Automatic Payments
Automatic Payments
Automatic Payments
Invoices will be paid using the automatic payment program in SAP. All three countries will execute the payment run for
electronic bank transfers (for domestic and foreign payments) and by Arabia for check payment (using SAP check management
functionality) on a periodic basis. Payment methods will differ from company and from country.
Note: Turkey and Israel will use localisation programs for their check payments.
Payments will be generated when the due date is picked up on the invoice. A payment proposal will be created which can be
edited (for example, you can block individual invoices). Once the payment proposal is completed, the payment run will take
The payment run will create the postings that will clear the open items of the vendor account and post this to the general ledger
in a clearing account. When the postings have appeared on the bank statement, they will then be moved from the clearing
account to the bank account in the general ledger. Discounts and exchange rate differences will be posted automatically if
applicable via automatic account determination.
The system displays the status message: No parameters entered as yet. Click the Parameter tab to proceed to the
Automatic Payment Run: Parameters screen.
Use this screen to enter information on the company code, the payment method, payment date and the vendors.
Click the Additional Log tab to proceed to the Automatic Payment Run: Additional Log screen.
Nr TASK DETAILS /SCREEN NAME: Automatic Payment Transactions: Additional Log
Use this screen to enter logging criteria for the payment run. The log allows you to track individual payments that are
included in the proposal. If you do not enter information in this screen and a payment to a vendor is not made, you will
not be able to track the error.
2. Click to save the payment run details. The system displays the following message: Details have been saved
for the run on XX.XX.XX XXXX.
The system displays the following Status message: Parameters have been entered.
Complete the following Required actions:
1. Click to proceed to the Schedule Proposal Dialogue box.
The system displays the following Status message: Proposal is ready to be created.
5. Click to update the status of the payment proposal.
The system displays the following Status message: Payment proposal has been created.
This screen displays the vendors that have been included in the payment run.
The following information is displayed:
Payment Method
House Bank
This screen displays the vendors which have been included in the payment run. You can place a manual block on an
1. Double-click a vendor to display the line items (invoices and credit memos) which will be processed in the payment
run. You will proceed to the Edit Payment Proposal: Open Items screen.
The Edit Payment Proposal: Open Items screen displays the invoices, credit memos and amounts to be processed
in the payment run
2. Double-click on an invoice to place a manual payment block on it. You will proceed to the Change Line Items
dialogue box
3. Enter a payment block in the Payment Block field. For example: A, Blocked for Payment.
4. Click to return to the Edit Payment Proposal: Open Items screen
6. Click to save the changes made to the invoice. The system displays the following message: Changes have
been saved
You must now schedule the printing of the payment run. You will not print off any supporting documentation if the
payment run is for electronic bank transfers.
Click to schedule the printing of the payment run. You will proceed to the Schedule Print dialogue box.
Complete the following field in the Schedule Print dialogue box
Change the job name from F110-XXXXXXXX-XXXX-? to F110-XXXXXXXX-XXXX-1
Click to return to the Automatic Payment Transactions: Status screen. The system displays the following
message: Print job F110-XXXXXXXX-XXXX-X has been scheduled.
Click to display the payment run log. You will proceed to the Job Log Entries for F110-XXXXXXXX-
XXXX screen. The payment document number (20XXXXXXXX) is displayed in the payment log run.