Controlling solenoid valve with Arduino
Hardware Requirements

1.Solenoid valve : 12V / 0.5 A NC valves. They are working fine on domestic
3.Power source : A 12V power supply for this project to power both the
Arduino and the solenoid
4.Transistor : BC 139
5.Resistor : A simple 1 kilo ohm resistor
6.Diode : A normal IN4007 was used.
7.Wires : To connect everything
8.Breadboard : To support everything
Software :LabVIEW 2013

Figure 3.2.1 Schematic of Controlling solenoid valve with Arduino
Steps required for Controlling solenoid valve with Arduino

Step 1 Powering of the Breadboard - The solenoid works between 6-12V

which is too high for use with an Arduino which is 5V.The solenoid operates in
the range of 12 V. Connections are by connecting Vin pin from the Arduino to
the breadboard running it over the positive rail of the breadboard. Then
connections from the ground pin of the arduino to the negative rail of the
breadboard are done.

Step 2 Solenoid’s Wire Harness- It does not matter in which side we

connect the solenoid as the connections here do not matter.

Step 3 – Solenoid to Breadboard

For connecting the solenoid to the breadboard there is requirement of
adding a diode to the contacts of the solenoid in the breadboard

Step 4 – Snubber Diode

Solenoid being an inductive load there is a requirement to include a snubber
diode across the contacts. Snubber diodes is used to get rid of transient

voltages caused when a magnetic coil abruptly loses power if the snubber
diode is not placed properly.

The snubber is always placed from the negative side of the coil to the positive
side. It is ensured that the side with the White stripe is connected to
power/positive side of the solenoid.
Step 5 – Power to the Solenoid
Now when the connections to the diode is rightly done,the solenoid is
powered by 12 V dc supply. The solenoid gets constant power because low
side switching is used to turn on and off this solenoid.
Step 7 – Base Resistor
A base resistor is a resistor that is placed on the base pin of the transistor.
This resistor limits the current going to the base of the transistor If there is no
resistor placed on the base side this will consequently lead to the blowing up
of the transistor. Here we have used 1K resistor.
Step 8 – Connecting To The Arduino
Now connecting the digital pins of the Arduino to the driver circuit is done

Step 9 – Connect The Solenoid

Connections from the solenoid’s negative terminal to the collector on the
transistor is made. The collector acts as one side of the switch in a transistor,
which is connected to the other side of the switch which is the emitter when a
voltage is applied to the base. So in this case we are going to “collect” the
negative from the solenoid and “emit” it to the ground of the circuit.A wire is
connected from the negative side of solenoid to the collector of the transistor.

Step 10 – Connecting To Ground

Now connections from emitter to the ground rail of the breadboard is
done.The circuit is thus complete.

Figure 3.2.2The complete hardware schematic for controlling solenoid
valve with arduino.

3.2.2 Implementing Time Cycled ventilation and interfacing solenoid

valve with Ambu Bag
• Implementing Time cycled ventilation by providing a preset value of
inspiratory time and expiratory time to the system and controlling the
opening and closing of on/off solenoid valve during inspiration and
expiration when the given inspiratory and expiratory time is reached using
arduino as controller and LabVIEW as GUI.

• The air from the compressor is used to fill up an Ambu Bag which provides
positive pressure to a patient who is not breathing or who is breathing

• Mounting pressure sensor on the reservoir bag of the Ambu bag and
checking the pressure inside it and display the value of pressure on a GUI
using LabVIEW.

Air from compressor was given to the Ambu bag,through a solenoid valve.The
on/off solenoid valve was operated according to the control signals given by
Arduino from its digital pin 2.The inspiratory time and expiratory time was
set on a GUI in LabVIEW.On setting the inspiratory time as 2 seconds the
solenoid valve was on for 2 seconds and air from compressor was used to fill
the Ambu bag through the valve and after a time lapse of 2 seconds the valve
gets closed for an expiratory of 2 seconds.The cycle then repeats itself.

Figure 3.2.3.Block diagram implementation of time cycled ventilation in LabVIEW

Figure 3.2.4.Front Panel implementation of time cycled ventilation in LabVIEW

Steps for implementing LabVIEW Block Diagram and Front Panel

Step 1.LabVIEW VI was opened.

Step 2.On right clicking on the block diagram window,structures palette was
selected and while loop was opened.

Step 3.In the similar fashion from the Structures palette flat sequence was
selected.It is put inside the while loop.

Step 4.On right clicking again on the block diagram window,Maker Hub was
selected.Under this Linx palette,open and close Linx file were selected.

Step5.Open Linx vi was kept outside of While loop and its Baud rate was
selected as 9600 baud per second and the Serial port was selected as

Step 6.Again on right clicking on the block diagram window,Maker Hub was
selected.Under this,Linx palette was opened,Peripherals palette was
selected,under this palette digital write vi was selected and opened.

Step 7.The Digital Write vi was kept inside one of the flat sequence frame.The
DO channel was selected as pin2 in the front panel.The output value of digital
write vi was given a Boolean value as TRUE indicating the valve connected to
pin 2 remains open first.

Step 8.On right clicking on the block diagram window,under the Timing
Palette,Wait for ms vi was selected.It was provided with a value of 2000ms in
the front panel.

Step 9. Another frame was added to the flat sequence to implement

expiratory cycle.Steps 7and 8 were repeated but digital write vi in the second
frame was given output value as FALSE indicating valve connected to pin 2
was kept off for certain amount of expiratory time,provided by the Wait for
ms vi.

Step 10.Connections were made properly,Linx Firmware was loaded and

output was observed. Steps for loading Linx Firmware is already mentioned in

Figure 3.2.5.Hardware Implementation of Time-Cycled Ventilation

3.2.3 Implementing Pressure Cycled ventilation using two LED and

pressure sensor

• Implementing pressure cycled ventilation by providing a preset

pressure to the system and controlling the opening and closing of on/off
solenoid valve during inspiration and expiration when the preset
pressure is reached.

• The pressure sensor checks whether the preset pressure is reached,the

arduino is programmed to send control signals to valve to open or close
according to the preset parameters(Inspiratory time and expiratory

• Pressure cycled ventilation was implemented by following the steps:-

Step 1 : Open inspiratory valve.

Step 2 : Wait till lungs pressure reach a preset pressure(say 2.5psi)

Step 3: Close inspiratory valve and open expiratory valve.

Step 4: Wait till expiratory time elasped.

Step 5: Close expiratory valve.

This cycle repeats everytime.


Pressure from compressor was given to the pressure sensor,a threshold limit
was set as 2.5psi(for testing purpose),when the pressure reached 2.5 psi the
expiratory valve was opened and inspiratory valve was closed,after the
elapsed expiratory time,the inspiratory valve was opened and expiratory
valve was closed.

The pressure sensor used was MPS-2000.The output from the pressure sensor
was fir amplified using an instrumentation amplifier(LM 324) with gain =
𝑅1 𝑅3
(1+2* ) , the 10K potentiometer is varied such that the gain is linear and for
𝑅𝑔 𝑅2
2.5 psi pressure we get approximately 2.5 volts output.This output is then
given to the analog pin of the arduino for further processing and comparing it
with the threshold limit(pressure)set by the user.When the pressure reaches
above 2.5 psi,the expiratory valve opens and inspiratory valve closes.



A GUI was implemented in LabVIEW to control the solenoid valves(here taken
LEDs for testing purpose) according to the above mentioned steps to
implement pressure cycled ventilation.

Figure 3.2.7 LabVIEW Block Diagram Implementation of Pressure cycled ventilation

Figure 3.2.8 LabVIEW Front Panel Implementation of Pressure cycled ventilation

Steps for implementing LabVIEW Block Diagram and Front Panel

Step 1.LabVIEW VI was opened.

Step 2.On right clicking on the block diagram window,structures palette was
selected and while loop was opened.

Step 3.In the similar fashion from the Structures palette flat sequence was
selected.It is put inside the while loop.

Step 4.On right clicking again on the block diagram window,Maker Hub was
selected.Under this Linx palette,open and close Linx file were selected.

Step5.Open Linx vi was kept outside of While loop and its Baud rate was
selected as 9600 baud per second and the Serial port was selected as

Step 6.Again on right clicking on the block diagram window,Maker Hub was
selected.Under this,Linx palette was opened,Peripherals palette was
selected,under this palette digital write vi was selected and opened.

Step 7.The Digital Write vi was kept inside one of the flat sequence frame.The
DO channel was selected as pin2 and pin 4 in the front panel.The output value
of one of the digital write vi was given a Boolean value as TRUE indicating the
valve connected to pin 2 remains open first and the output value of the other
digital write vi was given a Boolean value as FALSE indicating the valve
connected to pin 4 remains closed.

Step 8.On right clicking on the block diagram window,under the Timing
Palette,Wait for ms vi was selected.It was provided with a value of 1000ms in
the front panel.

Step 9. Another frame was added to the flat sequence to implement

expiratory cycle on reaching a certain preset pressure.In this Analog Read vi
from the Linx palette was selected and Analog channel was selected as A0.

Step10.The output voltage from Analog Read vi was then compared with the
preset pressure set as 2.5 psi.Case structures vi from the Structures palette
was used in this case.

Step 11. If the value of voltage output was greater than or equal to 2.5
psi,then the conditions under true were being executed.Under the TRUE
condition of the case structure vi, Digital Write vi was selected. The output
value of one of the digital write vi(pin 2) was given a Boolean value as FALSE
indicating the valve connected to pin 2 remains closed and the output value of
the other digital write vi was given a Boolean value as TRUE indicating the
valve connected to pin 4 opens for expiration to take place.

Step 10.Connections were made properly,Linx Firmware was loaded and

output was observed. Steps for loading Linx Firmware is already mentioned in

Figure 3.2.9.Hardware Implementation of Pressure Cycled Ventilation

using two LEDs

Implementing Pressure Cycled ventilation and interfacing with Ambu



The pressure sensor used was MPS-2000.The output from the pressure sensor
was seen to vary from 0.6millivolts to 0.9 miilivolts.The signal from pressu re
sensor was amplified using an instrumentation amplifier AD620 with gain as
− 1, the 1K potentiometer or a 100 Ώ resistor is varied such that the
gain is set as 495.This output is then given to the analog pin of the arduino for
further processing and comparing it with the threshold limit(pressure)set by
the user.When the pressure reaches above 0.02 psi,the expiratory valve opens
and inspiratory valve closes.Proper calibration was done since the output
from instrumentation amplifier is voltage and is then being compared with
preset pressure which is in psi.

The calibration is as follows

The sensitivity of MPS-2000 pressure senor is determined as
Sensitivity=Transducer Range
Full Range Output

Pressure sensor range is 0-5.8 psi

Full range output is 50-100mV
Sensitivity is calculated as (K)= 8.62 mV/PSI
Gain of instrumentation amplifier (A) =495
Offset is set as 2.48V at balanced condition
Let on increasing the pressure the output voltage is V volts,then value of
input pressure is given as



Figure 3.2.10.AD 620 Instrumentation Amplifier and Pressure Sensor


• The air from the compressor is used to fill up an Ambu Bag which provides
positive pressure to a patient who is not breathing or who is breathing

• Mounting pressure sensor on the reservoir bag of the Ambu bag and
checking the pressure inside it and display the value of pressure on a GUI
using LabVIEW.

• Implementing Pressure cycled ventilation by providing a preset value of

pressure to the system and controlling the opening and closing of on/off
solenoid valve during inspiration and expiration when the given preset
pressure is reached using arduino as controller and LabVIEW as GUI.


Air from compressor was given to the Ambu bag through a solenoid valve.The
on/off solenoid was operated according to the control signals given by
arduino from its digital pin 2.The inspiratory time and expiratory time and
pressure was set on a GUI in LabVIEW.On setting the inspiratory time as 3
seconds the solenoid valve was on for 3 seconds and air from compressor was
used to fill the Ambu bag through the valve and after a pressure threshold was

reached ,the valve gets closed for an expiratory time of 3 secondsUntil the
preset pressure is reached the valve was kept on.The cycle then repeats itself.

Figure 3.2.11.Block diagram implementation of pressure cycled ventilation in


Figure 3.2.12.Front Panel implementation of time cycled ventilation in LabVIEW

Steps for implementing LabVIEW Block Diagram and Front Panel

Step 1.LabVIEW VI was opened.

Step 2.On right clicking on the block diagram window,structures palette was
selected and while loop was opened.

Step 3.In the similar fashion from the Structures palette flat sequence was
selected.It is put inside the while loop.

Step 4.On right clicking again on the block diagram window,Maker Hub was
selected.Under this Linx palette,open and close Linx file were selected.

Step5.Open Linx vi was kept outside of While loop and its Baud rate was
selected as 9600 baud per second and the Serial port was selected as

Step 6.Again on right clicking on the block diagram window,Maker Hub was
selected.Under this,Linx palette was opened,Peripherals palette was
selected,under this palette digital write vi was selected and opened.

Step 7.The Digital Write vi was kept inside one of the flat sequence frame.The
DO channel was selected as pin2 in the front panel.The output value of the
digital write vi was given a Boolean value as TRUE indicating the valve
connected to pin 2 remains open first. In this Analog Read vi from the Linx
palette was also selected and Analog channel was selected as A0.

Step 8.The output voltage from Analog Read vi was calibrated and then
compared with the preset pressure set as 0.02 psi.Case structures vi from the
Structures palette was used in this case.When the preset pressure was
reached inside Ambu bag the TRUE case was implemented

Step 9.Under the TRUE case a flat sequence vi was selected which had two
frames,in both the frames Digital Write vi was selected.When the preset
pressure was reached the output value of digital write pin connected to pin 2
was made to turn off by initializing it with a FALSE Boolean value.

Step 10.On right clicking on the block diagram window,under the Timing
Palette,Wait for ms vi was selected.It was provided with a value of 2000 ms in
the front panel.After the time was elaspsed,the control switched to next
sequence where the valve was turned on by initializing TRUE boolean value to
digital write pin.

Figure 3.2.13.Hardware Implementation of Pressure-Cycled Ventilation

Pressure cycled ventilation was implemented by providing a preset value of

pressure to the system and controlling the opening and closing of on/off
solenoid valve during inspiration and expiration when the given preset
pressure is reached using arduino as controller and LabVIEW as GUI.


Thus a Low Cost Portable Ventilator was developed which operates in two
modes or two cycling mechanism namely Time-cycled and pressure
cycled.The Ventilator thus designed is low cost because it operates without
the use of sophisticated electronic components and heavy electronic systems
required in ICUs.Ventilators are designed very carefully keeping in mind that
no harm is caused to the patient and his life is not endangered.
The ventilator modes so designed is observed to operate in any environment
without getting affected by the environmental disturbances.The electronics
system designed provides accurate and precise values of various parameters
required during ventilation.The values of the parameters set by the user and
patient is taken by the system and runs precisely according to the set values.
In the absence or failure of power there can also be a provision of manual
respiration through Ambu bag if required. Some electronics systems are
designed to be equipped with air compressors and backup batteries to
provide ventilation during abnormal cases like defective gas supplies and
power failure etc.

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