Tekin TERX-A & TERX-J Receiver (EN)

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TEKIN: TEKIN TER AM MICRO RECEIVER ELECTRONICS, INC. World's smallest, lightest 2 channel receiver designed specifically for electric powered model cars. Designed to reject speed control interference. Super low operating voltage, 2.2 volts, o extend running time. Also operates at up to 7.2 volts. Narrow band ceramic filter design with 4 stages of LF. Reduces glitches from adjacent transmitters. Designed for electric powered cars only. Very high sensitivity for excellent range. 1.17" x.60". Weight.45 ounce. Less than % size and weight of others. OPERATING FREQUENCIES ‘The Tekin TER receiver is avallable on the following standard non-flying model frequencies. Colors and channels ‘shown aro those established for Identification. 27 MHz 75. MHz Channel Frequency Color Channel Frequency Color 1 20.095 Brown 82 75.430 Blue/Red 2 27.045 Rod 84 78.470 Biue/Yaliow 3 27.095, Orange 85 75510 Blue/Btue a 27.145, Yellow 88 75550 Blue/Gray 5 27198 Groen 70 75590 Purple/ Black. 6 27285 ‘Blue es 75830 Purple/Fed 4 75670 Purple/Yoliow 78 78710 Purple/Bive 78 78.750 Purpie/Gray 80 78790, Gray/Black 82 75.830 Gray/Red 8 75870 Gray/Yalcw For use outside of the United States, the Tekin 7591 ray/Blue TER Ie algo avallablo on 29 and 40 MH=. 88 75.950 Gray/Gray 90, 75.990, white/Black GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The antenna wire should be positioned to point straight up into the air, preferably with a plastic tube or fiberglass fod. (If using a fiberglass rod, however, do not coll the wire around the fiberglass, but run i atralght up the side) itmust also be fully extended, with any excess allowed {0 hang over the tube of fod end. Do not fold the antenna wire back over ise DO NOT ALTER THE LENGTH OF THE ANTENNA WIRE, It must remain 14.5 inches long. Any change initefongth will do-tune the receiver The antenna wire must be electrically isolated from any metal or graphite component. It must also be kept off the chassis, especially aluminum: (Ihneeded, elevate the receWar witha % inch spacer) ‘Keep the antenna mounted away from the speed control or motor. Mount the receiver so that itis at least two inches, but preferably seven, away from the speed control and/or ‘motor. (On Associated's AC-10, a good place fs on the shock tower), This receiver will work with any AM transmitter, however itis designed to use the same type receiver crystals as the connector type supplied: Le, the recelver has Futaba plugs, use Futaba crystals ete. Hneeded. you may change the Sservo/receiver plugs so they may be used with any servaor speed control (See servo/recelver plug installation instruc tions, figure 1) Receiver crystals may be inserted in either diraction. A piace of tape may be used to secure them in place. Do not let the receiver get wet. Do not spray anything inside it. Do not attempt to retune it. Channel 1 (S) is “steering”, Channel 2 (Tis “throttle”, and (B) is "battery". Tho (8) or battory plug must only havo two wires on ta positive ang a negative, usually red and black CUT THE THIRD WIRE OFF othe receiver may be damaged Hyouare usingan electronic speedcontrol, the 6) or battery lugisnotused. ilyouare usingan electronic speedcontal with a separate receiver battery, remove tho red wire from the speed control plug or the speed control or receive Could be damaged, sat Z22uee"altches" and extendrunning tie, aracelve: power cli(TEKIN® part #PC1200) maybe plugged nto the t6Fy slot, ‘Thisreceiveris designed{or standard SOKHZ channel spacing on27.29 and 4OMHZ;and40 KHZ channel spacingon 72 and TSMH2. Do nol Use “split oF "in-between" crystals. Other poopie using “spl Wequencies close to yours can cause problems WARRANTY Tekin Electronics inc. ouarant form totactory specications for receipt. Thiswarranty does ‘ot cover. suitability for speciic application; components worn by use; application of reverse or otherwise improper \oltage: tampering; misuse: shipping, of damages or loss resulting {com the use of this product. n no cave shall our liability exceec the orginal cost of ine produc! We reserve the right to modlly the provisions of thlswarranty at any ime without notice. Thank you and good racing 8y act of using this product the user essumes all 3s this product tobe Irae from factory def sulting liability 940 Negocio « San Clemente, California 92673 U.S.A. (714) 498-9518 « FAX (714) 498.6339 NOTE: There are two versions of the Tekin TERX receiver. an Airtronics and a Futaba model. They are not Interchangeable. Be sure you are using the correct version or you will damage your recelver, speed control and servo. RECEIVER PLUG INSTALLATION FOR TERX-A “AIRTRONICS” MODEL. A) Refer to figure 3, plug into receiver, slots in plugs should face crystal. NOTE: The case is keyed to accept “Airtronics” type plugs. Do not force plug and be sure itis aligned with the keyed slots. Do not try touse a different plug or you may damage your receiver, ESC, or Servo. The case Is marked “AIR” by the connector slot. B) On75 MHz you must use an “Airtronics” type receivercrystal. On27 MHz, use any27 MHzreceiver crystal. RECEIVER PLUG INSTALLATION FOR TERX-J “FUTABA J” MODEL The Tekin TERX-J may be used with a variety of plugs, Itwill accept Futaba J plugsasis. To use other types of plugs refer to the following. Fallure to follow these instructions may result In damaging the internal com- ponents of the receiver and void the warranty. The speed control plugs into the “T" (throttle) slot, the steering ‘servo plugs into the “S” (steering) slot and battery (if used) into the “B" (battery) slot. Cut the third wire off If using the battery plug. NOTE: When adapting plugs as outlined below, be sure to change the servo, speed control, and if used, battery plugs, otherwise you will damage your receiver, servo and speed control. Thecaseismarked"FUT” bythe con- nector slot. PLUG INSTALLATION FIG. 3 AIRTRONICS KyOSHO. Ko. FiG.2 CRYSTAL BEFORE 9-Contal Signal Blue fe 2 Battery Negative - Black 1 Battery Postive Red x AFTER ' t = KS K.0. - Refer to Figures 1 and2 A) Use only “Futaba J" type receiver, not Airtronics. 8) Remove wires 1,2.and3 (figure 2) by gently depressing connector tab through slot with the tip of your x-acto knife while carefully pulling on the wire (figure 1). ©) Re-spring the tabs of the crimped on connectors by gently bending up as shown in figure 1; use your xcacto knife. D) Replace black wire into slot No. 3, red into slot No. 2 and blue into slot No. 1 £) Plug into receiver (figure 3) being sure that the slots in the plug face towards crystal. KYOSHO - Refer to Figure 3 A) Use on “Futaba J” type receivers only. 8) The slots in plugs face away from the crystal (figure 3). FUTABA-G A) Splice on a Futaba “J” connector as follows: Red to red, black to black, and white to white. Solder and insulate, 8) Use “Futaba G” to"J" adaptors, available from your hobby dealer.

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