System Aire Ahu Catalogue
System Aire Ahu Catalogue
System Aire Ahu Catalogue
Systemair India
Systemair India (100% owned subsidiary of Systemair AB, Sweden) started operations in 2006. Today the company
has its offices pan India in 9 cities- Noida, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kochi, Kolkata, Pune, Mumbai & Ahmed-
abad. The team of 400 dedicated professionals are looking after- sales, technical support, production & logistics.
The company has manufacturing area totaling to 15000 sq mts in its 2 ultra-modern factories located at Greater
Noida & Hyderabad. The strategically located production units manufacture high quality products to support the
local market needs with minimum possible time for delivery.
The Greater Noida factory is a LEED Platinum certified building, with modern laboratories the ATD lab (Air Termi-
nal Devices) and Acoustic laboratory.
The ATD lab built in compliance with EN & ASHRAE standards boasts of high precise measuring equipments and
an independent control software to determine air flow patters & velocity profile of air terminal devices.
The Acoustic lab built in compliance with AMCA 210 & AMCA 300 standards uses AMCA nozzles for air flow
measurement and AMCA specified pressure taps for pressure drop measurements. The lab can conducts test pro-
cedures for maximum air flow 45000 Cub. Mt./Hr. with a pressure handling capacity of 3000pa.
•• Axial fans certified as per AMCA international.
•• BSI certificate of constancy of performance, EN12101-3: 2015 for Axial fans & AJR Jet Fans tested to 300oC/2hrs.
•• Follows ETL testing lab U.S.A for performance testing of air distribution products like grilles & diffusers.
•• Combination fire & smoke dampers certified & listed as UL555 for 90 min fire rating & UL555 S for Class 1 leakage.
•• Fire damper series FSD-A-L, FSD-A-S certified as per UL555 for 90 min fire rating.
•• Fire dampers certified by CBRI Roorkee (as per UL555 for 120 mins) and also certified as per BS-476 Part 20.
•• Fusible link fire dampers certified for 1.5 hrs of fire rating as per UL555
•• Sound attenuators certified in SRL, U.K for the static insertion loss as per BS 4718-1971.
•• EUROVENT certified BA series of AHUs.
•• EUROVENT hygienic certification for BA-H series of AHUs.
•• BS/EN1886:2008 for casing strength, tightness, thermal resistance, thermal bridging & filter bypass leakage for AHU.
•• EN13053 / 2006 for air flow-static pressure performance, heat transfer and heat recovery performance.
Product Range
The leading edge product range includes
Fans Greater Noida - India: LEED certified Platinum rated manufacturing facility.
This includes circular & rectangular duct fans, roof fans,
box fans & axial fans.
6 | Air handling units Air handling units | 7
5.56 11.11 16.67 22.22 27.78 33.33 38.89 44.44 50.00 55.55 m3/s
and other particles with a thickness similar to fibres, Rigid bag filters Heat transfer coils Direct expansion units are also used for cooling. These
leaves, etc. Dust is generally understood to mean Rigid bag filters have similar specifications as flexible bag The cooling and heating units are composed in the units can be equipped with one or two manifolds. For
particles under 100 microns. The particle size distribution filters with the following exceptions: enclosure described above, which contains the tube-and- heating processes, the same type of copper/aluminium
of particles in atmospheric dust can be measured in • Solid, sturdy construction for fast & easy installation. fin heat transfer unit, mounted on a special joint cover. units used for cooling is normally used. If the air might
several ways. Traditionally, a variety of measurement contain corrosive chemicals, copper tube and fin (Cu/Cu)
• ABS frame.
methods have been used to determine the efficiency of units should be used to improve the corrosion resistance
the different types of filters and no classification system • Polyarathene sealant of the equipment. This type of unit is more expensive
combining the various criteria in use existed. The first Both the flexible and rigid bag filters are recommended than the copper/aluminium unit.
version of the Unified Standard EN 779 was issued to for:
Moisture eliminator in stainless steel construction are
unify the classification criteria for all filters with an initial • Pharmaceutical Industry.
provided upstream of cooling coil to avoid moisture carry
efficiency with atmospheric dust less than or equal to
• Food industries. over.
98%, (Group G: coarsedust filters; Group F: fine-dust
• Hospitals.
filters). Later, in 1998 the first version of Unified Standard
EN-1822 unifying the classification criteria for HEPA and • Sterile Areas.
UL listed UVC Emitters
ULPA absolute filters was published. The initial efficiency
of these filters with atmospheric dust is greater than
98%. UVC emitters are installed downstream the cooling coil
Absolute filters to avoid development of molds, fungus, bacteria etc. as
Require careful installation that guarantees complete air- standard accessory.
The standardised range for the BA-H Air Handling Unit tightness of all gaskets. They are designed to eliminate
For air cooling processes, units composed of copper Each UV-C lamp will be attached to a reflector that will
includes minimum two air filtering sections which, virtually even the smallest particles in the air, i.e., those
pipes and aluminium fins (Cu/Al) are normally used. reflect the UV-C energy in order to effectively irradiate
combined with the wide variety of filtering materials, in continuous suspension (the smallest of these are only
At the bottom, the cooling section has a aluminium/ the HVAC coil surface and drain pan.
covering an extensive range of possibilities in filtering visible using electronic microscopes). Compliant to ISO
efficiency. The minimum filter level for hygiene units is stainless steel pan for collecting condensation and a The reflector will be built from a high UV reflectivity
846/ VDI 6022 for microbial growth.
M-5. small hose to drain the condensation toward the outside. material capable of withstanding air velocities of up
They are specially recommended for: The pan is slightly tilted for easier drainage, in order to to 2000 ft/min. without excessive noise, wobble, or
Flexible bag filters • Hospitals. prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria such as vibration.
The flexible bag filters allow a high filtering flow rate • Food industries. Legionella pneumophila. The frame work mounting the UV emitters shall be
in relation to the front surface area. The filter has glass • Pharmaceutical companies. withdrawable type installed on rollers for easy removal
fiber media & moulded plastic frame. • Clean rooms. for maintenance & cleaning.
Fans All fans are fully balanced both statically and dynamically.
Control System
The fan and motor are built on a stable base frame that
Plug fan with AC motor is connected to the unit casing with rubber vibration BA-H AHU is available with preinstalled, preconfigured
Plug fan built into an acoustically insulated air handling isolators. These are designed for high levels of vibration & fully integrated control system. It is a user friendly
unit. A plug fan supplies air at the fan section outlet absorption. The fan inlet is flexibly connected to the unit system where functions & parameters can be selected
with a low and even air speed. In certain situations it casing. This ensures a good vibration absorption. from the inbuilt Human machine interface (HMI) of the
can, therefore, be an advantage to position air handling controller or through building management system. The
components on the outlet side of the fan. operating data, set points, alarms, operating status &
Plug fan with EC motor
time settings are displayed on the controller.
The EC fan is equipped with a Single Inlet Centrifugal The control system is preloaded with design tempera-
Single inlet plug fan with open outlet into the air handling
Impeller with High Efficiency Backward curved blades ture, relative humidity, pressure drops etc., time settings
unit. The fan impeller is fitted directly to the motor shaft.
and external rotor EC (Electronically Commutated) motor, & control sequence which simplifies field commissio-
This fan type has low sound power levels in the lower energy optimized for operation without spiral housing for ning. The set points can be modified in the field if requi-
frequencies. Efficiency up to 75%. The motor is supplied high efficiency and favourable acoustic behaviour. The red. The control system is capable of performing various
with a 1-speed motor. In order to regulate the fan speed high efficiency backward curved impeller with rotating function such as
to its actual operating point the motor must be fitted with diffuser is made of high performance composite material
a frequency converter to continuously control the fan /welded aluminum sheet material, with external rotor • Temperature control for supply air or room conditions.
speed and airflow. Power consumption can be greatly motor balanced together statically and dynamically
reduced by operating the fan at lower speed. according to DIN ISO 1940 Part 1. • Relative humidity control
through WEB
• VAV integration
Selection Tools
We have developed this overview to make it easier for you to get an idea of which product best suits
General Unit Dimension Drawing
your specific needs. More detailed analysis or planning usually requires additional information, which
Important aspects in designing BA-H units broadly cover
is where the following tools come in.
1. Planning
2. Manufacture
Software Program 3. Shipment
BA-H Selection Program named SystemairBAAHU is 4. Metallic and non metallic material
tested & certified by EUROVENT. 5. General AHU arrangement.
• customers can chosse various construction/ 6. Inner casing surface.
manufacturing options viz. sheet thickness, insulating 7. Filter specifications & maintenance
materials, fin material , manifols material etc. 8. Casing Inspection , Maintenance & Cleaming (IMC)
• customers can design unit sections based on required 9. Air treatment components specifications
application viz. mixing section, filteration level,
recovery section, coolinh / heating section & choose
fan/ motor of their choice.
• it actaully lets customers decide sectional possibilities
in order to decide the dimensions of space required to
place a unit.
• Divide the equipment into modules, in accordance with
the project requirements;
• Obtain all technical information for the equipment
selected, including the curves for the selected fan and
its operating point;
• Estimate the cost of the equipment.
The BA-H Selection Program is user-friendly and highly
(BA-H) (CMH) (H) mm (W) mm (L) mm WEIGHT Kg
CERTIFICAT N° 18.02.004
E N°
Hygienic Air Handling Unit / Centrales de
Appendix / Annexe
traitement hygiéniques
Range Name / Nom de Gamme :
Granted on February 5, 2018 - Date 1ère admission 5 février 2018
This document is valid at the date of issue - Check the current validity on:
Granted on February 5, 2018 - Date 1ère admission 5 février 2018 Document valable à la date d’émission - Vérifier la validité en cours sur :
This document is valid at the date of issue - Check the current validity
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sur : La liste des références et caractéristiques certifiées est disponible sur le site :
This certificate is valid for the following trade names:
SYSTEMAIR AB Ce certificat est valide pour les marques commerciales suivantes:
Industrivägen 3
739 30 Skinnskatteberg,
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This certificate is issued by Eurovent Certita Ce certificat est délivré par Eurovent Certita Certification dans
Certification according to the certification rules: les conditions fixées par le référentiel :
This certificate is valid for the following manufacturing places:
ECP HAHU - « Hygienic Air Handling Unit » in force ECP HAHU – « Centrales de traitement hygiéniques » en Ce certificat est valide pour les sites de production suivants:
at established date. vigueur à date d’édition.
Manufacturing Place / Site de Production
Pursuant to the decision notified by Eurovent En vertu de la décision notifiée par Eurovent
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shall be granted to the beneficiary company for the accordé à la société qui en est bénéficiaire pour la GREATER NOIDA, India
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Paris, 18 septembre 2019
Organisme accrédité n° 5-0517
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Accreditation #5-0517 Products and
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EN ISO/CEI 17065:2012 –
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EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS au capital de 100 000 € - 48-50 rue de la Victoire 75009 Paris - EUROVENT CERTITA CERTIFICATION SAS au capital de 100 000 € - 48-50 rue de la Victoire 75009 Paris - FRANCE
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TVA FR 59513133637 S06 D06 TEMPLATE_ECP_RANGE_REV1.0
22 | Air handling units Air handling units | 23
Place and date: Chennai, 09, April, 2018
Sivadasan Madiyath
Management Representative
Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
Page 1 of 1
Few of our valued customers 79 Syngene International Ltd. 30 Rajwest Power Plant
80 Teva-Gajraula, Malanpur 31 SAIL IISCO-Burnpur
Pharmaceuticals / Clean Room 41 Immacule-Nalagarh 81 Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Dahej, Baddi, 32 SBC, Hyderabad
42 Innova Captab, Baddi Ahmedabad, Indrad 33 Scott Edil Advance Research Lab & Edu. Ltd.
1 ACG-Pithampur
43 INTAS Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad 82 Troikaa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 34 Sekhsaria Chemicals
2 ACME Formulation-Baddi
44 IPCA Laboratories Ltd. 83 Unichem Laboratories-Pithampur, Roha 35 Serum Institute, Pune
3 Actoverco-Iran
45 Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd.-Hyderabad 84 36 Texas Instrument, B’lore
4 Agila Specialities Pvt. Ltd. USV Ltd., Baddi, Mumbai, Daman
46 Johnsons & Johnsons Ltd. 37 Thermax Solar Power Plant, Jaisalmer
5 Ahlcon Parenterals India Ltd. 85 Vitane-Iran
47 Life Pharma-Dubai 38 Tmcb-2 Bombay Dyeing
6 Akorn India Pvt. Ltd. 86 Watson Pharma Limited
48 Mankind Pharma Limited 39 Unitech Hi-Tech Structures Limited.-Kolkata
7 Aleor Dermaceuticals Ltd. 87 West Pharma
49 Marck Parentrals 40 Vacmet India Ltd.
8 Alkem Laboratories, Baddi
88 Wockhardt Ltd. 41 Warner Lambert
9 Alpha Pharma Healthcare (I) Pvt. Ltd.-Thane 50 Martin &Harris Labs Ltd.
10 Apotex 51 Mayer Organics Pvt. Ltd.,
Industrial Hospital
11 Ashrae Clean Room, Hy’bad 52 Medical Cyclotron Centre-Kolkata
12 Atra Pharmaceuticals 53 1 Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. 1 AIIMS, New Delhi
MICO, B’lore
13 Avantis Pharma 2 Apollo Tyres 2 Alexis Hospital-Nagpur
54 Morepan Lab. Baddi
14 BCG Vaccine Laboratories-Tamilnadu 3 Asian Paints Ltd., Mumbai 3 Apollo Hospital
55 Mylan Laboratories
15 Bengal Chemical, Kolkata 4 BARC-Mysore 4 Apollo Reach Hospital-Trichy
56 Nabros Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
16 Biocon Pharma 5 BHEL, Bhopal 5 Cancer Hospital-Bathinda
17 Biocon SDN BHD-Malaysia 57 Neon Pharma 6
6 Bosch Ltd. Centre for Digestive & Kidney Disease, Mumbai
18 Biological E Limited-Hyderabad 58 Nicolas Piramal, Mumbai 7 British High Commission 7 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital
19 BSL / German Remedies Ltd., Goa 59 Okasa Remedies Daman 8 CGPL, Mundra 8 Dr. L.H. Hiranandani Hospital,
20 Cipla Limited-Bengaluru 60 Optimus Pharma-Hyderabad 9 Colgate, Baddi 9 EPR Centre (Vitane)
21 Cipla Limited-Pune 61 Pan Pharma, Baroda 10 ETA/Warner Lambert 10 Escorts Heart Institute
22 Cipla Limited-Sikkim 62 Parsan Oversease (P) Limited 11 Exxon Co./ Voltas Ltd., Bangalore 11 ESIC Hospitals
23 Cosmo Laboratories, Ludhiana 63 12 Godrej Hospital, Mumbai Eternal Healthcare Centre & Research Insti-
Perrigo API India Pvt. Ltd. 12
24 Dhanuka Laboratories Ltd. 13 HB Estate, Gurgaon tute Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur
64 Pfizer, Mumbai
25 Dr. Actoverco-Iran 14 IEML, NOIDA 13 Fortis Hospital, New Delhi
65 Project at Myanmar
26 Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories 15 IGIB, NewDelhi 14 Godrej Hospital-Mumbai
66 Ranbaxy Laboratory-Dewas,Toansa,Baddi, 15 Hiranandani Hospital-Mumbai
27 East African (India) Overseas 16 IOCL, Barauni ,Bihar
Mohali, Poanta Sahib
28 E-Biological, Pune 17 IOCL, Faridabad 16 Jaypee Medical Center
67 Sangre-La Pharma
29 EISAI Pharmaceuticals India Pvt. Ltd.-Vizag 18 IOCL, Medinipur, WB 17 Krishna Heart Institute, Amedabad
68 Scott Edil Adv. Reseach Lab & Education Ltd. 18 Manipal Medical Institute, Nepal
30 Elysium Pharmaceuticals Limited 19 JMI, New Delhi
69 Sekh Saria Chemicals 19 Mata Chanan Devi Hospital
31 Emami Limited-Dongari 20 JRRCRL-Jaipur
32 Emami Limited-Vapi 70 Sequent Pharma 21 Mars International India Pvt. Ltd. 20 Max Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi
33 Emami Research Park 71 Serum Institute-Pune 22 MES-Manesar, Jabalpur, Shimla 21 Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, New Delhi
34 Fresenius Kabi Oncology Ltd. 72 Shree Ji Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. 23 NABARD, Lucknow 22 Shillong Hospital
35 Goa Formulation Ltd. 73 Sidmak Laboratories (I) Pvt.Ltd. 24 NCBS, Bangalore 23 Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
36 Gufic-Ahmedabad 74 25 Oberoi Airport Services, New Delhi 24 Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital-Vizag
Stelis Biopharma-Bangalore
37 HBL Limited-Tamilnadu 26 Om Kar Builder 25 Trauma Center, New Delhi
75 Sudair Pharma
38 Hellios Pharma, Baddi 27 Paradip Refinery IOCL 26 Udgir Hospital
76 Sun Pharma Sikkim-II & Dadra
39 Hindustan Liver Limited 28 Price Water House, Calcutta 27 West Bengal Hospital
77 Sunpharma-Basaka
40 Hospira, Vishakhapatnam 29 Punj Lloyd Ltd., Gurgaon
78 Swiss Garnier Genexiaa Sciences-Sikkim
26 | Air handling units Air handling units | 27
92/2A Bidhan Nagar Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700067
Tel: +91 983 0420 473
138/1655, Karnavati Appartment, Paras Nagar,
Sola Road, Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380063
Tel: +91 9624 448 912
Office No. G 16, Neo Corporate Plaza, RamChandra Lane
Ext., Kanchpada, Malad W, Mumbai-400064
Tel: +91 08108124863
Office No 7B , B wing Manorama Apartments
Near Leapbridge School, Lane no 7, Prabhat Road,
Tel: +91 20 66215872
Plot No. 8-84/14/11; Opp. Sai Geetha Ashram
Devaryamzal, Medchal Dist, Hyderabad 500078, India
Tel: + 91 40 40176396
40 Sindhoora, MLA Layout, Block 4, RMV 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560094
Tel: +91 80 2341 7922 / 6922 Systemair India (H.O)