Model and Observer-Based Controller Design For A Quanser Helicopter With Two DOF

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2012 Ninth Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference

Model and Observer-Based Controller Design for a

Quanser Helicopter with two DOF
Edilberto Carlos Vivas González Diego Mauricio Rivera Edwar Jacinto Gómez
Prog. de Ingenierı́a de Sonido Dept. de Ingenierı́a Eléctrica y Electrónica Dept. de Tecnologı́a en Electrónica
Universidad De San Buenaventura Universidad Nacional de Colombia Universidad Distrital F. J. C.
Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá, Colombia

Abstract—In this work, the dynamic model and the prototype from the control system design, and finally it shows the results
control for a helicopter of 2 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) are obtained in the real plant.
presented. The model of the system is nonlinear and open
loop unstable, which is obtained by using the equations of
movement of Euler-Lagrange. The resulting linear model is II. M ODEL
function of an operating point. The controller design consists
of two control loops, one for the elevation angle (Pitch) and
the other for rotational motion (Yaw). For the control system, The helicopter with two degrees of freedom is pivoted
state feedback techniques are used and an observer is designed to around the Pitch axis by the θ angle and around the Yaw
estimate all states. The equations from the state feedback control axis by the ψ angle [11][12][15] as shown in Figure 1; the
scheme with observer are described and from them, a central Pitch angle is defined positive when the nose of the helicopter
controller is designed. This is an observer-based control. The rises and the Yaw angle is defined positive for rotations in a
controller achieves stability and good performance in different
operating points. The model was found by considering additional clockwise direction.
parameters that were not taken into account in the model
provided by the manufacturer, obtaining a more accurate model.

Keywords-Modelling; LQR control; Integral effect; Quanser;


In the control applications of chemical processes, robotic,
control of aircraft, among others, it is required to control
different physical variables, such as temperature, pressure,
flux, level, etc., to carry out a determined purpose. The
concept of feedback is used, which consists on comparing the
desired value of a physical variable in front of the real value
Fig. 1. Dynamics of 2DOF Helicopter
and based on the error, running a determined control action.
In the design of feedback control systems it is necessary to
find a controller to keep or get the stability to diminish the The gravitational force Fg generates a torque in the Pitch
perturbances that are signals that tend to change the value of axis that makes the nose of the helicopter drop because the
a signal or output variable. center of mass is not in the pivot but at a distance lmc along
the length of the fuselage at a height h below this. Figure 2
The two DOF helicopter consists of two rotors in shows the direct kinematics of the helicopter.
quadrature, pivoted around the Pitch and Yaw axes. To find
the dynamic model of the plant, the method of Euler-Lagrange To find the equations of motion the Euler-Lagrange method
was used, which describes the equations of movement and was used, which is based on the analysis of kinetic and
implicated forces. The resulting model is nonlinear, from potential energy of the system.
which a linear model that is in function of the pitch angle.
The control system in closed loop uses a LQR controller; The position of center of mass of the system in relation
the LQR control is a state feedback technique that finds an to the fixed coordinate system (pivot) is found by using
optimum solution to a minimization problem. homogeneous transformation matrices (Rotz0 ,ψ ) (Roty1 ,θ ),
[9][2][13] and the Cartesian position of the mass center is
The document is divided into a part of modeling, another obtained.

978-0-7695-4878-4/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE 259

DOI 10.1109/CERMA.2012.50
Xmc = (lmc cosθ + h sinθ) cosψ (1) Where L is the Lagrange variable, which corresponds to the
Ymc = (−lmc cosθ − h sinθ) sinψ (2) difference between kinetic and potential energy of the system
Zmc = lmc sinθ − h cosθ (3)
L=T −P (9)

The generalized coordinates are

q = [q1 q2 q˙1 q˙2 ]T = [θ ψ θ̇ ψ̇]T

and the generalized forces are

Q1 = τp (Vmp , Vmy ) − Bp θ̇ Q2 = τy (Vmp , Vmy ) − By ψ̇

Before Equation includes the rotational viscous friction

Fig. 2. Kinematics of 2DOF Helicopter
acting about the Pitch and Yaw axes Bp y By . The torques
generated at the Pitch and Yaw axes are function of the
A. Kinetic and Potential Energy voltages applied to the motors.
The potential energy due to gravity is [10][11][14]
τp (Vmp , Vmy ) = τpp +τpy = (Kpp Vmp +Fcpp )+(Kpy Vmy +Fcpy )
P = mheli g Zmc = mheli g (lmc sinθ − h cosθ) (4)
Where mheli is the total moving mass of the helicopter.
τy (Vmp , Vmy ) = τyp + τyy = (Kyp Vmp + Fcyp ) cos θ
The total kinetic energy +(Kyy Vmy + Fcyy ) cos θ

T = Tr,p + Tr,y + Tt (5) where Vmp is the input Pitch motor voltage and Vmy is the
input Yaw motor voltage. The torques acting on the axes of
Is the addition of rotational kinetic energy acting on Pitch Pitch and Yaw are coupled.
Tr,p and Yaw Tr,y with translational kinetic energy generated
by the movement of the center of mass Tt . The rotational The functions of torque are represented by τpp , τyy , τpy
kinetic energy on Pitch and Yaw is y τyp Kpp , while Kyy , Kpy and Kyp are the constants
1 1 for voltage to torque of the Pitch and Yaw motor/propeller
Tr,p = Jeqp θ̇2 Tr,y = Jeqy ψ̇ 2 (6) actuators that were found experimentally. Fcpp , Fcpy , Fcyp y
2 2
Fcyy are the constant terms appearing in the linear regression
due to Coulomb friction, it is the voltage needed for the
Where Jeqp and Jeqy are the moments of inertia equivalent system to initiate movement.
respectively to Pitch and Yaw. Translational kinetic energy is
Evaluating the Euler-Lagrange expressions results in the
1 ˙ 2 + Ymc
˙ 2 + Zmc
˙ 2)
Tt = mheli (Xmc (7) nonlinear equations of motion
2 sin 2θ(l2 2
mc −h )
(Jeqp + Mheli (lmc + h2 ))θ̈ + Mheli 2
− lmc h cos 2θ ψ̇ 2
B. Nonlinear Equations of Motion
The equations of motion of Euler-Lagrange [2][6][9] are +Mheli g(lmc cos θ + h sin θ) + Bp θ̇
defined as = (Kpp Vmp + Fcpp ) + (Kpy Vmy + Fcpy )

∂ ∂L ∂L   
− = Q1 Jeqy + Mheli cos2 θ(lmc
− h2 ) + lmc h sin 2θ + h2 ψ̈
∂t ∂ q̇1 ∂q1  
∂ ∂L ∂L +Mheli sin 2θ(h2 − lmc2
) + 2lmc h cos 2θ θ̇ψ̇ + By ψ̇
− = Q2 (8) = (Kyp Vmp + Fcyp ) cos θ + (Kyy Vmy + Fcyy ) cos θ
∂t ∂ q̇2 ∂q2

C. Linear State-Space Model X˙δ A − BK − LC BKi Xδ 0 L R
= +
Ẋi 0 0 Xi I −I Y

If we define as state variables [14][1][8]

  Xˆ   R
Uδ = −K Ki δ + 0 0
 T Xi Y
X = θ ψ θ̇ ψ̇ = [x1 x2 x3 x4 ]
I is the identity matrix. The controller can be viewed as a
And as control signals controller of two degrees of freedom (2DOF).
U = [Vmp Vmy ] = [u1 u2 ]
Linearizing around the equilibrium induced by x¯1 = θ̄ Y = [I − P C2 ] P C1 R
constant, obtain the linear model parameterized by θ̄ [5].

Fig. 3. Block diagram of observer-based controller


For the LQR controller design with integral effect two new
states are defined (Integral Pitch and Yaw error)[3][4][8][12].
The LQR Control minimizes the cost function

J = xT Qx + uT Ru (10) Fig. 4. Control block diagram of the observer-based 2DOF controller seen

The cost function indicates that we can give priority to

certain states, and give weight to the control signals. The
closed loop system with the LQR controller is a model of V. LQR C ONTROL D ESIGN AND E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
order 6, since the linearized plant model is of order 4 and The parameter values were found experimentally, which
increased system becomes of order 6 by the two integrators can be seen in table 1.
in Pitch and Yaw error.

LQR control design provides a payoff vector for the

increased system, which must be separated into two: the first
four elements of the vector are the proportional gains K and
the other two are integral gains Ki .


Based on the LQR controller with integral effect proposed
in the previous section is designed observer. An observer is a
dynamic system that simulates the behavior of the real system
and it is used to estimate the states of the same [14][10][15].
The observer-based control shown in Figure 3 can be described
as a matrix form

The matrices R and Q to θ = 0 and θ = 30 that were used

R = diag([0.1 0.1])
Qθ=0 = diag([2 40 10 5 8 2.5])
Qθ=30 = diag([2 40 10 15 8 1.5])

The observer poles are located far away from the dominant
poles of the closed loop system, (were located in -100, -110,
-120 and -130) so that the closed loop system with the
observer approaching a system of order 6, it is, like a LQR
with integral effect without observer. The poles of the closed
loop system are in λ1 = −0.2510 , λ2 = −0.7635 − 0.6053j , (a) Pitch (around θ = 30o )
λ3 = −0.7635 + 0.6053j , λ4 = −2.9456 , λ5 = −7.7058 ,
λ6 = −9.6742.

Figure 5 and 6 show the system response Vs. the excitation

signal around the equilibrium points θ = 0 and θ = 30. It is
seen that the time response is well behaved, since it does not
present excessive overshoot and always reaches the reference
value due to the integral effect.

(b) Yaw (around θ = 30o )

Fig. 6. Reference Vs Output (around θ = 30o )

The system mathematical model was found by considering
additional parameters that were not taken into account in the
model provided by the manufacturer Quanser [11], obtaining
(a) Pitch (around θ = 0o )
a more accurate model.

When making the linearization was found that it depends

on the desired equilibrium point; it is, the system gain and
the location of the poles change according to operating point.

We obtained a linear model parameterized by θ, which lets

find the model in the desired operating point.

The system is open loop unstable. By analyzing the location

of the poles from the parameters found experimentally, it
was found that one pole goes to the right half plane, which
makes the system more difficult to control. An unstable
pole imposes algebraic constraints on the system’s sensitivity
function regardless of the control technique used; which
(b) Yaw (around θ = 0o )
implies restrictions on the achievable performance of the step
response of closed loop system. When there is an unstable
Fig. 5. Reference Vs Output (around θ = 0o ) pole, there is necessarily overshoot in the step response, and

this will be greater, the longer the settling time in closed loop

The time response in the Yaw axis is different when the

movement in Yaw changes its direction; this is mainly due
to the propeller is designed to generate thrust in just one
direction, then the result is that the gain is different when
moving in each direction.

The dynamic response in the Yaw axis is strongly affected

by Coulomb friction because as the actual position is
closer to the reference, control signal tends to zero and
it is not sufficient to overcome the Coulomb friction,
reason why there is no motion; in addition, each time
the position reaches the desired value, the control signal
tends to zero, then, when the reference signal is changed,
we again must overcome the coulomb friction to start moving.

The observer-based control fulfilled stability and good per-

formance at all operating points.
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