Department of Mechanical Engg

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Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.


Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Formation of group.
 Activity execute:
Traditionally in the diploma colleges students are from their group. The student thinks
that he is my close friends so he is in our group.
Although this process some advantages like exchange our ideas with our group
members and exchange our ideas properly but some disadvantages occur like
1) Some students claim that above average students.
2) Chatting at work hours with each other.
3) No respect each other and its work.
4) No committed about its self-work.
So I (onkar kale) decide, the formation of group in other consideration like different
qualities, creative minds, problem solving etc.
By considering following qualities, I (onkar kale) decide group members.
Qualities are follows.
1) Perfect in PC operating.
2) Perfect knowledge about fabrication.
3) Discipline in work.
4) Commentated about our work.
Above qualities are appeared in following students

1) Kale Onkar Jalindar.

2) Sabale Prajyot Sanjay.
3) Nikam Arti Dhanaji.
4) Dombale Rohan Shivaji.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Allocation of project guide.

 Activity execute:
After formation of group in previous week . In this week Mr. Chavan u.J. sir HOD of
Mechanical department allocate the project guide for each group but before that we
are request to HOD sir for allocate HOD sir as a guide for our group.
The reasons of selected the HOD sir as a group guide for our group.

Reasons are follows:

1) Our project is a Electri car , so design of a car is very important in this

project.HOD sir is a perfect in desigining of any component.
2) Discussion between HOD’ sir and our group is very good.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Searching of project ideas
 Activity execute:
We have deside group and allocate guide for project group after that in this week
searching a new and recent trends in mechanical engineering for project idea.
I allocate the different searching topic to each student. In following manner this
allocate work.
1). Kale Onkar – Automation topics. (search following ideas)
1. Smart system for domestic use.
2. Automatic irrigation system.
3. Library Automation project.
4. IBS.
2). Sabale Projyot- Energy saving / Generation .(searching following ideas)
1. Power generate from speed breaker.
2. Solar operated irrigation system.
3). Nikam Arti – Resent trends in mechanical engineering. (searching following ideas)
1. Electric operated Biake.
2. Military Robot.
4). Rohan Dombale- Creative idea (searching for following ideas)
1. Automatic staring system for car or bike.
2. Car can’t operate if operated drink a alcohol.
 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Selection of final project
 Activity execute:
After searching of no.of ideas we are all discuss to HOD sir.

We select the final project after considering following factors.

1).Total costing of project.

2).Resent trends in our stream.

3).Innovative ideas.

4).Not fully automatic.

After considering all factors, we decide project is,

“Solar operated car with Intelligent Breaking system”.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Design of project.
 Activity execute:
At the timing of designing a car many challenges face mainly the timing of selection
of materials for car.
After considering many factors like cost , weight and easy fabrication. We have
decide to use UPVC material for frame and wood material for chassis.
1).Material for frame.
2).Material for chassis.
3).Total length of frame.
4).Total width of frame.
5).Thickness of frame.
By considering some weight calculate all dimensions of car.
And also draw assembly diagram of car in AutoCAD and Catia.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Estimation and purchasing material.

 Activity execute:
After designing vehicle, we have estimate the total cost of material from different
shops of hardware.
After estimation select one hardware shop which is material quality and cost of
component or material is good.
All material which is list out is purchase from mauli hardware at Walchandnagar.
The bill of material is attached to this page for more information.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide.

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Prepare process sheet report on project (short) and presentation.

 Activity execute:
After purchasing material, we have to make a process sheet for each component like
frame, chassis , shaft ,etc. And also prepare project report.
But presentation of project is not completed. So work is incomplete.

 Reasons of delay: Due to class test

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide.

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Presentation of project.

 Activity execute:
In this week end semester exam of CPP is arrange presentation must be present to
front of Mr. Chavan U.J. sir (HOD) or Guide of our project.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide.

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Manufacturing component (Frame).

 Activity execute:
We make a frame by follow following procedure.

1) By using layout of frame take dimension on UPVC pipe.

2) Sort out pipe accessories which can be used.
3) Cut UPVC pipe to given dimensions.
4) By using sockets , Elbows , Bend to joined a frame.
5) By using UPVC solution fit to each other firmly.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide.

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Manufacturing component (Chassis)

 Activity execute:
We make a chassis by following procedure.

1) By using UPVC frame take dimensions on plywood.

2) Sort out plywood accessories which can be used.

3) Cut plywood to given dimension.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide.

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Manufacturing component (Bearing Blocks for wheel guide).
 Activity execute:

We make a Bearing Blocks for wheel guide by following procedure.

1) first we take dimension on plywood.

2) We cut a plywood block by using cutting machine.

3) Then take a Bearing diameter dimension on plywood block.

4) Drill the hole on plywood block.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide.

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Assembly of car.
 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Design printed circuit boards for Intelligent Breaking system.
 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Make hardware for Intelligent breaking system.
 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Implementation of Intelligent Breaking system in our car.
 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Performance feedback.
 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Report making.
 Activity execute:

We make a report by following procedure.

1) First we search a various research paper related to our project.

2) We take a project related some data from Google .

3) We find literature review related to our project.

4) Then we start to make a project report. First we make Abstract and

Acknowledgement page.

5) Then we make a Introduction page.

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Corrective mistakes and set setting of pages.
 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
Printing of report.
 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:
 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide

Department of Mechanical Engg. B.P.P.Kalamb

Project Diary: Week no.

Date: Time:

 Activity plan:

 Activity execute:

 Reasons of delay:

 Corrective actions:

 Remark:

Signature of guide


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