System Aire Ahu Catalogue

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Air Handling Units

Hygiene Air Handling Unit

2 | Air handling units Air handling units | 3

Fresh air is essential for people to feel good and to

increase the life of your computers and machines. By
investing in an energy efficient ventilation system from
Systemair you get a healthy indoor environment while
reducing your operating costs. Additionally, it prepares you
for future environmental requirements and thus increases
the value of your property. In other words, pure profit.

Systemair provides professional ventilation solutions for all types of buildings,

from single-family and multi-family buildings to shopping centers, hospitals
and industrial facilities. We adapt the solution to your particular type of
business. Regardless if it is a new construction or a retrofit project, our Bringing fresh air to places
products are second to none in quality, reliability and length of service life.
You can always trust that Systemair delivers energy efficient ventilation
Systemair was founded in 1974 with South America, Middle East, Asia Contents
a pioneering idea in developing and and Africa. About 65 companies with
introducing the circular in line cen- 5,200 employees and 27 factories Systemair worldwide...............................2-3
solutions for health, comfort and success. trifugal duct fan which has simplified with a total manufacturing floor Systemair India.........................................4-5
ventilation systems. Our motto “The space of more than 300,000 m2. The
straight way”, has now extended company is listed on the NASDAQ
Fresh air is pure profit. from a product concept to a business OMX Nordic Exchange Technical data
philosophy. Our range has grown
BA-H overview.........................................6-7
­substantially to span a wide range Operating from the core values of
of energy efficient fans, air handling simplicity and reliability, our business Components.............................................8-15
units, air distribution products, air concept is to develop, manufacture Selection tools..............................................16
conditioning, air curtains and heating and market high-quality ventilation
Unit dimensions.....................................17-18
products. Our products are robust products. On the basis of our busi-
and easy to choose, install and use. ness concept and with our customers Resulting Performance...............................19

in focus, our aim is to be seen as a Certifications..........................................20-22

Today, our company is one of the company to rely on, with the empha- References.............................................23-27
global leaders having subsidiaries sis on delivery reliability, availability
in 50 countries in Europé, North & and quality.
4 | Air handling units Air handling units | 5

Systemair India
Systemair India (100% owned subsidiary of Systemair AB, Sweden) started operations in 2006. Today the company
has its offices pan India in 9 cities- Noida, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kochi, Kolkata, Pune, Mumbai & Ahmed-
abad. The team of 400 dedicated professionals are looking after- sales, technical support, production & logistics.
The company has manufacturing area totaling to 15000 sq mts in its 2 ultra-modern factories located at Greater
Noida & Hyderabad. The strategically located production units manufacture high quality products to support the
local market needs with minimum possible time for delivery.

The Greater Noida factory is a LEED Platinum certified building, with modern laboratories the ATD lab (Air Termi-
nal Devices) and Acoustic laboratory.

The ATD lab built in compliance with EN & ASHRAE standards boasts of high precise measuring equipments and
an independent control software to determine air flow patters & velocity profile of air terminal devices.
The Acoustic lab built in compliance with AMCA 210 & AMCA 300 standards uses AMCA nozzles for air flow
measurement and AMCA specified pressure taps for pressure drop measurements. The lab can conducts test pro-
cedures for maximum air flow 45000 Cub. Mt./Hr. with a pressure handling capacity of 3000pa.

•• Axial fans certified as per AMCA international.
•• BSI certificate of constancy of performance, EN12101-3: 2015 for Axial fans & AJR Jet Fans tested to 300oC/2hrs.
•• Follows ETL testing lab U.S.A for performance testing of air distribution products like grilles & diffusers.
•• Combination fire & smoke dampers certified & listed as UL555 for 90 min fire rating & UL555 S for Class 1 leakage.
•• Fire damper series FSD-A-L, FSD-A-S certified as per UL555 for 90 min fire rating.
•• Fire dampers certified by CBRI Roorkee (as per UL555 for 120 mins) and also certified as per BS-476 Part 20.
•• Fusible link fire dampers certified for 1.5 hrs of fire rating as per UL555
•• Sound attenuators certified in SRL, U.K for the static insertion loss as per BS 4718-1971.
•• EUROVENT certified BA series of AHUs.
•• EUROVENT hygienic certification for BA-H series of AHUs.
•• BS/EN1886:2008 for casing strength, tightness, thermal resistance, thermal bridging & filter bypass leakage for AHU.
•• EN13053 / 2006 for air flow-static pressure performance, heat transfer and heat recovery performance.

Product Range
The leading edge product range includes

Air Distribution & Fire Safety Products

Range of supply & exhaust diffusers, iris dampers, grilles
& fire dampers.

Air Handling Units

Compact & modular AHU’s used for industry, commerce,
schools, hospitals etc. It also includes the Hygiene air
handling units.

Fans Greater Noida - India: LEED certified Platinum rated manufacturing facility.
This includes circular & rectangular duct fans, roof fans,
box fans & axial fans.
6 | Air handling units Air handling units | 7

Are you aware...

What happens inside your air handling unit?

• Growth of microorganism colony on nonmetallic parts over the period

of operation
• Metallic parts get corroded
• Dust & foreign materials get accumulated during construction &
remains there
• Does not have sufficient space for cleaning its components
• High leakage rate
• Inefficient thermal bridging

• Low casing strength

Systemair designs a solution to all this...

India’s first air handling unit indigenously developed
& built as per international standards and certified by BA-H
Modular & extremly adaptable
EUROVENT for Hygienic application.
Systemair offers a wide range of hygiene air handling units for use in sterile areas, pharmaceutical industry, clean
rooms, hospital etc. All the metalic components are either designed of corrosion free material or have been provided
with special coatings to make it corrosion free. The non metalic components have been developed from materials which
are tested and evaluated for negative growth of micro organisms/ fungi after completion of incubation cycle.
None of the components have been manufactured from hazardous materials and do not produce odor. For all items in
the range, systems and components have been developed to satisfy stringent demands for low energy consumption.
Heat exchangers, motors and fan units have all undergone extensive testing, both in the laboratory and out in the field,
in order to comply with current and future demands for low energy consumption.
All products are also manufactured to comply with environmental requirements. To ensure easy installation, many of
these units feature control systems enabled for plug-and-play, i.e. simple start-up.
8 | Air handling units Air handling units | 9

BA-H units conform to following international standards BA-H Units

in addition to EN -13053 & EN -1886
BA-H 130
BA-H 117
•• EN ISO 846:1997 “Evaluation of the action of microorganisms” for
BA-H 100
all non metallic material.
BA-H 92
BA-H 82
BA-H 71
BA-H 68S
BA-H 68
BA-H 65
•• EN 10088-3:2014 Standard 1.4301 / AISI 304 for “Stainless steel”. BA-H 61
BA-H 54
BA-H 51
BA-H 48
BA-H 43
BA-H 41
BA-H 37

•• EN 1993-1-2:2005 Eurocode 3: “Design of steel structures” for BA-H 34

corrosion resistance. BA-H 32

BA-H 31
BA-H 29
BA-H 27
BA-H 26
BA-H 24
•• DIN 1946/4-6.5.1:2008 for Aluminium and coating properties. BA-H 22
BA-H 20
BA-H 19
BA-H 17
✓✓ Casing Strength : D1
BA-H 15
BA-H 14
•• EN 779:2012 for medium and fine filters. BA-H 12
✓✓ Casing Air Leakage : L1
BA-H 10
•• EN 1822:2010 for high efficiency filters.
BA-H 9 ✓✓ Thermal Bridging Factor : TB2
BA-H 7 ✓✓ Thermal Transmittance : T3
BA-H 6
BA-H 5
✓✓ Filter Bypass Leakage : F8
BA-H 4
•• EN ISO 12944-2:1998 for corrosion resistance. BA-H 3A
BA-H 3
BA-H 2

5.56 11.11 16.67 22.22 27.78 33.33 38.89 44.44 50.00 55.55 m3/s

•• ASTM B 117-2016 for salt spray test.

10 | Air handling units Air handling units | 11

Casing window of 200 mm diameter and robust glass filled nylon

Examples Of Applications The casing is of double skin construction complying with
handles operational from both sides with optional locking
arrangement. Each section should have inspection doors
Eurovent standard for mechanical characteristics as per
with duly wired marine lights and on/off switch mounted
The Hygiene air handling units are designed in modules. These modules can be configured for different applications EN 1886.The structure is made of Extruded Aluminium
on wall of the unit. The entire housing shall be mounted
to make up the heart of any air conditioning system. The flexibility makes it possible to optimize the air handling sections with polyamide thermal break profile for
on powder coated GSS channel frame work with provision
unit for specific requirement. ensuring thermal bridging performance. The polyamide
for handling the units at site.
strip is crimped to extruded aluminium sections for leak
proof fitment. The structure is assembled using die cast
Glass filled polyamide (PA6) joints to make a sturdy, Drain Pan shall be constructed of 18 G 304 Stainless
strong & self-supporting frame work for various sections. Steel with dual slope to facilitate immediate discharge of
The profile has built in coved aluminium profile having condensate. Specially designed drain pan with all round
smooth curvature from inside to avoid dust accumulation. edges allow complete cleaning & avoid microbial growth.
The drain tray will be insulated externally with 19 mm
nitrile rubber & extended at least 300 mm beyond the
Double Skin Panels is 50 mm thick constructed as follows
coil. Necessary arrangement will be provided to _slide the
Outer skin coil in the drain pan.
Pre painted Galvanised Sheet Steel with PVC guard film.
Aluzinc Sheet.
Mixing Section
Stainless Steel Sheet.
This has two openings, each of which contain a control
Inner skin damper. These dampers can be supplied with an
extruded aluminium section construction. These damper
Pharmaceutical Stainless Steel Sheet.
Clean Room & models have an aluminium airfoil blades. The operating
Solutions Aluzinc Sheet.
Healthcare Solutions mechanisms for all dampers are installed in the channel
Flexible solutions with Aluminium Sheet. frame. This allows air to circulate freely and facilitates
regards to filteration stages Sterile Area installation in closed ducts. The mechanisms and
Clean rooms can
as per customer needs.
Solutions encompass numerous fasteners are made of corrosion-resistant materials.
Factory assembled modules
applications, everything The operating mechanism of the dampers may be
can be easily installed at site Excellent for sterile areas from operating theatres to manual or equipped for motor-driven operation.
& eliminates site assembly since materials used have Plug & Play laboratories. Systemair’s
issues. very high resistance to
Solutions range of air handling
corrosion and microbial units can satisfy all Filters
growth. Integrated control systems.
requirements relating One of the purposes of the air handling unit is to ensure
Our factory-integrated
to healthcare, whether the purity of the room air. Air filtering is related to the
solutions are designed with
these have to do with air quantity, variety and size of the suspended impurities,
various levels of equipment
cleanliness, noise levels or
that can handle everything the existence of contaminant gases or odours, and the
demand control.
from the simplest desired filtering efficiency. The various impurities that
requirement to the toughest can exist in the air are discussed below.

The air contains numerous foreign substances caused by

Door hinge Door handle View window natural processes (e.g., wind erosion, sea evaporation,
soil movements, volcanic eruptions) and by human
The outer and inner skin shall be sandwiched with self- activity (e.g., combustion). Atmospheric dust is a mixture
extinguishing CFC - HFC free PUF/ PIR insulation (density of fog, combustion gases, fine dry particles and fibres.
38 +2 kg/m3 with K factor not exceeding 0.02 Watt/m2) Air testing normally indicates the presence of soot and
/ Rockwool insulation (density not less than 96 kg/m3). smoke, quartz, soil, residue from decomposed animals
The panels shall be screwed to the .structure using soft and vegetables, organic substances in the form of
EPDM gasket to make it leak proof. Air tight access doors/ cotton and plant fibres, and metal fragments. The air
panels with die cast zinc hinges shall be provided for also contains other organisms such as micro organisms,
access to various sections for maintenance. spores and pollen.
Particle size is expressed in microns (10-6 m). Air
The door shall be fitted with double wall inspection contains particles with a thickness of up to 0.01 microns
12 | Air handling units Air handling units | 13

and other particles with a thickness similar to fibres, Rigid bag filters Heat transfer coils Direct expansion units are also used for cooling. These
leaves, etc. Dust is generally understood to mean Rigid bag filters have similar specifications as flexible bag The cooling and heating units are composed in the units can be equipped with one or two manifolds. For
particles under 100 microns. The particle size distribution filters with the following exceptions: enclosure described above, which contains the tube-and- heating processes, the same type of copper/aluminium
of particles in atmospheric dust can be measured in • Solid, sturdy construction for fast & easy installation. fin heat transfer unit, mounted on a special joint cover. units used for cooling is normally used. If the air might
several ways. Traditionally, a variety of measurement contain corrosive chemicals, copper tube and fin (Cu/Cu)
• ABS frame.
methods have been used to determine the efficiency of units should be used to improve the corrosion resistance
the different types of filters and no classification system • Polyarathene sealant of the equipment. This type of unit is more expensive
combining the various criteria in use existed. The first Both the flexible and rigid bag filters are recommended than the copper/aluminium unit.
version of the Unified Standard EN 779 was issued to for:
Moisture eliminator in stainless steel construction are
unify the classification criteria for all filters with an initial • Pharmaceutical Industry.
provided upstream of cooling coil to avoid moisture carry
efficiency with atmospheric dust less than or equal to
• Food industries. over.
98%, (Group G: coarsedust filters; Group F: fine-dust
• Hospitals.
filters). Later, in 1998 the first version of Unified Standard
EN-1822 unifying the classification criteria for HEPA and • Sterile Areas.
UL listed UVC Emitters
ULPA absolute filters was published. The initial efficiency
of these filters with atmospheric dust is greater than
98%. UVC emitters are installed downstream the cooling coil
Absolute filters to avoid development of molds, fungus, bacteria etc. as
Require careful installation that guarantees complete air- standard accessory.
The standardised range for the BA-H Air Handling Unit tightness of all gaskets. They are designed to eliminate
For air cooling processes, units composed of copper Each UV-C lamp will be attached to a reflector that will
includes minimum two air filtering sections which, virtually even the smallest particles in the air, i.e., those
pipes and aluminium fins (Cu/Al) are normally used. reflect the UV-C energy in order to effectively irradiate
combined with the wide variety of filtering materials, in continuous suspension (the smallest of these are only
At the bottom, the cooling section has a aluminium/ the HVAC coil surface and drain pan.
covering an extensive range of possibilities in filtering visible using electronic microscopes). Compliant to ISO
efficiency. The minimum filter level for hygiene units is stainless steel pan for collecting condensation and a The reflector will be built from a high UV reflectivity
846/ VDI 6022 for microbial growth.
M-5. small hose to drain the condensation toward the outside. material capable of withstanding air velocities of up
They are specially recommended for: The pan is slightly tilted for easier drainage, in order to to 2000 ft/min. without excessive noise, wobble, or
Flexible bag filters • Hospitals. prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria such as vibration.
The flexible bag filters allow a high filtering flow rate • Food industries. Legionella pneumophila. The frame work mounting the UV emitters shall be
in relation to the front surface area. The filter has glass • Pharmaceutical companies. withdrawable type installed on rollers for easy removal
fiber media & moulded plastic frame. • Clean rooms. for maintenance & cleaning.

• Absolute filtering of air in environments with

Key features of Flexible filters are: controlled contamination.
• Compliant to ISO 846/ VDI 6022 for microbial growth. They should be installed immediately before the space
• Specially designed for food & life science applications. requiring this virtually sterile air that these filters can
• Lower energy consumption.
They correspond to Classes H13 and H14 of Group H:
• Flat pressure drop curve.
absolute filter, HEPA and ULPA, as per UNE-EN 1822.
These filters have a medium to high efficiency and
correspond to Classes M6, F7 & F9 as per EN 779.

Flexible filter. Rigid filter. Absolute Hepa filters.

14 | Air handling units Air handling units | 15

Fans All fans are fully balanced both statically and dynamically.
Control System
The fan and motor are built on a stable base frame that
Plug fan with AC motor is connected to the unit casing with rubber vibration BA-H AHU is available with preinstalled, preconfigured
Plug fan built into an acoustically insulated air handling isolators. These are designed for high levels of vibration & fully integrated control system. It is a user friendly
unit. A plug fan supplies air at the fan section outlet absorption. The fan inlet is flexibly connected to the unit system where functions & parameters can be selected
with a low and even air speed. In certain situations it casing. This ensures a good vibration absorption. from the inbuilt Human machine interface (HMI) of the
can, therefore, be an advantage to position air handling controller or through building management system. The
components on the outlet side of the fan. operating data, set points, alarms, operating status &
Plug fan with EC motor
time settings are displayed on the controller.
The EC fan is equipped with a Single Inlet Centrifugal The control system is preloaded with design tempera-
Single inlet plug fan with open outlet into the air handling
Impeller with High Efficiency Backward curved blades ture, relative humidity, pressure drops etc., time settings
unit. The fan impeller is fitted directly to the motor shaft.
and external rotor EC (Electronically Commutated) motor, & control sequence which simplifies field commissio-
This fan type has low sound power levels in the lower energy optimized for operation without spiral housing for ning. The set points can be modified in the field if requi-
frequencies. Efficiency up to 75%. The motor is supplied high efficiency and favourable acoustic behaviour. The red. The control system is capable of performing various
with a 1-speed motor. In order to regulate the fan speed high efficiency backward curved impeller with rotating function such as
to its actual operating point the motor must be fitted with diffuser is made of high performance composite material
a frequency converter to continuously control the fan /welded aluminum sheet material, with external rotor • Temperature control for supply air or room conditions.
speed and airflow. Power consumption can be greatly motor balanced together statically and dynamically
reduced by operating the fan at lower speed. according to DIN ISO 1940 Part 1. • Relative humidity control

• Dew point control

Operating temperatures: The EC fan is capable of being fitted in horizontal or • Constant air volume control for supply air
vertical position in the AHU, depending on the application.
• Enthalpy control
Standard design: -10/+40 ˚C Inlet cone is provided with a nozzle for volume flow
measurement of the fan. • Excessive pressure drop alarm

Special design: -30/+60 ˚C. • Heat recovery control

• Run around coil heat exchanger control

• Electric heater control

• Cooling/heating coil water flow control

• Integration of DX coil with outdoor condensing unit

• Fresh/return/bypass/mixing/supply air damper control

• Redundancy control for EC fans

• AHU shut off from external fire signal

• Open protocol (BACnet/Modbus over RS 485/LON) to

communicate with all Building Management Systems.

• Possibility to access the control system remotely

through WEB

Possibility to add additional control/alarm points

as per customer’s need

• Logging of various parameters

• VAV integration

Plug fan. EC fan.

16 | Air handling units Air handling units | 17

Selection Tools
We have developed this overview to make it easier for you to get an idea of which product best suits
General Unit Dimension Drawing
your specific needs. More detailed analysis or planning usually requires additional information, which
Important aspects in designing BA-H units broadly cover
is where the following tools come in.
1. Planning
2. Manufacture
Software Program 3. Shipment
BA-H Selection Program named SystemairBAAHU is 4. Metallic and non metallic material
tested & certified by EUROVENT. 5. General AHU arrangement.
• customers can chosse various construction/ 6. Inner casing surface.
manufacturing options viz. sheet thickness, insulating 7. Filter specifications & maintenance
materials, fin material , manifols material etc. 8. Casing Inspection , Maintenance & Cleaming (IMC)
• customers can design unit sections based on required 9. Air treatment components specifications
application viz. mixing section, filteration level,
recovery section, coolinh / heating section & choose
fan/ motor of their choice.
• it actaully lets customers decide sectional possibilities
in order to decide the dimensions of space required to
place a unit.
• Divide the equipment into modules, in accordance with
the project requirements;
• Obtain all technical information for the equipment
selected, including the curves for the selected fan and
its operating point;
• Estimate the cost of the equipment.
The BA-H Selection Program is user-friendly and highly

Product catalogue and

specification data

More detailed technical information, sufficient

to carry out complete planning, is available in
separate catalogues and specification data.
These describe all incorporated functions, avail-
able accessories, and additional technical data.
18 | Air handling units Air handling units | 19

(BA-H) (CMH) (H) mm (W) mm (L) mm WEIGHT Kg

2 1700 700 800 5030 700 2 CASING STRENGTH : D1

2A 2125 800 800 5060 770 2

3 2550 800 900 5060 820 2

3A 3400 850 950 5260 900 2

4 4250 850 1150 5840 1150 3
5 5100 850 1250 5840 1200 3
6 5950 850 1450 5840 1300 3
7 6800 850 1600 5840 1400 3
9 8500 1150 1550 6020 1550 3
10 10200 1200 1600 6080 1700 3
12 11900 1450 1650 6160 1800 3
14 13600 1450 1700 6210 2000 3 Performance Characteristics tested to EN 13053 standard for
15 15300 1550 1800 6610 2200 4
17 17000 1550 1900 6690 2300 4 AIR FLOW – STATIC PRESSURE DATA - POWER CONSUMPTION
19 18700 1550 2100 6690 2400 4
20 20400 1550 2200 6690 2500 4 HEAT RECOVERY
22 22100 1550 2450 6690 2600 4
24 23800 1550 2500 6690 2720 4 COOLING DUTY
26 25500 1800 2250 6755 2750 4
27 27200 1550 2800 7035 3000 5 HEATING DUTY
29 28900 1550 3100 7035 3100 5
31 30600 1800 2800 7035 3300 5 AIR – SIDE & WATER - SIDE PRESSURE DROP
32 32300 1800 2800 7035 3300 5
34 34000 1800 2900 7035 3400 5
37 37400 2100 2800 7155 3600 5
41 40800 2100 2950 7155 3750 5
43 42500 2100 3100 7155 3800 5
48 47600 2100 3400 7155 4100 5
51 51000 2100 3600 7155 4300 5
54 54400 2100 3800 7155 4450 5
61 61200 2800 3100 8780 5200 6
65 64600 2800 3400 8780 5360 6
68 68000 2800 3400 8780 5500 6
71 71400 2800 3740 8780 5850 6
82 81600 2150 5350 8780 6000 6
92 91630 2450 5350 8780 6300 6
100 99960 2450 6000 8780 6500 6
117 116620 2800 6000 8780 6700 6
130 129200 3400 5450 8780 7000 6
20 | Air handling units Air handling units | 21

CERTIFICAT N° 18.02.004
E N°
Hygienic Air Handling Unit / Centrales de
Appendix / Annexe
traitement hygiéniques
Range Name / Nom de Gamme :
Granted on February 5, 2018 - Date 1ère admission 5 février 2018
This document is valid at the date of issue - Check the current validity on:
Granted on February 5, 2018 - Date 1ère admission 5 février 2018 Document valable à la date d’émission - Vérifier la validité en cours sur :
This document is valid at the date of issue - Check the current validity
on: Document valable à la date d’émission - Vérifier la validité en cours List of certified products and characteristics is displayed on:
sur : La liste des références et caractéristiques certifiées est disponible sur le site :
This certificate is valid for the following trade names:
SYSTEMAIR AB Ce certificat est valide pour les marques commerciales suivantes:
Industrivägen 3
739 30 Skinnskatteberg,
Trade Name / Marque Commerciale
This certificate is issued by Eurovent Certita Ce certificat est délivré par Eurovent Certita Certification dans
Certification according to the certification rules: les conditions fixées par le référentiel :
This certificate is valid for the following manufacturing places:
ECP HAHU - « Hygienic Air Handling Unit » in force ECP HAHU – « Centrales de traitement hygiéniques » en Ce certificat est valide pour les sites de production suivants:
at established date. vigueur à date d’édition.
Manufacturing Place / Site de Production
Pursuant to the decision notified by Eurovent En vertu de la décision notifiée par Eurovent
Certita Certification, the right to use the mark ECP Certita Certification, le droit d'usage de la marque ECP, est
shall be granted to the beneficiary company for the accordé à la société qui en est bénéficiaire pour la GREATER NOIDA, India
above Range in the conditions defined by the gamme visée ci-dessus, dans les conditions définies par
certification program mentioned. le programme de certification mentionné.
This certificate is valid for the following software:
Unless withdrawn or suspended, this certificate Sauf retrait ou suspension, ce certificat demeure valide Ce certificat est valide pour les logiciels de sélection suivants:
remains valid as long as the requirements for the tant que les conditions du référentiel du programme de Software / Logiciel de sélection
certification program framework are met. The certification sont respectées. La validité du certificat est à
validity of the certificate is to be verified vérifier sur le site Internet
Paris, 18 septembre 2019
Organisme accrédité n° 5-0517
Certification Produits et Services selon
Portée disponible sur
Accreditation #5-0517 Products and
Services Certification according to NF DIRECTOIRE
EN ISO/CEI 17065:2012 –
Scope available on

COFRAC est signataire des accords MLA

d’EA et MLA d’IAF,
COFRAC is signatory of EA MLA and IAF
list of EA members is available on

EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS au capital de 100 000 € - 48-50 rue de la Victoire 75009 Paris - EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS au capital de 100 000 € - 48-50 rue de la Victoire 75009 Paris - FRANCE
FRANCE Tel. : 33 (0)1 75 44 71 71 - 513 133 637 RCS Paris - SIRET 513 133 637 000 35 - TVA FR 59513133637
Tel. : 33 (0)1 75 44 71 71 - 513 133 637 RCS Paris - SIRET 513 133 637 000 35
TVA FR 59513133637 S06 D06 TEMPLATE_ECP_RANGE_REV1.0
22 | Air handling units Air handling units | 23

Quality Management ISO certificate

Certificate No: 176390-2015-AQ-IND-RvA

Place and date: Chennai, 09, April, 2018

CERTIFICATE Appendix to Certificate

Certificate No: Initial certification date: Valid:

Systemair lndia Pvt. Ltd.
176390-2015-AQ-IND-RvA 12, April, 2006 12, April, 2018 - 11, April, 2021 Locations included in the certification are as follows:
Site Name Site Address Site Scope
This is to certify that the management system of Systemair lndia Pvt. Ltd. HO & Unit 1: Plot No.3, Design, development, manufacture,
Ecotech-1, Sector-31, Kasna, marketing, supply and service of HVAC
Greater Noida – 201 308,

Systemair lndia Pvt. Ltd. Systemair lndia Pvt. Ltd.

Uttar Pradesh, India
Unit 2: Plot No. 8-84/14/11, Manufacture, marketing, supply and
HO & Unit 1: Plot No. 3, Ecotech-1, Sector-31, Kasna, Greater Noida – 201 308, Opp. Sai Geetha Ashram, service of HVAC products
Uttar Pradesh, India Devaryamzal, Medchal Dist.,
and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate Hyderabad – 500 078,
Telangana, India

has been found to conform to the Quality Management System standard:

ISO 9001:2015

This certificate is valid for the following scope:

Design, development, manufacture, marketing, supply and service of HVAC

Place and date: For the issuing office:

Chennai, 09, April, 2018 DNV GL – Business Assurance
ROMA, No. 10, GST Road, Alandur,
Chennai - 600 016, India

Sivadasan Madiyath
Management Representative

Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
Page 1 of 1

Note: Keep track of our latest certificate at

24 | Air handling units Air handling units | 25

Few of our valued customers 79 Syngene International Ltd. 30 Rajwest Power Plant
80 Teva-Gajraula, Malanpur 31 SAIL IISCO-Burnpur
Pharmaceuticals / Clean Room 41 Immacule-Nalagarh 81 Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Dahej, Baddi, 32 SBC, Hyderabad
42 Innova Captab, Baddi Ahmedabad, Indrad 33 Scott Edil Advance Research Lab & Edu. Ltd.
1 ACG-Pithampur
43 INTAS Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad 82 Troikaa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 34 Sekhsaria Chemicals
2 ACME Formulation-Baddi
44 IPCA Laboratories Ltd. 83 Unichem Laboratories-Pithampur, Roha 35 Serum Institute, Pune
3 Actoverco-Iran
45 Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd.-Hyderabad 84 36 Texas Instrument, B’lore
4 Agila Specialities Pvt. Ltd. USV Ltd., Baddi, Mumbai, Daman
46 Johnsons & Johnsons Ltd. 37 Thermax Solar Power Plant, Jaisalmer
5 Ahlcon Parenterals India Ltd. 85 Vitane-Iran
47 Life Pharma-Dubai 38 Tmcb-2 Bombay Dyeing
6 Akorn India Pvt. Ltd. 86 Watson Pharma Limited
48 Mankind Pharma Limited 39 Unitech Hi-Tech Structures Limited.-Kolkata
7 Aleor Dermaceuticals Ltd. 87 West Pharma
49 Marck Parentrals 40 Vacmet India Ltd.
8 Alkem Laboratories, Baddi
88 Wockhardt Ltd. 41 Warner Lambert
9 Alpha Pharma Healthcare (I) Pvt. Ltd.-Thane 50 Martin &Harris Labs Ltd.
10 Apotex 51 Mayer Organics Pvt. Ltd.,
Industrial Hospital
11 Ashrae Clean Room, Hy’bad 52 Medical Cyclotron Centre-Kolkata
12 Atra Pharmaceuticals 53 1 Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. 1 AIIMS, New Delhi
MICO, B’lore
13 Avantis Pharma 2 Apollo Tyres 2 Alexis Hospital-Nagpur
54 Morepan Lab. Baddi
14 BCG Vaccine Laboratories-Tamilnadu 3 Asian Paints Ltd., Mumbai 3 Apollo Hospital
55 Mylan Laboratories
15 Bengal Chemical, Kolkata 4 BARC-Mysore 4 Apollo Reach Hospital-Trichy
56 Nabros Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
16 Biocon Pharma 5 BHEL, Bhopal 5 Cancer Hospital-Bathinda
17 Biocon SDN BHD-Malaysia 57 Neon Pharma 6
6 Bosch Ltd. Centre for Digestive & Kidney Disease, Mumbai
18 Biological E Limited-Hyderabad 58 Nicolas Piramal, Mumbai 7 British High Commission 7 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital
19 BSL / German Remedies Ltd., Goa 59 Okasa Remedies Daman 8 CGPL, Mundra 8 Dr. L.H. Hiranandani Hospital,
20 Cipla Limited-Bengaluru 60 Optimus Pharma-Hyderabad 9 Colgate, Baddi 9 EPR Centre (Vitane)
21 Cipla Limited-Pune 61 Pan Pharma, Baroda 10 ETA/Warner Lambert 10 Escorts Heart Institute
22 Cipla Limited-Sikkim 62 Parsan Oversease (P) Limited 11 Exxon Co./ Voltas Ltd., Bangalore 11 ESIC Hospitals
23 Cosmo Laboratories, Ludhiana 63 12 Godrej Hospital, Mumbai Eternal Healthcare Centre & Research Insti-
Perrigo API India Pvt. Ltd. 12
24 Dhanuka Laboratories Ltd. 13 HB Estate, Gurgaon tute Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur
64 Pfizer, Mumbai
25 Dr. Actoverco-Iran 14 IEML, NOIDA 13 Fortis Hospital, New Delhi
65 Project at Myanmar
26 Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories 15 IGIB, NewDelhi 14 Godrej Hospital-Mumbai
66 Ranbaxy Laboratory-Dewas,Toansa,Baddi, 15 Hiranandani Hospital-Mumbai
27 East African (India) Overseas 16 IOCL, Barauni ,Bihar
Mohali, Poanta Sahib
28 E-Biological, Pune 17 IOCL, Faridabad 16 Jaypee Medical Center
67 Sangre-La Pharma
29 EISAI Pharmaceuticals India Pvt. Ltd.-Vizag 18 IOCL, Medinipur, WB 17 Krishna Heart Institute, Amedabad
68 Scott Edil Adv. Reseach Lab & Education Ltd. 18 Manipal Medical Institute, Nepal
30 Elysium Pharmaceuticals Limited 19 JMI, New Delhi
69 Sekh Saria Chemicals 19 Mata Chanan Devi Hospital
31 Emami Limited-Dongari 20 JRRCRL-Jaipur
32 Emami Limited-Vapi 70 Sequent Pharma 21 Mars International India Pvt. Ltd. 20 Max Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi
33 Emami Research Park 71 Serum Institute-Pune 22 MES-Manesar, Jabalpur, Shimla 21 Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, New Delhi
34 Fresenius Kabi Oncology Ltd. 72 Shree Ji Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. 23 NABARD, Lucknow 22 Shillong Hospital
35 Goa Formulation Ltd. 73 Sidmak Laboratories (I) Pvt.Ltd. 24 NCBS, Bangalore 23 Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
36 Gufic-Ahmedabad 74 25 Oberoi Airport Services, New Delhi 24 Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital-Vizag
Stelis Biopharma-Bangalore
37 HBL Limited-Tamilnadu 26 Om Kar Builder 25 Trauma Center, New Delhi
75 Sudair Pharma
38 Hellios Pharma, Baddi 27 Paradip Refinery IOCL 26 Udgir Hospital
76 Sun Pharma Sikkim-II & Dadra
39 Hindustan Liver Limited 28 Price Water House, Calcutta 27 West Bengal Hospital
77 Sunpharma-Basaka
40 Hospira, Vishakhapatnam 29 Punj Lloyd Ltd., Gurgaon
78 Swiss Garnier Genexiaa Sciences-Sikkim
26 | Air handling units Air handling units | 27

Hotels Commercial Office IT / ITES

44 Park View Business Tower
1 Aakriti Hotel, Greater Noida 1 Amanora Park Town-Pune 45 Parliament Library, New Delhi 1 Accenture Services, Bengaluru
2 Bharat Hotel Limited, Jaipur 2 American Embassy School, New Delhi 46 Pothys Textiles, Chennai 2 ARN IT Park, Greater Noida
3 Botanix Resorts-Gurgaon 3 Amity-Noida 47 Power Finance Corporation 3 CIS Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon
4 Dusit Devrana Hotel, New Delhi-I 4 Anjaneya Building-Bangalore 48 Prasar Bharti, New Delhi 4 Cognizant Technology Service, Chennai
5 Fortune Hotel, Gurgaon 5 Ansal Plaza Mall, Ghaziabad 49 PSP Projects Pvt. Ltd.-Gandhinagar 5 Computer Associates, B’lore
6 Ganapath Hotel-Mysore 6 British High Commission 50 Punj Lloyd-Gurgaon
7 Garden-Galeria 7 BSL/Eagelton –The Golf Village, Bangalore 51 Raheja Building, 1A 6 E-Serve International, Mumbai
8 Goa Hotels (Hyatt Goa) HRW 8 BSNL, New Delhi 52 RITES Ltd., Gurgaon 7 Hughes Software, Gurgaon
9 Grand Hyatt, Goa 9 Callnet India Pvt. Ltd. 53 Ritnand Balved Education Foundation, 8 I Gate-Pune
10 Grand Hyatt-Cochin 10 Cargo Complex, New Delhi Lucknow 9 Infosys Ltd., Bengaluru, Mangalore, Pune,
11 Hotel Hyatt Regency, Calcutta 11 Cyber Park, Gurgaon 54 Seawoods-Navi Mumbai Trivenderum
12 Hotel Intercontinental-Dhaka 12 Cyber Walk, Manesar 55 Shopat Mantri, Bengaluru 10 IT Square, Greater Noida
13 Hotel Kaniska, New Delhi 13 Daksh Call Centre, Gurgaon 56 Shri Guru Ram Das Institute of Dental Sci- 11 Net Apps-Bangalore
14 Hotel Marriott, New Delhi 14 DHL Airfreight, Gurgaon ence & Research 12 Oxygen at Noida
15 Hotel Shang RE-LA 15 Era Infra Engineering Limited 57 SRMT Mall-Kakinada 13 Phillips Software, Bangalore
16 Hotel Udaivilas, Udaipur 16 Global Business Park, Gurgaon 58 Star TV India-Mumbai 14 Phoenix Infocity Pv.t Ltd.
17 Hotel Yak & Yeti, Nepal 17 Godrej IT Park, Mumbai 59 Thimphu Tech Park, Bhutan 15 Pune Embassy Projects Pvt. Ltd.,
18 Hyatt Andaz-New Delhi 18 Golden Heights, Bangalore 60 TOD-Hyderabad 16 S.P. Infocity, Manesar
19 IBIS hotel, New Delhi 19 IIL, Hyderabad 61 Trikaya Cultivation 17 Tata Teleservices, New Delhi
20 ITC Gardenia-Bangalore 20 IIT, Kanpur 62 Unitech Business Park, Gurgaon 18 TCS Salt Lake-Calcutta
21 ITC Green Bharat 21 IIT-Mumbai 63 Vatika-Tech Park, City, Hospitality 19 TCS, Bangalore
22 ITC Ltd., Gurgaon 22 Inorbit Mall-Pune, Malad, Mumbai, Vasi 64 Vipul Business Park-Gurgaon 20 Tidel Park, Chennai
23 Jas Hotel at Amritsar 23 I-Park, Gurgaon (Amendment) 65 Voltas / TCS Salt Lake, Calcutta 21 Wipro Limited
24 JW Marriot 24 ISRO, Lucknow 66 WHO, Delhi
25 KBJ Grand-Varanasi 25 Jaipur Central Developers P. Ltd. 67 Windsor, Mumbai
26 Kenwood Hotel, Mumbai 26 Jaipur Stock Exchange 68 YKK India
27 Lemon Tree Hotel, Hyderabad 27 Jindal Saw, Gurgaon
28 Malsi Hotel, Dehradun 28 JMI-New Delhi
29 MBD Hotels, Jalandhar 29 Khalsa Heritage, Punjab Infrastructure
30 LIC Mumbai
Technical Assistance
30 Novotel Hotel, Gurgaon
31 Piccadily Hotels Pvt. Ltd. 31 LMT School of Management, Punjab 1 Cochin International Airport Ltd. & Customer Care Services
32 Lodha I Think-Mumbai 2 Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
32 Powai Plaza, Mumbai
3 Shivaji Stadium, New Delhi Systemair India provides to all customers a Technical
33 Radisson Hotel-Guwahati 33 Manjeera Mall
Assistance Service by highly qualified and exprienced
34 Market City, Kurla 4 TN Assembly Building
34 Raj Chopra Mussoorie Hotel team having specialization in both Industrial and comfort
35 Mind Space Club, Mumbai 5 Rashtrapati Bhawan
35 Royal Orchid Hotel at Jaipur facilities. We also offer a service for commissioning
36 Mind Space, Hyderabad 6 DU Commom Wealth Games and technical advice for the equipment supplied to
36 Sheraton Hotel-Gr. Noida, New Delhi, Jaipur
38 Motherson Corporate Office, Noida 7 Airport Authority of India our valued customers. Kindly feel free to contact us or
37 Taj-Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad
8 IAAI Guwahati Airport, Calcutta request a quote for such services.
38 The Oberoi 39 MTNL Mumbai
9 ULCC Infrastructure (P) Ltd.
39 Tip Top Hotel-Pune 40 New District Court-Chandigarh
10 Hyderabad International Airport
40 Today Hotel 41 Orchid Agora, Gurgaon
11 Delhi International Airport Tel. +91 (0120) 476 3100 / 3140
41 Waves Hospitality Pvt. Ltd. 42 Orchid Square, Gurgaon
42 Westin Hotel-Gurgaon 43 Parinee, Mumbai
A-19, First Floor, Sector-64 Noida, U.P 201307
Tel: +91 120 4639 700

92/2A Bidhan Nagar Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700067
Tel: +91 983 0420 473

138/1655, Karnavati Appartment, Paras Nagar,
Sola Road, Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380063
Tel: +91 9624 448 912

Office No. G 16, Neo Corporate Plaza, RamChandra Lane
Ext., Kanchpada, Malad W, Mumbai-400064
Tel: +91 08108124863

Office No 7B , B wing Manorama Apartments
Near Leapbridge School, Lane no 7, Prabhat Road,
Tel: +91 20 66215872

Plot No. 8-84/14/11; Opp. Sai Geetha Ashram
Devaryamzal, Medchal Dist, Hyderabad 500078, India
Tel: + 91 40 40176396

40 Sindhoora, MLA Layout, Block 4, RMV 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560094
Tel: +91 80 2341 7922 / 6922 Systemair India (H.O)

Plot No.03, ECOTECH I,

53/1690 B, 2nd Floor. Meppullil Building, Sector-31, Kasna,
Near to EVM Honda Kachappilly Road, Vyttila Ernakulam, Greater Noida, U.P 201308
Kerala -682019 Tel: +91 120 4763 100
Tel: +91 904 8181 300 Fax: +91 120 4763 101
Systemair IN / HAHU / 05/ 2018

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