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There are lies, damned lies and investment bank balance sheets.

This year marks 12 years since financial services firm Lehman Brothers filed for
bankruptcy in the US on Monday morning 15 September 2008.

It's always been a puzzle how Lehman Brothers was able to spout reassuring figures
on declining indebtedness and healthy underlying trends until the day it collapsed,
sending the global financial system into a near-apocalyptic meltdown.

While corporate greed and de-regulated financial markets played a big role in what
led to the crash, an accounting loophole called Repo 105 played a major role in
enabling Lehman Brothers to misrepresent its sales and the financial fitness of the

Back in 2001 a new US accounting standard SFAS 140 first enabled Lehman Brothers to
use Repo 105, which allowed Lehman�s to book repurchase agreements as sales rather
than temporary transactions. While the practice was being used from 2001, it was
only in 2007 that Lehman�s executives started to use the practice more regularly
removing over $50bn of assets from the balance sheet.

Step 1: Purchasing government bond from other bank using SFU in United States.
Step 2: Prior to the closing of the quarter, the US nit would transfer the bond to
a London affiliate, known as Lehman Brothers International (Europe) with the legal
consultation of London based law firm, Linklaters.
Step 3: The London affiliate gave assets to its counterparty and received cash and
agreed to buy back the assets at the beginning of the next quarter at a higher
price. Essentially, the assets given were at least 105 percent of the cash
Step 4: Amount obtained was balanced out as pay offs towards LB�s worrisome
Step 5: This manipulation displayed a rosy picture on their balance sheets,
financial statements and the corresponding leverage and other risk ratios. These
healthy financial statements were issued to investors and healthy ratios were
displayed to regulators and general public.
Step 6: Armed with such a healthy and strong financial statements, LB could manage
to get more loans from other banks and lending institutions
Step 7: To close the trick, LB would repurchase the securities from their London
Affiliate at 105 percent of the values of the assets.

Our findings have also raised the question of the appropriateness of accounting
principles. This
also led to FASBs revision of the accounting requirements for factoring of
receivables as sales or
loans. What needs to be determined is how widespread similar conventions were in
effect for
hiding toxic assets and liabilities by other investment firms.

This study has also raised the question of the role of auditors to find and
disclose material
transactions that may lead to misstatements and their responsibility to protect the
Lack of appropriate regulation and oversight may have contributed to the ensuing
dilemma of the
sub-prime meltdown, resulting in the bankruptcy of Lehman, the financial collapse
and loss of
jobs and income for many Americans.

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