Yitayih Proposal
Yitayih Proposal
Yitayih Proposal
CHAPTER ONE.....................................................................................................................................1
1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY............................................................................................1
1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...........................................................................................3
1.3. RESEARCH QUESTION...........................................................................................................3
1.3 .OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY................................................................................................4
1.3.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVE......................................................................................................4
1.3.2 . SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................4
1.4. SCOPE OF THE STUDY...........................................................................................................4
1.5. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY............................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................................5
RELATED LITRATURE REVIEW......................................................................................................5
2.2. DEFINITION OF TERMS..........................................................................................................5
2.3. TRAINING AIMS AND OBJECTIVES....................................................................................5
2.4 THE FOUR STAGES OF TRAINING.......................................................................................6
2.4.1 STAGE 1 ASSESSING TRAINING NEEDS.......................................................................6
2.4.2 STAGE 2 PLANNING AND CARRYOUT THE TRAINING............................................6
2.4.3 STAGE 3CARRYING OUT THE TRAINING....................................................................7
2.4.4. STAGE 4 EVALUATING THE TRAINING......................................................................7
2.5. VALUES OF TRAINING..........................................................................................................7
2.6. ELEMENTS OF TRAINING......................................................................................................7
2.6.1 PREPARATION OF OF THE THE TRAINEE...................................................................8
2.6.2 TRAINERS............................................................................................................................8
2.6.3. TRAINING PROGRAM......................................................................................................8
2.6.4.EVALUATION OF TRAINING PROGRAM......................................................................8
2.7.1. ON THE JOB TRAINING...................................................................................................8
2.7.2 OFF THE JOB TRAINING...................................................................................................9
2.8. THE NEED FOR TRAINING...................................................................................................10
2.9. MAKING TRAINING MEANINGFUL...................................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE..............................................................................................................................12
3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY............................................................................12
3.1. RESEARCH DESIGN...............................................................................................................12
3.2 .SOURCE OF DATA.................................................................................................................12
3.3. POPULATION AND SAMPLE SIZE......................................................................................12
3.4.SAMPLING TECHNIQUE........................................................................................................12
3.5. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION......................................................................................12
3.6. DATA ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................13
4. TIME AND COST BUDGET..........................................................................................................13
4.1 COST BUDGET.........................................................................................................................13
4.2. TIME BUDGET........................................................................................................................14
Training refers to a planned effort by organization to facilitates employee's learning of job
related competencies. These competencies include knowledge ,skills or behaviors that are critical for
successful job performance in the immediate term or near future . This in contrast with
development ,which is training that provides employees with competencies for anticipated future job
and roles .
The quality of employees and their development through training and education are major factors
in determining long term profitability of organizations. If organization hires and keep good
employees ,its good policy to invest in the development of their skills , so they can increase their
productivity .
Training often is consider for new employees only . This is a mistake because on going training for
current employees helps often them adjust to rapidly changing job requirement , offers seminars and
work shops to help organization start or improve their business operations . The goals of training
are for employee to master the knowledge, skill and behaviors emphasized in training programs and
to apply them to their day to day activities. Employees are expected to acquire new skill and
knowledge applies them on the job and share information with other employees. Manager take an
active role in identifying training needs and help to ensure that employees use training in their work.
Today training being evaluated not on the basis of the numbers of programs offered and training
activity in the organization, but on how training address business needs related to learning, behavior
change , and performance improvement. In fact training is becoming more performance focused.
That is training used to improve employee performance which leads to improved business results.
Training is seen as one of several possible solutions to improve performance and other solutions can
include such action as changing the job or increasing employee motivation through pay and
➢ The need to demonstrate to executives , managers and trainees the benefits of training .
➢ Learning as lifelong event in which senior management trainees managers and employees
have owner ship.
The effectiveness and success of an organization lies on the people who form and work with in the
organization . I t follows therefore that employee in an organization to be perform their duties and
make meaningful contribution to the success of their organizational goals needed to acquire the
relevant skill and knowledge .
I n appreciation of this fact organizational institution like education institution conducts training and
development program for the different levels of their manpower.
A according to JhonM.Invancich (2010) training and development has the following
T he study expects to assess training and development practice in Debre Markos University. Therefore, the
researcher is motivated to assess how the training and development given by the university , how to get
employee the chance of training and development or the criteria used by the university to select trainees and
the attitudes of employee's to ward training , to assess the need for training ,what the organization requires that
its people learn and to evaluate the change in the trainees after training and development.
In order to cope up the fast change in the requirement of skill and knowledge, the need for systematic
training is now felt in almost all organizations. In today fast moving world basic education is no longer
sufficient to carry them through his job because jobs are going faster than the men them. This is primarily due
to the increasing obsolescence of human knowledge by ongoing revolution of science and technology.
Apparently a technologist trained today shall find many gaps in his occupational knowledge which he must fill
through training if his grow in his position later. Even if a person is skilled one he requires some training
because many jobs in the organization consist of tasks which are unique and peculiar and many other jobs seen
different work situation from what is found at the place of training. (Nirmals,2004)
Employee training and development is a key tool that enables the organization to compute in his globally
competitive business world. In service rendering organization such as Debre Markos University training and
development helps to increase the knowledge, skill and abilities of employee's. Today quality education is
desired, so that Debre Markos University has to provide quality education by enhancing the quality of
employees. To do so experienced, well trained and educated employees are desired, and this is achieved by
designing training and development programmed. The major challenges that may be face to conduct training
and development in Debre Markos University include lack of equipment and materials, lack of capital to
provide training for all, and lack of efficient time.
Therefore, the purpose of conduct this research is to know and understand the way how Debre Markos
University applies training and development practices to increase its employee's knowledge, skills and abilities
1) What kinds of training and development methods and techniques given by the
university and their effectiveness?
3) Does the university need assessment before conducting training and development
4) How to evaluate the changes in the trainees after the training given?
5) What are the major criteria that employees should be fulfill to get the chance of
3. To assess how evaluating the organization , individual employees and employee's task
to determine what kind of training , if any ,are necessary.
5. To identify the major criteria that employees should fulfill to get the chance of
staff. Due to the shortage of time, finance and other resource of study is specifically limited
to Academic staff training and development practice.
Development is the systematic process of education, training and growing by which a person and applies of
information, knowledge, skill, aptitudes and perception. Development is said to include training to increasing
skills, knowledge and understanding. This shows that development involves learning opportunities aimed at
individual’s growth but not restricted to specific job. Training is usually related to operational or technical
employees while development is for managers and professionals. However, they are also many times used
A. Training
Training is typically involves providing employees the knowledge and skills needed to do a particular task or
job , though attitudes change may also be attempted. (Ramdy L. Desimone 2002)
B. Development
Developmental activities ,in contrast have along term focus on preparing for future work responsibilities
,while also increasing the capacities of employees to perform their current jobs (RandlyL.Desimone 2002).
➢ To help people grow within the organization in order that as far as possible its future
needs for human resource can be meet from within the organization.
➢ To reduce the learning time for employees starting in new job on appointment transfer
or promotion and ensure that they become fully component as quickly and economically
as possible.
There need to be a systematic approaches to training which means that training must be
directed towards specific ends . It is all of too common for employee to be sent on training
courses as a result of an attractive broacher arriving on managers desk with out considering
the real needs of the employee's or the implication of the training. A systematic approach is best
explained through analysis of training cycle. (Johns,2006 )
Should the training takes places on on the job ,off the job?
Other objectives measures can be involved in observing improved performance (product,quality ,customer
relation) and any measures considered robust by the organization .These will be balanced with subjectives
measures from trainees ,managers and internal customers .Some training such as graduate training pro gramme
take some time to bear fruit ,national evaluation may takes place a year two after training is completed.
I. Reduce learning time:a systematic pro gramme of training helps to reduce the learning
time reach at the acceptance level of performance.
II. Better performance: well trained employee usually show a greater increase in a higher
quality of work out put than untrained group. Training increase the skill of employees in
the performance of a particular job. It helps them to increase their level of on their
present job assignment.
III.Reduce supervision: if the employees are given proper training ,their responsibility of
supervision is lessened .Training does not eliminated the need.
The trainer is a key figure in an effective training pro gramme .Qualified instructors may be obtained from
inside or outside the organization .He must be able to divided the job into logical part .So that he may teach
one part at tie without losing the perspective of the whole . The trainer should be explain and demonstrate the
operation step by step and should allow the trainees to repeat these operation .He should also encourage
question from the trainees in order to be sure that the trainee understanding the job.
• To help participants to get feed back for their improvements and efficiency
This method is the most commonly used method and it simply means putting the worker on the job under
close supervision of a trained instructor . In support there may be a variety of training aids and techniques such
as lecture manuals ,procedural charts ,sample problems, demonstration and so on. This training continuous
until the supervisor satisfied that the employee can be adequately perform the job without supervision.
A. Job rotation : this refers to the movement of the trainees executive from one job to an other with in the
organization on some planned basis . This would help the trainees to be familiar with different aspect of the
organizational operations which result in bordering of out look and exposure to a variety of management skill.
Such free movement of personnel across functional lines reduce barrier to internal communication and ensures
a free flow of information and ideas among all divisions (Js.Chandan 2005).
B. Apprenticeship: often are considered on the job training pro grammes even though they do consist of some
off the job training because they involve a substantial amount of on the job training . Typically the trainees
follows a prescribed order of course work and hands on experience (H.Jhon 2003).
C. Computer based training: use of computer to train employee is becoming increasingly more
common among organizations especially for training technical skills. The top way for delivering
computer based training is CD-ROM due its superior ability to handle video , audio , and
complex graphics (H.Jhons 2003).
D. Coaching : in this techniques the manager the subordinate (trainee) work together in
student tutor relationship in which the trainer coaches and guides the trainee and the
purpose is to explain the 'why'' and ''how'' of a particular job function and provides
feed back to the trainee regarding his /her performance and any ground for
i. Case room lecture: a lecture simply means a teacher delivering lectures and explaining
issues to a group of trainees in a class rooms setting. Its major advantages is that large
amount of material can be presented in a short period.
ii. Case studies : in this techniques an actual business situation is presented to a trainee in
writing and a comprehensive manner. The trainee is asked to identify the problems in
the case analyze the situation and suggest solution that were previously developed in
solving such problems. Avariance and an improvement in the case study methods known
as “incident process” in which the trainer presents an event without furnishing details .
The participants have to ask pertient question to secure the additional necessarily
information about case .
iii. Role playing : this methods induces people to assume the role of a specific individuals
under a specific organization conditions. Each role player is also expected to react to
other role playing participants in the group. Role playing helps the participants
appreciate other and opposing point of view. For example, when a fore man plays a role
of a union representative , hee tends to understand the labour problems much better .
iv. Gaming approach : in this approach of training an actual business siutation presented
as model in which the team and individuals compete against one an others or against an
environment in order to achieve a given objectives.
1) Increase productivity : adequate training increase job performance skill which improve
both the quality as well as the quantity of product due to increase vin the level of
performance .
3) Availability for future personnel needs of the organization: good training pro grammes
develop the employees and prepare them for future managerial and executive positions .
Accordingly when the need arises for personnel change the internal sources can be
utilized more effectively . This will ensure the organization ability to sustain its
effectiveness despite the possible loss of key personnel .
4) Improvement in healthy and safety : proper training can be help prevent industrial
accidents and create a safer work environment. Accidents are to deficiencies in people
who are not properly trained to handle and maintain such equipment skilled and
knowledgeable workers are less prove to accidents due to training in job skills and
saftey attitude.
6) Personal growth : the training pro gramme give the participants a wider awareness a
sense of self satisfaction and fulfillment an enlightened philosophy and a value system
that are the apex of personal growth .
7) Organizational stability : training and development pro gramme faster the imitative and
creativity of employee which increase a sense of becoming thus preventing man power
obsolescence . There is no longer organizational asset than that of trained and motivated
Manager sometimes also have preconceived an in accurate idea about what certain people or
group of people can or cannot do. A manager should realized that different people learn at
different rates. Some learn rapidly, some learn more slowly. A manager should not expect
everyone to catch on the job right way. The pieces of the training should be adjusted to the
trainee .Also a person who is not a fast learner will not necessarily always be a poor performer.
The manager should take the attitude that all people can learn and want to learn .(LeslieW.&
Liayet ,2005)
For many jobs training and development are essential simply to keep abreast of current
development in the field . A case in point human resource management professional continued
to be informed of changing legal requirement
and often need techniques and methods for dealing with the various human resource
management functions . Training also often necessary in order to remain qualified because
integral skills may be rarely used on the job.(ThomasH.stone,1998)
Besides assuring a qualified work force training and development can increase organization
effectiveness by helping to raise many employee performance capabilities beyond merely
acceptable levels. A more skill labor force allows an employee to adopt advanced technologies
and higher production standards. Depending on an organizational philosophy types of business
and size emphasis of training and development can be more cost effective than an alternative
approaches such as simplifying job or recruiting quality employees from other employees. The
availability of training and development opportunities can facilities recruiting. Training and
development can also be an important employee benefit for the retention of workers who value
opportunities for growth and advancement. To the extent training is effective at raising
performance levels there should also be less need to dismiss employee’s for unacceptable
The sampling techniques used to conduct this study is stratified sampling technique. The total population is
divided in to five strata which means divided by schools to make the population more homogeneous (I.e
To collect data for this study formal method of data collection will be done by using interview and self
-structured questionnaire. Both open ended and closed ended questions are including in the questionnaire
which are filled by sample respondent.
3. Pen --- 8 10 00 80 .00
1. Problem identification
-setting objectives.
5 Data collection instrument development
7 Data processing