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Learning Objectives

◻ After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Explain how different staffing strategies support different
business strategies.
Describe the resource-based view of the firm and how
staffing can contribute to a company’s sustainable
competitive advantage.
Describe human capital advantage and human process
advantages and the differences between them.
Describe the strategic staffing decisions any organization
must make.
Why Does One Company Succeed and
Another Fail?

◻ Differences in their strategic, financial, and

technological capabilities
◻ Differences in organizational capabilities generated
by attracting, retaining, motivating, and developing
talented employees
◻ Staffing therefore plays a central role in creating
and enhancing any organization’s competitive
Resource-Based View of the Firm

◻ Proposes that a company’s resources and

competencies (including its talent) can produce a
sustained competitive advantage by creating value
for customers by:
Lowering costs
Providing something of unique value
Or some combination of the two
Resource-Based View of the Firm

◻ Focuses attention on the quality of the skills of a company’s

workforce at various levels, and on the quality of the
motivational climate created by management.

Human resource management is valued not only for its role

in implementing a given competitive scenario but also for
its role in generating strategic capability.
Staffing has the potential to create organizations that are
more intelligent and flexible than their competitors, and that
exhibit superior levels of cooperation and operation.
Five Requirements of a Competitive
Table 2-1
Business Strategy

◻ Definition: how a company will compete in its

◻ Competitive advantage: anything that gives a firm
an edge over rivals in attracting customers and
defending itself against competition
To have a competitive advantage a company must be able
to give customers superior value for their money (a
combination of quality, service, and acceptable price)
Sources of Competitive Advantage

◻ Innovation: developing new products, services, and

markets and improving current ones
◻ Cost: be the lowest-cost provider
◻ Service: provide the best customer support before,
during, or after the sale
◻ Quality: provide the highest quality product or
◻ Branding: develop the most positive image
Sources of Competitive Advantage

◻ Distribution: dominate distribution channels to

block competition
◻ Speed: excel at getting your product or service to
consumers quickly
◻ Convenience: be the easiest for customers to do
business with
◻ First to market: introduce products and services
before competitors
Three Types of Business Strategy

1. Cost leadership strategy: be the lowest cost

producer for a particular level of product quality
(Wal-Mart, Dell, FedEx)
Competitive advantage based on operational excellence:
maximizing the efficiency of the manufacturing or product
development process to minimize costs
Three Types of Business Strategy

2. Differentiation strategy: developing a product or

service that has unique characteristics valued by
customers (Johnson & Johnson, Nike, 3M)
Competitive advantage based on product innovation
Three Types of Business Strategy

3. Specialization strategy: focus on a narrow market

segment or niche and pursue either a
differentiation or cost leadership strategy within
that market segment (Starbucks and Red Lobster)
Competitive advantage based on customer intimacy:
deliver unique and customizable products or services to
meet their customers’ needs and increase customer
Growth Strategy

◻ Definition: company expansion organically (happening as the

organization expands from within by opening new locations)
or through mergers and acquisitions
◻ Success depends on the firm’s ability to find and retain the
right number and types of employees to sustain its intended
◻ Organic growth requires an investment in recruiting, selecting,
and training the right people to expand the company’s
◻ Mergers and acquisitions expand an organization’s business
and can also be a way to acquire the quality and amount of
talent a firm needs to execute its business strategy.
Deriving Staffing Strategy

◻ An organization’s staffing strategy should be derived from

and be clearly supportive of its overall human resource
◻ The strategies developed for each HR functional area should
support the overall human resource strategy.
◻ The strategy of each functional area of human resources
should complement the strategies of the other areas as well as
the organization’s higher-level human resource strategy.
Staffing Implications of Different
Sources of Competitive Advantage
Table 2-3
Talent Philosophy

◻ A system of beliefs about how employees should

be treated

Table 2-4
How Talent Philosophy Influences HR and
Staffing Strategies
Table 2-5
Nine Elements of Staffing Strategy

1. Do we want a core or flexible workforce?

2. Do we prefer to hire internally or externally?
3. Do we want to hire for or train needed skills?
4. Do we want to replace or retain our talent?
5. What levels of which skills do we need where?
6. Will we staff proactively or reactively?
7. Which jobs should we focus on?
8. Is staffing treated as an investment or a cost?
9. Will staffing be centralized or decentralized
Discussion Questions

◻ Suppose you were in charge of recruiting and

staffing the software engineers who work for
Google. Do you think that a company like
Google should hire software engineers with the
skills it needs or train them to develop those
◻ Why?
Strategy Exercise

◻ In small groups of 4-5, identify a business that

you could start.
What type of business would you propose?
What business strategy would you follow?
What staffing strategies would you use and why?
How does the resource-based view inform your
Develop Your Skills Exercise

◻ Think of an organization that you currently work

for or have worked for in the past as you complete
the “Measuring Your Firm’s Climate for Diversity”
assessment in the Develop Your Skills feature.
◻ How well do you think the organization’s
climate-for-diversity score reflects its talent
philosophy ?

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