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Counts and Rates

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Counts and rates

There are two main types of data that are familiar to review authors in cystic fibrosis
(CF), these are binary and continuous data. Binary data is a form of categorical data,
were there are only two categories. An example of binary data could be sex, you are
either male or female, therefore you fall into one of the two categories. Continuous
data is usually obtained from some sort of measurement, for example height, weight
or blood pressure.

The effect estimates that we are able to use for binary data include the relative risk,
odds ratio or risk difference, for continuous data the mean difference or standardised
mean difference are often used.

One assumption that RevMan makes when continuous data are used in an analysis, is
that it is normally distributed, if data are not normally distributed then one explanation
for this maybe that it is skewed data. Data that are skewed should not be entered into

One possible reason for the ‘continuous’ data being skewed is the fact that it could be
count data.

Counts and rates are calculated by using the number of events that an individual
experiences, for example the number of times a person is admitted to hospital per

Count data are not normally distributed, it follows what is know as a poisson
distribution, which is characterised by its long tails. An example of this is shown in
figure 1.

0 2 4 6 8

Figure 1: Plot of hospital admissions by frequency.

The Poisson Distribution

Using the poisson distribution, we are able to calculate the probability of any number
of new events.


The daily number of new registrations of cancer is 2.2 on average, but on any given
day there may be no new cases or several new cases.

The general poisson formula for the probability of k events is:

e   k

Where μ is the mean and e is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.718.
k! = 1 x 2 x 3 x ……..x n
0!=1, 1! =1 2!=2 3!=6 4!=24 ……

The probability of getting no new cases on a day is :


And using the formula from before:


These probabilities have been plotted in figure 2.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 2: Plot of probabilities from cancer registrations example.

How should count data be analysed?
The following paragraph is taken from the Cochrane Handbook (chapter 8)

“Counts of rare events are often referred to as ‘Poisson data’ in statistics. Analyses of
rare events often focus on rates. Rates relate the counts to the amount of time during
which they could have happened. For example, the result of one arm of a clinical trial
could be that 18 myocardial infarctions (MIs) were experienced, across all
participants in that arm, during a period of 314 person-years of follow-up, the rate is
0.057 per person year or 5.7 per 100 person years. The summary statistic used in
meta-analysis is the rate ratio (also abbreviated to RR), which compares the rate of
events in the two groups by dividing one by the other. It is also possible to use a
difference in rates as a summary statistic, although this is much less common. “

Treating skewed count data as a continuous outcome is inappropriate and the correct
analysis should use rates. Often we are interested in comparing the number of events
over a given time period between two treatment groups and to calculate these rates the
minimum information that is required are the number of events and the amount of
time each person has been studied for (this could be minutes, hours, days, etc). The
method of analysis for this type of data is known as poisson regression.


The example is taken from the review ‘Non-invasive ventilation for cystic fibrosis’.
The individual patient data (IPD) was used to obtain the number of hypopneas that
occurred in each participant and the amount of time that person had spent asleep. This
method is often referred to as the ‘person-years method’, due to the fact that the effect
estimate is based on the number of years a person is analysed for. In this example the
‘years’ are replaced by minutes, which can be easily converted into hours by dividing
by 60.

Below are described three methods for analysis of this data. Firstly we will look at the
incorrect analysis of this data, which treats the count data as continuous data,
secondly we analyse the data using the individual patient data (IPD) and thirdly we
will use aggregate data methods for comparison to the IPD analysis.

A further complication with this data, was that the trial had a cross-over design, so
this would have to be taken into consideration in any analysis that was carried out.

1. Treating count data as continuous

The analysis that was originally published in the review (NIV versus oxygen) is
shown in figure 3
Review: Non-invasive ventilation for cystic fibrosis (Version 01)
Comparison: 07 Sleep architecture and RDI
Outcome: 03 Hyponpneas per hour NIV vs oxygen

Study Treatment Control WMD (fixed) WMD (fixed)

or sub-category N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 95% CI 95% CI

Milross 2001 13 0.10(0.20) 13 2.30(1.70) -2.20 [-3.13, -1.27]

-10 -5 0 5 10
Favours treatment Favours control

Figure 3: Original analysis in NIV review

The data have been entered as a continuous outcome (means and standard deviations)
Also the data have been entered as if it came from two independent groups (ignoring
the cross-over).

2. Using IPD

The IPD was available for this outcome.We were therefore able to perform a complete
analysis. Conditional poisson regression allows us to calculate the relative rate (taking
into account the sleep-time for each individual) as well as taking into account that the
data is paired.

The analysis can be carried out using the statistical package stata, and the data should
be entered in columns, as shown below:

The variable pt_id refers to the patient reference number, because the trial has a cross-
over design each patient needsd two rows (one for each treatment). The second
column is the outcome (in this example the number of hypopneas), the third variable
is the person-time (in this example it is the amount of sleep time) and the fourth
variable is the treatment (coded as 0 or 1).

The code that is used to analyse the data in stata is:

xtpoisson outcome trt, i( pt_id) exposure( sleeptime) irr

and the output that is obtained from this analysis are:

The results from this analysis gave a relative rate of 0.87 95% CI (0.71 to 1.07). This
data can then be entered into RevMan using the generic inverse variance method

The information that we require for the GIVM are the natural log of the relative rate
and the standard error of the log of the relative rate. These can be obtained by
removing the ‘irr’ from the stata code, giving:

xtpoisson outcome trt, i( pt_id) exposure( sleeptime)

which has output:

The data that are required for the GIVM are -0.1348 and 0.1009. The analysis is
shown below:
Rev iew: Non inv asiv e v entilation f or cy stic f ibrosis
Comparison: 01 Sleep Architecture and RDI
Outcome: 01 Hy popneas per hour

Study Relativ e Rate (f ixed) Weight Relativ e Rate (f ixed)

or sub-category log[Relativ e Rate] (SE) 95% CI % 95% CI

Milross 2001 -0.1348 (0.1010) 100.00 0.87 [0.72, 1.07]

Total (95% CI) 100.00 0.87 [0.72, 1.07]

Test f or heterogeneity : not applicable
Test f or ov erall ef f ect: Z = 1.33 (P = 0.18)

0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2

Fav ours treatment Fav ours control

3. Aggregate data analysis

The correct analysis using the aggregate data method requires the following
information: the number of events and the amount of time each person was under
observation for (usually this is known as person time).

The data that was available for analysis is given below:

Hypopneas Time (minutes)

Low flow oxygen 211 4024

Room air 197 3423

The rate for the low flow oxygen group is: 211/4024 = 0.0524 per minute.

The 95% confidence limits for the number of hypopneas occurring in the low flow
oxygen group is (eL,eU), where:
2 2
 1.96   1.96 
eL    e    211   183.49
 2   2 

2 2
 1.96   1.96 
eU    e 1    212   241.50
 2   2 
were e is the number of events.

The 95% confidence interval for the low flow oxygen hypopneas rate is obtained by
dividing each of the above by 4024 to obtain:

(0.046,0.06) per minute.

The rate for the room air is 197/3423 = 0.058 per minute.

The 95% confidence limit for the number of room air hypopneas is (170.45, 226.54).

The 95% confidence interval for the room air hypopnea rate is obtained by dividing
each of the above by 3423, to obtain:

(0.0498,0.066) per minute.

The estimated relative rate for the low flow oxygen group compared to the room air
group is:

ˆ 2  p1  e2   3423  211 
ˆ          =0.91
ˆ1  p2  e1   4024  197 

People in the low flow group are just under 10% less likely to suffer a hypopnea.

A similar answer (except for rounding) can be obtained by taking a ratio of the rates,

The estimated proportion of hypopneas that are in the low flow oxygen group is:

e2 211
ˆ    0.517
 e1  e2  211  197
An approximate 95% CI for (L,U) for the proportion of hypopneas that are from the
low flow group is:
 L  0.517  1.96 0.517(1  0.517 ) / 408 =0.469

Similarly for U, and this is equal to 0.565.

Giving a 95% CI for (L,U) as (0.469,0.565).

It can be shown that

 p  ˆ 
ˆ   1  
 p2  1  ˆ 

Thus the 95% confidence limits (L,U) for the relative rate are:

 p  ˆ   3423  0.469 
 L   1  L       0.75
 p2  1  ˆ L   4024  1  0.469 
 p  ˆ   3423  0.565 
U   1  U       1.11
 p2  1  ˆU   4024  1  0.565 

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